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Asynchronous Work # 3

ILEX – Course 7
Future Tenses and Classroom Project

Full Name: _____Jennifer Osorio Herrada & Alejandra Peñaranda ________________

Objective: Make predictions about education and employment using future forms.

Make the proposal for the final project of the course

Part 1. Speaking – Role Play (Pair Work)

For this activity, you will work in pairs (contact a classmate from the established group preferably).
Each pair will choose a scenario (prompt) related to education, employment, or prosperity in the
future from the 3 options below:

CONVERSATION – Role Play Prompts:

1. Option 1 Prompt: Imagine you are discussing future career paths with a friend. Talk
about the job you aspire to have and the steps you will take to achieve it, and the
challenges you think you will have to face.

Example: Student A: In the future, I want to be a doctor. I will study hard to get good
grades in high school and then attend medical school. By the time I finish my studies, I
will have acquired the necessary skills to become a successful doctor.

Student B: That's great! I also have big dreams for the future. I want to be an architect.
I will enroll in an architecture program and gain practical experience through
internships. By the time I'm in my thirties, I will have established my own architectural

2. Option 2 Prompt: Discuss the changes you anticipate in the field of education over the
next decade. Talk about how these changes will affect students and their learning

Example: Student A: I believe that in the future, education will become more
personalized. Students will have access to online platforms that offer tailored learning
experiences. By 2030, traditional classrooms might be replaced by virtual classrooms,
and students will be able to learn at their own pace.

Student B: That's an interesting perspective. I think technology will play a significant

role in education. Artificial intelligence will assist teachers in assessing students'
progress, and interactive learning tools will enhance engagement. By the time we
graduate, the educational landscape will have transformed significantly.
3. Option 3 Prompt: Discuss the impact of technological advancements on future job
opportunities. Talk about how certain jobs may disappear while new ones emerge.

Example: Student A: With the rapid advancements in automation, many traditional

jobs might disappear in the future. For example, self-driving cars could replace taxi
drivers. However, this will also create new job opportunities, such as managing and
maintaining the autonomous vehicles.

Student B: Absolutely. The rise of artificial intelligence might lead to the automation of
routine tasks across various industries. As a result, jobs that require critical thinking,
creativity, and complex problem-solving will become more valuable. By the time we
enter the job market, we will have to adapt and acquire the skills needed for these
emerging roles.

After you choose your prompt, get together and record a video-conversation (showing cameras)
role-playing the situations, using future forms as much as possible. You can use Screen Recorder
Apps, Zoom, etc.

The conversation should last between 2-3 mins max. Both members must speak in even turns.
Upload the video to Drive or Youtube and share the link to classroom as evidence.

Aspects to evaluate:

The teacher will assess the following aspects:

1. Pronunciation and fluency

2. Conversation duration and coherence with the prompt

3. Grammar (Use of future forms)

J: hi, alejandra did you hear the news about crowds protesting human labor
A: hi, Yeah, it's so worrying, I heard that we will be replaced by robots, but it won't
happen like the movies.
J: Right, with the advancement of technology, which has helped improve productivity
with automation, I know it will have repercussions on employment. Many workers
believe their jobs will disappear and they will be unemployed.
A: I feel them, but I don't think it will happen. For example, in the 6USA they will
continue to manufacture and use Uber cars with autopilot. Will they completely replace
the cab driver? maybe, but they will create jobs for software maintenance or to track
the routes they will take.
J: So true! Also, automation will prevent so many workplace accidents and fatalities. For
example, mining. They will be dying and getting sick for years if robots are not created
to replace them. They won't be laid off because they will be able to operate the
machines remotely, like mini metal moles.
A: That's a fantastic idea, I can imagine. Ugh, by the time we're working, we'll have to
study more than we do now.

J: Although, I don't think those mini moles are far away or that we will never see the taxi
drivers again, it would be very sad.

A: We won't hear any more stories as we get to our destination.

J: yeah, Why did this become sad?

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