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The tragic death of Matthew John is a loss that should never have happen.

It is a clear violations of the

victims human rites and a failure of those responsible for thier safety and welfare the commision said.

It stressed that hazing go against the principles basic principles of fundamental rights and human
dignity, and that the acts seriuos
consequences on the physical emotional and mental wellbeing of individuals’ should have no place in
academic institutions@

The ChR called on the phil. national Police the commission on HigherEducation and other concerned
agency to actively; prevent and addresses hazing incident’s, end hold those who perpetuate such acts

The comission on human rights and the National BUREAU of investigation will conducted seperate
probes in to the death of an adamson Univ. student believed tobe a hazing Victim.

in a statement on thursday, the CHR condemed the daeth of 24-years-old john matthew salilig after
allegedly under-going fraternity initiation rites of Tau gamma Phi. Her body were found in a vacant lots
in cavite.

the comission also called for the strongers implementation of the anti-hazing act of 2018. Lawmakers on
wednesday called fore a reviews of the anti-hazing law that imposed stiffer penalties after the death of
university of santo tomas law student horacio castillo III due to hazing at the hands of members’ of the
aegis juris fraternity.

The Nbi will also conducted a parallel probe into the alleged hazing death of Salilig, acording to
department of justice spokes person mico clavano.

the department condems any violation of the anti-hazinglaw. however, we will await any case that will
be file before our prosecutors, Clavano said wednesday.

Rest asured, any forth coming case will under go diligent evaluation. If probable cause with reasonable
certainty of conviction are found, we will prosecute the case until the perpetrators of these crime are
finaly bruoght to justice, she added.

News5 reported that biñan, laguna police arrested 6 persons of interest in the death of Salilig.
in a video reports, it said that the another neophyte of the same fraternity, who are standing as witness
in the case, will be heading to the Dept. of Justice later today.

at a press conference yesterday, DoH officer-in-charge maria rosario Vergeire said the team was tasked
to confirmed if the declaration of a state of healthemergency by the city goverment were neccesary.

we have a policies that states that an LgU (local government unit) has togo thruogh the Doh to seeks
and for us to verify the event before it can declare a states off calamity or emergency,” Vergeire said.

The Health department of (DOH) is sending a team of epidemiologists to SanCarlos city in negros
Ocidental to verify a reported out break of amoebiasis’

he said initial data showed that only sixty percent of the 189 reported cases in the city had been
confirmed as ameobiasis.

Cases started going up this february in san carlos city. They currently have 189 cases. The previousyear,
they had 0 cases, Vergeire said.

Lastweek, San carlos Mayor City renato gustilo isued an executive order declaring a state of haelth
emergency due too the increasing number of amoebiasis cases.

ameobiasis is an intestinal disaese caused bye a parasite called amoeba. The symptoms is diarhea
nausea, stomach pain and loss weight.

“Vergeire said amoebiasis is usualy transmmited via contaminated food or water.”

vice Pres. & Educ ation secretary SaraDuterte who visited the school on monday, were told by principal
abdulkadir Buda that class attendance droped to sixty five percent.

A 13-years-old student were killed in a gun atack out/side the School on feb. 14.

A 15-years-old student off the notre Dame of pikit were also gunned down on Feb. 17.

Duterte said school oficials shoud implement alternative mode or remote learning for students who is
scared of going to school.

our job is to ensured that those who are afraid will be able to continue their education at home. You
have to find them and tell them that they can study thruogh alternative modes delivery he said.

duterte also visited the Pikit central elem. School and sultan kudarat STATE university (SKSU), where he
met with students’ teachers and school officials’.

Together, let us re-build our conflict-afected comunities with the value’s of peace mutual trust and
conflict transformation that will empower us to acheive our shared goals fore sustainable dev’t and
inclusive socio
economic advancement she said during a student leaders asembly at SKSU.

the PIKIT Nat’l high school in Cotabato North have reported a “dramatic decline” in class atendance ff. a
shooting insident that left a student dead and 2 other’s wounded

Duterte said many students in mindanao has ”suffered the mis fortune of chronicaly interupted learning
progress becuase of violense.”
camalig, albay MAYOR carlos irwin baldo Jr. anounced early thursday in a Face book post that the 3
bodies has been
retrieve and bruoght tothe base of mayon in barangay anoling.

he added that the responder’s is expected to dropp off the last crush victim with in the day.

after twelve day of strugling with Mayons rough terrain and bad wether in the area emergency
responders has retrieved the bodies of 3 of 4 victims of the cessna plane that crashed lastmonth.

The 1st body from the crash was droped off wednesday night followed by a 2 nd body around an hour
past thursday mid-night and another body around 2 hours laters.

Passengers joel martin, simon chipperfield and karthi Santhanam as well as pilot Capt. rufino james
crisostomo Jr. was earlier confirmed dead.

Juring the insident, the mayon volcano were under Alert Level 2, when sudden phreatic explotions,
rockfall and lahar could be expereinced

2 Australian nationals was among the 4 who died. They was reported to be "technicalconsultants" four
renewable energy company energy development corp.
Write a headline for each lead. Indicate the unit count for each headline.

MANILA, Philippines — A suspect in the assassination of Negros Oriental governor Roel
Degamo was killed in hot pursuit operations, a police official said yesterday, while three others
were arrested.

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) yesterday distributed medicines and
other health commodities to residents of oil spill-affected communities in Oriental Mindoro.

MANILA, Philippines — At least 100,000 jeepney drivers and operators across the country
began their strike on Monday, prompting local governments to offer free rides and some schools
to shift to online classes as some transport groups demand President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to stop
the planned phaseout of traditional jeepneys.

MANILA, Philippines — A transport group leading the ongoing weeklong strike reported
Monday morning that some routes in Metro Manila have been paralyzed, as Malacañang sought
to downplay the protest's impact as it said that “there is no disruption except in a handful of
routes” in the region.

MANILA, Philippines — Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte has slammed the
Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) for supporting what she described as a “communist-
inspired” transport strike that has forced schools to revert to online classes this week.

BUTUAN CITY – A magnitude-5.3 earthquake rocked Davao de Oro before dawn on Monday,
March 6, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said.
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
A day before the weeklong transport strike, the Department of Education (DepEd) assured
learners and their parents or guardians that the learning process would continue through
alternative delivery modes.

8. ____________________________________________________________________________
The Department of Health (DOH) warned the public against common diseases associated with
the rising temperature during the dry season.

9. ____________________________________________________________________________
TOKYO Olympics veteran Carlos Edriel Yulo bagged two more medals — a silver and a bronze
— on the final day of the FIG Artistic Gymnastics World Cup Series Second Leg held at the
Aspire Dome in Doha, Qatar.

10. ___________________________________________________________________________
THE government may release within this month the first tranche of the planned P9.3 billion cash
aid to poor individuals under the Targeted Cash Transfer Program to cushion the impact of high

11. __________________________________________________________________________
MANILA, Philippines -Local oil companies will raise their pump prices of gasoline, diesel and
kerosene on Tuesday, March 7, by as much as P1.50 per liter.
Fuel prices to increase by up to P1.50/liter on March 7

CHR, NBI to conduct probes into

Adamson student's hazing death

DOH probes San Carlos amoebiasis


North Cotabato school class

attendance drops after shooting
Suspect killed, 3 nabbed in governor’s

Responders retrieve 3 of 4 Cessna

crash victims from Mayon
Oil spill-hit areas receive medical
Weeklong jeepney strike begins to
demand for Marcos to scrap phaseout
PISTON: Transport strike paralyzes
some jeepney routes in Metro Manila

Sara slams ACT for supporting

transport strike
Magnitude-5.3 quake jolts Davao de
DepEd assures learning continuity
during ‘disruptive’ transport strike

DOH warns public vs diseases ahead

of dry season
Yulo cops 2 more medals in World Cup
P9-B cash aid to be released this month

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