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........................................................................................................................................................................... 0
Introduction and important information .......................................................................................................... 4
Martial Arts ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Alpine Wrestling ............................................................................................................................................ 5
German Jiu-Jitsu ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Esdo ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Urban Brawl-Parkour ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Sternschutz Tactical ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Weapons ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Walther Secura Superkompact (Holdout Pistol) ........................................................................................... 6
Altmayr Black Moon (Heavy Pistol) ............................................................................................................... 6
Glock-Swarovski Adlerauge (Heavy Pistol) .................................................................................................... 7
HK Urban Fighter (Heavy Pistol) .................................................................................................................... 7
Walther Secura II (Heavy Pistol) .................................................................................................................... 8
Glock 51 (Machine Pistol) .............................................................................................................................. 8
Walther P118 (Machine Pistol)...................................................................................................................... 9
Glock MP Custodes (Machine Pistol) ............................................................................................................. 9
HK 223C (Machine Pistol) ............................................................................................................................ 10
HK Urban Enforcer (Machine Pistol) ............................................................................................................ 11
Steyr AUG-CSL III (Weapons System) .......................................................................................................... 12
HK DMR 11D (Sniper Rifle) .......................................................................................................................... 14
Altmayr SPX2 (Shotgun)............................................................................................................................... 15
PJSS Modell 75 (Shotgun) ............................................................................................................................ 16
Ruhrmetall SMK 252 (Assault Cannon)........................................................................................................ 17
Vehicles............................................................................................................................................................ 18
BMW Sleipnir (Offroadtrike)........................................................................................................................ 18
Shiawase Motors Shuriken (Bike) ................................................................................................................ 18
BMW Gaia (Sedan) ...................................................................................................................................... 19
EMC Celine (Minivan)................................................................................................................................... 19
Eurocar Escape (Offroad-RV) ....................................................................................................................... 20
Mercedes 250 Classic (Sedan) ..................................................................................................................... 20
Mercedes Click (Sportscar) .......................................................................................................................... 21
Mercedes Paladin (Luxury Limo) ................................................................................................................. 21
Nordseewerke Thetis (Hovercraft) .............................................................................................................. 22
Caterpillar Omniwinder (Construction Vehicle) .......................................................................................... 22
EMC 2073 Catcher (Patrol Car) .................................................................................................................... 23
VW Freya (EMS Vehicle) .............................................................................................................................. 23
Kamow KA-226 Sergej (Multipurpose Helicopter) ...................................................................................... 24
Airbus A140 (Tiltwing / VTOL) ..................................................................................................................... 24
Cargolifter Industries CL-180 (Freight Airship) ............................................................................................ 25
Jena Robotnik Pilalux (Mini Drone) ............................................................................................................. 25
Jena Robotnik Tegenaria (Mini Drone) ........................................................................................................ 26
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Hugin (Small Drone) ........................................................................................... 26
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Libelle (Small Drone) .......................................................................................... 27
Ruhrmetall Skarabäus (Small Drone) ........................................................................................................... 27
Schiebel Robotic Crust Mark II (Small Drone) ............................................................................................. 28
Krupp Minion (Medium Drone) ................................................................................................................... 28
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Heuschrecke 2 (Medium Drone) ........................................................................ 29
Ruhrmetall Murmillo (Medium Riot Control Drone) ................................................................................... 29
Siemens FWD Screamer (Medium Rescue Drone) ...................................................................................... 30
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Jagdhund (Large tracking drone) ........................................................................ 30
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Jagdschrecke (Large Interception Drone) ........................................................... 31
Mitsuhama FED-11 (Large Surveillance Drone) ........................................................................................... 31
Ruhrmetall Wolfsspinne 8V2 (Large Guard Drone) ..................................................................................... 32
Mitsuhama Honson (Anthro Drone) ............................................................................................................ 32
Bodytech .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Siemens Cyberspine .................................................................................................................................... 33
Zeiss Consortium MET-2000 Suites ............................................................................................................. 33
Gear ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Commlinks ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Cyberdecks .................................................................................................................................................. 34
High-Fashion Armor Clothing ...................................................................................................................... 34
Drugs ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
In-Universe Advertisements (no game relevant rules, just fluff) .................................................................... 36
Magic Traditions .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Armanentradition ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Dianism ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Frisian Magic ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Magic of Roma and Street Nomads ............................................................................................................. 38
Svetovid/Svetoid/Svetoism ......................................................................................................................... 38
Troll Shamanism .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Mentor Spirits .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Eurasian Jay...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Squirrel......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Fox ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
Tides............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Heinzelmännchen. ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Groundhog ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Seal .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Pig ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Capricorn ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Wild Hunt ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Qualities ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Arcology Tantrum ........................................................................................................................................ 41
People’s SIN ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Introduction and important information
The goal of this document is to provide an interpretation of the German “State of the Art: ADL” sourcebook
for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, allowing players and those interested not able to read German to get a
glimpse of the books contents and judge them based on issues such as balancing and context within the
game universe.

This is not going to be a full translation of this book. I am neither equipped nor qualified to give such a
translation, and any such work I would do would not be of the quality meriting this book.

The focus of my work is going to be to provide usable translations of rulings to be used in gameplay, such as
martial arts, weapons and other common gear, cyberware, magic and the like. I will give short translations,
interpretations or explanations to items, if I think they are necessary to understand how the item is
intended to be used. For instance, I will be giving brief context for martial arts introduced, but will likely
skip most text for weapons unless they have special rules that need explaining. I will, however, include the
many nice illustrations for the gear presented. Prices, given in Euro, are converted to Nuyen 1:1 (hitting € is
much faster for me than pasting ¥, and is also the original style). Item availability might be given as E or V as
I copy a lot of text by hand. If this is the case, please point it out to me and I will correct it. E is equivalent
Restricted, V to Forbidden. The order of items handled will be as I come across them in the book.

I will skip most fluff for the time being, although you are welcome to ask me about particular things you
might be interested and I will try to provide a translation for you and add it to this document. My
Shadowrun-mainstay on the internet are the /srg/ Shadowrun General threads on 4chans /tg/ traditional
games board. I also have a reddit account, currently only for the purposes of playing Shadowrun online, but
I will try to respond to PMs on this topic, but please don’t expect instant replies as I don’t browse reddit
aside from this. My username there is /u/terranautomae.
Martial Arts
The Martial Arts section includes no new techniques. I will be using the technique names listed in SR5 Run
& Gun, beginning page 135. For rules clarifications on the effect of techniques please double-check there.

Alpine Wrestling
Alpine Wrestling is an umbrella term for a few similiar martial arts from the south of Germany,
including Austria and Switzerland. The goal is, as with normal wrestling, to throw or lever your
opponent to the ground using your body strength.
Techniques: Oaken Stance (Charge Attack), Rooted Tree, Clinch, Karmic Response, Throw Person,
Imposing Stone

German Jiu-Jitsu
A combat sport designed in the 1960s in Germany, mixing elements of Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Aikido and
Karate. Members of state and country police all learn it, aswell as correctional staff, customs
officers, private bodyguards and others.
Techniques: Called Shot (Disarm), Sweep, Clinch, Kick Attack, Throw Person, Defiant Dance

Esdo is a self-defense and health martial art, designed in the 1980s in Germany as european
alternative to asian martial arts and has been in development since. It is based on the idea that all
the different european peoples have different sizes and statures, and that a physically weaker
defender can win against a stronger attacker. It is popular with wage-slaves as an alternative to
Yoga or Tai-Chi.
Techniques: Oaken Stance (Knockdown), Bending the Reed, Counterstrike, Kick Attack, Stagger,
Yielding Force (Counter Strike)

Urban Brawl-Parkour
This fighting style developed together with Urban Brawl and is a variation of classical parkour, to
be used in the urban warzones of Urban Brawl. It combines elements of parkour with the usage of
firearms and is commonly used by members of Urban Brawl teams aswell as their fans.
Techniques: Tricking, Monkey Climb, Close Quarter Firearms (Pistols), Close Quarter Defense
Against Firearms, Leaping Mantis, Rolling Clouds

Sternschutz Tactical
A variation of Knight Errant Tactical developed after the Crash 2.0, mostly used by security forces
from Sternschutz, owned by the Frankfurt Banking Association.
Techniques: Oaken Stance (Charge Attack), Called Shot (Break Weapon), Broken Fang, Hammerfist,
Opposing Force (Parry), Close Quarter Defense Against Firearms
Walther Secura Superkompact (Holdout Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

4 7P -1 SA - 4(c) 8R 1.000€
Upgrades: Ceramic/Plasteel Components Rating 4
Special: Uses Heavy Pistol Ammo

Altmayr Black Moon (Heavy Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6 8P -1 SA 1 6(cy) 4R 1.150€
Upgrades: Electronic Firing, Slide Mount (Top)
Glock-Swarovski Adlerauge (Heavy Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6(8) 7P -1 SA - 12(c) 11R 890€
Upgrades: Long Barrel, Improved Range Finder, Internal Smartgun System

HK Urban Fighter (Heavy Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6 7P -1 SA 1 10(c) 16F 2.400€
Optional Upgrades: Silencer, 1.000€, 16F
Special: Fluff talks about the gun being entirely plasteel/ceramic, making it impossible to spot by
MAD scanner. No upgrades except the special silencer can be installed. The magazine is chemically
sealed, hiding it from chemical detectors. Gun size is 20cm (8in), making it extremely hard to find
on a person (no concealability modifier is given). Additional sealed clips are 16F, 150€, standard
ammo only. Nonstandard ammo is available but only in nonsealed clips.
Walther Secura II (Heavy Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6(8) 8P -1 SA/BF - 18(c) 10R 925€
Upgrades: Internal Smartgun, Flashlight (Standard)
Special: Burst firing this gun is always a complex actions.

Glock 51 (Machine Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

5(6) 7P - SA/BF/FA - 28(c) 10R 450€
Upgrades: Ceramic/Plasteel Components 2, Laser Sight
Walther P118 (Machine Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

5(7) 7P - SA/BF/FA 3 24(c) 9R 2.300€
Upgrades: Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Advanced Safety System Basic, Gas-Vent 2 System,
Internal Smartgun System, Safe Target System Base Biometric, Extended Clip
Special: If upgraded with an extended clip 2, clip size increases by 50% only. Caseless ammo only.

Glock MP Custodes (Machine Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

5 7P - SA/BF/FA 1(2) 24(c) 15F 1.500€
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Gas-Vent 1 System, Ceramic/Plasteel Components 2, Sling
Special: Concealability of 0, +2 with the stock. Only 1 RC with the stock off. The stock costs 50€ and
can be put on or taken off with a complex action. This base variant is referred to as MPK.
Secondary variant, MPV, costs 2.000€ and comes with the stock. It also comes with a special
briefcase that has a button near the grip which will flip open the briefcase, giving access to the
weapon. To spot the true nature of the briefcase, anyone rolling perception gets a -6 modifier.

HK 223C (Machine Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

4 8P -1 SA/BF/FA (1) 30(c)/40(c) 9F 850€
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Slide Mount (Top), Slide Mount (Side)
Special: Uses Assault Rifle Ammo. The 30-magazine is standard issue from Heckler & Koch, the 40-
magazine is from Colt. No special rules or costs are given as to the acquisition of the bigger
HK Urban Enforcer (Machine Pistol)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

7(9) 8P - SA/BF/FA 1 36(c) 20F 6.200€
4(6) * * SS - 4(m)
Upgrades: Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Silencer, Internal Smartgun System, Advanced Safety
System Basic Biometric, Underbarrel Grenadelauncher
Special: Fluff talks about the gun being entirely plasteel/ceramic, making it impossible to spot by
MAD scanner. No additional upgrades can be installed. The magazine is chemically sealed, hiding it
from chemical detectors. Extra magazines cost 200€, 20F and have standard ammo loaded. Other
ammo is available, but only in non-sealed magazines. Caseless ammo only. Only HE-microgrenades
(14P, -2, -2/m, 200€, 20F) are available.
Steyr AUG-CSL III (Weapons System)

Type Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

AR 6(7) 10P -2 SA/BF/FA 1 30(c) 13F 3.000€
Carbine 6(7) 8P -2 SA/BF/FA 1 36(c)
LMG 6(7) 10P -2 BF/FA (2) 50(c)
Sniper 7(8) 10P -2 SA (2) 10(c)
Upgrades: Laser Sight, Foregrip (AR/Carbine only), Imaging Scope, Bipod (LMG/Sniper only)
Special: No additional underbarrel modifications. The different types all use their respective
ranges and concealability modifiers. No info an ammo used. AR is base form, so I assume that.
Changing from Carbine to AR is nothing more than changing the barrel and requires an extended
test Automatics + AGI [Physical] (5, 1 Combat turn).
Changing to LMG or Sniper Rifle is harder and takes an extended test Armorer + AGI [Physical] (5, 1
HK G12A4 (Assault Rifle)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6(8) 9P -2 SA/BF/FA 3(4) 32(c) 9F 2.850€
4(6) Grenade Grenade SS - 8(m)
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Gas-Vent 2 System, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, Internal Smartgun
System, Foregrip, Imaging Scope, Slide Mount (Top), Slide Mount (Side), Slide Mount (Underbarrel)

Steyr UCR (Assault Rifle)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6(7) 9P -2 SA/BF/FA 1 40(c) 10F 1.850€
3(4) 10P -1 SS - 4(m)
Upgrades: Laser Sight, Shock Pad
Special: The underbarrel shotgun values are given for slugs. Shots use normal shotgun, choke and
flechette rules.
HK DMR 11D (Sniper Rifle)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6/4* 11P -3 SA/BF (2) 30(c) 10F 8.500€
Upgrades: Bipod, Imaging Scope, Slide Mount (Top)
Special: In Burst Fire, Accuracy is 4. Uses Assault Rifle ammo.

HK Urban Striker (Sniper Rifle)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

8(10) 13P -4 SA 1(3) 10(c) 18F 45.000€
Upgrades: Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Easy Breakdown (Unpowered), Silencer, Internal
Smartgun System, Advanced Safety System Basic Biometric
Special: Completely ceramic/plasteel and undetectable by MAD scanners. Chemically sealed
magazines, undetectable by chemical scanners. Extra magazines 200€, 18F, standard ammo only.
Other ammo is available, in unsealed magazines. Caseless ammo only.
Altmayr SPX2 (Shotgun)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

4 10P -1 SS/SA - 8(m) 4R 475€
Special: Uses Heavy Pistol ranges. Due to the short barrel, conceability modifier is +2 instead of +6.

Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X (Shotgun)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

4(5) 10P -1 SA/BF (1) 6(c) 12F 1.200€
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Laser Sight, Slide Mount (Top). Optional: Silencer, 900€, 14F
Special: Conceability +2 (with folded stock and no silencer). No underbarrel modifications.
PJSS Modell 75 (Shotgun)

Weapon Acc Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

Modell 75 6 11P -1 SS (1) 2(b) 8R 1.200€
Modell 75-III 8R 1.700€
- Shotgun 6 11P -1 SS (1) 2(b)
- Rifle Barrel 6 12P -2 SS (1) 1(b)
Upgrades: Shock Pad
Special: The base model is a double barrel shotgun with two triggers. Firing both barrels at once
counts as a short burst (SR5 p.180/181. Consider “not enough bullets” sidebox).
The Modell 75-III is a drilling (‘triplet’) and has a rifle barrel and two smoothbore (shotgun) barrels.
Firing all three barrels counts as a burst (see above).
Either way, short burst or burst fire is only possible if the same ammo is loaded in all barrels.
Ruhrmetall SMK 252 (Assault Cannon)

Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Availability Price

6 16P -5 SA 1(2) 20(c) 22F 50.000€
Upgrades: Extended Clip 1, Long Barrel, Imaging Scope, Foregrip, Bipod
Special: Uses Sniper Ranges. Extended Barrel and Extended Clip 1 cannot be removed. Extended
Clip 2 only increases ammo capacity by 50%. Can only use either the foregrip (mobile, RC 1)or the
bipod (stationary, RC 2) at any time, not both.
Most vehicles are presented with ‘similar models’, the same vehicle from a different
manufacturer. I am not listing those. For most vehicle just assume that you can get a vehicle with
the same stats from other manufacturers. Consult with your GM.

BMW Sleipnir (Offroadtrike)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
3/5 3 2 8 8 2 2 3 - 14.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Off-Road Suspension, Metahuman Adjustment
Special: In AR, you can use a complex action to adjust the Trike to the metatype of any driver.
Manually, it’s an extended Automotive Mechanics + LOG [Mental] (3, 1 Minute)

Shiawase Motors Shuriken (Bike)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
5/2 6 3 5 5 1 2 1 4 32.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, GridLink, Gyro-Stabilization
Special: Requires special tires (300€ each, Av. 6)
BMW Gaia (Sedan)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
4/3 4 2 11 8 2 2 4 - 35.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Passenger Protection System 2, Improved Economy, GridLink,
Amenities (Middle)

EMC Celine (Minivan)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
3/2 3 2 14 10 2 2 6 - 45.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Passenger Protection System 4, Amenities (High), GridLink, Interior
Cameras, Satellite Link, Armor (Concealed) 3
Eurocar Escape (Offroad-RV)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
3/4 3 1 16 12 2 3 8 - 185.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Standard Drone Rack (Small), Off-Road Suspension, Amenities
(High), Multifuel Engine, Winch (Basic), Satellite Link, SunCell

Mercedes 250 Classic (Sedan)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
4/3 3 2 11 7 2 2 5 - 28.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Passenger Protection System 1, Life Support 1
Mercedes Click (Sportscar)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
4/3 5 3 10 5 1 2 4 - 24.000€
Upgrades: Metahuman Adjustment
Special: Dynamic Color Change (DCC) system allows to change color between 4 basic settings (see
picture, right). Fluff text also mentions the interior to have completely adjustable seating for trolls
(see picture, bottom left), but no rules are given for this.

Mercedes Paladin (Luxury Limo)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
5/3 4 2 16 14 3 4 8 - 260.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, ECM 2, Passenger Protection System 2, Amenities (Luxury), Armor
(Concealed) 4
Nordseewerke Thetis (Hovercraft)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
2/2 3 1 18 10 4 3 50 14 80.000€
Upgrades: Amenities (Middle), Interior Cameras, Partial Metahuman Adjustment (Trollsections),

Caterpillar Omniwinder (Construction Vehicle)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
2/2 3 1 20 16 3 3 3 16 235.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 1, Passenger Protection System 4, Off-Road Suspension, Multifuel
Engine, Special Equipment: Omnidirectional Propulsion, Special Equipment: Bulldozer Blade
Special: Special tires costing 2.000€/each. No rules given for the Special Equipment.
EMC 2073 Catcher (Patrol Car)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
5/4 5 3 12 8 4 3 4 12R 56.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 2, Passenger Protection System 2, One Standard Weapon Mount
(Internal, Fixed, Remote) each in front and back.

VW Freya (EMS Vehicle)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
3/3 4 3 14 8 3 2 3 10 38.000€
Upgrades: Passenger Protection System 2, Valkyrie Module
Kamow KA-226 Sergej (Multipurpose Helicopter)

Veh. Hand. Spd. Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
Ka-226 Sergej 2 3 3 16 6 1 1 6 10 225.000€
Ka-60 Kasatka 3 4 3 14 6 2 2 6 12 300.000€
Upgrades: Multifuel Engine (both), Winch (basic, Ka-226 only)

Airbus A140 (Tiltwing / VTOL)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
4 5 4 18 12 4 4 8 12 420.000€
Upgrades: Anti-Theft System 4, Amenities (Middle), Interior Cameras, Life Support 1, Extra
Entry/Exit Points
Cargolifter Industries CL-180 (Freight Airship)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Av. Price
4 2 2 12 12 4 4 4 12 82.000€
Upgrades: SunCell, Special Equipment: Freight crane, Special Equipment: Building crane

Jena Robotnik Pilalux (Mini Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4 2 1 1(0) 0 2 3 10 5.500€ Ground
Upgrades: Flash-Pak, Gecko Grips, Spotlight
Jena Robotnik Tegenaria (Mini Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4 1 1 1(0) 0 2 3 8 3.000€ Walker
Upgrades: Gecko Grips, Realistic Features 1
Special: The Jena Araneus has the same stats, but also carries Special Equipment: Engineering
Laser (Av. 12, 5.000€)

Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Hugin (Small Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4 2 1 2(2) 0 2 2 8 1.500€ Aircraft
Special: The “Munin” has the same stats, except it has Realistic Features 4 (Av. 8, 8.500€)
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Libelle (Small Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
5 2 1 2(1) 1 3 4 8 4.500€ Aircraft
Upgrades: Assembly Time Improvement

Ruhrmetall Skarabäus (Small Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4/2 4 2 3(1) 6 3 2 12R 9.500€ Ground
Upgrades: Small Weapons Mount, Smartsoft 3, Targetting Software for mounted weapon
Schiebel Robotic Crust Mark II (Small Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
3 1/1 1 2(0) 2 2 4 10 9.500€ Exotic
Upgrades: Gecko Grips, Spotlight, Sensor Array comes with Camera (Low Light/Thermographic
vision), and Ultrasound
Special: Can drill through barriers with max armor rating 8 at 50cm/hour. The CRU5T is considered
to have Amphibious 2. With expanded collar and pressure, Waterspeed becomes 2, Acceleration 3.

Krupp Minion (Medium Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
3 2 1 4(4) 6 3 3 8 5.000€ Ground
Upgrades: Spotlight
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Heuschrecke 2 (Medium Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4 3 2 5(2) 6 3 4 10R 12.000€ Aircraft
Upgrades: Standard Weapon Mount, Smartsoft, Targeting Autosoft 5

Ruhrmetall Murmillo (Medium Riot Control Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
3 1 1 5(0) 12 2 1 10R 8.000€ Ground
Upgrades: Flash-Pak (200 Charges), 2 Shields, Standard Weapon Mount
Special: The Shields act as good cover for up to 4 people taking cover behind the Murmillo.
Siemens FWD Screamer (Medium Rescue Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
4 1 2 3(0) 6 3 4 10R 11.000€ Aircraft
Upgrades: Sonic Cannon (treat as Ares Screech Sonic Rifle, Run & Gun, p26), Spotlight, Targeting
Autosoft Sonic Cannon 3, Sensor Array comes with Camera (Low Light/Thermographic vision),
Ultrasound, Geigercounter, Olfactory Scanner
Special: Shooting the weapon reduces operational time by 5 minutes. At 50cm range, can destroy
barriers of structure rating up to 8 (reinforced material).

Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Jagdhund (Large tracking drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
5 4 3 6(0) 10 3 3 12R 30.000€ Ground
Upgrades: Large Weapon Mount, Small Weapon Mount, Clearsight 3, Targetting Autosofts 3
Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Jagdschrecke (Large Interception Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
5 4 2 6(0) 8 3 3 10R 32.000€ Aircraft
Upgrades: ECM3, Ammo Bin, Huge Weapon Mount, Clearsight 4, Targetting Autosoft 4

Mitsuhama FED-11 (Large Surveillance Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
2 1 1 4(3) 4 2 4 8 32.000€ Aircraft
Upgrades: SkyGuide, SunCell, Spotlight, Clearsight 5
Ruhrmetall Wolfsspinne 8V2 (Large Guard Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
5 1 1 8(0) 14 4 4 16F 110.000€ Walker
Upgrades: Gecko Grips, 2 Large Weapon Mounts with Vindicator Miniguns each, Smartsoft,
Targetting Autosoft Vindicator Minigun 5
Special: The Vindicators are special-made for the Wolfsspinne and don’t require huge mounts.

Mitsuhama Honson (Anthro Drone)

Handling Speed Acc. Body Armor Pilot Sensor Av. Price PilotSkill
3 2 2 5(0) 6 3 3 10R 10.000€ Walker
Upgrades: Touch Sensors, Mini Weapon Mount (Yamaha Pulsar with 4 Taser darts), Autosofts First
Aid 3, Automotive Mechanics 3, Special Equipment (Rescue tools, Fire extuingisher, Handcuffs)
The Cyberware listed in State of the Art ADL consists of Cyberware-Packages like those found in
Lockdown. Everything listed here is considered Alphaware grade.

Package Essence Availability Price

Siemens CyberSpine 2,09 10R 72.600€
Upgrade: Elite Athletic +0,22 12R +15.600€
Upgrade: Celestial Athletic +0,22 17R +15.600€
Upgrade: Elite Warrior +0,72 14R +132.000€
Upgrade: Celestial Warrior +1,44 22R +81.600€
Zeiss Consortium MET-2000 Suites
Elitepilot 2,23 12R 162.000€
Fernspäher 1,22 11R 64.200€
Sturmpionier 1,4 11R 74.100€
Sturmpionier – Trench Wires 1,69 14R 170.100€

Siemens Cyberspine
Base kit consists of:
Bone Lacing (Plastic)
Reaction Enhancers Rating 1
Wired Reflexes Rating 1
Elite Athletic increases the Reaction Enhancers from Rating 1 to Rating 2.
Celestial Athletic increases the Reaction Enhancers from Rating 2 to Rating 3.
Elite Warrior increases the Wired Reflexes from Rating 1 to Rating 2.
Celestial Warrior increases the Wired Reflexes from Rating 2 to Rating 3.

Zeiss Consortium MET-2000 Suites

Attention Coprocessor
Gastric Neurostimulator
Reaction Enhancers, Rating 2
Control Rig, Rating 2
Attention Coprocessor
Cybereyes Rating 3 (Flare Compensation, Thermographic Vision, Low Light Vision, Vision
Enhancement 2, Smartlink)
Cyberears Rating 1 (Audio Enhancement 2, Spatial Recognizer)
Orientation System
Radar Sensor Rating 2
Cybereyes Rating 3 (Flare Compensation, Thermographic Vision, Low Light Vision, Vision
Enhancement 2, Smartlink)
Internal Air Tank Rating 1
Muscle Replacement Rating 1
Modular Mount
Skilljack Rating 4
Sturmpionier – Trench Wires additionally has Skillwires, Rating 4.

Commlink Device Rating Data Processing Firewall Availability Price
Cyberdynamix Special 2 1 2 5 800€
MCT Düsseldorf 3 2 3 4 2.500€
Siemens Rheingold 4 5 4 8 5.000€
The Cyberdynamix Special Hardcore is described as ultrarobust. A part of it can be extended and
used like a baton (see Extendable Baton, SR5 p.422/423). Also comes pre-installed with an Urban
Brawl Newssoft.
The MCT Düsseldorf comes with a biosensor measuring the wearers blood alcohol content and can
be set to give off an alarm signal or call a contact at a certain level.

Deck Device Rating Attributes Software Slots Availability Price
Cyberdynamix 3 7432 3 10R 210.000€
MSI Falke 4 7654 4 12R 285.000€
The Cyberdynamix Waterkant is water-proof up to 100 meters and has an in-built protection against toxic
environments, to a certain degree. Designed to be used in the North Sea.
The MSI Falke is designed for Urban Brawl, featuring a curved, easy-to-carry design. While not exactly
bullet-proof, it will definitely survive being dropped from a small building.

High-Fashion Armor Clothing

E’Lyzée Elio

Item Armor Capacity Availability Price

Bra’s Suit 8 4 8 3.500€
Tha’il Dress 6 2 10 4.500€
Notes: Custom Fit, Social Limit +1
Bra’s Cloak 10/+2 12 10 4.000€
Tha’il Cloak 8/+2 4 8 1.500€
Notes: Custom Fit (Stack)

Franzinger Fashion Tenor

Item Armor Capacity Availability Price

Tailcoat- 8 5 8 2.400€
Notes: Custom Fit, Social Limit +1
Coat 10/+2 8 8 3.200€
Notes: Custom Fit (Stack), Social Limit +1, Concealability -
3, Custom Protection (3)
Rheingold Pro Tec Plus

Item Armor Capacity Availability Price

Suit 9 5 8 2.700€
Notes: Custom Fit
Cloak 10/+3 10 10 3.500€
Notes: Custom Fit (Stack), Holster, Gear Access,
Concealability -3

StattKrieg Aufmarsch 79

Item Armor Capacity Availability Price

Armor Vest 8 4 4 550€
Armor Jacket 10 5 4 800€
Padded Overall 8 8 6 550€
Helmet +2 2 4 150€
Notes: Social Limit -1, except for Urban Brawl Fans and Gangers
WiFi: Illuminating (in colors of any Urban Brawl team)

Drug Addiction rating Addiction Threshold Availability Price per unit
Shiva (vintage) 11 4 12F 200€
Shiva II 9 3 6R 150€

Shiva (vintage)
Vector: Oral Speed: Instant Duration: 2D6 hours Addiction type: both
Effect: Roll 1D6. 1-2: You feel sick. Nothing else happens. 3-6: Desorientation (-2 to all actions) for
the first 10 minutes. +2 BOD, +2 STR, -2 WIL, High Pain Tolerance 4, Berserker (as per the Bear
Mentor Spirit Disadvantage, SR5 CRB, p321)

Shiva II
Vector: Oral, Inhale Speed: Instant Duration: 2D6 Minutes Addiction type: Physical
Effect: +2 BOD, +2 STR, -1 WIL, (strictly speaking, it says +1D6 Initiative Dice here. I assume that is
a mistake and it’s meant to give an additional die, or +1d6 Initiative), High Pain Tolerance 2
When effect wears off:
-1 REA, -1 WIL, -1 all Limits, 4 boxes of unresisted Stun damage
In-Universe Advertisements (no game relevant rules, just fluff)
(There’s a few pages of in-universe advertisements here. I’m just pointing that out because it
amused me, and to make you all jealous, and make you work towards getting Pegasus the
Shadowrun license when CGL dies)

(Article description of a hoodie to deal with acid rain. Comes with a WiFi-AR Display on the inside)

(Ad-text about a game called CAPTAIN CORPORATE with fictional factions in the game. Last line
says, “CAPTAIN CORPORATE says NO to drugs!”)

(Drink dawai – the official energy drink of your class war)

Magic Traditions
For all the magic traditions here, I will give a short summarization on their fluff text, together with
the rules relevant things. If you need any extended information then please message me (see
Introduction at the beginning) and I will try to provide more detail or answer questions.

An ultraracist, druidic tradition with ties to the Thule-Society, Siegfried-Bund and the Humanis
Policlub. In the center of this tradition is a white and human masterrace, with the ‘Tribe of the
Germanics’ as leading caste. It is a mix of race teachings, classical druidism, norse paganism and
fascistic politics. The movement was founded in the 19th century by Guido List. Exclusively human,
lots of adepts honing their bodies are found in the order. Some women are found, too, but they
cannot hold any high offices. The highest offices are reserved for male full mages. Blood magic is
not frowned upon by members of this order, although not all members are blood mages.
Healing: Earth Illusion: Water Combat: Guardian Manipulation: Task
Detection: Guidance Drain: WIL + LOG

A lot of people confuse dianists for “some kinda witch”, and certainly there are parallels to Wicca-
traditions and other branches of witchery. Dianists, however, revere only the pagan idea of a
divine, female principality exclusively in the form of the roman deity Diana, or her greek
equivalent Artemis. A male counterpart does, according to them, exist, but is much weaker and
less important and not worthy of consideration. Feminity and fertility are important in dianistic
rituals; masculinity is seen as destructive and, so, males are never seen amongst their mids.
Sometimes, males are allowed to attend public rituals, but only if they cast off their male side for
the duration of the ritual and apologize for being male. Feminism, environmentalism and political
activism is common. Dianists live in cities and use modern technologies – they are young and
progressive, not backwards. Rituals happen in the wilderness or, should that be unavailable, can
for example be done in scene bars or male strip-clubs.
Healing: Air Illusion: Water Combat: Beast Manipulation: Human
Detection: Fire Drain: WIL + INT

Frisian Magic
Being Frisian is a matter of culture and a feeling of belonging, less one of blood. If you claim to
have Frisian blood, nobody will ever doubt you. Frisians live with the change of the tide, an ever-
present factor in their lives. They can be found anywhere on the coast of the now toxic North Sea,
across the united Netherlands and what used to be Northern Germany, although they become less
and less. Forming a strong group that helps its members is important to Frisians, not just in terms
of the magic tradition, but in private life, too. If you betray the group – you’re out. Other than
that, they are practical yet traditional. New technology will be tested and, if useful, kept.
Traditions will be kept until they become obsolete, and then replaced by new traditions. You
should not be surprised were you to see someone carve the likeness of Baduhenna, a frisian
goddess, into some driftwood, and then invite you to a cup of synthtea afterwards.
Frisian magic combines local patriotism, close ties to the land itself, relics of what used to be with
a bit of esotericism with a pragmatic, northern german outlook on life.
Healing: Guidance Illusion: Air Combat: Water Manipulation: Plant
Detection: Earth Drain: WIL + LOG
Magic of Roma and Street Nomads
The Sinti and Roma were one of the first Awakened peoples in then Germany, a lot of them awakening in a
danger situation under the military government of Stöckter, which did not treat the “Gypsie Mages”, as
they are sometimes disparagingly, sometimes proudly referred to. There are strong parallels to
northamerican shamanism, where the mages, often called ‘judges’ or ‘wise (wo)man’, are a sort of link
between their group and spirits, the Mulé (singular Mulo). Mulé are seen as the spirits of deceased family,
animal spirits or elemental forces and are considered vaguely dangerous. Through following countless, to
others nonsensical, rules (“Never touch your childs hair”, “never look into blue eyes”, “burn all property of
a dead Sinto”) the spirits are supposed to be kept uninterested in the group. Most practitioners of this
tradition follow a mentor spirit and common skills include alchemy, ritual magic, the creation of Foci and
tarot reading.
Healing: Plant Illusion: Air Combat: Guardian Manipulation: Human
Detection: Beast Drain: WIL + CHA

Svetovid is the nature religion of the Duchy of Pomorya with origins in the pagan cults in the slavic area
along the baltics. The portmanteau of the old slavic ‘svet’ (world) and ‘vid’ (view, sight) is used
synonymously for the pomoryan nature cult. Central point of this cult is unity and wholeness of divine and
worldly matters. They believe that all of nature is full of the divine and divinity, but nature is never seen as
a person or revered as such. A pomoryan elf or human feels his beliefs and acts intuitively. Nature, as in,
life, death, magic, but social structure aswell, is seen as subject to elementary principles such as growth,
conflict, change, death and justice (often considered as balance, too). Things like biotechnology,
cybertechnology and genetech are seen as wrong and against nature, environmental pollution is regarded
as blasphemy. Technology is not per se evil, but symbiosis with natural life is very important.
Svetoid is a possession tradition; spirits are called into the body of the summoner, and any work they are
attempting to achieve, are attempted together.
Healing: Plant (Growth) Illusion: Human (Conflict) Combat: Earth (Death) Manipulation: Water (Change)
Detection: Guidance (Justice, Balance) Drain: WIL + CHA. Possession tradition.

Troll Shamanism
Troll shamanism goes back to the Great Dragon Kaltenstein who taught this archaic form of natural magic
to a then exclusive group of trolls, long before the troll wars, who were later made to form the Troll- Thing.
Strong druidic and animalistic elements make up this tradition, although it is much older than neo-pagan
druidism. Core belief of this tradition is the existance of a soul that is shared amongst all of creation.
Generally, this is not personified or revered and the term is not used by troll shamans, but certain parallels
to a ‘Gaia’-belief cannot be denied. Spells, or adept powers, are more of a channeling of raw, primal, energy
flowing through and around every being, rather than a control of mana. This is often combined with things
like extremely loud screaming (primal scream), self-harm (primal hurt) or becoming one with an element,
which can be frightening even when just a healing spell is being cast, due to the caster being about 3
meters tall and bulky. Due to minor bloodmagical elements, Troll shamanism as represented by the Troll
Thing is seen as somewhat radical in the Great Grand Coven. Spirits are seen as aspects or facets of the
great shared soul, but generally don’t assume humanoid shapes, but more chaotic, free ones. Spirits of
distant metaplanes (insect spirits, shedim, fairy folk) and perversions of the all-soul (toxic magic) are seen
as evil, dangerous and perverted and hunted down without quarter.
Due to the individualist approach of this tradition, practitioners are rarely seen working together in groups.
Even the Troll-Thing, the highest “official” body, is only a loose association meeting randomly, usually in the
German Black Forest.
Healing: Guardian Illusion: Water Combat: Fire Manipulation: Plant
Detection: Earth Drain: WIL + INT
Mentor Spirits
Eurasian Jay
Perceptive, cautious, bit of a thief. Possessions are split amongst multiple safe places to be prepared for
any eventuality.
All: +1 to palming and perception tests
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Illusion OR Manipulation.
Adepts: 2 Levels of Danger Sense OR 1 Level of Voice Control
Drawback: If you receive a reward that can be split, succeed Composure (3) or split it amongst multiple
accounts or locations.

Good climbers, vulnerable on the floor, love elevated positions.
All: +2 to gymnastics tests for climbing, balance or jumping
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Detection
Adepts: 2 Levels of Light Body
Drawback: If in a confined space, must succeed Composure (3) or feel trapped, receiving a -1 to all tests.

Smart, cocky and deceptive, making fun of dumber people and taunting them.
All: +2 to perception tests
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Illusion
Adepts: 2 Levels of Combat Sense
Drawback: When in combat, succeed WIL + INT (3) or cannot stop self from killing an enemy that has been

The tides are continous force, in constant change, steadfast and persistent.
All: +2 to ritual tests
Mages: +2 to summon water or earth spirits. Which changes every six hours with the tidal rhythm.
Adepts: 2 Levels of Heightened Concentration
Drawback: Should your natural rhythm be interrupted, for example due to lack of sleep, illness or similar,
suffer -1 to all tests until the rhythm has been reinstated.

A race of tiny creatures connected to a tale about the city of Cologne, in the Rhein-Ruhr-Megaplex. They
are a friend of humans and help them in their every-day labor, day or night, working diligently at all times.
Computers are weird to them, however.
All: +1 to artisan tests and tests to any skill in the engineering group
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Manipulation
Adepts: 1 Level Improved Skill for artisan or any skill in the engineering group
Drawback: Heinzelmännchen prefer to do their business unseen. If you want to do magic in public or under
close scrutiny, you must succeed Composure (3). Otherwise, your magic fails you for the moment.

Groundhogs understand the importance of familial and friendly ties and believe in strength in numbers. Not
fighters by nature, they are constantly on the lookout for danger and escape routes.
All: +1 to etiquette and perception tests
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Detection
Adepts: 2 Levels of Attribue Boost (Reaction) OR 1 Level of Motion Sense
Drawback: Whenever in combat, whether planned or not, succeed Composure (3) or immediately flee
Seals are driven by yearning and curiosity, explorers by heart. Often seen as a symbol of introspection. Likes
humans and being close to them.
All: +2 to Judge Intentions tests.
Mages: +2 to tests to summon water spirits OR +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type
Adepts: Free Astral Perception
Drawback: Has problems judging what is socially acceptable to talk about, or respecting private boundaries.
Whenever you are witness to deep emotions of another being, succeed Composure (3) to stay discreet.
Glitches on social tests are always automatically critical glitches.

The pig is seen as a hedonist amongst mentor spirits, being sociable and fun-loving. From their rather big
stature it is apparent that they avoid stress and generally calm, rather enjoying the nicer things in life.
All: +2 to Con tests
Mages: +2 to tests for Spells, Rituals and Preparations of the type Manipulation
Adepts: 1 Level of Improved Skill for any one skill in the Acting or Influence group.
Drawback: Succeed Composure (3) to be able to pull away from an enjoyable activity such a food, sleep,
drink or drugs.

Capricorn climbs the mountain and defies the abyss. A master of decision and steadfastness. There is no
time to delay decisions.
All: +2 to Gymnastics tests
Mages: +2 to tests to summon earth spirits
Adept: 2 Levels of Hang Time
Drawback: If a decision making process seems too convoluted or starts taking too long, succeed Composure
(3) or immediately begin to set out and enact the solution you think to be best at the time.

Wild Hunt

An old legend of the Wild Hunt tells of a wild, mounted hunting society of spirits who in life were sinners
and blasphemers. Now they do penance by striking down the enemies of the gods. The Wild Hunt is a dark
mentor spirit; only its self-conception of an executioner of higher powers seperates if from (toxic) concepts
like vengeance or destruction. Often seen in members of biker gangs.
All: +2 to tests for Pilot Ground Craft OR Intimidate.
Mages: +2 to tests to summon Guardian or Human Spirits.
Adepts: Berserker power
Drawback: A follower of the Wild Hunt does not care for any casualties that arise from carelessness on the
hunt. If they want to be actively mindful and careful of third party bystanders, they need to succeed
Composure (3) or they suffer a -2 to all tests for the remainder of the scene.

Arcology Tantrum
Bonus: 10 Karma
Usually found in dwellers of Arcology-Blocks or other huge, often self-contained places. A mixture of
claustrophobia, depression, social phobia and paranoia leading to panic attacks and destructive behavior.
Whenever the character is in an Arcology (or a similar situation as definde by the Gamemaster), the
character must succeed on a Composure (3) test or suffer a -3 dice modifier to all actions. If the first test
fails, but they stay in the area, they need to succeed another Composure (2) test or immediately start
destroying nearby items, attacking other characters or themselves. The test can be repeated after certain
amounts of time pass if the character stays in the situation.

People’s SIN
Bonus: 3 or 10 Karma
3 Karma Level: A normal SIN as described in the quality SINner, however it is only recognized in the Free
City of Berlin; countries other than the Allied German States don’t recognize it as valid. It does not offer the
same benefits as other SINs do outside of Berlin, although applying for a SIN issued by the AGL is easy with
one of these. On the plus side you only have to pay tax on 10% of your income and you get a free
VolksKOMM (reference to German Data Trails which I don’t have; I assume it’s a cheapo DR 1 or 2
commlink like on the list on DT p17. Will edit once I’ve seen the German book).
10 Karma Level: As above, except it’s a criminal SIN. Other states still won’t recognize it’s legal status, but
they’ll recognize that you’re a criminal. All other effects (including the free commlink) from the 3 Karma
level apply.
Neither level can be combined with the SINner quality.

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