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“Actividades diarias o rutinas”

Singular Plural
1 person I We
2nd person You You
3rd person He /She/ It They

Reglas para la tercera persona singular en afirmativo:

“s” “es”
She calls Juan O – X – Z – S – SS – SH – CH
He drinks water She goes to the park
We drink water He watches TV
I drink water They watch TV
“ies” “have”
(se aplica a verbos que antes de la “Y” tienen Carmen ha a car (he/she/it) a
una consonante) s home (I/we/you/they)
Try -> tries They hav
Study -> studies e

Jhon stud ie English

Play -> plas
ys (en vocales se aplica “s”)

He / She / It I / We / You / They
He does not play soccer They do not play soccer They
He doesn´t play soccer don´t play soccer
Does he play soccer? Do they play soccer?
Yes, he does Yes, they do
No, he doesn´t / does not No, they don´t / do not
1) They like to eat pizza

-) They don´t like to eat pizza

?) Do they like to eat pizza?

2) My friend Joseph lives in Japan

-) My friend Joseph doesn´t live in Japan

?) Does my friend Joseph live in Japan?

3) Does she study English today?

-) She doesn´t study English today

+) She studies English today

4) Do you have pets in your house?

-) You don´t have pets in your house

+) You have pets in your house.


(Acciones o actividades que ya ocurrieron)

Tener en cuenta: auxiliar Did / Verbos regulares e irregulares

Ejemplos con verbo regular Ejemplos con verbo irregular

He closed the door They ate pizza

He did not/didn’t close the door They didn’t eat pizza
Did he close the door? Did they eat pizza?
? Yes, he closed the door Yes, they did
No, he didn’t close the door No, they didn’t

+ ED
Walk – Walked

Cook – Cooked

Bake – Baked

Use – Used

+ IED (consonante + Y)
Cry – Cried

Study – Studied

Double last letter + ED (consonant + vocal + consonant)

Stop – Stopped

Plan - Planned
Ser Saber
Convertirse aprender
Comenzar Salir
Romper Perder
Traer Hacer
construir cumplir
comprar Pagar
poder Poner Leer
atrapar Montar
elegir Correr
hacer enviar
beber cantar
manejar sentarse
comer dormir
caer hablar
sentir gastar
olvidar tomar
conseguir enseñar
dar ir decir
crecer pensar
tener entender
escuchar usar
mantener ganar

‘’Algo que estaba sucediendo” To-be -> estaba.



I was playing in the park.


She wasn’t running, she was walking


Were you sleeping? No, I was thinking

PASADO SIMPLE (Simple Past):

 Se utiliza para describir acciones o situaciones completadas en el pasado.

 Ejemplo: "I watched a movie last night." (Anoche vi una película).

 Usualmente se utiliza para hablar de una acción que ocurrió en un momento específico en el pasado
y ya ha terminado.


1. Yesterday (ayer)

 "I went to the park yesterday."

 "She called me yesterday."

2. Last week/month/year (la semana/mes/año pasado)

 "We traveled to Spain last summer."

 "He finished his project last week."

3. In 1998 (en 1998)

 "They got married in 1998."

 "The movie was released in 1998."

4. Two days ago (hace dos días)

 "I saw her two days ago."

 "They moved to a new house two days ago."

5. At 8 o'clock last night (a las 8 de la noche de ayer)

 "I arrived home at 8 o'clock last night."

 "She called me at 8 o'clock last night."

PASADO CONTINUO (Past Continuous):

 Se utiliza para describir una acción en progreso en un momento específico del pasado.

 Ejemplo: "She was studying when I called her." (Ella estaba estudiando cuando la llamé).

 Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que estaba ocurriendo en un momento específico en el pasado y
que posiblemente fue interrumpida por otra acción.


1. While (mientras)

 "I was studying while he was watching TV."

 "They were playing soccer while it was raining."

2. At that time (en ese momento)

 "She was cooking dinner at that time."

 "We were talking on the phone at that time."

3. When (cuando)

 "He was reading a book when I entered the room."

 "They were dancing when the music suddenly stopped."

4. All day (todo el día)

 "It was raining all day yesterday."

 "She was working all day long."

5. Throughout the night (durante toda la noche)

 "They were talking throughout the night."

 "I heard the noise of the fireworks throughout the night."

Some facts about all types of Essays (Algunos datos sobre todos los tipos de Ensayos)

1. All essays are... formal! (All essays are... formal!)

2. All essays consist of: Introduction / Main Body / Conclusion (todos los ensayos consisten en:
introducción, cuerpo principal y conslusión)
3. Linking words are the essence of a succesful text (Las palabras de enlace son la esencia de un texto

 Introduction: write the subject and your opinion (escribe el tema y tu opinion)

 Paragraph 1: argument for + why (argumento para + por qué)

 Paragraph 2: argument for + why (argumento para + por qué)

 Paragraph 3: argument against + why (argumento en contra + por qué)

 Conclusio: Restate your opinion using different words (Repita su opinión usando diferentes

How to create your paragraphs (Cómo crear tus párrafos)

When planning your text please create a map like this. It will help you to write clear arguments and not
to repeat yourself. (Al planificar su texto, cree un mapa como este. Te ayudará a redactar argumentos
claros y a no repetirte).


 Topic sentence: each paragraph needs to start with a sentence clearly saying what will be in the
paragraph. (Oración temática: cada párrafo debe comenzar con una oración que diga claramente lo
que habrá en el párrafo)

 Length: every paragraph needs to be longer than 3 sentences. (Longitud: cada párrafo debe tener
más de 3 oraciones)

 Vocabulary:
Linking words: they connect simple sentences into more complex structures. USE THEM!
(Palabras de enlace: conectan oraciones simples en estructuras más complejas)
Higher register: practise using more advanced words and phrases.
(Registro superior: practica el uso de palabras y frases más avanzadas)

 To express opinion: (Para expresar opinión)

I believe, I think, In my opinion, It seems to me that (Creo, pienso, En mi opinión, Me parece que)

 To list points: (Para listar puntos)

To start with, Firstly, Secondly, To begin with (Para empezar, En primer lugar, En segundo lugar, Para

 To add more points: (Para agregar más puntos)

What is more, Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, In addition to, Apart from (Además, además,
además, además de, además de, aparte de)

 To introduce contrasting points: (Para introducir puntos contrastantes)

People argue that, As opposed to the above ideas, Opponents of this view say (La gente
argumenta que, a diferencia de las ideas anteriores, los opositores a este punto de vista dicen)

 To introduce examples: (Para introducir ejemplos)

For example, For instance, such as, in particular, especially (Por ejemplo, Por ejemplo, como, en
particular, especialmente)

 To conclude: (Para concluir)

To sum up, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account (En resumen, En
resumen, Considerado todo, Teniendo todo en cuenta)

Stating an opinion (Expresar una opinión)

 In my opinion (En mi opinión)

 The way I see it (La manera en que lo veo)
 If you want my honest opinion (si quieres mi sincera opinion)
 According to Lisa (segun lisa)
 As far as I’m concerned (En lo que a mí respecta)
 If you ask me (Si me preguntas)

Asking for an opinion (Pidiendo una opinión)

 What's your idea? (¿Cuál es tu idea?)

 What are your thoughts on all of this? (¿Qué piensas de todo esto?)

 How do you feel about that? (¿Cómo te sientes al respecto?)

 Do you have anything to say about this? (¿Tiene algo que decir al respecto?)

 What do you think? (¿Qué opinas?)

 Do you agree? (¿Estás de acuerdo?)

 Wouldn't you say? (¿No diría usted?)

How to agree (como estar de acuerdo)

 I agree with you 100 percent. (Estoy de acuerdo contigo al 100 por ciento)

 I couldn't agree with you more. (No podría estar más de acuerdo contigo. Eso es muy cierto)

 That's so true. (Eso es muy cierto)

 That's for sure. (Eso es Seguro)

 (slang) Tell me about it! (¡Cuéntamelo!)

 You're absolutely right. (Estás absolutamente en lo correcto)

 Absolutely. (Absolutamente)

 That's exactly how I feel. (Así es exactamente como me siento)

 Exactly. (Exactamente)

 I'm afraid I agree with James. (Me temo que estoy de acuerdo con James)

 I have to side with Dad on this one. (Tengo que ponerme del lado de papá en esto)
 No doubt about it. (No hay duda de eso)

 (negative statement) Me neither. (Yo tampoco)

 (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. (Supongo que sí./Supongo que sí)

 You have a point there. (Tienes un punto ahí)

 I was just going to say that. (Justo iba a decir eso)

How to disagree
 I don't think so. (No lo creo)

 (strong) No way. ((fuerte) De ninguna manera)

 I'm afraid I disagree. (Me temo que no estoy de acuerdo)

 (strong) I totally disagree. ((fuerte) Totalmente en desacuerdo)

 I beg to differ. (Discrepo)

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite. ((fuerte) Diría exactamente lo contrario)

 Not necessarily. (No necesariamente)

 That's not always true. (Eso no siempre es cierto)

 That's not always the case. (No siempre es así)

 No, I'm not so sure about that. (No, no estoy tan seguro de eso)

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing this email to get some information about your Translation Career.
I finished high school at Medalla Milagrosa school last year. I found the Translation Career on the UADE web
site, and I think it’s interesting.
I want to know what subjects the course of studies has, and I also need to know how much the fee is?
I heard that UADE has a Starbucks and a Gym I camder if correct?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Leyla Casella.

Dear Casella,
Thank for your interest in our services. We are sending this email to answer your questions. As far as the
subjects are concerned, we are attaching the study plan which will help you to going to have through out
the course of studies answer your questions about the fee, it cost $100.000 (this month one hundred
thousand) and we have different ways to pay it, like cash or credit card.
You wanted to know if UADE was a Starbucks and a Gym, and this is correct at UADE there is a gym and
there are a lot of gastronomic options.
I hope this information is useful to you.
Best regards,
Maria Perez.



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