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Fortieth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016



Hari Wiki Utama*

Widi Gheovani**
Nurhikmah Supardi*
Wahdaniah Mukhtar*

ABSTRACT in the area are the Marada formation and Tonasa

formation. The Marada formation is a flysch
Tonasa Formation is well exposed at Karama, sediment of continental shelf deposit.
Bangkala Subdistrict, Jeneponto Regency, South
Sulawesi. Tonasa Formation is a Middle Eocene Studies of carbonate sediment in South Sulawesi are
carbonate deposit typified by the occurence of conducted by Indonesian and foreign experts. Wilson
allochtonous limestone mudstone, wackstone, (1996) has described the Tonasa Formation
packstone, grainstone and slight coralline limestone. limestone in South Sulawesi. The aim of this paper is
Tonasa Formation was deposited during sea level to expand on description of facies depositional
rise that triggers the growth of numerous varieties of environment, based on sediment carbonate
micro foram in the Middle Eocene. This study characteristics including lithology, sedimentary
examines the influence of depositional environment structure, and micro-foram content. Outcrop
setting to the facies development based on sediment observation is the primary data used for micro-
carbonate characteristics including lithology, forams and petrographical analyses. It provides key
sedimentary structure, and micro-foram content. The information concerning development of Tonasa
results of fossils sample analyses and petrographical Formation carbonate sediment as the response to
thin sections from the allochtonous limestone of environment influences.
Tonasa Formation were analyzed to determine the
organisms constituting the rock fabric. Characteristic METHODS
of sediment lamination and bioturbation provides
information about sedimentary depositional This study is subdivided into four steps: field survey,
processes. Micro forams, including smaller benthic laboratory analyses, data interpretation and
forams like Textularia sp, Cibicides sp, reporting. Measured stratigraphic section, as the field
Quinqueloculina sp, are present in the Tonasa survey, was performed to construct a lithological
Formation which then indicates it is deposited in the composite including bed thickness, and detail
shallow marine indicate marine environment. lithologic descriptions. Complete lateral and vertical
Planktonic foraminifers that are present in the distribution of the Tonasa Formation in the study
formation are Globigerina senni, Globigerapsis area are scrutinized to explain the depositional
kugleri, Globorotalia increconybescen, which are environment. Laboratory analyses for microscopic
the index fossils for Middle Eocene. thin section include micropaleontology and
petrographical components. The purpose of
Keywords: Tonasa Formation, allochtonous micropaleontology analyses is to determine
limestone, micro-forams, depositional environment. benthonic species name for each lithology, based on
the publication of An Illustrated Key To The Genera
Of The Foraminifera (Cushman, 1983), whereas the
INTRODUCTION determination of planktonic species is based on the
Manual of Planktonic Foraminifers (Postuma, 1971).
Karama is located in Bangkala Subdistrict, Field survey results and laboratory analyses are then
Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi, and it is located reviewed for facies depositional environtment based
in the geological map Ujung Pandang, Benteng, and on Bandy (1967), Enos (1983) and Howard A.A and
Sinjai sheet (Figure 1). The outcrop that are exposed Martien D.B (2005).
* University of Gadjah Mada
** UPN ”Veteran” Yogyakarta
RESULTS presence of Textularia, Quinqueloculina and
Cibicides, cycle is deposited in marine lagoons and
The measured stratigraphic section in the study area carbonate platform (Figure 4). The percentage of
comprises of calcareous claystones interlude by micro forams Cibicides is 22.73%, Textularia is
limestone with 17.98 meter of thickness. The 65.91% (Textulariina Sub Family), and
presence of middle eocene planktonic foraminifer Quinqueloculina is 11.63% (Miliolina Sub Family).
fossils such as Globigerina senni, Globigerapsis
kugleri and Globorotalia increconybescens and In the Late Miocene, tectonic activation in the South
smaller benthic forams like Textularia sp, Sulawesi had consequence magmatism process that
Quinqueloculina sp, and Cibicides sp, are indication feature basalt intrusion on the Janeponto. The
of marine depositional environment. Lamination and magmatism resulted basalt intrusion to the Tonasa
bioturbation are additional evidence for marine Formation (Eocene – Middle Miocene).
Based on planktic foraminifera smaller benthic
forams, sedimentary structure and lithology 1. Tonasa Formation is typified by the occurance of
composition, the Tonasa Formation in the study area allochtonous limestone like mudstone,
can be subdivided into two cycle. The first cycle wackstone, packstone, grainstone with slight
includes layers 1 to 12 (Figure 1b). The layer is portion of coral limestone of Middle Eocene age.
thickness upward, light grey to dark brown color, 2. The Tonasa formation is subdivided into two
lamination sedimentary structure. The limestone cycles. The first cycle features mudstone,
layers are characterized as mudstone, packstone, and packstone, and grainstone and the occurrance of
grainstone based on petrography analyses. Attendant Textularia, and Cibicides. Whereas the second
data of the feature yield classification (Enos, 1983) cycle characteristic features mudstone,
of depositional environment on bathimetry zone as wackstone, packstone, and grainstone and the
Inner Shelf to Middle shelf. Microplaeontological occurance of Textularia, Quinqueloculina and
analyses of smaller benthic foram suggest that this Cibicides. The existence of Quinqueloculina
cycle was deposited in Middle Neritic (Bandy, 1967) indicates clear environment, nutrient exactly,
with depth 30 to 90 meters. Micro forams presence and depth <200 meters. The first cycle to second
in the first cycle are Textularia aglutinans d' cycle is shallowing up-ward. The presence of
Orbigny, Siphotextularia plana, Textularia sp, Textularia, Quinqueloculina, and Cibicides
Cibicides americanus, Cibicides barnetti Bermudez, indicates that both cycle is deposited in the
Cibicides hispaniolae Bermudez, Cibicides hunteri marine lagoons and carbonate platforms
Bermudez, Cibicides io, Cibicides micrus Bermudez, depositional environtment.
Cibicides pseudongerianus Cushman, Cibicides sp
(Figure 2). The percentage of micro forams Cibicides ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
is 71.43%, and Textularia is 28.57% (Textulariina
Sub Family) This study is based on Nurhikmah Supardi
undergraduate final assignment ”in the Universitas
Second cycle includes layers 13 until 21 (Figure 1b). Hasanudin ”. The authors acknowledge Prof.
This cycle is characterized by thinning upwards, grey Dr.rer.nat. Ir. A. M. Imran dan Dr. Eng. Meutia
to dark brown color, and predominantly bioturbated Farida, ST, MT for their discussion and motivation.
sedimentary structure. The limestone characteristic Our gratitudes to the Department of Geological
are mudstone, wackstone, packstone, and grainstone Engineering of Universitas Gadjah Mada,
that are identified by petrography analyses. Observed Universitas Hasanudin and Universitas
features lead to classification (Enos, 1983) of Pembangunan Nasional ”Veteran”. Thank you to the
depositional environment on Middle Shelf to Inner 2016 IPA Technical Program Committee for their
Shelf. Microplaeontology of smaller benthic forams acceptence of this paper.
analyses indicate that this cycle is deposited in the
Middle Neritic (Bandy, 1967) with depth about 30 to
90 meters. Micro forams that is presence in the Armstrong, H. & Brasier, M., 2005, Microfossils,
second cycle are Textularia barnetti Bermudez, Blackwell, USA.
Textularia cubencis Lalicker, Bermudez, Textularia
sp, Milioliina fossils Quinqueloculina subarenaria Bakosurtanal, 1991, Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia
Cushman, Cibicides io Cushman, Cibicides lobatus Lembar Jeneponto nomor lembar 2010 – 33,
d' Orbigny, Cibicides sp, (Figure 3). Based on the Cibinong, Bogor.

Bandy, M.F., 1967, Foraminifera and Radiolaria as Depositional Environments. Oklahoma: AAPG
depth indicators in the marine environment. Marine Memoir 33.
geology : Department of Geology, Cambridge Great
Britain. Postuma, J.A., 1971, Manual of Planktonic
Foraminifera, Elsevier Publishing Company,
Chusman, J.A., 1983, “an Illustrated Key to the Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Genera of the Foraminifera”, Sharon, Massachusetts,
U.S.A. Sukamto, R, dan Supriatna, 1982, Peta Geologi
Lembar Ujungpandang, Benteng dan Sinjai,
Dunham, R. J. 1962, Classification of carbonate Sulawesi. Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi
rocks according to depositional texture. In;Ham, W. Direktorat Jenderal Geologi dan Sumberdaya
E. (ed.). Classification of carbonate rocks: American Mineral, Bandung, Indonesia.
Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, hal.
108-121. Wilson, M.E.J. & Bosence W.J, 1995, The Tonasa
Limestone Formation Sulawesi, Indonesia :
Enos, P., 1983, Shelf Environment. Dalam Schole, P. Development of a Tertiary Carbonate Platform,
A., D. G. Bebout, & C. H. Moore, 1983. Carbonate Unpublished, PhD Thesis, University of London.



Figure 1 - (a). Geological map research area at Karama inclusive of site/index map, administrative map, and
observation map (b). Measured stratigraphic section discerned two cycles sedimentary carbonate
at Karama in Tonasa Formation

X Nicol





(a) (b)

Figure 2 - First cycle sample result (a) smaller benthic forams include fossils by a.Textularia aglutinans d'
Orbigny, b. Siphotextularia plana, c. Textularia sp, d. Cibicides americanus, e. Cibicides barnetti,
f. Cibicides hispaniolae, h. Cibicides hunteri Bermudez, i. Cibicides io Cushman, j. Cibicides
micrus Bermudez, k. Cibicides pseudongerianus, l. Cibicides sp. ( b) petrographical analyze (layer
2) packstone (Planktic forams/Pf, Smaller benthic forams/Sbf, Lm/Lime mud)

X Nicol




1mm b)
(a) (b)

Figure 3 - Second cycle sample result (a) smaller benthic forams, include fossils a. Textularia barnetti
Bermudez, b. Textularia cubencis Lalicker and Bermudez, c. Textularia sp, d.
Quinqueloculina subarenaria Cushman, e. Cibicides io Cushman, f. Cibicides lobatus d'
Orbigny, g. Cibicides sp.
(b) petrographical analysis (layer 2) wackstone (Planktic forams/Pf, Smaller benthic forams/Sbf,
Lm/Lime mud)

Cycle 2

Cycle 1

(a) (b)

Figure 4 - (a). the presence of benthonic fossils, (b). Depositional environment 1st cycle (Cibicides, T) and
2nd cycle (Cibicides, Quinqueloculina, T, M) based on Howard A.Armstrong, andMartin D. Brasier

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