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República de Chile

Corporación Municipal
Viña del Mar para el Desarrollo Social
Escuela Marcela Paz

Knowledge Worksheet

Name: …………………………………………………….. Grade: 7th grade.

Teacher: Macarena González Mora. Date: March, 2020 (16th to 20th week)
Total Score: 133 points Final Score: ………
Objective: To diagnose the students´ previous knowledge of the language.

I. Complete the table with the words from the box (1.5 points each/ 15 total points)

pencil-case / shoulder / eight / uncle / April / Saturday / cow / dress / twenty / eraser / aunt /
octopus / January

numbers family animal month School tools

-……………….. - ………………. -………………. - ……………….. -…………………

-……………….. - ………………. - ……………… - ………………. -…………………

II. Match questions to answers (3 points each/ 18 total points)

Questions Answers Match

1. Hello, how are you? A. Two brothers and one sister. 1 - …..
2. What’s your name? B. My name is Mehdi. 2 - …..
3. How old are you? C. I’m nine. 3 - …..
4. What’s your telephone number? D. It’s 71 310 927 4 - …..
5. Where are you from? E. I’m from Tunisia. 5 - …..
6. How many brothers and sisters have you got? F. I’m fine. Thanks. 6 - …..

III. 1. Read paragraph (A) and number the pictures (2 pts each/ 10 total points)

A) Ali gets up (1) early every day. He washes his face (2)
and gets dressed (3). Then he has breakfast (4) and goes to
school (5).
B) But on Sunday Ali gets up at ten o’ clock. In the
morning, he plays basketball with his friends. In the afternoon,
he goes to the zoo with his parents.

..…..………. ………..….. …………….. …………… ……………

2. Read paragraph (B) Circle YES or NO (2.5 pts each/ 10 total points)

a. Ali gets up late on Sunday. YES NO

b. He plays basketball on Saturday morning. YES NO
c. On Sunday afternoon, Ali watches T.V. YES NO
d. Ali likes animals. YES NO
III. Circle the correct option (3 pts each/ 15 total points)

I’ve got a friend, Selima. (She / He / It) lives in a big house. In (his / my / her) house, there
are four (bedroom / bedrooms / bedroomes), one living room, one (quitchen / kitshen /
kitchen) and two bathrooms. There (is / am / are) a nice garage, too.

IV. Complete with words from the box (2.5 pts each/ 20 total points )

favourite / are / rainy / reading / likes / cartoons / computer / watching tv

Today is Sunday. It is cold and ____________. Peter and Kate_________ at home. Peter is
watching ____________ and Kate is ____________ a story. She __________ reading. But
Peter doesn’t like reading. His _____________ activity is playing ____________ games and

V. Put the words in the correct order (2.5 pts each/ 10 total points)

1. you / ? / doing / What / are → What _______________________________________

2. April / My / in / . / birthday / is → _______________________________________
3. have / midday / at / lunch / I / . → _______________________________________
4. a / . / Alli / red coat / is wearing → _______________________________________

VII. What time is it, please? Draw the hands (1.5 pts/ 4.5 total points)

It’s six o’clock. It’s nine thirty. It’s seven fifteen.

VIII. What colour is it ? Make a sentence (1.5 pts each/ 4.5 total points)

1. : ……………………………………………………………

2. : ……………………………………………………………..

3. : …………………………………………….………………..

IX. Match the correct words. (2 pts each/ 14 total points)

X. Look at the picture and write one action from the box. (2 pts each/ 12 total points)

Open the book - sit down - draw and paint - stand up - hello - write


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