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Alex Marcel Jundis Cerojales BSN 2 LEVINE

Meaning and Cases of Euthanasia

I. Definition of Euthanasia

• Meaning of euthanasia derived from Greek words: eu (meaning "easy") and thanatos
(meaning "death").

• Definition: Deliberate, painless and peaceful death of an individual suffering from an

incurable and agonizing disease.

• Commonly known as mercy killing, seen as a merciful release from prolonged suffering.

• Viewed as the practice of painlessly ending the life of someone with a deformity or an
unbearable and distressing disease.

• Euthanasia affirms the right of individuals to die painlessly and peacefully when faced with
unbearable conditions such as horrible disease, and the quality of his/her life deteriorates.

II. Classification of Euthanasia Cases

A. Self-administered euthanasia
➢ the act of a terminally ill individual intentionally and actively causing their own death with
the purpose of ending their suffering.

1. Active (positive) euthanasia

→ Definition: Terminally ill patient intentionally and directly ends their own life using
painless methods.
→ Act of commission: Voluntary and deliberate action to terminate life.
2. Passive (negative) euthanasia
→ Definition: Patient allows themselves to die by refusing medical treatment or life-
sustaining measures.
→ Act of omission: Refrains from taking action to prolong life.

B. Other-administered euthanasia
➢ the act of intentionally causing the death of a terminally ill individual by another person or
a healthcare professional.

1. Active and voluntary euthanasia

→ Definition: Physician, spouse, or friend terminates the patient's life upon the patient's
→ Active: Positive means used to end the patient's life.
→ Voluntary: Carried out based on patient's request or wish.
2. Passive and voluntary euthanasia
→ Definition: Patient is allowed to die upon their request by the physician, spouse, or
immediate relative.
→ Passive: No active measures taken to prolong life.
→ Voluntary: Carried out based on patient's request or wish.
3. Active and non-voluntary euthanasia
→ Definition: Physician, spouse, friend, or relative decides to terminate the life of a
terminally ill patient.
→ Active: Positive means used to end the patient's life.
→ Non-voluntary: Moral decision made by someone other than the patient.
4. Passive and non-voluntary euthanasia
→ Definition: Patient is allowed to die as requested by immediate family members or
attending physician.
→ Passive: No active measures taken to prolong life.
→ Non-voluntary: Moral decision made by someone other than the patient.

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