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A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF SOME PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI by ANDREA LOPARIC Ina recent note’ , N.C.A. da Costa and E.H. Alves (Costa and Alves, 1976) show how to construct valuation semantics for the paraconsistent calculi C,, 1 <1 < w, as well as the corresponding tables to decide these calculi, The question, whether the calculus C., could have a similar semantics, was left open. We present, in this paper, a positive answer to this question. Our results can be adapted for other subcalculi of the classical calculus wich contain the intuitionistic implicative logic. §1.THE CALCULUS C,, — To begin with, let us remember the main characteristics of da Costa’s C,,. The primitive symbols are: a) an infinite set of propositional variables, p, q, 7, p’, q’, 7’, p”, . . .; b) the connec- nectives: “1 (negation), (conjunction), v (disjunction), D (impli- cation); c) the parentheses, as auxiliary symbols. The notions of atomic formula, formula, axiom, inference rule and postulate, the use of |— , the rules for restoring parentheses, etc., are defined as in Kleene 1952. The postulates of C,, are P; — Py, below: P,:A (BDA); P,:(A 2B) 2{(A >(B 3C)) 3 (A > C)); P;; A, AD B/B; P,-AA BDA; P,:A A BOB; P,: A (BDA A B); P,:A DA v By P,:B DAV B; P,:(A DC) 2{(B DC) YA v BDC); "Paper written in 1976. The Journal of Non-Classical Logic Volume 3, Number 1, May 1986. 74 A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI Pi 9: AV 14; P,,: 1714 DA, In C,,, Peirce’s law is not valid (Costa and Guillaume, 1965); A.M. Sette has proved that no thesis has the form “14; C,, is not decidable by finite matrices (Arruda, 1975), but is decidable (Fidel, 1977). Metamathematical conventions: in this paper we use capital latin letters .as syntactical variables for formulas, capital greek letters, for sets of formulas; the set of all formulas is denoted by 3 ; = and * are meta- mathematical symbols for implication and equivalence; Aj and Aj, are abbreviations for A, D(Az >... >(An—, DAn/.. .J, and we use Ayn) to indicate thatA,, has not the form A’4”; Zp denotes the set of all subformulas of F and Z,,, the set (F”: F’ Zp, for some FET} § 2. SEMI-VALUATIONS AND VALUATIONS FOR C,,. 2.1. — A semi-valuation 5 is a function from 3 into {0,1}, such that: a) s(A) =0=>8/A) = b)s( 114) =1=8(A, c) 8(AA B)=15(A)=s(B)=1; a) s(Av B)=1%9A) =1 or s(B) = 1; e) 8(A DB) = 0=5(B) f) s(A DB) =1 =s(A) =0 or s(B) 2.2— A valuation v is a semi-valuation such that for every n > 0, ify (Afr ) ) = 0, then there is a semi-valuation s such that for | 1, let T, = 0T,., U A, dif TP 2. UAn #F, otherwise let T,, = Ty.1- Now take A = U Tj. It is easy to prove, by an argument analogous to Lindenbaum’s, that A is F'saturated andc A. If is Fsaturated, then A EAiff AA, Proof: If A € A, A A. Suppose that A |-A; ifA ¢ A, then A, Ab Fand A + Fys0, by 3.1,4 EA. If Ais Fsaturated, then: a) Ad A=AEA, b) 114 €A=A EA; c)AA BEASA, BEA; d) AVBEAPAE AO BEA; e)ADBEA>BEA; A DBEA=A GAorBEA. Proof: follows, from 3.1, 3.3 and some simple properties of Cy. If Q is F-saturated and A; € A, then there is an A,-satu- rated set A’ such that, AU {Ay,.. Ag, JOA’. 76 A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI Proof: follows from 3.2, 3.3, and the fact that if A + A; then A, Ay,...,Ay., An by the Deduction Theorem. § 4. SOUNDNESS AND COMPLETENESS 4.1 — If v is a valuation and v (A 2) = 0, then there is a semi-valua- 42- 43 - 44. - 45— 4.6 tion s such that, for 1 < i 1, Ay = By). Then Aj can be written as(4y 3... (Ay, > (Br 2... (By. > Bm) -))...) and, by definition, there is some semi-valuation s such that for 1 ((p >4) 2p); We schematize as follows the obtention of T(Fy,...,Fr),..., TUFi,..., Fe): (see p. 85) Remark that in T/Fi,..., FJ, £@. is the 6-conjugate of &§ ;s0, by rule 2, case V, iii), since 2./F6) = 0, 114 6,6) = ¥(4,5,6) ~ {2} and, since 2$ is the 6-conjugate of Lf , 7(4,6,8) = 7(4,5,6) U {7}. To have an example of the use of Case V, procedure c, let Fy be Fy Fy; then, in T/Fi, .. . , Fr), &s(Fo) = 861) = (g(F7) because of the term {3} of 77:5), of (7/6) and of (7,8) + 03(F,) was obtained by a). §7. TABLES AND VALUATIONS — Let T/F1,... , Fy) be the table for aE - sequence Fi,..., Fy - TA: For 1Si i, iis the indicator of some y” in (y)(*'/); therefore there is ay” such that y” = 7/1, k, j). 75 —Let E(k t) betheset {@< k: for some y’,y’= i,k, t)} WIE OF, .. 4 Fgh ty and y isa termof (7), then ECR.) = BEI) put BED BIR. Proof: It follows from 7.4 that BM) CEE), Now, let i be the indicator of y ; since t © y, ¢ is not i-differ- entiated. So no 7 of (y)* can have i as its indicator; hence E/E.) ¢ BIKA) 7.6 —If 7 EQUFy,..., Fyl 7 is atermof (y)*!) and t €y, then ufk, t) ¢. 7.8 —For every 7 € O[Fi,..., Fy !*:” is the sequence such that: 1) if Wk, j) = 0, then 6-1) = g; 2 if wk i) > 0, ED =i, (as k, 5d) =tfh, ce : os hyge, ge then 719 -M jE OlF,..., Fy] and tis a term of 5.1), then ufk, t) 1, then h{F) = 0 iff: a)-F = TF" and h{F’) = 0; or b) F = FA F” and h{F) = 0 or hf FP”) = 0;0rc) P= F’y P” and hf F’) = hf F”) = 0; ord) F = F’> F” and hf F’) = 1, hf F”) = 0; or 0) F =F’ > F% hf F’) = hf F") = 0 and there is a term t of 6/4. /) such that h,(F) = 0. Remark: hy{ F) is effectivelly obtainable; for ZU Ep is 88 (A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI a finite set and, in case 2e, 6(*+ ") js finite and has less terms than 6-1), 7.12 —If 7 EO, Fy t =e) and hf F )= 1, then h,(F) = 1. Proof: by induction on g'/F). If g'(F) = 1, then, if F € {F,..., Fy }the property follows from 7.2; if Fe (Fi. 2 Fh hE) = hy(F) = Wit s"(F) > 1, then: a) if F = 1 F" and h,/F) = 0, then F = 11 F” and h{F”) = 0; then, h{F”) = 0 and hy(F) = 0; b) the same conclusion holds when F = F’ A F” or F=F’ F’; ©) if F = F’> F” and h,(F) = 0, then, by 7.11, 2e, Aj(F) = 0. 7.13 — For every j GO[F,,..., Fy] hy is a semi-valuation. Proof: it is sufficient to show that: 1) hf 1) = 0 hf A) = 1; 2) hf T71A) = 1 fA) 3) h{A AB) = 1 h{A) = h{B) = 13 4) h(A VB) = 1 # h{A) = 1 ot h(B) = 1; 5) hy(A 2B) = 0 = h{B) = 0; 6) yA DB) = 1 > hf A) = 0 or hf B) =1; 1) — 4) and 6) can be easily proved for all F, by induction on g°(F); 5) follows immediatly from 7.11. 7.14 — If 7 © OF, « « -, Fy 61) = g and hf Fz) ) = 0, then, for 1 0, suppose that it holds for (k -1) -i ; then for every PEOM,,..., Fe -Jify =v k-1,i') then Fj =F’ DF” and, for every 1? Q[F,,..., Fea}be’ey iff7 kee and &,{F’) = 1, %{F”) = 0. But, by rule 2, case V, ad- dendum, for i 1, D,ft, j) = there are ty, ..., ty, such that ¢; =4¢, =/ and, for every P' 1 such that D,(t,j), h,(F’) =1 and h,(F”) = 0. Proof: Assume the hypothesis. Then h(F”) = 0. 1) Suppose that F’ DF” € (F,,..., Fy }sthen &(F’ DF") = YF") = 0. If &(F’) = 1, then h{F") = 1 and, since D,(j, j), the property holds. If 9/F") = 0, let / be such that F” DF” = Fj; then G is i4ifferentiated and fi i, j) isa term of (7)! "hence, vi, k, j) will be a term of y* 7 and, by 7.15, for every t © fi, k, j), we have that &(F’) = 1 and &(F”) = 0; since, by 7.3, vi, &, j) # 9, for some t € yi, k, t), t = HP); hence, D2(t, j), %(F") = 1 and 8,(F”) = 0, 2) Suppose now that F’ OF” € {F,,.. 7%, and apply induction on ufk, j). If ufk, j) = 0 then by 7.11, h(F’) = 1 and h(F”) = Oand 90 A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI 7.18 ~ since D,(j, j), the property holds; if wk, j) > 0 then: a) if hy(F’) = 1, such as in the last case, the property holds; b) if A/F") = 0, then, by condition 2c) of 7.11, there is at? of 5/*/) such that h,(F’ DF”) = 0; but then, by 7.9, uk, t’) < ufk, j) and by the inductive hypothesis, there sate Q[P,..., Fe} ap’> 1 such that D, (1, t’) and Rf") = 1, &fF") = 0; now we have D,ft’, j); hence Dy +1(t, j) and the proposition holds. For every | © OIF ,,... , Fy) if hlA(z)) = O then there isat€QlFi,..., Fy]and a p > 1 such that D,ft, j), and for 11 and assume the inductive hypotesis. By 7.17 we have that there is a ft’ © Q[F,,. Fy and a p’> 1 such that D, tt j) and hy {Ay) = 1, hy (Ay >... D(Aq-, DA,)..) = 0. But then, since (Az 2... Ay DAn).. «has the form Byy>,) , by the inductive hypothesis there is a p”>1 and a FE OIF, ... , Fy] such that D,.ft, t'), h,(A,) =... = h(A, -,} = 1 and h,A,) = 0. But, by a simple induction on p”, it follows from the property 7.12 that for every F. if 0.(F) = 1 then &/F) = 1; since &f4,) = 1, we have that @fAi) = (42) =... = GfA_-,) = 1 and &(A,) = 0; and since Dyr(t, t) and Dplt) jj, for pv =p" +p’-1,D,/{t,j). So the property holds. ~ For every} © Q[F,,..., Fy], ht is @ valuation, Proof: follows from 7.13, 7.18 and 2.2. Let v be a valuation; for 1 :FE (Fy... Fy} and SF) =}. Since F, éafv, , {Fi,..., Fy }) we have: 1) v3, {Fi,..5 Fe) = MG LF. - fF... Fy} = {Ff BN}. Now suppose that m(v,3, {Fi,. . ., Fy }) has no elements. Then, by 1), E(*-!. / = ¢, thus 2(F;,) cannot be obtained by c). Now, since »(F,) = 1, »(F’) = 0 or (F”) = 1; then &(F’) = 0 ot $F”) = 1, henee, &/F;,) cannot be obtained by a). Suppose now that 1 is the number of elements of 70,3, (Fi... A), that 2>0 and that, for’ 1 and suppose that, for every v, there is a JE OlF,,..., Fy 4] such that fF,,..., Fy) = 4. Let v be a valuation, j © O[F,,.... Fy a] and o/Fy,..., Fy = G4, Case I — F;, is atomic. Then, by rule 2, case I, ¢/F,) = 1, and & has a k-conjugate &, such that %/F,) = 0; hence, the property holds. Case I] — F,, is VF’; i) Suppose that »/F’) = 0; then »/F;,) = 1 and, if F’ is WP", fF") = 1: 80, UF") = 0 and, if Fis 1F”, 2(F”) = 1; then, by rule 2, case IL, S/F) = 1 Fy) = 1; ii) Suppose that »/F") = 1; if F’ has the form “F” and oF”) = 0, then oF,) = 0 and 8{F”) = 0; hence, by rule 2, case II, 2/Fy) = 0; if vF”) = 1 or if F” is not of the form F”, then &/F,) = 1 and & has a k-conjugate &K, such that &,/F;) = 0. Thus the property holds. Case II] and Case IV —If Fy is F’ A F” or F’ v F” it is trivial to verify that the property holds. Case V~ Fy is F’ DF". Here we have to consider three subcases: 1) Suppose that v/F”) = 1; then v/Fy) = 1 and &(F”) = 1; in this case there is no jE Q[F,,..., Fy] such that jk? j’, &/F') = 1 and G/F”) =. Then, by rule 2, case V, b), ¢/F;,) = 1 and so, the property holds. 2) Suppose that »/F’) = 1 and fF") = 0; then /F,) = 0, 8(F}) = 1, &(F”) =Oand, by rule 2, case V, a), &/F,) = 0; thus, the property holds. 94 A SEMANTICAL STUDY OF PROPOSITIONAL CALCULI 3) Suppose that »/F’) = of F”) = 0. Let P= (FE (Fy... Fy-, }: fF) =1}3 1) suppose that I = Fy; then P, F” = F” and no »’ is such that vy? |b TU {F’} and v{F") = 0; hence, no PE QIF,,.. .. Fy -,] is such that G/F) = 1 for every FELu {F’}and &4F”) = 0; on the other hand, since for every i, 1

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