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República de Chile

Corporación Municipal
Viña del Mar para el Desarrollo Social
Escuela Marcela Paz

Knowledge Worksheet

Name: …………………………………………………….. Grade: 6th grade.

Teacher: Macarena González Mora. Date: March, 2020 (16th to 20th week)
Total Score: points
Objective: To diagnose the students´ previous knowledge of the language.

I. Match the numbers to the words. (14 points)

II. Choose the correct option. (10 points)

III. Colour the circles ( 7 points)

Twenty = blue Sixteen = red Nineteen = yellow Eighteen = pink

Seventeen = brown Fifteen = orange Thirthy = green

20 16 19 18 15 17 30
IV. Read the text and complete with the correct form of the VERB TO BE. ( 22 points)

Hello! I ………… Maria and I ………… from Madrid in Spain. I ……… 11 years old and I love music.
I have got two sisters and one brother. My brother ………… Alberto, he ………… tall and thin
and he loves computer games. My two sisters ………… younger than me and my brother. I
………… the oldest of my sisters. My sisters ………… 3 and 4 years old. They like playing with
dolls. I ……… very funny, I usually go out with my friends Marta and Noelia on Saturdays.
They ………… 11 and 12 years old. My mum loves cinema and my dad loves sport and nature. I
……… very happy!

V. Circle the right word to complete the sentences. ( 5 points)

a) There is / are a white board.

b) There is / are eight posters of animals.
c) There is / are a red pencil case.
d) There is / are three blue pens.
e) There is / are one computer.

VI. Unscramble the DAYS OF THE WEEK and ORDER THEM. ( 14 points)

• andsyu ________________________ 1. ________________________

• styaurdh ________________________ 2. ________________________
• mdyaon ________________________ 3. ________________________
• ruaydtas ________________________ 4. ________________________
• tesduay ________________________ 5. ________________________
• dyairf ________________________ 6. ________________________
• denswayde ________________________ 7. ________________________

VII. Write the name of the school objects. ( 10 points)

__________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ______________

VIII. Match the classroom language expressions to their meaning. ( 5 points)

a) I don’t know 1. Abran sus libros

b) Could you repeat that again, please? 2. No sé.
c) Close the door, please 3. Escuchen y repitan
d) Open your books, please 4. Podrias repetir eso por favor?
e) Listen and repeat 5. Cerra la puerta, por favor.

IX. Write the correct instruction. (8 points)

a) Open the book. b) Close the door. c) Be quiet. d) Sit down

_____________ _____________ _____________ ____________

X. Look at the picture and tick True(T) or False (F). (4 points)

XI. Find 8 healthy foods in the word search and write them below each picture. (8 points)

_________ _________



________ ________

XII. Look at the pictures and describe the weather using words from the box. (4 points)

cloudy – sunny – windy - rainy – snowy

It´s ___________ It´s ___________ It´s ___________ It´s ____________

XIII. Complete the questions with the correct question word. (12 points)

When Who What How many

a) _________is your favourite subject?

b) __________ do you have English?
c) __________classrooms are there in your school?
d) __________is your favourite teacher?

XIV. Complete the sentences with the words below. (4 points)

Cooking Sleeping Writing Reading a book

a) My brother Juan is _______________________ in the kitchen.

b) My parents are __________________________ in their bedroom.
c) My friend is ____________________________ about art in the living room.
d) The teacher is ___________________________on the board of the classroom.

XV. Match the sentences in column A to the sentences in column B to form a short
dialogue. (6 points)

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