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First Name Last Name

Career Summary

This should be 2-3 lines long and include number of years experience, methodologies, frameworks,
languages, projects and technologies worked on, and their role (any leadership positions?). As with the
rest of the CV, this should be written in the 3rd person (eg, Juan led a team…).

Summary of Qualifications

Proficient in:
● This is a ● Especially ● And other
● 3-4 column ● Programming languages ● Relevant
● Bulleted list ● Known ● Items
● Of skills,

● Spanish (native - C2) ● Portuguese (basic-A2)
● English (advanced- B2) ● French (intermediate - B1)

Career History

Globant, City, Country (inside Globant)

Position Held Jan. 20XX – Mar. 20XX
Account / Project
● Relevant accomplishment #1 (replace the dates with the correct ones, but use the same format)
● Relevant accomplishment #2 (the companies and positions in this list should be from most recent to
least recent)
● Relevant accomplishment #3, if needed (this same format applies to all other positions held)
● Relevant accomplishment #4, if needed (use action verbs; do not use periods/puntos [.])

Tools/Technologies: list top 3

Position Held Jan. 20XX – Mar. 20XX

Account / Project
● Relevant accomplishment #1 (this is the format to use for a second position held within the same
company as the position listed above)
● Relevant accomplishment #2
● Relevant accomplishment #3

Tools/Technologies: list top 3

COMPANY NAME, City, Country (outside Globant)

Position Held Jan. 20XX – Mar. 20XX
● Relevant accomplishment #1 (this is the format to use for a second position held within the same
company as the position listed above)
● Relevant accomplishment #2

Tools/Technologies: list top 3

COMPANY NAME, City, Country (outside Globant)

Position Held Jan. 20XX – Mar. 20XX
● Relevant accomplishment #1 (this is the format to use for a second position held within the same
company as the position listed above)
● Relevant accomplishment #2

Tools/Technologies: list top 3

University Name, City, Country Jan. 20XX – Mar. 20XX
BS, Systems Engineering OR BS, Computer Science

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