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Reread paragraph 5 of the text. Then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

From “A Woman’s Place”

5 Hopper made enormous contributions to computer technology. She helped create the first
electronic, digital computer called UNIVAC I. She also created one of the first computer
programming languages for business applications. This programming language, called COBOL
or Common Business Oriented Language, was helpful in banking and government because it was
relatively easy for non-programmers to use. Another contribution was her development of a
program called a compiler, which converts programming languages into binary code that
computers can process. Even though outstanding women like Hopper were successful, today
only 29% of STEM worke…
[6:19 PM, 6/3/2023] Ghada Kamal: Instructions
Reread paragraphs 3 and 4 of the letter. Then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

From Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

3 Therefore, my dear sir, I know no advice for you save this: to go into yourself and test the
deeps in which your life takes rise; at its source you will find the answer to the question whether
you must create. Accept it, just as it sounds, without inquiring into it. Perhaps it will turn out that
you are called to be an artist. Then take that destiny upon yourself and bear it, its burden and its
greatness, without ever asking what recompense might come from outside. For the creator must
be a world for himself and find everything in himself and in Nature to whom he has attached

4 But perhaps after this descent into yourself and into your inner solitude you will have to give
up becoming a poet; (it is enough, as I have said, to feel that one could live without writing: then
one must not attempt it at all). But even then this inward searching which I ask of you will not
have been in vain. Your life will in any case find its own ways thence, and that they may be
good, rich and wide I wish you more than I can say.

The word compensate is a verb that means “to pay someone.” Using this information and the
context of the sentence, what is the part of speech and meaning of the word recompense in
paragraph 3?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Recompense is a noun that means “a punishment.”

B. Recompense is a verb that means “to reward for one’s work.”

C. Recompense is a noun that means “payment or reward.”

D. Recompense is a verb that means “to pay someone again.”

The prefix de- means to “off” of “from.” Using this information and the context of the sentence,
what is the meaning and part of speech of the word descent in paragraph 4?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Descent is a verb that means “climb.”

B. Descent is a noun that means “act of going down, as from a height.”

C. Descent is an adjective that means “good and just.”

D. Descent is a noun that means “process of falling into a state of decay or decline.”

[6:13 PM, 6/3/2023] Ghada Kamal: Instructions

Reread paragraph 5 of the text. Then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

From “A Woman’s Place”

5 Hopper made enormous contributions to computer technology. She helped create the first
electronic, digital computer called UNIVAC I. She also created one of the first computer
programming languages for business applications. This programming language, called COBOL
or Common Business Oriented Language, was helpful in banking and government because it was
relatively easy for non-programmers to use. Another contribution was her development of a
program called a compiler, which converts programming languages into binary code that
computers can process. Even though outstanding women like Hopper were successful, today
only 29% of STEM worke…
[6:19 PM, 6/3/2023] Ghada Kamal: Instructions
Reread paragraphs 3 and 4 of the letter. Then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

From Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

3 Therefore, my dear sir, I know no advice for you save this: to go into yourself and test the
deeps in which your life takes rise; at its source you will find the answer to the question whether
you must create. Accept it, just as it sounds, without inquiring into it. Perhaps it will turn out that
you are called to be an artist. Then take that destiny upon yourself and bear it, its burden and its
greatness, without ever asking what recompense might come from outside. For the creator must
be a world for himself and find everything in himself and in Nature to whom he has attached

4 But perhaps after this descent into yourself and into your inner solitude you will have to give
up becoming a poet; (it is enough, as I have said, to feel that one could live without writing: then
one must not attempt it at all). But even then this inward searching which I ask of you will not
have been in vain. Your life will in any case find its own ways thence, and that they may be
good, rich and wide I wish you more than I can say.

The word compensate is a verb that means “to pay someone.” Using this information and the
context of the sentence, what is the part of speech and meaning of the word recompense in
paragraph 3?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Recompense is a noun that means “a punishment.”

B. Recompense is a verb that means “to reward for one’s work.”

C. Recompense is a noun that means “payment or reward.”

D. Recompense is a verb that means “to pay someone again.”

The prefix de- means to “off” of “from.” Using this information and the context of the sentence,
what is the meaning and part of speech of the word descent in paragraph 4?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Descent is a verb that means “climb.”

B. Descent is a noun that means “act of going down, as from a height.”

C. Descent is an adjective that means “good and just.”

D. Descent is a noun that means “process of falling into a state of decay or decline.”
[6:53 PM, 6/3/2023] Ghada Kamal: Select the pair of words that best completes the sentence:
One consequence of going to the annual dance on her own would be some moments of
awkwardness; , she decided to attend it to spend extra time with her friends.

Answer choices for the above question

A. nevertheless; socializing

B. whereas; socializing

C. nevertheless; conflicting

D. whereas; conflicting
Select the pair of words that best completes the sentence:
The man that his family and friends would to show him hospitality when he traveled to his
friend’s hometown.
Answer choices for the above question

A. initiated; cooperate

B. initiated; inhibit

C. presumed; cooperate

D. presumed; inhibit
Select the pair of words that best completes the sentence:
My friend’s for joining the debate team must have been to launch a political career, I joined it
to avoid doing some chores at home.

Answer choices for the above question

A. motive; furthermore

B. motive; whereas

C. attachment; furthermore

D. attachment; whereas

1. The poet uses figurative language in lines 17–18 mostly to describe .

The males perked their armor, greased their wings;

And flew sky-loop missions
Answer choices for the above question
A. the male cardinals preparing to fight to the death to win her love
B. the male cardinals preening and showing off to compete for her love
C. the male cardinals preparing for a mission to find a female
D. the male cardinals’ recklessness in flight

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