Marijuana - Investigative

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Mary Jane

By: Darlene S. Debolgado

Thus, the use of the Cannabis eventually changed and it became prevalent worldwide. Here in the Philippines, the Marijuana is popularly known and used as a prohibited drug. According to Section 6 of Republic Act no. 9165 on the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs act that the penalty of cultivation, culture and handling of Marijuana is punishable by life time imprisonment to death, and a fine ranging from five hundred thousand pesos (P 500,000) to ten million pesos (P 10,000,000) regardless of its quantity. To carry out the provisions of the said act, the PDEA or the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency is the implementing arm board that is responsible for the said act to take effect. According to PDEA, Marijuanas dominant ingredient delta 9 tetrahydro cannabinol (delta 9 THC) is the primordial element that poisons and kills. Using the drug can damage the brain, disrupts the coordination of movements that may result to accidents. Also, smoking it can lead to lung diseases such as bronchitis and cancer. Furthermore, the continuous use of which can loose ones sanity. That is why they are doing their best educating, specially the youth, on the different effects Marijuana can cause to ones body. However, a study released by Harvard on April 17, 2007 showed that the active component in Marijuana, the THC, reduces half of the tumour growth in lung cancer. The researchers at Harvard tested the THC in both lab and mouse studies and they concluded that the THC activates and produces natural receptors that reduce the spread of cancer cells. Also, a British pilot study completed a clinical trial testing of THC as treatment against cancer growth. For three weeks, researchers injected doses of THC into a mouse that was implanted

Weeds on a pot; rolled foils and wrappers flared and fired; smokes hover around a dark voiding space under smirking and gnashing euphoric breath Mary Jane is to be blamed; Mary Jane is always to be the blame. Mary Jane a term coined by people for the most controversial plant the Marijuana (hemp) or the Cannabis Sativa. The term Marijuana is the Spanish term for Mary Jane, the Spanish common name for the plant. It has been long banned and illegalized by different states because of its psychoactive properties that serve to be an agent in achieving euphoria, leading to possible societal destruction and crime. It is defined by our government as a plant or a drug that alters the mood and some authorities call it a gateway drug. However, it cannot be classified as narcotic drug like the shabu because it is an herb. Looking on its history, Marijuana has been known and used by people since 7000 8000 BCE and is believed to had woven the first ever fabric. In the early 6000 BCE, its seeds were used as food in China and in 2727 BCE the cannabis was used as remedy to different health problems such as rheumatism, gout, malaria and absentmindedness. Though aware of its intoxicating properties, the Chinese people thought that its medicinal value was far more important. The drastic transition of the herbs reputation started on the peak of its popularity. It was when travelling musicians embellished its use and started glamourizing it. Some claimed that it gave them inspiration that somehow gave them the right verve to play their music; others use it for euphoric and intoxicating purposes.

with human lung cancer cells. They found out that the tumours reduced fifty percent in size and weight. Another 60 percent reduced on lung cancer lesions and protein markers with cancer progression. When tried to cancer patients, the THC causes pain reduction, aggression reduction and also helps reduce nausea. Higher doses of THC lead to being high. It can also alter perception of time and space and euphoria. Another interesting study, according to Joan Bello, the author of a book entitled The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Marijuana is a Supreme Holistic Medicine. She explains that: the effect of Marijuana to the ANS enhances both sides of the brain. More and cleaner blood is being sent to the brain and this means more oxygen is being processed, thus, a cleared and broader thinking. Joan further stated in her book: Instead of a perspective that sees the whole person and the simple holistic effect of marijuana, a myopic and reductionistic method of measurement has been employed, and marijuanas profound meaning for health has been lost. On the other hand, users shared their experience with the hemp. When asked of the reasons why they used it, some said that it is due to lack of confidence in dealing with decisions and the Marijuanas intoxicating effect helps boost their personality and confidence. Others would say that they used Marijuana because of peer pressure and they had been using it just to have a good laughter and bonding. Some would say that they want to escape the reality of their problems and the smoking weed will help them lighten up their carried baggage; and for some, they would say that they use it just because they like the light and pleasant feeling it gives.

When asked regarding the effects of smoking hemp to their health, they did not give any comment about it. Surprisingly, some says that smoking weed actually gives them a very strong appetite and helps in adding to their weight. They also said that it keeps them awake on late-night duties without feeling the stress. People have heard what the different things the Marijuana can and cant do. As history suggests and by the time Marijuanas popularity progressed, many people have also witnessed the huge change of how people treat and use it. However, whether or not Mary Jane actually kills still, it will not change the fact that it will remain hemp, an herb that has been here since the foundations of the world. The effects and benefits it gives will remain the same. Furthermore, whatever happens, it will still not change the fact that whenever people abuse and misuse this controversial herb, Mary Jane will always be the blame.

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