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Fortieth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016



Haniyyah Hasna*
Dadik Hendra Kusuma**

ABSTRACT proven to give a better result (error ± 4.32%) than

the existing correlations in prediction of BHFP in
TUNU is a mature gas field located in the Mahakam deviated gas wells.
Delta of East Kalimantan, Indonesia that has been
producing since 1990. Currently, there are ± 360 INTRODUCTION
active producing wells with a total production of ±
600 MMSCFD. Tunu is a gas field located in Mahakam River Delta
of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It extends 75 Km
Well monitoring (SGS, FGS, PLT, etc.) is an long and 18 Km wide from north to south along the
important job in the Tunu field. In 2015, there are ± Mahakam River Delta coastline and covers almost
850 jobs performing static and flowing gradient 1350 square kilometers. Currently gas production is
surveys. The objective of this well intervention is to ± 600 MMSCFD. The reservoirs are characterized
understand the bottom hole flowing and shut in as multilayered reservoirs with perforated
pressure (BHFP/BHSP). This huge operation is producing zones ranging from (MD) 600 m to 5100
impacting significantly on cost and safety (barge m.
mobilization, rig-up/down, etc).
Today, there are ± 360 wells flowing in Tunu field.
BHFP can be estimated using vertical flow The production distribution can be seen in the
correlations that are available in production Figure 2. Tunu is a mature field and ± 66% of
engineering software. Among correlations available, production is dominated by gas well production of
not all of them are fit or relevant with actual less than 2 MMSCFD, while only 15% of wells are
conditions. The available correlations are acceptable producing more than 4 MMSCFD.
for high gas rate wells while they give high errors
(> 25%) at low gas rate (< 2 MMSCFD), whereas in Based on Turner liquid loading criteria, ± 64% of
TUNU today 64% of them are flowing at this wells are categorized as loaded wells, meaning that
condition. Therefore, another approach such as the gas velocity is less than the terminal velocity to
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is required to lift water droplets, so potentially the well could die
calculate BHFP. easily if the liquid droplets are accumulated in the
wellbore. This parameter is also important to see
The actual BHFP data were gathered and then that vertical lift performance (VLP) correlations
imported into the ANN models. The model training only work well on steady state condition (non-
inputs used are gas rate, condensate gas ratio loaded wells). In other words, the available VLP
(CGR), water gas ratio (WGR), tubing diameter, correlations will not be satisfied for ± 64% of wells
measured depth (MD) and true vertical depth in the Tunu field.
Predicting pressure drop in production strings
In this paper, ANN techniques were applied to accurately is essential for production and cost
predict BHFP and proved to have better prediction optimization, also in forecasting the performance of
and performance. Back-propagation (BP) method is the well through its life cycle. Since mechanical
used in building the neural network to modify the measurement using pressure gauges to measure
fitting to achieve higher prediction accuracy and bottom-hole pressure is costly and not feasible in
broaden the prediction range. The result is then certain conditions, several correlations for
compared to the existing correlations. ANN has multiphase flow in gas wells have been developed
* Institute of Technology Bandung
** TOTAL E&P Indonesie
to calculate pressure drop in production strings in lead the network to a global behavior (emergent),
gas wells. which will then be processed to output layer. Output
layer is the target layer of the problems.
There are many factors contributing to the
complexity of the calculation of pressure drop, such Back-propagation (BP) algorithm is used in feed-
as fluids properties, pipe configurations, deviation forward ANN. Feed-forward means that the
of well and flow rate of fluids. However, most of artificial neurons are organized in layers and send
these correlations were developed under laboratory their signals “forward”, and then the errors are
conditions and are consequently inaccurate when propagated backwards. The backpropagation
scaled-up to gas field conditions. Hence, most of the method used supervised learning, which means that
methods cannot handle a wide variety of data sets we provide the algorithm with examples of the
and only work well under certain conditions. inputs and outputs we want the network to compute,
and the backpropagation algorithm is used to reduce
Recent studies have produced a new technique, this error until the ANN learns the training data.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and this has been The training begins with random weights and the
adopted to solve many oil and gas industry goal is to adjust them so than the error will be
problems. This paper presents a model to predict minimal.
bottom-hole pressure using Artificial Neural
Network techniques. The model was developed and One interaction of nodes consists of summing
tested using 154 sets of field data collected from the function, activation function and output function.
Tunu Gas Field. These data sets were divided into The activation function of the artificial neurons
training, validation and testing by the ratio of implementing the backpropagation algorithm is a
14:3:3. The model is compared with the existing weighted sum. The most common output function is
correlations. the sigmoidal function. The backpropagation
algorithm now calculates how the error depends on
Artificial Neural Network the output, inputs and weights.

Artificial Neural Network is a computational DATA COLLECTION

method that mimics a biological neural network
system. This method uses the calculation of non- A total of 154 screened data sets were collected
linear element basis, called neuron, organized as from the Tunu gas field. Ten variables believed to
uses within the network are interconnected, so is affect the pressure drop were collected as input
similar with biological neuron systems. Commonly, variables. These included gas rate, condensate-gas-
neural networks are adjusted, or trained, so that a ratio (CGR, which represents the condensate rate
particular input leads to a specific target output. produced), water-gas-ratio (WGR, which represents
the water rate produced), gas gravity, condensate
The network is basically determined by three gravity, tubing diameter, measured depth (MD), and
parameters, the interconnection pattern between the true vertical depth (TVD), and .
different layers of neurons, the learning process for
updating the weights of the interconnections and the The inputs for developing the model cover a gas
activation function that converts a neurons weighted rate from 0.2 to 10.40 MMSCFD.The summary of
input to its output activation. data distribution can be seen in Table 1.

A feed-forward network of ANN consists of 3 parts METHODOLOGY

of structure which are input layer, hidden layer and
output layer. Input layer is used as the storage of Carefully reviewing the previous studies on bottom-
input parameters. These neurons will only forward hole pressure calculation using ANN, the bottom-
the information to the next stage. The next stage is hole pressure was directly set as the output of the
hidden layer. Hidden layer consists of several model. Hence, for each bottom-hole pressure
hidden neurons and sometimes several hidden estimation, there is only one calculation performed
layers. These hidden neurons connect input and over the entire length of the well, which means that
outputs, and also brings certain weights or biased in after receiving the values for input variables, the
the network in order to compute the inputs into the model responds only once and provides an answer.
nearest target. The connections between the nodes
determine the information flow between nodes. The Because the pressure gradient changes along the
interactions of nodes through the connections will entire well, it is almost unrealistic to calculate an
average pressure gradient and multiply it by the To avoid over-fitting and also ensure the model
well length to get an adequate answer. Therefore, in complexity, the hidden-layer neuron number ranges
this study, the well measured length is broken down from 5 to 12 neurons in this study. With trial and
into segments and calculates the pressure drop in error, it is found that the number of hidden-layer
each segment. This piece-wise calculation focuses neurons that gives the least error is 7.
on short length of segment and is not affected by the
total length. We call this piece-wise method the The only output is Pn (pressure on the bottom of the
fixed MD method. segment) which will then eventually iterates until it
reaches top of producing reservoir and get the final
This method predicts the pressure every 100 m bottom-hole pressure.
(MD) from the wellhead until the top of the
producing reservoir to get the final bottom-hole The developed ANN model utilizes multiple layer
pressure. feed forward networks, which were selected due to
their capabilities of representing non-linear
In this study, the results of estimation of prediction functional mappings between inputs and outputs. To
BHFP using ANN will then be compared with summarize, the developed model consists of 1 input
correlations that is commonly used for gas wells, layer (9 input neurons), 1 hidden layer (7 hidden
such as: Duns and Ros Modified, Olga 2P, Olga 3P, neurons), and 1 output layer (1 output neuron).
Gray, Petroleum Expert, and Wellsim.
In developing the model, the training used the
MODEL DEVELOPMENT collected data. However, the Pn-1 is obtained from
the actual data on purpose so that the model is as
The training used actual data obtained from nearest as it can be to the actual condition.
production logging. We divided the well measured
length into segments of 100 m. The training used RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Lavenberg-Marquardt back-propagation method,
and sigmoid activation function. The target error of To test the network, the data collected was used in
the training is 10%. If the targeted error is not both training and validation stages. The data used in
reached, the model will retrain until the targeted training stage uses data from actual measurement
error is reached. during production logging (the Pn-1 in each segment
uses actual data). While in validation stage, the data
The inputs contain 9 input neurons (9 input collected were also used, however, the Pn-1 as one of
parameters) which are gas rate, condensate-gas-ratio the inputs were imported from the output of the
(CGR, which represents the condensate rate previous segment (see Figure 3).
produced), water-gas-ratio (WGR, which represents
the water rate produced), gas gravity, condensate Training
gravity, tubing diameter, measured depth (MD),
The training stage of the piece-wise calculation uses
true vertical depth (TVD) and Pn-1.
actual data from production logging. The final
absolute average error of training phase is 1%.
In developing the models, these data sets were then
randomly divided into three different groups, Validation
training, validation and testing. The training set is
used to develop and adjust the weights in a network. The validation stage of the piece-wise calculation
The validation set is used to ensure the uses the data collected. However, the Pn-1 as one of
generalization of the developed network. The the inputs was imported from the output of the
testing set is used to examine the final performance previous segment (see Figure 4).
of the network. These data sets were divided by
ratio of 14:3:3 (0.70:0.15:0.15). The validation of the network gives a final absolute
average error of 4.32%. The results from the other 6
As for the hidden layer, there is no guideline to existing correlations are also shown in Figure 6.
follow to determine the optimum number of From this result, it should be noted that Wellsim
neurons, except by trial and error. Small hidden- Correlation and Olga 2P Correlation gives second
layer numbers make the model too simple to handle and third best results respectively.
complex problems. Although larger hidden-layer
numbers appear to increase prediction accuracy, too The figure below (Figure 8) shows that with the
large of a number can cause over-fitting problems. result of ANN and other VLP correlations, the error
is increasing at lower production gas rate. It can be opportunity of On Job Training (OJT) Program on
explained that at a lower gas rate, wells are more summer 2015, special thanks to Matthieu
un-stable due to less capability to lift the liquid. In Deleersnyder and Delint Ira Setyo Adi for their
normal practice, the minimum velocity to lift the support, guidance and help during the study.
liquid is described as turner rate.
Also, the authors would also like to thank
From Figure 10, we can see that the available Mathematics and Petroleum Engineering of
correlations give biggest error at gas rate under 2 Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
MMSCFD. However, for ANN this gives a stable
error even though at a smaller gas rate. It could be REFERENCES
concluded that the ANN model developed is quite
accurate for Tunu field. Fausett, Laurene. 1994. Fundamental of Neural
Networks Architectures, Algorithms, and
CONCLUSIONS Application. South Carolina: Prentice Hall.

1. The ANN model was successful developed for Demuth, Howard., Beale, Mark. 2002. Neural
the Tunu gas field and provides better accuracy Network Toolbox: For Use with MATLAB®.
compared to other standard vertical lift Massachusets: The Mathworks Inc.
performance (VLP) correlation. The ANN
model for Tunu field provides an absolute Haykin, Simon. 1999. Neural Networks: A
average error of 4.32%. Meanwhile standard Comprehensive Foundation Second Edition.
VLP correlation > 18% error (see Table 2). Ontario: Pearson Prentice Hall

2. The ANN outperforms the available Li, X., Miskimins, J.L., Hoffman, B.T. 2014. A
correlations for gas wells (available in Combined Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation
PROSPERTM) for any gas rate. The ANN gives Procedure Using Multiphase Correlations and
outstanding results especially at wells with gas Artificial Neural Network Models. Proceedings of
rate lower than 2 MMSCFD compared to any SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
available correlations for gas wells (available in held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27 – 29
PROSPERTM). This is very important for the October 2014.
Tunu field, since ±64% of wells produce < 2
MMSCFD. Osman, E.A., Ayoub, M.A.. 2005. Artificial Neural
Network Model for Predicting Bottomhole Flowing
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Pressure in Vertical Multiphase Flow. Proceedings
of 14th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and
The authors would like to thank Total E&P Conference held in Bahrain International Exhibition
Indonésie (especially to FO/WPT) for the Centre, Bahrain, 12 – 15 March 2005.


Min P50 Max

Date 26-Dec-03 24-Dec-14

WHFP (psig) 17.4 318 3171.15

WHFT (degC) 89.6 131 172.9
Qgas (MMSCFD) 0.2 2.03 10.5
Qcnd (BCPD) 0 44 444
Qwtr (BWPD) 0 96 883
CGR (STB/MMSCF) 0 23 1064
WGR (STB/MMSCF) 0 90 1927
SG Gas 0.7 0.75 0.81
SG Condensate 0.69 0.80 0.8645
Tubing ID (in) 2.992 3.958
Top Res(MD) 772 3579 5134
Top Res (TVD) 753 3109 4242
BHP (psig) 250 1147 4152



Average Absolute Percent Error (%)

Global Qg ≤ 1 1 <Qg ≥ 2 2 <Qg ≥ 3 3 <Qg ≥ 4 Qg> 4

ANN 4.32 4.79 4.33 4.75 4.04 3.66

Duns and Ros Mod 21 37 21 16 16 10

Gray 22 36 23 16 17 8

PETEX 22 36 24 18 18 8

OLGA2P 20 34 18 15 13 8

OLGA3P 21 35 18 15 13 8

WellSim 18 29 14 16 12 9
Figure 1 - Mahakam Block - Tunu Map

Tunu Active Wells Tunu Active Well Status


26% 47%



Figure 2 - Tunu wells status

Figure 3 - Flow chart of the fixed-MD method BHP calculation using ANN

Figure 4 - The developed Neural Network model

Figure 5 - Training results

Figure 6 - Artificial Neural Network Validation Results

Figure 7 - Validation Results

Figure 8 - Gas rate vs Error (available correlation)

Figure 9 - Validation Results – Gas Rate vs Error of ANN

Figure 10 - Comparison between ANN results and 6 other correlations

Figure 11 - BHP plot example between Actual Data, ANN and VLP correlations

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