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Sam Szuchan


Give me 3 minutes, and I'll

optimize your daily routine for
maximum fulfillment:
Sam Szuchan

This carousel isn't about

becoming a workaholic.

But it is about making conscious

choices to live a more fulfilling life.

With an optimized routine, you


• Improve your mental and

physical health
• Strengthen your relationships
• Achieve personal and
professional goals
Sam Szuchan

1. Morning Routine

Craft a morning routine that

energizes and prepares you for the

• Meditation
• Exercise
• Journaling
• Healthy breakfast

Find what works for you and stick

to it.

Optimize: 1 hr/day
Sam Szuchan

2. Time Blocks

Instead of a to-do list, schedule

time blocks.

• Prioritize tasks
• Allocate specific time slots
• Avoid multitasking (deep work

Work smarter, not harder.

Optimize: 2 hrs/day
Sam Szuchan

3. Learning & Growth

Allocate time to learn and develop

new skills.

• Online courses
• Books
• Podcasts
• Networking

Invest in yourself.

Optimize: 1 hr/day
Sam Szuchan

4. Breaks

Regular breaks increase

productivity and creativity.

• Pomodoro technique
• Stretching
• Mindfulness exercises
• Walks

Recharge your mental batteries.

Optimize: 1 hr/day
Sam Szuchan

5. Hobbies & Interests

Pursue passions that bring joy and


• Creative pursuits
• Sports
• Socializing

Find balance and happiness. All

work and no play make you a dull

Optimize: 2 hrs/day
Sam Szuchan

6. Evening Routine

Establish a calming evening


• Gratitude journal
• Reading
• Light stretching
• Unplugging from devices

Prepare for a restorative night's


Optimize: 1 hr/day
Sam Szuchan

7. Sleep

Prioritize quality sleep for optimal

health and performance.

• Consistent sleep schedule

• Sleep environment
• Relaxation techniques

Recharge for success.

Optimize: 8 hrs/night
Sam Szuchan

TL;DR Daily Routine Optimization

Morning Routine: 1 hr
Time Blocks: 2 hrs
Learning & Growth: 1 hr
Breaks: 1 hr
Hobbies & Interests: 2 hrs
Evening Routine: 1 hr
Sleep: 8 hrs

Results: 16 hrs of optimized living,

with 8 leftover to be "lazy"
Sam Szuchan

What to do with this information:

• Review the suggestions

• Tailor them to your lifestyle and
• Adjust as needed for continuous

Your life will flourish within

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