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Jon Brosio ” @jonbrosio Master psychology and you can (damn-near) print money at will. Most people don't know how or where to start. These 12 TED Talks will teach you more about psychology than a four-year degree: 15.2k Likes 3.3kRetweets 306 Replies SE er @ Oyen st eertte) 1. Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread What you'll learn: + Bizarre ideas are most successful than boring ones + How to be extraordinary in an ordinary world + The psychology of capturing attention 506 Likes 34Retweets 12 Replies eee @jonbrosio 2. Derek Sivers: How to Start a Movement What you'll learn: + The psychology of movements + The crucial elements of inciting action + How to create a movement people want to join i 7 DT Co 4 Pe an oer ic Bey Oo) 3. Carol Dweck: The Power of Believing That You Can Improve What you'll learn: + Science of a "Growth Mindset" + Go from a "fixed" to a "growth" mindset + Case studies of extraordinary accomplishments y es bah Te> aa Cee CO RN SE eld Oyen ertte) 4. Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice What you'll learn: + Happiness equals lower expectations + Rational and calculated decision-making + Being satisfied with less than perfect outcomes 283 Likes 37Retweets 2 Replies eee os) 5. Rory Sutherland: Life Lessons From an Ad Man What you'll learn: + Psychology behind advertising + Science of persuasion vs. compulsion + Successful advertising changes perception 233 Likes 23Retweets 2 Replies Sneed oreo) 6. Dan Ariely: What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work? Afar \ea'ele (or l00 + Science of feeling appreciated PAO VAV elem al--\e Rm CoRitgl Riel fe ceystetor + Two experiments that illustrate meaningful work 72 Likes 18Retweets 1Reply SCT eee J) Teese) ee ela) 8 Claas Leaders Inspire Action What you'll learn: Peal mcekolf-- le ROU OR tLe inspires + How to bring people to your fof te) + The "why" behind business si SPRL Cia) Jon Brosio @jonbrosio 8. Philip Zimbardo: The Psychology of Time What you'll learn: Oa [reat MoM EET Cold Colac + The psychology behind delayed gratification + "Time perspective" and its implications on growth & success alltel Le CCK Te Cee ccm acy BT Oyen ertie) 9. Daniel Goleman: Why Aren’t We More Compassionate? What you'l learn: + The need for compassion in Lela} Pe st aalel ele) ar-l mnie) ttelpleremc mec} Tan) or-temelam elect) + The Princeton experiment on emotional intelligence San Te Cg Bey Oo) 10. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the Secret to Happiness What you'll learn: + Psychology of flow & creativity + How to integrate flow into our day-to-day + The roots of happiness and a meaningful life MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI 5 COM Ce oT eer) Corer) 11. Manoush Zomorodi: How Boredom Can Lead to Your Wkektalstell ear me (cro) What you'll learn: + How boredom leads to creativity + How to be creative in your fanrevaciear=d + Intersection of neurology & psychology NO Likes 16Retweets Replies Br Tey 12. Nadja Yousif: Why You Should Treat the Tech You Use at Work Like a Colleague What you'll learn: + Leveraging tech for marketing + Showing humanity towards accroin] + Boston Consulting tech Fire laretxc1un 108 EON cells ae ke. Co oe Coo Jon Brosio ) @jonbrosio If you enjoyed this, please: e Follow me on LinkedIn e Hit the notification bell on my profile e Share this so others can learn as well Thanks for reading! If you like this, you'll love my free newsletter: Creator Curve Join 7,400+ other regular readers Creator Curve

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