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PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS LABOR OFFICE OFFICE OF THE LABOUR ATTACHE EMBASSY OF THE PHILIPPINES ayo Tokyo, Japan ADVISORY TO: ALL JAPAN SUPERVISING ORGANIZATIONS DULY ACCREDITED BY PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA) TO GET TECHNICAL INTERN TRAINEES FROM THE PHILIPPINES In view of the issuance of POEA Memorandum Circular No. 13 series of 2018, and Sections 95 and 96, Rule | Part Ill of the Revised POEA Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Landbased Overseas Filipino Workers of 2016, the PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS LABOR OFFICE (POLO), the Labor Section of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo, shall verify ADDITIONAL Technical Intern Offers (TIOs), subject to the submission of the following documents 1. Copy of the POLO-Tokyo VERIFIED Technical Intem Offer (POLO-Tokyo TITP, Form No. 2018-01) bearing the POEA REGISTERED stamp; 2. Copy of VERIFIED Employment Contract with Employment Terms and Conditions and Wage Payment; 3. Original Technical intern Offer (POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No. 2018-01) and Additional TIO (POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No. 2018-03); and, 4. Original Application for Additional TIO Information Sheet (POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No. 2018-03a). Verification of ADDITIONAL Technical Intern Offer shall be based on the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) requirements on the basic fixed number of trainees. the the Due to the abovementioned policy, the 7-working days process-cycle-time i verification of documents shall be changed to 15-working days upon receipt documents submitted to POLO Tokyo. For the information of everybody concerned MARIE ROSE C. ESCAVADA. - Labor Attaché 18 October 2018 5-15-6 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537 Tels. (03) 6441-0428/0478/0959 Fax (03) 6441-3436 POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No.2018-01 TECHNICAL INTERN OFFER Date: Name of Representative Position Name of POEA-licensed Recruitment Agency Address SUBJECT: Technical Intern Offer Dear Mr./Mrs Our organization, (Name of Supervising Organization), with office address at Peco eee Heer eee eee El immediate need for (Total Number of Technical Intem Trainees) to be deployed to Japan under the Technical Intern Training Program. In view of this, please facilitate the deployment of technical intern trainees as reflected in this offer, details of which include, among others, the following: Name of Direct Monthly Wage (YEN) Employers | Total Type of | Number} (Prefecure | Number of | Gross | (Approximate) | Net Occupation } Nesded| whore Regular | Monthly | Total Monthly | — Monthly company | Employees | Wage | Deduction Wage Is located) Total= Other details of technical intern offer: The technical inter trainee shall stay in Japan for a maximum period of: [The item marked (X]is applicable under this Contract) {] Five (5) years (provided that trainee must return to home country for at least 1 month before the start ofthe next training) [ | Three (3) years (intially with one year visa and allowable extension of two (2) years) [ ] One (1) year (one [1] year valiity of technical intern trainee visa) [] Six (6) months []______ years []_____— months POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No.2018-01 Before the technical intern trainee is dispatched to Japan, he/she shall undergo training in Japanese language, culture, customs and traditions in the Philippines. The technical intern shall not be made to pay any training fee for such training The item marked [X] is applicable under this Contract. [ JA training allowance of esos shall be given to the trainee while undergoing training in the Philippines. [] No training allowance shall be provided to the trainee while undergoing training in the Philipines. During the trainee’ frst month in Japan, the technical intern trainee shall undergo a lecture for a period of days. During this lecture period the Supervising Organization shall provide the trainee with a training allowance of Yen (minimum of 85,000 Yen total training allowance). The Supervising Organization shall also provide accommodation and utities without cost to the trainee, The trainee shall py for his/her own food. The employment contract signed by the Implementing Organization (Employer) shall become cffective after the lecture period as indicated above. The Employer shall regularly pay the wages of the technical intem trainee in accordance with Japan labour laws. Such wage shall be in accordance with legal minimum hourly wage level prescribed in the prefecture where the Employer does business. In accordance with the Tax Laws of Japan, the technical intern trainees’ wages shall be subject to taxation which shall be withheld at source The cost of two-way transportation of the technical intern trainee to and from Japan shall be provided by the Implementing Organization/Employer; Medical and insurance coverage of the technical intem trainee shall be provided by the Supervising Organization before the mandatory health and social insurance in Japan for the technical inter trainee becomes effective. Very tru yours, Name and Signature of Representative Position Name of Supervising Organization POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No.2018-03 ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INTERN OFFER Name of Supervising Organization: Name of POEA-licensed Recruitment Agency: Name of Direct Monthly Wage (YEN) Employers | Total Type of | Number] (Prefecture | Numberof | Goss | (Approximate) | Net Occupation | Needed | where Regular | — Monihiy | Total Monthly | Monthly company | Employees | Wage | Deduction Wege isocated) Scheduled working hours per annum: Hours Estimated gross monthly wage : __ Yen Estimated Deductions: Income Tax : Yen Employment insurance premium : Yen Social insurance premium =: Yen Housing expenses : Yen Meal expenses i Yen Other expenses (Utilities) | Yen Total Deductions : Yen Estimated net monthly wage: Yen Name and Signature of Implementing Organization President/Representative POLO-Tokyo TITP Form No.2018-030 APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INTERN OFFER (TIO) INFORMATION SHEET 1. Name of Supervising Organization 2. Name of Implementing Organization . Accreditation Valid Until (yyvv/ month / date) > |. TIO Used as of (vyvy/ month / date) © Number of Available TIO ‘© Number of TIO Used ‘¢ Number of TIO Request 5. Name of Sending Organization Other Remarks: Processing Offi Date: Noted by: MARIE ROSE C. ESCALADA Labor Attaché Philippine Stent abe and Egoyene [ Employment nlo®poes govsh E we Administration a SERIES OF 2018 To ALL CONCERNED SUBJECT : SECTIONS 95 and 96, RULE J, PART Ill, REVISED POEA RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT OF LANDBASED OVERSEAS FILIPINO WORKERS OF 2016 DATE + 06 JULY 2018, ‘The Rules on accreditation is hereby clarified to avoid confusion /misconstruction on the subject of Accreditation with its entalling process/procedures and requirements pursuant to Section 95, Rule |, Part Ii, Revised POEA Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Landbased Overseas Filipino Workers of 2016, is hereby clarified ta wit: A. All documents for accreditation including additional manpower_requests of aceredited/registered principals as well as their additional and amended employment contracts and addendums to their contracts for new direct employer of Foreign Placement Agencies (°PA) shall be verified by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO). Verification of all manpower requests including ‘additional manpower requests” end addendum to contracts shalll refer to the procedure being conducted or applied by the Labor Attache to ensure that all the employment rights, benefits and welfare of Filipino migrant workers at the worksite are duly protected. The Labor Attacie shall also ensure that the employment Contracts of Overseas Filipino Workers are consistent with the prevailing employment laws, standards and practices in both the Philippines end the host countty, and that the documentary requirements for overseas employment as required by the Administration are complied with. B. In the absence of the POLO, all of the documents mentioned in paragraph A shall be duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy /Consulate which has jurisdiction over the jobsite. All the requirements provided for in Section 96, of the Rules except 96 B.1.5, specifically the requirement of an escrow deposit for FPAs hiring domestic workers must be verified by the POLO or authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate which has jurisdiction over the Jobsite. This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation, — 3 ——— For st ict compliance, CONTALLED Ano DISSEMINATED BveRdon 20 wu apg

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