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Final reflection paper

Diana Busquets

Cerritos college

Comm 100, Communication studies 100: introduction to communication studies

Professor Khanh Ngo

Due date May 22

Barriers to effective listening.

We use barriers to effective listening every single day. It is something that we use daily in

our life. That helps express our emotions and helps us build our relationship to see if you are

actually listening. Now an example is if I am speaking to you and I see you are either nodding

your head or sparring right to my soul. I could tell there that you are listening. But when you

aren't that means you aren’t looking at them and you are talking to other people when that person

is talking or if you are just on your phone while they talk to you. Barriers to effective listening

are when you aren't really paying attention to what they are actually saying talking to you about.

You are showing lack of attention.

Media and technology can affect a lot of babies to effective listening because if you are

using your phone while someone is explaining something to you. You will have no idea what

they are using to you because you aren't paying to what they are talking to you and that could

affect you very negatively because normally we want to be paid attention to. Or what if there is

music in the background. Personally if you are talking to me and I hear music I will start to sing

it and I become very distracted. That’s why media and technology and media can affect so much

with people.

Relationships at work

Relations at work are very different because there you need to be on

your best behavior. It’s an interaction between the employees, customers and the workplace.

When you are with coworkers you guys need to work because thats how you get paid. If you

dont do your job correctly you will be fired and wont be paid at all. There is also that boundary

that is set with your manager and coworker for that “work relationship’ wont get out of hand.

Thats why communication in relationships in work place are very important.

Technology can affect relationship at work a lot because if you follow your coworkers in

instagram or any social media, and you decide to call out sick and still post that you are out with

friends when you are supposed to be working will for sure get you in big trouble. Or in other

cases having your social media with your coworkers the friendship can become stronger due to

all the memes you guys share to each other that is relatable. Technology and social media can

also influence a big time in your life because what if you post like kinky pictures and you have

your coworkers in your instagram. They will talk and they will tell and show everyone your

instagram feed of what you do. Thats how relationships at work and social media and technology

can affect your life that much.


Physical delivery.

Physical delivery is when you show your expression when you talk with your face and hand

gestures. It basically show us that you are engaging with us and it makes it look like you have all

your life together when you have a physical delivery. That shows people that you are interested

with us and that you really know how to talk to people. Roles of gestures are also something

important because if you are talking to a group of people are you keep moving back and forth

not knowing what to do can show people one you are nervous and two you really dont know

what to do with yourself at that moment.

Social media and technology can help a lot in physical delivery because when you are presenting

and you need that break you can put in a slide show or a small one minute video and you can

have your couple seconds of break to gather all your thoughts and decide what to say next. Also

social media can help you by giving you tips on how to delivery a better presentation delivery.

That can change your point of view because you will see all your mistakes and you will be able

to fix it with time. Physical delivery is very important in everyday lifestyle.

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