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República de Chile

Corporación Municipal
Viña del Mar para el Desarrollo Social
Escuela Marcela Paz

Knowledge Worksheet

Name: ……………………………………………………………. Grade: 8th grade.

Teacher: Macarena González Mora. Date: March, 2020 (16th to 20th week)

Total Score: 121 points Score:

Objective: To diagnose the students´ previous knowledge of the language.


Read the following text carefully.

Ben’s daily routines

Hello, my name’s Ben Master. I’m 13 and I live in London with my parents.
Every morning I get up early at 7:30. Then I go to the bathroom to have a quick
shower. Mom usually prepares my breakfast in the kitchen. It’s always milk and a
cheese sandwich.
I leave the house at around 8:00 and take the bus to school. I have classes at 8:20.
I’m always punctual.
Lessons finish at 13:00 and I have lunch with my friend in the school canteen. Then I
go home. In the afternoon I do my homework. Sometimes it’s very boring but I
always do it. Then I go to the park and play football with my friends.
We eat at seven. Then I usually read a little. Occasionally I go to the cinema with my
friends. At around 9 o’clock I usually go back home because I have to be in bed at 10
pm. But mom always brings me some hot chocolate before I go to sleep.

A. Tick (✓) TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct the FALSE statements. (12p)

1. Ben is from England. T F ___________________________________________________________

2. He gets up late. T F _____________________________________________________________

3. He has a shower after breakfast. T F__________________________________________________

4. Lessons start at half past eight. T F___________________________________________________

5. He is never late for school. T F______________________________________________________

6. He doesn’t have classes in the afternoon. T F___________________________________________

7. He sometimes doesn’t do his homework. T F____________________________________________

8. He has something to drink before going to bed . T F______________________________________

B. Answer the questions on the text in complete sentences. (18p)

1. What does Ben have for breakfast? _____________________________________________________

2. How does he go to school? ___________________________________________________________

3. Where does he have lunch? ___________________________________________________________

4. What does he do in the park? ________________________________________________________

5. What time does he have dinner? ________________________________________________________

6. Where does he sometimes go after dinner? ________________________________________________


A. Complete the sentences with a QUESTION-WORD. (18p)

1. ___________ tall are you? I’m 1,54 m tall. 2. ___________ do you like going? To the cinema.

3. ___________ is that? That’s our English teacher.4. ___________ are you late? I missed the bus.

5. ___________ is our Arts lesson? In tafternoon. 6. ___________ classes do you have today?

B. Complete the blanks with the PRESENT SIMPLE of the verbs in brackets. (16p)

Sean and Linda _______________ (1. be) on holidays, so they _______________ (2. not wake up) early.
Sean usually gets up at around 10, but Linda _______________ (3. stay) in bed a little bit longer. Then the
children _______________ (4. eat) a light meal. Sean has a glass of chocolate milk and a ham sandwich,
but Linda _______________ (5. not like) chocolate so she prefers cereals. Then it’s time to play! If the
weather’s fine, they _______________ (6. play) outside with their friends. If the weather
_______________ (7. not be) fine, they stay inside and Linda plays with her dolls and Sean
_______________ (8. study) a little English

C. Complete the sentences with a POSSESSIVE DETERMINER. (my,your,his,her, its, our,their) (5p)

1. Tim and Mike are good friends. __________ parents love them very much.

2. I am Maggie but __________ friends call me Mag.

3. “Is this Peter’s book?” – “Oh yes, it is __________ book.”

4. This is my dog. __________ name is Spot.

5. “What’s your sister’s name?” – “__________ name is Isabella.”

6. We live in London. __________ house is very old.

A. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (9p)

1.I____________ the newspaper. 2. She______________ to work. 3. He__________________ a nap.

4.We________________because 5. It_____________ today. 6.They________________ chess.

we missed the bus.

B. Jane and John are in love. Look at the picture and complete the text. Use the adjectives
below. (8p)

Jane is a nice girl but she is very (1) ___________________ - she weighs about 80
kg. Her hair is (2) ___________________. She has got blue eyes. They are very (3)
___________________. Her face is (4) ____________________ .

John is very different. He is about 1, 80m (5) __________________ and very (6)
_________________. His face is oval and he has got a very (7)___________ nose.
He has got (8) _____________________ hair.



Linda is Ben’s friend. Look at the pictures and write about her routine. (15p)

Hi Ben,

DREW’S DAILY ROUTINE Drew's routine.mp3

A. Listen to Drew and match the hours with the actions. Write the numbers in the circles. (10p)

1. 6.30 has lunch

2. 9.00 parents come home

3. 12.45 goes to bed

4. 15.30 has dinner

5. 19.15 has classes

6. 20.00 goes to the swimming pool

7. 22.00 goes home

B. Listen again and circle the correct words. (10p)

1. She gets up late / early on Mondays.

2. School starts / finishes at nine o’clock.

3. She has classes in the morning / afternoon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

4. She lives near school so she goes home on foot / by car.

5. She has classes / stays at home on Friday mornings.

6. Her parents arrive home before / after seven o’clock.

7. At around eight she has lunch / dinner.

8. Sometimes she plays football / computer before going to bed.

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