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*note : ‫التعريفات الي جمب الكلمة مهمة ألنها بتيجي اختر‬

music and emotions

English language has many borrowed words in different fields

including music. These words come from French, Greek and Italian, and
they are often pronounced in the same way they are pronounced in
their original language.
1- Choir ‫ كورال‬: a group of people who sing together, for example, in a
church service. )Greek(
2- Orchestra‫ أوركسترا‬: a large group of musicians who play different
musical instruments together. )Greek(
3- Conductor‫ قائد االوركسترا‬: a person who directs an orchestra.
4- Soprano: a woman who sings with a high-pitched voice.
5- A bass guitar ‫جيتار‬: (player: bass guitarist)
6- A cello‫تشيللو‬: (player: cellist) ) Italian(
7- Drums ‫طبول‬: (player: drummer)
8- A flute‫ مزمار‬: (player: flutist /flute player)
9- A violin‫كمان‬: (player: violinist)
10- A keyboard‫أورج‬: (player: keyboard player)
11- A saxophone‫ ساكسفون‬: (player: saxophonist)
-‫ف شوفو المعنى االنجلش هتفهموا بإذن هللا‬, ‫المعظم ملقيتلوش ترجمة عربي او كانت نفس الكلمة االنجلش‬-
1- Concerto (n.): a long piece of music for one or more main solo
instruments and an orchestra. )Italian(
2- Mezzo - soprano (n.): a voice or musical part lower than soprano but
higher than contralto, or a singer with this type of voice. )Italian(
3- Chorus (n.): a part of a song that is repeated several times, usually
after each verse. )Greek(
4- Microphone (n.): a piece of equipment that you speak into to make
your voice louder.) Greek(
5- Rhythm ‫(إيقاع‬n.): a strong pattern of sounds, words or musical notes
that is used in music, poetry and dancing. )Greek(
6- Symphony (n.): a long piece of music for an orchestra (usually with
four parts).) Greek(
7- Encore (n.): an extra song or piece of music that is performed at the
end of a show because the audience shouts for it. ) French(
(v.): call for a repeated or additional performance at the end of a show.
8- Genre (n.): a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set
of characteristics. For example, genres of fiction include romance,
science fiction, crime, … Genres of music include jazz, rock, pop,
classical, … )French(
9-Ballet )French(

‫كلمات من نص الدرس و من التدريبات‬

Alien ‫مخلوق فضائي‬
Cacophony ‫نشاذ‬
musical instrument ‫آلة موسيقية‬
I rolled my eyes ( ‫الي هو لما ميعجبكش الكالم الي سامعه ف تلف عينك كدا‬google it)
Assaults ‫اعتداءات‬
background noise ‫ضوضاء في الخلفية‬
Needless to say ‫ال داعي لقوله‬
it turns out ‫اتضح‬
uncool ‫مش روش‬
struck by the contrast:‫ يضرب من قبل‬deeply affected
silliness: ‫ سخافة‬oolishness, lack of common sense.
longed to: ‫ يتوق ل‬yearned to, wanted something so badly
quarrel with: ‫ يتشاجر مع‬heated disagreement or argument
reassured:‫ مطمئن‬encouraged, removed doubts or worries
Got the giggles: ‫يقهقه‬-‫ يضحك‬laugh repeatedly in a quiet uncontrollable
a joy to watch: ‫ ممتع للمشاهدة‬pleasing
praised: ‫ أشاد – مدح‬expressed approval or admiration
Highlight: ‫ تسليط الضوء‬emphasize, stress
Controversy: ‫ الجدل‬public disagreement

1- architecture‫( هندسة معمارية‬n.): the art or science of building
2- barista ‫( باريستا‬n.): a person who serves customers in a coffee shop.
3- bouquet ‫( باقة‬n.): a group of flowers fastened and arranged together
to be given as a gift or used in special occasions.
4- chauffeur ‫( سائق‬n.): someone whose job is to drive a car for a rich or
important person.
5- chic ‫((شياكة) أناقة‬adj.): stylish and fashionable.
6- fiancé ‫( خطيب‬n.): a man engaged to get married.
7- graffiti ‫( الكتابة على الجدران‬n.): words or drawings, especially humorous,
rude, or political, on walls, doors, etc. in public places.
8- hypochondriac ‫( مصاب بوسواس المرض‬n.): a person who continuously
worries about their health without having any reason to do so.
9- paparazzi ‫( المصورون‬n.): photographers who follow famous people
everywhere they go in order to take photographs of them for
newspapers and magazines.
10- psychic (adj.): having a special mental ability (knowing), for example
so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know
what people are thinking.
(n.): a person who possesses or appears to possess extra sensory
:‫ مش قولنا فوق ان في كلمات اصلها فرنش او يوناني او ايطالي؟ هنا كمان في‬
1- From Italian: barista, cappuccino, graffiti, macchiato, paparazzi, villa
2- From Greek: architecture, hypochondriac, philosophy, photograph,
psychic, psychologist
3- From French: bouquet, chauffeur, chef, chic, croissant, fiance

Sleeping Beauty
1-Fall asleep (v.)‫ ينام‬-‫يغرق في النوم‬: to begin to sleep. Example: As soon as
the lights were turned off he fell asleep.
2-Yawn (v.):‫ تثاءب‬to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply
because you are tired, bored or sleepy.Example: The baby yawned again
until he fell asleep.
3-Take/ have a nap or siesta‫(يأخذ قيلولة‬v.): a short sleep, especially during
the day.Example: I usually take a nap after lunch
4-Keep you awake ‫(يبقيك مستيقظ‬v.): To prevent you from
sleeping.Example: Coffee keeps me awake.
5-Oversleep‫(يفرط في النوم‬v.): to sleep for longer than you
intended.Example:Sorry I’m late. I overslept
6-Sleep like a log (v.): sleep very well.Example:I was exhausted and slept
like a log Example:
7-Snore (v.): to breathe in a noisy way through your mouth and nose
while you are asleep.Example: My husband snores so loudly that I find it
difficult to get to sleep
8-Have a nightmare‫يحلم بكابوس‬: To have a very frightening
dream.Example: Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it
9-Set the alarm‫يضبط المنبه‬: an alarm clock. Example:I’ve set the alarm for
7 o'clock.
10-Stay up‫يبقى مستيقظ‬: to not go to bed at the time you would normally
go to bed.Example: We stayed up all night talking
11-Take sleeping pills‫يأخذ حبوب منومة‬: a pill which helps you to sleep.
Example: I took a sleeping pill and some cocoa before I went to bed
12-Feel sleepy:‫ يشعر بالنعاس‬tired and ready to sleep. Example: I feel sleepy
when I study.

Complete the following:

1-Most people start feeling ….. around 11:00 at night.

2 They often open their mouth and …
3-Some people make a loud noise when they breathe. In other words, they…

4- During the night some people have bad dreams, called…..

5-If you don't hear your alarm clock, you might…….

6-If you drink coffee in the evening, it may….

7-Some people take a … or … after lunch.

8- A person who sleeps well “sleeps like a…

Answer Key:
1- sleepy 2- yawn 3- snore 4-nightmares 5- oversleep 6- keep you awake 7- nap or
siesta 8- log

1-Sheet ‫مالية‬:a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a bed .Example:
I’ll go and find you some clean sheets and blankets.
2-Pillow‫مخدة‬: a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put your head
on when you are sleeping. Example: I’ll be asleep as soon as my head
hits the pillow.
3-Comforter)‫(لقيت صوره ع جوجل لحاف بس انا حساه دفاية‬: a cover for a bed
that is filled with a soft warm material.: This comforter keeps my body
4-Blanket‫بطانية‬: a cover for a bed, usually made of wool .Example :She
pulled the warm blankets over her head as it was very cold.
5-Jet-lagged: Being tired and confused after flying a very long distance,
especially because of the difference in time between the place you left
and the place you arrived at.Example: I'm still a little jet-lagged after
reaching the USA.
6-Insomnia‫أرق‬: If you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep.
Example: He suffered from insomnia and was taking sleeping pills each
7-Light sleeper‫ نومه خفيف‬: someone who wakes up easily if there is any
noise or any other disturbance .Example: She is a light sleeper, sunlight
or noise can wake her up.
8-Heavy sleeper‫نومه ثقيل‬: Someone who is difficult to wake.Example:
My grandfather is a heavy sleeper, like most old people, and didn't hear
9-Fast asleep‫بينام بسرعة‬:sleeping very deeply.Example:Nick was lying on
the sofa, fast asleep.
10-Sleepwalker‫يمشي أثناء نومه‬: someone who walks while they are

Complete the following:

1-They get into bed and put their head on the …
2-They cover themselves up with a …. Or ….and ….
3-Some people can’t sleep because they suffer from …
4-Someone who is tired after flying to another time zone is …
5- My mother is a …. sleeper, anything can wake her up.
Answer key:
1-Pillow 2- comforter, sheet and blanket 3- insomnia 4- jet-lagged 5- light

1-Syndrome‫ متالزمة‬: a medical condition, often an unusual one.

2-Loyal‫وفي‬: an adjective meaning staying faithful to somebody and
supporting them
3-Deep‫عميق‬:an adjective often used with sleep. A person who is in a
deep sleep is difficult to wake
4-Century ‫قرن‬:hundred years, e.g., from 1900 to 2000
5-Nightfall ‫ حلول الظالم‬:the time in the evening when it becomes dark
6-Pray ‫يدعي‬-‫يصلي‬:verb meaning to speak to God
7-Video Gamer : the word for a person who plays a lot of video games
8-Lucid ‫واضح‬: an adjective meaning clear, especially after a period of
9-Turn Around ‫يلتف‬:Verb means to change position so as to face the
other way

1. Could I have an extra p______for my bed, please?

2. My husband says I s______really loudly at night.

3. I didn't sleep last night, so I'm going to take a n______now.

4. Last night I had a horrible n______. I dreamed that I was lost in the jungle.

5. Don't forget to s______the alarm for tomorrow

Answer Key :
1- pillow 2- snore 3- nap 4-nightmare 5- set

‫كلمات من نص الدرس و من التدريبات‬

Syndrome ‫متالزمة‬
Lucid dream ‫ حلم واضح‬is one in which we are aware that we are
Ancestors ‫أسالف‬
parallel universes ‫أكوان متوازية‬
virtual reality ‫واقع افتراضي‬
Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.: People who have this medical condition
often sleep for long periods without waking up
Frustrated ‫محبط‬
Dealing with ‫يتعامل مع‬
comes out with
Dangle ‫يعلق‬-‫يسترخي‬
Mumbled ‫يتمتم‬

How to not get robbed in the street

1-Blackmailer‫المبتز‬: is a person who demands money or another benefit
from someone in return for not revealing damaging information about
2-Burglar‫ لص‬: is a person who breaks into a building illegally in order to
3-Forger‫ مزور‬: is a person who makes an illegal copy of something(e.g
4-Fraudster‫محتال‬: is a person who commits fraud and deceive others
especially in business dealings
5-Hacker‫ هاكر‬: is a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized
access to data
6-Hijacker‫ الخاطف‬: is a person who illegally takes control of a vehicle
(e.g. plane or bus) by force
7-Kidnapper ‫الخاطف‬:is a person who abducts someone and holds them
captive, typically to obtain a ransom (i.e an amount of money)
8-Mugger:‫ قاطع طريق‬is someone who uses violence to steal from you on
the street
9-Murder‫قاتل‬: is a person who intentionally kills another person
10-Pickpocket:‫ نشال‬is someone who steals from you on the street,
usually without you noticing
11-Robber:‫ سارق‬is someone who steals from a person or a place using
12-Shoplifter:‫ سارق المعروضات‬is a person who steals something from a
store or a shop
13-Smuggler‫ مهرب‬:is someone who takes goods or people into or out
of a country illegally: a drug/arms/human smuggler
14-Stalker:‫ مترصد‬is a person who illegally follows and watches
someone over a period of time
15-Terrorist : ‫ إرهابي‬is a person who frightens and uses violence against
16-Thief ‫لص‬:is the general word for someone who steals from a Person
17-Vandal :‫ مخرب‬is a person who deliberately destroys or damages
property belonging to others
18-Bribery‫ الرشوة‬: is the act of offering a bribe (A bribe is money or
something else of value offered or given to someone to get them to do
something you want them to do, especially something they're not
supposed to do) Ex: Police officers are accused of taking bribes
burglar mugger pickpocket robber shoplifter thief

1 A________is someone who breaks into a building illegally in order to steal.

2 A________is someone who steals from a person or place, e.g., a bank, using or threatening

3 A________is someone who steals something from a store.

4 A________is someone who steals from you on the street, usually without you noticing.

5 A________is someone who uses violence to steal from you on the street.
6 A________is the general word for someone who steals from a Person

Answer keys
1. Burglar 2. Robber 3. Shoplifter 4. Pickpocket 5. Mugger 6. Thief

‫*معظم الكلمات ترجمتها فوق‬

Crime)‫(الجريمة‬ Criminal)‫(مرتكبها‬ Verb)‫(الفعل نفسه‬

1 Blackmail blackmailer Blackmail
2 Bribery - bribe
3 Burglary burglar Break in /burg
4 forgery forger forge
5 hacking hacker hack
6 kidnapping kidnapper kidnap
7 hijacking hijacker hijack
8 mugging mugger mug
9 murder murderer murder
10 robbery robber rob
11 smuggling smuggler smuggle
12 stalking stalker stalk
13 terrorism terrorist Use violent
14 theft thief steal
15 vandalism‫التخريب‬ vandal vandalize
16 fraud‫احتيال‬ fraudster Commit fraud

Match the examples to the crimes:
A-They took a rich man's son and then asked for money for his safe
B-He deliberately drove above the speed limit and caused a fatal
C-Two passengers took control of the plane and made the pilot land in
the desert.
D-Someone copied my handwriting and signed my name to a check.
E-We came home from vacation and found that our TV was gone.
F-A teenager got into the Pentagon's computer system and
downloaded some secret data.
G-When the border police searched his car, it was full of cigarettes.
H -Someone threw paint on the statue in the park.
I - He said he’d send the photos to a newspaper if the actress didn’t pay
him a lot of money.
J- An armed man in a mask walked into a store and shouted, “Give me
all the money in the cash register.”
K- The company accountant was transferring money into his own bank
L -The builder offered the mayor a free apartment in return for giving
his company permission to build a new apartment building on some
M- They committed a violent crime to cause fear among the civilians.
N -Somebody stole my car last night from outside my house.
O -A man held out a knife and made me give him my wallet.
P -A woman followed a pop singer everywhere he went, watching him
and sending him constant messages on the Internet
Answer keys
I (Blackmail) L (Bribery) E (Burglary) D (Forgery) K (Fraud) F (Hacking)
C (Hijacking) A (Kidnapping) O (Mugging) B (Murder) J (Robbery)
G (Smuggling) P (Stalking) M (Terrorism) N (theft) H (Vandalism)

‫كلمات من نص الدرس و من التدريبات‬

Hobo ‫متشرد‬
Justifications ‫تبريرات‬
Campaigned )‫يقوم بحملة (يحتج يعني‬
civil liberties ‫الحريات المدنية‬
have a right to ‫لديه الحق في‬

Crime and Punishment: What happens to criminals

1-To arrest ‫يقبض على‬: to seize sb by legal authority

2-To question ‫يجري تحقيق‬: to conduct official inquiry for criminals

3-To be Charged with ‫متهم‬: to be officially accused of.

4-To commit a crime ‫يرتكب جريمة‬: to carry out a crime. Ex: He

denied committing the crime

5-To investigate ‫يحقق‬: to examine a crime in order to discover the

truth about it

6-To catch a criminal ‫القبض على مجرم‬: to arrest a criminal while they
are doing the crime or running away

7-To be accused of ‫يتهم‬: to be charged with

8-To acquit ‫تبرئة‬: to free sb from a criminal charge by proving them

not guilty
9-Court ‫المحكمة‬: the place (building) or the institution (jury and
judges). Expressions: go to court\ take sb to court

10-Evidence ‫دليل‬: things that indicate that sb might be guilty

11-Proof ‫إثبات‬: things that show that someone is definitely guilty

12-Guilty ‫مذنب‬: is not innocent and responsible for a wrongdoing

13- Judge ‫يحكم‬: a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law


14-Jury ‫هيئة المحلفين‬: a group of judges

15- Punishment‫عقاب‬: penalty for doing sth wrong

16- To sentence sb to sth‫الحكم على‬: to declare the punishment or pass

the judgement decided on a criminal. : The jury sentenced her to life

17- Verdict ‫الحكم‬: a decision on an issue of fact in a criminal case.

EX: the jury passed a verdict of guilty.

18-Witness ‫شاهد‬: a person who sees an event, typically a crime or

accident, take place
A. Complete the sentences with the words in the list.

arrested /questioned / charged / committed / investigated / caught

1. Carl and Adam committed a crime. They robbed a large supermarket.

2. The police____________the crime.
3. Carl and Adam were____________driving to the airport in a stolen car.
4. They were____________and taken to a police station.
5. The police____________them for ten hours.

accused / acquitted / court / evidence/ guilty/ judge/ jury/proof/punishment/

7. Finally, they were____________with (= officially accused of) armed robbery.
8. Two months later, Carl and Adam appeared in___________.
9. They were____________of armed robbery and car theft.
10. ____________told the court what they had seen or knew'.
11. The____________(of 12 people) looked and heard all the____________.
12. After two days the jury reached their____________.
13. Carl was found____________.His fingerprints were on the gun used in the robbery.
14. The____________decided what Carl’s_______should be.
15. He____________him to ten years in prison (jail).
16. There was no____________that Adam committed the crime.
17. He was____________and allowed to go free

Answer keys

arrested /questioned / charged / committed / investigated / caught

1. Carl and Adam committed a crime. They robbed a large supermarket.

2. The police investigated the crime.
3. Carl and Adam were caught driving to the airport in a stolen car.
4. They were arrested and taken to a police station.
5. The police questioned them for ten hours
6. Finally, they were charged with (= officially accused of) armed robbery.

accused / acquitted / court / evidence/ guilty/ judge/ jury/proof/punishment/


1. Two months later, Carl and Adam appeared in court.

2. They were accused of armed robbery and car theft.
3. Witnesses told the court what they had seen or knew'.
4. The jury (of 12 people) looked and heard all the evidence.
5. After two days the jury reached their verdict
6. Carl was found guilty. His fingerprints were on the gun used in the robbery.
7. The judge decided what Carl’s punishment should be.
8. He sentenced him to ten years in prison (jail).
9. There was no proof that Adam committed the crime.
10. He was acquitted and allowed to go free
‫كلمات من نص الدرس و من التدريبات‬
key in) ‫ كانت كدا ف السياق هحطلكم الفقرة تحت‬.. ‫(اعتقد معناها يسجل او يدخل بيانات‬
Require ‫يتطلب‬
landline‫هاتف ارضي‬
have access to‫الوصول الى‬
gather)‫يجمع (معلومات مثال‬
go through‫يخترق – يذهب عبر‬
dispose of‫تخلص من‬
‫ الجمل الي جاية دي انا معرفش هي ممكن تيجي اختر وال ال ف هحطها و اسيبلكم‬, ‫بصو‬
‫هما بيشرحوا طرق ممكن نتسرق بيها‬. ‫االمر اوبشنال‬
Phishing: You get an email that claims to be from a financial institution
or other business asking for some personal information from you. It
contains a link to a web page where you have to key in your bank
username and password. The new page may look real but it is, in fact, a
fake. Identity thieves will take all of the information you give on the
page and use it to steal money from your accounts.
Smishing: You get a text message that seems to require your
immediate attention, for example: "[Name of bank] confirms that you
have bought a computer from [Name of retailer]. Call [Phone Number]
if you have not made this purchase.” When you call the number, an
automated voice response system asks you to confirm your credit card
details. The text message is actually from a group of identity thieves
who can create and use a duplicate bank card within 30 minutes of
obtaining the necessary information.
Vishing: This occurs when you receive a phone call on your landline
from someone who seems to be trying to help you. The person claims
to have detected fraudulent activity on your credit card and asks you to
confirm your credit card details. The call is actually from an identity
thief who wants to use your card to purchase things for himself
Spoofing: Hackers break into your computer and transfer
communication from a legitimate website to a fake one. For
example, when you try to log into Facebook, your computer will
take you to the hacker’s site, where they will steal your log-in
information. From there, they will have access to plenty of
details, such as your date of birth and the names of the
members of your family. Later, they can use this information to
steal your identity.
Spyware :Spyware is a type of software used on the Internet to
gather information about a person or organization without
their consent. Identity thieves often attach it to downloadable
files, such as online games. When you install the game, a hacker
records all your keystrokes, including things like credit card
numbers or bank account logins.
Digging through your trash can: The trash can be a great
source of personal information and in some cases, identity
thieves actually go through the garbage to see what they can
find. Make sure you completely destroy your old credit cards
when it is time to dispose of them. As far as official documents
are concerned, you should put them all through a shredder or
burn them before you throw them out.

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