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21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS B2-103 CIGRE 2012

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Use of high thermal limit conductors in the replacement of

220kV overhead lines in the Tirolean Alps

J. Bodner, M. Höfer, M. Laußegger, G. Stampfer, H. Strobl, H. Wörle



The distribution system operator TIWAG-Netz AG operates a 220kV grid in the alpine region of Tirol.
Due to the age of the conductors, the fittings and the pylons (approximately 50 years), the question has
arisen as to whether, for parts of these double overhead lines about 85 km long between Zell am Ziller
and Silz, there may be other options available besides complete replacement which ought to be
examined. Since on these 220kV double-circuit lines, secure operation (n-1 criterion) can even now
not be maintained at several times of the year, that is, even transgressions of the rated current have
occurred, different solutions to expand the grid have been examined.The results of the analysis were
that as an interim solution for approximately the next 15 - 20 years, the use of high thermal limit
conductors (ZTACIR conductors) would be technically and economically the most feasible solution.
To begin with in the report, operational aspects in using ZTACIR conductors, e.g. load flow, grid
losses, reactive power demand are explained and depicted, to illustrate why the use of ZTACIR
conductors was decided upon, despite the higher costs of the conductors compared to conventional
ACSR conductors and higher costs of fittings and installation. Using a ZTACIR conductor several
crucial aspects had to be considered: ground clearance without selective tower elevations, mechanical
structure loads without increase of tensile stresses and weight- and diameter – identical conductor
design, which has proven its reliability over decades in alpine regions. Extensive conductor tests were
used to determine the transition point, the rate of thermal expansion and the elasticity modulus. The
design of the conductors and components such as fittings and isolators needed to ensure that at the
maximum operating current under design conditions neither conductor nor components assumed
temperatures that would lead to a reduction in their mechanical strength or diminish the holding power
of screw terminals or the long-term quality of electrical contacts. Special installation requirements
such as roll diameter, suitable attachment points for conductor pre-stressing, tower statics, the use of
appropriate work clamps and slings and the choice of installation points of the rope winch equipment
in Alpine terrain presented some particular challenges.


ZTACIR - conductors, High thermal conductors, (n-1)-criterion, Load Losses, Natural Load, Tensile
Stress, Sag


The distribution system operator TIWAG-Netz AG operates a 220kV grid in the alpine region of Tirol.
Due to the age of the conductors, the fittings and the pylons (approximately 50 years), the question has
arisen as to whether, for parts of these double-circuit overhead lines about 85 km long between Zell
am Ziller and Silz, there may be other options available besides complete replacement which ought to
be examined. Since on these 220kV double-circuit lines, secure operation (n-1 criterion) can even now
not be maintained at several times of the year, that is, even transgressions of the rated current have
occurred, different solutions to expand the grid have been examined.

In order to deal with the problem of insufficient transmission capacity, two long-term variants of grid
expansion were fundamentally examined:

• New construction as 220kV line with higher conductor cross-section

• New construction as 380kV line

Taking into consideration future requirements with regard to the forced expansion of renewable
energy sources and the increased transit flows associated with this, the variant of new construction as a
380kV line proved to be the optimum solution in technical and economical ways, which accordingly is
being pursued as the long-term objective.
Due to the difficulties in route search and the length of time required for approval procedures,
preliminary lead times of up to 20 years for the construction of new overhead lines are the result.
This made it necessary to seek alternatives which could be realized in the medium term as an interim

Keeping in mind that the suspension structures of the already existing 220kV lines can be used for
approximately another 20 years, the following options were given consideration as interim solutions:

• Load flow control through series reactors (load shifting in parallel circuits)
• Use of high thermal limit conductors

Ultimately, the decision was made to deploy high thermal limit conductors. The major criterion for
this decision was that for this variant, additional transmission capacity is created in the grid, i.e. it is
approximately 90% higher, whereas for load flow control through series reactors, the transmission
capacity of parallel transmission lines reach their upper limit at an earlier stage.
For the deployment of ZTACIR conductors as an interim solution, corresponding additional
examinations and analyses were carried out which, as demonstrated below, take physical, legal and
economical aspects into consideration.


One major physical aspect are the load losses when the option of capacity increase through ZTACIR
conductors is selected. The resistance of ZTACIR conductors is approximately equal to that of
conventional conductors of the same dimension. In the case of loads for which the higher temperature
limits of the materials are utilised, it must be taken into consideration that the resistance increases in
direct proportion to the temperature. As Figure 1 shows, a rise in temperature of 80°C to 180°C, for
example, results in a rise in resistance of about 30%. [1]
Furthermore, the load losses increase exponentially squared with the current.
If one assumes that the conductor temperature of 180°C is based on a 90% higher load than at 80°C,
this results in an increase of the load losses of approximately factor 5 (≈(190%)2*130%), as is depicted
in Figure 2.

Figure 1 increase of resistance by temperature Figure 2 load losses

The logical consequence of this is that the use of ZTACIR conductors generally makes economic
sense, that is, from the point of view of sustainability, only if their higher capacity is used only for a
few hours per year or if it is a very short line, i.e. a few hundred meters to a few kilometers.
In the case described above, the disadvantage of the increased load losses would be acceptable, since
the higher transmission capacity is only relevant in cases of failure (in particular (n-1)- outage) or
temporarily, in the case of planned outages.
In addition, it then becomes evident, due to two intermediate substations that supply the 110kV
voltage level, that there is a heightened load only in parts of the line.

A second and not insignificant aspect is the reactive power demand. In order to minimize the reactive
power demand of a line, an operation in the range of natural load should be the objective. Each
operating status which deviates from this leads to the transport of reactive power in the grid which
shortens the capability for active power transfer and causes corresponding losses.

The natural load is calculated as follows:


In Figure 3, the reactive power demand of the 220kV line under discussion between Zell am Ziller and
Silz is depicted in relation to the active power transferred.
A value of approximately 120MW results as natural load. As a rule, natural load of a 220kV line is
approximately 180 MW. The somewhat lesser value is here the result of the unconventional design of
the 220kV line with a single conductor as phase conductor instead of the usual two-conductor bundle.
The surge impedance, somewhat oversimplified, is dependent solely on the geometry of the line.

Since through the use of ZTACIR conductors the surge impedance remains the same (the geometry of
the line not being changed) a significant increase in the reactive power demand of a line takes place in
cases of higher load, e.g. for the 190% expanded capacity of a conventional conductor.
For line lengths of larger scale, this can endanger the voltage stability of the overhead lines long
before the thermal limits are endangered. As a consequence, this could lead to a voltage collapse,
which is the most frequent cause of blackouts.

Figure 3 reactive power demand of the line

A remedy for this might be sought through corresponding reactive power compensation, e.g. series
capacitors, which however implicates other disadvantages and additional costs.
In order to illustrate the set of problems revolving around voltage stability in highly loaded lines
through an example, Figure 4 depicts the shifting of stability limits through increasing load.

Figure 4 voltage-reactive power diagram

The basis of this example is a line of the same type corresponding to the 220kV line between Zell am
Ziller and Silz. For this line, however, the difficulty of voltage stability does not manifest itself in the
way illustrated, since the load of the line can take on such high amounts, particularly in cases of
disturbance, only in parts of the 220kV line because of the intermediate substations.


To remain on the subject of the existing approval-relevant ancillary conditions, it was not permitted to
increase the sag clearances which were calculated for a maximum operating temperature of 80°C of
the existing line. Pylons with raised heights and reinforcement of the suspension structures had to be
avoided and the mechanical loads kept at present levels through maintaining the tensile stresses. A
conductor with the same cross-section was absolutely necessary. Apart from that, the limits for electric
and magnetic fields still had to be adhered to.


In order to meet the demands of continuous operations up to 180 °C, an alloy is used for the aluminum
strands which, after adding zirconium (Zr), manifests special thermally resistant attributes. The
problem of increased sag in case of high temperatures is dealt with by using INVAR strands in the
steel core. These strands, a 35% nickel steel alloy, have a significantly lower rate of thermal expansion
when compared to ordinary carbon steel.
To further optimise sagging, visual appearance and thermal rated current, the emission coefficient was
raised from about 0.09 to approximately 0.9 by a temperature-resistant black coating of the outer
conductor surface. This brings about an improved heat radiation in case of high temperatures and
thereby a lower conductor temperature; however, it has the disadvantage that under 60 °C it absorbs
more warmth from solar radiation. For a coated ZTACIR conductor, the maximum conductor
temperature is 180°C, due to reduced temperature resistance of the coating, which in turn makes
possible the line current rating to be increased by approximately 90%. Furthermore, the visual
appearance of coated conductors has also proven to be advantageous.
Apart from the conventional conductor rope design, which has proven its reliability over decades in
alpine regions, the decisive factor in the selection of high thermal limit conductors of the ZTACIR
type 341/109 (see Table 1), was the application of common installation methods.

Table 1 conductor data

overall weight cross rated current max. rate elasticity
diameter sectional tensile carrying temp. of modulus
area stress capacity [°C] thermal
(RTS) expansion
[mm] [kg/m] [mm²] [daN/mm²] [A] [1/°Cx10-5] [daN/mm²]
*/** */**
27,7 1,799 450,0 41,68 807 80 1,67 8400
ZTACIR 7842 /
27,7 1,721 450,0 38,29 1572 180 1,412 /0,342
341/109 14912
*/** ≤ transition point / > transition point


In the case of an aluminum-INVAR conductor, the INVAR core takes on an increasing proportion of
the load in rising temperatures, whereas the tensile stress of the aluminum outer layer decreases. With
rising temperature, a point called transition point is thereby reached at which the aluminum outer layer
no longer takes on any tension and the entire tensile stress is borne by the core alone.

As of the transition point, the decrease of tensile stress and the increase of sag depend on the
properties of the core material only. The sag can therefore no longer be calculated through the
conventional simple linear mathematical model, since the complete redistribution of the tensile stress
from outer layer to core and its influence on sag are not reflected. Therefore a bi-linear mathematical
model [2] is used as a basis for the sag calculations which depicts the mechanical behaviour of a high
temperature conductor far more precisely.
Through the material creep, the temperature of the transition point shifts downward to lower
temperatures, which further reinforces the above-described effect. This effect was utilised in order to
consciously move forward the transition point after conductor installation by pre-stressing the
conductor while constantly maintaining tensile stress for a precisely determined amount of time, so
that the maximum sag of the high temperature conductor comes to a halt at 180°C, under all
circumstances below that of a standard ACSR conductor at 80°C.
The sag in relation to a sample span of 300 m span length at 180°C comes to 10.63m, thus lying 0.21m
below that of the existing conductor ACSR 341/109 at 80°C.


The design of the conductor ropes and components such as fittings and isolators needed to ensure that
at the maximum operating current under design conditions neither conductor ropes nor components
assumed temperatures that would lead to a reduction in their mechanical strength or diminish the
holding power of screw terminals or the long-term quality of electrical contacts. The fittings need to
be optimised for the redistribution of the tensile stress from outer layer to core at the transition point,
but the installation should be kept as simple as possible. This was solved technically by using
modified standard fittings, compression dead-end clamps and suspension clamps in combination with
armour rods.
For fittings, the aluminum alloys which are ordinarily used start annealing and loosing strength at
about 93°C. In designing the fittings, for that reason, it was necessary that at room temperature, the
temperature of compression dead-end clamps and splices at no point exceed a value of 90°C of the
operating temperature. Maintaining these requirements was solved by raising the cross-section of the
clamps and splices and by using armour rods for cooling at the entrance of the clamps and splices. It
was verified by several tests.
For bolted clamp suspensions it was established that the temperature of 55°C [3] must not be exceeded
at any point in the specific operating temperature in order to prevent any temperature-caused
slackening of the tension of bolted clamp suspension through the flow behaviour of the conductor.
Two layers of armor rods were necessary to fulfil these temperature requirements. Apart from that, by
using composite insulators in stead of conventional porcelain long-rod insulators the intermediate
fittings could be eliminated. The overall length of the string could be reduced and thus, additional
ground clearance gained.
The maximum temperatures at the insulators for suspensions and dead-ends were in any case lower
than 80 °C [4] and thus, fulfil the demands with regard to the maximum permissible temperatures both
by composite and by porcelain long-rod insulators.


Ongoing quality inspections of the ZTAL (in accordance with IEC EN 62004 [5]) and INVAR strands
(in accordance with OEVE/EN 61232 [6]) were carried out at the conductor manufacturer before
stranding took place. In addition to the strand tests, which are mandatory in the standards, the heat
resistance and chemical composition were also tested in order to pinpoint any erroneous primary
materials as early on as possible.

The standard OEVE/EN 61284 [7] does not define any specific inspections and requirements for
fittings for use with high temperature conductors. The evaluation and inspection had to be enlarged
upon, through appropriate requirements and type tests, such as heat cycle tests [8]. In addition to the
proof of the specified minimum failure load (SMFL) at room temperature, the specified minimum
failure load at determined maximum operating temperature (‘tensile test hot’) and, after cooling down
from determined maximum operating temperature to room temperature (‘tensile test hot/cold’) also
had to be verified. The corresponding time-stress-temperature runs are depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Time-Stress-Temperature run – tensile test ‘hot’ and tensile test ‘hot / cold’

The tests demonstrated that the results are strongly contingent on the fittings which are used and on
the installation methods and procedures. Thus, comprehensive mechanical tensile stress test with
conductors, terminations, and other accessories actually used in the project were carried out.
Since constant or improved sag behaviour of the conductor is indispensable for its correct use,
inspections and tests to determine transition point, rate of thermal expansion and elasticity modulus
were carried out. Figure 6 depicts the results of determining the elasticity modulus and the transition
point, each depending on the pre-stressing of the conductor.

Figure 6: Transition point and elasticity modulus for ZTACIR 341/109


Two sections of the 220kV double-circuit line on a line length of appr. 40 km were up-graded so far;
400 kilometers of ZTACIR conductor were exchanged, including the fittings and insulators. To
achieve the required sag behaviour, the conductors had to be pre-stressed for a period of at least 30
minutes constantly with 55% of their rated tensile stress. This pre-stressing was, from a static point of
view, a critical act, since ordinarily the maximum tensile stress is only reached through the
corresponding additional load, which however also produces corresponding vertical loads. Another
important issue were torsion forces from pre-stressing which exceed the mechanical design conditions
of the suspension structures. The geographical givens make a selection of suitable locations for rope
winches and rope brakes additionally difficult. Altitude differences of up to 500 meters in the process
of stringing and spans of up to 500 meters in length were additional challenges. For that reason it was
even more important to have accompanying static supervision of the installation work.
To begin with, each conductor was pre-stressed for at least one hour at 50% of the rated tensile stress
(RTS), which after first experiences were analysed, was reduced to a half-hour, while simultaneously
raising the pre-stressing to 55% of the rated tensile stress, since after about 20 minutes, no further
significant creeping of the conductor could be determined (Figure 7).

Figure 7: lengthening of the conductor during pre-stressing


The analyses demonstrated that in the case which was discussed in the report, the use of ZTACIR
conductors are the most feasible technical-economic solution for approximately the next 15 - 20 years.
Apart from this, it must also be stated that the general deployment of ZTACIR conductors must be
analysed highly critically, since as was shown in the above report, subjects such as increased losses
and raised reactive power demand, in addition to the significantly higher costs for conductors and
installation, make their general use appear inexpedient. Further, the exchange within the context of the
existing right of ways decision must be possible, since if it is not, it makes a new erection and new
negotiations necessary. In this case a transition to a higher conductor cross-section or even a shift to
higher voltage levels is more expedient.


[1] Österreichisches Normungsinstitut. „ÖNORM 4030 Drähte und Seile aus Al, E-AlMgSi oder
Stahl sowie Al-Stahl-Seile und E-AlMgSi-Stahl-Seile“
[2] J.Scheel, R.Dib, A.Saßmannhausen, M.Riedl. „Bilineares Berechnungsmodell für
Durchhangsberechnungen“, (Elekritizätswirtschaft, Jg. 109 (2010), Heft 26)
[3] Löbl, Großmann, Friebel. “Zum Langzeitverhalten von Verbindungen der
Elektroenergietechnik mit Hochtemperaturseilen“ (Elekritizätswirtschaft, Jg. 99 (2000), Heft
[4] CIGRÉ TB 331, “Considerations Relating to the use of High Temperature Conductors”,
CIGRÉ, October 2007
[5] IEC/EN 62004 “Thermal-resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor”
[6] OEVE/EN 61232 “Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes”
[7] OEVE/EN 61284 “Overhead Lines – Requirements and tests for fittings”
[8] CIGRÉ TB 426, “Guide for Qualifying High Temperature Conductors for Use on Overhead
Transmission Lines”, CIGRÉ, 2010
[9] Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena). dena-Netzstudie II. Integration erneuerbarer
Energien in die deutsche Stromversorgung im Zeitraum 2015 – 2020 mit Ausblick 2025“,
Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), 2010
[10] CIGRÉ TB 425, “Increasing Capacity of Overhead Transmission Lines, Needs and Solutions”,
CIGRÉ, 2009

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