Diabetes Mellitus

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DISORDERS OF THE PANCREAS - Avoid alcohol, coffee, and smoking for 36 hours

before the test.

DIABETES MELLITUS - NPO for 10 to 16 hours
- Initial blood and urine specimen are collected
➔ is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and
- 150 to 300g of glucose per orem or IV is given
protein metabolism.
- series of blood specimen is collected after
● It is due to inadequate insulin and production
administration of glucose ( 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours,
or increased resistance to insulin
if required 3 hours , 4 hours, and 5 hours after)
● The cause of DM is unknown
- If glucose level peak at higher than normal at 1 to 2
● The predisposing factor to DM are as
hours after ingestion or injection of glucose and
slower than normal to return to fasting levels, the DM
a. STRESS: It stimulates secretion of
is confirmed.
epinephrine, norepinephrine and
- Done when results of FBS and 2 PPBS are
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
borderlined ( high normal)
b. HEREDITY: It is strongly associated
with Type II DM
4. HGT- No NPO ( Blood) Hemoglucotest/ Capillary
c. OBESITY: Adipose tissues are
Blood Glucose Test
resistant to insulin. Therefore, glucose
uptake by the cells is poor.
4. Glycosylated Hemoglobin ( HbA1c)
d. VIRAL INFECTIONS: Increase risk to
- most accurate indicator of DM ( Diabetes Mellitus)
autoimmune disorders that may affect
- reflects serum glucose levels for past 3 to 4 mos
the pancreas.
- evaluate amount of glucose attached to the
hemoglobin of your blood for previous 120 days,
more associated with Type I DM. This
- NV: 4% to 6% ( up to 7%) for non diabetics
is because it is the children who are
-the goal for client with DM is 7.5% or less
more prone to viramol infections
f. WOMEN: who are multigravida with
5. Acetest- evualate Ketunuria : fats
large babies.
- Get acetest tablet( offwhite, creamy, white color)
➔ During pregnancy, human placental
- 1-2 drops of urine.
lactogen (HPL) is produced HPL
- if color is LAVANDER (+) Ketonuria
antagonizes insulin thus,
- No change (-)
hyperglycemia occurs during
6. Clinitest ( Glycosuria)
DIAGNOSTIC TEST: - 2nd voided/double voieded Procedure:
1. Fasting Blood Sugar( FBS) - Clinitest tablet- Do not hold with barehand, its
Normal: 70- 110mg/dl corrosive.
DM : Increase 140mg/dl for 2 readings - Test tube- 10 gtts water, 5gtts of urine, put tablet
and SIZZLE sound is present.
2. 2hours Post Prandial Blood Sugar(2PPBS) - Result:
- initial blood specimen is withdrawn 0- 0% - blue
- 100g of carbohydrates in diet is taken by the client trace- ¼ %- blue geen
- 2 hours after meal, blood specimen is withdrawn- + - ½% - green
blood sugar returns to normal level. ++ - 3/4%- yellow green
+++ - 1% - yellow green
3. OGTT/GTT ( Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) ++++ - 2% - orange
- Take high carbohydrate diet (200 to 300g)
for 3 days
i. Take 5 ml ( one teaspoon) of Benedicts solution ➔ Also called Non-Insulin Dependent
in the test tube. Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM), maturity onset,
ii. Holding the test tube with holder, heat it over the ketosis -resistant DM
alcohol lamp, till the Benedicts solution boils ➔ Onset is after aged 30 years
without overflowing. ➔ With relative lack of insulin or resistance to
iii. Drop 8-10 drops of urine into the boiling the actions of insulin, usually insulin is
Benedicts solution. sufficient to stabilize fat and protein
iv. After again boiling the mixture, let it cool down metabolism but not to deal with carbohydrate
v. While cooling, the mixture changes color metabolism
vi. Result ➔ The client is obese
(-) blue ➔ The client is prone to Hyperglycemic,
(+)0.5%- green Hyperosmolar, Nonketotic Coma (HHNC).
(++)1% - yellow This is extreme hypoglycemia without
(+++)1.5% - orange acidosis. It may result in dehydration and
(+++++)2%- brick- red vascular collapse
Note: It is essential that the above test be performed ➔ The collaborative management for NIDDM
two hours after a meal. include:
● Diet
● Activity and exercise
● Oral Hypoglycemic Agents (OHA) or
TYPE I DIABETES MELLITUS Injectable Hypoglycemic Agents
(IHA). If hypoglycemia is uncontrolled
➔ Also called Insulin Dependent Diabetes
● Insulin in case of stress, surgery,
Mellitus (IDDM), Juvenile onset, brittle or
infections and pregnancy. These
unstable DM
conditions trigger stress responses
➔ Onset is before 30 years of age
and stimulate secretion of
➔ Absolute deficiency of insulin due to absence
epinephrine, norepinephrine and
of islet of langerhans in the pancreas
glucocorticoids. These hormones
➔ The client is thin. This is due to inability of the
cause hyperglycemia
body to obtain glucose from carbohydrates.
➔ A deficiency in insulin results in
Therefore the body breaks down fats, and
protein for glucose supply
➔ The client is prone to Diabetic Ketoacidosis The Clinical Manifestations of DM are as follows:
(DKA) in the absence of insulin, fats are a. Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia (3P’s)
metabolized. There is increased production of more common in Type I DM
acetone ketones resulting in ketoacidosis. b. Weight loss more common in Type I DM
➔ The collaborative management for IDDM c. Blurred vision
include: d. Slow wound healing
● Diet e. Infections: pyorrhea (periorbital infections),
● Activity and exercise urinary tract infection, vasculitis, cellulitis,
● Insulin (always a component of furuncles, carbuncles, vaginal infections
management for IDDM) f. Weakness and paresthesia
g. Signs if inadequate circulation to the feet
h. Signs of accelerated atherosclerosis
(renal, cerebral, cardiac, peripheral)

Coronary artery disease, Cardiomyopathy,
Hypertension, Cerebrovascular disease, ➔ Instruct client to monitor blood
Peripheral vascular disease and Infections glucose before, during and after the
exercise period
● MICROVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS: ➔ Initially, the client who requires insulin
Retinopathy, Nephropathy and should be instructed to eat 15g
Neuropathy carbohydrate snack (a fruit exchange
or a snack of complex carbohydrate
The collaborative management for DM are as
with a protein) before engaging in
moderate exercise to prevent
1. DIET hypoglycemia
➔ Low calorie diet, especially if the ➔ If blood glucose level is greater than
client is obese 250 mg/dl and urinary ketones are
➔ The diet should consists of 20% presentsDM Type 1 the client is
protein, 30% fats and 50% instructed not to exercise until blood
carbohydrates glucose is normal and urinary ketones
➔ High fiber diet, especially are absent
vegetables. Fiber inhibits glucose
absorption in the intestines and 3. MEDICATIONS
prevents hyperglycemia. Fruit ❖ ORAL HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS
exchanges may be eaten , according ➢ Stimulate islet of langerhans to
to the dietary exchange list. The secrete insulin, increase sensitivity of
Diabetic client should not eat as much peripheral receptors to insulin
as fruit as he wants, fruits contain decreases hepatic glucose output or
fructose that is converted into delay intestinal absorption of glucose,
glucose. Therefore, eating too much thus decreasing serum glucose levels
fruit may cause hyperglycemia. ➢ Indicated only in Type 2 DM
➔ Complex carbohydrates like rice, ➢ Drug Interactions and
bread, pasta, and root crops are contraindications of OHA
preferred. Simplex Carbohydrates 1. Aspirin, alcohol, sulfonamides,
like cakes, pastries are more likely contraceptives and
to cause hyperglycemia. monoamine oxidase inhibitor
(MAOI’s) increase the
2. ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE hypoglycemic effect, causing a
➔ The benefits of regular exercise are decrease in blood glucose
as follows: levels (hypoglycemia)
● Exercise increases glucose 2. Glucocorticoids, thiazide
uptake by the cells. Therefore diuretics, and estrogen
it lowers blood glucose levels increase blood glucose levels
● Exercise lower insulin (hyperglycemia)
requirements 3. Sulfonylureas should not be
● Exercise help achieve taken with alcohol. To prevent
desirable body weight disulfiram -like reactions
● Exercise helps maintain 4. Inderal (Propranolol) and other
normal serum lipids. This beta- adrenergic blockers may
reduces vascular risks cause hypoglycemia
➔ Instruct client on dietary adjustment 5. Sulfonylureas may cause GI
when exercising symptoms, Hypoglycemia may
● Dymelor (Acetohexamide)
● Diabinese (Chlorpropamide)
● Amaryl (Glimepiride)
● Glucotrol (Glipizide)
● Diabeta, Micronase (Glyburide)
● Tolinase (Tolazamide)
● Orinase (Tolbutamide)
● Non- sulfonylureas

● Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors: Precose
(Acarbose) Glyset (Miglitol)
● Biguanide: Metformin (Glucophage)
● Meglitinide: Starlix (Nateglinide)
Prandin (Repaglinide)
● Thiazolidinediones: Actos
(Pioglitazone) Avandia (Rosiglitazone)



➢ Indicated in Type 1 DM
➢ Indicated in Type 2 DM when diet and
weight control are ineffective to maintain
blood glucose levels.
➢ Regular insulin is the only insulin that can
be administered intravenously in the
emergency treatment of diabetic
➢ Aspirin, alcohol, oral anticoagulant, oral
hypoglycemic drugs, tetracycline, and
MAOI’s increase hypoglycemic effects of
insulin, causing hypoglycemia
➢ Glucocorticoids,thiazide diuretics, thyroid
agents. oral contraceptives, and estrogen
may cause hyperglycemia
➢ Illness, infection, and stress can elevate
blood glucose levels and the need for
insulin. Insulin should not be withheld
during illness, infections and stress
because hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis
can result
➢ The peak of action time of insulin is
important because of the possibility of
hypoglycemic reactions of hearing that
The common types of insulin are as follows:



HUMALOG (Lispro) 15 mins ½ - 1 ½ hrs 4 - 5 hrs

NOVOLOG (Insulin Aspart) 5 - 10 mins 1 - 3 hrs 3- 5 hrs



REGULAR: Humulin R; Novolin R ½ - 1 hr 2 -4 hrs 5 -7 hrs



NPH (Humulin N; Novolin N 1 - 2 hrs 6 - 14 hrs 24 hrs

LENTE (Humulin L; Novolin L) 1 - 2 hrs 6 - 14 hrs 24 hrs



ULTRALENTE (Humulin U) 6 hrs 18- 24 hrs 24 hrs

INSULIN GLARGINE (Lantus) - - 24 hrs



HUMULIN 70/30 (70% NPH/ 30% ½ - 1 hr 2 - 12 hrs 18 -24 hrs


HUMULIN 50/50 (50% NPH/ 50% ½ hr 3 -5 hrs 24 hrs


LISPRO / PROTAMINE 75/25 (75% 10 - 15 mins 5 24 hrs

Lispro/ 25% Protamine)
NURSING INTERVENTION IN INSULIN THERAPY: 10. Insulin zinc suspensions (intermediate -
acting) may be mixed only with each other
1. The main route of insulin injection is and regular insulin; not with other types of
SUBCUTANEOUS. This promotes lower insulin
absorption and is less painful. There are 11. To mix insulin, the following nursing actions
lesser blood vessels and nerves in the are done :
subcutaneous areas a. Introduced air into the vial of
2. The main areas for insulin injections are the intermediate-acting insulin (e.g NPH)
ABDOMEN, ARMS (Posterior surface), Do not aspirate/draw at the insulin, yet
THIGHS (Anterior surface), and b. Introduced air into the vial of regular
BUTTOCKS insulin, and draw up the insulin
3. Administer insulin at 90 degrees Left. Most c. Draw at the intermediate-acting insulin
insulin syringes have needle gauge 27 to 29, (NPH)
that is about ½ inch long
4. Do not massage injection sites to prevent REMEMBER: DRAW UP THE REGULAR
rapid absorption. Rapid absorption of insulin INSULIN FIRST
may cause hypoglycemia
5. Injections should be ½ inch apart within the 12. Administer a mixed dose of insulin within 5 to
anatomical area. Finish all sites in one 15 minutes of preparation; after this time the
anatomical area before going to another area regular insulin binds with the NPH insulin and
6. To prevent Lipodystrophy (hard fatty its action is reduced
masses and the subcutaneous layers) 13. Avoid exposing insulin to extremes in
a. Systematic rotation of the site of temperature. Insulin should not be frozen or
injection . use one site after at least kept in direct sunlight or a hot car. If it
two to three weeks becomes frozen, discard it.
b. Administer at room temperature. Cold 14. Monitor clients for complications of insulin
insulin causes lipodystrophy which is therapy:
inhibit insulin absorption a. LOCAL ALLERGIC REACTIONS
7. Gently roll vial in between the palms to ➔ redness, swelling, tenderness and
redistribute insulin particles. Do not shake the induration or a wheal at the site of
injection may occur 1-2 hours after
vial bubbles make it difficult to aspirate exact administration
amount ➔ Instruct the client to avoid the use of
8. Storing insulin alcohol to clean that can before
a. Prefilled insulin syringes should be injection
kept in the refrigerator. These will be ➔ admin administered 1 hour before
potent for 7 days (1 weeks). The injection as prescribed to by the
syringes should be kept flat or with the
needle in an upright position to ➔ is Loss of subcutaneous fat and
prevent clogging of the needle. appears as light dumpling or more
b. If a vial of insulin will be used up in 30 serious fitting of subcutaneous fat; the
days or 1 month it may be kept at use of human insulin helps to prevent
room temperature . otherwise the vial this complication
should be refrigerated ➔ Is the development of fibrous fatty
masses at the injection site amd is
c. Avoid exposing insulin to extremes of
caused by repeated use of an
temperature injection site
d. Insulin should not be frozen or kept in ➔ Instruct the client to avoid injecting
direct sunlight or a hot car Insulin into affected side
9. Regular insulin may be mixed with another ➔ Instruct the client about the
type of insulin importance of rotating injection sites
➔ Instruct the client to inject insulin at ACUTE COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES
room temperature; not at room MELLITUS:
➔ Lack of tissue sensitivity to the ➔ Occurs when blood glucose level falls
instrument from the body which is below 60 mg/dL
result in hyperglycemia ➔ Causes of hypoglycemia are as
➔ the client receiving insulin develops follows :
immune antibodies that bind with the 1. Overdose of insulin or oral
insulin thereby decreasing the insulin hypoglycemic agents
available for use in the body 2. Commission of meals are too
➔ This condition may be managed by little food
administering a purer insulin 3. Strenuous exercise or
preparation excessive activity
d. DAWN PHENOMENON 4. Gastro gastrointestinal (e.g.
➔ Results from the reduced tissue nausea and vomiting,
sensitivity to insulin that develops diarrhea)
between 5 and 8 AM (prebreakfast ➔ The client should be instructed to
hyperglycemia). this may be always Carry some form of fast acting
associated with nocturnal release of simple carbohydrates
growth hormone
➔ Treatment is administering CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF
intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) at HYPOGLYCEMIA:
10 PM to control early morning 1. MILD HYPOGLYCEMIA BLOOD GLUCOSE
hyperglycemia LEVEL LESS THAN 60 mg/dL
➔ Normal or elevated blood glucose ● Nervousness
levels are present at bedtime, ● Palpitations
Hypoglycemia occur at 2-3 AM which ● Sweating
triggers production of ● Tachycardia
counterregulatory hormones ● Tremors
(epinephrine, norepinephrine,
➔ By 7 AM In response to the country GLUCOSE LEVEL LESS THAN 40 mg/dL
regulatory herman's glucose wants to ● Confusion
hyperglycemic range rebound ● Double vision
hyperglycemia ● Drowsiness
➔ Treatment for sumo a phenomenon ● Emotional changes
includes decreasing the evening ● Headache
(predinner or bedtime) dose of ● Impaired coordination
intermediate-acting insulin or ● Inability to concentrate
increasing the bedtime snack ● Irrational or combative behavior
f. INSULIN WANING ● Light- headedness
➔ Is a progressive use in the blood ● Memory lapses
glucose level from the time to morning ● Numbness of the lips and tongue
➔ treatment includes increasing the ● Slurred speech
evening (predinner or bedtime) those
of intermediate long-acting insulin 3. SEVERE HYPOGLYCEMIA BLOOD
before the evening meal if one is not GLUCOSE LEVEL LESS THAN 20 mg/dL
already prescribed ● Inability to swallow
● Loss of consciousness
● Seizures
1. MILD HYPOGLYCEMIA 5. Undiagnosed and untreated type 1
❖ Give 10-15 grams of fast acting -acting DM
simple carbohydrates ➔ The clinical manifestations of DKA are
➢ Commercially prepared glucose based on the following concepts:
➢ 5-10 life savers of hard candy 2. DEHYDRATION AND
➢ 4 tsp of sugar ELECTROLYTE LOSS
➢ 4 sugar cubes 3. ACIDOSIS
➢ 1 Tbs of honey or syrup Blood glucose level range from 300-800
➢ ½ cup of fruit juice or regular softdrink mg/dL
(soda) Low serum bicarbonate and a low pH are
➢ 8 oz low-fat milk present
➢ 6 satline crackers ➔ The Clinical Manifestations of Diabetic
➢ 3 graham crackers ketoacidosis are as follows:
❖ Retest the blood glucose level in 15 minutes 1. Acetone breath (fruity odor)
repeat the treatment if symptoms do not 2. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
resolve abdominal pain
❖ Once symptoms resolve give 2 slices of white 3. Blurred vision
read (sandwich) or crackers, then a cup of 4. Headache
skim milk or cheese or provide a regular meal 5. Hypotension
within 50 minutes 6. Kussmaul’s respirations
7. Mental status changes
❖ Give 15-30 g of fast acting-acting 9. Polyuria
simple carbohydrates 10. Weak, rapid pulse
❖ Give additional food such as low-fat 11. Weakness
milk or cheese after 10-15 minutes
❖ If unconscious or unable to swallow, DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS ARE AS FOLLOWS:
an injection of glucagon is 1. Maintain patent airway
administered subcutaneously or 2. Administer oxygen therapy as prescribes
intramuscularly, or intravenously 3. Treat dehydration with Normal Saline 0.9% or
❖ Administer a second dose of client 0.45% rapid IV as prescribed
remains unconscious 4. D5NS or 5% dextrose in 0.45% saline when
❖ A small meal is given to the client the blood glucose level reaches 250-300
when he awakens as long ashe is not mg/dL
nauseated 5. Treat hyperglycemia with regular insulin IV as
❖ Notify the physician if severe prescribed. A dose of 5-10 units of regular
hypoglycemic reaction occurs insulin by IV bolus may be prescribed,
❖ Administer 50% dextrose in water 25 followed by a continuous infusion
to 50 ml per IV as prescribed 6. Mix prescribed IV dose of regular insulin for
❖ Glucagon is used to treat insulin continuous infusion in 0.9% or 0.455 saline or
induced hypoglycemia when the client prescribed
is semi-conscious or unconscious and 7. Small dose of albumin may be mixed with the
is unable to digest liquids insulin and the saline solution to prevent
adherence of insulin molecules to the plastic
IV infusion set
B. DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS (DKA) 8. Always use infusion pump for insulin infusion
➔ Is a life-threatening complication of Type 1 9. Monitor potassium levels, gluco, and urinary
DM. This is due to severe insulin deficiency output, And for signs of increased intracranial
➔ Causes of DKA are as follows: pressure (ICP) . If blood glucose severely
1. Underdose or missed dose of drops too fast before the brain can
insulin equilibrate, Water is pulled from the blood to
2. Illness or infection
the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This treatment of HHNS than it does for the
causes cerebral edema and increased ICP treatment of DKA, because insulin is
not needed for reversal of acidosis in
❖ Correct electrolyte imbalances (Potassium HHNS)
level may be elevated as a result of acidosis
❖ Serum potassium level will fall rapidly as MELLITUS:
dehydration and acidosis are treated 1. DIABETIC RETINOPATHY
❖ Potassium replacement (e.g. KCI, K- Rider) ➔ Is a chronic and progressive
may be required. Ensure adequate renal impairment of the retinal circulation
function (e.g. urine output of 30-60 ml/hour) that eventually causes hemorrhage
before administering potassium (if there’s no ➔ Permanent blindness can occur
adequate urine output, don’t administer ➔ The clinical manifestation of
potassium supplement. (To prevent renal diabetic retinopathy are as follows:
damage) 1. Rupture microaneurysms in
CRITICAL TO REMEMBER: “NO retinal blood vessels causes
PEE, NO K” change in visions
❖ The maximum amount of Potassium Chloride 2. Blurred vision to macular
(KCI) that may be mixed with 1 liter of IV damage
fluids is 40mEq 3. Sudden loss of vision due to
❖ The maximum amount of potassium retinal detachment
supplement that may be given per iv infusion 4. Cataract from lens opacity
is 10mEq/hour ➔ The collaborative management for
❖ Always use iv infusion pump for potassium diabetic retinopathy are as follows:
infusion ● Maintain safety
CRITICAL TO REMEMBER: NEVER ● Control hypertension and
ADMINISTER POTASSIUM AS blood glucose levels
BOLUS OR IV PUSH! (Cardiac ● Laser therapy to remove
arrest and death may occur if hemorrhagic tissue to
potassium is given as bolus or IV decrease scarring
push) ● Vitrectomy to remove vitreous
hemorrhage and prevent
retinal detachment
➔ Is severe hyperglycemia that occurs without ➔ Is a progressive loss of kidney
ketosis and acidosis function
➔ The syndrome occurs in Type 2 diabetics ➔ The clinical manifestation of
➔ The clinical manifestations of HHNS are as diabetic nephropathy are as
follows: follows:
1. Blood glucose level from 600-2,000 1. Microalbuminuria
mg/dL 2. Thirst
2. Hypotension 3. Fatigue
3. Dehydration 4. Anemia
4. Tachycardia 5. Weight loss, malnutrition
5. Mental status changes 6. Frequent urinary tract infection
6. Neurologic changes (UTI)
7. Neurologic deficits 7. Signs of neurogenic bladder
8. Seizures ➔ The collaborative management for
➔ The collaborative management for HHNS diabetic nephropathy are as
are as follows: follows:
1. Treatment is similar to DKA ● Control of hypertension and
● Fluid replacement blood glucose level
● Correction of electrolyte imbalances ● Monitor VS, intake and output,
● Insulin administration (although insulin serum BUN and creatinine,
plays a less critical role in the urine albumin levels
● Restrict dietary protein, ○ Do not wear open toed shoes
sodium and potassium intake shoes with strap that goes
as needed between the toes
● Prepare the client for dialysis ○ do not wear the same pair of
kidney transplant or pancreas shoes two days in a row
transplant as prescribed ○ check shoes for cracks or
tears in the lining and for
3. DIABETIC NEUROPATHY foreign objects before putting
➔ Is general deterioration of nervous system them on
throughout the body ○ Break- in new pairs of shoes
➔ Complications include non-healing ulcers of for 1 to 2 hours only until it
the feet, gastroparesis, erectile becomes comfortable
dysfunction ○ Do not go barefooted
➔ The clinical manifestation of diabetic ○ Wear clean cotton socks daily.
nephropathy are as follows: Cotton absorbs moisture and
1. Paresthesia prevents impairment of skin
2. Decreased or absent reflexes integrity in the feet
3. Diminished sensation ○ Trim toenails straight across or
4. Pain, aching and burning in the lower follow the curve/contour of the
extremities toe. Do not cut at lateral ages
5. Diminished peripheral pulses to prevent development of
6. Skin breakdown and signs of infection ingrowns. Ingrowns may cause
7. Dizziness, postural hypotension trauma to the lateral edges of
8. Nausea and vomiting the toe. Smoothen nails with
9. Diarrhea or constipation emery board
10. Incontinence ○ Apply lotion to the feet but not
11. Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) between the toes. Lotion
12. Impotence impairment of the skin integrity
13. Hypoglycemia unawareness and infection
➔ The collaborative management for ○ Do not cross legs or wear tight
diabetic nephropathy are as follows: garments that may abstract
● Control of hypertension and blood blood flow (due to viscosity of
glucose level legs)
● Administer pain medication as ○ For any signs and symptoms
prescribed of injury to the feet, notify
● Initiate bladder training program ( for physician
neurogenic bladder) ○ Avoid use of hot water heating
● Use estrogen containing lubricant for pads. There is diminished
dyspareunia sensation in the lower
● Penile injection or implantable devices extremities. Burns may occur
as prescribed (Consider religious and unnoticed by the client
cultural beliefs. May not be acceptable ○ Exercise and massage the
in some religions and cultures) feet. To improve circulation
● Foot care to prevent trauma and ○ Do not smoke. To prevent
prevent gangrene formation vasoconstriction
○ Inspect the feet daily ○ Avoid self-treatment of corns
○ Wash feet with warm water blisters or ingrowns toenails.
and mild soap. Pat dry the Consult the podiatrist.
feet. avoid foot soak
○ Wear a comfortable, properly-
fitted pair of shoes (leather or
canvass; although leather is
more preferred). These
materials follow the contour of
the feet and prevent trauma

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