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Ecsite Space Group Newsletter #52 View this email in your


Ecsite Space Group

Newsletter #52 - May 2023
Explore Together.... 
In 2023 we hope to meet you at the ECSITE conference in Malta, especially during our
preconference and our session!

The Heureka finish science center and Guhem in Turkey have some news to share with
you! In addition, the IAU is seeking a motivated individual to join as internatinal Outreach
Officer! Don't hesitate to share the offer in your networks!

And of course, don't forget to take notice of ESA's latest news and of course, register for
the Ecsite Space Group pre-conference organised on June 14 in Malta and the Ecsite
Conference to attend other Space Group activities and meet the group's members!
>> Read more ESA - Get set for the Ecsite Space Group Pre-Conference Workshop

Would you like to be part of the next newsletter? Please let us know what you've been up to! Email us.
The header image shows James Webb Space Telescope's first images. Copyright: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI .



Read the previous edition of the newsletter (Vol. 51)

Ecsite Space Group at the Ecsite annual conference in Malta

The Ecsite Space Group at #Ecsite2023

The Ecsite Space Group at #Ecsite2023

The highly anticipated ECSITE conference is scheduled to take

place in Malta in June 2023 Conference | Ecsite. ESA has
organized two events within this conference: a full pre-
conference day with the ECSITE-ESA Space Group Our
Space, Our Planet | Ecsite and an ESA conference session.
We extended a warm invitation to specialized science centres,
museums, and space professionals to join us for this
exceptional opportunity to engage in meaningful exchanges of
knowledge, passion, and ideas in person.

ESA booth at business bistro

We look forward to meeting you! Ignite your curiosity and immerse yourself in compelling
conversations with our esteemed pre-conference speakers and ESA members. Join us at
our captivating booth in the conference Business Bistro, where exciting ideas and insights

ESA and Ecsite pre-conference

How can space science support sustainable development and address future challenges
on Earth? In what way can space science centres and professionals help to increase
awareness of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and communicate solutions in a
hopeful and positive way? These and other questions related to the hot topics of
sustainability and climate change will be in the spotlight of the pre-conference workshop
‘Our Space, Our Planet | Ecsite’ organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the
Ecsite Space Group.

Registrations to the conference and applications to the project showcase close on

31 May.

The Esplora Science Center is the generous host for the ECSITE pre-conference on June
14th, followed by the Mediterranean Conference Center, which will serve as the venue for
the ECSITE conference from June 15th to 17th.

>> Registrations are now open!

Present your work at the Space Group preconference workshop

We would like to hear from the direct experience of science centres and space
professionals! If you have implemented an interesting space-related project and would like
to share it with peers, join our projects' showcase and register through this form by
31 May 2023.

Note: if you wish to present your work remotely, please select that option at the bottom of
the form

>> More info here

ESA News&Press links ESA exhibitions links

Access ESA space news Access ESA Exhibitions web page

Access ESA press releases Access ESA Exhibitions&Ecsite web page

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ESA multimedia resources

Please find the links below to ESA image resources available on the ESA web and the ESA
TV Streaming service. To request higher resolution or professional formats for your
events and exhibitions please add the phrase “ECSITE Space Group member” in the
subject line of your e-mail.

Such requests should be for non-commercial use only.


>> ESA exhibitions
>> ESA in images
>> ESA exhibition panels

Focus on ESA'S latest news and achievements

ESA Highlights 2023
ESA has so much to look forward to in 2023: the exciting Juice mission to explore Jupiter’s
icy moons will be launched, Euclid will embark on a quest for the ‘dark Universe’,
Sentinel-1C will ensure continuity and provide a rich treasure of Earth observation data,
the new generation of ESA astronauts will start their training and the inaugural launch of
Ariane 6 from Europe’s Spaceport will top it all.
>> Read more about ESA highlights in 2023

Launch of Juice mission to Jupiter from Europe’s Spaceport,

French Guiana
Juice launched on 14 April 2023. The Juice
mission to Jupiter from Europe's Spaceport in
French Guiana has been successfully launched.
Juice, with its objective to characterize Jupiter's
icy moons - Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto -
as planetary objects and potential habitats, has
embarked on its journey to explore Jupiter's
complex environment in depth. It will also
examine the jovian system as a model for gas giants throughout the Universe. The Juice
spacecraft was launched on the final Ariane 5 launch.
>> Read more
Picture: spacecraft: ESA/ATG medialab; Jupiter: NASA/ESA/J. Nichols (University of Leicester);
Ganymede: NASA/JPL; Io: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; Callisto and Europa: NASA/JPL/DLR

Science and exploration

Juice’s RIME antenna breaks free

More than three weeks after efforts began to deploy

Juice’s ice-penetrating Radar for Icy Moon
Exploration (RIME) antenna, the 16-metre-long boom
has finally escaped its mounting bracket.
More than three weeks after efforts began to deploy
Juice’s ice-penetrating Radar for Icy Moon
Exploration (RIME) antenna, the 16-metre-long boom
has finally escaped its mounting bracket.
>> Read more
IImage: ESA/Juice/JMC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Webb finds water, and a new mystery, in rare main-belt comet

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has

enabled another long-sought scientific breakthrough, this
time for Solar System scientists studying the origins of
the water that has made life on Earth possible. Using
Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph)
instrument, astronomers have confirmed gas –
specifically water vapour – around a comet in the main
asteroid belt for the first time, proving that water from the
primordial Solar System can be preserved as ice in that region. However, the successful
detection of water comes with a new puzzle: unlike other comets, Comet 238P/Read had
no detectable carbon dioxide.
>> Read more
Image: NASA, ESA

ESA astronaut candidates of the class of 2022

ESA's astronaut candidates of the class of 2022 at the

European Astronaut Centre in Cologne,
Germany.astronaut class of 2022, selected from 22 500
Germany.astronaut class of 2022, selected from 22 500
applicants from across ESA Member States
.>> Read more
Image: ESA - P. Sebirot

The flanks of Ascraeus Mons

This image from ESA’s Mars Express shows the southern flanks of Ascraeus Mons, the
second-tallest volcano on Mars.

This image comprises data gathered by Mars Express’ High Resolution Stereo Camera
(HRSC) on 15 January 2023 during orbit 24045. It was created using data from the nadir
channel, the field of view aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars, and the colour
channels of the HRSC. It is a ‘true colour’ image, reflecting what would be seen by the
human eye if looking at this region of Mars.
>> Read more
Image: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO


Aeolus’ fiery demise to set standard for safe reentry 

ESA’s wind mission, Aeolus, will soon be

lowered in orbit leading to its fiery reentry and
burn-up through Earth’s atmosphere. ESA’s
efforts to ensure a safe return go well beyond
international standards and place the Agency in
the lead for space safety.
>> Read more
Image: ESA/ATG medialab

CryoSat reveals ice loss from glaciers

When one thinks of the damage that climate
change is doing, it’s probable that what comes to
mind is a vision of huge lumps of ice dropping off
one of the polar ice sheets and crashing into the
ocean. While Greenland and Antarctica are
losing masses of ice, so too are most of the
glaciers around the world, but it’s tricky to
measure how much ice they are shedding
.>> Read more
Image: ESA/Planetary Visions

New weather satellite reveals spectacular images of Earth       

Europe’s latest weather satellite, the Meteosat Third Generation

Imager, has just delivered its first view of Earth – revealing
conditions over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic in remarkable
>> Read more

Europe's first lunar ‘lamb-bassador’
Last month, ESA’s woolly astronaut became Europe's first lunar ‘lamb-bassador’: Shaun
the Sheep returned home from his Artemis I mission to a hero's welcome and then was
herded off on a celebratory post-flight tour.
>> Read more
Image: SpaceExpo/Aardman

Enabling and Support

Origami heat shield: reusable for reentries

A novel origami-based heat shield developed with ESA support is planned to be tested with
an actual atmospheric reentry from space. Named Pridwen, after the legendary shield of
King Arthur, this reusable design will spring out before a spacecraft reenters the
>> Read more

From ESA Education 

ESA Academy kicks off 2023 with a rich portfolio of training


During the first quarter of 2023 ESA Academy’s

Training and Learning Programme delivered 5
training sessions to a total of 147
enthusiastic university students from ESA
enthusiastic university students from ESA
Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia who travelled to
the ESA Education Training Centre at ESEC-
Galaxia in Belgium to complement their
knowledge and know-how and prepare for a
future space-related career.
>> Read more
Image : ESA

ESA shop
The ESA Space Shop features the designs and logo of the European Space Agency,
ESA. In 2018, we issued a tender to find the best company to develop and operate an
online shop for ESA merchandise, and to manage the process from creation to delivery.
ESA is not involved in the manufacturing, production or distribution of any products and
disclaims any and all liability. ESA does not receive any financial consideration from the
ESA Space Shop.
>> Go to the shop...


Job offer at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach

Finnish Science Centre Heureka’s space exhibition is in production!
GUHEM Inspires Young Minds by Creating Space and Aviation

Job offer at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach

The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) is

seeking a motivated individual to join as International
Outreach Officer. The position is full-time and will be
based at the OAO, which is located at the National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Mitaka
Campus, Tokyo, Japan. The successful IOO candidate
will play a unique role in the following activities: (1) To
work as a Project Manager of designated IAU Outreach Global Projects and other IAU
Outreach programmes. (2) To work on Editorial Managing tasks of the Communicating
Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Journal. Deadline is July 1.

>> For more information, please visit the website.

Finnish Science Centre Heureka’s space exhibition is in

The exhibition focuses on current and
future space activities and the
motivations humans have for reaching
for the stars. Our most urgent motivation
is to protect the best spaceship we’ll
ever have – our home planet. We also
need to develop legislation for space
activities and face the ethical questions
that rise from expanding human
activities ever further.

Visitors work at a space station of the future protecting Earth and exploring the universe. In
addition to doing tasks on Earth’s orbit, visitors get to explore the Moon and experience its
low gravity, as well as prepare for the challenges of a Mars journey. The content of the
exhibition is currently developed in close cooperation with Finnish and European
researchers and professionals including experts at ESA.

>> For more information, your can contact Emmi Huhtaniemi, Exhibition Designer

GUHEM Inspires Young Minds by Creating Space and Aviation

Gökmen Space and Aviation Training Center (GUHEM),

the first interactive space center in Turkey, is inspiring
young generations and creating awareness about space
and aviation in Bursa. With its approximately 13,000
square meters of space, GUHEM aims to direct Turkey
young and dynamic population towards strategic fields
such as space and aviation technologies.

Launched in collaboration between the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry

(BTSO), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), and the
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, GUHEM was among the macro projects announced by
İbrahim Burkay, the Chairman of BTSO, in 2013. The center main objective is to
provide knowledge and hands-on experience in space, aviation, and technology to
science-enthusiasts of all ages, while also creating awareness and inspiring young
generations in the general public.

Aligned with the ten strategic goals defined in Turkey's

National Space Program, GUHEM continues its activities
in collaboration with the Turkish Space Agency (TUA). It
offers a wide range of educational and experiential
opportunities, including 154 interactive devices, an
aviation training center, space innovation laboratory,
chemistry and biology laboratory, as well as workshops
on mathematics, robotics, coding, space, and aviation.
on mathematics, robotics, coding, space, and aviation.

By encouraging interest in space and aviation among

young people, GUHEM aims to enhance Turkiye's
international competitiveness through the development
of indigenous and national technologies. Serving as
a center for awareness in Bursa, GUHEM continues to
inspire young minds and nurture their passion for space
and aviation.

>> for more information, visit the Guhem website or send an email!

Since 2012, the Ecsite Space Group offers a platform to facilitate cooperation
among science centres, museums, research institutions, universities, national
space agencies and industries all over Europe. Together, they aim at better
sharing European space activities with the general public. The group was
established with the support of the European Space Agency, ESA. It now
comprises more than 190 science centres and museums

Tweet the group!


Copyright ©2020/The Ecsite Space Group/All rights reserved.

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