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Era briluz. As lesmolisas touvas

Roldavam e relviam nos gramilvos.
Estavam mimsicais as pintalouvas,
E os momirratos davam grilvos.

“Foge do Jaguadarte, o que não morre!

Garra que agarra, bocarra que urra!
Foge da ave Felfel, meu filho, e corre
Do frumioso Babassurra!”

Êle arrancou sua espada vorpal

E foi atrás do inimigo do Homundo.
Na árvora Tamtam êle afinal
Parou, um dia, sonilundo.

E enquanto estava em sussustada sesta,

Chegou o Jaguadarte, ôlho de fogo,
Sorrelfiflando através da floresta,
E borbulia um riso louco!

Um, dois! Um, dois! Sua espada mavorta

Vai-vem, vem-vai, para trás, para diante!
Cabeça fere, corta, e, fera morta,
Ei-lo que volta galunfante.

“Pois então tu mataste o Jaguadarte!

Vem aos meus braços, homenino meu!
Oh dia fremular! Bravooh! Bravarte!”
Êle se ria jubileu.

Era briluz. As lesmolisas touvas

Roldavam e relviam nos gramilvos.
Estavam mimsicais as pintalouvas,
E os momirratos davam grilvos.

Hundreds of birds burst from the canopy of the ancient forest below you and scatter in all
directions. Moments later, a much more fearsome creature erupts from the woods: a
sinewy, pale-green dragon that takes to the sky and flies toward the palace. Its mighty
wings carry it to great heights. Once above the palace, it drops like a stone and vanishes
from sight behind the palace's high walls.

 fixed on a black iron cauldron atop a dais in the middle of the chamber. Dark vapors rise
from the cauldron

The water in the pool is 8 feet deep and opaque. At the bottom of the pool, amid the bones
of fairies and goblins that the jabberwock has devoured, are the following treasures:

 A pair of silver armlets (25 gp each)

 An ornate steel dagger that whispers "soon" whenever its wielder falls asleep (50
 A silver helmet adorned with a black feather (125 gp)

 Bait the jabberwock into leaving the palace. The jabberwock will follow prey or the
sound of music. Once lured outside, assuming it's not set upon by the great owl
immediately, the jabberwock goes hunting and does not return for 1d6 + 2 hours.

 Obtain Snicker-Snack, the vorpal sword in area P50. The jabberwock is vulnerable to

its slashing damage, and the sword's attacks can neutralize the jabberwock's
Regeneration trait.

The jabberwock is friendly toward Zybilna and hostile toward everything else, though it
thinks twice about attacking anything bigger than itself. Throwing food at the jabberwock
might distract it long enough to allow characters to flee its presence without risk of pursuit.
Befriending the jabberwock isn't an option.

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