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Stock Market Development

and Corporate Finance Decisions

A S L I D E M I R G Ü Ç - K U N T A N D V O J I S L AV M A K S I M O V I C

$35 billion in 1994, compared with $0.1 bil- tems—financial structure becomes rele-
In developing countries, how lion in 1985. vant. Firms must decide whether to issue
The growth of equity markets in devel- debt or equity securities to minimize the
is the growth of stock markets oping countries has won the enthusiastic costs entailed by these imperfections.
affecting corporate financing support of policymakers and expanded the Existing theories have focused on two
financing options available to firms. But it different determinants of financing choices
decisions? Initially, stock mar- raises a number of questions. How do firms made by firms: “agency” theories stress
ket development tends to be decide whether to finance investment by conflicts of interest between owners, credi-
debt or equity? How does stock market tors, and managers; other theories stress
accompanied by higher corpo- development affect the financing choices of tax consequences. Empirical evidence
rate debt-equity ratios and firms? And how does it affect banks in shows that differences in the capital struc-
developing countries? tures of firms in industrial and developing
more business for banks.
countries can be attributed to the potential
Debt or equity? for a firm’s owners or managers to engage
Finance theory tells us that, in the in opportunistic behavior (captured by fac-

O VER THE past ten years, total

capitalization of stock markets
worldwide has grown from $4.7
trillion to $15.2 trillion; develop-
ing countries’ share of this total has jumped
from less than 4 percent to 13 percent.
absence of bankruptcy costs, corporate
income taxation, or other market imperfec-
tions, the value of a firm is independent of
its financial structure. The theory is intu-
itive—because a firm’s value is determined
by real assets, it cannot be changed by
tors such as asset composition, liquidity
constraints, industry classification, and
growth opportunities) as well as to the tax
advantages of debt financing in many coun-
tries. However, these differences explain
only part of the cross-country variation in
These increases have been accompanied by purely financial transactions. In other corporate debt-equity ratios. As shown in
the liberalization of stock markets, espe- words, financial assets on the right side of Chart 1, this variation is considerable.
cially in the developing world. In a success- the balance sheet have value only because
ful attempt to attract foreign portfolio of the real assets, including intangibles and Stock markets
flows, many developing countries have growth opportunities, on the left side. One possible determinant of corporate
removed restrictions on foreign ownership, Therefore, if markets are doing their job, it financing choices that theory has over-
liberalized capital account transactions, should not be possible to create value by looked is the level of development of finan-
and improved accounting and information shuffling the paper claims on the firm’s real cial markets, especially equity markets.
standards. Portfolio flows of equity in- assets. However, if there are imperfec- Most of the finance literature assumes the
vestment to emerging markets have tions—such as taxes, underdeveloped existence of liquid, well-functioning stock
increased sharply in recent years, reaching financial markets, and inefficient legal sys- markets. However, economies without a

Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Vojislav Maksimovic,

a Turkish national, is a Senior Economist in the Finance and Private a Canadian national, is an Associate Professor at the Business School of
Sector Development Division of the World Bank’s Policy and Research the University of Maryland.

Finance & Development / June 1996 47

expansion more attractive; such an expan-
Chart 1
sion could be financed either through addi-
Corporate debt-equity ratios
(average, 1980–91) tional debt or equity. A fourth possibility is
6 that, by facilitating the flow of information
and improving corporate governance, well-
functioning stock markets may lower the
cost of raising capital. In this case, external
5 finance—both debt and equity—would
become less costly, although it is not clear
which would increase more.
The effect of stock market development
on corporate debt-equity ratios depends on
the initial level of stock market development.
We examined corporate debt-equity ratios
3 in 30 industrial and developing countries
(Chart 1). After ranking countries based on
the level of stock market development (mea-
sured by the size and liquidity of stock
2 markets), we divided the sample into three
groups of equal numbers of countries. The
first group has the least developed stock
markets; the stock markets in the second

United Kingdom
group are twice as developed; and the third

United States
New Zealand

South Africa

group has the most developed stock mar-
Hong Kong







kets—almost four times as developed as







the first group. When less-developed stock

markets double, in terms of size and liquid-
Sources: IFC's corporate finance data base and Global Vantage data.
ity, corporate debt-equity ratios increase by
10 percent. (See Chart 2.) When a stock
well-functioning stock market may suffer issuance of equity would mitigate the market quadruples in size and liquidity,
from three types of imperfections. incentive problems, allowing the firm to however, corporate debt-equity ratios
First, if there is no stock market, or the borrow more. decline by 25 percent.
stock market is not liquid, opportunities for Third, besides their role in supplying This finding suggests that, as a rela-
risk diversification are limited for investors capital, stock markets play an important tively undeveloped stock market begins to
and entrepreneurs. Outside investors may informational role. Well-functioning stock develop in a given country, firms in that
require a premium to acquire company markets collect information about the country initially increase their debt-equity
stock that is traded on an illiquid market. prospects of firms whose shares are traded ratios. Not only do they issue new equity
The high costs of diversification may and make it available to creditors and but they also borrow more. So, at early
induce firms to avoid the use of financial investors. By improving the flow of infor- stages of market development, improve-
markets and may influence the firms’ mation about firms and simplifying ments in information quality, monitoring,
investment decisions. Thus, firms may takeovers, well-functioning stock markets and corporate control may be large enough
choose less capital-intensive production may contribute to corporate control and to induce creditors to lend more. For these
technologies that are subject to lower long- thus lead to greater managerial compe- firms, debt and equity finance are comple-
term risk, or they may invest less and tency. Better corporate control and firm mentary. However, as stock markets con-
remain smaller than if their shares were management will, in turn, promote invest- tinue to develop, the ratio changes. In
widely held. ment and efficiency. countries with relatively developed stock
Second, in the absence of a well-function- However, the effect of stock market markets, as the latter continue to develop,
ing stock market, firms are unable to opti- development on corporate financing deci- firms begin to substitute equity for debt.
mally structure their financing packages. sions is ambiguous. Sudden access to a Could this reflect other factors that deter-
Usually, there are conflicts of interest well-functioning stock market could have a mine corporate financing decisions? While
between a firm’s managers and its cus- variety of possible effects on corporate the simple correlations between debt-equity
tomers and suppliers as well as between debt-equity ratios. One possible outcome is ratios and the level of stock market devel-
different classes of investors in the firm. the substitution of outside equity, through opment are telling, they do not take into
For example, firms with high levels of debt public offerings, for debt; in this case, the account other possible determinants of cor-
may have increased their probability of debt-equity ratios of firms previously able porate financial structure. In addition to the
bankruptcy sufficiently that they may enter to issue only debt would decrease. Or a differences, identified in the corporate
into overly risky projects, thus harming closely held firm might open itself to public finance literature, between firms, capital
their creditors. Because debt financing cre- ownership by issuing shares and substitut- structures may be different across countries
ates incentives to take greater risks, a ing outside equity for inside equity, which because of differences in economic develop-
highly leveraged firm may not be able to would not affect the debt-equity ratio. A ment, supporting institutions, tax treat-
obtain additional credit. In these cases, if third possibility is that the firm’s owners’ ment of debt versus equity, and level of
there were a well-functioning stock market, new ability to diversify risks would make development of financial institutions.

48 Finance & Development / June 1996

Differences in growth rates capture large firms to increase their leverage.
Chart 2
differences in growth opportunities However, for large firms in countries
available to firms in industrial and Leverage and stock market with more developed markets, further
developing countries. All countries in development (1980-91) stock market development is associated
Chart 1, except Jordan and South Africa, with lower debt-equity ratios.
experienced GDP growth in the 1980s.

Corporate debt/equity ratios

Some countries—especially Brazil, Complementarity of banks
Mexico, and Turkey—experienced high 2.0 Stock markets serve important func-
rates of inflation in the 1980s. tions even in economies with well-devel-
Differences in inflation rates can also 1.5 Least Developed Most oped banking sectors. Because stock
developed stock developed
explain some of the cross-country varia- markets provide a means of diversifying
stock markets 2 stock
tion in debt-equity ratios. Because debt 1.0 markets 1 markets 3 risk, mitigate conflicts of interest among
contracts are typically written in nomi- different creditors, and improve infor-
nal dollars, the rate of inflation may 0.5 mation flow and corporate governance,
affect the riskiness, in real terms, of debt equity and debt financing are, in gen-
financing. 0.14 0.28 0.54
eral, not perfect substitutes for each
The countries in the study also present Stock market development in terms of size other. This is especially true in coun-
a wide range of economic development— and liquidity tries with developing stock markets. In
Sources: IFC's corporate finance data base and
GDP per capita for 1991 ranges from these countries, although development
Global Vantage data.
$359 (Pakistan) to $27,492 (Switzerland). Note: The 30 countries in the study are grouped
of stock markets makes more invest-
Income is a good indicator of institu- according to the level of stock market development. ment feasible, new equity sales are not
tional development. Although the general The index of stock market development is based on the only source of finance for invest-
trend has been toward liberalization, size and liquidity and is a means-removed average ment. By providing better information
of the ratios of stock market capitalization to GDP,
markets are much more heavily regu- value traded to GDP, and value traded to stock and decreasing monitoring costs for
lated in most developing countries; there market capitalization. investors and financial intermediaries,
are often fewer protections for investors; 1 Least developed stock markets: Belgium, Brazil, stock markets lower the costs of both
accounting standards are inadequate; Finland, France, Italy, New Zealand, Pakistan, Spain, external debt and external equity. Some
and governments are, in general, more Turkey, and Zimbabwe. of the new investment stimulated by
2 Developed stock markets: Australia, Austria,
active in business affairs. The efficiency stock market development is financed
Canada, India, Jordan, Mexico, the Netherlands,
of the legal system and the ability to Norway, Sweden, and Thailand. by new bank loans and bond sales.
enforce contracts are also highly corre- 3 Most developed stock markets: Germany, Hong Thus, in the early stages of stock mar-
lated with the level of income. Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, South ket development, equity issues tend to
Countries also vary with respect to Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the complement rather than replace bank
United States.
their tax treatment of interest income, lending and bond issues.
dividends, and capital gains. In most In many developing countries, banks
industrial countries in the sample—for ling for these other determinants of corpo- fear that the volume of their business will
example, Japan, the United Kingdom, and rate financing decisions. decrease as stock markets grow. However,
the United States—interest payments have Size matters. It is likely that the role analysis suggests that initial improvements
tax advantages. However this is true for played by the market in gathering and dis- in the functioning of a developing stock
only two developing countries in the sam- closing information may be more impor- market produce higher debt-equity ratios
ple: India and Korea. In the others, the net tant for large firms because their stocks are for firms, and thus more business for
tax burden is generally lower on equity traded more often and are followed by banks. In countries with developing finan-
income. many analysts. Small firms may not benefit cial systems, stock markets and banks play
Finally, the level of development of finan- as much from stock market development, at different, but complementary roles. Policies
cial institutions, especially banks, is also least initially, because their access may be undertaken to develop stock markets need
important in provision of credit and corpo- limited by high fixed issuance costs. Even not affect existing banking systems
rate financing decisions. Differences in the stock of small firms that are listed on an adversely. Stock markets and banks can be
bank development also reflect differences in exchange may not be traded as often as the developed simultaneously. F&D
legal structure. For example, different com- stock of larger firms, since it may be more
binations of financial intermediaries have costly for traders to acquire information
been developed by European countries about the prospects of small firms.
with universal banking than by industrial An examination of the quartiles com- This article is based on two papers by the
countries with regulatory restrictions that posed of the smallest and the largest firms authors: “Capital Structures in Developing
segregate banking and commerce (the (measured by asset size) in each country Countries: Evidence from Ten Countries,”
United States, for example). Even though demonstrates that debt-equity complemen- World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
the overall size of the financial system may tarity in developing markets is indeed No. 1320 (Washington, 1994); and “Stock
Market Development and Firm Financing
be similar across these countries, the driven by large firms. The findings suggest
Choices,” World Bank Policy Research Working
financing decisions of firms may reflect that the development of a stock market ini- Paper No. 1461 (Washington, 1995). These
these structural differences. tially affects the financial policies of only papers were part of a World Bank research
Multiple regression procedures suggest the largest firms. In countries where stock project, “Stock Markets, Corporate Finance, and
that our findings on stock market develop- markets do not play a significant economic Economic Growth,” organized by Asli Demirgüç-
ment and leverage hold even after control- role, stock market development permits Kunt and Ross Levine.

Finance & Development / June 1996 49

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