Exam 1

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Legal migration allows for many advantages and disadvantages for a country of settlement.

advantages of legal migration in the country of settlement involve decreased unemployment for
foreign employees and allow for better job opportunities. Legal migration also allows access to
an improved quality of life for the migrant workers. Another benefit is exchange of culture,
customs, and languages allowing for greater diversity . These are the benefits of legal migration
in a country of settlement which shows the potential for economic growth.

The disadvantages of legal migration in the country of settlement include the loss of a person
from rural areas, impact on the level of output and development of rural areas. Because of the
influx of workers in urban areas there will be an increased competition for the job, houses,
school facilities etc. Another disadvantage is that Many migrants are completely illiterate and
uneducated, therefore, they are unfit for most jobs. Another disadvantage is that Children
growing up in poverty have no access to proper nutrition, education or health. These are the
disadvantages of foreign direct investment in a host country which shows the potential for
economic growth.

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