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Interconnection and Interaction of Interrogative Sentences in the English Language.

Autor: Sklyarova, N.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science,
Engineering and Education 1 (2)
2013, págs. 45-50
ISSN: 2334-8496

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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.



Dr. Sklyarova Natalia, Professor, the Department of the Theory and Practice of the English Language, the
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
E-mail panochka@bk.ru
UDK: 811.111'367.322

Abstract: This paper presents the results of mutual dependence of several directly con-
research devoted to one of significant aspects of tacting objects.
interrogative sentences. The precise definitions of
interconnection and interaction and the application Interrelation and interconnection dif-
of these terms to the language units helped to dis- fer from interaction as they do not lead to
tinguish between interconnection and interaction of the alteration of interrelated or intercon-
interrogative sentences in English. The existence of nected objects and do not produce some
two different kinds of relations in the language, new substance while interaction may cause
namely paradigmatic and syntagmatic, provided the
basis for singling out two corresponding forms of
changes and bring about the appearance of
interaction of English interrogative sentences. Con- something new.
textual and distributional analyses of the material Interrogative sentences are character-
from authentic sources enabled to characterize the ized as syntactic units which serve to ex-
range and degree of their paradigmatic and syntag- press questions. In logic a question is un-
matic interaction.
Key words: interrogative sentence, inter-
derstood as the form of thinking which
connection, paradigmatic interaction, syntagmatic contains certain information and at the
interaction, form, range and degree of interaction. same time points at it insufficiency and
aims at getting new information (Getma-
nova, 1986, 24). Due to the common se-
1. INTRODUCTION mantic characteristics which consist in in-
dicating the lack of knowledge and con-
veying the intention to receive the neces-
The elements in the objective reality sary information interrogative sentences
as well as the thoughts about them in the are united into a microsystem of the lan-
human consciousness exist in interaction guage (Curikova, 1992, 9). They also pos-
(Kondakov, 1975, 87) which is reflected in sess a number of differentiating features
the language system where categories and connected with the anticipated answers
elements interact with each other and make which affect the structure of interrogative
up complex language units. sentences. In special questions the ex-
The terms “interaction”, “intercon- pected answer is determined by an inter-
nection” and “interrelation” are often con- rogative pronoun or adverb which implies
fused. According to the definition, the es- unlimited number of possible variants. In
sence of relation consists in the depend- the alternative question the potential an-
ence of one thing on the other without their swer is restricted by explicit variants. In
direct contact. In this respect relation dif- the general question the answer can be ei-
fers from connection which is defined as ther positive or negative. One of these var-
the direct dependence of one thing on an- iants is verbalized and the other is implied,
other (Sviderskij, 1983 22). Consequently, but perceived by the interlocutors as con-
interrelation can be described as mutual trary to the explicit one (Skljarova, 2006,
dependence of several objects without their 214).
direct contact, whereas interconnection is

(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

The objective of this article is to con- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

sider interrogative sentences of the English
language in the framework of interconnec- The interconnection of interrogative
tion and interaction. sentences can be explained from the point
of view of logic. If the number of possible
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS answers to the special question is limited
by the situation it can be easily trans-
formed into the alternative question which
The research is based on the exten- in its turn can be converted into several
sive material from authentic sources, in general questions. If it is unlikely to enu-
particular, fiction books of English- merate all potential answers to the special
speaking authors, such as C. Ahern, M. question it can be transformed into the al-
Atwood, J. Austen, H. Cecil, A. Christie, ternative question where anticipated an-
P.D. Cornwell, A.C. Doyle, A.M. Greely, swers are not exhaustive but are enough to
L. Irvine, A. Perry, T. Ross and S. Shel- fill in the gap in knowledge (Zuev, 1961,
don. The tasks of the study are: 125-126). It can be proved by the follow-
 distinguishing between intercon- ing example: How many windows are there
nection and interaction of English interrog- in the back of the house? (P.D. Cornwell,
ative sentences; Body of Evidence). To transform this spe-
 singling out different forms of in- cial question into the alternative one there
teraction of English interrogative sentenc- is no need to enumerate all numbers. But
es; taking into account the size of the house,
 determining various cases of para- the quantity of stores and other extra lin-
digmatic interaction of English interroga- guistic factors which make up the presup-
tive sentences; position of this question one may state that
 finding out the peculiarities of syn- the possible number of windows is no less
tagmatic interaction of English interroga- than four and no more than six. So the cor-
tive sentences. responding alternative question will be:
The methods applied in this study are Are there four, five or six windows in the
selected in accordance with the objective back of the house? It may be further con-
and tasks of research. The differentiation verted into the subsequent general ques-
of interconnection and interaction of inter- tions: Are there four windows in the back
rogative sentences is based on the philo- of the house? Are there five windows in the
sophical definitions of both phenomena, back of the house? Are there six windows
whereas two forms of their interaction cor- in the back of the house? This logical
respond to two types of relations in the transformation of interrogative sentences is
language, namely, paradigmatic and syn- hypothetical; it does not lead to the appear-
tagmatic. Interrogative sentences of the ance of different types of questions in real
English language are investigated in their speech which makes interconnection of
contextual environment with the help of interrogative sentences different from in-
distributional method of analysis in order teraction.
to single out different cases of their para- Interaction of interrogative sentences
digmatic interaction and the peculiarities of can be characterized with the help of such
syntagmatic interaction which display the parameters singled out by E.V. Murugova,
range and degree of both forms of interac- as the form of interaction, the range of in-
tion. To demonstrate interconnection of the teraction and the degree of interaction
main types of questions in the English lan- (Murugova, 2007, 76).
guage the method of transformation is Interrogative sentences in the English
used. language display two forms of interaction,

(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

termed as paradigmatic and syntagmatic tween an affirmation and negation, but be-
which are determined by the existence of tween two possible variants which are con-
two corresponding types of relations. Para- trary to each other, like affirmation and
digmatic relations make up the structure of negation. The possible answers represent
language system and syntagmatic relations the pairs of language units the contradicto-
unite language units in speech. Paradig- ry meaning of which is determined by the
matic interaction causes the appearance of lexical means with negative meaning
mixed types of questions. Due to syntag- marking one of them. One of the antonyms
matic interaction interrogative sentences may also be partially implicit:
are able to be realized in sequences in con- George Elephant, are you guilty or
nected speech. The result of paradigmatic not guilty? (H. Cecil, The Name).
interaction is the formation of one inter- Was it murder or wasn’t it? (A.
rogative sentence, whereas the result of Christie, Appointment with Death).
syntagmatic interaction is the complex of Will the Prime Minister reappear or
interrogative sentences. will he not? (A. Christie, The Kidnapped
There are several cases of paradig- Prime Minister).
matic interaction of interrogative sentenc- In the interrogative sentences where
es. the possible answers are represented by
Firstly, paradigmatic interaction of antonyms with the contradictory meanings
interrogative sentences is observed in the of root or affix morphemes such interac-
syntactic units where one of the expected tion is revealed weaker:
answers to the alternative question is ex- You grew up rich or poor, Anna
pressed indefinitely with the help of an in- Maude? (T. Ross, Briarpatch).
terrogative pronoun or adverb, thus widen- Is your answer partial or impartial?
ing the range of potential answers: (A.M. Greely, The Bishop and the Missing
Have we here a coincidence, or Ltrain).
what? (A. Christie, Murder on the Orient Finally, paradigmatic interaction can
Express). be exemplified by the situations when gen-
Secondly, the questions beginning eral questions are used instead of special:
with the word combination which of should “She has been with you long?”
be also referred to the cases of paradigmat- “Nearly a year” (A. Christie, The
ic interaction of interrogative sentences. Nemean Lion).
Such syntactic constructions have the form Such cases are characterized by lin-
of special questions, but their contents are guists as the discrepancy between the form
closer to the alternative ones as the number of the sentence and its communicative goal
of possible answers here is restricted by the (Bulygina, T.V., Shmelev, 1992, 110), be-
situation: cause the character of expected answer
Which of these are likely to be car- does not correspond to the type of ques-
pet versus garment fibers? (P.D. Cornwell, tion.
Body of Evidence). Indirect questions with the interroga-
Thirdly, paradigmatic interaction of tive introductory part can be treated as the
interrogative sentences can be traced in the product of both paradigmatic and syntag-
syntactic structures which have the form of matic interaction because they consist of
alternative questions, but the semantic pe- the succession of two questions in one sen-
culiarities of anticipated answers make tence, but the speaker’s intention is not to
them closer to general questions. The find out whether the listener knows (re-
mixed character of such interrogative sen- members, thinks, etc.) or does not know
tences can be explained by the fact that to (remember, think, etc) something, but to
answer them one should choose not be- find what he or she knows (remembers,

(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

thinks, etc.) about certain situation. Thus, key been found in his possession? What
in the focus of communication is the sec- chemist sold him the powdered opium?
ond question, while the first question loses Above all, where could he, a stranger to
its interrogative function and plays just a the district, hide a horse, and such a horse
subsidiary role: as this? What is his own explanation as to
Do you remember what she was the paper which he wished the maid to give
wearing that day? (P.D. Cornwell, Body of to the stable-boy? (A.C. Doyle, Memoirs of
Evidence). Sherlock Holmes).
Do you know, for certain, Mr.Monk, Such textual units are named com-
whether he is alive or dead? (A. Perry, plexes of questions. They were thoroughly
Cain His Brother). investigated in Russian (Mel'kumjanc,
Do you know if Mrs. Burton-Cox 1997), German (Vlasenko, 1986; Han,
was a friend of your family, of your mother 1985), and partially in English (Skljarova,
and father? (A. Christie, Elephants Can 2006). A complex of questions is complet-
Remember). ed from the point of view of its contents
Purely syntagmatic interaction of in- and intonation. It is believed to have a sole
terrogative sentences can be observed in interrogative communicative goal (Han,
the cases when the number of possible an- 1985, 135), and a so called “uniting seman-
swers to the special question is limited by tic component” (Mel'kumjanc, 1997, 7).
the following alternative question: But the results of our research show that a
Who keeps changing the rules, them complex of questions can fulfill communi-
or us? (M. Atwood, Bodily Harm). cative tasks different from getting infor-
Though such examples are regarded mation. Besides the sentences which com-
as mixed questions (Wunderlich, 1980, prise it may not have some common idea.
141), we share the opinion that they can be Thus, in the following example there is a
treated as a combination of two sentences complex consisting of rhetorical questions
(Korol'kova, 1981, 13). Such combination which in fact contain statements rather
is possible due to the ability of alternative than inquiries but express them more emo-
questions to follow special ones, narrowing tionally:
the variety of potential answers (Palmer, “What the hell did they teach you in
Blandford, 1969, 302). Moreover, unlike medical school? Don’t you even know the
mixed and indirect questions such sentenc- difference between heartburn and a heart
es can be split in two separate syntactic attack?” (S. Sheldon, Nothing Lasts For-
units, which proves that this is a complex ever). → They didn’t teach you anything in
of questions, the result of syntagmatic ra- medical school. You don’t know the differ-
ther than paradigmatic interaction of inter- ence between heartburn and a heart attack.
rogative sentences. In the other example the first and
But the cases of syntagmatic interac- second constituent elements in the complex
tion of interrogative sentences are not con- of interrogative sentences are aimed at re-
fined only to the combination of special storing the contact with the interlocutor
and alternative questions. On the contrary, and only the third constituent element is а
they are much more numerous and varied. pure question:
In speech one can run across the cases “Excuse me? Am I talking to myself?
when interrogative sentences of different I asked you if it was OK if I go in and tell
types follow one another making up the my friends that we had to leave?”(C.
chains of questions: Ahern, PS, I Love You).
Why should he take the horse out of Taking into account the above men-
the stable? If he wished to injure it why tioned facts, we share the opinion of L.P.
could he not do it there? Has a duplicate Vlasenko who treats a complex of ques-

(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

tions as a number of interrogative sentenc- time? Was it earlier? Was it later? Can we
es following one another and connected be sure that Ratchett was stabbed by more
through intonation, structure or meaning than one person? What other explanation
(Vlasenko, 1986, 111). of his wounds can there be? (A. Christie,
According to the opinion of V.A. Murder on the Orient Express).
Mel'kumjanc based on the results of his In complexes of questions consisting
research, the constituent elements of the of two elements all types of interrogative
complex of questions in Russian may rep- sentences of the English language can be
resent separate sentences, parts of a com- combined whereas in multi-element com-
posite sentence and homogeneous mem- plexes the number of such combinations
bers in a simple sentence (Mel'kumjanc, increases. Thus, in the next example the
1997, 5). complex of interrogative sentences in-
The analysis of complexes of ques- cludes a special question, a general ques-
tions in the English language shows that tion, an alternative question and a disjunc-
they can be found on the textual level, as tive question:
well as on the level of a composite and Which of them is it? The egregious
simple sentences. In a simple sentence a Greg? The quiet Edward Hillingdon or my
complex of questions is the result of the fellow Jackson? It’s got to be one of the
compression of a composite sentence three, hasn’t it? (A. Christie, Caribbean
where similar elements are omitted: Mystery).
And what sort of young lady is she? Besides, interrogative sentences in
Is she handsome? (J. Austen, Pride and the complex of questions may immediately
Prejudice). follow each other or be in remote contact,
Which one was it, or did you have in the latter case they are separated by the
them both? (L. Irvine, Castaway). author’s words or by the sentences of other
How did it happen and where? (P.D. communicative types, such as declarative
Cornwell, Body of Evidence). → How did or exclamatory. Their presence does not
it happen and where did it happen? destroy the unity and integrity of the com-
But complexes of questions can be plex the constituent elements of which are
found in the text oftener than in the sen- strongly connected by intonation, structure
tence. The number and possible combina- or meaning:
tions of questions in the text are greater “What do you think of this sentence,
than those in the sentence due to relative my dear Lizzy?” said Jane as she finished
independence, self-sufficiency of separate it. “Is it not clear enough?” (J. Austen,
sentences and the completeness of the idea Pride and Prejudice).
expressed by them. Oh, was that what it was this
Thus, in the following example the month? I was just dying to know. So how
complex of interrogative sentences consists did it go? (C. Ahern, PS, I Love You).
of ten constituent elements. This number And is such a girl to be my neph-
includes all syntactic units marked by in- ew’s sister? Is her husband, is the son of
terrogative punctuation. Elliptical and de- his late father’s steward, to be his broth-
tached constructions are treated as separate er? Heaven and earth! – of what are you
components: thinking? Are the shades of Pemberley to
Was it dropped by Colonel Arbuth- be thus polluted? (J. Austen, Pride and
not? Or by someone else? Who wore the Prejudice).
scarlet kimono? Who was the man or Thus, interaction of interrogative
woman masquerading in Wagon Lit uni- sentences brings about definite changes, in
form? Why do the hands of the watch point case of paradigmatic interaction mixed
to 1.15? Was the murder committed at that types of questions appear, syntagmatic in-

(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

teraction leads to the appearance of larger Vysshaja shkola. - 288 p.

language units. Han, G. V. (1985). Disjunctive Semantics of Inter-
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Features of English Interrogative Sentences:
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terrogative complexes. At the same type Mel'kumjanc, V. A. (1997). Multi-component Ques-
the range of syntagmatic interaction of in- tions Expressed by Interrogative Sentences with
terrogative sentences is wider than the Interrogative Pronouns in Modern Russian: Ab-
range of their paradigmatic interaction be- stract thesis of PhD, Taganrog. – 23 p.
Murugova, E. V. (2007). Interaction of Parts of
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can make up a complex are more varied tov-on-Don, North Caucasian Centre of Post-
than those which can produce mixed types graduate Education. - 460 p.
of questions. Palmer, H., Blandford, F.G. (1969). A Grammar of
Spoken English. - Cambridge: W. Heffer and
Sons Ltd. - 341 p.
4. CONCLUSION Skljarova, N. G. (2006). Alternativeness as Lan-
guage Universal: Thesis of PhD, Rostov-on-
Interaction, interconnection and in- Don. - 436 p.
terrelation are close but different phenom- Sviderskij, V. I. (1983). The Dialectics of Relations.
ena which have their own peculiarities. In- – Leningrad: Leningrad State University. - 137
terconnection of interrogative sentences is Vlasenko, L. P. (1986). Multi-component Questions
explained by the laws of logic. Interaction Expressed by Interrogative Sentences with In-
of interrogative sentences in the English terrogative Words, Problems of Syntax and Style
language has paradigmatic and syntagmat- in Modern German. - Pjatigorsk: Pjatigorsk
ic forms. Paradigmatic interaction of inter- State Institute of Foreign Languages. - P. 110-
rogative sentences leads to the appearance Wunderlich, D. (1980). Questions about Questions,
of their mixed types. Syntagmatic interac- Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics, Ed. by
tion of interrogative sentences leads to W. Klein, W.L. Levelt. Dordrecht: Reidel Pub-
their successive combinations in speech. lishing Company. - Vol. 13. - P. 131–158.
The constituent elements of the resulting Zuev, Ju. I. (1961). Logical Interpretation of Ques-
tions, Articles on Logic and Grammar. Mos-
complexes of questions represent different cow: Vysshaja shkola. - P. 97–133.
types of interrogative sentences in various
sequences and number. Their unity and
integrity are achieved by intonation, struc-
ture or meaning. The degree and range of
paradigmatic interaction of interrogative
sentences differ considerably from those of
syntagmatic interaction.


Bulygina, T. V., Shmelev, A. D (1992). Communi-

cative Modality, Human Factor in the Lan-
guage, Ed. by T.V. Bulygina. - Moscow: Nauka.
- P. 110–137.
Curikova, L. V. (1992). Questions and Pragmatic
Range of Interrogative Sentences: Abstract the-
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Getmanova, A. D. (1986). Logic. - Moscow:


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