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VI. Electronic Commerce Act (R.A. No. 8792) 3.

Any legal requirement that a document

Objective: To facilitate domestic and be presented or retained in its original
international transactions, contract and form is met by an e document if:
exchanges, and storage of information through 3.1 There exists a reliable assurance as
the utilization of electronic technology to the integrity of the document from the
time it was first generated in its original
E-Commerce Act applies to all kinds of form
electronic data message and electronic 3.2 Document is capable of being
document used in commercial and non displayed to the person whom it is to be
commercial activities including international presented.
transactions, contract and exchanges, and
storage of information through the utilization of NB: For evidentiary purposes, an E-Document is
electronic technology the functional equivalent of an original document
under the Original Document Rule if it is a
Electronic Data Message - Refers to printout or output readable by sight or other
information generated, sent, received, or stored means, shown to reflect the data accurately.
by electronic means
- Further, E-Document presupposes that it is
Electronic Document - Information or the ‘paperless’. Thus, A facsimile transmission
representation of information, data, figures, cannot be admissible as an electronic document
symbols, or other modes of written expression since it is not ‘paperless’, and it is not a
by which a right is established, or an obligation functional equivalent of an original under the
extinguished , or by which a fact may be proved Best Evidence Rule.
and affirmed, which is received, recorded,
transmitted, stored, processed, retrieved, or B. Presumption Relating to Electronic
produced electronically. Signatures
E-Signature - is any distinctive mark
A. Legal Recognition of Electronic Data representing the identity of a person and
Messages, Documents, and Signatures attached to or logically associated with the
(Section 6 & 7 RA 8792) electronic data message.
1. Electronic Documents shall have the
legal effect, validity, or enforceability as Presumption Relating to E-Signature:
any other document or legal writing In any proceedings involving an electronic
signature, it shall be presumed that,
2. Any legal requirement that a document a.) The electronic signature is the signature of
be in writing is complied by an electronic the person to whom it correlates; and
document if: b.) The electronic signature was affixed by that
2..1 The E-Document maintains it person with the intention of signing or approving
integrity and reliability the electronic document unless the person
2.2 The document can be authenticated relying on the electronically signed electronic
so as to be usable for subsequent document knows or has notice of defects in or
reference such that (1) it has remained unreliability of the signature or reliance on the
complete and unaltered, apart from the electronic signature is not reasonable under the
addition of any indorsement and circumstances.
authorized change; and (2) The E-
Document is reliable in light of the NB: An electronic signature on the electronic
purpose for which it was generated document shall be equivalent to the signature of
a person on a written document if the signature
is an electronic signature and proved by
showing that a prescribed procedure, not computer or other similar information and
alterable by the parties interested in the communication devices, without the knowledge
electronic document, exists and conforms with and consent of the owner of the computer or
Section 8 of RA 8792 information and communication system

C. Admissibility and Evidential Weight of 2. Piracy or the unauthorized copying,

Electronic Data Message or Electronic reproduction, dissemination, distribution,
Document importation, use, removal, alteration,
substitution, modification, storage, uploading,
In any legal proceedings, the admissibility of an downloading, communication, making available
electronic data message or electronic document to the public, or broadcasting of protected
in evidence cannot be denied: material, electronic signature or copyrighted
a. On the sole ground that it is in works
electronic form; or
b. On the ground that it is not in the VII. Foreign Investments Act (RA 7042, as
standard written form, and the electronic amended by RA 11647)
data message or electronic document A. Policy of the Law [Sec. 1, RA 11647]
meeting, and complying with the it is the policy of the State to attract, promote
requirements under Sections 6 or 7 and welcome productive investments from
hereof shall be the best evidence of the foreign individuals, partnerships, corporations,
agreement and transaction contained and governments, including their political
therein. subdivisions, in activities which significantly
contribute to sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and
In assessing the evidential weight of an innovative economic growth, productivity, global
electronic data message or electronic document, competitiveness, employment creation,
the reliability of the manner in which it was technological advancement, and countrywide
generated, stored or communicated, the development to the extent that foreign
reliability of the manner in which its originator investment is allowed in such activity by the
was identified, and other relevant factors shall Constitution and relevant laws, and consistent
be given due regard. with the protection of national security. Foreign
investments shall be encouraged in enterprises
that significantly expand livelihood and
D. Obligation of Confidentiality
employment opportunities for Filipinos; enhance
SECTION 32(31). Obligation of Confidentiality.
economic value of agricultural products; promote
— Except for the purposes authorized under this
the welfare of Filipino consumers; expand the
Act, any person who obtained access to any
scope, quality and volume of exports and their
electronic key, electronic data message or
access to foreign markets; and/or transfer
electronic document, book, register,
relevant technologies in agriculture, industry and
correspondence, information, or other material
support services. Foreign investments shall be
pursuant to any powers conferred under this Act,
welcome as a supplement to Filipino capital and
shall not convey to or share the same with any
technology in those enterprises serving mainly
other person.
the domestic market.
Prohibited Acts:
Who are Filipino Nationals:
1. Hacking or cracking which refers to
1. a citizen of the Philippines
unauthorized access into or interference in a
2. a domestic partnership or association
computer system/server or information and
wholly owned by citizens of the
communication system; or any access in order
to corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy using a
3. a corporation organized under the laws business, firm, entity or corporation in
of the Philippines of which at least sixty the Philippines; and
percent (60%) of the capital stock
outstanding and entitled to vote is 4. any other act or acts that imply a
owned and held by citizens of the continuity of commercial dealings or
Philippines; arrangements,
4. a trustee of funds for pension or other
employee retirement or separation Not Doing Business
benefits, where the trustee is a 1. mere investment as a shareholder by a
Philippine national and at least sixty foreign entity in domestic corporations
(60%) of the fund will accrue to the duly registered to do business, and/or
benefit of the Philippine nationals: the exercise of rights as such investor;

Provided, That where a corporation and its non- 2. having a nominee director or officer to
Filipino stockholders own stocks in a Securities represent its interests in such
and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered corporation;
enterprise, at least sixty percent (60%) of the
capital stocks outstanding and entitled to vote of 3. appointing a representative or distributor
both corporations must be owned and held by domiciled in the Philippines which
citizens of the Philippines and at least sixty transacts business in its own name and
percent (60%) of the members of the Board of for its own account
Directors of both corporations must be citizens
of the Philippines, in order that the corporations 4. The publication of a general
shall be considered a Philippine national advertisement through any print or
broadcast media;
B. Definition of Terms [Sec. 2, RA 11647]
1. Foreign Investment 5. Maintaining a stock of goods in the
The term "foreign investment" shall mean an Philippines solely for the purpose of
equity investment made by a non-Philippine having the same processed by another
national in the form of foreign exchange and/or entity in the Philippines;
other assets actually transferred to the 6. Consignment by a foreign entity of
Philippines and duly registered with the Bangko equipment with a local company to be
Sentral ng Pilipinas used in the processing of products for
2. Doing Business 7. Collecting Information in the Philippines
The phrase "doing business" shall include: 8. Performing services auxiliary to an
1. soliciting orders, service contracts, existing isolated contract of sale which
opening offices, whether called "liaison" are not on a continuing basis, such as
offices or branches; installing in the Philippines machinery it
has manufactured or exported to the
2. appointing representatives or Philippines, servicing the same, training
distributors domiciled in the Philippines domestic workers to operate it, and
or who in any calendar year stay in the similar incidental services.
country for a period or periods totalling
one hundred eighty (180) days or more; Tests to determine WON A Foreign
Corporation is doing business
3. participating in the management, 1. Substance Test - WON the foreign
supervision or control of any domestic corporation is continuing the body of the
business or enterprise for which it was reports that may be required to ensure
organized continuing compliance of the export enterprise
with its export requirement. BOI shall advise
2. Continuity Test - Continuity of commercial
SEC or DTI, as the case may be, of any export
dealings and arrangements
enterprise that fails to meet the export ratio
3. Export Enterprise requirement. The SEC or DTI shall thereupon
Export enterprise shall mean an enterprise order the non-complying export enterprise to
wherein a manufacturer, processor or service reduce its sales to the domestic market to not
(including tourism) enterprise exports sixty per more than forty percent (40%) of its total
cent (60%) or more of its output, or wherein a production; failure to comply with such SEC or
trader purchases products domestically and DTI order, without justifiable reason, shall
exports sixty per cent (60%) or more of such subject the enterprise to cancellation of SEC or
purchases. DTI registration, and/or the penalties provided in
Section 14 hereof|
4. Domestic Market Enterprise
domestic market enterprise shall mean an Export enterprises shall register and comply with
enterprise which produces goods for sale, or the export requirements in accordance with Title
renders services to the domestic market entirely XIII of the National Internal Revenue Code
or if exporting a portion of its output fails to (NIRC),as amended, for purposes of availing
consistently export at least sixty percent (60%) any tax incentive or benefit.
E. Foreign Investments in Domestic Market
C. Registration of Investment of Non- Enterprises [Sec. 7, RA 7042]
Philippine Nationals [Sec. 6, RA 11647] Non-Philippine nationals may own up to one
Without need of prior approval, a non-Philippine hundred percent (100%) of domestic
national, and not otherwise disqualified by law market enterprises unless foreign ownership
may, upon registration with the Securities and therein is prohibited or limited by existing
Exchange Commission (SEC), or the DTI in the law or the Foreign Investment Negative List
case of single proprietorships:
1. do business as defined in Section 3(d) A domestic market enterprise may change its
of this Act or status to export enterprise if over a three (3)-
2. invest in a domestic enterprise up to one year period it consistently exports in each year
hundred percent (100%) of its capital, thereof sixty per cent (60%) or more of its
unless participation of non-Philippine output.
nationals in the enterprise is prohibited Take Note of the FF:
or limited to a smaller percentage by this
1. Micro and small domestic market
law under the Foreign Investment
enterprises with paid-in equity capital less
Negative List
than the equivalent of Two hundred thousand
US dollars (US$200,000.00),are reserved to
D. Foreign Investments in Export Enterprises
Philippine nationals
[Sec. 7, RA 11647]
Foreign investment in export enterprises whose 2. Non-Filipino Nationals may own (up to
products and services do not fall within Lists A 100%) Micro and small domestic market
and B of the Foreign Investment Negative enterprises with paid-in equity capital greater
List provided under Section 8 hereof is allowed than or equal to Two hundred thousand US
up to one hundred percent (100%) ownership dollars (US$200,000.00)
3. If the enterprise (1)involves advanced
Export enterprises which are non-Philippine
technology as determined by the Department
nationals shall register with BOI and submit the
of Science and Technology, or (2) they are 2. Which have implications on public health and
endorsed as startup or startup enablers by the morals, such as:
lead host agencies pursuant to Republic Act 1. the manufacture and distribution
No. 11337, otherwise known as the Innovative of dangerous drugs;
Startup Act; or (3) a majority of their direct 2. all forms of gambling;
employees are Filipinos, but in no case 3. nightclubs, bars,
shall the number of Filipino employees be less 4. beerhouses,
than fifteen (15), then a minimum paid-in 5. dance halls;
capital of One hundred thousand US dollars 6. sauna and steambath houses
(US$100,000.00) shall be allowed to non- and massage clinics.
Philippine nationals
TN: Check 11th Negative List (Pg 438 on the
NB: Take note of the thresholds above, if
Book of Divina) kay kapoy nag buhat 🙂
the non-filipino is not qualified to own
100%, he/she/it may still own but apply the
60/40 requirement. If the non-filipino is
qualified, he/she/it can own up to 100%
equity capital.
F. Foreign Investment Negative List [Sec. 8,
RA 11647

List A

List B
Under this list, Foreign Ownership is Limited by
reason of Security, Defense, Risk to Heal and
Morals, and Protection of Small and Medium
Scale Enterprises.

NB: Non-Filipinos are only allowed to own

upt o 40% Equity under List B.

1. Defense-related activities, requiring prior

clearance and authorization from Department of
National Defense (DND) to engage in such
activity, such as the manufacture, repair,
storage and/or distribution of:
1. firearms,
2. ammunition,
3. lethal weapons,
4. military ordinance,
5. explosives,
6. pyrotechnics
7. and similar materials (Ingredients)
unless such manufacturing or repair activity is
specifically authorized by the Secretary of
National Defense;

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