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Respiratory Biology of Animals

Respiratory Biology
of Animals
Evolutionary and Functional

Steven F. Perry
Institut für Zoologie,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany

Markus Lambertz
Institut für Zoologie,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
Sektion Herpetologie,
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Germany

Anke Schmitz
Institut für Zoologie,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany

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© Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz 2019
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DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001
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We wish to dedicate this book to the memory of Steve Morris (1956–2009), whose
untimely death was a great loss, not only for respiratory biology.

This book is meant to be a supplementary text for relatively recent overview or review articles on cer-
advanced courses in metabolic physiology, evolu- tain subjects rather than referencing all of the pri-
tionary biology, or related areas. As prerequisites we mary sources. This book was never intended to
suggest courses in general biology, general zoology, serve as an encyclopaedic reference volume. We
animal physiology, and comparative anatomy. In therefore frequently selected interesting examples
addition, it may be of interest to students of medi- to illustrate a given phenomenon as a case in point,
cine, biophysics, biochemistry, or related areas of rather than providing a complete list of all known
molecular biology. To this end, we do not delve into details in each and every species that has been
the nuts and bolts of biochemistry, biophysics, and examined. Furthermore and most importantly, you
molecular biology, but rather emphasize the over- may not find all the answers you are interested in,
arching evolutionary implications and basic prin- but instead regularly will be confronted with per-
ciples that the study of respiratory biology can sisting questions. This is in keeping with the pri-
illustrate. But since special courses in respiratory mary intention of this book, which was to expose
physiology are not offered everywhere, we perhaps respiratory biology as a fertile ground for further
go into this area in a bit more detail than would be research, in fact on all levels from molecular to evo-
expected in a book on functional and evolutionary lutionary considerations. We hope that you will
morphology. The same applies to the control of enjoy the read and in turn look forward to reading
breathing, and some basic information must be sup- new advancements in this field from your end as
plied in order to understand the more detailed well, some of which may even be stimulated by
descriptions that follow. As we will discover again critically reading the present volume.
and again: ‘Before you can do what you want to do,
you always have to do something else’.
January 2019
In general, it was our intention to provide an
The authors
overview of the big picture of the evolution of res-
piration in animals. We consequently regularly cite


First of all we would like to thank our publisher Oxford order: Thorsten Burmester (Hamburg, Germany),
University Press for their incredible patience with us Jon F. Harrison (Tempe, AZ, USA), John B. West (San
before this book eventually became finished. We fur- Diego, CA, USA), Jürgen Markl (Mainz, Germany),
thermore wish to express our sincerest thanks to those Richard J.A. Wilson (Calgary, Canada). M.L. gratefully
colleagues who read preliminary drafts of individual acknowledges the support of Michael  H.  Hofmann
chapters and provided valuable criticism that helped (Bonn, Germany) for providing the facilities and
us to improve the contents. These are, in alphabetical latitude for pursuing this and other projects.

‘The necessity of respiration to the support of life, and the evident injuries arising from any impedi-
ment in this function, induced the earliest medical philosophers to make it a subject of enquiry; and,
from that time to this, it has afforded a continued subject of admiration, discussion, and dispute:
not, indeed, of dispute, as whether it was necessary or not, but why it was necessary? what where
the advantages the animal economy derived from thence? and by what means it was carried on?’

Robert Townson (1799). Tracts and Observations in Natural History

and Physiology. London, printed for the author: p. 7.


Probably no process epitomizes life more than dioxide to and from a gas exchanger (e.g. lung,
respiration. By respiration we mean the cascade of gill, skin, or tracheae). Phase 4 is also referred to
energy-producing biochemical reactions called oxi- as ‘aerobic metabolism’, phase 3 as ‘circulation’ or
dative phosphorylation, powered by a gradient of ‘perfusion’, phase 2 is ‘gas exchange’, and phase 1 is
oxidation. If you are reading this book you probably ‘breathing’ or ‘ventilation’.
already know that the terminal oxidant in most The focus of this book is the evolution of respira-
cases is atmospheric oxygen (O2), but a variety of tory systems in animals. But in order to really
micro-organisms also show respiration powered understand this, we must first deal with some basic
by other terminal molecules such as sulphur com- concepts of respiration, including the properties of
pounds or even carbon dioxide (CO2) or perchlorate the gases involved and the historical sequence of
(e.g. Liebensteiner et al., 2016 and references therein). events that led to the development of respiratory
The end products of respiration are phosphorylated biology as we know it today. We then move on to
nucleotides such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) some basics of functional morphology and physi-
or guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and, as waste ology as they relate to respiration. But no organ
products, carbon dioxide and water. As a side effect system can be studied on its own, since all of them
of respiration, many of the reactions involved in interact with each other to comprise an organism.
oxidative phosphorylation are exothermic. The So, to be more precise, we will deal in detail with
heat released can aid in the maintenance of a high, the evolution of the structure–function interaction
constant body temperature (homeothermy), but in in respiratory physiology and anatomy. The term
extremely large animals such as sauropod dinosaurs ‘faculty’ as defined by Bock and von Wahlert (1965)
the sheer amount of heat produced may even result in describes exactly this structure–function interaction,
substantial physiological problems (gigantothermy). whereby every structure can have multiple func-
However, the ‘cellular respiration’ just described tions and every function can involve numerous
represents only the final phase (here called phase 5). structures.
In many organisms, respiration also includes four The ‘faculty’ concept is based on the assumption
other phases, which, now working back from the that a given function—in this case respiration—is
cells to the outside world are (4) gas consumption related to a variety of anatomical components, thereby
and production at the tissue and cellular level, (3) composing a functional unit (Figure 1.1). This idea
the transport of these gases between the gas exchan- is not new and was probably best expressed by
ger and tissues via body fluids (e.g. a circulatory the French comparative and functional morpholo-
system, if present), (2) diffusive gas exchange between gist and founder of reconstructive palaeontology,
the medium (air or water) and the organism, and Georges Cuvier (1769–1832), in his so-called law of
finally (1) the convection of oxygen and carbon the correlation of the parts (Cuvier, 1812). There he

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


neural control As you read along, you will notice two overrid-
ing principles that appear and reappear at all organ-
izational levels from molecular to organismic. The
first of these can be summarized as ‘Getting it right
the first time’. Basically, you can’t kill a good idea! A
couple of examples illustrate how this works. When
we look more closely at the evolution of the respira-
tory faculty it will become evident that sometimes
functions change while structures are conserved. At
the molecular level, for example, we see nucleotides
CO2 such as adenosine appearing with multiple functions
O2 ranging from a building block of nucleic acids to
active pump energy transport, and they can even assume new
passive pump functions, such as influencing oxygen affinity of
oxygen-carrying molecules such as haemoglobin.
Figure 1.1 A schematic representation of the concept of a An example at the organ level is the lung. This
respiratory faculty, exemplified in a lizard. Brainstem shown in black. primary gas-exchange organ also assumes crucial
Active respiratory pump illustrating only costal breathing and a
physiological functions such as the conversion of
simplified rib cage. Gray arrows indicate direct biomechanical (dark
shading) and neuronal (light shading) connections, whereby the angiotensin I to angiotensin II, or as a site of detoxi-
thinner arrows indicate feedback. Black or white arrows indicate an fication and immune activity. But sometimes func-
indirect loop via the circulatory sytem, here with an intercardiac shunt tion is conserved or improved upon while the
possibility: Black arrows and print, deoxygenated blood; white arrows structures around it radically change. This can be
and print, oxygenated blood. The size and colour of the print (O2 or
recognized at any organizational level and is not
CO2) indicates the predominance of this gas in the circulatory loop.
Original M.L. and S.F.P in Hsia et al. (2013). limited to respiratory biology. As an example at the
cellular physiological level, we see a plethora of so-
states that an animal is a closed unit in which all called respiratory proteins that serve in oxygen
component parts mutually correspond and unite transport. At the organ level we find, for example,
in reciprocal reaction, such that no one part can be countercurrent gas exchange being conserved in
changed without changing all of the others. Focusing fish gills in spite of radically different ventilatory
on the cardiorespiratory faculty, Weibel and Taylor mechanisms and gill structures in hagfish, lampreys,
(1981) coined the term ‘symmorphosis’. In a series sharks, and bony fish. And sometimes a primary
of publications over at least the next 10 years (see function becomes secondary, while an ancestral sec-
Weibel et al., 1991) they applied physiological and ondary function becomes primary. An example for
quantitative morphological methods to determine such an exaptation at the organ level is the pseudo-
just how close structure and function are coupled branch in fishes. What used to be a gas-exchange
with regard to oxygen supply and demand in mam- organ (gill) that contained oxygen receptors, lost
mals. Although within closely related phylogenetic its primary gas-exchange function but retained the
groups symmorphosis appeared to generally apply, oxygen receptors as an important monitoring organ
detailed independent statistical analysis revealed for oxygen tension in the blood.
weaknesses in the general validity of this principle The second reoccurring principle is the evolution-
(Garland and Huey,  1987). The latter authors con- ary cascade. This positive feedback phenomenon
cluded: ‘Although symmorphosis has heuristic value dovetails in an evolutionary context with exapta-
as a working hypothesis, it should not presently tion when the exaptive faculty complements with
be considered an established principle; available others synergistically. One example is the avian
data appear largely contradictory’. It is just this respiratory faculty. The essential structural elements
heuristic value that causes symmorphosis to sur- were probably already present in non-avian dino-
face as a hypothesis even in recent publications saurs or even in ancestral archosaurs, but it could
(Gifford et al., 2016). only become exploited to its limits in actively flying

birds, an evolutionary quirk that could not have were not, simply due to the immense surplus of
been predicted. oxygen at the surface relative to sulphur. In other
Evolution leaves tracks. This will become evident words, we envision a two-step origin of life: the
in every chapter of this book. But certainly the most primary origin of cellular organisms in the deep sea
far-reaching of these tracks is the realization that each and the modification of these organisms for survival
plant and animal, including us humans, carries within through the development of circadian gene activity
every cell a molecular memory of the conditions programmes and the ability to detoxify or utilize
under which life originated and which are still oxygen and oxygen radicals.
necessary. To understand what we are talking about, Rainfall and filling of the inland seas together with
let us journey back to a time about 4–3.5 thousand the high tides could have brought life back to the
million years ago (mya). We must imagine a hot sea. This means that the capability to deal with oxy-
atmosphere consisting mostly of water vapour and gen in a way that is not only compatible with but
gases such as nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide, hydro- also advantageous to life could have originated long
gen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, and traces of ammo- before the photosynthetic origin of atmospheric oxy-
nia and methane, but no free oxygen. Sort of like gen (see later in this chapter) and served both inland
living in the mouth of a volcano. The world was sea and marine organisms. In the course of this book
spinning much faster than today, meaning that the you will discover the tracks of many of these stages
days and nights were much shorter than they are conserved within the evolutionary history of respir-
now. But more importantly, this must have resulted ation in animals. Then something happened.
in tremendous winds. As the Earth cooled, water About 2 thousand mya, the most complex forms
vapour condensed to water and the seas formed. of life were bacteria: among them, photosynthetic
The Moon was much closer to the Earth than it is cyanobacteria. They were the cutting edge of life
now, resulting in gigantic tides. As the fog dissi- back then since they could use the sun’s energy to
pated to form clouds, the Sun’s rays could reach the power the assimilation of carbon dioxide and its con-
surface unfiltered by an ozone (O3) layer, since version into metabolic intermediates and structural
oxygen was lacking in the atmosphere. The sunlight macromolecules. This process poured out molecular
contained high-energy ultraviolet rays that would oxygen, which began to accumulate in the atmos-
certainly have been lethal to any life form exposed phere. By somewhere between 900 and 600 mya it
to them. It is difficult to imagine the origin of life reached about 1 per cent of the present level. This is
under these violent conditions. called the ‘Pasteur point of evolution’, since it was
A recent scenario for the origin of life suggests the famous French chemist and microbiologist Louis
that it all began in the deep sea, near sulphur vents Pasteur (1822–1895) who discovered that oxygen
(Lane and Martin, 2012). This hypothesis holds that paradoxically decreases the first steps of metabolism
life began from organic macromolecules reacting while at the same time stimulating growth of yeast
with each other in a closed, sulphur-rich environ- cells in culture. But this low level of atmospheric
ment that was relatively stable compared with what oxygen was still sufficient for many organisms to
was going on at the surface. We speculate that this switch to the highly efficient aerobic form of metab-
primordial life was repeatedly brought to the sur- olism. As we shall see later, it is just this level of
face by upwelling activity and washed into inland oxygen that is maintained in our tissues and cells to
seas by the immense tides. Under these conditions, this day: we are carrying with us an ancient environ-
a sort of ‘training’ could have taken place by which ment dating back to the early days of aerobic life.
proto-life forms were exposed under reasonably calm Among the ancient eubacteria were also ones that
conditions to relatively stable molecular oxygen and had been internalized by archaea. These endosym-
highly unstable oxygen and hydroxyl radicals, gen- bionts could utilize not only molecular oxygen but
erated during photolysis of the water by the ioniz- also acetyl coenzyme A: an adenosine-based sub-
ing radiation. The life forms that were able to utilize stance produced by the host. These endosymbiotic
oxygen rather than sulphur as a terminal oxidant bacteria, now called mitochondria, later became
would have had a great advantage over those which assimilated by nucleated cells (eukaryotes) and gave

them the ability to produce about 16 times as much to teleological guidelines. But even adaptability is
ATP from each mole of glucose as could those that genetically anchored and does not escape evolution-
didn’t have mitochondria. ATP is produced by phos- ary selection.
phorylation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) either Another minefield that needs to be briefly touched
anaerobically by glycolysis in the cytosol or aerob- on here is the species problem. The specific identity
ically in the mitochondria. Although cyanobacteria of the organisms in question remains uncertain in
initially changed the atmosphere to an oxidizing one, many cases. We thus frequently also just refer to a
the large amounts of atmospheric oxygen—reaching certain genus instead of a specific species, well
peak levels of nearly double present-day levels—were aware that the details in fact may differ between
later the result of photosynthesis of green plants, congeneric species. We refer to this as the ‘taxonomic
which through independent endosymbiotic pro- uncertainty relation’. The examples provided within
cesses had acquired chloroplasts. the present book are meant to illustrate the diver-
Mitochondria produce ATP as we have already sity of the respiratory faculty exhibited among taxa.
seen, but equally importantly, they remove oxygen In other words, we focus on the big picture rather
from the cytosol and keep the level similar to that than being comprehensive with regard to every
prevailing when oxygen began to accumulate in the species-level specialization.
atmosphere. This is important, because more oxy- This leads us to the topic of ranks. Many textbooks
gen results in higher levels of ATP, which in turn still use ‘phyla’ or ‘orders’ for groupings such as cra-
puts the brakes on metabolism right at the glyco- niotes or turtles, respectively. We completely avoid
lytic level (Pasteur effect). So these aerobic eukary- referring to ranks and adhere to a more phylogenetic
otes were exapted for high energy production in framework, which also makes it inappropriate to
a  high-oxygen atmosphere that would come later, speak of ‘primitive’ species or taxa. For example,
by keeping the oxygen in the cells at a low, ‘ancient’ hagfish are not primitive craniotes, but a basally
level! branching radiation of them. Speaking of craniotes:
Later, the actual timing is still highly debated, most commonly this group colloquially is called
multicellular eukaryotic organisms evolved and what vertebrates, but we prefer the name Craniota and
we nowadays call animals (Metazoa) entered the its derivative craniotes (Lambertz, 2016a). Similarly
game. And this, in a nutshell, takes us up to the with hexapods, traditionally called insects, which
point where the story of the structure, function, and based on our current understanding are only a sub-
evolution of respiratory faculties in major animal ordinated taxon of the Hexapoda. However, you will
groups begins. So join us on this journey! find the term insects along with hexapods within
We shall be travelling on the evolutionary biology this book, because most research has been done on
ship, so before embarking we need to have a look at ‘proper’ insects. Having said all of this, we occa-
some of the guidelines for a safe and unencumbered sionally also deviate from a strictly phylogenetic
journey. First of all we need to use a vocabulary that framework and adopt a more grade-like than clade-
may not be familiar to everyone and may even appear like approach if summarizing certain general phe-
cumbersome. For example, nothing ever evolves nomena, observable in, for instance, ‘reptiles’ rather
‘for’ a specific purpose, so even implications of such than speaking of non-avian and non-mammalian
teleological thinking are categorically avoided. Having amniotes. The same applies to the usage ‘inverte-
said this, we realize that epigenetics does exist and brates’ as opposed to non-craniote animals.
that many adaptive phenomena appear to conform So that’s it. Let’s see where this trip takes us.

A very brief history of respiratory


A better understanding of what life is and how living air taken up in the lungs and transported by blood
organisms function has always been of crucial import- vessels to the heart and from there to the rest of the
ance to humans, but ‘biology’ as a scientific dis- body was made by Galen (c.129–200 or 216), gladi-
cipline is quite young, the term being coined around ator surgeon and private physician to the Roman
1800. Similarly, ‘respiratory biology’ as a discrete emperor Marcus Aurelius (121–180). The knowledge
branch of biology is much younger and even today about structure and function of the human body in
the term is not commonly used. However, the study general and respiration in particular was codified
of respiration-relevant processes and phenomena in the works of the authorities Aristotle and Galen,
does look back on a long history. In the course of and new investigation was strongly discouraged in
this book we will often give the names of scientists the Christian world, until it surfaced during the
together with their dates of birth and death when Italian Renaissance. In Padua, the Spanish-born
their crucial findings are mentioned for the first surgeon and theologian Miguel Serveto (1509 or
time. The purpose of the present brief chapter is to 1511–1553), co-founder of Unitarianism, was the first
place many of the major advances in respiratory to postulate pulmonary circulation (interestingly,
biology and the names of key scientists in historical published within his theological opus magnum of 1553,
perspective and to point out their importance to the for which he was burned at the stake!). The first
development of what we now call respiratory biol- demonstration of capillaries in general, however,
ogy. Clearly this chapter—just like the rest of the was provided much earlier by none other than
book—reflects to some extent the authors’ own inter- Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) using wax injections
ests, and we do not intend a comprehensive and of human cadavers, but it was never published.
unbiased approach. For this the reader is encouraged Among the first to describe the comparative anat-
to consult other excellent works such as those of omy of the craniote respiratory system was Claude
Fishman and Richards (1982), Otis (1986), Schmidt- Perrault (1613–1688). In 1669, he published illustra-
Nielsen (1995), West (1996, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016), tions of some 90 dissections, including chameleons
Gunga (2009), and Fitzgerald and Cherniack (2012) with their aberrant lungs. G. Joseph Duverney (1648–
and the references found there. 1730) continued this work after Perrault’s death.
The clinical importance of lungs and breathing is Meanwhile, in the area of cardiorespiratory physi-
recorded in papyrus documents dating back thou- ology, the prediction of blood circulation in 1628 by
sands of years, and Aristotle (384–322 bc) postulated the English surgeon and comparative physiologist
vital power in the redness of blood. But the first William Harvey (1578–1657) caused quite a stir,
suggestion that a vital substance is actually in the because it refuted both the Aristotelian concept that

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


blood circulated due to its own vital power and discovered that water is the oxide of hydrogen,
Galen’s belief that vitalized, nutrient-rich blood was the gas he is credited with discovering, although he
consumed by body tissues and not returned to the expressed the reaction in terms of phlogiston. So by
heart. In addition, the idea that the heart was just a the end of the eighteenth century it was known that
pump rather than a reflection of soul and mood just aerobic metabolism was chemically comparable to
did not sit well. Harvey, a student of Hieronymus combustion. On this basis, in 1800 the Cornish
Fabricius ab Acquapendente (1533/37–1619), worked chemist, Sir Humphrey Davy (1778–1829), in add-
in Padua as well, but it was not until in 1661 in ition to conducting numerous other experiments that
Bologna that Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694) actu- predated modern biochemistry, exposed arterial and
ally observed blood entering and leaving a micro- venous blood to a vacuum and demonstrated that
vascular bed in the frog lung. Unaware of Malpighi’s oxygen and carbon dioxide, respectively, were trans-
work, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) made ported, but it still was a long way to our current
similar observations and another Dutch scientist, Jan understanding of the respiratory process.
Swammerdam (1637–1680), also made substantial In the footsteps of the Swiss Albrecht von
pioneering contributions to pulmonary function. Haller (1708–1777), the German Johann Friedrich
This, together with biomechanical studies of breath- Blumenbach (1752–1840) was among the leading
ing based on the mechanistic philosophical trad- anatomists and physiologists during the second
ition dating back to René Descartes (1596–1650), half of the eighteenth century. In 1787, with the
made possible a purely biophysical approach to res- intention of explaining the different kinds of move-
piration and opened the door to mathematical mod- ments in animals, he postulated a vita propria, a spe-
elling or simulation of gas exchange and breathing cial or inner life, for the movements of those organs
mechanics by subsequent generations of researchers. and structures that he was otherwise unable to
As the pieces were coming together regarding the explain: not unlike Aristotle’s vitalist views on the
structure and function of the animal body, includ- circulation of blood. Vita propria was assumed to
ing its respiratory faculty, the magic also was slowly account for ventilation of the lungs (i.e. spontan-
disappearing from alchemy. It was known that some- eous movement of the lungs was thought to move
thing required for life was present in air, and for the ribs and not the reverse). It was actually one of
lack of a better word, it was called ‘phlogiston’. Blumenbach’s rather lesser-known students who
Comparisons were made between the burning of a first challenged this view: the English-born Robert
candle and respiration, both of which consumed Townson (1762–1827). He re-embarked on the path
‘phlogistonated’ air and resulted in ‘fixed’ or ‘dephlo- of Malpighi, Swammerdam, and others and con-
gistonated’ air and water. Although the English ducted experiments on the respiratory movements
theologian and chemist Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) in amphibians and turtles during the 1790s. He
is usually credited with the discovery of oxygen, completely rejected the idea of the vita propria and
the French chemist Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier instead declared movements of the throat and those
(1743–1794) and the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm of the lateral flanks, respectively, as responsible for
Scheele (1742–1786) may also share this honour. ventilation in these animals (Figure 2.1). As we shall
Heating mercuric oxide had been long known see later on, it was not until the second half of the
to alchemists as a way of producing quicksilver, twentieth century and the use of sophisticated elec-
but the gas released had been ignored. Now that tromyographic recordings that his pioneering work
oxygen had been identified it could be used in eventually became corroborated and accepted.
experiments. The Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev The nineteenth century could be considered the
(1834–1907) is usually credited with the develop- golden age of comparative anatomy and embryology.
ment of the periodic table in 1869. However, numer- Beginning with the works of the French Georges
ical constants corresponding to atomic weights were Cuvier, the German Johann Friedrich Meckel the
known to the British eccentric chemist Henry younger (1781–1833), and the German Martin
Cavendish (1731–1810) a century earlier. By careful Heinrich Rathke (1793–1860), accurate descriptions
measurement of weights and volumes, Cavendish of the developing and mature respiratory organs of

Figure 2.1 Reproduction of the two copper engravings that accompanied the work of Townson (1799) in which he first correctly described the
principal mechanism of ventilation in turtles. Collection of M.L.

a large variety of animals accumulated. Numerous But not only anatomical research progressed
studies by others followed, of which particularly the immensely during the nineteenth century, the
seminal treatise on the mammalian bronchial tree same applies to respiratory physiology as well. One
by the Swiss Christoph Theodor Aeby (1835–1885) of the founding fathers of modern physiological
from 1880 deserves to be mentioned. Many of these research, Johannes Müller (1801–1858), for instance,
old works remain—despite their age—indispensable discovered—while still a student (!)—the independ-
sources of information for those interested in respira- ent circulation of the mammalian fetus and its impli-
tory organ evolution. A huge problem for many cations for respiration of the unborn life. This was
current researchers, however, is that the majority carried out at the present authors’ home institution,
of these studies were published in languages other the University of Bonn, which remained an import-
than English, with rather cumbersome nineteenth- ant centre of respiratory-related research through-
century German as the dominant one. Within this out the century. Eduard Pflüger (1829–1910), whose
tradition fall also the slightly later embryological name still graces one of the leading physiological jour-
works on lungs and swim bladders by Fanny Moser nals, made substantial contributions in the field of
(1872–1953), who eventually became a well-known gas exchange in Bonn. For instance, he took part in
parapsychologist, as well as those on the lungs and an academic dispute with Carl Ludwig (1816–1895)
the organization of the coelomic cavity by the Swedish about how oxygen is transported from the lungs
Ivar Broman (1868–1946). into the blood. While Ludwig was an advocate of

active oxygen secretion, Pflüger favoured the passive the leading functional morphologists of the second
process of diffusion as the sole agent for gas trans- half of the twentieth century, resolved many long-
port. Following up on the work of his former teacher lasting controversial debates about breathing mech-
Christian Bohr (1855–1911), who himself actually anisms in a variety of organisms, including those
believed in oxygen secretion, it eventually was the already initiated by Townson. George  M.  Hughes
Danish August Krogh (1874–1949), together with his (1925–2011) also immensely advanced our under-
wife Marie (1874–1943), who were able to show that standing of how the respiratory system works, par-
diffusion is actually the driving force of gas exchange. ticularly that of fish.
Krogh was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1920, but Until now we have focused on past contributors,
also Bohr—in spite of being wrong about the normal but a few additional names of the ‘living history’
mechanism of gas uptake—became immortal due who carried respiratory biology into the second
to his work on the oxygen transport capabilities of half of the twentieth century should be mentioned.
haemoglobin, especially the sigmoid shape of its dis- Hans-Rainer Duncker (b. 1933) and Anthony S. King
sociation curve described in 1903. One of Pflüger’s (1922–2012), for instance, greatly increased our under-
students, Nathan Zuntz (1847–1920), became one of standing of the anatomy of the avian lung and its
the pioneers in high-altitude physiology, which took intrapulmonary airflow, and the former also made
the problem of gas exchange into a more applied important contributions to the functional signifi-
realm. And John Scott Haldane (1860–1936), a collab- cance of the organization and subdivision of the
orator of Bohr, showed that at least under stress (such coelomic cavity for the ventilatory process in a large
as high altitude), oxygen secretion actually can occur. number of craniotes. Both also embarked on the
Research both on the anatomy and physiology path of quantitative functional anatomy: pulmonary
of respiration continued throughout the twentieth morphometry. This latter field, however, was truly
century and especially the interplay of both dis- revolutionized by Ewald Weibel (1929–2019) through
ciplines became increasingly acknowledged. Fritz the first strict application of unbiased stereological
Rohrer (1888–1926) made substantial contributions approaches in 1963. Beginning with work on the
to flow resistance and the pressure–volume relation- mammalian and avian lung, these approaches were
ships during ventilation in the mammalian lung. only rather recently applied to other organisms such
Together with the works of his Swiss colleagues Karl as fish, reptiles, and a number of invertebrates. John
Wirz (1896–1978) and Kurt von Neergaard (1887– B. West (b. 1928), in addition to his substantial con-
1947), they laid the groundwork for the mechanics tributions to high-altitude and comparative physi-
of breathing as we know it today. Wallace Fenn ology, must be accredited for being one of the
(1893–1971), Hermann Rahn (1912–1990), Jeremiah leading historians of our field.
Mead (1920–2009), and Pierre Dejours (1922–2009), Respiratory biology today continues to be a field
to name only a few protagonists, further advanced of active research, with all of the different levels
the field of respiratory mechanics, gas exchange within anatomy, physiology, and molecular biology.
physiology, and the control of breathing, as well as But there are still a plethora of unresolved questions
the comparative aspects. Johannes Piiper (1924–2012), and phenomena out there looking for answers. We
together with Peter Scheid (b. 1938), must be cred- hope that reading this book will generate or increase
ited with establishing the currently used models of your interest in respiratory biology, and that its his-
gas exchange, and Carl Gans (1923–2009), as one of tory will continue.

A primer on respiratory physiology

As you will notice, this chapter barely cites any refer- respiratory relevant gases and their inherent physical
ences, which we did on purpose in order to maxi- behaviour.
mize readability. We suggest that you consult
standard physiological textbooks (e.g. Koeppen and
3.1.1 Pressure
Stanton 2017; Pape et al., 2018) and especially those
devoted to comparative or even respiratory physi- Pressure is a concept we shall run into over and over
ology (e.g. Hochachka and Somero, 2002; Randall again, so it is necessary to understand something
et al., 2002; West and Luks, 2015) for a more in-depth about it straight away. Pressure is defined as the force
overview of the topic and for access to relevant applied perpendicular to a surface. The derived SI
primary sources. unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa, named after the
French physicist Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) for his
work on air pressure; 1 Pa = 1 N m−2). In respiratory
3.1  Properties of respiratory gases in air
physiology we usually use kilopascal (kPa; 1 kPa =
and water: the gas laws 1000 Pa). At sea level, the air pressure is about
The behaviour of respiratory gases (oxygen, carbon 101.3 kPa. Older units for pressure that still can be
dioxide, and also nitrogen) has a great bearing on found in the literature are atmosphere (atm), bar,
the respiratory faculties of organisms in the medium Torr (named after the Italian physicist Evangelista
they live in. Of particular importance are the inter- Torricelli (1608–1647), inventor of the mercury
actions of partial pressure, capacitance, solubility, barometer), mmHg, or even pounds per square inch
temperature, density, and viscosity, defined and (psi): 1 atm = 101.3 kPa; 1 bar = 100 kPa; 1 Torr =
discussed in the following sections. 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa; 1 psi = 6.9 kPa. Especially Torr
Life originated in the water and evolved on to and mmHg are frequently used in older physio­
dry land. Most major groups of land-based organ- logic­al contexts and it should be noted that the air
isms also secondarily gave rise to aquatic forms. ­pressure at sea level equals 760 Torr or mmHg.
Since air and water are drastically different from
one another and both usually differ from the internal 3.1.2  Boyle–Mariotte law
milieu of animals, specialized mechanisms that favour
gas exchange while at the same time protecting the This most important gas law is named after its dis-
animals from mechanical and osmotic challenges coverers, the Irish physicist Robert Boyle (1627–1692)
have evolved. In the course of this book we shall see and his French colleague, theologist and physicist
how living organisms have taken advantage of Edme Mariotte (c.1620–1684). It indicates that in a
these different properties in the evolution of their gas, the product of pressure (p) and volume (V) is
respiratory faculties. So let us first have a look at constant provided that the gas is isolated from the

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


environment and the temperature remains constant. constant, then the volume of the gas is directly pro-
Thus, at constant temperature, the pressure and vol- portional to the number of molecules (Eq. 3.3),
ume of a gas are inversely proportional (Eq. 3.1).
p· V ~ n· R · T ~ M · R · T (Eq. 3.3)
p· V = const. or, p ~ 1/ V (Eq. 3.1)
where p is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the
number of molecules of a gas or M the mass of a
gas, T is the absolute temperature (in K, kelvin) and
3.1.3  Gay-Lussac’s law
R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J K−1 mol−1).
According to Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778–1850),
a French chemist and physicist, either the pressure
or the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the
3.1.6  Dalton’s law of partial pressures
absolute temperature (T) if one or the other is held The English chemist and physicist John Dalton (1766–
constant (Eq. 3.2). 1844) is best known as one of the founding fathers of
V ~ T, if p = constant, and modern atomic theory, but he also contributed funda-

p ~ T, if V = constant (Eq. 3.2) mentally to the gas laws with his ‘law of partial pres-
sures’. This states that in a mixture of different gases,
3.1.4  Avogadro’s law each gas contributes to the total pressure in direct
proportion to the relative volume it occupies. Thus
Amedeo Avogadro (1778–1856) was an Italian savant the total pressure (p) equals the sum of the individual
and best known for his work on the molarity of sub- partial pressures (P) (Eq. 3.4).
stances. He also formulated Avogadro’s law, which
states that equal volumes of ideal gases at the same ptotal = P1 + P2 + ¼ + Pn (Eq. 3.4)
temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of The physiologically important gases for respiration
molecules. As an example, equal volumes of molecu- are oxygen and carbon dioxide, and also nitrogen
lar oxygen and nitrogen would contain the same as a carrier gas. All these gases, together with water
number of molecules as long as they are at the same vapour and inert gases (mainly argon), are present
temperature and pressure and conform to ideal gas in atmospheric air. Thus, the total air pressure (pair)
behaviour (see section 3.1.5). Unfortunately, an ideal is composed of:
gas is only a hypothetical entity, as it is made up of
identical particles of zero volume, with no intermo- pair = PN 2 + PO 2 + PCO 2 + Pinert gases ( dry air )
lecular forces and with molecules that are in constant or
random motion. Nevertheless, this principle comes
very close to reality. One mole of any ideal gas con- pair = PN 2 + PO 2 + PCO 2 + Pinert gases
tains 6.02214076 · 1023 particles, which amounts to + PH 2 O ( humidified air ) .
approximately 22.4 l at 0°C (273 K) and 101.3 kPa.
The fraction of gases is the same everywhere on
In tribute to Avogadro, the number of particles is
Earth, whatever the altitude. But because the total
called Avogadro’s number.
air pressure changes with altitude or depth com-
The combination of Boyle–Mariotte, Gay-Lussac’s,
pared to sea level, the amount of oxygen per litre of
and Avogadro’s laws leads to the …
gas differs when animals do not live at sea level.
High-altitude specializations that compensate for
this are found at the molecular, physiological, and
3.1.5  General equation of state for a gas: the
anatomical levels (see Chapter 5).
ideal gas law
The general equation of state for an ideal gas tells
3.1.7  Henry’s law
us that, if the temperature and the volume of a gas
remain constant, the pressure of the gas is directly The English chemist William Henry (1775–1836) did
proportional to the number of molecules of the gas. fundamental research on gases that are soluble in
Accordingly, if temperature and pressure are kept liquids. The best known of his discoveries is Henry’s

law (Eq. 3.5), which states that the content of a gas So carbon dioxide will become hydrogencarbonate
dissolved in a liquid is not equal to, but rather, pro- (bicarbonate) or even carbonate to a certain propor-
portional to the partial pressure of the gas in the gas tion when dissolved in water and will not simply
phase. The proportionality constant is the Bunsen stay as dissolved molecular CO2.
solubility coefficient (α), which varies with the type Henry’s law can be used not only in liquids but in
of gas, the temperature, and the type of liquid modified form also for the medium air (Eq. 3.6).
(named after the German chemist Robert Wilhelm Instead of the solubility coefficient α, the capacity
Bunsen (1811–1899), best known for the invention coefficient (β) is used:
of the burner that bears his name).
Cgas = b · Pgas (Eq. 3.6)
Cgas = a · Pgas (Eq. 3.5)
For gases-in-gas, β can be derived from the ideal
Henry’s law combines with Dalton’s law to yield the gas law (Eq. 3.3). The gas content Cgas is M/V (in
Henry–Dalton law. This states that in a mixture of moles per litre) and thus β = Cgas/Pgas = 1/(R · T).
gases, each single gas dissolves in a fluid independ­ So in air, the capacity coefficient for any ideal gas—
ently of the other gases according to its partial pres- including oxygen and carbon dioxide—is the same
sure and solubility coefficient. Thus, although the (βgas = βO = βCO ).
2 2
partial pressure of oxygen in the air and in the water In fluids, however, β contains not only solubility
of a nearby pond are equal, the amount of oxygen con- constants but also includes chemical and physical
tained in a litre of water is approximately 30 times less reaction factors. As we saw previously for the solu-
than in air due to the low solubility of oxygen in water. bility coefficient α, the capacity coefficient β is also
The Bunsen solubility coefficient is inversely pro- much greater for carbon dioxide than for oxygen.
portional to the temperature and also to the ionic This means that 1 litre of air would contain the same
strength of the solvent. This means that in cold, amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen if the partial
fresh water, α is greater than in warm sea water, and pressures of those two gases were the same, but that
would further decrease with increasing salinity of in water under the same conditions, much more car-
the sea water. These physical constraints become bon dioxide would be dissolved. In blood or haemo-
quite relevant, for example, to inhabitants of tidal lymph, chemical binding by respiratory proteins
pools, which are filled with cold seawater at high further increases the amount of oxygen and carbon
tide and exposed to sunlight and dry air as the water dioxide that can be contained and transported.
recedes. In addition, α is much greater for carbon
dioxide than for oxygen and nitrogen. The ratio of
3.1.8  Standard gas conditions
αCO :αO lies between 23 and 35 and is not constant
2 2
because the decrease in α with increasing tempera- For respiratory biologists, it is important to know
ture is greater for oxygen than for carbon dioxide. the conditions under which measurements were
According to Henry’s law, the oxygen content carried out in order to compare the results with the
(CO ) of water can be calculated as follows: in a fresh data of other experiments on the same or different
water lake at sea level and at 20°C, 1 litre of water species. Gas volumes are always reported for specified
contains 6.38 ml of oxygen (CO = α · PO2 = 20.73 kPa standard conditions and can be converted into other
· 0.308 ml l−1 kPa−1) while at 0°C it would contain standard conditions. As the number of molecules per
9.97 ml of oxygen. On the other hand, in the ocean, unit volume of a gas depends on pressure, tempera-
1 litre of water at 20°C would contain only 5.14 ml ture, and humidity, these conditions should always
of oxygen (20.73 kPa · 0.248 ml l−1 kPa−1), and 7.94 be stated together with the volume of a gas:
ml of oxygen at 0°C.
ATPS: ambient temperature and pressure, saturated
The calculation of carbon dioxide in water is more with water vapour.
complex because of its reaction with water: BTPS: body temperature, atmospheric pressure,
saturated with water vapour
CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3  H + STPD: standard temperature pressure dry that means
+ HCO 3 -  2H + + CO 3 2 - 0°C, 101.3 kPa, no water vapour pressure.

Although experiments are almost never actually con- Albert Einstein (1879–1955), who postulated and
ducted under STPD conditions, it is the one most explained mathematically that the microscopically
often used for comparative purposes. visible particles were themselves being moved by
collision with water molecules. Einstein in fact used
Brown’s observation to explain the existence of atoms
3.2  The basics of respiratory physiology
and molecules, and in 1926 the French physicist
Now that we understand something about the Jean-Baptiste Perrin (1870–1942) was awarded the
properties of gases we shall be dealing with, let us Nobel Prize for his 1908 experiments supporting
move on to what is going on inside a living, breath- Einstein’s interpretation of Brown’s observation.
ing animal, namely the basics of respiratory physi- Now, if we could label the individual molecules of
ology. To begin with, oxygen is outside the animal gas X, we would find that they are moving around
and the aerobically metabolizing cells are some- the container in such a way that the frequency and
where inside. So we have a problem. An organism random direction of collisions is the same every-
consists of structures that are nested within one where. In fact it is just this motion and these colli-
another, sort of like those Russian matryoshka dolls: sions that account for gas pressure, discussed in the
organism > organ systems > organs > tissues > cells. first section of this chapter. The total pressure is
To get from one organizational level to the other, caused by collision of all the gases involved, but if
respiratory gases need to cover appreciable distances different gases are present, then we speak of partial
and cross membranes. In many cases they cover long pressures of these gases, reflecting the proportion of
distances with the aid of convection, but ultimately a particular gas in the mixture.
diffusion is always involved. In order to under- So let us introduce a quantity of gas Y into one
stand what all this means and how it is achieved, end of the container. Due to the Brownian motion
we need at least some background in basic respira- of all molecules in the container, after a certain time
tory physiology. (which depends mainly on the temperature, molecu-
lar size, and total pressure), not only the X molecules
but also the Y molecules will be evenly distributed.
3.2.1 Diffusion
We say that Y got there by diffusion, which is really
Diffusion is the central process in respiration, whereby nothing more than Brownian motion where the start-
metabolically relevant gases move passively (i.e. ing situation was an unequal distribution. If the
without energy-consuming active transport) between starting distribution had been equal, we would not
an external medium and an internal transport be able to detect diffusion although molecular move-
medium in the gas exchanger, and are also released ment would have taken place.
in the tissue and taken up by the cells via diffusion. In the case of a respiratory system, oxygen in the
This sounds like a pretty good deal, but since we all inspired air or water (high PO2) is separated from
know that there is ‘no such thing as a free lunch’, the internal medium (low PO2) by a complex mem-
let’s take a closer look. brane, in which oxygen is more or less soluble. This
There is nothing magical about diffusion, but it is difference in PO2 results in a ‘driving pressure’, imply-
important that we get it right from the beginning. ing one-way diffusion. This terminology is indeed
Let us imagine a closed container containing only unfortunate because it suggests that oxygen is being
gas X. As long as the temperature in this container ‘driven’ across the membrane, when actually all
is above absolute zero the gas molecules will move that is happening is that the statistical probability of
around and bang against each other in what is termed an oxygen molecule contacting the air/water side
‘perfect elastic collisions’. In 1827, the Scottish botanist of the membrane is greater than the probability of
Robert Brown (1773–1858) reported seemingly ran- one hitting the internal side. The greater the differ-
dom movement of pollen particles suspended in ence in partial pressure of oxygen on the two sides
water. This apparently trivial observation, now called of the membrane is, the greater will be the amount
Brown’s molecular motion or ‘Brownian motion’, that will make it across the membrane in a given time.
was followed up on in 1905 by none other than Since diffusion through a respiratory membrane

is very much slower than powered convection (ven- T and r factors do not make much difference under
tilation and perfusion), diffusion is rate determining conditions compatible with life: 1 per cent for each
for the function of the system. A chain is only as kelvin, and the size difference between oxygen and
strong as its weakest link. carbon dioxide molecules is just a factor of 1.4 in
In addition to the driving pressure one has to con- favour of oxygen. But the viscosity is really important
sider the morphology and biophysics of the mem- since water is about 60 times more viscous than air.
brane: how thick it is, how soluble the gas is in it, how For our special application, respiration, Fick’s
large the gas molecule is, and how it might chem­ law of diffusion must be slightly modified. In most
ically react with other components of the membrane, physiological situations, the medium in which the
to name only the most important variables. Many of respiratory gas diffuses is not the same in both com-
these parameters are open to selective pressure and partments. For example, oxygen diffuses from air
can yield different optimal trade-offs for different into blood in lungs or from water into blood in gills
species. Once an organism has hit upon an evolu- and these media have different capacity coefficients
tionarily successful solution, this condition tends (βO ). Also, oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse
to be maintained through natural selection. But we between 8000 and 9000 times faster in air than in
shall come back to this later. water. This means that the concentration of gas
The German cardiorespiratory physiologist Adolph alone cannot predict diffusion.
Fick (1829–1901) characterized pulmonary diffu- Partial pressure difference is really the ‘driving’
sion mathematically in ‘Fick’s first law of diffusion’ force for diffusion of gases and this process can
(Eq. 3.7): even take place against a concentration gradient. For
 example, let us consider a trendy oil and vinegar con-
gas = d gas · DC · ( S / L )
M (Eq. 3.7)
tainer where the oil floats on top of the vinegar.
This means that the amount of a given gas (Mgas) There is a long, narrow, open spout on the vinegar
transported per time (M ͘ )—normally expressed in side and a shorter, corked one on the side opening
moles or in volume (STPD) per minute—increases into the oil. The salesman told you the oil will never
in direct proportion to the surface area (S) available go rancid because it has no contact with oxygen in
for diffusion and the concentration gradient ΔC, the air. When you pour out oil, air bubbles into the
and in inverse proportion to the thickness of diffu- vinegar, not the oil. But he was not aware that he
sion barrier (L). The diffusion coefficient (d) given was dealing with a respiratory biologist! You know
in Eq. 3.8 is expressed in terms of area per unit time that β for oxygen is greater in oil than in water (vin-
(cm2 s−1) and includes properties of the substance, egar is about 95 per cent water). Assuming that the
the medium, and the influence of temperature on oxygen concentration on both liquids is the same to
the diffusive process: begin with, oxygen will diffuse from the vinegar
into the oil until the partial pressures in both
d = (R · T) / (f · N) (Eq. 3.8)
­liquids are the same, even when the oxygen con-
where R is the universal gas constant (see earlier), T tent in the oil is greater (Figure 3.1). But now back
the absolute temperature in kelvin, and f is viscous to respiration.
drag (f = 6 · π · η · r, where r is the radius of substance
molecules and η is the viscosity of the medium). N  Morphological diffusing capacity
is just one of those magical constants that physiolo- Combining Eq. 3.6 and Eq. 3.7 for respiration results in:
gists are always coming up with to make a morphol-

ogist’s life difficult. It is called ‘Loschmidt’s number’ M gas = d gas · b · ( S / L ) · DPga S (Eq. 3.9)
(named after the Bohemian physicist and chemist We can now combine the two constants (dgas · β), with
Josef Loschmidt (1821–1895)) and it represents the this new constant that is called Krogh’s constant
number of molecules per unit volume of an ideal or the permeability coefficient (Kgas). The expression
gas (see earlier) at standard temperature and pres- gets simplified to three terms:
sure. Sometimes incorrectly referred to as Avogadro’s

number, N has the value of 2.6867811 · 1025 m−3. The M gas = K gas · ( S / L ) · DPgas (Eq. 3.9a)

β 0.107 0.486 physical constant (Kgas), an anatomical component

[mmol l–1kPa–1] (S/L), and a physiological component (ΔP), all of
which contribute in different ways to determine the
rate of gas diffusion in and out of an organism and
within the tissue.
Sea water Olive oil
We have already dealt with the physical constants.
CO2 1.43 2.59 The anatomical part, often referred to as the anatom-
[mmol l–1]
ical diffusion factor (ADF), is determined microscop-
PO2 13.33 5.33
ically, whereby the thickness (L) is determined as the
harmonic mean thickness of the diffusion barrier (τ).
Figure 3.1  Partial pressures (PO2) and content (CO2) of oxygen in The harmonic mean is defined as the reciprocal of
seawater and olive oil exposed to air at sea level. Note that the both the arithmetic mean of the reciprocal values. Since
values differ from atmospheric values due to the different capacity extremely long diffusion distances can occur, they
constants (βO2) of all gases involved in the two liquids. Vinegar, would tend to bias arithmetic mean values in the
mentioned in the text, would be similar to sea water. Original A.S.
direction of ‘thickness’, resulting in systematic over-
Krogh’s constant has the units cm2 min−1 kPa−1, dif- estimates of the diffusion barrier. Using the reciprocal
fers among media and gases, and is also temperature values of diffusion distances is a more meaningful
dependent (see Table 3.1 for examples). In general, variant, since it means that extremely short dis-
K is four orders of magnitude greater in air than in tances would result in large numbers, thus biasing
fluids or tissues. Because oxygen is slightly smaller harmonic mean values in the direction of thin bar­
and lighter than carbon dioxide, it diffuses a little riers, and this is exactly what the L factor in Eq. 3.9a
bit faster in air. But in tissues and fluids, due to the is meant to express: thinness rather than thickness.
much greater solubility of carbon dioxide in water, The new expression for gas transfer now becomes:

gas = K gas · ( S / t ) · DPgas
the KCO2 is some 15–40 times greater than the KO2. M (Eq. 3.10)
In addition, respiratory proteins in body fluids
enhance the diffusion of oxygen by binding this gas or, rearranging,
and effectively taking it out of solution, resulting in  / DP = K · ( S / t ) (Eq. 3.10a)
M gas gas gas
a high ΔPO2. We refer to this phenomenon as diffu-
sion facilitation. Diffusion of carbon dioxide is also It is thus a cornerstone of respiratory biology and
facilitated due to the action of carbonic anhydrase, tells us how ‘good’ a gas exchange organ is: describ-
which catalyses the interconversion of carbon diox- ing the ‘diffusing capacity’. The diffusing capacity
ide between the gaseous and ionic form, reacting expresses the amount of gas that can be transferred
with water and converting carbon dioxide to hydro- per unit time and partial pressure difference. It is
gencarbonate (HCO3−) anions. also a sort of ‘Rosetta Stone’ of respiratory biology,
Taking another look at Eq. 3.9a we see that three if you will, that should allow the interconversion of
components have quite different qualities: a complex anatomy (right side of Eq. 3.10a) and physiology
(left side of Eq. 3.10a). Theoretically anyway, but
Table 3.1  Examples for Krogh’s diffusion constant K at 20°C. After
more about that later.
Altman and Dittmer (1971). Note that the value for chitin, the main The factors Kgas and S/τ are often combined and,
component of arthropod cuticle, is an order of magnitude less than for more specifically, since this definition contains param-
other tissues eters that must be measured using morphological
(histological) techniques, called the morphological
KO2 [cm2 min−1 kPa−1] KCO2 [cm2 min−1 kPa−1]
diffusing capacity (Dmorph):
Air 12.6 · 10−2 8.5 · 10−2
D morph = K gas · ( S / t ) (Eq. 3.10b)
Distilled water 41.9 · 10−8 720.6 · 10−8
Frog muscle 13.8 · 10−8 522.5 · 10−8 In respiratory organs and in the tissue, the bound­
aries over which gases have to diffuse often consist
Chitin 1.28 · 10−8 N/a
of consecutive layers made up of different materials.

In the mammalian lung, for example, oxygen has to partial pressure difference between end-expired air
pass the surfactant layer, pulmonary epithelium, and mixed venous blood (e.g. in the vena cava or
basal laminae of the epithelium, and the endothelial sinus venosus of craniotes) to get an estimate of
lining of the blood vessel, the endothelial cell, blood ΔPO2. Even in the best-case scenario, though, we
plasma, and the membrane of the red blood cell to must assume that gas exchange along the length of
enter the erythrocyte. These barriers all have differ- capillaries does not take place in a linear fashion,
ent attributes and are treated as multiple diffusive but rather along a sigmoid curve reflecting the oxy-
conductances in series. haemoglobin dissociation curve (see Chapter  4).
Since the barriers are physically measured, we need The calculation is complex and requires knowledge
the morphological diffusing capacity for each com- of oxygen binding in the blood, haematocrit, and
ponent, the reciprocals of which are added in order blood flow velocity. The Bohr integration used for
to determine the total diffusing capacity: estimating gas exchange in the skin, for example,
is a technique mastered only by very few living
1/ D morph total = 1/ D morph 1
(Eq. 3.11) respiratory physiologists.
+ 1/ D morph 2 + ¼1/ D morph n

On the other hand, if we are dealing with respira-

3.2.2 Convection
tory systems that work in parallel to each other,
such as the tracheal system and the book lungs of a A second important physiological process in respir­
spider, or the gills, skin, and lungs of a salamander, ation is the convective transport of gases. Convection
the diffusing capacity of each respiratory system is facilitates diffusion by maintaining a high ΔPgas at
calculated separately and simply added up. the gas exchanging surface by means of transport-
ing respiratory gases in media (water or air) and  Physiological diffusing capacity in body fluids. These two forms of convective con-
Until now we have been speaking of morphological ductance are referred to as ventilation (movement
diffusing capacity, but it is also possible to measure of the respiratory medium) across the respiratory
diffusing capacity physiologically. As already stated, surfaces, and perfusion (movement of the transport
the left-hand side of Eq. 3.10a also defines diffusing medium: blood, haemolymph, or body fluids) within
capacity, but consists of the physiologically measur- the body between the respiratory organ and the body
able factors, and thus it called the physiological dif- tissues. Unless the animals rely on natural currents
fusing capacity (Dphysiol): or ventilate as a by-product of their own locomotion,
 / DP both processes require special energy consumption
D physiol = M (Eq. 3.10c)
gas gas
and can make up a considerable proportion of the
Theoretically, physiological and morphological dif- total energy needs of the animal. On the other hand,
fusing capacities should result in identical values, convection allows animals to reach gigantic propor-
but experimentally this is rarely the case, and the tions and still provide their cells with oxygen.
morphological value usually exceeds the physio­ Among craniotes, ventilation is used in lungs and
logic­al one. The reasons for this mismatch have yet gills. Air is moved in and out of the lungs and water
to be completely understood and nearly identical is either propelled over respiratory surfaces of the
values are obtained only in the simplest respiratory gills, as in fish, or the gills are moved in the water,
systems, such as the skin of lungfish. as it is the case in the external gills of caudate amphib-
Whereas the measurement of oxygen consump- ians. Some researchers have used the term ‘irriga-
tion (M ͘ O ) is routine in most physiological labora- tion’ to refer to ventilation with water, but we shall
tories, the determination of ΔPO2 is quite another stick with ‘ventilation’, regardless of the medium.
matter. For instance, the tiny capillaries and air Perfusion (by a circulatory system) occurs in all cra-
spaces in craniote lungs are virtually inaccessible. niotes and also in many invertebrates, especially
The PO2 of the air is known and that of the arterial those with respiratory proteins. Small animals or
blood can be assumed to be at full saturation. So animals without respiratory systems (e.g. sponges
most physiologists must content themselves with the and cnidarians) also lack a circulatory system. For

Gills Lungs other mammals must be equal due to the complete

Water Air interatrial and interventricular septations in the
heart. That is, in words:
Oxygen consumption = cardiac output · arteriovenous
oxygen partial pressure difference,


A C Cardiac output = oxygen consumption / arteriovenous

Circulatory system oxygen partial pressure difference.

3.2.3  Gas exchange models

Cells Gas exchange models (Figure 3.3) are simplified math-
ematical versions of what is going on inside a gas
exchange organ. They have the advantage over actual
Figure 3.2  Schematic diagram of the pathway of oxygen in animals
with a respiratory faculty, in which the circulatory system transports experiments in that one can easily change variables
respiratory gases. In invertebrates the heart, in position C, receives in mathematical formulas and predict how the ani-
haemolymph that has passed through the gas exchanges organs. In mal should react to changes in external or internal
craniotes the heart in position A or (if gills are lacking) B receives conditions.
deoxygenated blood. When true lungs are present, the oxygenated
blood is returned to the heart via pulmonary veins and recirculated to  The open or infinite pool model
the body cells. Except in birds and mammals an admixture of
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood at the heart is possible. This model applies to cutaneous gas exchange of
Original A.S./S.F.P. craniotes and invertebrates. The model assumes
that inspired and expired air/water does not actu-
animals that use convection of the external media ally exist: the surrounding medium is considered
and a circulatory system for the transport of respira- for all practical purposes to contain an infinite sup-
tory gases, a schematic overview of the pathway of ply of oxygen and maintains an approximately con-
respiratory gases is given in Figure 3.2. stant PO2. The so-called mixed venous blood has a
much lower PO2 than the surrounding medium  Fick’s principle thus the ΔPO2 is considerable.
If you were asked to design a respiratory system,
you would certainly have as a major criterion the  Ventilated pool model
effective coupling of perfusion and ventilation. In In this model, a finite volume (pool) of air is sup-
addition, you would require an effective, feedback- plied to and removed from the closed respiratory
controlled, anatomical and physiological relationship organ. We find the ventilated pool model, for
between the respiratory system and the metaboliz- example, in the blindly ending lungs of mammals.
ing cells of the body. Based upon the assumption Although mathematically similar to the infinite pool
that these relationships exist, the German physiolo- model, the ventilated pool relies on active ventila-
gist Adolf Fick in 1870 used the mathematical coup­ tion to maintain an effective partial pressure differ-
ling of ventilation and perfusion as a non-invasive ence between the medium and the blood in the gas
method for determining cardiac output in humans. exchange organ. In mammals, around 25 per cent
The so-called Fick principle, which is not to be con- of the inspired oxygen is usually extracted, but
fused with Fick’s first law of diffusion (Eq. 3.7), is the percentage depends on the length of the non-
based upon the assumption that the amount of oxy- ventilatory period. The maximum PO2 of the blood
gen taken up by the lungs must be the same as that is reached when it is in complete equilibrium with
used by the tissues. It also uses the fact that the out- the gas contained within the gas exchanger. That is, it
put of the left and right ventricles in humans and will be highest at end expiration, when much of the

(a) (b)


Air/ Water

Blood Blood

Air/Water Air (Water) in

in Blood in Blood


(c) (d)

Air Water

Blood Blood

in in
Water high Air
out out
in Blood
Blood low


Figure 3.3  Gas exchange models. The upper illustration for each model is a schematic anatomical diagram; the lower illustration, a physiological
model. For explanations of the models, see text. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.

oxygen has already been removed from the pool. oxygenated blood can approach that of the inspired
The ΔPO2 behaves just the opposite, being greatest medium and will be greater than that of the medium
at end inspiration and virtually non-existent at end exiting the system.
expiration. Prerequisites for a counter-current system are
directed flow both of internal and external med­iums.  Counter-current model In addition, the thinner the diffusion barriers are,
In the counter-current model, the flow of internal the more efficient gas transfer will be. Although the-
medium (haemolymph or blood) and external oretically possible for air breathers, to our knowledge
medium (air or water) are opposed to one another. no terrestrial animal has actually evolved a true
For simplicity, we shall speak only of blood in this counter-current system. In the water, however, it is a
sections, although in invertebrates haemolymph is different story. All fish groups—from hagfish to
implied. That means that the first blood entering teleosts and the Australian lungfish—have counter-
the system contacts the lowest PO2 in the external current systems, the most extreme development
medium, and that the last blood leaving the system being found in high-performance teleosts.
has just been exposed to fresh medium with the The oxygen extraction from water in teleost fish can
highest PO2. In practical terms: the PO2 of fully reach 80–90 per cent. Counter-current flow maintains

a large ΔPO2, which remains more or less constant diffusing capacity in this process can be calculated
across the gas exchange surface of the gill lamellae, with Eq. 3.12.
and is most effective if the values for oxygen capacity
D term = K air O 2 · ( A / L ) (Eq. 3.12)
per unit time are similar in blood and water pass-
ing the gills: that is, perfusion matches ventilation. where Dterm is the terminal diffusing capacity, KairO2
Counter-current gas exchange also has been dem- is Krogh’s diffusion constant of oxygen in air, A is
onstrated in some crabs but with a lower efficiency
than in fish. This is mainly due to the properties (a)
of  the diffusion barrier and not to a less effective cell
counter current. cell

τ, S  Cross-current model
A situation in which mass blood flow is perpendicu-
lar to the medium flow constitutes the cross-current spiracle
model, which so far has only been demonstrated
in birds. In the avian lung, the orientation of the
parabronchial tubes with their complex mantle of cell
air capillaries with respect to the blood supply
and drainage result in a cross-current physiological diffusion
model. It should be emphasized, however, that convection
this is a physiological model, not an anatomical one.
Blood capillaries do not actually cross the parabron- (b)
chi. Instead, blood that leaves the lung is a mixture
of blood that passed different parts along the length

of the parabronchial system. In other words, blood cell
is exposed to different oxygen levels, depending on
whether it contacts air from the beginning or the
end of the parabronchial system. So the blood col-
spiracle SiAiLi
lected has different oxygen levels: that from nearest
the entry of air into the parabronchi contributes the
most oxygen because the ΔPO2 is greatest there, and
blood from the part near to the air exit has a lower cell cell
PO2. The efficiency (40–50 per cent) lies between the
ventilated pool and the counter-current model; the
expired air having about the same or even lower PO2
than the fully oxygenated blood. The anatomical
arrangement seen in birds is unique among extant Figure 3.4  Terminal vs. lateral diffusion models for animals with
tracheae. In the terminal diffusion model shown in part (a), it is
assumed that the surface area (S) at the end of the branching tracheal
system can be approximated by the cross-sectional area (A) of the  Tracheal gas exchange in arthropods spiracles, and the diffusion distance (L) is the mean length of the
tracheae. This model ignores cells that are located long distances from
There are two models for tracheal gas exchange the nearest tracheal terminus. The diffusion distance (τ) is assumed to
(Figure 3.4): the terminal gas exchange and the lat- be negligible. The more general lateral diffusion model in part (b)
eral diffusion, or tracheal lung model. The terminal takes into account diffusion across the tracheal walls of incremental
exchange model assumes that all the oxygen enters thickness (τi) and through tissue to the cells as well as terminal
diffusion at the end of the tracheal system. It is assumed that the PO2
the spiracles and diffuses to the terminal tracheoles
within the tracheal system following inspiration is near atmospheric
(longitudinal diffusion) where it is consumed by and that the surface area for diffusion is that of the tracheae.
the mitochondria of the metabolizing tissue. The Original A.S.

the sum of the mean cross-sectional areas of all the environments where the ΔPH2O is small, but for
tracheal orifices (spiracles), and L is the mean length animals living in dry habitats, the openings to the
of the tracheae from spiracle to the tracheoles. A is respiratory organs must be protected, countersunk,
not constant from spiracle to tracheoles in most or both. So it is not surprising that various mech­
insects, but tends to increase as one moves down the anisms for closing or otherwise protecting the
tracheal system from spiracle to tracheole, so the openings of the respiratory system have evolved
spiracle is really the bottleneck. The diffusion dis- repeatedly. These are further discussed in Chapter 7.
tance within the tissue is considered to be negligible. Alternatively, in homeothermic craniotes, water
In the lateral diffusion model, oxygen is assumed can be condensed out and resorbed when warm,
to diffuse through the tracheal and tracheolar walls vapour-saturated expired air contacts cooled, moist
into the surrounding haemolymph. The lateral dif- surfaces in the upper airways.
fusing capacity component is assumed to be par-
ticularly great in arachnids and other groups with
3.2.5  The complicated story of carbon dioxide
tracheal lungs, and can be expressed by Eq. 3.13.
As we shall see, although life originated in an aquatic
D lat = K trw O 2 · ( S tr / ttr ) (Eq. 3.13)
environment, numerous major groups of ­multicellular
where Dlat is the lateral diffusing capacity, KtrwO2 is animals also gave rise to terrestrial forms. On dry
Krogh’s diffusion constant for oxygen in the trache- land, oxygen is abundantly available but carbon
olar walls (cuticle and epidermis), Str is the surface dioxide elimination becomes a problem. Perhaps not
of the tracheoles, and τtr is the harmonic mean bar- coincidentally, carbon dioxide, in the form of hydro-
rier thickness of the tracheolar walls. This model gencarbonate, becomes a pivotal element of pH
assumes that gas exchange occurs over all the walls regulation in terrestrial organisms in such diverse
of all tracheae, not just at the terminal tracheoles. lineages as snails, crabs, insects, and amniotes, and
The lateral diffusion model is calculated for each also serves as a key indicator of gas exchange in
point of the tracheal system using Eq. 3.13a. general. In addition to the biophysical differences
between aquatic and terrestrial living, there are some
D lat = K trw O 2 · ( S tri / ttri ) (Eq. 3.13a)
limiting biochemical ones. Water-breathing animals
where Dlat is the lateral diffusing capacity, KtrwO2 is regulate acid–base balance by modifying the excre-
Krogh’s diffusion constant of oxygen for the tra- tion of hydrogencarbonate in expired water, whereas
cheal walls at the given point, Stri is the surface of air-breathing animals regulate acid–base balance
the tracheae at the given point, and τtri is the barrier by modifying the elimination of carbon dioxide in
thickness of the tracheal wall at the given point. expired air.
The terminal diffusion model holds true for most It is important to understand that pH is tempera-
insects, especially for those with high metabolic ture dependent. This could be a problem for animals
rates. The lateral diffusion model on the other that live in habitats with wildly fluctuating temper-
hand particularly applies to those arthropods that atures, such as tidal pools or shorelines, if their
have tracheal lungs and respiratory proteins in their enzymes can only function properly within a nar-
haemolymph. row pH range. In the 1970s, R.B. Reeves developed
the ‘imidazol alphastat’ hypothesis, which essentially
3.2.4  Not only respiratory gases diffuse states that the dissociation of imidazol groups in pro-
teins compensates for temperature-caused changes in
One parting shot before we leave this topic: a major neutral pH of water and guarantees proper allosteric
problem during terrestrialization is that both oxy- function of enzymes (Reeves, 1972).
gen and carbon dioxide molecules are larger than The pH of body fluids is very important to ensure
water molecules and, like H2O, are also polarized. the correct functioning of blood peptides and pro-
This means that any membrane where respiratory teins (especially enzymes such as those involved
gases can diffuse will lose water vapour at an even in regulating blood pressure and blood clotting),
greater speed. This is not a problem in very humid antibodies, and respiratory proteins. Animals use

homoeostatic mechanisms to maintain a constant A pivotal aspect in the mechanics of air breathing
blood pH despite temperature fluctuations or influ- is the tendency of wetted, curved surfaces to collapse,
ences from respiration or food intake. A constant explained by the Young–Laplace equation, often
blood pH also helps to stabilize the pH of other referred to by physiologists as the ‘law of Laplace’.
extra- and intracellular body fluids. Animals pos- This states that the tendency of a bubble to collapse
sess natural pH buffers that compensate for the is directly proportional to the surface tension and
addition of relatively large amounts of an acid or inversely proportional to the radius of curvature. In
base. Naturally occurring organic buffers are amino other words, lungs with a low surface tension and
acids, peptides, and proteins—in particular albu- large air spaces have a high compliance.
min—and, in invertebrates, haemocyanin and hex- Compliance is measured in two different ways: as
amerines. The most important inorganic buffers are static compliance or dynamic compliance. In static
the hydrogencarbonate and phosphate systems. compliance, the lungs are inflated and deflated
In craniotes, the blood pH is slightly basic in amni- slowly and stepwise, so that influence of airway
otes. It is more basic in aquatic animals, reflecting the resistance to airflow is negligible and the frictional
loss of carbon dioxide to the water. Regulatory mech- resistance of the lungs and other internal organs is
anisms mainly have to cope with a continuous stream held constant. Static compliance is defined as the
of metabolically produced carbon dioxide as well as slope of the linear portion of the inflation curve of the
transport products of ingested food and metabolic volume–pressure diagram (Figure  3.5). In dynamic
waste. Breathing also may cause a pH change for compliance, the lungs are inflated and deflated at fre-
which the body has to compensate. Respiratory quencies and amplitudes similar to those seen in the
acidosis in amniotes is caused by a reduced carbon living animal and/or as dictated by the experimental
dioxide release, normally resulting from reduced protocol. Dynamic compliance is more difficult to
ventilation. Carbon dioxide production exceeds the measure and to interpret, but better approximates
amount released and the pH falls. In contrast, hyper- what is going on in the animal. Experimental ani-
ventilation causes an increase in carbon dioxide mals must be paralysed and artificially ventilated
release relative to production and results in a rise in but in human experiments, the volunteer can be
pH. This is called respiratory alkalosis. trained not to resist artificial ventilation. Dynamic
Metabolic processes can also change the pH. compliance is defined as the slope of the elipsoid
Metabolic acidosis occurs, for example, when the loops that result from the measurements.
H+ concentration increases due to anaerobic lac- In an experimental setup one can measure com-
tate production during heavy exercise. Metabolic pliance of the lung and of the body wall separately.
alkalosis might be caused by an electrolyte loss (e.g. In many mammals, compliance of the lung and
as a result of vomiting or diarrhoea) or excessive pro- body wall are of similar magnitude, but in rodents,
tein ingestion (alkaline tide) and release of nitrate rabbits, and newborn babies, the body wall may
waste products to the blood. be more compliant than the lungs. In reptiles and
birds, however, the lungs or air sacs are usually at
least an order of magnitude more compliant than
3.2.6  Breathing mechanics the body wall.
How is compliance related to the work of breath-  Surface tension and lung compliance
ing? The work of breathing for a single static-­
We all know that craniote lungs can be inflated and compliance inflation–deflation cycle is:
deflated, but the inflation does not occur without
w = ( ½ C ) · DV 2 (Eq. 3.14)
some resistance and the lungs themselves often, but
not always, aid in their own deflation. The term where w is the work, C is the compliance, and ΔV is
‘resistance’ has many different meanings and con- the respective change in volume.
notations. Fortunately, in the area of respiratory For a spontaneously breathing animal, resistance
mechanics, the inverse concept is used instead: ease cannot be ignored. Based on the pioneer work of
of inflation, or compliance. Otis, Mead, and others, Crosfill and Widdicombe

[multiples of VLr] Lung

6 CL

5 CL + BW
Lung + body wall
Lacerta viridis [31g]
VLr = 0.9 ml 4



[cm H2O]
–10 –5 5 10

Figure 3.5  A typical static volume-pressure diagram using the European green lizard, Lacerta viridis, as an example. The volume unit used—the
resting volume (VLr, residual volume following a maximal inflation manoeuvre)—is expedient when comparing animals of different sizes. Static
compliance, C, is measured as the slope of the inflation curve along its straight portion, and is greater for the lung alone (dashed lines, CL) than for
the intact preparation of lung and body wall together (solid lines, CL+BW). The isolated lung needs to be inflated to a greater volume than when it is
in the intact preparation in order to reach the upper inflection point of the curve. The area of the space between the inflation and deflation curves
(hysteresis) reflects the work lost in the manoeuvre. After Perry and Duncker, 1981

(1961) calculated the work of breathing for different bubbles start out small, Laplace tells us that they
breathing patterns in eight different mammalian cannot get bigger and foam would be maintained.
species. It turns out that the breathing pattern The solution to the problem is to lower the surface
that mammals habitually use is the one at which the tension of the bubbles, which can be achieved by a
work of breathing is minimal for a given hypothetical surfactant. Then as bubbles form, meet, and unite,
metabolic rate. In selected reptiles, experimental work the small ones with high surface tension will collapse
came to a similar conclusion (Milsom and Vitalis, into the larger ones. In fact, such surfactant-like par-
1984; Vitalis and Milsom, 1986). Most reptiles are ticles secreted by the intestinal epithelium actually
episodic breathers and these experiments explain contain the major lipid components of pulmonary
the advantage that certain characteristic breathing surfactant and also at least one surfactant protein
patterns during a breathing episode could have. (Eliakim et al., 1997). Surfactant is produced by all
craniote lungs. The ‘anti-glue function’ of this chem­  Surfactant and the optimization of ical cocktail may explain how lungs lined with tiny
breathing mechanics in amniotes surface area elaborations could have developed in the
Craniote lungs are derivatives of the gut, an organ first place, and remain dynamically stable, inflatable
system that has had to deal with gas bubbles (e.g. structures without having to be stiff and calcified
methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide) in a liquid like the respiratory carapace of a terrestrial crab.
medium long before any craniote ever ‘thought of’ The surfactant produced and released by squamous
breathing air. To effectively move intestinal contents pulmonary respiratory epithelial cells in lungfish
by peristaltic waves, it is useful to separate the gas and amphibians and by the special, surfactant-­
from the semi-solid material. But if digestive gas producing type 2 cells in amniotes is composed

of  protein and lipids. The proteins have multiple the inflation curve in a standard volume–pressure
structures and functions, including importance in diagram. In other words, the change in pressure
the immune response. For further information the required to increase lung volume by 1 ml is greater
reader is referred to Orgeig et al. (2016). The lipids, than that required to decrease lung volume by the
on the other hand, contain a small amount of neu- same amount. The space between the inflation and
tral lipids such as cholesterol, which aid in spread- deflation curves is called the hysteresis of the pres-
ing on the aqueous surface film of the lung, but the sure–volume diagram and represents the energy loss
major component is phospholipids. These detergent- or ‘cost’ of increasing and decreasing lung volume
like molecules are characterized by a very low sur- over a given pressure range.
face tension, and are made up of a polarized head Most reptiles have extremely flexible lungs.
and one or more long, non-polar aliphatic chains. The Compared with mammals, in which the compliance
most common one in surfactant is dipalmitoylphos- of the lung and of the body wall are similar, in liz-
phatidylcholine. ards and snakes the lung is one to two orders of
The phospholipid molecules come to lie on the magnitude more compliant than the body wall. At
watery surface film of the lung, their polar heads first thought, this does not seem to make much sense
extending down into the water and the aliphatic but then we remember that surfactant is present
chains floating on the surface. This way they create inside the lungs but not outside them. The adhesive
a lipid surface on the water film and drastically forces between the lungs and the surrounding vis-
reduce the surface tension. When the lung is inflated, cera outside the lung are very much higher than the
the surface area increases but at first the lipid mol- adhesive forces resisting inflation inside the lungs.
ecules resist movement as they find space to expand Unlike mammalian lungs, which maintain a signifi-
onto the new surface. Once the lipid chains have cant residual volume, at least parts of reptilian and
found their space, the lung inflates with increased amphibian lungs as well as avian air sacs habitually
compliance characteristic of the new surface coat- completely collapse and the surfaces stick together.
ing. When the lipid molecules are maximally spread The extreme flexibility of these respiratory struc-
on the surface, further inflation is met by a decreased tures together with their surfactant makes it pos­sible
compliance, reflecting the surface tension of the to reinflate them using buccal or costal breathing
water openings. When the lungs deflate, the ali- alone, without any supplementary respiratory mus-
phatic tails of the phospholipid molecules are at cles or internal body-cavity septation. When we do
first scrunched together, resisting reduction in sur- see such accessory respiratory muscles we also usu-
face area until they find a way to follow the polar ally find that these animals are adapted for strenu-
heads into the watery film. So at first there is a ous and/or continuous activity, and that the lungs
reduction in pressure with no decrease in surface show dense packing of respiratory surfaces and
area and volume, followed by a deflation curve that relatively low compliance, as in tegu lizards. There
usually has the same or even greater compliance than we find a post-hepatic septum, to which some dia-
for inflation. The deflation curve always lies above phragm-like function has been ascribed.

Structure, function, and evolution

of respiratory proteins

Respiratory proteins are complexes of proteins and (e.g. chironomid midges) which is less than half the
metal ions. In haemoglobin (Hb) the metal is iron, in size of craniote haemoglobin.
haemocyanin (Hc)—the most common invertebrate The latter case—tissue proteins—involves primar-
respiratory protein—it is copper. Each respiratory ily proteins such as myoglobin, neuroglobins, and
protein has its characteristic colour, which changes several others. They are contained in muscle and
with the stage of oxygenation. For this reason they nervous tissue or, for example, in fat body cells and
also have been referred to as respiratory pigments. tracheal cells of insects, where they serve to facili-
Respiratory proteins are found in two places: in cir- tate removal of oxygen from circulating fluids and
culating body fluids, such as blood or haemolymph, to store it in metabolically strategic locations.
or in body tissues.
In the former case—circulating proteins—they can 4.1 Structure, function, and evolution of
be enclosed in cells, such as haemoglobin in crani- respiratory proteins, beginning with
ote red blood cells (erythrocytes), or extracellular
and dissolved in the haemolymph, such as haemo-
cyanin in crustaceans and molluscs. These circulat- This chapter deals with some pretty complex stuff
ing proteins usually serve in taking up, transporting, that we treat in an evolutionary context, making it
and releasing respiratory gases: primarily oxygen, even more complex. Because of this, we will have to
but also carbon dioxide. In some cases, they can also go through it in stages, first dealing with some char-
serve in gas storage. acteristics of the structure and function of these
In invertebrates, the most common circulating macromolecules. Since haemoglobin is the best
respiratory protein is haemocyanin. These molecules known of the respiratory proteins, we will use it
tend to be huge, at least one to two orders of magni- as a case in point. We shall then turn to comparing
tude larger than craniote haemoglobin. Circulating the structure, function, and evolution of respiratory
haemoglobin also exists in invertebrates but tends proteins: globins (in particular haemoglobin and
to form very large, complex molecules that consist myoglobin), haemocyanin, and haemerythrin.
of smaller subunits, each of which is capable of bind- The perfusing fluids, called blood in craniotes
ing oxygen, meaning that the amount of protein and haemolymph in invertebrates, have many func-
and the number of binding sites is increased with- tions, including transport of nutrients, hormones,
out increasing the number of molecules. One excep- excretory products, and components of the immune
tion is the extracellular haemoglobin of certain insects system. And they are important in pH buffering as

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


(His) NH
– (His) NH
N –
CH2 2 C
HC Fe CH 2+

(b) Haemoglobin



80 Haemoglobin

pH 7.4
Saturation (%)


40 pH 7.2


0 3 6 9 12
PO2 (kPa)

Figure 4.1 Structure and function of haemoglobin and myoglobin. Part (a) shows a haem porphyrin, its binding sites to the Fe2+ molecule and to
a histidine residue of the α or β protein molecule (see part (b)) that surrounds it. When not binding oxygen, the Fe2+ binds water (see text).
Part (b) is a sketch of the tertiary structure of a mammalian haemoglobin molecule, showing its four different component protein chains, each of
which surrounds a porphyrin, indicated in black. Note the similarity in the tertiary structure of the β2 molecule and myoglobin, below. Part (c)
shows a typical oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC), commonly called a dissociation curve, indicating the PO2 at half saturation, P50. The shift of the
OEC to the right (Bohr effect) is caused by allosteric changes in the tertiary structure of the haemoglobin molecule, resulting in a decreased oxygen
affinity (increased P50) at the lower pH in the tissue and release of oxygen. The S-shape (cooperativity) of the haemoglobin OEC caused by the
interaction of the α and β proteins and is lacking in the OEC of a mammalian myoglobin, indicated by the dashed line. Modified from Eckert, 1998
and Penzlin, 2005.
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 25

well as in repair and healing following injury. But as 2,3-biphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG; previously called
for a respiratory biologist, the uptake, transport, 2,3 diphosphoglycerate or 2,3 DPG) that can affect
and release of respiratory gases are most important. oxygen affinity.
As pointed out in Chapter 3, the respiratory gases Before embarking on our discussion of the evolu-
oxygen and carbon dioxide are quite different regard- tion of respiratory proteins in animals, we should
ing their solubilities in aqueous transport media, like to direct your attention to something pointed
oxygen being some 30 times less soluble in water out in Chapter 1. Once a key function has evolved,
than carbon dioxide. But, since the amounts of the structures around it can change while conserv-
oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide released are ing the function. This appears to have been the case
similar, we have a problem: a system that can func- with the metallic porphyrins. Probably it is no coin-
tion efficiently for carbon dioxide will be woefully cidence that virtually identical porphyrin-containing
inadequate for oxygen, and if it works efficiently for molecules (cytochromes, tissue globins such as myo-
oxygen it will be ‘over-designed’ for dealing with globin, leghaemoglobin, neuroglobin, and cytoglobin)
carbon dioxide, and too much may end up getting are found in many different organisms, ranging from
removed. bacteria to birds, but may serve quite different func-
Happily, there are some metal ions that can level tions. One function that oxygen-binding molecules
the playing field. They are relatively abundant in always have, however, is to maintain certain parts
the environment and have the ability to bind and of cells or organs in a relatively oxygen-free state. To
release oxygen. Two of these, iron and copper, are understand the importance of this function we only
enveloped in protein molecules that can regulate need to remember that life originated in a virtually
the uptake and release of oxygen in animals. Iron in oxygen-free environment and that the initial part of
globins and also, parenthetically, the magnesium in cellular metabolism, namely glycolysis, still requires
chlorophyll of plants, is held in the middle of a flat this ancient condition.
molecule called a porphyrin: a ‘haem porphyrin’ A glance at the plethora of cytochromes—there are
when iron is involved (Figure 4.1a). The porphyrin more than 1000 variants of cytochrome P450 alone—
molecule, in turn, is surrounded by protein or pro- illustrates the wide variety of functions that haem pro-
teins (the ‘globin’ part of haemoglobin, myoglobin, teins can assume (Anzenbacher and Anzenbacherova,
and all other globins) (Figure 4.1b). But in haemeryth- 2001). In other words, the reverse of the previous
rin and haemocyanin porphyrins are not present and statement also applies to haem proteins. While the
the iron and copper ions, respectively, are bound general structure is conserved, the function can
directly to the proteins that surround them (see change.
more detailed descriptions later in this chapter).
Respiratory proteins are characterized physio- 4.2 How respiratory proteins work:
logically by their ability to reversibly bind oxygen
haemoglobin as a case in point
and often also carbon dioxide, thereby temporarily
increasing the effective solubility of blood or haemo- As mentioned at the outset of this chapter, respira-
lymph for the transport of these gases. By binding tory proteins have two major functions: transport
gases, respiratory proteins take them out of solution and storage of respiratory gases, with an emphasis
and in this way also help to maintain a high partial on oxygen. By binding oxygen in blood or haemo-
pressure gradient. To function most efficiently, a lymph, respiratory proteins can increase the amount
respiratory transport protein (e.g. haemoglobin or that can be carried in a liquid transport medium up
haemocyanin) should bind the gas cooperatively to 50 times, and by taking oxygen out of solution,
(that is, to show a low affinity at very low ambient they accomplish this while at the same time main-
oxygen levels and an increasing affinity at higher taining a high partial pressure gradient. That is, as
levels until the molecule approaches saturation) far as the circulating fluid is concerned, once the
and should be adjustable by effectors. Staying with oxygen molecule is bound to the respiratory protein it
haemoglobin, these include local pH or PCO2, or no longer exerts a ‘back pressure’ to escape from the
genetically controlled physiological regulators such circulatory system, and is for all practical purposes

‘invisible’. In the body tissues, the conditions are characteristic sigmoid curve. This is because the four-
quite different. The surroundings are oxygen poor, subunit (tetrameric) craniote haemoglobins occur in
carbon dioxide rich, and have a low pH. Oxygen is two characteristic conformations: the low-affinity,
released, carbon dioxide is taken up, the pH of the T (tense) state, which is constrained by salt bridges
blood is lowered, and the blood/haemolymph is and hydrogen bonds and is typical of the low pH,
returned in this condition to the respiratory organs. high PCO2 blood leaving the tissues, and the high-
Obviously this cannot take place willy-nilly and affinity, R (relaxed) state that is found in blood leaving
every step is tightly controlled at all levels. In the the gas exchange organs, characterized by higher
sections that follow we shall learn more about how pH and lower PCO2. But how does the respiratory
this control takes place at the level of the respiratory protein ‘know’ when and how to enter the T or R
proteins and how these extraordinary substances state? Is this an all-or-none phenomenon or are there
are not only biophysically and biochemically but intermediate stages?
also physiologically malleable with respect to the
specific needs of the animals. How is gas transport
4.4 The Hill coefficient
adapted to the lifestyle of the animal? And how can
we explain the repeated occurrence of a respiratory To better understand the T and R states of haemo-
protein such as haemoglobin when another, such as globin let us first take a look at the process of transi-
haemocyanin, is already present? tion from one state to the other. Plotted against PO2,
At least mammalian haemoglobin does possess the T-state and R-state curves for percentage satur-
some characteristics reminiscent of an enzyme and ation lie parallel to each other, the R-state curve lying
that might help you to understand how it works. above the T-state one. Intermediate stages are pos-
One of these is that the globin molecules are allo- sible, but not stable. The slope of a straight line lying
steric: they change their tertiary structure when on a double logarithmic plot of the curve connect-
they engage in a reversible chemical reaction. In the ing the T state at about 10 per cent saturation with
case of haemoglobin, binding of oxygen increases the R state at about 90 per cent saturation on the OEC
its affinity for binding further oxygen molecules. In and measured at the point where the line reaches
other words, it catalyses its own reaction with oxy- the 50 per cent saturation level is known as the
gen by entering a high-affinity state. But haemoglo- Hill cooperativity coefficient or simply the ‘Hill
bin also undergoes allosteric transformation when coefficient’ (nH), named for the British biophysicist
it reacts with carbon dioxide and returns to a lower- Archibald V.  Hill (1886–1977), who received the
affinity state. Nobel Prize in 1922 for his work on heat production
The sigmoid shape of the oxygen equilibrium and mechanical work in muscles. The Hill coeffi-
curve (OEC, see section  4.3) also resembles what cient is actually given by the slope of the double
you may be familiar with from enzyme kinetics. The logarithmic plot: log[oxy]/[deoxy] when plotted against
affinity decreases at the upper end of the OEC logPO2 where the line passes through the 50 per
because the substrate (oxygen) binding sites are cent saturation point. If the concentrations of oxy-
exhausted as in the case of an enzyme. genated and deoxygenated haemoglobin are equal,
nH has the value of 1 and no cooperativity exists, as
in myoglobin or in shark haemoglobin. For mam-
4.3 The oxygen equilibrium curve
malian haemoglobins, nH lies between 2.4 and 2.9,
Oxygen binding and release, regardless of which and some large invertebrate haemoglobins even have
protein we are dealing with, are best described by a nH of 5, indicating strong cooperativity.
the OEC (Figure 4.1c), usually referred to simply as So the nH tells us how the respiratory protein
‘the dissociation curve’, which plots the percentage dynamically reacts to oxygen: at low PO2, low affin-
of oxygen saturation (or oxygen content in mM l−1) ity, and at higher PO2, increasing affinity until
of the respiratory protein as a function of PO2. In the saturation is approached. This amounts to a certain
case of haemoglobin, positive interaction (coopera- plasticity with respect to environmental conditions.
tivity) among subunits of the globins results in a Somewhere along the X axis, cooperativity will begin,
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 27

the heterogeneous haemoglobin molecules will inter- or more slowly (low affinity). Affinity can tell us how
act with each other and the ability of the respiratory fast a respiratory protein can take up oxygen but it
protein to bind oxygen will increase. The apparent does not tell us where on the dissociation curve this
latency in the beginning of cooperativity helps takes place. That is, how high does the environmen-
define a window for oxygen binding, which is rele- tal PO2 have to be before oxygen can be effectively
vant for survival. But there is more. The position taken up? This information is given by the P50: the
and distance along the x-axis between 10 per cent partial pressure at which the respiratory protein is
and 90 per cent saturation on the y-axis also help half saturated. A high-affinity protein that has a low
define the affinity, or the ability of haemoglobin to P50 lies to the left on the OEC plot. If a respiratory
bind oxygen at low partial pressures, but it is not protein with the same nH has a high P50 and lies far
the only factor involved. Shark haemoglobin, for right on the OEC curve, it can release oxygen rap-
example, shows a very high affinity but no coopera- idly but take it up only at high ambient oxygen
tivity at all. levels. A low-affinity respiratory protein, on the
Since it is envisioned that the haemoglobin mol- other hand, can take up oxygen over a broad range
ecule actually evolved several times independently of ambient PO2.
from a more physiologically myoglobin-like one The PO2 of the blood is lowest as it enters the gas
that showed no cooperativity, we must also assume exchange organ, where the respiratory protein binds
that cooperativity is a derived state that has arisen oxygen, and rises to a species-specific saturation level
through mutation and was maintained through selec- in the gas exchanger. In the tissues on the other
tion. In other words, the fact that cooperativity exists hand, the PO2 is low where the respiratory protein
at all and evolved independently in haemoglobin releases oxygen. Since oxygen uptake is fastest when
and haemocyanin is proof of its importance. the ΔPO2 across the gas exchange barrier is high
and respiratory proteins help maintain a high ΔPO2,
it follows that respiratory proteins are important for
4.5 Affinity and P50
efficient gas exchange. When oxygen is bound to the
Reduced iron will react with atmospheric oxygen. respiratory protein in the gas exchange organ, the
So if this reaction will take place anyway, what do ΔPO2 remains constant until the protein approaches
we need the protein for? The answer to this question saturation. Conversely, when oxygen has been
is not simple, but can probably be approached best released from the protein in the tissues, a high ΔPO2
if we think on a geological time scale. Respiratory will exist there as the mitochondria in the cells con-
proteins and life probably originated together and sume the oxygen. The OEC and the P50 can be influ-
those combinations of iron, copper (or magnesium enced by all sorts of things, including the type of
in chlorophyll) with protein and in many cases also respiratory protein involved, blood pH, effectors that
porphyrins that proved compatible with (or benefi- directly influence oxygen affinity, species-specific
cial to) the preservation of life were positively differences in respiratory protein structure, age and
selected. As we shall see again in the discussion of body size of the animal, temperature, and even the
the evolution of respiratory systems including the time of day and season of the year.
control of breathing, evolution often is concerned Species with a high metabolic rate tend to have
with the refinement of controlled inhibition of chem- low-affinity respiratory proteins, which in turn mean
ical reactions such as that of oxygen and metal ions that the oxygen is readily released in the tissues,
or the all-or-none neuronal discharge, resulting in whereas those with low metabolic rates have higher
a controlled reaction that fits into the multidimen- affinity respiratory proteins, making it possible for
sional complex we call life. them to extract oxygen in oxygen-poor environments.
Depending on the metabolic rate of the animal, The haemoglobin of reptiles, for example, charac-
whether it lives in an oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor teristically has a higher oxygen affinity than that of
environment, and on whether it is breathing air or mammals. Within a given taxon of animals, large-
water, it may be advantageous if the respiratory pro- bodied species (e.g. elephants) tend to have a lower
tein reacts rapidly to low oxygen levels (high affinity) P50 than do small-bodied ones (such as mice).

Mackerels (Scombridae), which are highly active fish remain swollen under hypo-osmotic conditions.
with a high metabolic rate and live in oxygen-rich When water is bound, the water molecules appear
water, have a haemoglobin with low oxygen affinity to stabilize the low-affinity, oligomeric state of the
compared with less active species and/or ones that haemoglobin. This effect resembles that of the haemo-
live in low-oxygen environments such as catfish. globin in the marine clam Anadara broughtonii (Furuta
and Kajita, 1983), but is opposite to what is observed
in most other invertebrates (Müller et al., 2003). So
4.6 Effectors, modulators, and their in this regard, hagfish haemoglobin appears to be
consequences functionally transitional between typical craniote and
invertebrate haemoglobins.
4.6.1 Organic phosphates
Organic phosphates such as 2,3-BPG in most mam- 4.6.3 pH and the Bohr effect
mals, ATP and GTP in fish, and inositol pentaphos-
phate (IP5) in birds are present in the erythrocytes The reduction in oxygen affinity caused by a lowered
pH, usually the result of increased PCO2, is called
and reduce the affinity of the respiratory protein.
2,3-BPG is nearly equimolar with haemoglobin in the Bohr effect, or Bohr shift, named after the Danish
erythrocytes of mammals, its concentration being physiologist Christian Bohr (1855–1911). To give an
higher in animals with a generally high oxygen affin- example: decreasing the pH by 0.2 units can reduce
ity (rats, dogs, and horses) and lower in those with a the oxygen affinity by 20 per cent. In addition, car-
low-affinity haemoglobin (cats and some artiodactyls bon dioxide binds to the haemoglobin molecule
such as goats). 2,3-BPG concentration also increases (see Haldane effect, in section  4.6.7.) causing allo-
during physiological adaptation to high altitude. steric changes that directly reduce oxygen affinity
How does 2,3-BPG work? When ambient oxygen and resulting in oxygen release. The carbon dioxide
levels are low and breathing is stimulated you expire produced by respiration therefore helps release
more carbon dioxide than normal: the hydrogencar- oxygen in the tissues, and in the respiratory organs
bonate level in the blood falls and the pH rises. Under it aids oxygen uptake when the carbon dioxide is
these conditions, called respiratory alkalosis, oxygen released from the haemoglobin into the medium.
would not be readily released in the tissues, and the The effect of the pH is not the same in all animals:
blood would return to the lungs still highly saturated. for example, in mammals it correlates inversely with
2,3-BPG binds to the β subunits of the haemoglobin the body size of an animal, the effect being greater in
molecule, and reduces the cooperative interaction of small animals than large ones. Teleologically speak-
the protein molecules and the oxygen affinity. In this ing, this only ‘makes sense’ since small animals also
way it compensates for the effect of low PCO2 by need rapid oxygen delivery to the tissues because of
their high mass-specific metabolic rate.
lowering the oxygen affinity of the haemoglobin to
what it would have had at lower pH values. As pre-
viously mentioned, myoglobin does not show coop- 4.6.4 Negative Bohr effect
erativity and it also does not respond to 2,3-BPG. Compared with haemoglobin, myoglobin is relatively
insensitive to pH changes, but haemocyanin (e.g. in
crustaceans) does exhibit a Bohr effect. In the cheli-
4.6.2 Water
cerate horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, and in
Even water can have an allosteric effect on haemo- some gastropod snails and even in some fish that
globin within intact red blood cells, decreasing the inhabit hypoxic waters, a reversed (also referred to as
oxygen affinity of haemoglobin by binding water ‘cathodic’) Bohr effect has been reported: a decrease
molecules upon the transition from the T to the R in pH actually results in an increase in oxygen affin-
state (Weber and Fago,  2004). The hagfish Myxine ity (Breepoel et al., 1980; Weber, 1997). This phenom-
glutinosa, a representative of the most basally branch- enon may exacerbate oxygen uptake under hypoxic
ing lineage of extant craniotes, is an osmotic con- conditions when anaerobic metabolism results in a
former whose erythrocytes are able to swell and to low pH of the circulating medium.
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 29

4.6.5 Root effect can be present in the form of coexistence of different

haemoglobins within a single individual, resulting
The Root effect, a phenomenon that originated and
in a broad spectrum of oxygen-binding properties and
evolved separately among teleost fishes, cephalo-
a correspondingly great adaptability of the organism
pod molluscs, and crustaceans was first described
(Weber, 2007).
in 1931 by R.W. Root. It is characterized by a strong
Animals living constantly at high altitude, such
reduction of the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood/
as the lama and the bar-headed goose, often possess
haemolymph, caused by an extreme sensitivity to a
high-affinity haemoglobins compared with other spe-
decrease in pH. Oxygen binding is so reduced that
cies, but during development of an individual, a
100 per cent saturation cannot be even theoretically
change in haemoglobin structure can also take place.
A mammalian fetus, for example, must take up
In physoclist fish (those with no connection of the
oxygen under physiologically adverse conditions.
swim bladder to the pharynx), the Root effect is
A unique heterogeneity of the globin proteins allows
instrumental in the release of oxygen into the swim
fetal blood to bind oxygen better than maternal
bladder following a controlled release of lactic acid
blood. How this is accomplished at the molecular
through the local activity of the enzyme lactate
level is discussed under ‘Craniote haemoglobin’
dehydrogenase. Another example is the retina in
(see section 4.7.1).
the fish eye, the organ with the highest metabolic
rate. Since the eye is very sensitive to pH changes (a
pH of less than 6.4 causes blindness), it is absolutely 4.6.7 Carbon dioxide transport by haemoglobin
necessary to avoid excessive hypoxia. and the Haldane effect
In the pseudobranch (see Chapter 11), oxygen is
The blood transports the carbon dioxide, both in the
secreted into the efferent vessels that supply the
plasma and in the blood cells (Figure 4.2). Carbon
retina. Then the blood entering the choroid plexus
dioxide reacts with water in the plasma to form
beneath the retina is acidified by lactate (released by
carbonic acid (H2CO3) that readily dissociates into
local activity of lactate dehydrogenase) and by car-
hydrogencarbonate (HCO3−) and carbonate (CO32−)
bon dioxide from the retina’s metabolism: the Root
ions. In addition, carbon dioxide reacts with the
effect drives the oxygen out of the blood. So the
hydroxyl ions to form hydrogencarbonate. The pro-
pseudobranch finely tunes conditions in the retina
portion of the carbon dioxide present in the ionic
without running the risk of pH there becoming too
form depends on several mutually interacting factors,
low (Bridges et al., 1998).
which include pH, temperature, and ionic strength
of the solution. In mammalian blood, hydrogen-
carbonate is the dominant ionic form. At pH 7.4,
4.6.6 Structural changes
the ratio of carbonic acid to hydrogencarbonate
Actual changes in the amino acid composition of ions is 1:20.
craniote haemoglobin can also play a role in the In the tissue, carbon dioxide enters and leaves the
adaptive response to high-altitude hypoxia. Transport blood as molecular carbon dioxide, which has a
of oxygen by haemoglobin is a combination of the much higher diffusion coefficient than the ionic
intrinsic oxygen affinity and its allosteric interaction form. But once in the blood, carbon dioxide becomes
with cellular effectors. Whereas short-term acclima- ionized, allowing more carbon dioxide to enter.
tization to high altitude is dominated by allosteric Now the enzyme carbonic anhydrase enters the pic-
interactions, long-term adaptations are genetically ture. It is one of the fastest enzymes known and
coded and involve changes in the structure of haemo- catalyses the interconversion of carbon dioxide and
globin molecules. Such changes comprise substitu- hydrogencarbonate. It is present in blood vessel
tions of amino acid residues at the effector binding endothelium and in erythrocytes but not in blood
site, that is, where the haem contacts the subunits of plasma, so most of the carbon dioxide is transported
the protein molecule and stabilizes low-affinity or in the red blood cells as hydrogencarbonate. In
high-affinity structures. Also, molecular heterogeneity mammals, reptiles, and birds it also binds to the free


carbamino haemoglobin
O2 + HbCO2– CO2 + HbO2–
HbO2– + H+ Red
HHb + O2 HCO3– + H+ CO2 + OH– cell
+ H2O
carbonic +
anhydrase H

H+ + HCO3– H2CO3 CO2 + H2O

Tissue CO2 wall

Figure 4.2 A schematic mammalian red blood cell (erythrocyte), showing some of the synergistic effects involved in oxygen release and carbon
dioxide uptake and transport involved in the Haldane effect (see text). Modified after Eckert, 1998.

NH2 groups of the globin (not to the binding site of towards carbon dioxide formation, facilitating car-
oxygen) forming a negatively charged carbamate. bon dioxide release in the lung. Deoxygenation, on
This change from a positive to a negative charge the other hand, causes H+ to bind to haemoglobin,
favours the allosteric conformation of the low-affinity reducing the change in pH in the surrounding tis-
T state. In fish and amphibians this binding cannot sue and facilitates carbon dioxide entry into the
happen because the amino groups of the globin are blood. This phenomenon together with allosteric
not free, but acetylated. facilitation of oxygen release associated with HCO3−
So far so good, but now things become compli- and carbamate formation in the erythrocytes is col-
cated. Carbonate and hydrogencarbonate ‘should’ lectively known as the ‘Haldane effect’, named for
leave the erythrocyte in the lung because of the con- the Scottish pioneer in respiratory biology John Scott
centration difference relative to the plasma, but the Haldane (1860–1936).
membrane of the erythrocytes is only permeable
to the anion HCO3− and not to the H+ cation. This 4.7 Evolution of haemoglobins
results not only in an ionic disequilibrium but also
and myoglobins
in a surplus of H+ ions in the erythrocytes, which
would cause a drastic fall in pH, were it not for an Haemoglobins are phylogenetically ancient mol-
influx of chloride ions (Cl−). This so-called chloride ecules, as demonstrated by their widespread occur-
shift effectively neutralizes the acid (note that HCl rence in archaea, eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants,
is a strong acid, whereas H2CO3 is a weak one). and animals (Hardison, 1996; Blank and Burmester,
The loss of chloride ions from the plasma is only 2012). The ancestral globin gene appears to have
temporary, since the whole process is reversed when evolved at least 1800 million years ago (mya) and
carbon dioxide is released in the lung (Figure 4.2). was already present when oxygen started to accu-
The allosteric effects of oxygenation of haemoglobin mulate in the atmosphere. This suggests that one
cause H+ release, which in turn shifts the hydrogen- important property from the very beginning of
carbonate buffer equilibrium within the erythrocytes life was to bind toxic oxygen, carbon monoxide,
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 31

and nitric oxide. This binding function, which was molecular weight of only 17 kDa, like that of muscle
exapted to this day, keeps the metabolic machinery of haemoglobin, contains only one haem, and its amino
the cell in an almost oxygen-free state: a prerequisite acid composition bears similarities both to inverte-
for glycolysis to take place. While almost all craniotes brate (nematode and insect) haemoglobins and cra-
possess tetrameric haemoglobin and monomeric niote ones that serve primarily in oxygen storage
myoglobin, non-craniote haemoglobins present a rather than transport. Its OEC is parabolic, like
huge variety of structures and functions. myoglobin or shark haemoglobin, but has a low
Evolution of respiratory proteins is difficult to oxygen affinity and a very large Bohr effect, making
explain, as haemoglobins and myoglobins seem to it as effective an oxygen transporter as most crani-
be distributed unsystematically among a number of ote blood haemoglobins (Wald and Riggs, 1951).
major animal taxa, but they do not necessarily have
respiratory function. This is due to the universally Gnathostomata
present porphyrin part of the molecule, which is The haemoglobin of all jawed craniotes is probably
found in plants and animals including cellular of common origin. It is made up of two dimers, each
enzymes and coenzymes known as cytochromes. of which consists of two subunits, an alpha (α) and
With only minor changes such a molecule can be a beta (β) chain, and has a total molecular weight of
changed into one with respiratory transport or stor- around 68 kDa. The dimers are designated α1β1 and
age function, or the reverse can happen. Haemoglobin α2β2, respectively. Each of the four globin chains
and myoglobin evolved from tissue globins several contains a porphyrin, which, in turn, binds an iron
times independently probably because there was molecule in its ferrous state (Fe2+). This iron makes
the ‘need’ for a respiratory transport protein. four links with the porphyrin molecule, one with
Haemoglobin also binds and releases nitric oxide each of the pyrrole nitrogens of the two subunits,
(NO), which is now recognized to be pivotal for one link with the histidine of the globin, and one
some key physiological processes such as vaso- link with the oxygen. Doing our sums, we come up
dilation, neurotransmission, and immune defence. with four oxygen molecules that can be bound
Myoglobin, which is much smaller than haemoglo- reversibly to each haemoglobin.
bin, also can cause diffusion facilitation: by binding The αβ dimers are connected to each other by salt
oxygen, it reduces the PO2 at the end of the diffusion bridges that are altered by oxygenation, resulting in
pathway thereby increasing the partial pressure dif- conformational changes (cooperativity) that facili-
ference, the so-called driving pressure. tate the binding of more oxygen, as discussed at the
outset of this chapter. It is important to note that the
4.7.1 Craniote haemoglobins iron molecules do not actually become oxidized,
but rather that the oxygen is bound reversibly and Myxinoida the iron remains in its ferrous state. Oxidation
An extant representative of the earliest branching to  the  ferric state would result in non-functional
group of craniotes, the hagfish Myxine glutinosa, has methaemoglobin (pronounced methaemoglobin).
haemoglobin consisting of three monomeric glob- If this happens—which it fairly often does—the oxi-
ins, which form heterodimers (three groups of two dation is reversed by the enzyme methaemoglobin
different protein pairs) and heterotetramers (three reductase, which reinstates the ferrous state.
groups of four different proteins) when deoxygen- Another form of the haemoglobin is the carboxy-
ated. This is so different from that of gnathostomes, haemoglobin, which results from the binding of car-
that it most probably originated separately (Schwarze bon monoxide to haemoglobin. Since the affinity of
et al., 2014). haemoglobin for carbon monoxide is some 200 times
greater than for oxygen, it is very difficult to displace. Petromyzontida Carbon monoxide poisoning is, of course, well known
The blood haemoglobin of the lamprey Petromyzon to anyone who watches cops and robbers pro-
marinus also differs radically from that of gnathos- grammes on TV, but even ambient levels of carbon
tomes discussed in the following section. It has a monoxide in city traffic can impair brain function.

The change of a single amino acid in a globin ecule. From the very beginning, craniotes encapsu-
molecule can dramatically alter the properties of lated the haemoglobin in specialized blood cells: the
the haemoglobin. One example is mammalian fetal erythrocytes. If craniote haemoglobin were freely
haemoglobin. There, the β chain is replaced by a dissolved in a closed circulatory system, this would
gamma (γ) chain. As opposed to β, γ is not capable result in a plethora of problems ranging from osmotic
of binding 2,3-BPG, which would normally reduce stress to clogging the ultrafiltration apparatus of the
the oxygen affinity of haemoglobin, particularly kidneys as seen, for example, in pathological haemoly-
under conditions of low ambient PO2. This change sis, in which red blood cells rupture. The large size
results in the high oxygen affinity in fetal haemo- of haemocyanin molecules, particularly molluscan
globin, which is necessary in order to extract oxy- haemocyanin, all but eliminates these problems in
gen from the placenta. Another example is sickle these animals. Craniotes took another path. If free
cell anaemia, in which the exchange of a single haemoglobin does end up in the circulatory system,
amino acid in the β chain causes hydrophobic asso- damage can be avoided by binding it to a class of
ciation of haemoglobin molecules, which aggregate so-called scavenger proteins called haptoglobins. In
to bundles and cause the erythrocytes to change general, this mechanism involves a primary molecu-
their form from a biconcave disc to a sickle-like shape. lar sequestering of the haemoglobin. This keeps it
In humans, the homozygotic state for this change away from sensitive sites such as vascular endothe-
normally results in death during childhood. But in lia. Later, the haemoglobin–haptoglobin complex is
the heterozygotic state, the deformation of erythro- taken up by macrophages/monocytes and eventu-
cytes is only slight but sufficient to inhibit the pro- ally ends up in the liver, where the porphyrin mol-
liferation of Malaria tropica in the erythrocytes, and ecule with its bound oxygen is converted to carbon
infected red blood cells are cleared in the spleen. monoxide, bilirubin (a bile component), and iron,
Birds show some particularly interesting haemo- which is recycled for haemoglobin neogenesis.
globin constellations. Some species residing at high In all craniotes except mammals, the erythro-
altitude show haemoglobins with different amino cytes are primarily nucleated. Lungless salamanders
acid sequences than those living at lower altitudes. (Plethodontidae) and other amphibians have frag-
In addition, some haemoglobins of amphibians, menting red blood cells but only mammals have
reptiles, and birds exhibit a super-cooperativity of intact, nucleus-free erythrocytes in healthy animals.
oxygen binding, which depends on reversible deox- They are usually also biconcave, except in many
ygenation-dependent tetramer–tetramer association ruminants, where they may have unusual shapes,
to form an assemblage with a very low oxygen ranging from polygonal in the elk (Cervus elaphus)
affinity. The modified oxygen-binding curve results to spherical in the mouse deer (Tragulus kanchil). In
in an increase in the amount of oxygen delivered to camels and their close relatives, they are fusiform
the tissues, which in birds could be especially valu- like the nucleated erythrocytes of non-mammalian
able during high altitude migrations. We shall return craniotes. That is why you sometimes see the false
to this topic in Chapter 5. statement that camel erythrocytes are nucleated.
There are many ‘just-so stories’ that explain ‘why’ Craniote red blood cells: solution to the mammalian erythrocytes ‘must’ lack nuclei to sup-
small-haemoglobin-molecule problem port a high metabolic rate, but bird blood has the
Non-craniote chordates—tunicates (Tunicata) and same oxygen-carrying capacity as in mammals in
amphioxus (Cephalochordata)—completely lack red spite of nucleated avian erythrocytes (Hawkey et al.,
blood cells, and although a large number of differ- 1991) and birds can aerobically outperform any
ent globins are found they appear to have no respira- mammal. So we just don’t know ‘why’ mammalian
tory function (Ebner et al.,  2010). A circulating, erythrocytes are enucleate.
intracellular vanadium-rich substance is present,
but it is not known to transport respiratory gases. Craniotes that lack respiratory proteins
Compared with haemocyanins and most annelid Some teleost fishes, most prominently icefishes (Noto-
haemoglobins, craniote haemoglobin is a small mol- thenioidei), living at temperatures around 0°C and
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 33

reaching body lengths up to 70 cm, completely lack Mollusca

haemoglobin. Some icefish even lack myoglobin as In molluscs, haemoglobin has been reported in all
well. Low body temperature increases the solubility major taxa except the Cephalopoda and the Mono-
of oxygen in the blood plasma but also increases the placophora. Very often haemoglobin occurs in one
viscosity of blood and stresses the heart muscles. species but is lacking in others of the same genus,
One compensatory strategy is to drastically reduce and its occurrence does not necessarily correlate with
the number of erythrocytes or to eliminate them the environmental conditions or with the physiology
entirely, thereby reducing blood viscosity, and at of a given species (Terwilliger and Terwilliger, 1985;
the same time to increase blood and heart volume. Terwilliger, 1998). To make matters worse, there are
This strategy is seen not only in icefish, but also four quite different amino acid sequences found in
independently in the leptocephalus larvae of eels gastropod haemoglobins, but they are not always
(Anguillidae) and also the larvae of other species, in homologous, even among members of the same
particular smelts (Galaxiidae), which appear to use taxon. Since globins have been around so long and
transparency as a mechanism to avoid predation are present in virtually every life form, it has been
(Busse et al., 2006). In these fishes, the heart actually suspected that numerous globin templates are pre-
decreases in size as the animals acquire haemoglo- sent in the gastropod genome and are activated at
bin during metamorphosis of the larvae to the adult random or perhaps were acquired independently.
form. Closer examination, however, reveals that haemo-
globins and myoglobins actually evolved according
4.7.2 Non-craniote haemoglobins to the phylogeny of the species. The trick is that
Non-craniote haemoglobins range from single- haemoglobin and myoglobin can evolve quite easily
chained globins in protists to large multisubunit and from a tissue globin, which did not have necessarily
multidomain molecules found in annelids, nema- a respiratory function.
todes, crustaceans, and molluscs. Haemoglobins are Invertebrate haemoglobins not only are used in
found both in the tissue and as circulating haemo- transport and storage of oxygen, but also transport
globins, but haemoglobin-containing circulating sulphide, recently revealed to have reactive oxygen
cells (haemocytes) are rare and never attain the species (ROS) activity (Hancock and Whiteman,
functional significance of craniote erythrocytes. It 2016) and play a role in maintenance of acid–base
should be noted that a myoglobin-like intracellular balance, oxygen scavenging, and oxygen sensing.
haemoglobin is also present in the tissues of free- They occur in gills or in muscles and especially haemo-
living flatworms (Plathelminthes) (van Holde, 1997; globins in haemolymph-bourne haematocytes may
Mangum, 1998). support metabolism at low ambient PO2. In gill tissue,
haemoglobins not only facilitate oxygen uptake by Annelida the organism, but also help support the metabolism
The extracellular giant haemoglobin of some anne- of symbiotic bacteria, as in the deep-sea vent caeno-
lids has as many as 144 binding sites for oxygen. gastropod Alviniconcha hessleri.
Annelid haemoglobins and myoglobins exist as cir- Evolution of respiratory faculties often works in
culating intracellular haemoglobin, non-circulating strange ways: here a case in point. Sure, molluscs
intracellular haemoglobin, myoglobin, and extracel- have haemocyanin but there often seems to be a
lular haemoglobin, all having most probably evolved functional trade-off with haemoglobin. The fresh-
from the same ancestral globin (Bailly et al., 2007). water pulmonate ramshorn snail Biomphalaria glabrata
Chlorocruorin is a low-affinity, green-coloured (Planorbidae), which inhabits oxygen-deficient water,
respiratory protein found in the coelomic fluid and actually evolved a new haemoglobin from its mol-
in the blood of annelids. It has a molecular weight luscan myoglobin. This haemoglobin, with more
of 3400 kDa and its molecular structure is so similar than ten globin domains and a molecular weight
to that of haemoglobin that it is now widely accepted of more than twice that of craniote haemoglobin,
as actually a special form of haemoglobin. seems to have replaced haemocyanin functionally.

In support of this idea is the fact that Biomphalaria Aedes, Glossina), Hymenoptera (Apis), Hemiptera
has remnants of haemocyanin, which no longer are (Acyrthosiphon, Aphis), Coleoptera (Dascillus, Tribolium),
able to bind oxygen (Lieb et al., 2006). The selective and Lepidoptera (Bombyx) (Burmester and Hankeln,
advantage probably lies in its extremely high oxy- 2007). In Drosophila, the haemoglobin is a high-affinity
gen affinity, with a P50 of 0.8 kPa. By comparison, protein that probably serves in oxygen storage or in
the pulmonate genus Lymnaea also inhabits stag- protection from hyperoxia, the protective function
nant waters, but has only a haemocyanin of much being the more important one: it intercepts the oxy-
lower oxygen affinity. (How about a new Gary gen between tracheal system and cells or degrades
Larson cartoon of Lymnaea trying to bribe the haemo- and detoxifies ROS and NO in the cells.
globin gene off Biomphalaria?) Similarly, the deep- An interesting illustration of the functional versa-
sea clam Calyptogena kaikoi, which also lives under tility of insect haemoglobin is shown by case stud-
hypoxic conditions, has extracellular haemoglobin, ies of its roles in two evolutionarily diverse lineages:
but uses this myoglobin-like protein for oxygen stor- the dipteran horse botfly Gasterophilus intestinalis and
age rather than for circulating it (Mangum, 1986; Lieb the backswimmer bug Anisops bueona. In G. intesti-
et al., 2006). nalis, where the larvae live as endoparasites in the
gastrointestinal tract of horses, donkeys, and mules, Crustacea the haemoglobin has the function of craniote myo-
Crustacean haemoglobins are always extracellular and globin. In young larvae it is mainly found in the fat
are found in Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, body, muscles, and epidermis, whereas in older
rhizocephalan Cirripedia, and one group of amphi- larvae it is concentrated in specialized tracheal cells
podan Malacostraca. Haemoglobin is best known in at the posterior end of the body, where it facili-
the branchiopods Daphnia, Artemia, and Triops. In the tates oxygen uptake from air bubbles swallowed
water flea Daphnia, haemoglobin has a molecular by the host during feeding. Adult and larval back-
weight about seven times that of craniote haemo- swimmers, on the other hand, swim and forage
globin and consists of 16 subunits, each containing under water and breathe via a physical gill (see
two haemes. Gene expression is inversely related Chapter  6). High concentrations of haemoglobin
to the ambient PO2, resulting in intracellular (about 20 mM), found mainly in special tracheal
concentration between 1 and 17 g l−1. The colour organs, are low-affinity proteins (P50 = 3.7 kPa) with
of  Daphnia changes accordingly from colourless to high cooperativity. Their main function is to extend
deep red, reaching a maximum after about 12 days the length of the underwater excursion through
of hypoxia. But that is not all: the subunit compos- storage of oxygen, which is released into the bubble
ition also changes, resulting in a lower P50 at an surrounding the tracheal organ.
unchanged nH of the OEC (Kobayashi et al.,  1988; However, probably the best and longest known
Paul and Pirow, 1997). Unlike Daphnia and the brine insect haemoglobin is that of chironomid midge lar-
shrimp Artemia, the hypoxic response of haemoglo- vae, Chironomus plumosus. This haemoglobin in the
bin in the tadpole shrimp Triops is not reversible ovaries and eggs of adults and in the haemolymph
(Guadagnoli et al., 2005). of larvae and pupae is presumably derived from
intracellular haemoglobins. It is produced mainly Hexapoda: Insecta by the fat body cells and then transported to the
Until 1999, only insects from hypoxic environments haemolymph. It is a high-affinity protein (P50 =
were known to have intracellular or extracellular 0.07–0.21 kPa) with a low molecular weight (31 kDa).
haemoglobin, which supports oxygen uptake or Such a low-molecular-weight haemoglobin would
storage under extreme conditions. But since then have catastrophic osmotic effects in the renal ultra-
we know that intracellular haemoglobin is part of filtration apparatus of a craniote, and would be
the standard equipment in insects. sequestered and destroyed. Since the Malpighian
Intracellular haemoglobins were first demon- tubules of insects do not use ultrafiltration, such a
strated in fat body and tracheal cells of some holo- small extracellular respiratory protein is possible. The
metabolic insects: Diptera (Drosophila, Anopheles, protein transports oxygen at low PO2—the normal
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 35

habitat of these midges. Haemoglobin increases the molluscan myoglobin can be mono- or dimeric and
oxygen-carrying capacity of the haemolymph and can even demonstrate cooperativity. This can prove
functions as a short-term oxygen store, significantly advantageous in facilitating diffusion from the
increasing the survival time of haemoglobin- respiratory protein to the tissues in species that
containing midges compared with haemoglobin-free are virtually sessile and live at an environmental
ones. Many more examples could be listed but all PO2 as low as 3 kPa.
show the same tendency: haemoglobin in inverte-
brates has positive effects on elevated performance
4.8 Other globins
under normoxia and on normal performance at
low PO2. For further examples, see the reviews by In addition to haemoglobin and myoglobin, a host of
Terwilliger (1998) and Weber and Vinogradov (2001). haem proteins, including neuroglobins, cytoglobins,
globin E, globin X, globin Y, and androglobin, are
found in craniote tissue. Androglobin, neuroglob-
4.7.3 Myoglobin
ins, and globin X appear to have been present in
In craniotes, myoglobin is a single-chain, porphyrin- the metazoan common ancestor of all animals, and
containing molecule in which the protein is similar the genome of the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)
to the β chain of haemoglobin. It has a much higher and also turtles (Schwarze et al.,  2015) contain
oxygen affinity than haemoglobin and unlike the copies of all eight different globins (Burmester and
latter, myoglobin demonstrates a hyperbolic—rather Hankeln, 2014).
than sigmoid—OEC. In craniotes, it is not present in
red blood cells, but rather in tissue, in particular in
4.8.1 Haemerythrin
muscle, where it is important in oxygen storage.
In addition, myoglobin also serves as a sink for NO Haemerythrin (Figure 4.3a) differs from other iron-
and regulates oxygen influx into the skeletal and containing proteins in that it does not contain a por-
heart muscle cells and oxygen consumption by phyrin molecule. It is found in such diverse groups as
mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (Wittenberg and Brachiopoda, Annelida, Sipunculida, and Priapulida.
Wittenberg, 2003). This polypeptide forms four antiparallel α helices in
Although myoglobin is one of the best studied which two Fe2+ molecules are embedded. It shows
tissue globins, many of its potentially numerous no cooperativity and, like myoglobin, its OEC is
functions remain to be clarified. While its respira- hyperbolic. Also the oxygen binding mechanism of
tory role in oxygen storage and facilitated diffusion haemerythrin is unique (Figure  4.3b): binding of
in diving craniotes is not challenged, it is still oxygen causes the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. In deox-
unclear whether in other tissues it only facilitates yhaemerythrin, the iron atoms are bridged by a
the oxygen diffusion from the cell surface to the hydroxyl group. An electron transfer to the irons
mitochondria or whether it also serves in short- and a transfer of the bridging proton to the oxygen
term oxygen storage (Wittenberg and Wittenberg, occur during binding. Unlike haemoglobin, haem-
2003). In the African lungfish Protopterus annectens, erythrin does not bind carbon monoxide.
at least seven distinct myoglobin genes have been
found, suggesting numerous functions. The presence
4.9 Haemocyanin
and structure of tissue myoglobins also recently has
been used to infer aquatic ancestries of such varied Haemocyanins (Figure 4.3c) are large, copper-con-
groups as echidnas, moles, hyraxes, and elephants taining, allosteric respiratory proteins of arthropods
(Mirceta et al., 2013). and molluscs. Two Cu+ ions in two copper-binding
Myoglobin is common in molluscs, being found in sites serve as oxygen carriers. Haemocyanins occur
several separate lineages: Polyplacophora, Scapho- freely dissolved in the haemolymph and are not
poda, Bivalvia, and in the Gastropoda, where it can found intracellularly. Oxygen binding is mediated
reach particularly high concentrations. Whereas by the pair of copper atoms that are coordinated
the craniote myoglobin is monomeric (17 kDa), by six histidine residues, three per copper atom

(a) (b)
Fe Fe
His His
His His His His
Glu Fe +O2 Glu Fe
Asp OH Asp O H
Fe –O2 Fe O
His His His His

(c) (d) His

His His
Cu Cu
His His


+O2 –O2


Figure 4.3 (a), Haemerythrin. Sketch of tertiary structure showing location of oxygen-binding sites. part (b) shows the mechanism of oxygen
binding in haemerythrin. Part (c) is a sketch of the tertiary structure of the arthropod haemocyanin of the horseshoe crab, Limulus, showing three
domains (dark, medium and light shading) and the location of oxygen-binding copper (Cu) moities in the middle one (medium shading). Part
(d) illustrates how two Cu moities combine to bind one oxygen molecule, removing it from (-O2) or releasing it to (+O2) the surroundings. Asp, Glu
and His, indicate critical aspartate, glutamate and histidine residues in the respiratory proteins, respectively. Diverse sources.

(Figure 4.3d). Haemocyanin also transports carbon analysis, both arthropod and molluscan haemocya-
dioxide according to the same general principles as nins appear to be derived from enzymes with phe-
haemoglobin, but its binding capacity is lower. noloxidase activity, possibly dating back to a remote
The haemocyanin is composed of several sub- ancestral lineage conceivably predating the origin
units, which results in a cooperative oxygen binding of these two taxa (van Holde et al., 2001; Burmester,
and a hyperbolic OEC. The haemocyanins of mol- 2002).
luscs and arthropods are very similar in the type of
oxygen binding but differ significantly in sequence 4.9.1 Arthropod haemocyanin
and structure and are, at first glance, so different Arthropod haemocyanins and phenoloxidases,
that a common origin is not discernible (van Holde together with crustacean pseudo-haemocyanin
and Miller, 1995; van Holde et al., 2001). On closer and insect hexamerins (the latter two being unable
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 37

to bind oxygen), belong to a superfamily of pro- such as osmoregulation, buffering protein storage,
teins. Cu+ ions are present in haemocyanins and cuticle synthesis, and in the formation of antimicrobial
phenoloxidases but lacking in hexamerins and in peptides (Destoumieux-Garzon et al.,  2001; Lee
pseudo-haemocyanins. et al., 2003).
Haemocyanins evolved from phenoloxidases In arthropods, haemocyanin makes up about 80
(tyrosinases and catecholoxidases) somewhere in per cent of all proteins. But haemocyanin raises the
the stem-line of the Arthropoda and it is probable oxygen content of the haemolymph by not more
that the haemocyanin superfamily even emerged than a factor of four. Between 5 and 7 ml O2 l−1 is
among stem Bilateria (Immesberger and Burmester, physically dissolved in haemolymph, and haemo-
2004). Typical arthropod haemocyanin consists of cyanin raises this value up to 28 ml l−1. This com-
hexamers or oligo-hexamers with subunits, each pares with about 200 ml l−1 for human blood.
of which comprises 70–80 kDa (Markl,  1986; van Subunit evolution took place independently in
Holde and Miller, 1995; Burmester, 2002). They may chelicerates, crustaceans, myriapods, and insects
combine to multimers of up to 8×6 subunits, depend- (Burmester, 2001). Cheliceran and crustacean haemo-
ing on the taxon or physiological conditions. The cyanins appear to have separated some 600 mya, and
size of a subunit is about the same as that of a haemo- the apomorphic subunits of the cheliceran haemo-
globin molecule (75 kDa as opposed to 68 kDa for cyanin evolved between 550 and 450 mya. Among
haemoglobin) (Markl, 1986; Markl and Decker, 1992; crustaceans, haemocyanins were thought to be
van Holde and Miller,  1995). Multimers result in restricted to the Malacostraca, and are best known
macromolecules that are about 50 times as large as in the Decapoda. The malacostracan haemocyanin
mammalian haemoglobin. Each subunit contains separated from the rest only about 200 mya and
one binding site for oxygen: each having two Cu2+ pseudo-haemocyanins evolved in decapod crust-
ions, which together can bind one oxygen. As in aceans about 215 mya. Recently haemocyanin was
haemoglobin, reversible oxygen binding is modu- found in other crustacean taxa as well: Remipedia,
lated, enhanced, and adapted by allosteric inter- Ostracoda, and Branchiura (Ertas et al., 2009; Marxen
actions between subunits (see later). In addition, et al.,  2014; Pinnow et al.,  2016). The structure of
temperature and pH are important effectors. ostracod and branchiuran haemocyanin indicates
Arthropod haemocyanins occur in Chelicerata, in ancient divergence of these two groups (Pinnow et al.,
some Crustacea (Malacostraca, Remipedia, Ostracoda, 2016). Also, insect haemocyanins and hexamerins
Branchiura), in Onychophora, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, appear to have evolved independently around
and not to forget Hexapoda (Jaenicke et al.,  1999; 440–430 mya (Burmester, 2001). Two haemocyanin
Kusche et al., 2002; Burmester, 2015). Phenoloxidases subunits exist (Hc1 and Hc2) which appear to
are Cu2+-containing enzymes of the melanin path- have developed before hexapods originated (Ertas
way, which itself is involved in immune response, et al., 2009).
cuticle formation, wound healing, and free radical There is the tendency for the protein aggregates
binding, and are composed of hexamers made up to be small in crustaceans and large in myriapods
of subunits with a molecular mass of about 71 kDa and chelicerates. The plesiomorphic structure within
(Decker and Terwilliger,  2000; Burmester,  2001; non-decapod malacostracans is assumed to be a
Jaenicke and Decker, 2003). Since some chelicerates 1×6-mer. Decapods can have 1×6 or 2×6 blocks,
lack phenoloxidases, it seems that the haemocyanin as  seen in spiny lobsters (Panulirus) and lobsters
itself serves this function. Haemocyanins also show (Homarus), respectively, and thalassinid shrimps
similarities with the enzyme tyrosinase and catecho- have upped this to a 4×6-mer structure. In general,
laminoxidase (Decker and Tuczek,  2000). So it is malacostracan haemocyanins show a high variability.
possible that haemocyanin was first present as an Three types of subunits occur and some subunits
intracellular protein that reversibly bound oxygen might be present only under special physiological
and protected the cells from oxygen toxicity, and conditions or in some developmental stages (Markl,
later evolved as an extracellular oxygen transporter. 1986). In contrast, the structure and the subunit
But haemocyanin is also involved in other processes composition of the haemocyanins of chelicerates

and of myriapods are conserved and presumably Myriapoda

have been retained for more than 500 million years When haemocyanins occur in Chilopoda (centipedes)
(Markl et al., 1986; Burmester, 2002; Rehm et al., 2012). and Progoneata (millipedes) they are structurally
Among chelicerates, sea spiders have a simple similar. Within the centipede Scutigera, and the milli-
hexameric haemocyanin (1×6-mer). But the horse- pede Spirostreptus for example, 1×6 to 6×6-mers
shoe crab Limulus polyphemus, a representative of occur. In other genera, both among centipedes
the most basally branching extant chelicerate radi- and millipedes, haemocyanin can be lacking. The
ation, has a 8×6-mer haemocyanin, while scorpions, haemocyanins, when present, are homologous and
whip scorpions, whip spiders, and orthognath spiders at least three subunit types developed before the
(e.g. Araneidae, Linyphiidae, and Theridiidae) all separation of centipedes and millipedes some 420
possess a highly conserved 4×6-mer haemocyanin mya (Kusche et al., 2003). The 4×6-mer haemocya-
that consists of at least seven distinct subunit types nin of Scutigera may in part compensate for the mis-
(termed a–g). Some 470 mya, when Xiphosura and match between the simple structure of the tracheal
the remaining chelicerates diverged, they seem to system, which consists of dorsal tracheal lungs, and
have possessed a 4×6-mer. Independent gene dupli- the high oxygen demands of these fast-running ani-
cation events gave rise to the other distinct subunits mals. The haemocyanin of Scutigera is a low-affinity
in each of the 8×6-mers of Xiphosura (Rehm et al., protein with high cooperativity (Mangum,  1986;
2012). Almost half of the known species of arach- Jaenicke et al., 1999).
nids (including Agelenidae, Lycosidae, Salticidae, In millipedes, however, the tracheal system is well
Thomisidae, and Pisuaridae) possess a 2×6-mer. developed. Since it reaches the organs and tissues,
Within the chelicerates, the evolution of the haemo- like insect tracheae, the animals should not need
cyanin and its loss appears to correlate with the haemocyanin for oxygen transport. Accordingly, the
configuration of respiratory organs. One example haemocyanin of Spirostreptus is a high-affinity pro-
within the Araneae (web-making spiders) is the tein with low cooperativity, and might actually
genus Dysdera (Rehm et al., 2012). It breathes mainly represent an adaptation for oxygen storage in the
with its well-developed tracheal system while the oxygen-poor, subterranean biotope where the ani-
book lungs are reduced and it appears to lack mals spend the day.
haemocyanin. Other chelicerates that do not have
book lungs as main respiratory organs have lost Hexapoda
haemocyanin as well. They breathe with tracheae or Respiratory proteins were long thought to be nei-
exclusively cutaneously: Solifugae, Opiliones, Pseu- ther present nor necessary in insects, since the tracheal
doscorpiones, and Acari. In Opiliones, haemocya- system supplies oxygen to the tissues directly. But
nin was first described (Kempter et al., 1985; Markl recently haemocyanin has been confirmed in many
et al., 1986), but later it was found that the putative hexapod taxa, including Collembola, Archaeognatha,
haemocyanin probably is a vitellogenin-like protein Zygentoma, Dermaptera, Plecoptera, Orthoptera,
(Rehm et al., 2012). Mantophasmatodea, Phasmatodea, Mantodea, Blat-
todea, and Isoptera, and its presence might even be Onychophora plesiomorphic for the group.
Onychophora (velvet worms)—albeit only being The first indication that haemocyanin is present
closely related to arthropods but not belonging to in insects was its discovery as an embryonic haemo-
them—are listed here for convenience. They have lymph protein, expressed in haemocytes of grass-
haemocyanin, but since they lack specialized respira- hopper embryos, where it is present in relatively high
tory organs and have only bush-like tracheal lungs concentrations. This protein has even preserved res-
that extend from the stigmata into the haemolymph, idues involved in oxygen binding, oligomerization,
the evolution of their haemocyanin appears to have and allosteric regulation of oxygen transport proteins
been coupled primarily to the evolution of an efficient in embryos, but it is lacking in later developmental
circulatory system rather than to that of respiratory stages and in adults (Sanchez et al., 1998). In adult
organs (Kusche et al., 2002). hexapods, haemocyanin is present in entognaths and
S T R U C T U R E , F U N C T I O N, A N D E V O L U T I O N O F R E S P I R ATO RY P R OT E I N S 39

in some hemimetabolic insects, but has not yet been a 2×10 block. It has 20 subunits with eight oxygen
demonstrated in winged basally branching groups binding sites each, resulting in 160 binding sites per
such as Odonata (dragonflies) and Ephemeroptera molecule compared with about one-third that num-
(mayflies), or in holometabolic insects. Presumably ber in arthropod haemocyanin and a paltry four sites
it was lost during the evolution of the later branch- in craniote haemoglobin!
ing groups (Burmester, 2015). Hexamerins are not oxygen transporters 4.9.3 Physiological properties of arthropod
and molluscan haemocyanins
Hexamerins are copper-free, haemocyanin-related
haemolymph proteins. They are structurally diverse Like haemoglobin, haemocyanin can show a normal
and widespread in insects, where they carry out Bohr shift. In cephalopods it is particularly pro-
practically every function of haemocyanin except nounced, but in some chelicerates (e.g. Limulus) and
oxygen transport (Burmester, 1999; Burmester and in some gastropods, a reverse Bohr shift is observed:
Hankeln, 1999,  2007). They are especially highly a decrease in pH causes an increase in oxygen affin-
concentrated in larval stages and during metamor- ity (see section 4.6.4).
phosis. Specifically, hexamerins function in storage In arthropods, some ions, monoamines, urate, and
and transport of hormones, in the humoral defence, lactate, which occur under hypoxic conditions and
and cuticle formation, but no longer play a role in during anaerobic metabolism, can alter the oxygen
the transport of respiratory gases (Hagner-Holler affinity of haemocyanin. Just two examples illustrate
et al., 2004). how tightly the oxygen affinity of haemocyanin can
Hexamerins appear to have evolved from crusta- be coupled with environmental conditions: only a
cean-like haemocyanins, providing further evidence slight decrease in the PO2 of the respiratory medium
for the suggested close relationship between insects causes the increase of uric acid, since the enzyme
and malacostracan crustaceans (see also Chapter 10). that degrades urate requires oxygen. Urate, in turn,
According to this scenario, this haemolymph-based, causes an increase in the oxygen affinity of the
initially respiratory protein was conserved. During haemocyanin. Also lactate, which is produced when-
the terrestrialization of insects and the evolution of ever animals use anaerobic pathways, increases the
their tracheal system, conservation of the oxygen- oxygen affinity of the haemocyanin by influencing
binding function became counterproductive. the cooperativity of the haemocyanin molecule.
At the same time, lactate decreases the pH of the
haemolymph, shifting the OEC to the right (Bohr
4.9.2 Molluscan haemocyanin
effect) and thus facilitating the release of oxygen in
In molluscs, haemocyanin occurs in Polyplacophora, the tissues. But lactate also weakens the tendency to
most Gastropoda, and Cephalopoda, but is lacking in release oxygen, meaning that the haemocyanin still
Scaphopoda and in most Bivalvia (Bergmann et al., can be fully saturated as long as the environmental
2007; Markl,  2013). In general, the molecules are oxygen concentration remains stable. In terrestrial
huge. The molecule is organized in dodecamers or crustaceans the lactate effect is weak while it is
dodecamer aggregates of polypeptide chains, each important in aquatic species (Bridges, 2001).
aggregate consisting of ten subunits. Each subunit is Now, metabolically produced urate and lactate have
350–450 kDa in size and the molecule is therefore medium- to long-term effects on the oxygen affinity
much larger than arthropod haemocyanin. Each sub- of haemocyanin, and after more than 7 days of
unit contains seven to eight domains, or functional hypoxia are often followed up by an increase in the
units, arranged like pearls on a string, each with seven concentration of the respiratory protein, conver-
to eight oxygen binding sites. So the oxygen-carrying gent with high-altitude polycythaemia in craniotes.
capacity per molecule of molluscan haemocyanin is But a rapid, short-term increase in haemocyanin
much greater than that of its arthropod counterpart. oxygen affinity in crustaceans is brought about
In cephalopods, the molecule is a 1×10 block of 4500 right at the onset of exercise-induced hypoxia, by
kDa, but in snails, the molecule is twice as large: release of monoamines such as dopamine from the

pericardial organs. This is much quicker than wait- on the osmoregulatory ability of a species and
ing for anaerobic metabolism to set in and release can  modulate affinity and subunit composition
lactate. (Bridges, 2001).
In addition, arthropod haemocyanin is influenced As is the case for craniote haemoglobin, an increase
by organic ions, by salinity changes, and divalent in temperature decreases the affinity in arthropod and
electrolytes such as Mg2+ and Ca2+, which normally molluscan haemocyanin. Indeed, in cephalopods,
increase the affinity, while Cl− more often decreases temperature and pH-dependent changes appear to
it. The influence of environmental salinity depends be the only modulators of oxygen affinity.

Coping with extremes

In a Panglossian best of all possible worlds, animals pressure between 1 and 3 kPa, which keeps oxidative
would have to deal only with ideal conditions. But metabolism supplied but is not so high as to shut it
reality says that what is ideal for one could also off. If this requirement cannot be met, the most com-
be ideal for another, or seen from the other side of mon default solution is anaerobic metabolism which,
the looking glass, there is room for species that can as we shall see, is not really such a good idea because
handle less than optimal conditions and even more it quickly uses up energy reserves for a small ATP
space for those that can survive extreme conditions. production and ends up with problematic waste
The most frequently encountered extreme condition products. However, it is still better than the alterna-
with regard to respiration is hypoxia. We distinguish tive: death. Then again, various forms of dormancy
between external (environmental) and internal have evolved that circumvent the disadvantages of
hypoxia, the latter being caused by large oxygen purely anaerobic metabolism. But we are getting
demands such as exercise. But extreme conditions ahead of ourselves.
also include hyperoxia, which can happen when For practical purposes we define ‘normoxia’ to be
aquatic animals are surrounded by photosynthetic a PO2 of 20.73 kPa at sea-level atmospheric pressure
plants on sunny days, or exposure to very high or of 101 kPa. The fraction of oxygen even on the top of
very low temperatures, dehydration, or the like. Mount Everest is the same as at sea level (around
And the list goes on. 20.9 per cent) but since the total atmospheric pres-
The first part of this chapter deals with hypoxia, sure is so low, the PO2 is only about one-third of the
first the more general principles and mechanisms sea-level value and not sufficient to support human
then the way in which specific animal groups actu- life for an extended time.
ally deal with the problem. In the second part, we According to this definition, normoxic conditions
shall look at other extreme conditions and the way are only valid for a small group of animals that
these are dealt with. actually live at sea level and most others are often or
habitually exposed to some degree of hypoxia: in
terrestrial environments at altitude and in aquatic
5.1 Hypoxia
habitats at depth or at night, when plants, plankton,
The discovery of high-altitude hypoxia is inter- and microorganisms deplete oxygen content. So for
woven with the history of aviation, extreme moun- many animals, slight to moderate hypoxia is nor-
tain sports, and underwater exploration. Throughout mal and these levels elicit no compensatory reac-
this chapter it is important to keep in mind that tions. For species that have to cope with hypoxia
the bottom line of respiratory biology is to keep the sporadically, we speak of acclimatization: mechan-
cells—regardless of their very different require- isms that are reversible when the animals return to
ments—constantly supplied with oxygen at a partial their normoxic conditions.

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


However, tissue oxygen level is not only influ- agriculture and waste disposal, and the ensuing over-
enced by the ambient oxygen content. Exercise or population with bacteria and other microorganisms,
particularly high-demand tissues such as muscles zooplankton, and phytoplankton. Among aquatic
and the nervous system rapidly deplete oxygen invertebrates, the most tolerant to hypoxia/anoxia are
reserves. But also feeding, illness, or gravidity/ nematodes, flatworms, bivalve molluscs, and anne-
pregnancy might cause internal hypoxic conditions lids: among the craniotes, cyprinid fish and turtles.
in affected organs or in the entire organism. While Although terrestrial environments have a higher
exercise and feeding require only short-term mech- oxygen content (in spite of equal partial pressures)
anisms, illness or pregnancy calls for longer-term than aquatic systems at the same altitude, there are
adaptation. a variety of habitats and conditions under which
An alternative definition of ‘hypoxia’ could be a even terrestrial animals may also experience hyp-
species-specific one: external oxygen levels below oxia. The most obvious is high altitude. For many
the habitual state for a given species. Even extremely animals, altitudes of 1500–3000 m with 180–140 ml
hypoxic environments might be normal for animals of oxygen per litre of air, are easily compensated for
that habitually live at high altitude or in burrows. In by acclimatization. At 5300 m the oxygen content is
these species, long-term adaptations have become only half as much as at sea level, and at 10,000 m it
incorporated into the genome. These animals have, is less than 50 ml l−1 as opposed to about 210 ml l−1
so to speak, evolved a derived set point around at sea level. Among craniotes, only birds are able to
which a new Gaussian curve of metabolic, behav- cope with such conditions. But many invertebrates
ioural, and physiological acclimatization centres. also live at high altitude, such as jumping spiders
In general, our definition of (non-species-specific) living in the Alps and at 6000 m in Tibet, and their
hypoxia is found more frequently in aquatic envir- adaptations have not been studied at all. At 19,000
onments than in terrestrial ones, simply because of m, air pressure and water vapour pressure are the
the relatively low solubility of oxygen in water (see same so it is impossible to breathe even using pure
Chapter 3) and its low diffusion velocity. In fresh- oxygen, since the lungs would fill with water vapour
water habitats, temperature and altitude are also main and the blood within the lungs would boil.
contributing factors. For example, in a lake at 5300 Also, hypoxic microhabitats for invertebrates and
m in the Andes, 1 litre of water contains only 4 ml of some burrowing craniotes commonly occur in soil
oxygen, as opposed to about 7 ml at sea level. Also, or sediment habitats under leaf litter or in caves,
high temperatures reduce oxygen solubility and dur- due to limited oxygen accessibility and to oxygen
ing the winter the oxygen content of ponds and consumption by microorganisms, fungi, and plant
lakes is reduced by ice, which prevents replenish- roots. Due to their small size and limited motility,
ment by diffusion from the atmosphere. In addition, many invertebrates also endure long periods of
many fresh-water bodies can partially or completely flooding, and some specialists even live in dung, rot-
dry out, and animals living in tidal pools are also ting carcasses, craniote stomachs, or in sealed food
confronted with cyclic evaporation, overheating, or storage containers in which oxygen content often is
undercooling. In the oceans, there are also zones close to zero. Also conflagrations can consume so
with extremely low oxygen content. Off the Pacific much oxygen that animals on the ground suffocate.
coast of Mexico, for example, at depths between 100 Diving is undoubtedly the most challenging life-
and 900 m, the oxygen content is less than 0.1 ml l−1. style for air-breathing craniotes. Since most terres-
Below this zone the oxygen content rises to around trial animals are incapable of aquatic gas exchange,
2 ml l−1 at 4000 m depth (‘normoxic’ would be around diving can be considered synonymous with anoxia.
6 ml l−1). The main reason for these very low oxygen For this reason, we shall deal with diving in some
contents is the high biomass of animals living there for detail later in this chapter.
at least part of the day. This phenomenon is not Since hypoxia is a common stress factor for virtually
uncommon and is found, for example, in the wake of all animal lineages, it should not come as a surprise
large fish schools or zoo-plankton swarms. Another that the genetic basis for coping with it is ubiquitous.
cause of aquatic hypoxia is eutrophication by Let us now take a look at these mechanisms.

5.1.1 General genetic and metabolic

mechanisms dealing with hypoxia H2
alpha Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)
For at least two thousand million years, eukary- loop
otes have been dependent on oxygen for survival.
Adjusting to the harmful effects of high concentra-
tions of stable oxygen and unstable, highly ROS
such as O2−, hydroxyl radicals (HO•), and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) was important during the origin
and early evolution of life. Once aerobic metab-
olism became established, feed-forward mech- DNA
anisms at the lower end of the oxygen spectrum,
which allowed aerobic organisms to deal with
environments that were critically low in or lacking
oxygen, also became necessary. Accordingly, we Figure 5.1 Tertiary structure of the Alpha (non-constitutive, lightly
find ancient pathways that signal hypoxic condi- shaded) and Beta (constitutive, darker shaded) subunits of a hypoxia
tions and set regulatory processes in action that inducible factor (HIF) transcription factor heterodimer, showing the
alleviate it or accommodate to it. In animals, many manner in which the helix-loop-helix molecules straddle DNA
molecules, where they induce transcription of genes that code for
of these processes are mediated by HIFs (for reviews,
enzymes involved in cellular-to-organismic level response to hypoxia.
see Semenza, 2004; Hoogewijs et al., 2007; Weidemann Only the H1 helix subunits are capable of interaction with DNA, at
and Johnson, 2008). approximate locations on the HIF molecules shown in the drawing.
It should be noted here that hypoxia is a stress fac- The constitutive subunit alone cannot induce transcription and the
tor and there are also a large number of stress proteins, non-constitutive subunit is destroyed in the presence of oxygen
(see text). Modified from diverse sources.
originally called heat shock proteins (HSP) which will
be discussed later and the production of which is
upregulated by stress factors including hypoxia. HIF, three principal isoforms, 1, 2, and 3, which have
however, is a separate entity not related to HSP. non-redundant functions (for review, see Weidemann
HIF (Figure 5.1) is a sort of master switch that is and Johnson, 2008). All three subunits, however, are
capable of activating a host of responses, specifically capable of forming a dimer with the constitutive
to reduced oxygen at the cellular level, whereby the protein, resulting in what is called HIF-1, -2, or -3
cell is not actually able to distinguish between exter- (see Hoogewijs et al., 2007).
nal and internal sources of hypoxia. HIF is a DNA- Oxygen-dependent regulation of HIF is two-
binding transcription factor composed of two basic pronged. HIF-1, for example, has important regula-
helix–loop–helix (bHLH) proteins of the so-called tory sites in its C-terminal transactivation domain
PAS family. The PAS domain gets its name from (C-TAD) and also in the oxygen-dependent deg-
the proteins in which it was first discovered: PER radation domain (ODD). The latter contains two
(period circadian protein), ARNT (aryl hydrocar- LXXLAP motifs (L = leucine, A = alanine, P = pro-
bon receptor, nuclear translocator protein), and SIM line, X = any other amino acid). Under normoxia,
(single-minded protein). Many PAS proteins detect hydroxylation of the proline residues (Pro 402 and
their signal by way of an associated cofactor such as 564 in human HIF-1, for example) destabilizes the
haem, but this is not the case for HIF. protein and the molecule is quickly destroyed by a
The two subunits that make up the HIF heterodi- nuclear protein scavenging proteasome. A second
mer are hypoxia inducible, whereby one of them high oxygen-dependent hydroxylation takes place
is  also found under both normoxic and hypoxic on an asparagine residue (Asn 803 in human HIF-1)
conditions (that is, it is ‘constitutive’), whereas the in the C-TAD domain, ultimately resulting in pro-
other, ‘non-constitutive’ one is rapidly degraded in hibiting transcriptional activity of the target genes
normoxia. The non-constitutive subunit exists in (hypoxia-response elements (HREs), see later in this

section) in the nucleus (see Hoogewijs et al., 2007). hypoxia, also termed ‘functional anaerobiosis’, for
It should be pointed out that the substrate for prolyl example, during exercise.
hydroxylation is oxygen itself. So those enzymes During functional anaerobiosis, the muscles
are actually oxygen sensors at the molecular level first receive ATP of internal phosphagen stores: in
(Semenza, 2004). Under hypoxia, the HIF non- craniotes this is creatine phosphate, and in many
constitutive subunit enters the nucleus where it binds invertebrates, phosphoarginine or phosphotauro-
to the constitutive subunit. Once formed, the dimer mycin. When this activated phosphate source is
complex attaches to HREs of numerous genes. This exhausted, the organism produces ATP by glycoly-
initiates transcription, which leads to subcellular, cel- sis. Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol of the cells.
lular, organismic, and behavioural responses to It is important to realize that first of all, glycolysis
hypoxia, including glycolysis, erythropoiesis, angio- must take place, or all of metabolism comes to a
genesis, and apoptosis (Semenza, 2004). In total, screeching halt and, secondly, as we have repeat-
more than 100 genes are directly affected by HIF edly stated, glycolysis requires a low oxygen cyto-
(Weidemann and Johnson, 2008). sol, simulating the conditions under which life first
HRE sequences in a wide range of oxygen-medi- evolved. Thus seen, as pointed out in Chapter 1,
ated control mechanisms for glycolysis in plants one important function of mitochondria is to act as
and animals have been conserved, and these mech- an oxygen sink.
anisms can be traced back to Archaean organisms In glycolysis, the six-carbon sugar glucose is split
(Webster, 2003). The same applies to HIF in meta- into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules. Per mol of
zoans. Among craniotes, there is an overall conservation glucose, 2 mol of ATP are required but 4 mol of ATP
of molecular structure, but with some environmen- (substrate level phosphorylation) and 2 NADH are
tal specificity seen in fish (Law et al., 2006). And produced. The further fate of the pyruvate depends
when distantly related groups are compared—for on the presence or absence of oxygen: if oxygen is
example, humans and limpets (Weihe et al., 2009)— available, pyruvate is decarboxylated and incorpor-
one sees that key amino acids such as the two oxy- ated into an acetyl coenzyme A molecule, whereby
gen-sensitive proline residues and the one asparagine per mol of pyruvate, 1 mol of NADH and 1 mol of
mentioned previously are conserved. Although the carbon dioxide result. The acetyl coenzyme A is fed
medical relevance of HIF has encouraged the use of into the citric acid cycle, which takes place in the
craniote—in particular mammalian—models, fea- mitochondrial matrix. This process occurs, for example,
tures of hypoxic signalling by HIF, such as the during the recovery phase after exhaustive exercise.
well-conserved HIF–prolyl hydroxylase pathway If oxygen is not available, the pyruvate is converted
(Semenza, 2004), were actually disclosed through to lactic acid, which then must be removed from
the study of invertebrate model systems (Hoogewijs the cells. For each molecule of glucose, 2–3 ATP
et al., 2007). molecules are produced which is very low com-
pared to the aerobically produced 30–38 ATP mol- ATP-producing metabolic pathways ecules produced by oxidative phosphorylation on
Although already mentioned in previous chapters, the mitochondrial membranes, but it is available
we shall now take a somewhat closer look at those much faster. In most animals l-lactate is produced
aspects of anaerobic and aerobic metabolic pathways but arachnids make d-lactate (Prestwich, 1983b). All
relevant to survival of animals. Anaerobic metabolic enzymes of the glycolytic pathway are under the
pathways very often use HIF-controlled alternatives control of HIF, and are rapidly upregulated under
for a fast and effective possibility of ATP production hypoxic conditions.
in the short term. The substrate hydrogen atoms can- Lactate can enter a pathway called gluconeogen-
not be transferred to molecular oxygen and reduce it esis. This not only gets rid of lactic acid but also pro-
to metabolic H2O because under anoxic conditions duces glucose, which then enters the carbohydrate
oxygen is—by definition—lacking. Instead, other metabolism so to speak through the back door: via
organic compounds known as fermentation prod- the citric acid cycle and also indirectly from protein
ucts are formed, the best known of which is lactate. metabolism. Gluconeogenesis is sort of glycolysis in
This pathway is frequently used during internal reverse. The first step is catalysed by the enzyme

lactate dehydrogenase. Gluconeogenesis requires 6 Stenasellus virei responds to long-term hypoxia (PO2
ATP molecules per glucose molecule, and since gly- <0.03 kPa) with classical anaerobic metabolism and
colysis only produces 4 mol of ATP but requires accumulates besides lactate also alanine, which is
2 mol of ATP in the process, gluconeogenesis not unusual for a crustacean. In molluscs we also
coupled with glycolysis is a losing proposition. But see other end products of glycolysis such as oxalac-
it is a good way to get rid of excess lactate, and the etate (which is used in the citrate cycle) and opines.
pyruvate thus formed can be used in aerobic metab- Also in molluscs, such end products of anaerobic
olism when oxygen becomes available. protein and carbohydrate (not just glycogen) catab-
Glycogen is a polymerized form of glucose. It olism such as alanine, succinate, and the volatile
occurs in granules and is particularly abundant in propionic and acetic acid occur (Hochachka et al.,
skeletal muscle and the liver of craniotes. Muscle 1973). During active foraging under hypoxic condi-
glycogen can be rapidly split into glucose, and liver tions, many invertebrates—like craniotes—use their
glycogen is used to maintain blood glucose levels. glycogen stores (Hervant et al., 1997), but leeches
But the pathway for glucose production from glyco- (Annelida: Clitellata) have only small glycogen
gen uses glucose 6-phosphate as an intermediary reserves and instead metabolize malate to propi-
and the phosphate has to come from somewhere. onic or lactic acid (Zebe et al., 1981). In anaerobic
Nevertheless, in spite of its depletion of phosphate tidal flats and deep sea hydrothermal vents, oxi-
stores, glycogen serves well as a direct source of dized sulphur sources can actually be utilized
quick energy and is much faster than fat or proteins, instead of oxygen by some bivalve molluscs for
although the latter are more advantageous as long- mitochondrial ATP production (Parrino et al., 2000).
term energy reserves.
Some animals can rely on anaerobic metabolism Oxygen conformers and oxygen regulators
even for very long periods for survival under exter- As stated at the outset, we speak of reversible
nal hypoxic conditions. Invertebrates are often con- acclimatization and permanent adaptation to hyp-
fronted with long-lasting environmental hypoxia, oxia, but we can also speak of oxygen conformers
and use glycolytic metabolic pathways other than versus oxygen regulators (Figure 5.2). Conformers
those seen in craniotes. Like craniotes, the isopod let their oxygen uptake decrease along with the

Rest Exercise Recovery

O2 demand
Rest Exercise Recovery 4 maximum
O2 O2 uptake
‘steady state’
O2 uptake per time

O2 demand
deficit O2 2 O2 debt

Time Time

Figure 5.2 Responses to hypoxia. The response of a typical oxyregulator in response to internal hypoxia caused by mild (left-hand diagram)
and strenuous (right-hand diagram) exercise is shown. An oxygen debt occurs in mild exercise only until a steady-state can be reached. During
strenuous exercise, when aerobic steady-state cannot be achieved, the metabolic rate continues to be supported by anaerobic metabolism. In both
cases, the accumulated waste products of anaerobic metabolism must be eliminated by energy-consuming metabolic pathways: the oxygen debt
must be repaid. After Klinke and Silbernagl, 1996

decrease in oxygen content of the respiratory by an unassuming group of tiny crustaceans, called
medium by reducing their metabolic rate, often in a seed shrimps (Ostracoda). These animals lack any
very finely tuned manner (regulated conformism). regulatory mechanisms for adapting to changes in
On the other hand, in oxygen regulators (like most oxygen of their surroundings. Instead, they inhabit
mammals and birds, for example), the oxygen con- sediment where the oxygen is about 3–5 kPa, so one
sumption rate remains constant in spite of decreas- can assume that the PO2 under the carapace of an
ing PO2. But even regulators can become conformers, ostracode would be lower: maximally 3 kPa (Corbari
the PO2 at which they shift to conforming being et al., 2004; Corbari et al., 2005).
defined as the critical PO2, or PO2 CRIT. The PO2 CRIT is Also, low activity levels or an actively reduced
species-specific. For strict conformers it is usually metabolic rate (hypometabolism) during periods of
just below normoxia; for extreme regulators it may extended hypoxia might be considered to be part of
be near zero. a behavioural strategy, which is turned on by con-
formers early on, and by regulators, later. Both Behavioural strategies invertebrates and craniotes are capable of entering a
If HIF can activate more than 100 different genes in hypometabolic state (discussed in the next para-
response to hypoxia then it should be obvious to the graph) in which, for example, heart rate, respiratory
casual observer that numerous possibilities exist. frequency, and metabolic rate are reduced to very
But what is a 100-member orchestra without a con- low values. Depending on whether it occurs during
ductor? Exactly how these responses are coordin- cold, winter periods or hot and dry periods, this
ated is the subject of much ongoing research, and is behaviour is designated as hibernation or aestiv-
known in some detail only for a few species. ation, respectively. Also, shorter coma-like states—
One way for animals to solve the hypoxia prob- called torpor—with reduced metabolism can occur.
lem is to activate a behavioural suite that results in Species with extremely high metabolic rates such as
the animal leaving the hypoxic region. This is a nice hummingbirds, bats, and bumblebees commonly
trick if you can do it, but many animals are sessile, fall into torpor overnight.
live in burrows, or are so small that they cannot Hypometabolism occurs in all animal groups not
escape. Others, for example, those living in the deep only as a response to hypoxia but also to extreme
ocean, live part of the time in a hypoxic zone where temperatures or as a response to reduced food
the food is, but periodically migrate vertically to availability as part of a host of reactions initiated by
zones with higher oxygen. Such a vertical migration activity of ‘stress protein’ HSP genes (see ‘Other
on a small scale is also typical of water fleas metabolism-related extremes’, section 5.4.). An advan-
(Daphnia), as discussed later (see section tage of hypometabolism as opposed to anaerobic
Amphibious animals (e.g. many crabs, isopods, and metabolism is that it circumvents the acid–base con-
amphibians) can simply switch from water breath- sequences of anaerobiosis. Accumulation of lactate
ing to air breathing and back again as the conditions results in metabolic acidosis, which can be balanced
change (see also Chapters 7 and 8). in the short term by hyperventilation, but in the
The activation of such strategies is three-staged: longer term this excess acid must be buffered,
first, the animal has to detect hypoxia at the cellular excreted, or converted to something else in an
level and activate the behavioural search programme. energy-consuming process.
This is one role of HIF. Second, the animal must be Another behavioural strategy that will be further
able to sense where to go to improve the situation. discussed in Chapter 6, particularly for survival of
This is the role of peripheral oxygen sensors, as dis- air-breathing species underwater, is, like a SCUBA
cussed in Chapters 8 and 13. And finally, HIF must diver, to take your oxygen with you. The water
shut off the search programme when the species-spe- spider Argyroneta aquatica, and numerous aquatic
cific normoxic condition has been restored. insects do this.
Another behavioural strategy is to just tolerate low Oxygen, however, does not need to be transported
oxygen. As previously mentioned, the physiological in gaseous form. Oxygen can be transported and
role in a respiratory faculty is to maintain the PO2 in the stored to some extent in body fluids and haemo-
tissues at around 1–3 kPa. This hypothesis is supported lymph/blood plasma, but this is accomplished

much more effectively on oxygen-binding proteins uses another strategy: Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata
such as haemoglobin and myoglobin. This will be has modified its parapodia to function as gills. With
discussed later (see section 5.2.3), but one example a respiratory surface area of 10–12 cm² g−1 and a
from the beginning of the metazoan animal lineage water–blood diffusion distance of 3 µm it has a dif-
that shows just how old these strategies are and is fusing capacity similar to that of a goldfish gill. Its
worth mentioning in the present context are microhabitat can approach anoxia, with sulphide
Ctenophora (comb jellies) and Cnidaria, where the up to mmol levels, but with its high-affinity haemo-
medusae (if present) can load their virtually acellu- globin (P50 = 0.028 kPa) and a Bohr effect that is pro-
lar mesogloea with oxygen when in oxygen-rich nounced at high oxygen saturations, it can remain
waters and release it passively in hypoxic surround- aerobic down to about 0.9 kPa oxygen. When fully
ings (Thuesen et al., 2005a; Thuesen et al., 2005b). saturated, the bound oxygen is sufficient for 30
minutes of aerobic metabolism (Hourdez et al.,
2001; Hourdez et al., 2002).
5.1.2 Group-specific examples of dealing
with hypoxia Crustacea
The strategies for dealing with hypoxia may be With some 50,000 known species and an enormous
limited by the group-specific faculties that evolved variety of body shapes and sizes as well as habitat
in the normoxic state. In addition, they are dictated preference, crustaceans are quite comparable with
to some extent by animals’ abilities to move to areas craniotes. Here we discuss just a few of the numer-
of higher oxygen levels and also by other conditions ous mechanisms that have evolved in relationship
found there, which might negatively influence indi- to acclimatization and adaptation to hypoxia among
vidual survival chances: for example, danger of pre- crustaceans.
dation, exposure to ultraviolet light, temperature In decapod crustaceans, the short-term response
extremes or desiccation. In general, groups in which is comparable with that seen in craniotes: hyper-
haemoglobin is found are better capable of regulat- ventilation up to ten times the normoxic value
ing, and maintaining, a high metabolic rate under coupled with increased cardiac output (either by
hypoxic conditions. Although both haemocyanin increased stroke volume, heartbeat frequency, or
and haemoglobin usually increase in concentration both) and often selective perfusion of the gills at the
under hypoxia, the molecular structure of haemo- expense of digestive organs. The respiratory alkal-
globin and myoglobin can also easily be changed osis caused by hyperventilation increases the oxy-
and these molecules are found not only in the gen affinity of haemocyanin (negative Bohr effect).
blood/haemolymph but also in the tissue (see This increase in affinity makes the respiratory sys-
Chapter 4). In the following sections we shall see tem more efficient, thus conserving energy.
some of the ways in which representatives of vari- Again convergent with craniotes, chronic hypoxia
ous animal groups deal with hypoxia. The list is not results in an increase in the concentration of respira-
meant to be exhaustive, but rather to illustrate the tory proteins. This applies to Daphnia and to brine
wide variety of strategies that exist. shrimp (Artemia), two branchiopod crustaceans that
have haemoglobin (Paul and Pirow, 1997), as well as Annelida to the fresh-water giant prawn Macrobrachium rosen-
Many annelids possess haemoglobin and are highly bergii and the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei, which
hypoxia tolerant. The aquatic sludge worm, Tubifex lacks haemoglobin but shows the same response
tubifex (Oligochaeta), is one of these. In spite of a mark- with haemocyanin (Cheng et al., 2003). In addition,
edly reduced metabolic rate in highly eutrophic waters, the molecular structure of Daphnia haemoglobin
the sludge worm maintains elevated anaerobic ATP is altered by a differential gene expression under
production and rapidly restores its energy stores dur- hypoxia, increasing its oxygen affinity and allowing
ing post-hypoxic recovery (Datry et al., 2003). cardiac output to fall to nearly normoxic levels.
The familiar polychaete marine littoral sand worm Crustaceans not only show acclimatization that is
Arenicola marina goes anaerobic below a PO2 of 6.2 convergent with that of craniotes, but also can show
kPa (Wohlgemuth et al., 2000), but another polychaete a similar degree of adaptation. For instance, the

giant red mysid, Gnathophausia ingens, discussed tageous conditions provided by air breathing mean
later in Chapter 9 because of its exceptional respira- that haemocyanin is fully adequate in normoxia
tory faculty: it is a pelagic shrimp that for all prac- (Morris, 1991) and exercise has little effect because
tical purposes ‘thinks it is a fish’. The respiratory of a small Bohr shift and reduced lactate (Greenaway
faculty is in fact comparable with that of pelagic et al., 1988; Morris et al., 1988; Adamczewska and
fish, with gills having a surface area of 9–14 cm2 g−1 Morris, 1994; Morris et al., 1996). The robber crab
body mass and a diffusion barrier of only 1.5–2.5 Birgus latro (Coenobitidae) drowns if kept immersed,
µm. It is a metabolic regulator that inhabits waters in even normoxic water. On land, it compensates
where the oxygen concentration may fall to 0.5 ml for hypoxia in a way convergent to terrestrial crani-
l−1, but these extreme regulators maintain ‘normoxic’ otes. Down to 12 kPa it is an oxygen conformer,
metabolic rates down to 1 ml l−1 aerobically. Phys- showing little change in respiratory or heartbeat
iologically speaking, the haemocyanin has high coop- frequency, but below that, ventilation increases and
erativity, a large Bohr effect, a high oxygen affinity oxygen extraction rises to three times the normoxic
(P50 = 0.19 kPa), and the circulatory capacity is values (Cameron and Mecklenburg, 1973).
high with up to 225 ml kg−1 min−1. Combined with Other terrestrial crabs show more bizarre ways of
extreme ventilatory rates of up to 8 l kg−1 min−1, this circumventing their anatomical and physiological
results in removal of up to 90 per cent of the oxygen constraints. A relative of B. latro, namely terrestrial
from the inspired water. hermit crabs of the genus Coenobita, do just the
As will be discussed in Chapters 7 and 10, the ter- opposite of the water spider (which, as discussed in
restrialization of crustaceans runs the whole gamut Chapter 6, takes air under water with it): they fill
from marginally adapted to completely terrestrial. the stolen snail shell with water, and carry it onto
Also virtually all combinations of acclimatization and dry land (McMahon and Burggren, 1979). When
adaptation exist, so it is hard to distinguish where exposed to hypoxia down to 3 kPa, ventilatory fre-
one leaves off and the other begins. Some aquatic quency increases up to 60 times the normoxic value
crustaceans shift to air breathing under hypoxic con- while heartbeat hardly changes, but ventilation
ditions. The common yabby (Cherax destructor), an remains far more sensitive to oxygen than to carbon
Australian crayfish, for example, changes to air breath- dioxide/pH, indicating that Coenobita never really
ing at a PO2 below 2.7 kPa. The ensuing respiratory left the water (McMahon and Burggren, 1979). And,
acidosis during air breathing results in an increased of course there is the obligate air-breather Cardisoma
oxygen affinity of the haemocyanin caused by the hirtipes, which does just the opposite. When it enters
Bohr shift (Morris and Callaghan, 1998), but this is the water, it traps air in its branchial chamber. In
not a universal response of crustaceans to hypoxia. addition, it experiences facultative hypometabo-
The purple shore crab Hemigrapsus nudus, for example, lism during immersion, decreasing the gas exchange
is already well adapted and doesn’t really seem to rate to 20 per cent. Respiratory alkalosis (not acidosis!)
care if the water gets hypoxic. Its metabolic acidosis occurs, while haemolymph glucose concentration
adequately increases the capacity of the haemocyanin and cardiac output decrease. The haemocyanin has
to remain well oxygenated (Morris et al., 1996) by a high oxygen affinity, but low pH sensitivity, which
the mechanism discussed in Chapter 4. facilitates oxygen uptake from hypoxic environ-
Small terrestrial crustaceans may drown if they ments, such as the branchial chamber (Adamczewska
cannot flee when their habitat is flooded. The amphi- and Morris, 1996; Dela-Cruz and Morris, 1997;
pod Talitrus pacificus, for example, regulates oxygen Adamczewska and Morris, 2000). But unlike crani-
consumption down to only a PO2 of 10 kPa (Mendes otes, C. hirtipes does not store oxygen in respiratory
and Ulian, 1987) but will die if kept anoxic for 40–45 proteins and it must either leave the water after
minutes. Some terrestrial crabs use their stiff gill about 20 minutes of immersion to replenish its oxy-
lamellae and sometimes the carapace lining for air gen supply or it becomes progressively anaerobic.
breathing, but the gills are often so reduced that The Christmas Island red crab Gecarcoidea natalis,
they are no longer suitable for water breathing on the other hand, uses l-lactate as a modulator to
(Innes and Taylor, 1986). The physiologically advan- reduce haemocyanin oxygen affinity (reverse lactate

effect). High affinity is necessary in water, but not in in deep, sealed, underground burrows (Lighton,
air. This species has a high oxygen demand during 1998).
exercise and the unloading of haemocyanin acts Spiders show an interesting solution to the prob-
with the help of l-lactate to provide oxygen to the lem of local internal hypoxia caused by the presence
muscles during running (Adamczewska and Morris, of regions of relatively high metabolic rate. While
1998; Morris, 2002). These are just a few of the the plesiomorphic gas exchanger in spiders is the book
fascinating acclimatization and adaptation possi- lung (see Chapter 7), which could also be described
bilities exploited by crustaceans. They show in an as an air gill, some groups such as jumping spiders
impressive way how the interaction of multiple and hackled orb weavers have a well-developed
variables within the cardiorespiratory faculty pushes tracheal system that targets specific regions that have
the limits of the crustacean bauplan. a high metabolic rate, such as the nervous system or
the leg pairs used in web preening, respectively.
Whereas the principle of developmental plasticity Myriapoda
providing greater vascularization of organs with
Very little is known of the mechanisms by which high metabolic rate is familiar to most of us, solving
centipedes and millipedes deal with hypoxia. Some this problem by evolving a separate respiratory
diplopod millipedes possess high-affinity haemocya- system is unusual.
nins, which may represent an adaptation to their sub- Arachnids cannot ventilate their respiratory organs
terranean and potentially hypoxic habitats (Jaenicke (Paul et al., 1987) but they can regulate opening and
et al., 1999; Kusche et al., 2003). Some exhibit discon- closing of spiracles, some species even showing dis-
tinuous gas exchange (see Chapters 7 and 8), and continuous breathing (see Chapters 7 and 8). Among
therefore their tissues may experience periodic the potential responses to short-term hypoxia are
hypoxia (Klok et al., 2002). In addition, burrowing increases in spiracular opening, increases in perfusion,
diplopods may be threatened by temporary flood- leaving the hypoxic environment, reduction of aerobic
ings during which they either would have to come metabolism, or switching to anaerobic metabolism.
to the surface and risk predation or tolerate submer- Scorpions and spiders rely greatly on anaerobiosis
sion and the associated hypoxia: problems they during activity, with, as previously mentioned, d-lac-
have in common, for instance, with earthworms tate (as opposed to l-lactate in other organisms) as end
(Dwarakanath et al., 1977). Most diplopods are able product in spiders (Prestwich, 1983b). These groups
to regulate respiration in declining oxygen tensions, would therefore be potentially well suited to deal with
some even down to a PO2 of 5 kPa. But others are at least short-term external hypoxic conditions.
oxygen conformers and their oxygen consumption
rate decreases when the PO2 falls below 15 kPa Hexapoda
(Stewart and Woodring, 1973; Penteado and Hebling- Regarding their ability to deal with hypoxia, hexa-
Beraldo, 1991). pods are able to recover from severe hypoxic or
even anoxic exposures that would kill most other Arachnida
animals. Some have even survived live examination
With certain notable exceptions, spiders tend to be in an electron microscope, which may be worse
sit-and-wait predators and high levels of activity than being released on the moon.
are associated with anaerobic metabolism. Their
mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance are still a matter Anoxia
of speculation. Although rarely exposed to hypoxia Terrestrial insects respond to complete anoxia with
at sea level, some spiders, harvestmen, and pseudo- loss of body coordination and posture, suppression
scorpions may live at high altitude (Somme, of neuronal action potentials, transient convulsions,
1989; Thaler, 2003). Pseudoscorpions also live under and loss of brain function (Wegener, 1987; Krishnan
the bark of trees or under leaf litter, some spiders et al., 1997), and the metabolic rate falls to between
are cave dwellers, and sun spiders (Solifugae) may 3 and 14 per cent of normoxic values (Hochachka
be exposed to hypoxic or hypercapnic environments et al., 1993; Wegener, 1993; Hoback et al., 2000),

responses they have in common with most crani- mechanisms include opening spiracles and reducing
otes. However, insects possess one decisive advan- tracheolar fluid levels (see later in this section).
tage that allows them to recover from hours or even Initially, a drop in atmospheric oxygen causes a
days of exposure to complete anoxia (Wegener, drop in PO2 of a similar magnitude inside the tra-
1993; Hoback and Stanley, 2001). They can supply cheal system. Spiracular opening results in an
the tissues during reoxygenation by passive diffu- increase in convective gas transport and in gas
sion through the tracheal system alone, a mechanism exchange (see Chapter 7). Falling PO2 also causes
that works even in the complete absence of ATP, transient increases in abdominal pumping rates
which would be needed to power respiratory and (Miller, 1966; Arieli and Lehrer, 1988; Greenlee and
circulatory muscles of other organisms. But ATP is Harrison, 1998). At least in the locust grasshopper,
not necessarily totally absent: even under complete Schistocerca migratoria (Lewis et al., 1973; Hustert,
anoxia, insects support some ATP production by 1975), this increased ventilation exacerbates car-
normal anaerobic pathways, converting glycogen bon dioxide emission while metabolic rate remains
to lactate and alanine (Hochachka et al., 1993; constant or falls, leading to a drop in internal PCO2
Wegener, 1993; Hoback et al., 2000). But that is not levels and a rise in pH, which inhibits ventilation
all. Larvae of tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) inhabit as in terrestrial craniotes (Miller, 1966; Harrison,
areas that are often flooded for days or weeks. They 1989; Greenlee and Harrison, 1998; Greenlee and
enter a quiescent state without lactate accumulation Harrison, 2004). This inhibitory hypocapnia explains
and are thus able to survive anoxia for longer periods why ventilation rates measured even minutes after
than any other terrestrial insect larvae (Hoback exposure to hypoxia are often still below normoxic
et al., 1998). rates unless the PO2 is below 5 kPa (Arieli and
But how do insects regulate this anoxia tolerance? Lehrer, 1988; Greenlee and Harrison, 1998).
In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, anoxia toler- The removal of fluid from the terminal tracheoles
ance requires RNA editing and the production of during hypoxia represents a further potential for con-
anoxia-specific proteins (Farahani and Haddad, trol of oxygen delivery, analogous to the local regula-
2003). A second finding is that accumulation of the tion of capillary perfusion in craniotes (Wigglesworth,
sugar trehalose appears to be important for prevent- 1930, 1983). The mechanisms responsible for removal
ing protein aggregation during anoxia in flies (Chen of fluid from tracheoles are unknown, though there
et al., 2002). Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phos- is some evidence that increases in cellular osmotic pres-
phate synthetase gene increases anoxia tolerance, sures, perhaps due to accumulation of metabolites,
elevates trehalose, and reduces anoxia-dependent cause fluid transfer (Wigglesworth, 1930, 1983).
protein aggregation, while deletion of the gene has When all other short-term strategies fail, hypo-
opposite effects. metabolism and anaerobic metabolic pathways are
used. But when insects are exposed to hypoxia for
Hypoxia long periods of time (hours to days), morphological
Most insects are hypoxia tolerant to a PO2 down to changes in the respiratory system are induced that
2–3 kPa, which is equivalent to an altitude of 14,000– are analogous to hypoxia effects on capillary sprout-
16,000 m, depending on the temperature one assumes, ing in craniotes. Rearing grasshoppers, bugs, and
and they can usually sustain resting aerobic meta- beetles in hypoxia increases the diameter of major
bolic rates down to an ambient PO2 of 5 kPa, or an tracheal trunks and the number of tracheoles, and
altitude exceeding the height of Mount Everest. But also increases tracheal branching (Locke, 1958a,
the critical PO2 required to support metabolic rates 1958b; Wigglesworth, 1983; Loudon, 1989; Henry
that are consistent with flight are greater: 10 kPa in and Harrison, 2004). Many hexapod species are
fruit flies and 8 kPa in honey bees, equivalent to naturally exposed to hypoxic conditions with a PO2
altitudes of about 6000–7000 m, respectively. below 1 kPa. As long as they do not live perman-
The first acute responses to short-term hypoxia ently under hypoxic conditions, they will try to
are behavioural changes and also physiological escape or will survive by switching to low meta-
mechanisms of the respiratory system. Those bolic rates or anaerobic metabolism until conditions

improve. But the soil-dwelling springtail Folsomia branching is induced by release of fibroblast growth
candida (Collembola) has another solution: it can factor from oxygen-starved tissues under the con-
breathe in water to a limited extent by forming a gas trol of the regulatory gene branch (Jarecki et al.,
bubble around the entire body thanks to its non- 1999). Tracheae express HIF-1 and the proteins
wettable cuticle. The gas bubble works both as an Similar and Tango, which function as HIF-α and
oxygen store and as a physical gill, so that F. candida HIF-β homologues, respectively, are expressed at
can survive several days in air-saturated waters higher oxygen levels there than in other tissues (Ma
and  can even tolerate up to 18 hours of complete and Haddad, 1999; Lavista-Llanos et al., 2002). This
anoxia anaerobically (Zinkler and Rüssbeck, 1986). suggests that tracheae have some mechanisms for
But temporary survival in water is not so uncom- sensing and responding to hypoxia (Loudon, 1988;
mon among insects. Species with aquatic larvae, Burggren, 1992; Greenberg and Ar, 1996).
such as mosquitos, midges, and  dragonflies, are Maximum body size is positively correlated with
well known, and are discussed in more detail in environmental PO2: fruit flies raised at 10 kPa are
Chapters 6 and 9. But also some adult terrestrial smaller than controls (Frazier et al., 2001). But this
beetles escape to water to avoid predation and sur- phenomenon is not unique to insects—aquatic amphi-
vive there relying on reduced metabolism, cuticular pods (Chapelle and Peck, 1999), snails (McClain and
gas exchange, or plastron respiration (Hoback and Rex, 2001), and nematodes (Soetaert et al., 2002) are
Stanley, 2001). smaller at high altitude (Peck and Chapelle, 2003)
Species that normally live in hypoxic habitats show than at sea level.
behavioural adaptations to these conditions. For
example, the scarabaeoid beetles Aphodius rufipes
and Sphaeridium scarabaeoides live in dung pats for Actinopterygii
feeding and reproduction, where they maintain nor-
mal locomotion and respiration for about 30 minutes Behavioural mechanisms of ray-finned fishes
in conditions of down to a PO2 of 0.7 kPa, below and hypoxia
which they reduce activity (Holter, 1994; Holter and A behaviour commonly observed among fish that
Spangenberg, 1997). But they also seem to be able to inhabit warm, oxygen-poor water is surface skim-
sense oxygen and move to oxygen-richer areas of ming. Due to evaporation, the temperature at the sur-
the dung pats. face of standing bodies of water can be appreciably
In fact, if one looks carefully, practically every cooler than just a few millimetres deeper. This means
insect group has developed some way either of main- that this water can also contain more oxygen than
taining aerobic conditions or surviving periods of lower in the water column not only because it is in
hypoxia or anoxia, whether generated externally contact with the air but also just because it is cooler.
or internally (Keister and Buck, 1961; Gäde, 1984; During the warm-water season, the South American
Krolikowski and Harrison, 1996). Some of these methods pacú (Colossoma macropomum) develops a huge
are quite bizarre, such as termites that ventilate their lower lip that aids in surface skimming (Val et al.,
colonies using wing beats, or the mangrove ant, 1998; Wood et al., 1998). Even sharks have report-
Camponotus anderseni, that keeps water from flooding edly been observed to force surface water and air
the nest by soldier ants blocking the entrance with over their gills, although this behaviour also could
their heads (Nielsen and Christian, 2007). be related to cleaning the gills.
Hypoxia is known to result in behavioural
Acclimatization changes that have a negative effect on escape from
As stated previously, the tracheal system in insects predators (Domenici et al., 2007). One of these is
responds to hypoxia during development. Terminal surface breathing, as discussed earlier, which exposes
branching processes of the tracheoles have been fish to avian and mammalian predators. Another is
especially well investigated in Drosophila, where chaotic and panic reaction and interference with
their growth is regulated by the oxygen demand normal schooling behaviour. Large schools of fish
(Jarecki et al., 1999). In D. melanogaster, tracheolar can completely deplete oxygen, even in cold,

well-oxygenated water. This means that the fish at enough oxygen. However, neither fish nor aquatic,
the end of the school experience hypoxia or even water-breathing invertebrates have a problem with
anoxia, which would have a negative survival effect caisson disease (decompression sickness, discussed
as long as the school moves in a straight line: the in section 5.2.3) because they never have to deal
ones at the end get less oxygen, swim slower, lose with oxygen and nitrogen in gas form.
visual acuity, and are more exposed to predation. So Survival in complete anoxia is possible for only
is not surprising that schooling behaviour is seldom very few craniote species. While most craniotes, for
follow-the-leader, but the leader changes when the example, mice or trout, die in anoxic conditions
school changes direction. after minutes, some animals manage anoxic phases
without problems. The most hypoxia-sensitive organ
Anatomical adaptations is the brain, which consumes most of the oxygen
Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) maintained in when animals are at rest. When ATP supply is insuf-
‘normoxic’ water have gills that lack protruding ficient, the animal dies. Mammals are particularly
lamellae, the primary site of oxygen uptake in fish vulnerable in this respect. But anoxia-resistant spe-
(see Chapter 11). Instead, the lamellae are embed- cies manage to maintain species-specific sufficient
ded in a cell mass. This implies that these fish are ATP levels, even under anoxia. They exploit large
permanently adapted to a low-oxygen environ- carbohydrate stores, mainly in the liver, to increase
ment, and, when exposed to normoxic water, they the glycolytic ATP-production, but this is not the
have a reduced respiratory surface area. But when only trick they use.
the fish are kept in hypoxic water, a large reduction Developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) lack gills and rely
in this cell mass occurs, making the lamellae pro- on cutaneous gas exchange. While only larvae can
trude as they do in most other fish, increasing the survive a complete lack of oxygen, pre-exposure of
respiratory surface area by nearly 7.5-fold. Carp zebrafish to hypoxia during early stages increases sur-
with protruding lamellae have a higher capacity for vival during exposure to extreme hypoxia or even
oxygen uptake at low oxygen levels than fish with anoxia at later stages. Decreased energy demand dur-
embedded lamellae, but water and ion fluxes also ing hypoxia and a lower perfusion pressure following
increase, meaning greater osmoregulatory costs hypoxia are likely the most important factors (Rees
(Sollid et al., 2003). This change in gill structure et al., 2001). Adult zebrafish that have not been previ-
with respect to ambient oxygen is not restricted to ously exposed to low oxygen levels are not very
the Crucian carp, nearly 40 years ago it was already hypoxia tolerant. Typical hypoxia- and even anoxia-
known that the hypoxia-intolerant rainbow trout tolerant fish such as the goldfish (Carassius auratus)
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) can increase the diffusing and the Crucian carp (C. carassius), like the zebrafish,
capacity of its gills in response to hypoxia (Soivio reduce activity and seek out colder water during low-
and Tuurala, 1981). oxygen phases, but they remain active. The brain also
In addition to the release of modulators such as shows more activity than in some other hypoxia-toler-
nucleoside triphosphates, which regulate the oxy- ant species such as turtles (see later), but is somewhat
gen affinity of haemoglobin in the erythrocytes (for less than under normoxic conditions, and some sen-
references see Val, 1993), catecholamines secreted by sory functions such as vision and hearing are reduced.
paracrine chromaffin cells following hypoxia have There is a moderate release of adenosine and GABA.
far-reaching effects, ranging from enhanced erythro- Thus, ATP depression is modest and physical activity
cyte release from the spleen to swelling of red blood is maintained during anoxia. The Crucian carp pos-
cells, elevation of their internal pH and increased sesses very large carbohydrate stores in the liver and
permeability of the gill epithelium (reviewed by can generate ATP via glycolysis. The only limiting fac-
Randall and Perry, 1992). tor in anoxia is the depletion of its carbohydrate stores,
but the amount of lactate produced is also too large to
A closer look at hypoxia-tolerant fish be stored in the tissue: the fish remove it by converting
Although fish do not actually ‘dive’, they can, in it into ethanol (!) in the muscles. The lactate is con-
fact, drown if the respired water does not contain verted into pyruvate which is turned into acetaldehyde

and finally into ethanol. From the muscles, ethanol are depleted, and there is a shift to anaerobic ATP
enters the blood, where the alcohol content may reach production. During the third phase, which may last
10 mM 1−1 (= 46 mg 100 ml−1), whence it diffuses out several hours, metabolism is reduced to about 20
over the gills (Nilsson and Lutz, 2004). Since the legal per cent of normal values and the animals are totally
blood alcohol limits in England (80 mg 100 ml−1) and reliant on anaerobic metabolism (for overview and
Scotland (50 mg 100 ml−1) are above 46 mg 100 ml−1, references, see Jackson, 2013).
the anoxic goldfish would still be allowed to drive a The same species overwinters with reduced activity
car in Great Britain. Only recently have the molecular and metabolism in ice-covered ponds. It just swims to
mechanisms regulating this fascinating phenom- the bottom, where the temperature remains constant
enon been elucidated in an evolutionary context at 4°C, stops breathing, and falls into a comatose-like
(Fagernes et al., 2017). It appears that a pyruvate state. Since more than 50 per cent of the ATP used for
decarboxylase, analogous to the one found in the brain is needed to maintain electric gradients over
brewer’s yeast, in addition to a specialized alcohol cell membranes, which then are used for electric
dehydrogenase, are pivotal to this process, and activity and transport of neurotransmitters and
appear to be an autapomorphy of the genus Carassius metabolites, it behoves the turtle to reduce this
within the carp lineage. Whole-genome duplication energy consumption. Unlike the mammalian brain,
resulted in some—but not all—of this multienzyme which is extremely sensitive to even short periods of
complex giving rise to a pyruvate decarboxylase anoxia, central neurons of anoxia-tolerant craniotes
that releases ethanol. are protected from the damaging effects of anoxic
depolarization and excito-toxic death by ion channel Tetrapoda and spike arrest. This so-called spike arrest in the
Also the gills of amphibians that are exposed to pro- turtle brain involves both a decrease in excitatory
longed periods of hypoxia are larger than in normoxic glutamate release, probably originating from stel-
ones (Burggren and Mwalukoma, 1983). Amniotes liv- late interneurons, which causes a shunting current
ing for long periods under hypoxic conditions show and prevents further depolarization of the neurons
adaptation of the molecular structure of haemoglobin to threshold (Jonz et al., 2016). Both mechanisms
associated with a change in affinity and an increase reduce the metabolic demand of the brain. Glycolysis
of the number of red blood cells (haematocrit), delivers the necessary ATP and the lactate formed is
and of the concentration of haemoglobin per cell. buffered partly by releasing calcium from the shell.
All these conditions are found in animals living Calcium binds to lactate and Ca2+ is also free for other
permanently in hypoxic environments but also occur processes (e.g. blood coagulation, heartbeat, and
as acclimatization in those exposed for shorter time muscle contraction) whereby the Ca2+ concentration in
periods or periodically to hypoxia. Also, under- the blood rises up to 16 times the pre-hibernation level.
water exploration and space travel have in common By forming a lactate–calcium complex, both free lac-
that the adventurers are exposed to artificial atmos- tate and free calcium concentrations are held at reason-
pheres at pressures that can differ drastically from able levels. Degradation of the lactate and release of
those in which most terrestrial craniotes evolved. calcium have to wait until spring. Until then, the turtle
Since the species best studied under these experi- slumbers in its dazed state at the bottom of the pond.
mental conditions is our own, we shall return to it
in section 5.2.1.
5.2 High altitude and diving in mammals
Long-term, anoxic diving in a turtle (especially humans) and birds
Slider turtles, Trachemys scripta, use a combination 5.2.1 Acclimatization and adaptation to altitude
of metabolic depression and anaerobic metabolism in humans
and can dive for several hours. During the first div-
ing phase they use their oxygen stores, especially in Down to an ambient PO2 of about 18 kPa, which
the lungs. Later on, metabolism is reduced to about occurs at altitudes of around 1500 m, most lowland
40 per cent of normal values, the final oxygen stores inhabitants can live comfortably without previous

Atmospheric PO2
Location pressure
metres kPa kPa
Top of Mount Everest 8,848 34 6.8
Death zone begins 7,500 40 8.3
Highest permanent human settlement 5,600 52 10.6
Mont Blanc 4,810 57 11.8
Lake Titicaca 3,810 65 13.3
La Paz, Bolivia 3,640 66 13.5
Mexico City 2,250 78 17.3
Sea level 0 101.3 20.7

Figure 5.3 Although the PO2 relative to the total atmospheric pressure (patm) remains the same at all altitudes in the troposphere due to the
constant relative oxygen level, a reduction in patm results in an absolute drop in effective PO2 with increasing altitude. The effective PO2 at different
altitudes relevant to human habitation is shown here. (Original, diverse sources)

acclimatization. In aircraft cabins, the pressure is 2–3 weeks at 5000 m. Highlanders, on the other
most often a simulated altitude of slightly above hand, have permanent adaptations which are irre-
1500 m and causes no problems for healthy passen- versible and fixed in the genome. They also are
gers. But about 140 million people live permanently capable of acute acclimatization when climbing to
at altitudes exceeding 2500 m and about 30 million, higher altitude, but their reactions are faster than in
even above 3000 m. The highest permanent human lowlanders. Both acclimatization and adaptation
settlements are at 5300 m in Peru and at 5600 m in are multifaceted and involve adjustments in breath-
Chile (Figure 5.3). Here partial pressure of oxygen is ing frequency and tidal volume as well as in the blood
about half its sea-level value. Above 7000–7500 m and metabolism of the entire organism, in particular
the so-called death zone begins, in which long-term in the muscles and brain. These acclimatization pro-
human habitation is not possible and a non-accli- cesses do not occur singly, but in concert with one
matized person will die within minutes to hours. another in stages.
Very few, even well-acclimatized alpinists have sur- Hyperventilation, prompted by oxygen sensors
vived the ascent of Mount Everest (8848 m) without in the carotid body, is the first acute reaction
additional oxygen. At that altitude, non-acclima- under hypoxia and is the most important feature
tized persons will lose consciousness within 15 of acclimatization up to 5000 m. At rest, non-
minutes. acclimatized lowlanders begin hyperventilating at
And even in fully acclimatized alpinists, the an alveolar PO2 of 7 kPa, which would be reached at
mean arterial PO2 when breathing ambient air is an altitude of 3000 m. At 4800 m, hyperventilation
only 3.28 kPa, with a range of 2.55 to 3.93 kPa, in a non-acclimatized person increases the alveolar
compared with about 11 kPa at sea level. We are PO2 by about 1 kPa. acclimatized persons on the
talking here about levels of arterial oxygen that are other hand start hyperventilating much earlier (i.e.
below the normal sea level venous value of about at a higher alveolar PO2), meaning that hyperventi-
4.6 kPa (Grocott et al., 2009). So just what happens lation can increase the alveolar PO2 considerably
that makes it possible for some people to survive and that the effect is larger than in non-acclimatized
at such altitudes? people.
Let us first talk about rapid, short-term acclimatiza- However, this hyperventilation also has its down-
tion. In general, in lowlanders (people living at or side: the PCO2 of the blood decreases by about 40 per
below 1500 m) acute reactions and reversible accli- cent. The respiratory alkalosis caused by this hyper-
matization processes take 1–2 days at 3000 m and ventilation can result in reduced oxygen release in

the tissues (small Bohr shift), and also a hypocapnic (vascular epithelial growth factor 1), which is
inhibition of breathing, with apnoeic phases that are controlled by HIF-1, the capillary density increases
dangerous especially during sleep. This problem (angiogenesis), especially in well-vascularized
usually lasts about 1 week, depending on the alti- organs. Thus the oxygen-carrying capacity is greater
tude, and is part of the long-term adaptation pro- due to an increased blood volume. It may increase,
cess. After this time, hydrogencarbonate release in for example, in Peruvian natives from 85 ml kg−1 at
the kidney restores the blood to pH values acceptable sea level to 110 ml kg−1 at 4500 m (Hochachka, 1998).
to the central PCO2/pH receptors, and the peripheral But this also means more problems for the heart and
oxygen sensors become more sensitive. Highlanders lungs, since the lungs must accommodate the same
show a permanently blunted hyperventilation volume as the systemic vessels with each heartbeat
response and increase their alveolar PO2 less than and there is no evidence of angiogenesis in the
acclimatized lowlanders, but they also blunt the lungs. Increased pulmonary blood pressure could
hypocapnic inhibition and rely on other adaptive stretch the vessels in the lung to a certain extent, and
processes (see later) for increasing oxygen uptake also the air–blood barrier in the capillaries could be
and delivery. pulled to its minimum thickness, thereby increasing
During hyperventilation, pulmonary vasoconstric- the diffusing capacity somewhat, but also risking
tion—mediated by intrapulmonary blood oxygen haemorrhage. So lung anatomy sets a real, func-
sensors—results in a more homogeneous perfusion tional limit, which literally cannot be stretched.
of the lung and thus an improved ventilation/perfu- The blood also shows medium to long-term
sion ratio. So the lungs are better off but the heart effects, which start after 1–4 weeks at altitude.
has a problem: in order to supply the lungs, the These include an increase in haemoglobin concen-
right ventricle has to do more work than it is accus- tration per erythrocyte and also an increase in the
tomed to and is threatened by exhaustion or hyper- number of erythrocytes: high-altitude polycythae-
trophy. Unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle has mia. In lowlanders, both factors might increase by
very little glycogen reserve and a very limited about 30 per cent at 4500 m and return to normal
capacity for anaerobic metabolism. Although the after returning to sea level. Although polycythae-
vasoconstriction in the lung is reduced and the mia results in an increased carrying capacity of the
resistance to blood flow is less than before acclima- blood for oxygen, it also has a disadvantage, since it
tization, lung function also reaches its limits in increases the viscosity of the blood and leads to the
severe hypoxia. Blood passes quickly through the risk of capillary blockage and thrombosis and/or
lung, resulting in reduced oxygen equilibration haemorrhage.
time. This, combined with a low ΔPO2, means that Highlanders in general have high concentrations
the diffusive gas exchange is considerably reduced. of erythrocytes and haemoglobin and also show a
In this respect, highlanders often have better lung higher percentage of oxygen saturation than low-
function than even long-term adapted lowlanders landers. This is especially true for the Andeans,
can ever achieve. whereas Ethiopian highlanders do not differ from
The circulatory system increases cardiac output lowlanders (Beall, 2006). While the oxygen affinity
by increasing heart beat frequency (tachycardia) as in highlanders is only slightly increased, modula-
a first, quick reaction to hypoxia. But the stroke vol- tors and respiratory alkalosis influence the affinity
ume of the heart does not change or may even go of the haemoglobin in lowlanders. In addition, 2,3-
down. After a couple of days, heart rate is also BPG decreases the oxygen affinity (see Chapter 4)
reduced, and the final cardiac output might be even even below 4500 m, making it easier for the blood to
lower than under normoxic conditions. Peripheral release oxygen in the tissue. In the absence of 2,3-
circulation is reduced, while circulation to the heart, BPG, oxygen release would otherwise be a problem
respiratory muscles, and brain is maintained. because respiratory alkalosis, caused by the hyper-
Even more important than these acute reactions, ventilation, increases the oxygen affinity as hypoxia
however, is longer-term reactions mediated by vas- increases. Thus, 2,3-BPG allows oxygen to be released
cular oxygen sensors. Under the influence of VEGF1 in the tissues, and through the pH-induced increased

affinity, oxygen uptake in the lung is in concert with cross-sectional area is similar to lowlanders, whereas
environmental conditions. So respiratory alkalosis capillary density is smaller. This means that high-
has some advantage at extreme altitudes, but in landers are at a distinct disadvantage when at sea
long-term adaptation, renal compensation will elim- level. In lowlanders, short-term training at altitude
inate it. For this reason it is recommended for high- but living under normoxic conditions (‘living low–
altitude climbers to adapt at 5000–5500 m and then training high’) increases the oxidative capacity of
choose a short-term stay in higher altitudes to take skeletal muscles mainly by an increase in mitochon-
advantage of the effect of respiratory alkalosis until drial volume, in myoglobin concentration, and in
renal compensation kicks in. capillary density. ‘Living high–training low’, on the
Metabolism during activity is adapted by increas- other hand, increases mainly the haemoglobin con-
ing the anaerobic capability and by decreasing the centration (Hoppeler and Vogt, 2001).
aerobic demands of the muscles. The first acute Summarizing: human responses to altitude begin
response is upregulation of the glycolytic enzymes with an acute increase in ventilation, lung perfu-
mediated by HIF-1. Medium- to long-term response, sion, cardiac output, and glycolysis. Medium- to
however, is downregulation of the glycolysis, redu- long-term acclimatization/adaptation include ele-
cing lactate levels. In highlanders, the glycolytic vated ventilation and lung perfusion, normaliza-
response is much less than in lowlanders, so the tion of cardiac output, and downregulation of
blood lactate level is also lower. V̇ O2 max also glycolysis, while the oxygen transport capacity of
decreases with altitude. At 4000 m in lowlanders it the blood is improved by an increase of haemoglo-
is 70–80 per cent of sea level values and at a simu- bin and erythrocyte concentrations. Adaptation of
lated altitude of 8800 m only 20–25 per cent, and highlanders is characterized by a blunted ventila-
adaptation increases these values by only 5–10 per tory and lung perfusion increase, a downregulated
cent. These limits are set by lung function, reduced glycolysis, and mainly an increased oxygen trans-
maximum heartbeat frequency, and the reduced port capacity of the blood together with a reduction
perfusion in skeletal muscles, meaning that the in V̇ O2 max. In adapted lowlanders at altitudes above
skeletal muscles can only partly benefit from the 7000 m, a very strong hyperventilation and a marked
hypoxic responses. respiratory alkalosis occur, which is only incom-
Chronic hypoxia even has a direct negative influ- pletely compensated by the kidneys. An increased
ence on the skeletal muscles of untrained lowland- oxygen affinity, because of the respiratory alkalosis,
ers. Residing at altitudes above 5000 m, body mass helps to bind the small amount of oxygen in air and
and muscle mass can actually decrease by 5–10 per 2,3-BPG helps the blood to release oxygen in the
cent. Since the capillary volume remains unchanged tissue, but the V̇ O2 max and anaerobic metabolism
and the muscle mass decreases, the increase in capil- are greatly reduced. Finally, a continued weight loss
lary density is only relative. In addition, mitochon- (wasting) is symptomatic for the progressive deterior-
drial volume density also decreases by about 20 per ation experienced (West, 2006).
cent. Taking into account the reduction in muscle
mass, the total loss of mitochondria is actually about
5.2.2 Other craniotes at altitude
30 per cent and the oxidative capacity decreases by
25 per cent. The oxygen supply situation is then Some birds are effectively adapted to hypoxia as
shifted and benefits the remaining mitochondria. they live in or pass through high mountain ranges.
Thus, the reduction in V̇ O2 max is a combined effect of For example, Rüppel’s griffon vulture (Gyps ruep-
a reduction in muscle volume and in oxidative pellii) was observed flying at an altitude of 11,300 m,
capacity (Hoppeler and Vogt, 2001). where it nearly collided with an aircraft, and the
In highlanders, the V̇ O2 max is only 60 per cent of bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) breeds at 5600 m
that of a lowlander, but acute hypoxia has a lower and flies over the Himalayas during its periodic
effect, reducing the value by maximally about 15 migration. Special morphological adaptations could
per cent. Also, oxidative capacity compared with not be demonstrated but the avian lung, as such, is
lowlanders is 30 per cent lower but the muscle a highly efficient prerequisite for breathing at high

altitude. Anser indicus shows a marked increase in and after birth, hypoxia even impairs lung develop-
tidal volume in response to hypoxia compared to ment, lung development is accelerated by 13 per cent
low-altitude species (Scott and Milsom, 2007). Also, oxygen in the time period between days 14 and 40
these two high-altitude species have haemo- immediately after birth. In guinea pigs and dogs raised
globins with optimized oxygen-binding characteristics, under mild hypoxia, lungs result in higher diffusing
achieved thanks to a modified structure of the mol- capacities, caused by an increase in lung volume, in
ecule. Oxygen binding is more efficient compared alveolar tissue volume, and in respiratory surface
with other birds and non-avian craniotes, and oxy- area, but also by a thinner diffusion barrier. But
gen can be bound even at low PO2. A potential these changes are transitory: adults kept for longer
super-cooperativity with an nH value of more than periods at high altitude with comparable oxygen
4 is attributable to the self-association of the haemo- conditions do not show any effect in the respiratory
globin with special subunits (see Chapter 4). The system, and the measured effects are maturity-
high-affinity haemoglobin of A. indicus shows a dependent increases of lung dimensions in response
substitution of one amino acid which results in the to hypoxia. Animals raised under hypoxia and
loss of a hydrogen bond that otherwise stabilizes returned to normoxia as adults are indistinguishable
the low-affinity, deoxygenated T state. Another fac- from those raised under normoxia (Burri and Weibel,
tor that influences oxygen affinity is the lack of a 1971; Burri, 1974; Lechner and Banchero, 1980).
salt-bridge, which normally would stabilizes the T Whether this holds only for mammals or applies gen-
state, and create a large Bohr effect. Gyps rueppellii erally remains to be tested. In a recent study, chicks of
has four isohaemoglobins with different oxygen the domestic fowl bred under hypoxic conditions
affinities due to amino acid substitutions that vari- maintained an increased air capillary volume at least
ously stabilize or destabilize the T and R states of the up to 10 days after hatching (Amaral-Silva et al., 2019).
haemoglobin, depending on the demands, and ensure In mammals other than humans, polycythaemia
that oxygen loading and unloading is effective over a and increased erythrocyte haemoglobin concentra-
broad range of PO2. In addition, the avian brain tion as part of the acclimatization response are also
appears to continue functioning normally at levels of well documented. Some species such as the Tibetan
hyperventilation and the resulting respiratory alkalosis antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni) have especially high
that would cause unconsciousness in humans (Shams erythrocyte numbers, and also show cardiac adap-
and Scheid, 1989; Butler, 1991). tations that allow them to further increase their
Compared with sister species from low eleva- heart rate when exposed to 12.5–14.6 per cent oxy-
tions, high-altitude species tend to be larger and gen. These effects, however, are not seen in Tibetan
show a higher respiratory compliance. But since the sheep (Ovis aries) living at the same altitude (4300 m)
highlanders also tend to choose a high tidal vol- (Rong et al., 2012).
ume/low-frequency breathing pattern at rest and Camelids of the high Andes have haemoglobin
the work of breathing increases with the square of with increased oxygen affinity. There are six species
tidal volume, the higher compliance does not trans- of camelids: two lowland camels of Africa and Asia,
late into decreased work of breathing (York et al., and four highland species (the guanaco, the lama,
2017). There may be some advantage in minimizing the alpaca, and the vicuña) in the mountains of
the friction in the body cavity associated with cyclic South America. All six species show a relatively low
oscillation between inflation and deflation as well P50 of 2.26–2.93 kPa (in humans, for example, it is
as a possible loss of gas exchange efficiency in 3.46 kPa), but the high-altitude ones have higher
reversing the airflow in the neopulmo. But this affinity haemoglobins than the Old World species
remains a hypothesis that needs testing. due to changes in the amino acids in the globin
In rats and mice, hypoxia exposure improves lung chains of the molecule, and also show a reduced
growth by an increase in lung volume, alveolar tis- 2,3-BPG interaction (Weber, 1995; Weber and Fago,
sue volume, and surface area. But this process depends 2004), not unlike fetal haemoglobin (see Chapter 4).
on the time period of development in which animals Of course, all of this is barely scratching the surface
are exposed to hypoxia. While in the perinatal period of this fascinating area of human and comparative

adaptation and acclimatization to altitude. These are Also, nearly half of the major taxa of neognath
some of the most exciting chapters in respiratory birds have evolved diving forms, some of them
biology and the reader is encouraged to check out such as penguins and the recently extinct great auk
accounts by John West, Sir Edmund Hillary (1919– giving up wings in favour of flippers. But unlike
2008), Hanns-Christian Gunga, Reinhold Messner, mammals, which are almost exclusively live bear-
Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910–1997), Hans Fricke, ing, all birds are oviparous and must come on land
Peter Hochachka (1937–2002), Peter Ward, and others. to lay eggs. In mammals, chemoreceptors near the
glottis, nose, and mouth sense water and prevent
inhalation during diving, while chemoreceptors of
carotid and aortic bodies are ignored during diving.
5.2.3 Diving craniotes
Ducks appear to do the same, going into breath-
Diving has evolved in about half of the recognized hold and bradycardia mode when water is applied
major taxa of placental mammals, sometimes even to the beak (for references, see Butler and Jones,
several times within a single group such as rodents, 1997). Looking at diving times and diving depths,
while some groups such as seals, sea lions, sea cows, it  becomes clear that for routinely diving species
and whales have become exclusively aquatic pred- special faculties must have evolved (Table 5.1).
ators or foragers. Whales and even hippopotamus And then there is the pressure. For every 10 m
give birth under water, which is quite a trick for an depth there is an increase in pressure of 1 atm. That
air breather. While on this topic, during birth, new- means that at a depth of 400 m the pressure is about
born mammals show similar responses in respiratory 40 atm. That is equivalent to a weight of about 400
and circulatory system as diving mammals. For a kg on a man’s chest, which would easily crush it.
while it was even trendy for mothers to give birth And yet sperm whales dive to a depth of 2 km!
underwater. You may remember also from Chapter Even more threatening than being crushed is the
4 that there is also some indication from the molecu- fact that gases in the lungs are forced into solution
lar structure of mammalian myoglobin that some in the tissues and blood, causing nitrogen narcosis
terrestrial groups such as elephants may have har- (remember, air is 80 per cent nitrogen). The oxygen
boured aquatic ancestors. And indeed, a recent study in the air gets consumed but the nitrogen stays in
suggested that a potential Palaeozoic, pre-mamma- solution and is released as bubbles on resurfacing,
lian origin of the diaphragm may have been a key causing decompression sickness (caisson disease).
to an aquatic lifestyle (Lambertz et al. 2016). Think of the dents in the ceiling and stains on the

Table 5.1 Diving mammals, birds, and reptiles: routine diving times and depths, in (parentheses) maximum recorded values (after Kooyman and
Ponganis, 1997). The northern sea elephant is the world record holder in diving times (up to 2 hours) and the sperm whale in diving depth (down
to 2000 m)

Species Habitual and (maximum) dive Habitual and (maximum) dive

duration, minutes depth, metres

Emperor penguin 6 (22) 100 (500)

(Aptenodytes forsteri)
Leatherback turtle 11 (45) 200 (1000)
(Dermochelys coriacea)
Weddell seal 15 (82) 300 (700)
(Leptonychotes weddellii)
Northern sea elephant 25 (120) 400 (1600)
(Mirounga angustirostris)
Sperm whale 40 (75) 500 (2000)
(Physeter macrocephales)
Human (Homo sapiens) 3 (11 min 35 s) 10–20 (214)

carpet if you open a bottle of champagne quickly, note that seals, sea lions, whales, and penguins
but if you open it slowly and carefully the bubbles independently evolved the same solutions to div-
stay in the bottle. The best solution to avoid caisson ing problems.
disease is slow emergence or if this is not possible, In diving mammals, birds, and sea snakes, brady-
immediate removal of the victim to a decompres- cardia is part of a so-called diving reflex, which also
sion chamber for re-pressurization and simulated involves selective vasoconstriction to some organs,
slow emergence. Helium as a carrier gas for longer which then must rely on anaerobic metabolic path-
dives has some advantages, since it does not cause ways, whereas others, such as the brain and eyes,
narcosis and diffuses much faster than nitrogen out receive oxygenated blood. It has even been sug-
of the tissues. Breathing pure oxygen is not an option, gested that highly derived divers such as whales do
because of ROS formation and oxygen toxicity. not experience diving bradycardia, but rather sur-
But the fact remains that whales, seals, and pen- facing tachycardia, during which time the muscle
guins can dive to tremendous depths and rapidly myoglobin is loaded with oxygen.
emerge without getting decompression sickness. In diving mammals, oxygen is stored not in the
One trick is just to go for short dives of less than half lungs but in blood and tissues, especially in the
an hour. Then not enough nitrogen gets into the tis- muscles (Table 5.2). The blood of two unrelated div-
sue to cause any harm. A glance at Table 5.1 reveals ing mammals, seals and whales, has independently
that this is just what marine craniotes actually do. achieved a high oxygen carrying capacity of 30–40
For longer dives, seals, for instance, exhale on div- ml oxygen per 100 ml, compared with human
ing, thereby reducing the amount of nitrogen in the blood, with 10–15 ml oxygen per 100 ml. To reach
lungs. and make use of such high values, these species
Another option is to reduce the amount of gas have high blood haemoglobin and muscle myoglo-
that can enter the blood by exhaling or storing the bin levels, but the haemoglobin also has low affinity
air in wide, non-respiratory airways. Whales appear since loading with oxygen at sea level is not
not to exhale, but, as in seals, the trachea and restricted, and release of oxygen in the tissues is
proximal bronchi are voluminous and when diving, best achieved with a low-affinity protein.
most of the air is pressed out of the lung tissue and Anatomically speaking, unrelated diving species,
into the incompressible airways. Also the blood such as whales and manatees, possess a double
flow to the lung is reduced during diving so that capillary net in the lung and therefore have a large
only minimal amounts of nitrogen can enter the pulmonary blood volume. This is helpful if the
blood from the lungs. More adaptations of diving blood haemoglobin is used as an oxygen store,
animals are discussed in the rest of this section. because the lungs must receive the same blood vol-
But the ultimate trick is to store oxygen not in gas ume as the rest of the body with each heartbeat.
form, but bound to myoglobin in the muscles. As Now taking a second look at diving bradycardia, if
the muscles exercise anaerobically they release lac- the cardiac output were to remain constant during
tic acid, which lowers the local pH and causes oxy- the dives, the partially collapsed lungs would not
gen to be released directly to the tissue and the be able to accommodate all this blood volume and
blood, thereby repaying the oxygen debt in the mus- the result would damage both the lungs and the
cles and providing oxygenated haemoglobin for the heart. So diving bradycardia may be seen as an
brain, eyes, and other vital organs. It is interesting to exaptation for diving, or a consequence of it. But as

Table 5.2 Amount of oxygen stored in different body parts during diving in mammals. After Kooyman and Ponganis (1997)

O2 (ml kg−1) % in lungs % in blood and other body fluids % in muscles

Human 20 44 47 3
Seals, sea-elephants, whales 60–87 5 66 29

pointed out later, peripheral vasoconstriction also land where they have to cope with cold temperat-
takes place so that the blood volume in the lungs ures and use their aerobic capacities and shivering
and body can remain about equal. for thermoregulation. During maturation, muscles
So how do these animals manage to stay down so change their metabolism to be more adapted to the
long? To begin with, diving mammals use a com- low levels of aerobic metabolism associated with
bination of energy-saving mechanisms, their loco- long dives (Kanatous et al., 2008). This observation
motion is very economical. They do not need to gives us some insight into how these astounding and
support their body weight and most diving species highly refined, convergent mechanisms may have
have a spindle-shaped, ergonomic body form with evolved in such diverse groups as whales (highly
short hairs or they are even hairless. Also, swimming derived cetartiodactyls), seals and sea lions (highly
involves long gliding phases. Secondly, the animals derived carnivores), and dugongs and manatees
conserve energy by being well insulated, and they (more closely related to elephants), as well as in div-
may even have counter-current heat exchange in the ing birds and reptiles.
extremities, greatly reducing heat loss there. Diving In fact, mammals and birds are not the only div-
bradycardia has already been discussed. In addition, ing experts among craniotes. Diving reptiles do not
due to peripheral vasoconstriction, oxygen stored end up with some of the aforementioned problems,
in the lungs, blood, and muscle is supplied by the since the heart is capable of circumventing blood
circulatory system only to the brain, sense organs around the lungs (right–left shunt). Far from this
and spinal cord, the heart, and to some extent to the incomplete intercardiac separation being a deficit
swimming muscles. Other organs cover their ATP that reptiles ‘still’ exhibit, this bauplan provides
requirements anaerobically. Lactate is produced and possibilities that mammals and birds do not have.
for the most part stored in the organs and is returned Sea turtles are probably the true experts in this
to the bloodstream when animals surface. realm. In addition to the intrapulmonary shunt pos-
The aerobic dive limit is defined as the maximum sibility, they even have a sphincter in their pulmonary
duration of diving before lactate increases, and artery, which can be assumed to play a role in
is species specific. Diving mammals use anaerobic reducing pulmonary circulation during deep and
pathways when the diving time exceeds time periods long dives, thereby minimizing gas uptake to the
that vary from individual to individual. The Weddell blood (García-Párraga et al., 2018).
seal Leptonychotes weddellii, for example, starts anaer- Which eventually leads us to the inappropriate
obic ATP production after about 10 minutes of div- question, why haven’t seagoing turtles, mammals,
ing, and blood lactate increases from 1 to about 4 and birds evolved gills, since we know from the
µmol ml−1 during a 45-minute dive. The peak of German embryologist Heinrich Rathke (Rathke,
lactate is reached only after re-emergence. They 1825a, 1825b, 1828) that the anlagen are present?
can dive for long periods without any restrictions Or, wouldn’t it be possible for divers to be outfit-
by lactate, but free-ranging animals normally make ted with artificial gills? Much to the chagrin of
shorter dives and stay well within their safety science fiction writers, this solution does not
margins. work in warm-blooded, high-performance amniotes,
The highly refined combination of aerobic and because too much body heat would be lost via the
anaerobic metabolism is really the key to long div- gill, and the hydrogencarbonate buffering system
ing. Certainly part of the solution is oxygen storage in the blood would break down. In fish blood,
in the blood, including the double capillary net of hydrogencarbonate is not an important element in
the lungs and in the systemic system with its large blood buffering and the pH is almost one entire
blood volume as well as in the myoglobin of the unit higher than ours. Although sea snakes and
muscles, whereby the muscles themselves exercise some turtles have achieved at least some modicum
largely aerobically. But it is not always that way. In of aquatic gas exchange (see Chapter 11), this is not
seals, during development, skeletal muscles switch sufficient to cover their entire oxygen demand and
from aerobic metabolism to a more anaerobic one. would certainly not be much help for a mammal
Pups and juvenile seals are non-diving and live on or bird.

5.3 Oxygen as a toxic substance: arthropleurids reached up to 2.3 m, becoming can-

craniotes didates for the Guinness Book of Records as the largest
terrestrial invertebrates ever (Graham et al., 1995;
Oxygen is poisonous. In humans, inhaling pure Dudley, 1998). These animals probably relied on
oxygen for longer than 24–48 hours irritates the diffusion alone for gas exchange, and increasing the
lung epithelium, and inactivates surfactant, pos- oxygen content from 21 per cent to 35 per cent
sibly leading to partial collapse of the lung. Longer increased diffusion by about 67 per cent (Dudley,
exposure can result in tracheobronchitis and pul- 1998), making long gas-in-gas diffusion distances
monary interstitial fibrosis. In addition, since oxy- and large animals meaningful. This hypothesis was
gen inhalation suppresses breathing, carbon dioxide experimentally tested using four beetle species that
tends to accumulate, leading to carbon dioxide- vary in body mass by three orders of magnitude.
associated damage to the central nervous system These studies show that large insects have a greater
(CNS), and eventually to convulsions and death. With tracheal volume in relation to body mass than do
increasing hypercapnia, the CNS also becomes less smaller ones, but that the long distances involved in
sensitive to CO2/pH, and following oxygen exposure the tracheae to the legs appear to limit the size of
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can result the insects. Thinking now back to the Carboniferous,
in cessation of breathing. Prolonged exposure to a PO2 the prevalent hyperoxia could have facilitated the
of 200 kPa (100 per cent oxygen delivered at 2 atm evolution of giant arthropods because the legs and
pressure) leads to convulsions and a PO2 of 300 kPa associated musculature could reach large sizes with-
can cause death within hours. This is especially out the tracheal system becoming limited by spatial
relevant to divers. At 50 m depth, in salt water the constraints (Kaiser et al., 2007) or mechanical/weight
pressure is 502 kPa. Unlike the mountain climber constraints of the chitinous cuticle (Dudley, 1998).
atop Mount Everest, who gets only one-third of the This Palaeozoic hyperoxic acceleration of terres-
sea-level amount of oxygen, the diver getting com- trial animal evolution was not limited to inverte-
pressed air at a PO2 of 20 kPa at sea level would brates. During this period, amphibians the size of
actually be getting five times as much oxygen with modern crocodiles were the dominant (semi-?) ter-
each breath as at sea level. So for divers working at restrial tetrapods. The first exclusively terrestrial
that depth, the gas mixture must be adapted accord- craniotes, the amniotes, although relatively small
ingly, for example, 16 per cent oxygen and 84 per in  size, appeared as well. Much later, sauropod
cent of a mixture of nitrogen and some inert gas dinosaurs evolved during the Mesozoic under con-
such as helium. Very deep divers (more than 100 m) ditions comparable to those today, but reached their
may even use a mixture of helium and hydrogen as monumental size during a second oxygen-rich period,
a carrier gas. Since the diver would be exposed to the Cretaceous, with a PO2 of up to 28 kPa (Gale
hypoxia at shallower depths, this mixture is used as et  al., 2001). Insect gigantism was also again seen,
a so-called bottom gas. with huge mayfly relatives with a 45 cm wingspan.
In experimental animals, hyperoxia of greater Both hyperoxic periods were followed by phases of
than 30 per cent causes an increase in body size dur- relative hypoxia correlating with the disappearance
ing development in Drosophila, trout, and croco- of some groups and survival of those that were able
diles, for example, while in tadpoles the external to exapt their modifications to conform to the new
gills are underdeveloped. This experiment actually conditions.
occurred on a global level 300 mya, in the late
Carboniferous and early Permian, because of the
evolution of huge photosynthetic vascular land 5.3.1 Reactive oxygen species
plants under greenhouse-like conditions (Berner But also even under normal conditions oxygen may
et al., 2007). The atmosphere contained up to 35–40 become toxic, as metabolites of molecular oxygen
kPa oxygen at sea level. Dragonfly relatives with a known as ROS are generated. ROS can be important
wing span exceeding that of modern-day hawks in control of cellular function, and they may act as
roamed the planet, and massive, millipede-like second messengers in plants and animals (Perry

and Oliveira, 2010; Hancock and Whiteman, 2016), tissues due to direct oxygen transport by so-called
but they can also result in cellular dysfunction or aerenchyma tissue.
even in cell death. Living in an oxygenated environ- These are but a few of the mechanisms that are
ment has required the evolution of effective cellular known to protect animals from ROS. Some fish, for
mechanisms that detect and detoxify ROS, which example, guppy (Poecilia vellifera), goldfish (Carassius
exist as superoxide anions (O2−), HO•, and H2O2. auratus), and the marine clownfish (Amphiprion per-
Only the latter is stable over longer periods, while cula), rid themselves of H2O2 by diffusion over the
the other two are extremely unstable. gills. In insects, oxygen damage is avoided by breath-
The balance between ROS production and anti- ing discontinuously (Hetz and Bradley, 2005). The
oxidant defences determines the degree of oxida- termite Zootermopsis nevadensis, breathes continu-
tive stress that can be tolerated. Cellular proteins, ously but responds to elevated oxygen concentra-
lipids, and DNA are particularly sensitive to oxida- tion by decreasing the spiracular cross-sectional
tive stress and influence the lifespan of an organ- area. This means that the carbon dioxide concentra-
ism: oxidant-damaged nuclear DNA accumulates tion is increased but the tracheal system and the cells
in ageing cells and organisms. This seems to be true are protected from oxygen damage. One explanation
for all organisms, and in Drosophila the overexpres- for the presence of this phenomenon, explicitly in a
sion of the antioxidant superoxide dismutase, SOD termite, is protection of oxygen-sensitive intestinal
(see below), actually can increase the lifespan of the symbionts (Lighton and Ottesen, 2005).
flies (Sohal et al., 1995).
Most intracellular ROS production is derived from
mitochondrial activity. Mitochondrial superoxide 5.4 Other metabolism-related extremes
radicals occur primarily at two points in the electron 5.4.1 Cold
transport chain: at complex I (NADH dehydrogenase)
and at complex III (ubiquinone–cytochrome c reduc- In general, influences of temperature on metabolic
tase). In vitro, mitochondria convert only 1–2 per cent processes are expressed in terms of the so-called
of the consumed oxygen molecules into super- Q10: the effect that a 10°C temperature change has on
oxide anions; but in vivo the amount is even less. the metabolic rate. In most temperature-conforming
Nevertheless, in keeping with the potential harm- organisms, an increase of 10°C increases the meta-
fulness of ROS, protective mechanisms, which were bolic rate by a factor of 2–3: in jargon, a Q10 of 2–3.
probably already part and parcel of the origin of Surviving extreme temperatures, however, involves
life, limit production and release of ROS (Perry and special adaptations, which can evolve because
Oliveira, 2010). The enzymatic scavengers of the cold temperatures are usually seasonal phenomena
SOD system, consisting of catalase, glutathione, that occur slowly, and can be predicted and compen-
and glutathione peroxidase, speeds the conversion sated for by hormonally regulated feed-forward
of O2− to H2O2, which is converted to H2O and O2 mechanisms.
by catalase and glutathione peroxidase (Fridovich,
1998). Also the role of melanin as an ROS scavenger Freezing solid and freezing tolerance
(Bustamante et al., 1993), not only in the skin but One such adaptative strategy is for the animal ‘sim-
also in the liver of turtles and the peritoneum of ply’ to freeze solid. One aspect of surviving freezing
several lizard species (Duncker, 1968), should not is cryoprotection: a chemically mediated reduction
be overlooked. In addition, enzymatic peroxire- in the size of ice crystals to a size that will not des-
doxins and some non-enzymatic, low-molecular- troy cells. But for a whole animal to survive freez-
mass molecules (ascorbate, pyruvate, flavonoids, ing requires more than just cryoprotection. The
carotenoids, and glutathione) support ROS scav- coordinated regulation of all aspects of metabolism
enging. It is interesting that these antioxidant sub- is required to reorganize priorities for ATP use and
stances are produced in plants, which—as a result to maintain long-term viability in the frozen state.
of photosynthesis—experience extremely high oxy- At extremely cold temperatures, hypometabolism
gen levels not only in the leaves but also in other (see section is a key to survival. Ion channel

arrest—as described previously for some fish and rate is suppressed along with the reduction of heart
turtles—is one mechanism of metabolic depression. rate and ventilation. Body temperature falls gradually
The frog Rana temporaria is often used as model to approach ambient temperature. Hibernation is
for hibernating ectotherms that survive periods of terminated by a sudden increase of body temperature
low temperatures and low food availability in cold, accompanied by the return of the metabolic rate
hypoxic ponds and lakes. When a pond freezes over, during which time, ironically, the animals often
the PO2 falls and animals that are trapped under the sleep. During hypometabolism, protein biosynthesis
ice can have a problem maintaining their oxygen is largely suppressed, ATP production from glucose
consumption. At the cellular level, either energy-pro- is reduced, and lipids are the main source of energy.
ducing pathways are increased in efficiency and/or Interestingly, hypometabolism is not only used for
ATP-consuming processes are reduced. One of these coping with cold temperatures but also occurs in trop-
efficiency-enhancing processes is the reduction of ion ical animals to deal with a temporary lack of energy
channel density or channel leak activity, which, in intake, such as the previously mentioned overnight
turn, reduces cell membrane activity and lowers the torpor in hummingbirds. Finally, long-term viability
energetic costs of maintaining transmembrane ion is also aided by the increase of a variety of so-called
gradients. The related phenomenon of ion channel stress proteins (see section, which stabilize other
and spike arrest in the CNS of the slider turtle has proteins in cytoplasma, endoplasmic reticulum, and
already been discussed. mitochondria. For a thorough review of the subject see
Reptiles can use crystallization avoidance (super- Ruf et al. (2012).
cooling) or freeze tolerance strategies, whereby a
high percentage of body water is converted to extra-
5.4.2 Heat
cellular ice. Some species such as the European viv-
iparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara) and painted turtles Looking at the other side of the temperature range,
(Chrysema picta) tolerate more than 50 per cent of we also see a wide variety of adaptive strategies,
their body being frozen. When cryoprotectants are ranging from the molecular to the behavioural level.
not used to any great extent, metabolic and enzym-
atic adaptations that provide anoxia tolerance and Stress proteins (heat shock proteins)
antioxidant defence are important. Genes respon- First discovered in association with heat stress, it
sive to freezing encode proteins involved in ion was soon revealed that upregulation of genes that
binding and enzymes for antioxidant defence code for so-called HSPs are present in all life forms
(Pörtner et al., 2004). from bacteria to birds and bees, and can also be ini-
Insects use freeze tolerance or avoidance. Long- tiated by exposure to many kinds of environmen-
term winter survival is enhanced by minimizing and tal stress conditions in addition to hyperthermia
prioritizing ATP use, an adaptation of ion pumping (De Maio, 1999). These include infection, strenuous
and suppression of mitochondrial activity. Survival exercise, toxins (including ultraviolet light and other
of anoxia/hypoxia that is induced by freezing, how- ROS producers), starvation, hypoxia, water depriv-
ever, appears to be aided by upregulation of HIF-1 ation, and hypothermia. So the name was changed
to coordinate hypoxia protection. For further read- to ‘stress proteins’ but the designation of these sub-
ing on the molecular mechanisms of freezing toler- stances remains HSP. A wide variety of HSP exist,
ance see Storey and Storey (2013). designated by their molecular weights in kDa: for
example, HSP10 and HSP90. Cold tolerance In general, HSP are involved in the folding and
Under conditions less extreme than freezing, the unfolding of other proteins, and several function as
same mechanisms are involved as in surviving so-called intracellular chaperones (for references,
hypoxia and anoxia. Daily torpor and seasonal hiber- see De Maio, 1999). They can stabilize unfolded
nation are the most common measures used by endo- proteins and aid in transporting other proteins
therms to reduce their energy expenditure while in across cell membranes. Thus it is not surprising that
the cold. At the beginning of hibernation, metabolic HSP are always present to some extent, and exposure

to stress factors just upregulates their production anaerobiosis. But acclimatization is also possible. In
rather than initiating it. They are also involved in the rough periwinkle snail, Littorina saxatilis, for
removing old proteins and helping to activate new example, heat-induced anaerobiosis is caused by
ones as part of the cellular stress response. Among insufficient oxygen supply at high temperatures,
the reactions assisted by HSP are those involving but cold acclimatization results in an increase in
the function of NO in vascular muscle relaxation, aerobic metabolic rates and a downward shift of the
including pulmonary vessels. upper critical temperature in animals from the
temperate North Sea. Animals of the same species Some examples of what stress from the sub-arctic White Sea, which has more
proteins can do extreme winters, show a much more limited metabolic
The desert ants Cataglyphis have the highest known plasticity in response to cold (Sokolova and Pörtner,
critical thermal maximum of any insect group. They 2003).
tolerate temperatures of 50–55°C. The discontinu- Temperature-induced metabolic changes in the
ous respiration of these ants is temperature dependent: cuttlefish Sepia officinalis are quite different from
the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per cycle what is seen in other molluscs. Either high or low
remains constant, but in the ventilation phase the temperatures cause a shift of aerobic to anaerobic
carbon dioxide output increases while the duration metabolism in the muscles. At high temperatures,
decreases, meaning that the animal has to breathe the circulatory system apparently breaks down,
less hot air (Lighton and Wehner, 1993). Also the decreasing the arterial PO2 and putting the brakes
ventilation frequency is modulated with increasing on aerobic metabolism. But at low temperatures,
temperature. These high-temperature tolerance mech- ventilatory and circulatory failure is not responsible
anisms are coordinated by HSP. for the decreasing metabolic rates. Instead, haemo-
In marine annelids, sipunculids, crustaceans, and cyanin shows high affinity at low temperatures,
molluscs, an oxygen-dependent thermal tolerance meaning that oxygen is transported at very low
also exists, brought about by progressively inad- PO2, limiting the amount of oxygen that can be
equate oxygen supply toward either very warm or released into the cells and causing a shift to
very cold extremes. In the end, decreasing extracel- anaerobic metabolism in the muscle (Melzner et al.,
lular oxygen levels lead to this temperature-induced 2007).

Respiratory faculties of aquatic


Not all animals have a dedicated respiratory faculty, respiratory proteins that facilitate distribution of
and when they do, we see a huge variety regarding respiratory gases in the animal, and a central neuro-
the location and structure of gas exchange organs logical control unit as mentioned previously.
even within a single phylogenetic group. In other In the present chapter we shall stick to describing
words, there is no primordial and universal gill that the structure and function of the respiratory faculty
has become modified through the aeons. Also, many as it occurs in various animal groups. The evolution
invertebrates—in particular arthropods—are sec- of the faculty is the subject of Chapter 9. Since there
ondarily aquatic and have evolved taxon-specific is a great deal of convergence in respiratory facul-
adaptations allowing an aquatic life. The present ties, it is sometimes more expedient and avoids
chapter gives insight into this enormous variety of repetition if we use a functional morphological
morphological and physiological respiratory adap- approach and deviate from the systematic one, but
tations to aquatic life. Parenthetically, we do not dis- you will be warned when this happens.
tinguish between fresh-water and salt-water (marine)
habitats and refer to both as ‘aquatic’.
6.1 Porifera, Cnidaria, and Ctenophora:
A respiratory faculty, as discussed at the outset of
this book, has at least two components: a recogniz- skin breathing
able gas exchange organ or region and some mech- Since we are dealing specifically with the respiratory
anism for distributing respiratory gases within the faculty and non-bilaterian taxa don’t have respira-
organism. In more complexly organized animals, a tory organs, we shall quickly move on to more
central neurological control unit joins the faculty. fertile ground. But before doing that let’s have a
In many cases, the gas exchange organ or region brief look at the non-bilaterians anyway. Poriferans
may have other functions such as mechanical protec- (sponges) are filtering organisms ‘built around the
tion in the case of cutaneous gas exchange, or locomo- water’. The flow of water through the organism,
tion, or feeding. In addition, the internal circulation caused by beating of the choanocyte flagella, exped-
may also be intimately involved in locomotion such ites gas diffusion virtually everywhere. In cnidar-
as the use of the coelomic cavities as a hydroskeleton ians (corals, jellyfish), a similar situation occurs, but
in annelids and some arthropods. As the respiratory here the mesogloea of certain medusae can actually
faculty becomes more refined, it accumulates further passively store oxygen, which becomes liberated
attributes such as a ventilatory mechanism for the when the oxygen content of the water falls. The
gas exchanger and discrete vessels, a heart or hearts, Portuguese man o’ war Physalia physalis, a colonial

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


hydromedusa, has something akin to functional of respiratory gases, but lack a circulatory system
specializations, in which the large surface area of the and a gill that is dedicated to respiration. Instead,
prey-catching tentacles also serves in gas exchange. the lophophore combines respiration and suspen-
In place of a circulatory system, the anastomosing sion feeding, something common not only among
gastrovascular canal distributes respiratory gases. invertebrates but also—as we shall see—in basally
In ctenophorans (comb-jellies) the energy-consum- branching chordates.
ing rows of the plate-like cilia that give the group its Phoronids are little-known marine organisms,
name can be supplied with oxygen from the mes- also called horseshoe worms because their often
ogloea when they drift into less advantageous waters. elongated bodies form a hairpin loop within a chi-
tinous tube, with the anus at the front, separated
from the mouth by the lophophore. Convergent
6.2 Unsegmented ‘worms’
with sipunculid worms (see later), the lophophore
In spite of their greater mobility compared with has its own coelom which can contain haemoglo-
sponges and cnidarians, Plathelminthes (flatworms) bin and is separate from the general body cavity.
and Nemathelminthes, (roundworms) lack special- Bryozoans form colonies of many very small indi-
ized respiratory organs. Instead, many species have viduals, analogous to corals. Gas exchange takes
sensing mechanisms that guide them to better oxy- place over the entire integument but especially on
genated places and/or they have very well-devel- the lophophore, which is protruded from the cuticu-
oped anaerobic survival strategies, which are quite lar exoskeleton into the water. Brachiopods superfi-
effective given the modest metabolic rates of these cially resemble bivalve molluscs, with a hinged
animals, and they have special relevance for endo- calcareous shell, but unlike clams, they are usually
parasitic species. suspended on a stalk, the shell is closed dorsoven-
But repeatedly, individual components of a respira- trally, and the upper half of the hinge overlaps the
tory–circulatory complex (faculty) have appeared lower half. These 1–6 cm long animals were domin-
even among unsegmented ‘worms’. The Nemertini ant in the Devonian but only a few species exist
(ribbon worms), for example, are unusual in having a today. Brachiopods rely on their lophophore for gas
functionally closed circulatory system. Haemolymph exchange but also have the rare non-haem respira-
is circulated by contractile vessels and by the body tory protein haemerythrin, which is otherwise found
wall muscles, and some species are several metres only in annelids, sipunculids, and priapulids (penis
long. But specialized gills are lacking and the skin is worms). Since haemerythrin (see Chapter  4) lacks
the gas exchanger. Also a group of flatworms, the significant cooperative oxygen binding and a Bohr
Rhabdocoela, may have haemoglobin in their mes- effect, it is probable that it serves in oxygen storage
enchyme, and some nematodes have haemoglobin and delivery when the shell is closed rather than in
in the fluid surrounding the internal organs. But transport (Wells and Dales, 1974).
nobody knows to what extent these haemoglobins
have anything to do with oxygen transport, exchange,
6.4 Echinodermata
or storage.
The group Echinodermata (the name means ‘spiny
skin’) consists of five subgroups: Crinoidea (sea
6.3 ‘Lophophorates’
lilies and feather stars), Asteroidea (sea stars),
The group ‘Lophophorata’ is no longer recognized Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), Echinoidea (sea urchins
by most systematists but will be considered together and sand dollars), and Holothuria (sea cucumbers).
because of a similar anatomical structure, the fea- In keeping with their external skeleton and non-
thery lophophore, which is the main organ contact- vascularized integument, echinoderms have spe-
ing the respiratory medium: sea water. Regarding cialized thin-walled body areas where gas exchange
the respiratory faculty, Phoronida, Bryozoa, and takes place. This is particularly evident in the sea
Brachiopoda, form a kind of evolutionary plateau. urchins, but also sea stars and sea cucumbers don’t
They rely on the lophophore coelom for distribution provide much possibility for cutaneous gas exchange

over the entire animal. Instead, as discussed in the ‘gills’, which are claimed to be the main respiratory
following sections, we see various types of struc- organs. These structures are evaginations of the
tures that serve in gas exchange. So we count the peristomial membrane and inside the animal also
echinoderms among the first animals with some come in direct contact with the peripharyngeal
semblance of a respiratory faculty, although a circu- coelom, which surrounds the jaws: the region of
latory system is lacking. greatest metabolic activity. Ventilation is accom-
plished mainly by muscular pumping and during
feeding movement. In addition, the sometimes
6.4.1 Crinoidea
centimetre-long ambulacral feet (podia) and the
In stalked sea lilies and their mobile cousins, the equally long, pincer-like pedicellaria are certainly
feather stars, the arms themselves offer the main site self-supporting with respect to gas exchange. Cilia on
of gas exchange and are ideally suited for this, since the surface of the podia produce a water current that
unlike other echinoderms the oral side faces upward. runs in a direction opposite to that of the fluid con-
Convergent with lophophorates, cilia provide water tained in the podia, creating the prerequisite for coun-
current to the feathery arms, which contain ambulacral ter-current gas exchange between respiratory water
grooves from which the tube feet extend. These deli- and coelomic fluid. In sand dollars, the number of
cate structures are involved in catching food particles ‘gills’ is often reduced to four and the counter-current
and passing them along to the mouth, but also are podia seem of greater importance in gas exchange.
assumed to be the main gas exchange organs.

6.4.5 Holothuria
6.4.2 Asteroidea
Sea cucumbers are among the few animals to have
In sea stars, in addition to tube feet, the animals have water lungs. We shall run into water lungs again in
filamentous structures called papulae near the mouth. the independently originating hindgut tracheal gas
Cilia on the outside of the epidermis cause a water exchange organ of dragonfly larvae (see section
current flowing over the papulae. The tube feet are 6.9.6.) and also in some turtles (see Chapter 11). In
ventilated by their own movement. Preventing the sea cucumbers, these are branched diverticula of
tube feet from extending in the red sea star, Asterias the hindgut forming two respiratory trees with a
rubens, reduces the gas exchange by 60 per cent, sug- large surface area next to the gut. Blocking the water
gesting that the papulae account for the rest. lungs reduces the oxygen consumption but papillae
surrounding the anterior end of the animal can
account for up to 50 per cent of the total oxygen
6.4.3 Ophiuroidea
uptake. In addition, there is at least one pelagic,
In the brittle stars, a well-developed skeleton stabil- actively swimming species of sea cucumber, Pel-
izes the arms but prevents gas exchange over the agothuria natatrix (Miller and Pawson,  1989). The
body surface, and rather than gliding with the help tentacles surrounding its mouth are much larger
of tube feet, the animals use their arms to walk. Gas than in ‘normal’ sea cucumbers. Until there is some
exchange is restricted to ten bursae: thin-walled experimental data to prove us wrong, we can assume
invaginations of the oral surface of the central disc. that they support gas exchange.
The bursae open to the outside through small slits,
and cilia produce a water current. Ventilation can be
6.5 Annelida
aided by ‘push-ups:’ raising and lowering the oral
or aboral disc wall. The segmented worms, Annelida, reach the largest
size of any worm-like invertebrates. There are
two main divisions of this group: ‘Polychaeta’ and
6.4.4 Echinoidea
Clitellata, the former now widely believed to be poly-
Sea urchins also have a formidable exoskeleton. In phyletic. The latter group is made up of the Oligochaeta
the mouth region they have five sets of papilla-like (earthworms, for example) and Hirudinea (leeches).

Another group now considered to be related to these gas exchange regions contain branches of the
annelids are the Sipunculida (peanut worms). They circulatory system, and the haemolymph or the
breathe mainly with their oral tentacles, which are coelomic fluid transport oxygen using respiratory
thin-walled and always in motion, and have their proteins (see Chapter 4). Gills vary greatly in both
own coelomic cavity, separate from that of the body. location and structure, indicating that they probably
Haemerythrin is found both in haemerythrocytes have originated independently several times together
and free in the coelomic fluid, highly reminiscent with an increase in body mass and/or the species-
of  the polychaete Magelona papillicornis mentioned specific oxygen requirement. Most often, the gills
later. are parts of the stubby appendages called parapo-
dia (Figure 6.1). These bilaterally paired structures
are particularly well developed in marine species,
6.5.1 ‘Polychaetes’
which make up the majority of polychaetes. The
Polychaete annelids include free-ranging and sed- parapodia consist of two lobes: the dorsal notopo-
entary forms. Most species breathe with multiple dium and the ventral neuropodium, whereby the
gills or have petal-like lophophores. In small-bodied notopodium is most often modified into a gill. But
species, the entire skin serves in gas exchange. All the body wall itself can also form gills. Annelid gills

(a) (b)

abdomen with gills notopodia efferent
gill vessel
gill vessel

head ventral


vessels noto-
lateral podium

Figure 6.1 Typical lateral respiratory organs of polychaete annelids. Part (a) shows the location of the lateral gills in a lugworm Arenicola,
shown in more detail in part (b). The circulatory system consists of single (in some species paired) often contractile dorsal vessels, which move the
haemolymph from posterior to anterior and a ventral vessel with the opposite flow direction. These are connected by two sets of vessels: the often
contractile lateral vessels supply the two-part parapodia, the ventral neuropodium and dorsal notopodium, the latter also giving rise to the gills, if
present, and an interior network of vessels that supply the internal organs. Part (c) illustrates the haemolymph vessel system using the example of
another polychaete, Platynereis. Modified after Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

can be ventilated either by the action of cilia or by which circulate in the vascular system and in the
mass body movement in vagile species. muscles (myohaemerythrins).
Many species, for example, the Sabellidae (feather
duster worms, or fan worms) and the closely related
calcareous tube worms, Serpulidae, have, surround- 6.5.2 Clitellata
ing the mouthparts, a showy basket-like or spiral Oligochaeta
lophophore-like wreath that doubles in gas exchange
So slowly the pieces are coming together, but
and prey capture. Another example are the spa-
unlike polychaetes, the other major subdivision of
ghetti-like gills of the burrowing Amphitrite. These
annelids, the Clitellata, never evolved specialized
dorsal protuberances of the anterior segments can
respiratory organs. Instead, they use the well-
be projected out of the burrow and provide a large
vascularized skin. Having said that, there are a few
surface area for gas exchange. This is also the case
exceptions, such as the genera Dero and Aulophorus,
in the Siboglinida (beard worms, formerly called
that have a few finger-like gills around the anus and
Pogonophora). In the familiar lugworm Arenicola
the genus Branchiodrilus, in which long filaments
of tidal flats, small gill bundles are concentrated
(setae) extend from the lateral surfaces of each seg-
on the dorsal part of the midbody. This species
ment. Some other species might have dorsal or ven-
lives in tubes with two openings, which are used,
tral filiform projections that they use as gills.
respectively, for moving water in and out of the
The oligochaete sludge worm Tubifex is an inter-
esting case in point, illustrating how one can mud-
Looking now at the circulatory side of the respira-
dle through without a proper respiratory system.
tory faculty, the circulatory system is functionally
Tubifex inhabits highly eutrophied and oxygen-poor
closed in polychaetes and is very similar to the sys-
water. Convergent with larval dragonflies, it uses
tem in clitellates, such as the common earthworm
parts of its hindgut for oxygen uptake but it doesn’t
that you may have dissected in your introductory
have a tracheal system to transport the oxygen. The
biology class. And especially the afferent dorsal
animal burrows into mud or sludge, extending its
vessel and often also the pharyngeal loops are con-
posterior end into the water. Gut capillaries take up
tractile, functionally serving as a heart.
the oxygen from the water that is drawn into the
And remember the red ‘blood’ in the earthworm?
hindgut via the anus by negative pressure. The less
Three of the four known groups of respiratory pro-
oxygen available, the further the animals reach into
teins are found in annelids: only haemocyanin is
the water, with waving movements increasing con-
lacking (see Chapter 4). Haemoglobin is most com-
vection. In this way Tubifex can survive at levels as
mon, and a special green type called chlorocruorin
low as about 1.3 kPa oxygen for long periods. Like
is characteristic of the serpulid and sabellid worms.
other clitellates—both terrestrial and aquatic—Tubifex
In Amphitrite, the coelomic haemoglobin has a higher
possesses haemoglobin that has an especially high
affinity for oxygen than the blood haemoglobin, thus
oxygen affinity (see Chapter 4), giving the animals a
facilitating the passage of oxygen into the coelomic
red colour.
system that supplies the internal organs. Worms
such as the lugworm Arenicola use their high-affinity
respiratory proteins for oxygen storage in hypoxic Hirudinea
periods during low tides, and some species such as Within the Clitellata, the leeches are terrestrial-to-
Euzonus mucronatus can survive up to 20 days of aquatic, but only the aquatic Piscicolidae have devel-
anoxia. oped gills as lateral leaf-like or branching outgrowths
The calcareous, tube-dwelling fanworm Serpula of the body wall. These gills are filled with coelomic
has both haemoglobin and chlorocruorin. In some fluid, which in leeches assumes the function of the
annelids, the rare respiratory protein haemerythrin circulatory system in gas transport, and a true circu-
also occurs. The polychaete Magelona papillicornis, for latory system is lacking in most leech groups.
example, has heterogeneous haemerythrin, both in Leeches without gills ventilate by undulating the
non-nucleated cellular fragments, ‘haemerythrocytes’, body with only the posterior sucker attached: just the

opposite to Tubifex (see section, which waves Ctenidia (Figure  6.2) consist of a long, flattened
its posterior end in the water. Like Tubifex, the dorsal axis which contains afferent and efferent blood vessels,
and the ventral vessels in the leech are connected by muscles, and nerves. To each side of the axis, flat-
lateral vessels in each segment, but these are coelom tened, wedge-shaped filaments are attached which
vessels and not part of a separate circulatory sys- alternate in position with the filaments of the opposite
tem. Valves prevent backflow of coelomic fluid. side. The gills are held in position by ventral and
dorsal membranes and are stabilized at the margin
by a chitinous rod. The location of the gills divides
6.6 Molluscs: a universe parallel to
the mantle cavity into an upper and a lower cham-
arthropods and chordates ber. Water enters the lower chamber posteriorly,
Of the approximately 100,000 extant molluscan spe- passes over the gills, enters the upper chamber,
cies, most live in aquatic environments, and even and exits the cavity. In this ancestral condition, the
terrestrial snails require a substantial amount of respiratory water stream is created by cilia located
water to lay down the slime film they glide on. A on the gills themselves. The afferent ctenidial vessels
mollusc in principle consists of four body parts: transport haemolymph into the gill and branch
head, foot, visceral sac, and mantle. The mantle can off into vessels perfusing the filaments before flow-
produce the shell, which is characteristic but not ing back in an efferent vessel: a counter-current gas
necessarily present in all molluscs. But the import- exchange model is approximated.
ant thing for respiration is that this body region
usually lies protected, between the shell and foot, 6.6.1 Gastropoda
and can be quite thin-walled and well suited for gas
exchange. And as we shall see, it can serve as the Snails also show a fascinating progression in the
basic substrate for the formation of highly special- respiratory faculty (Figure  6.3). The prosobranch
ized respiratory organs. condition with the gills anterior and water circula-
Most aquatic molluscs—except for sea slugs and tion pattern involving cleft or perforated shells
some intertidal and pulmonate snails—have gills. (Archaeogastropda) is generally considered to be
In basal radiations they are called ctenidia. The plesiomorphic. A single pair of gills in abalones
plesiomorphic condition is assumed to be one pair (e.g. Haliotis) and keyhole limpets (e.g. Diodora), is
of ctenidia in the mantle cavity, but the number referred to as the ‘bipectiante state’ and is presumed
can vary considerably: Polyplacophora (chitons), to approximate the ancestral condition. In Haliotis
for example, can have about 100 while within the iris, the right gill alone is sufficient to meet the oxy-
Conchifera, monoplacophoran molluscs have only gen requirements at rest, but during activity the left
three to six pairs. gill, which receives little perfusion during rest, is
also employed (Ragg and Taylor, 2006a, 2006b).
Now looking in more detail: within the Patellacea
(limpets and turban snails), one or both of the ori-
efferent water
water vessel lateral flow ginal gills are completely reduced and secondary
flow cilia gills along the mantle groove, along the body or the
mantle surface itself take over the function of gas
cilia exchange. Since these archaeogastropods tend to
occupy intertidal zones where oxygen supply is
usually not a problem, the mantle cavity alone can
afferent provide sufficient oxygen diffusing capacity.
vessel Other marine snails are not restricted to rocky
haemolymph surfaces and well-oxygenated areas. They exploit
diverse habitats and the gill structure reflects this
Figure 6.2 Schematic diagram of a typical bipectinate ctenidium. flexibility. The gill axis is attached to the mantle wall:
Note counter-current model. Original A.S. one side of the gill is completely reduced while the

Freshwater Land

Freshwater archaeogastropods
Freshwater mesogastropods

secondary gills
derived radiation
Freshwater pulmonates most land snails
with lung mantle cavity
NEOGASTROPODS functions as lungs
one unipectinate gill no gills
oblique water current

basal radiations
one unipectinate gill
mantle cavity
function as a lung Seawater
one gill, no gill PULMONATES
or secondary gills Trochacea and Neritaceae
Keyhole limpets one bipectinate gill OPISTHOBRANCHS
two gills Operculum
perforated shell single gill Sea hares
on right side no shell

no shell
perforated shell bipectinate gills modifications


Figure 6.3 Respiratory organs of snails. The tendencies toward asymmetry and simplification of gill structure (e.g., bilateral, bipectinate →
unilateral, bipectinate → unilateral, unipectinate) are clear but recent revisions in higher-level systematics make it less clear if these changes
occurred once or several times. Note the multiple invasions of terrestrial habitats by non-operculate and operculate groups. Modified after Barnes,

other side of this ‘unipectinate’ gill projects into the much more highly derived Panpulmonata (pulmon-
mantle cavity. Together with this development, a ate snails), which evolved within the Heterobranchia
siphon for the respiratory water current evolved. It but retained the right-side gill opening.
is formed by an infolding of the mantle ridge, and The opisthobranch condition, in which the gills
enables the animals to have a burrowing or cryptic lie in the posterior part of the body, developed
lifestyle since they are no longer dependent on when the entire mantle cavity and associated organs
external water currents for ventilation. migrated around the right side. This may have
In keeping with the habitats and life histories, we involved complete loss of the gills and their later
see some snails (e.g. Viviparus) losing even these ‘reinvention’. The gills of opisthobranchs are folded
unipectinate gills while others form secondarily or ‘plicate’, rather than filamentous: a structure that
bipectinate gills (e.g. Valvata). In some caenogastro- may well challenge homology to the prosobranch
pods, a siphon guarantees ventilation even while condition.
the snail is withdrawn in its shell with the oper- Within opisthobranchs, there is a tendency to
culum closed. The operculate Cyclophoridae and reduce the shell together with the loss of the original
Pomatiasidae actually enter terrestrial habitats with gills. Pteropods, anaspidians, and nudibranchs are
the consequent loss of gills and the development of good examples, the nudibranch sea slugs being the
an air-breathing, vascularized mantle epithelium. most spectacular. They have completely reduced
And this occurred completely independently of the the shell, mantle cavity, and gills, and developed a

nearly perfect superficial secondary bilateral sym- lamellae consist of solid sheets of tissue. Further
metry. The surface area of the dorsal body wall is increases of the surface area result in plicate gills
greatly increased due to the formation of so-called with an undulate surface. In lamellibranchs, the
cerata. The surface of these often showy, branched, primary function of the gills has shifted from gas
club-shaped or finger-like structures functions as a exchange to filter feeding.
secondary gas exchange area. Although some snails Septibranchiate bivalves are deep-sea forms that
can have haemoglobin, particularly in the foot or have converted the gills into flat muscular septa,
in the musculature of the rasping tongue (radula), which horizontally separate a suprabranchial cham-
haemocyanin is the primary oxygen-transporting ber and an inspiratory water chamber. Gas exchange
protein (see Chapter 4). takes place over the surface of the mantle. The
chambers are connected by small slits through
which the water is propelled. These species can
6.6.2 Bivalvia even be carnivorous, the force of the muscular
In bivalves, which include the familiar clams, oys- pumping septa being sufficient to carry small ani-
ters, and so on, the gills are large, typically having mals into the mantle cavity where they are seized
the dual function of providing a water current that and transported to the mouth, and the mantle has
serves both respiration and food collection in filter completely taken over the gas exchange function.
feeding. The lining of the mantle cavity is important Since air-breathing bivalves are more of a curios-
for gas exchange in most species and, as in snails, ity than a major trend, they will be briefly discussed
gives rise to the gills. Gills are on each side of the here rather than under air-breathing invertebrates.
central foot and fill in the mantle cavity between Mussels are the best studied group here. Like all
foot and the two halves of the shell. In all bivalves animals inhabiting intertidal zones, mussels are
there are more or less well-developed inflow and subjected to enormous fluctuations in PO2 and tem-
outflow pathways of water flow through the gills perature. In most species the shells are kept closed
perfused with haemolymph, which is haemocyanin- during exposure at low tide and gills and mantle cav-
free in non-protobanch bivalves (see later in this ity are kept moist by the water retained in the shell.
section) (Bergmann et al., 2007; Markl, 2013). In Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Mediterranean
Different types of gills occur and are named Sea, haemoglobin and muscle myoglobin store oxy-
according to their general structure (Figure  6.4). gen and keep the metabolic rate constant in spite
Protobranch gills are the simplest ones. They have of the above-mentioned fluctuations (Barbariol and
many similarities with ctenidia, and probably have Razouls,  2000). And like other bivalves, they can
a major function in gas exchange. Gills are inter- also tolerate extended periods of hypoxia or anoxia
connected via ciliary tufts between the adjacent anaerobically. But with all that oxygen in the air,
filaments. The modification for filter feeding is in why not use it? The ribbed mussel Geukensia dem-
general a lengthening and folding of the gills, pro- issa, which inhabits salt marshes on the Atlantic
ducing filiform or lamellated structures. The num- coast of North America, does just that. It is exposed
ber of filaments or lamellae tends to increase, to air for up to 70 per cent of the tidal cycle, and
leading to a very large surface area. Filiform gills opening the shell is actively regulated in this spe-
are repeatedly folded in the mantle cavity with cies, allowing aerial respiration, which may even be
tissue connections between the folded filament obligatory (Huang and Newell, 2002).
halves, between adjacent filaments, and gills are
connected to the mantle and foot for stabilization.
6.6.3 Scaphopoda
Lamellibranch gills are ladder-like structures in
which the connections between the filament halves The scaphopods, or ‘tusk-shells’, have a one-piece
are broadened, transforming the gills into sheet- shell and a mantle which is open at both ends. In
like structures with a large surface area. The most a way, the scaphopods represent a sort of a ‘flow-
highly specialized are the eulammelibranch gills in through snail’, if you will. But gills are lacking: instead
which the interconnections increase such that the cilia propel water through the tubular shell and over

(a) (b)


mantle cavity

Protobranch Septibranch

(c) (d)


Filibranch Eulamellibranch

Figure 6.4 Gill location and structure in bivalve molluscs. The protobranch condition with two rows of bipectinate ctenidia becomes reduced in
the septibranch condition or highly modified in the filibranch and eulamellibranch conditions. The gill structure tends to correlate with phylogenetic
groups in bivalves. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007

the smooth surface of the mantle, where gas exchange is accomplished by muscular contraction of the fun-
takes place. Scaphopods lack the sequences that code nel or undulation of the mantle edge. So here we see
for haemocyanin and it is not known if haemocyanin a siphon (ventilatory pump) turning up independently
was always lacking in this group or if it was lost. in a third molluscan group. Squids use the same
water stream for ventilating the gills and for loco-
motion. Accordingly, they ‘waste’ a lot of poten-
6.6.4 Cephalopoda
tially ventilatory water, and extract only 5–10 per
In cephalopods, the gills project into the mantle cent of the dissolved oxygen. Cuttlefish, on the
cavity, which forms a funnel (Figure 6.5). Ventilation other hand, have successfully uncoupled respiration

efferent head times resting values (Wells et al., 1983). Under hypoxic

branchial vein conditions, Octopus and Nautilus downregulate
gill with vein
ctenidia anterior
aorta oxygen consumption to a PO2 of 7–10 kPa while at
the same time increasing ventilatory stroke volume
ventricle (Wells and Wells, 1985, 1995).
vein atrium
6.7 Crustacea
branchial branchial
heart heart Most aquatic crustaceans breathe with gills, which
pericardial are part of the forked legs or of the adjacent body
coelom aorta wall. Small crustaceans use the skin as the primary
sinus coelom
gas exchange organ and amphibious species as well
Figure 6.5 Schematic diagram showing the relative location of the as terrestrial crabs show a species-specific develop-
gills, heart, and excretory organs in a cephalopod mollusc (Sepia) in ment of air-breathing structures. Most often the exites
dorsal view, anterior above. Haemolymph flows from head and body (lateral branch) of the legs form thin-skinned struc-
and is pumped by gill (branchial) hearts into the afferent branchial tures called epipodites. However, other parts of the
veins to the ctenidia of the gills, whence it enters via efferent
legs or the thin-walled pleura may also serve as gills.
branchial veins, and—now oxygen-enriched—the paired atria, and
the ventricle of the heart for distribution to the body. The branchial So a huge variety of gill forms have arisen in keeping
hearts also provide haemolymph to a renal apparatus (branchial heart with systematic position, the structure previously
appendage) for ultrafiltration dialysis against coelomic fluid from the present, and the metabolic needs in the crustacean
pericardial coelom sinus. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007. group. Histologically, crustacean gills are made up
of a haemocoel space covered by a thin inner epider-
and locomotion, using undulation of the lateral fin mal and even thinner outer chitinous cuticular layer.
folds for swimming. They can extract up to 80 per cent
of the dissolved oxygen from the ventilatory water,
6.7.1 Decapoda
thus approaching the efficiency of teleost fish.
Regarding the structure of the respiratory system, In decapod crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, etc.), the
nautiloid species (e.g. Nautilus) have two pairs of gills carapace not only protects the gills, it also aids in
(hence the name Tetrabranchiata, which is sometimes directing respiratory water current. In this group,
applied to the group) while the remaining cephalo- water is moved through the gills by the beating move-
pods, have only one pair. Cephalopod gills differ from ment of modified mouth parts called scaphognathites
those of other molluscs in that the large surface area is (Figure  6.6). In species with lamellar gills, such as
caused by infoldings and cilia are lacking. Within the crabs and lobsters, ventilatory water tends to flow
gill filaments, haemolymph runs in closed capillaries, opposite to the flow of the haemolymph, resulting
which contributes to the efficiency of the gills. Some in a counter-current model. Others, such as crayfish,
species even possess special gill hearts. have filamentous gills and the cross-current model
Cutaneous gas exchange is also important in would be a better approximation, but either gas
cephalopods. In Octopus, for example, between 3 exchange model is highly efficient. In the mangrove
and 41 per cent of the total oxygen uptake is directly crab Ucides cordatus, for example, the cuticle is only
through the skin (Madan and Wells, 1996). This may 1.5–3 µm thick. The epidermal layer is 5–10 times
be considered an exaptation allowing these critters thicker, but due to the vastly different Krogh diffu-
to escape from their aquaria in public zoos, as occa- sion constants of chitin and cellular tissue, the oxy-
sionally reported in the media. The metabolic cost gen flux in these two layers is about the same.
of walking in Octopus is about three times the cost of
swimming for a fish of similar size but only one-
6.7.2 Maxillopoda
third the cost of tetrapod walking on land, since the
animal does not have to support much of its weight. The use of modified legs to create a ventilatory water
Maximum oxygen uptake during walking is 2.4 current is common in crustaceans. Sessile species

efferent heart cavity
branchial sinus
branchial sinus

branchial water entrance
sinus nervous
pleurobranchial (c)
gill (f)

gill Sc
epipodite coxa

(d) Sc



Figure 6.6 Gills of some large malacostracan crustaceans. Part (a), is a schematic cross section through a brachyuran crab showing the relative
location of gills and heart, which is typical of many arthropods. Deoxygenated haemolymph flows into the gills via the afferent branchial sinus
whence it is drawn via the efferent branchial sinus from the gills into the pericardial sinus, which surrounds the contractile heart. Unless otherwise
designated, arrows in this illustration indicate the direction of haemolyph flow. Ventilating water is propelled by scaphognathites (see part (g)). Part
(b) shows posssible location of gills in crustaceans and designations of these locations. Parts (c)-(e) show the gill structure in decapod crustaceans:
(c), dendrobranch shrimps; (d), ctenidium-like phyllobranch structure of crabs and lobsters (compare part (a)); (e), filament-like structure of crayfish gill.
Parts (f)-(h) show ventilatory water current caused by scaphognathites (Sc) in (f), lobsters (water entry at all leg attachment points); (g), brachyuran
crabs (directed water with entry only anterior, see also part (a)); red mysid shrimp (water movement as in lobsters but propelled sequentially by two
pairs of scaphognthites: Sc1 a modified exopodite of the 2nd maxilla as in decapods and Sc2, derived from the first thoracic leg). Arrows indicate the
direction of ventilatory water movement. (a)-(d) and (f). After Westheide and Rieger, 2007, (g) and (h) after Paul et al., 1976.


haemolymph feeding
sinus legs


reproductive visceral ganglion


Figure 6.7 Semi-schematic vertical section through a generalized barnacle. The anterior three pairs of forked feeding legs are modified thoracic
legs, which comb suspended particles from the cirri (see below) and transport them to the mouth. In most barnacle groups true maxillipeds
(mouthparts) never develop. The more posterior 3 leg pairs, cirri, are also forked but are long and whip-like. They trap or propel suspended particles
and ventilate the mantle cavity. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

such as barnacles (Maxillopoda: Cirripedia) are well of the legs creates a ventilatory stream between the
known for this, and three of the six pairs of modified inner surface of the carapace and the lateral body
thoracic legs create a water current that in these sus- wall, which serves as a cutaneous gas exchanger
pension feeders provides both food and ventilation of (Figure  6.8). But there is still more to be learned
the body surface (Figure 6.7). Gills and haemocyanin from the water flea. The laterally flattened rostral
are lacking and the heart is reduced to a sinus: haemo- region has direct diffusive access to the first—most
lymph is moved indirectly by beating of the legs. Gas oxygen-rich—ventilated water. This can be advan-
exchange—in convergence with bivalve molluscs—is tageous during severe hypoxia, when the convective
by diffusion across the lining (just to confuse matters, transport via the open circulatory system fails to
also called ‘mantle’) of the space where the body is supply enough oxygen to the sensory organs and
suspended within the calcareous shell. Surprisingly, nervous control centres. During periods of hypoxia,
barnacles have a virtually closed circulatory system haemoglobin in the haemolymph aids gas exchange
(haemocoel), which functions—in convergence with and transport. For more on this, see Chapters 4 and 8.
echinoderms and even spiders—as a hydroskeleton
to extend the legs and, in gooseneck barnacles, the
stalk. In that group, it is not unlikely that the oxygen
6.8 Chelicerata
stored in the haemoglobin of the stalk may be made 6.8.1 Pycnogonida
available to the rest of the animal when it is exposed
at low tide with the shell closed. The Pantopoda (sea spiders) are the only extant
group within the Pycnogonida. In spite of the fact
that there are more than 1300 extant species, little is
6.7.3 Branchiopoda
known about them. These small, spider-like ani-
The water flea Daphnia (Branchiopoda) also breathes mals, rarely exceeding 1 cm in body length, inhabit
through the skin: but which skin? Perhaps not sur- coastlines or the deep sea, where they crawl slowly
prisingly given the course of this discussion, beating on substrate. Gas exchange is exclusively through the

(a) (b)

Figure 6.8 Sketch of a the water flea, Daphnia, a branchiopod crustacean. Beating of the 2nd antennae (1st antennae not shown) support the
animal in the water column and also move water across the head (long arrows), whence it is further moved under the carapace by the broadened
thoracic legs, ventilating the body wall (dark arrows) and the sub-carapacial space (light arrows). After Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

integument. There are no respiratory specializations of a so-called flabellum, which is part of the fifth leg
in combination with the circulatory system except pair in the anterior body region (prosoma). The gills
that the haemolymph does contain a simple, hexa- are covered with a thin (2 µm!) cuticle, and the
meric haemocyanin (Rehm et al., 2012). haemolymph space is lined with an epidermal cell
layer that is only about 0.15 µm thick. Pillar cells
6.8.2 Xiphosura stabilize the haemolymph space (Reisinger et al.,
Today, only four species of horseshoe crab exist,
the best known being the North American Limulus
6.9 Functional morphology of aquatic
polyphemus. The other extant species are native to
the Asian coast. Not only because of its position on
spiders and insects
a basally branching lineage among arthropods and Due to the high degree of convergence between arach-
chelicerates, but also because of its large size, often nids and insects, we shall diverge from the systematic
exceeding 50 cm in body length, L.  polyphemus is discussion at this point and talk about functional
one of the best investigated arthropod species, par- morphology in these groups. The important thing for
ticularly regarding haemocyanin (see Chapter 4). our discussion of water-breathing invertebrates is that
The respiratory organs are quite unlike those of arachnids—from their very origin on—were and still
crustaceans, and consist of five pairs of appendages are terrestrial. The same applies to insects.
from segments three to seven of the posterior body
region (opisthosoma), each appendage forming a 6.9.1 Spiders and insects with an open,
cuticular plate that covers leaf-like, lamellated gills
gas-filled respiratory system: breathing
(Figure 6.9). These are called book gills, because the
air under water
lamellae lie one atop the other like the pages of a
book. They are passively ventilated by movement of As stated previously, arachnids and insects—unlike
these appendages as well as actively by movement annelids, crustaceans, molluscs, and chordates—are


3. prosomal
4. legs


(b) lamellae of book

book gills gills flabellum

telopodite exopodite

Figure 6.9 A horseshoe crab Limulus in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view (a). In (b) the opisthosoma has been removed and is viewed dorsally,
showing some of the book gill lamellae. Part (c) shows the 5th thoracic leg, removed. The flabellum aids in moving the gill plates, ventilating the
book gills which they cover. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

plesiomorphically air-breathing groups. And as since gas can diffuse through the web, the air
strange as it may seem, many spiders and insects trapped inside the web has basically atmospheric
that live under water continue to use the gas phase levels. Such a good idea as a diving bell of course
for breathing. They have secondarily adapted to can also be used for emergency survival. Dysderidae
under-water living in three different ways: (1) by (woodlouse spiders) and Clubionidae (sack spiders)
trapping air in a submerged dwelling (diving bell); can survive flooding for about 10 days using their
(2) by carrying air, to which the open stigmata of the dense webs as silken sacs to form a physical gill
lungs or tracheae have access; and (3) among insects, (Rovner, 1987; Messner and Adis, 1995).
gills that contain closed tracheae.

6.9.3 The snorkel and siphon

6.9.2 The diving bell
For an insect living under water, the simplest way
The water spider Argyroneta aquatica is the only to get oxygen into an open tracheal system is to
extant spider that really lives under water. Well, access the surface or to bore a siphon into the gas-
sort of. Actually it makes a kind of diving bell with transporting vessels (aerenchyma) of water plants
its web and fills it with air. In spite of the fact that (Figure 6.10). The latter can be really advantageous
the oxygen content per litre of the water outside the because the aerenchyma can connect to the oxygen-
web is much lower than in a litre of air at the surface producing leaves, resulting in hyperoxic air. But
of the water, the partial pressures are the same. And umbilical-like connections also have disadvantages

(a) (b) (c)

elytra spiracle


Figure 6.10 A representative aquatic insect, with open tracheal systems: Dysticus. the great diving beetle. Larva (a) and adult (b) breathing at
the water surface. Part (c) is a cross section through the adult, showing the location of the captured air bubble and the tracheal spiracles. From
Penzlin, 2005.

as they severely limit mobility underwater. A self- the silvery sheen makes the spider an easy mark for
contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) predation by fish.
is very much preferable as any diver will attest. Argyroneta is also not the only spider to use
Many spiders and insects remain air-breathing body hairs for short-term survival in the water.
even when foraging outside diving bells, or they Semiaquatic, hydrophilous spiders, including the
never make a diving bell in the first place. So-called genera Dolomedes, Pirata, and Pisaura, have surface
gas gills developed convergently in spiders and in structures (hairs or tubercles) especially on the ven-
numerous insect groups. For more on the evolution tral surface of the opisthosoma, where the spiracles
of these structures, see Chapter  9. There are two of lungs and tracheae lie. In insects, compressible,
types of gas gills: compressible (gas trapping) and temporary gas gills are bubbles captured under the
incompressible (plastron) ones. elytra (wing covers) in bugs, or bound in the hairs
on the ventral part of thorax and abdomen, particu-
larly in beetles.
6.9.4 The compressible gas gill
As you may know, compressible gas gills are
In the compressible gas gill, a gas bubble is bound stable only for a short time: near the water surface
to the surface of the animal and covers the open longer than at depth. But why is this so? Oxygen is
spiracles. The spiracles themselves are surrounded consumed from the gas gill and roughly the same
by hydropellic oil or hairs, but near the spiracles volume of carbon dioxide is released to the bubble
these structures may also be reduced. via the spiracles, so the volume of the bubble should
When the water spider, for example, goes outside stay more or less constant, right? Wrong. Due to its
to hunt, it traps air in body hairs, and with this res- high solubility and also its capability to chemically
ervoir it can stay up to 3 days under water even at react with water, carbon dioxide gas leaves the bub-
summer temperatures (Braun, 1931; Winkler, 1955). ble and remains only at the nearly negligible ambi-
About two-thirds of the opisthosoma hairs are very ent level of 0.04 kPa. So the volume of the consumed
short (5 µm) and serve in retaining the gas bubble oxygen is now missing from the bubble, meaning
while the remaining hairs are about twice as long that the PN2 increases proportionally, according to
and stabilize the bubble to form a thin film. The Dalton’s law of partial pressures (see Chapter  3).
surface of the trapped bubble where it contacts Since the PN2 is now higher in the bubble than out-
the water is called a physical gill (Figure 6.11a). Of side in the water, nitrogen will diffuse out and oxy-
course this physical gill is not without its downside. gen will enter the bubble from the water because
It causes significant buoyancy problems and also the PO2 is higher outside than inside. Particularly, at

the water surface ΔPO2 is larger than ΔPN2, so the bubble is always slightly lower than in the water,
loss of nitrogen is slow and a relatively large amount meaning that oxygen constantly diffuses in from
of oxygen will enter. The bubble eventually disap- the water. In insects with normal and constant
pears, but slowly. At depth, the pressure in the gill metabolic demand, plastron respiration is only pos-
increases by about 10 per cent per metre of depth. sible in normoxic or hyperoxic waters. Under hyp-
As the total pressure increases, the proportion of oxic conditions, the animal would consume oxygen
partial pressures stays constant but the absolute par- more quickly than it can be replaced, and the bub-
tial pressures of oxygen and nitrogen increase due to ble would eventually disappear (Thorpe and Crisp,
compression, meaning that the flow of oxygen into 1947).
the bubble will slow down but the loss of nitrogen The best-known examples for plastron respiration
will increase. Oxygen continues to be taken up from are the benthic water bugs (Hemiptera: Aphe-
the water but because of the large ΔPN2 and a con- lochiridae) of the genus Aphelocheirus (hair density 4.2 ·
comitant rapid nitrogen loss, the lifetime of the bub- 106 per mm2) but others are also quite proficient. The
ble decreases proportionally to the depth of the dive. European pygmy backswimmer bug Plea minutissima
All of this means that spiders and insects with a (Hemiptera: Pleidae), for example, switches from a
compressible gas gill must periodically return to the compressible gas gill to plastron respiration in the
air to avoid drowning, and the deeper they dive, the winter, when it sinks to the bottom of the pond
more often they must surface (Rahn and Paganelli, and stays there for months (Kovac,  1982). Inde-
1968; Mill, 1974, 1985). But given the tricks available pendently, beetles have discovered the plastron,
(see Chapter  5), it would be surprising if aquatic and the aquatic riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
insects did not take advantage of some of them. In of the genus Elmis, with up to 1.6 · 105 hairs per mm2
back swimmer bugs of the genus Anisops, haemo- have a plastron that rivals that of the benthic water
globin is present in some abdominal cells that are bugs. And at least three other major beetle taxa
connected to the tracheal system. At the beginning (Chrysomelidae, Hydrophilidae, and Curculionidae)
of the dive, the insects are positively buoyant. also have a plastron.
Progressive oxygen consumption makes them And the list goes on: the pupae of black flies
neutrally and finally negatively buoyant. During (Diptera: Simuliidae) and aquatic caterpillars of
the neutral buoyancy phase, the oxygen stored is snout moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) use a plastron
released by the haemoglobin and stabilizes the air late in development, but in tiger moths (Lepidoptera:
store (Matthews and Seymour, 2008). Noctuidae) all caterpillar stages have plastron areas
on the abdomen. And arching off at the very base of
the Hexapoda, the intertidal springtail Anurida mar-
6.9.5 Incompressible gas gills: plastron
itima survives high tide thanks to a plastron made
Incompressible gas gills (plastron) are also called per- up of hydrophobic, microscopic ornamentation of
manent gas gills, since their lifetime may extend to sev- the epicuticle. Independently, this structure has also
eral days or even weeks. Some insects with a plastron evolved among spiders, for example, in the semi-
even live permanently submerged. Hydrophobic, aquatic, hydrophilous species mentioned earlier and
densely packed (104–106 per mm2), curved hairs sur- in Phrynus marginemaculatus (Amblipygi) where
round the spiracle and can also cover much of the the plastron surrounds the book lung spiracles and
body. Because of their shape and arrangement, the enables the animals to stay under water for about a
hairs cannot collapse, and the air volume in the gill day (Hebets and Chapman, 2000).
remains constant at any water depth (Figure 6.11b).
Plastron gills are theoretically stable up to a pres-
sure of about 500 kPa, which corresponds to a water 6.9.6 Insect gills: insects with closed
depth of about 50 m. The pressure being the same in
tracheal systems
the bubble as the surrounding medium, nitrogen
loss is minimal and the bubble is long-lived. Since Air trapping or binding previously described is
oxygen is consumed by the animal, the PO2 in the necessary if the openings to the lungs or tracheae

(a) Compressible gas gill

air: PO2 = 19.95 kPa PN2 = 78.83 kPa

water: PO2 = 19.95 kPa PN2 = 78.83 kPa

PO2 = 13.3 kPa

PN2 = 85.1 kPa
tracheal system
Pges = 98.4 kPa

At water surface

PO2 = 19.95 kPa PN2 = 78.83 kPa PO2 = 19.95 kPa PN2 = 78.83 kPa

PO2 = 21.9 kPa

PO2 = 13.3 kPa
PN2 = 86.3 kPa
PN2 =94.9 kPa
Pges = 108.2 kPa
tracheal system CO2 Pges = 108.2 kPa
tracheal system CO2

Soon after dive Later in dive

At 1 m water depth

(b) Incompressible gas gill

PO2 = 19.95 kPa PN2 = 78.83 kPa

P = 98.8 kPa

hydrofuge hairs

PO2 = 13.3 kPa

PN2 =78.83 kPa air:
P = 92.0 kPa


Figure 6.11 Compressible (a) and incompressible (b) gas gills. Part (a) shows partial pressures of gases initially at the water surface. Shaded
area indicates the conditions inside the gas gill. Below, the partial pressures of oxygen and nitrogen inside and outside the gas gill at 1 m depth
soon after a dive (left) and later in the dive (right). Note the increase in PN2 and decrease in PO2, leading to loss of nitrogen to the water as oxygen
is consumed and to eventual collapse of the gill. Part (b) shows an incompressible gas gill with hydrufugal (non-wettable) hairs. Trachea shaded.
Because the gill cannot collapse as oxygen is consumed the nitrogen partial pressure remains unchanged and oxygen diffuses in from the water.
Similar conditions exist in a plastron (see text). (a), original AS; (b) after Eckert, 1998.

Baetis Ephemera Rhyacophila

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Lestes Aeshna

branchial chamber muscles
with dorsal and
ventral large tracheae

branchial ventral
chamber tracheae

(f) (g) (h)

Figure 6.12 Aquatic insects with closed tracheal systems and gill-like structures: Ephemeroptera (a) and (b); Trichoptera (c)−(e); Zygoptera (f);
water lung of a dragon fly in dorsal view (g) and cross section (h) Greven and Rudolph, 1973; Engelhardt 1972.

remain open and flooding with water must be pre- tracheal gills are the site of gas exchange (Figure 6.12).
vented. But there is another alternative in tracheate Tracheal gills are leaf-like or filamentous evaginations
arthropods: closed tracheae. Most species of wet- of the body surface in which tracheoles are located
land insects—in particular their larvae—have a closed directly under the external cuticle and usually
system and very often, specialized body regions called arranged parallel to one another. Some examples of

insects with closed tracheal systems are larvae of in insects (Figure  6.12h). In Aeshna cyanea (blue
Ephemeroptera (mayflies) that have leaf-like gills hawker dragonfly), the hindgut of the larva is
along the abdomen and Trichoptera (caddis flies) widened and the anterior portion is modified into
with filiform gill appendages. Here, the large num- a  branchial chamber. Six primary gill folds have
ber of abdominal tracheal gills is an adaptation to transverse secondary folds on each side. Each sec-
the life in water with low oxygen content. The tra- ondary fold consists of two basal pads, each of
cheoles are arranged just beneath the cuticle parallel which forms respiratory lamellae in its apical part.
to the longitudinal axis of the thread-like tracheal gills In the epidermal layer of the lamellae, just beneath
and lie enclosed in deep extracellular slit-like inva- the cuticle, a dense meshwork of tracheoles is found
ginations of the basal plasma membrane (Wichard (Greven and Rudolph, 1973; Wichard and Komnick,
and Komnick, 1971). In some species of Plecoptera 1974; Saini, 1977). Oxygen that enters the tracheolar
(stoneflies), the tracheoles of the respiratory epithe- space has to traverse the cuticular and the epidermal
lium are extremely densely packed and the spaces layers of the hindgut epithelium and, in addition,
between the tracheoles have a smaller diameter than the epidermal and cuticular layer of the tracheole.
the tracheoles themselves (0.2–1 µm). Larval The surface area for gas exchange is 44 cm2 g−1. This
Zygoptera (damselflies) have three long, leaf-like compares with 28 cm2 g−1 for a rat lung (Burri and
gills at the end of the abdomen. They are important Weibel, 1971). The thickness of the entire water–tra-
under hypoxia: in normoxia, cutaneous gas cheole diffusion barrier, 0.27 µm, is also similar to
exchange is sufficient (Wichard, 1979). that of a mammalian lung (Kohnert et al., 2004).
In such tracheal gills the boundary layer between But since lung tissue is about 20 times more perme-
the cuticle and the surrounding water is about 300 able to oxygen than chitin, the rat lung would still
µm in standing water and down to 10 µm in mov- have about 10 times as much diffusing capacity per
ing water or during oscillating body movements. unit body mass as the dragonfly larva, which is in
But ventilation is in general important for aquatic keeping with the differences in metabolic rate. And
insects since they have all disadvantages of breath- once inside the tracheal system, the oxygen can
ing in water compared to their terrestrial relatives diffuse at a speed comparable with that of blood
or life stages. movement in the rat but without need of an energy
Larval Anisoptera (dragonflies) are large, active consuming circulatory system. Here the dragonfly
predators that live completely submerged in water may also have an added advantage, since the sys-
that is not always rich in oxygen. Their remarkable tem is tidally ventilated by rhythmic filling and
branchial chamber—probably better described as a emptying the hindgut with water and this could
water lung—in the hindgut, is undoubtedly the most cause some convection in the tracheae, too (Mill
highly specialized mechanism of aquatic respiration and Pickard, 1972; Pickard and Mill, 1974).

Respiratory faculties of amphibious

and terrestrial invertebrates

As pointed out in earlier chapters, the partial pres- ventral vessel. In this group, extracellular haemo-
sure of oxygen in water is the same as in the sur- globin plays an important role, and accounts for up
rounding atmosphere but the oxygen content per to 50 per cent of the oxygen transported in the blood
unit volume is around 30 times less. Carbon diox- (Weber and Vinogradov, 2001).
ide, on the other hand, is freely soluble in water and Terrestrial leeches (Hirudinea: Haemadipsidae,
also chemically reacts with it, not only in surround- e.g. Haemadipsa and some Pharyngobdellidae, e.g.
ing water but also in body tissues. Many of the Cylicobdella) do not keep the ancestral blood-vascular
problems of water-breathing can be better solved system just described. The septa separating adja-
by leaving the water and breathing air on land. cent segments have been reduced and the coelomic
In the present chapter, we shall talk about the cavity is used as a hydraulic skeleton to support
respiratory faculties for air breathing that different undulating movement. Branches of this hydrocoel
animal groups have (see also Table 7.1), and in Chapter approach the skin, which serves as the gas exchan-
10, take up the evolution of these faculties. To avoid ger. Extracellular haemoglobin is found in only a
confusion, we shall adhere to the order of discussion few species.
of different taxa that we used in Chapter 6 although
this does not necessarily represent the order of
7.2 Mollusca
appearance of air breathing in the different groups.
Of the various molluscan groups only the snails
and a few bivalves have air-breathing representa-
7.1 Annelida: Clitellata
tives. Air-breathing mussels have already been dis-
In earthworms and leeches, gas exchange is through cussed as a special case of water-breathing bivalves
the skin, even in very large-bodied species. In each in Chapter 6, and will not be taken up again here.
segment, major dorsal and ventral blood vessels are Instead, we move directly on to snails.
connected by lateral ones, which—at least in large Air breathing arose independently several times
animals—supply an extensive network of capillary- among snails: twice even among intertidal limpets
like spaces in the outer epidermal layer. Such a sys- and periwinkles (Henry et al., 1993). These snails
tem is best developed in earthworms, for example, use the mantle for gas exchange during land excur-
in Lumbricus terrestris, familiar to most anglers. sions. But the real experts are the pulmonate snails.
Blood is moved from posterior to anterior in the In the pulmonate snails (Figure 7.1), an orifice
dorsal vessel and in the opposite direction in the on the right side opens to a sac, which varies in

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


anus ganglia



pulmonary crop


Figure 7.1 Dorsal dissection of the Roman snail, Helix, a eupulmonate, showing the lung with its network of closed vessels (pulmonary plexus),
which supply oxygen-rich haemolymph to the atrium of the two-chambered heart for distribution to the body by the ventricle. Barnes, 1980.

structure from a smooth-walled bag to a lung with atrium, lying behind the spiracle, branches into a
a rugose, highly vascularized surface. Many, such tracheal tuft with the tracheae ending in the haemo-
as the Roman snail Helix pomatia are purely terres- lymph. The tracheal volume of 7.3 µl g−1 in Peripatus
trial while others (e.g. representatives of the genus acacioi (Bicudo and Campiglia, 1985) is about ten
Lymnaea) lead an amphibious life, using inhaled air times the value for the tracheal system of a jump-
to help them survive in oxygen-poor water. The lat- ing spider and in the same range as the tracheal
ter has been studied in detail and is even used as a system in the first instar of the stick insect Carausius
model for better understanding the control of breath- morosus (Schmitz and Perry, 1999). Haemocyanin is
ing in mammals, including humans (see Chapter 8). present but its exact role in gas transport is poorly
The respiratory faculty of air-breathing molluscs understood. Although tracheal lungs are present,
includes molluscan haemocyanin (see Chapter 4) and the skin also serves in gas exchange. Breathing is
a two-chambered heart, which receives oxygenated continuous and decreases under hypoxia of a PO2
haemolymph from the lung and pumps it to the rest of 10 kPa or lower. Thus animals are well adapted
of the body. to their habitat under leaf litter or in rotting logs
(Mendes and Sawaya, 1958; Woodman et al., 2007a,
7.3 Onychophora
Velvet worms breathe exclusively with tracheae,
7.4 Myriapoda
which function as tracheal lungs. The animals need
high humidity in the environment: otherwise water Myriapods consist of Chilopoda (centipedes, includ-
loss through the numerous, non-occludable spiracles ing the groups Scutigeromorpha and Pleurostig-
of the tracheal system is life-threatening. The short mophora) and the Progoneata (millipedes, including


spiracle atrium


(b) (c)


Figure 7.2 Tracheal lungs in myriapods. (a), Chilopoda, Scutigera; (b), Diplopoda, Scutigerella; (c), Chilopoda, Lithobius. Note the unusual position
of a spiracle above the mandible in the pseudocentipede, Scutigerella. In (a) the back part of a tergite (dorsal plate) is shown from dorsal with
spiracle and tracheal tuft. Anterior is to the left. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007 and Hilken, 1998.

the groups Symphyla, Diplopoda, and Pauropoda). (Hilken, 1997). Scutigera is a fast-running animal
Both groups, like velvet worms, have tracheae, but with high oxygen demands, and its haemocyanin,
in some species their spiracles are occludable. This is which is a low-affinity protein with high coopera-
a prerequisite for discontinuous breathing, which has tivity, is well suited for oxygen transport and release
been observed in some species (see also Chapter 8). in the muscles (Mangum, 1986; Jaenicke et al.,
The tracheae look like those of spiders and insects. 1999). In the Pleurostigmophora, spiracles are
The latter similarity was the nominal character situated on the sides of the animal (pleura) and
for combining insects with myriapods to form the the number of spiracles varies with the systematic
Tracheata, which is usually no longer recognized group.
as a taxonomic entity. Haemocyanin has been shown The ‘true’ millipedes, Diplopoda, have double seg-
to have a respiratory function in at least some spe- ments, which arise by the fusion of two originally
cies, but its exact role is still to be resolved: some separate anlagen. Accordingly, these also have two
millipedes have an insect-like tracheal system that pairs of legs and also two pairs of spiracles per
supplies cells directly, while others have tracheal segment. The spiracles open into atria from which
lungs (Figure 7.2). numerous tracheae arise. These tracheae are similar
Among the centipedes, the Scutigeromorpha (e.g. to those of insects, either penetrating the organs or
Scutigera) have unpaired, mid-dorsal spiracles near ending very nearby in the haemolymph. But, since
the posterior margin of the leg-bearing segments haemocyanin is present (Kusche and Burmester, 2001;
one to seven. The other segments lack spiracles. Kusche et al., 2003), some tracheal lung function
Scutigera has tracheal lungs, each spiracle opening certainly exists. The haemocyanin of Spriostreptus, in
into an atrium that gives rise to two large tracheal contrast to that of Scutigera, is a high-affinity protein
tufts with short tracheae, bathed in the haemolymph with low cooperativity and probably serves primarily

in oxygen storage. The animals live underground in 0.03 µm. These dimensions are much less in smaller
a hypoxic environment and only come to the surface spiders such as the wolf spider Pardosa lugubris, and
at night (Stewart and Woodring, 1973). A second the jumping spider Salticus scenicus, both weighing
millipede group, the Symphyla (e.g. Scutigerella), are about 20 mg. Here the haemolymph space meas-
very small but active animals. They have only one ures 10–20 µm—comparable with the lamellae of a
pair of spiracles in the head, supplying tracheae that fish gill—but the air space is only 1–2 µm wide
serve the front end of the body. A third millipede (Schmitz and Perry, 2000, 2002a). The air spaces can
group, the Pauropoda, are also very small. Tracheae be thinner than the interlamellar spaces of fish gills
are either lacking completely or locally present in because of the much lower density and viscosity of
the head and near to the base of the first leg pair air. They are even thinner than the diameter of the
(Hilken, 1998). smallest air capillaries in the bird lung. As explained
previously, the interlamellar air spaces are sup-
ported by spines and struts and do not tend to col-
7.5 Chelicerata: Arachnida
lapse because the cuticle that covers them is dry
The vast majority of arachnids are purely terrestrial. and not subject to surface tension constraints.
The plesiomorphic respiratory organs are book
lungs, which are clearly derived from book gills
7.5.1 Arachnids other than scorpions
(see Chapter 6). Among arachnids (Table 7.1), small-
bodied species use the entire skin for gas exchange,
and spiders
whereas larger animals use lungs and/or tracheae. A look at these chelicerate groups (Table 7.1) shows a
The so-called book lungs are diffusion lungs. Ven- mixed bag, ranging from some with relatively reduced
tilatory mechanisms are lacking, and the spiracles lungs to some, such as the sun spiders (Solifugae, see
function only as diffusion regulators (Paul et al., later in this section) that have a tracheal system com-
1987). Lung lamellae are stacked like the pages of a parable to that of insects (Figure 7.3).
book, in which the haemolymph-filled pages alter- The microwhip scorpions (Palpigradi) are tiny
nate with air spaces. Epidermis lines the inner sur- (<3 mm long) cousins of whip scorpions (Uropygi,
face facing the haemolymph, while the air space is see below) that live in tropical sands and soils or in
covered with cuticle. Pillar cells reminiscent of those caves. Most of these tiny animals breathe through the
in fish gills keep the haemolymph spaces from over- skin but some species have three pairs of book lungs
inflating, a function that is supported in the air that look more like sacs than books. Nothing is known
spaces by cuticular struts and spines. The column- about the respiratory physiology of this group.
like struts bind the two sides of the air spaces with Two other arachnid groups, the Uropygi and the
one another over about one-third of the lung area. Amblipygi (whip spiders), breathe exclusively with
Spines, which are present on the other two-thirds, book lungs and have haemocyanin in their haemo-
extend from only one side and thus prevent col- lymph. Whip scorpions such as Mastigoproctus gigan-
lapse of the air spaces but also allow expansion. teus reach body lengths of up to 6.5 cm. Like
Just to give an idea of the dimensions of such a mesothaelid spiders, they have two pairs of book lungs
book lung, here are a couple of examples. First the on the ventral side of the second and third opisthoso-
bird spider ‘tarantula’ Aphonopelma hentzi, which mal segments. Whip spiders, with body sizes from
most frequently was referred to as Eurypelma califor- 4 mm to 4.5 cm, are recognized by their huge and
nicum (see Nentwig, 2012). Here the haemolymph raptorial pedipalps and whip-like second legs. The
space is 60–70 µm across, while interlamellar air book lungs are as in whip scorpions. In Damon annu-
space is an order of magnitude thinner (Moore, latipes breathing is continuous and the metabolic rate is
1976; Reisinger et al., 1990; Reisinger et al., 1991) low, as in scorpions (Terblanche et al., 2004).
and the diffusion barrier of this constant-volume Both the Ricinulei (hooded tickspiders) and
lung is about the same thickness as in a bird lung: Pseudoscorpiones (pseudoscorpions) lack lungs
the epidermal layer is about 0.02–0.1 µm thick, and have a tracheal system, the ultrastructure of
while the cuticular layer is only slightly thicker: which has not yet been studied. Ricinulei reach

Table 7.1 Respiratory organs and circulatory system of air-breathing invertebrates

Taxon Air-breathing organs (ABOs) Circulatory system/respiratory protein

Gastropoda Mantle cavity Open circulatory system
Diverse taxa Lung Haemocyanin, haemoglobin
(pulmonate snails)
Clitellata Skin Open or functionally closed system
(earthworms and leeches) Extracellular haemoglobin
Onychophora Tracheal lungs, skin Open circulatory system
(velvet worms) Haemocyanin
Chilopoda Tracheal lungs or tracheae, Open circulatory system
(centipedes) occludable spiracles Haemocyanin
Progoneata Tracheae, occludable spiracles Open circulatory system
(millipedes) Haemocyanin
Palpigradi Skin or three pairs of book lungs Not known
(micro whipscorpions)
Uropygi Two pairs of lungs Open circulatory system
(whipscorpions) Haemocyanin
Amblipygi Two pairs of lungs Open circulatory system
(whip spiders)
Ricunulei Tracheae Partly reduced
(hooded tick spiders)
Pseudoscorpiones Tracheae Open circulatory system with little
(pseudoscorpions) development
Acari Tracheae in large species, skin in small species Open circulatory system
(ticks and mites)
Opiliones Tracheae Open system, little development
(harvestmen) Presumably no haemocyanin
Solifugae Tracheae, occludable spiracles Open circulatory system
(sun spiders) No respiratory proteins
Scorpiones Four pairs of lungs Open circulatory system
(scorpions) Haemocyanin
Araneae Two pairs of lungs in the opisthosoma or one pair of Open circulatory system
(spiders) lungs and tracheae Haemocyanin
Amphipoda Gills Open circulatory system.
(sand fleas etc.) Haemocyanin
Isopoda: Oniscoidea Gills, pleopod lungs, and tracheae Open circulatory system
(woodlice etc.) Haemocyanin

Table 7.1 (Continued)

Taxon Air-breathing organs (ABOs) Circulatory system/respiratory protein

Decapoda Branchiostegal lungs, dorsal surface of abdomen Open circulatory system

Anomura Haemocyanin
(land hermit crabs)
Decapoda Gills stabilized for air breathing, branchiostegal lungs Open circulatory system
Brachyura (convergent with Anomura) Haemocyanin
Grapsidae and  
(land crabs)
‘Entognatha’ Tracheae or skin Open circulatory system, little development
(springtails etc.)
Insecta Tracheae, occludable spiracles Open circulatory system
(insects) Ventilatory air sacs Haemocyanin in some species
Extracellular haemoglobin

body lengths of only 5–10 mm and have an excep- Opiliones (harvestmen such as ‘daddy longlegs’)
tionally thick and stable cuticle, which excludes have tracheae and no vestiges of book lungs. On the
cutaneous gas exchange. The circulatory system is ventral side of the prosoma behind the fourth leg
reduced and nothing is known about their respira- pair, the tracheal system has two spiracles that are
tory physiology. Pseudoscorpions are in the same opened and closed indirectly by muscles attaching
size range as tickspiders and live under bark, stones at the tracheal wall and the atrium behind the
or leaf litter, or as commensalists in the nests of spiracular opening. Also, movement of the coxa—the
mammals. Chelifer cancroides can also be found in most proximal leg segment—influences the spiracu-
houses. Two pairs of spiracles are on the ventral lar opening, since it forms one wall of the atrium. The
side of the third and fourth opisthosomal segments, spiracles are deeply countersunk and have densely
and breathing is discontinuous. packed bristles (trichomes), both of these characters
Within the Acari (ticks and mites), both cutane- representing adaptations that reduce water loss. The
ous and tracheal respiration are seen but book lungs two stem tracheae of the ventral spiracles branch into
are lacking. Most mites breathe with tracheae, the smaller tracheae and tracheoles, but most tracheae
number of spiracles varying in number from one to are limited to the prosoma. Air sacs are lacking. The
four pairs, but all are in the anterior part of the thickness of the tracheal walls ranges from 1–2 µm in
body. In some species the respiratory organs are the largest tracheae to 0.2 µm in the tracheoles. Most
completely lacking. Also, the circulatory system has organs are not penetrated by tracheae but the
undergone reduction. Many mites are only a couple nervous system and—in some species—also the
of hundred microns long, so studying their respira- muscles profit from a direct supply. Long-legged
tory physiology is tough, but the centimetre-long harvestmen possess additional spiracles and tra-
giant red velvet mite, Dinothrombium magnificum, cheae in the tibia of the legs.
has been looked at (Lighton et al., 1993; Fielden As omnivores, feeding on living and dead ani-
et al., 1994). When not burrowing, it shows continu- mals and also on plant material, harvestmen need a
ous respiration. Its standard metabolic rate per unit continuous food supply. Their metabolic rates are
body mass is in accordance with expected values, greater than in spiders but less than in insects. The
but when the animals are burrowing, it is low, sug- short-legged, forest-dwelling harvestman Nemastoma
gesting discontinuous breathing. lugubre, with a body mass of 1.5–4.0 mg, has a


Scorpiones Uropygi Amblipygi Pseudoscorpiones



Spinnerets TrS

Mesothelae Opisthothelae Solifugae Opiliones





Solifugae Book lungs

Figure 7.3 Ventral view of diverse terrestrial chelicerates showing lung stigmata (LS) and tracheal stigmata (TrS). Note the posterior relocation of
stigmata and spinnerets in Opisthothelae compared with Mesothelae. The posterior stigmata open to tracheae, lacking in the Mesothelae, which
possess two pairs of book lungs. The highly developed tracheal system (shaded) of Solifugae, with 3 pairs of stigmata and 1 unpaired one, is
reminiscent of insects. All arachnid book lungs (final image) have a similar structure, clearly derived from book gills. Air (white arrow) enters an
atrium, whence it diffuses in between vascular lamellae, through which haemolymph flows (black arrows). The oxygenated haemolymph then
flows, usually through closed vessels, to a heart similar to that of other arthropods for distribution to the body. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

diffusing capacity (DO2) of 10–25 µl min−1 g−1 kPa−1 lies in the mesosoma (equivalent to the anterior
(Hoefer et al., 2000; Schmitz and Perry, 2002b). This part of the opisthosoma in spiders) and discrete
compares favourably with 12–16 µl min−1 g−1 kPa−1 arteries supply internal organs, appendages, and
in active hunting spiders such as wolf spiders and the nervous system (Farley, 1990; Kamenz et al.,
jumping spiders. Breathing is continuous, both at 2005). Although newly hatched scorpions initially
rest and during spontaneous and forced treadmill use cutaneous gas exchange, after the first moult,
walking. Spontaneous walking raises the resting the book lungs grow along with the growth of the
V̇ O2 up to threefold while constant running on a instars and take over gas exchange completely
treadmill raises the value about fivefold. Their (Farley, 2008). That scorpions have a larger respira-
thick-walled tracheae serve mainly in gas transport tory surface area than similar-sized spiders is not
while the tracheoles carry out terminal diffusion as surprising since they have twice as many lungs.
in insects. Haemocyanin has been reported, but in Like spiders, scorpions have a low metabolic rate
lower concentration than in spiders. This would (Paul and Fincke, 1989), and when forced to exer-
lead to the hypothesis that gas exchange takes place cise, the anaerobiosis leads to accumulation of
as a combination of lateral and terminal diffusion. d-lactate in the leg muscles (Paul and Fincke, 1989;
However, there is some doubt about the presence of Prestwich, 2006). But the larger respiratory surface
haemocyanin, so it appears that the last word has area also leads to much greater carbon dioxide
not been spoken. release than in spiders during activity and recovery
But the champions of tracheal respiration among (Paul and Fincke, 1989). Carbon dioxide plays a
the arachnids are the Solifugae (sun spiders). Here particularly important role in the acid–base control
is an arachnid that ‘thinks it is an insect’. These of scorpions. In the emperor scorpion, Pandinus
tropical and subtropical relatives of pseudoscor- imperator, after running, 62 per cent of the addition-
pions can reach up to 10 cm body length and are ally released carbon dioxide is used for buffering,
fast runners. The large size and oversized chelicerae compared with 34 per cent in the North American
together with their quickness makes them formid- bird spider tarantula, Aphonopelma hentzi (Paul and
able predators and they can even inflict painful Fincke, 1989; Paul et al., 1989; Paul, 1991, 1992).
wounds in humans. Their completely tracheal respira-
tory system has seven occludable spiracles: one pair
7.5.3 Araneae
in the prosoma, two in the opisthosoma, and an
unpaired one in the opisthosoma behind the paired In spiders, two pairs of book lungs in the second
ones. As in insects, air sacs aid in ventilation, the and third opisthosomal segments are ancestral and
tracheae are branched, and tracheoles penetrate lungs remain important respiratory organs in most
the epithelia of the organs (Gruner et al., 1993). species. In many species, however, tracheae are
Solifugans also are similar to insects regarding their developed and book lungs and tracheae comple-
breathing patterns. They show discontinuous gas ment one another (Figure 7.4). In jumping spiders,
exchange during dry periods and during starvation which are stalking predators, for example, 25–30
or rest (Lighton, 1996; Lighton and Fielden, 1996), per cent of the entire diffusing capacity lies in
but breathing is continuous during activity, and the  tracheae. Another example are the Uloboridae
active ventilation by contractions of the prosoma, (hackled orb-weavers), which preen their webs. In
supports respiration (Nogge, 1976; Slama, 1995). this taxon, the extensive tracheal system extends
Haemocyanin has not yet been found (Markl, 1986) into the legs and is best developed in those species
and tracheal gas exchange seems to be the same as that constantly use their legs for web maintenance.
in insects, with an emphasis on terminal diffusion. Generally speaking, when tracheae are well devel-
oped, lungs are less developed and vice versa. Most
frequently, the second pair of book lungs becomes
7.5.2 Scorpiones
reduced, but occasionally also the anterior one or
Scorpions have in the opisthosoma four pairs of even both. However, some spiders rely on book
book lungs and small, slit-like spiracles. The heart lungs only (e.g. Pholcus—in fact only maintaining a

(a) spiracles

Orthognatha Dysdera most Araneae Nops Pholcus



lung vein
stomach lungs tracheae

(c) He



Figure 7.4 The respiratory system of spiders. Part (a) shows ventral views of the opisthosoma and the location of the lungs (outlined with dotted
lines), spiracles for lungs and tracheae. Unless otherwise labeled, the anterior (upper in the images) spiracles are for the lungs and the posterior
ones, for the tracheae. Part (b) is a schematic longitudinal section through a typical spider (see also “most Araneae” in (a), above) showing the
location of lungs, tracheal stigmata and heart in the opisthosoma, while the metabolically demanding main parts of the central nervous system,
the stomach and legs (not shown) are in the prosoma, reached through the narrow pedicel. In the left-hand electron micrograph note tracheae
and tracheal bundles indicated by arrow heads and tracheal penetration of the nervous system. The following two, higher power micrographs
micrographs show large and smaller tracheae in cross section in the gut, and in the nervous system, respectively. Gu, gut; He, haemolymph vessel;
Mu, musculature; Ns, nervous system; Tr, trachea. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007; Original electron micrographs A.S.

single pair), whereas others breath exclusively via a vacuum cleaner hoses. The tracheal spiracles of
tracheal system (e.g. Nops) (Braun, 1931; Millidge, arachnids can be closed but the occlusion mech-
1986; Bromhall, 1987). anisms never reach the sophisticated level seen in
Tracheae in spiders are invaginations of the body insects. Primary and secondary tube tracheae in
wall, supplied by a spiracular opening, and up to the entelegyne spiders often remain simple tubes,
four tube-like tracheae can be present. The lateral restricted to the opisthosoma, as in the common
two (so-called primary) tracheae are modified book house spider, Tegenaria domestica. But in some
lungs, whereas the medial two (so-called second- groups the tracheae enter the prosoma via the pedi-
ary) originate from other internal structures such as cel that connects the opisthosoma with the pro-
cuticular tendon insertions (apodemes) (Purcell, soma, and even penetrate muscles, the nervous
1895; Lamy, 1902; Purcell, 1909, 1910; Levi, 1967; system, or the epithelia of other organs (Kaestner,
Forster, 1980; Ramirez, 2000). Most arachnid tra- 1929; Schmitz and Perry, 2000, 2001, 2002a; Schmitz,
cheae look very much like those of insects, being 2004, 2013). Haplogyne spiders, on the other hand,
tubular structures, or for that matter like miniature develop a special kind of tracheae called sieve

tracheae, which are bundles of tube-like projections competences for water and air breathing. This can
considered to be derived from rounded book lung be still seen in amphibious crabs that have species-
lamellae. specific morphological and physiological adapta-
The thickness of tracheal walls is between 0.2 and tions to their lifestyle, with a transition of using the
0.6 µm and is about equally divided between cuticle gills as air-breathing organs up to complete adapta-
and epidermis. The smallest tracheae have about the tion to air breathing with respiratory organs that
same barrier thickness as the book lungs (Schmitz are similar to lungs. The semi-terrestrial amphipod
and Perry, 2001, 2002a), which is comparable with Talitrus saltator, for example, uses its gills for air
that of a mammalian lung. But having said that, the breathing. It lives on the beach of European coasts
mammal would still have a greater diffusing cap- and takes up oxygen via its gills on the pereiopods.
acity per unit surface area because of the extremely
low KO2 of chitin. The tracheae usually form tra-
7.6.1 Isopoda: Oniscidea
cheal lungs, ending in the haemolymph, and use
the entire surface for gas exchange. Tracheal lungs Oniscidea is the only isopod group that is com-
increase the respiratory surface area and the effect- pletely terrestrial; about 4000 species exist. They
iveness of respiration considerably because gas live in nearly all terrestrial habitats, the most
exchange is no longer restricted to the second and extreme being deserts. As an adaptation, isopods
third opisthosomal segment where the lungs are developed lung-like or even trachea-like structures,
located, and can extend through the pedicel into the but many species also retained their gills (Hoese,
prosoma. 1982; Schmidt and Wägele, 2001). The legs of the
The diversity in lung morphometrics of spiders posterior region of the animal, the pleon, can be
becomes clear when comparing the agelenid house modified for gas exchange in air. Both lungs and
spider Tegenaria domestica with the wolf spiders and tracheae are part of the exopodites of the pleopods
jumping spiders. The morphological diffusing cap- (Figure 7.5), whereas gills are derived from the
acity in Tegenaria (4–9 µl min−1 g−1 kPa−1) is clearly endopodites.
less than that in the other two groups (12–16 µl In ventral uncovered pleopod lungs, gas exchange
min−1 g−1 kPa−1), mainly due to the diffusion barrier, takes place at the thin-walled ventral surface of the
which is nearly twice as thick in Tegenaria (Strazny exopodites. This lung type can be found in certain
and Perry, 1984; Schmitz and Perry, 2001, 2002a). basally branching representatives of the Oniscidea,
In some groups the tracheae combine lateral and as well as within some Crinocheta, which is a
terminal diffusion models: the tracheal walls may subordinated taxon of the Oniscidea. Within the
be thin enough to allow gas exchange with the Crinocheta, however, also dorsal uncovered pleo-
haemolymph but the tracheae also penetrate some pod lungs with only small surfaces exist, whereas
organs. Lateral diffusion may be discouraged either other species display covered lungs with increased
by thick diffusion barriers, as in jumping spiders, or surfaces made by tubules and wrinkles. The most
by grouping the tracheal branches into bundles that complex respiratory structures are completely intern-
run together through body regions in which lateral alized pleopod lungs with spiracles and large sur-
diffusion is not necessary. In other words, oxygen face areas. Both the covered lungs, especially the
loss over the length of the tracheae is restricted but internalized ones, are especially suitable for arid
not prevented. environments (Paoli et al., 2002). One extreme example
of such a specialization is the xeric genus Periscyphis
(Oniscidea, Eubelidae). The lungs start at occluda-
7.6 Crustacea
ble spiracles on the posterior margin of the pleop-
Among the crustaceans, semi-terrestrial or com- odal exopodite with a short tubular entrance,
pletely terrestrial forms are found only within the extend into the sacciform atrium and end in an
Malacostraca: in Isopoda, Decapoda, and Amphipoda. enormous number of tubular, tracheal-like struc-
Life on land in crustaceans required a transi- tures, distributed to the pleon, and in some species
tional  phase in which animals possessed varying filling a large volume of this body part (Ferrera et al.

Pleopod Lungs

lung haemolymph

epithelium haemolymph

(b) haemolymph lung epithelium

pleopod lung lumen haemolymph

lung epithelium
haemolymph haemolymph



haemolymph lung epithelium




Figure 7.5 Pleopod lungs in terrestrial wood lice (Isopoda: Oniscidea). Part (a) is a ventral view of the posterior region (pleon) of Porcellio
showing the pleopods (shaded). Encircled area is shown in detail in (b). Part (c) shows an electron micrograph of a portion of the air-filled pleopod
lung, PL, surrounded by haemolmyph, H, similar to encircled region in part (b). Scale bar is 5µm. Part (d) shows a progression of pleopod lung
types, from flat, plate-like structures to closed lungs with an occludable spiracle, seen as one progresses from species that inhabit humid habitats
to desert species: upper to lower sketch Oniscus, Trachelipus, Porcellio, Perscyphis, Hemilepistus. The gas-exchange structures in the lungs receive
haemolymph from the open circulatory system and release it to efferent vessels (haemolymph). In highly derived desert species, air-filled tracheal
lungs (not shown) extend out of the pleopod lungs into the posterior region (pleon) of the animal. Parts (a) and (b) After Westheide and Rieger, 2007;
part (c), courtesy of Suaad Bennour, part (d), Hoese, 1982.

1997). Another desert genus, Hemilepistus, can survive per unit volume than water, theoretically they can
thanks not only to its complex pleopod lungs, but get along with the modest surface area that the gill
also to a sophisticated social behaviour and inhabit- chamber offers when breathing air. If the habitual
ing burrows. In terrestrial isopods, respiratory water metabolic rate increases, the gill chamber can be
loss is compensated for by water vapour absorption modified with ridges or depressions (Diaz and
at the ventral pleon (Wright and Machin, 1990; Rodriguez, 1977; Greenaway et al., 1996). This way
Wright and Machin, 1993). the crabs can have the best of both worlds: they
have an air-breathing organ but keep their gills.
Since the gills are often reduced, terrestrial crabs are
7.6.2 Decapoda
poorly equipped for water breathing (Innes and
Two separate lines of decapods have successful Taylor, 1986) but at least they won’t drown. At least
terrestrial forms: the Anomura (hermit crabs), with most of them won’t—Birgus latro will.
the almost completely terrestrial coconut crab Another alternative is to modify the gills them-
Birgus latro, and the Brachyura (short-tailed crabs), selves for air breathing. The gill lamellae become
which include the familiar fiddler and ghost crabs, short and stiff, which reduces respiratory water loss
Ocypodidae. At least five other major lineages of over the now smaller surface area and also makes
brachyurans can also survive prolonged exposure the lamellae stiff, preventing collapse. Collapse
to air, but the most highly terrestrial belong to the is also often prevented by spike-like projections,
Grapsidae, where the halloween crab Gecarcinus analogous to those in the book lungs of arachnids.
ruricola is completely terrestrial (Bliss, 1968). Comparing now: aquatic crabs have a gill surface
One problem with gill breathers is that the gills area between 400 and 1400 mm2 g−1; intertidal spe-
collapse due to surface tension problems when air cies, 500–900 mm2 g−1; bimodal breathers, 35–325
enters them. One way of circumventing the collaps- mm2 g−1; and terrestrial species, only 12–500 mm2 g−1.
ing gill problem is to use the gill chamber rather The diffusion barrier thickness is similar in aquatic
than the gill itself as the gas exchange organ (Figure (1–10 µm) and bimodal breathers (1–15 µm), but the
7.6). We have seen something analogous to this in so-called branchiostegal lungs in terrestrial species
molluscs that reduce the gills and use the mantle have diffusion distances of only 0.2–1 µm (Henry,
epithelium as a lung. Since the metabolic rate 1994). In this way a terrestrial crab can end up with
remains unchanged whether the animals are in the same diffusing capacity as an aquatic one with
water or on land, and air has 30 times more oxygen only one-tenth of the surface area. A third way to

(a) (b)


lung vein

* air

Figure 7.6 Terrestrial crabs. The left lung of the coconut crab, Birgus latro in dorsal view (a) and in cross section (b). The level of the cross section
is indicated by a black line. Air in the lung cavity is shown in black in part (b), and the approximate place of entry is indicated in part (a) by the
asterisk, opening not visible in the illustration. The arrow in part (a) shows the direction of haemolymph flow into the lung. Deoxygenated
haemolymph is shown here in black; oxygenated, white. Penzlin, 2005.

circumvent the collapsing gill problem is to fill the branchings, the tracheoles, which terminate in or
gill chamber with water and carry the water along near the epithelia of the organs. In most insects
on land. except the basally branching and primarily flight-
less groups, tracheae between the segments are
interconnected and there are also anastomoses
7.7 Hexapoda
between the left and the right sides of the body. In
Tracheae of hexapods are tube-like invaginations of addition, air sacs of varying sizes and locations are
the integument. Large main tracheae arise at the found in the tracheal system of numerous groups
spiracles and divide into dorsal, visceral, and ven- (Figure 7.7). They are best developed in Diptera
tral branches. These branches subdivide further (flies) and Hymenoptera (bees and close relatives),
with decreasing diameter and end in the finest but are lacking completely in other groups, such as





2 mm


5 μm

Figure 7.7 Drastic difference in air-sac formation in two species of Diptera in schematic lateral projection: (a), a dagger fly (Empididae); (b), a
horse fly (Tabanidae). Tracheae in white. Part (c) shows fine branches of tracheae (arrows) in the musculature of Drosophila. AS, Air sac; Sp, Spiracle.
(a),(b) From Faucheux, 1974; (c), Original A.S.

Blattodea (roaches). Air sacs serve in ventilation 1974; Scheid et al., 1982; Wasserthal, 1996). In the
and increase the volume of the tracheal system con- meantime, however, we know that convective gas
siderably, thereby decreasing the overall density of movement is also important, particularly in large
the animal. and/or active insects (Kestler, 1985; Slama, 1988;
Histologically, tracheae are composed of special Wasserthal, 1996; Westneat et al., 2003). More about
‘tracheal cells’. The terminal part of a given trachea— this later.
the tracheole—is composed of a single terminal tra- In his experiments, Krogh (1920a, 1920b) assumed
cheal end cell that is extremely attenuated, such that the area available for diffusion was the com-
that the false impression may be created that the air bined cross-sectional area of the spiracle openings
spaces invading the tissue are intracellular. The and the diffusion distance was the length of the tra-
intima of the tracheae and also of air sacs con- chea from the spiracles to the metabolizing tissue
sists of cuticle which, in turn is made up of a soft (see Eq. 3.18). In Rhodnius prolixus, the bug that
endocuticle and a more solid, epicuticle. Exocuticle transmits Chagas disease, it turns out that cross-
is found only in the taenidia: hardened flexible sectional area of branching tracheal system remains
threads disposed in a coil that stabilizes the trachea constant from spiracle to organs. So the total cross-
(Wigglesworth, 1983a). sectional area of the spiracles is actually a pretty
Two examples show how well suited for high good estimate of the respiratory surface area for
performance tracheal morphology is. In the dragon- diffusion.
fly genus Aeshna, for example, tracheoles do not In general, insect tracheal systems carry out ter-
penetrate the muscle fibres, but the diameter of the minal gas exchange, which takes place almost exclu-
muscle fibres is only about 20 µm, which means that sively in the tracheoles (see Chapter 3) and the tracheae
the maximum trachea-to-mitochondrion diffusion simply contain and conduct gas. Even if tracheae are
distance is 10 µm. The theoretical physiological located where gas exchange could occur, most of
maximum for the diffusion distance during flight the oxygen will be released in the tracheoles. So,
with an oxygen consumption of 2 ml g−1 min−1 is knowing the maximal cross-sectional area of all tra-
12 µm: a perfect match of anatomy with demand, cheae taken together and the distance to the flight
including a good safety margin. In wasps and bees, muscles, it was possible for Krogh to predict the
on the other hand, tracheoles actually penetrate the maximal oxygen consumption of an active insect.
muscle fibres and lie so close to the mitochondria This would not be the case if oxygen were to be lost
that a trachea–mitochondrion diffusion distance is on the way to the tracheoles.
not even measurable (Weis-Fogh, 1964a, 1964b). Using stereological morphometric methods,
Schmitz and Perry (1999) developed another model
that allowed estimation of the diffusing capacity
over the entire tracheal system: the so-called lateral
7.7.1 Terminal versus lateral gas
gas exchange model (see Chapter 3). It turned out
exchange models
that even in a flightless, ‘lethargic’ stick insect,
Looking at the tracheal system as a whole, one gets Carausius morosus, more than 70 per cent of the
the impression that they are very functionally built entire diffusing capacity lies in the tracheoles, and it
(Weis-Fogh, 1964a). Unlike lungs, tracheae trans- can be expected that it would be much more in a fly
port the oxygen directly to the organs without or a bee. However, lateral diffusion does play a con-
involving blood or haemolymph, and can deliver siderable role, especially in many non-hexapod tra-
oxygen very rapidly because of the high diffusion cheated arthropods.
rate of oxygen in air compared with fluids (see
Chapter 3). In 1920, August Krogh published the
7.7.2 Spiracle closing mechanisms
first of his first famous papers on insect respiration
(Krogh, 1920a, 1920b, 1941) whereby the importance One key to the extremely high respiratory perform-
of gas phase diffusion in insect gas exchange was ance of insects is the highly developed tracheal sys-
documented (Weis-Fogh, 1964b; Pickard and Mill, tem, but a second key development is the spiracular

closing mechanisms. The plesiomorphic condition 7.7.3 Physiology and breathing mechanisms
is ten pairs of spiracles: two pairs located in the
Over the past century, virtually every aspect of
lateral wall of the meso- and metathorax and the
insect metabolism, including respiratory physiology,
remaining ones in the first eight abdominal seg-
has been intensively studied, with a particularly
ments. But many insect groups reduce the number
important flurry of classical works by such investi-
of spiracles (Nikam and Khole, 1989).
gators as John B. Buck (1912–2005), Howard A.
With the exception of xeric species, respiratory
Schneiderman (1927–1990), Vincent B. Wigglesworth
water loss is only a small proportion of total water
(1899–1994), and others in the mid 1900s. Due to the
loss (Chown, 2002), and many species even inhabit
extremely high oxygen consumption, the physiology
hot deserts and high mountains. But a closing
of flying insects has attracted much attention. More
apparatus is also a precondition for discontinuous
about this later.
respiration and the basis for unidirectional air flow,
Gas exchange at rest can be continuous, cyclic, or
which is realized in large flying insects such as
discontinuous, and the cost of transport during ter-
restrial locomotion (walking/running) depends on
As further discussed in Chapter 8, spiracle clos-
number and length of the legs and the load carried.
ing is always active while opening can be active or,
Terrestrially locomoting insects respond quickly to
more often, passive. Both the closer and opener
exercise, rapidly arriving at dynamic steady-state
muscles attach at the cuticular spiracular valve, but
oxygen consumption rates. Usually this condition is
passive opening is accomplished by elastic fibres,
maintained aerobically, and the animals are called
which also attach at the valves. Alternatively, the
‘marathoners’. Compared with large mammals,
elasticity of the valve itself closes the spiracle when
which modify their gait to achieve staged steady
the closing muscles relax.
states as velocity increases, in insects, oxygen con-
There are basically two types of closing systems:
sumption for terrestrial locomotion increases lin-
the so-called internal and the external closing
early with speed, and the minimum cost of transport
mechanisms (Mill, 1985). In the external closing
is relatively high compared with craniotes.
apparatus, which is characteristic of, for instance,
In contrast, other terrestrial arthropods such as
cockroaches or grasshoppers, but also occurs in other
spiders and crabs are categorized as ‘sprinters’,
groups such as in the metathorax of butterflies,
running short distances at high speeds. Under these
the spiracular valves are part of the body wall. The
conditions anaerobic metabolism is important and
valves are usually thickened cuticular lips where the
an aerobic steady state is achieved only during slow
muscles attach. The trachea either begins directly at
locomotion. In the long term, however, all ‘pedes-
the body wall or opens into an atrium, which is often
trian’ animals except spiders, where the long-term
covered with a thick cuticle that has hairs or bristles.
oxygen consumption rate is lower than predicted,
In the internal closing apparatus, the cuticular
have similar mass-specific costs of transport, mainly
valve system is located behind the atrium, at the
depending on the number and length of legs
beginning of the main trachea. The spiracle is usu-
(Harrison et al., 1991; Krolikowski and Harrison,
ally surrounded by a hair-bearing area: the so-called
peritreme. In many insects, such as bees and butter-
Per unit distance covered, flight is much more
flies, there is one stationary valve and a second
economical than walking or running. But per unit
moveable valve where the muscles and ligaments
time elapsed, insect flight is the most energy-
attach (Beckel and Schneiderman, 1956, 1957; Nikam
demanding exercise known, with aerobic scopes
and Khole, 1989; Schmitz and Wasserthal, 1999).
around 100 or even higher in bees, flies and moths.
Many spiracles have hairs/bristles or sieve plates.
A hovering orchid bee (Euglossini), for example,
In addition, deep countersinking of the closing
has a V̇ O2 of up to 154 ml g−1 h−1 (Withers, 1981;
apparatus, cuticular elytra or wings can protect the
Casey et al., 1985; Harrison, 1986), or approximately
spiracles. In aquatic insects with open tracheal sys-
twice that of a humming bird (68–85 ml g−1 h−1)
tems, glands secrete fine surpellic film that keeps
(Hargrove, 2005). Flight muscles are fully aerobic
water from entering the spiracles (see Chapter 6).

(Weis-Fogh, 1964a) and during flight they account 1978). This also means that moths can be active at
for more than 90 per cent of the total V̇ O2. lower temperatures than many other insects.
Insect flight muscles have an extraordinary Aerodynamic theories predict that the mechanical
mitochondrial volume density of up to 43 per cent power required for flapping animal flight varies
of muscle fibre volume (Casey, 1992). High flux with speed according to a ‘U-shaped’ curve: at
rates are achieved because of high respiratory intermediate speed there is a pronounced power
enzyme content per unit muscle mass and because minimum, typically half the power required for
these enzymes operate at high fractional veloci- hovering flight. These theories apply to bats and
ties. The respiratory enzymes occupy the mito- birds. But for bumblebees in free, controlled, for-
chondrial cristae, which are present in a very high ward flight over a speed range of 0 to 4 m s−1, the
surface density, such that enzyme densities per metabolic rate does not vary significantly with
unit cristae surface area are similar to those found flight speed, suggesting that this model may not
in mammals. But during flight in insects, the oxy- apply to the bumblebee, and maybe not to insects at
gen consumption rates per unit cristae surface all (Ellington et al., 1990). In order to minimize the
area are much higher than in mammals, because energy use in flight, Drosophila uses an elastic flight
of higher electron transfer rates per enzyme mol- motor, with elastic storage of energy in the flight
ecule. In this system, the cytochrome C oxidase apparatus. Flight muscles show only 10 per cent
operates close to its maximum catalytic capacity. efficiency in these animals (Dickinson and Lighton,
Insects use mainly carbohydrates as fuel for short 1995), the rest being stored in elastic loading or lost
flight. In locust grasshoppers, the initial stage of in heat production.
flight is served by carbohydrates, but fat is used Even a representative of a relatively basal branch
during migration (Suarez et al., 1996; Wegener, of winged insects, the dragonfly Erythemis simplici-
1996; Suarez, 2000). collis, is completely insensitive to ambient oxygen
Flying insects have mass-specific oxygen con- levels at rest, indicating that there must be a large
sumption rates between 3- and 30-fold greater than safety margin inherent to its tracheal system. This
in the same insects while running. This relation is would be expected in a more highly specialized
much higher in insects than in mammals and birds flier, such as the honeybee, Apis mellifera. But then
in which the ratio is maximally twofold. These val- during flight in the bee, the tracheal system is highly
ues should not be confused with aerobic scope: the exploited, the safety margin is small, and decreas-
ratio of maximum-to-resting oxygen consumption ing ambient PO2 becomes rate limiting (Harrison
rates. The mass-specific V̇ O2 during flight decreases and Lighton, 1998). At a PO2 below 10 kPa (approxi-
with body size, but mass-specific power output is mately 4000 m elevation), the wingstroke frequency
constant or increases, implying an increase in effi- in the honeybee decreases, at 8 kPa (approximately
ciency with size. 7000 m elevation) it can no longer support a meta-
In moths, scaling of V̇ O2 during flight is almost bolic rate consistent with flight and at 5 kPa (equiva-
identical to that of bats and birds, and their aerobic lent to 2000 m above the top of Mount Everest) bees
scope reaches 300. Flapping flight in moths is the cannot fly at all (Joos et al., 1997).
most energetically demanding mode of locomotion So in insects we have the perfect flying machine
per unit time. Since the mechanical efficiency of the in terms of matching of structure with function in
flight muscle is only about 20 per cent and energy high performance combined with adaptability and
can neither be created nor destroyed, the remaining an ability to function well also at lower levels of
four-fifths of the energy expenditure appears as activity. A striking characteristic of this system is
heat. Some of this heat is retained in the thorax and that it is to a large degree self-limiting, the muscular
most moths do have a fur-like integument, so body regulation of spiracles, for example, having a regu-
temperatures can be as high or higher than those lating or fine-tuning function rather than an existential
of  birds and mammals (Bartholomew and Casey, one (see also Chapter 8).

Control of breathing in invertebrates

As pointed out in Chapter 3, if actively metaboliz- increase τ dramatically and within seconds. Now
ing tissue is more than a few millimetres from its looking at the equation for physiological diffusing
external oxygen source, an aerobic animal cannot capacity, we find ΔPO2, CO2. This can be quickly
survive by direct diffusion alone and will need changed by factors that are under hormonal, cen-
some way of distributing respiratory gases that tral, or autonomic nervous control: namely ventila-
enter and leave through contact surfaces with the tion and perfusion of respiratory organs and selective
surroundings. So, knowing the physical and chemical perfusion of internal organs.
properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide, we shall Finally, as homeotherms we sometimes forget
now look at which variables can be manipulated that the regulation of respiration can also be a pas-
physiologically, then see what mechanisms actually sive phenomenon. Ṁ O2,CO2, KO2,CO2, and ΔPO2,CO2
exist for doing this in various animal groups, and all increase, for example, as the temperature increases.
finally take a look at how these mechanisms are Looking from this side of the mirror, as it were, we
regulated by the nervous system. can also see that to begin with, respiration is at least in
To begin with, we must realize that in the Bilateria, part a self-regulating process. Assuming an infinite
body cells actually are seldom in direct contact with pool of oxygen, if Ṁ O2,CO2 decreases, ΔPO2,CO2 will
the external medium. In the exchanger (skin, gill, automatically go down, simply because less oxygen
or  lung), oxygen is transferred from the external is being removed from the ‘animal’ side of the gas
environment to an internal transport medium and exchange surfaces.
carbon dioxide is liberated from the internal transport The complexity of the control of breathing can be
medium to the external environment. The opposite appreciated when we realize that all of the variables
takes place in the tissue. In insects and a few other listed in Table 8.1 can influence all of the others.
arthropods that have tracheae that enter the tissue, the Given the result of this interaction, the organism
transport medium is the internalized air itself. adjusts those parameters under its control, usually
Looking at the equation for morphological diffus- without conscious intervention.
ing capacity in Table 8.1, we find in the exchanger, In non-tracheate animals—that is, in ones in
tissue constants (expressed as KO2,CO2), the physical which a liquid internal transport medium is used—
properties of which cannot be changed, at least not the most important immediate physiological goal is
in the short term. But surface area (S) and harmonic to achieve an optimal ventilation/perfusion rela-
mean barrier thickness (τ) can be influenced by tionship for providing the tissues with adequate
stretching, collapsing, or by only partially perfus- oxygen and removing the carbon dioxide.
ing the respiratory organs. The latter would, for Anatomical properties that would be just suffi-
example, very quickly reduce the effective S and/or cient for oxygen diffusion would probably release

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N I N V E RT E B R AT E S 101

Table 8.1 Major variables involved in gas exchange and their location

Exchanger Internal transport medium Tissue

Anatomy (structure) Surface area Pump (heart), vessels Diffusion distance

Morphological diffusing Barrier thickness Separation of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor Mitochondria
capacity blood
DO2,CO2 = KO2,CO2 · S/τ Content of Hb/Hc
Physiology (function) Driving pressure Properties of Hb/Hc Driving pressure
Physiological diffusing Ventilation Perfusion rate pH
capacity Temperature Barometric Temperature Barometric pressure Temperature Barometric
DO2,CO2 = pressure pressure
M͘ O ,CO / ∆PO ,CO
2 2 2 2

DO2,CO2, diffusing capacity for oxygen or carbon dioxide; KO2,CO2, Krogh’s diffusion constant for oxygen or carbon dioxide in diffusion barrier; S, surface area of
exchanger; τ, harmonic mean thickness of diffusion barrier; ṀO2,CO2, rate of oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide release; ∆PO2,CO2, driving pressure.

too much carbon dioxide and result in a condition (Nattie, 1999), but the structure of these sensors has
that can only work properly in the presence of eluded us to date. We shall come back to this.
respiratory proteins such as haemoglobin or haemo- Oxygen sensing is better known.
cyanin. In addition, since animals are not always All animals—indeed, perhaps all living organ-
operating at their metabolic maximum, the respiratory isms—from single-celled critters to the most com-
system does not need to be going full tilt all the plex insects, birds, and mammals can detect levels
time. Rather, it needs to be regulated according to of ambient oxygen and react appropriately. Entire
the demand. It is this regulation that we shall be organisms react in complex behavioural ways as
discussing in this chapter. illustrated by the following examples. Aerobic protists
migrate from oxygen-poor sediment into the water
8.1 Sensing the surroundings and the column of lakes (Finlay and Esteban, 2009). Parasitic
nematodes sense the fall in oxygen in netted her-
behavioural regulation of respiration
ring and bore through the intestinal wall into the
Probably the easiest way to regulate metabolism muscle, much to the economic detriment of the fish-
and respiration at the same time is to move to some- ing industry unless the fish are gutted on the spot.
where where the external conditions are different. But response to ambient oxygen tension also applies
In most cases, this means finding conditions where to tissues and cells. Mammalian endothelial cells, for
the temperature, moisture, and oxygen content are example, move into areas of low oxygen tension dur-
closer to optimal for a particular animal at any ing wound healing. Although the exact way in which
given time, season, and life phase. This means that cells detect hypoxia is still an area of active research,
these conditions need to be sensed by the organism, once a changed oxygen level has been detected, the
and if the sensors are in a single location, the signal pattern of response from the molecular to the behav-
must be stored in order to compare it to the situation ioural level has been demonstrated in many organ-
after moving. Alternatively, the sensors may be isms. For more see HIF (hypoxia-inducible factors)
located at different locations around the body and and HSP (heat shock proteins) in Chapter 5.
the signals directly compared. In any case, sensing A simple but instructive model organism is the
organs or cells are necessary. Mechanisms for tem- free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which
perature sensing and in particular moisture estima- shows a strong preference for ambient oxygen
tion are all sciences in and of themselves and the levels between 5 and 12 per cent. Above this range,
reader is advised to consult appropriate sources. specialized oxygen-sensing cells in the nervous sys-
Carbon dioxide/pH are also common internal indi- tem bind molecular oxygen to the specific soluble
cators of metabolic performance and pH-sensitive guanylate cyclase homologue gcy-35 haem domain
regions in the brain have been precisely located in the DNA and cause the release of 3ʹ,5ʹ-cyclic
102 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a common sec- an important prerequisite that allowed this evolu-
ond messenger in sensory transduction. This gene tion to occur in the first place.
is also present in Drosophila (Gray et al., 2004), Once the need has been ascertained, the respiratory
where it could be considered an exaptation, since system—usually in concert with the circulatory
flies are capable of internal respiratory control. But system—responds in two ways: (1) by increasing
in C. elegans, expression of gcy-35 ultimately results or decreasing the ventilation of the respiratory sur-
in fast behavioural responses. Among other things, faces and (2) by increasing or decreasing the circula-
when oxygen exceeds the preferred levels, the GCY- tory perfusion of the respiratory organs, and at least
35 protein that the gcy-35 gene codes for mediates some portions of the body. When the ventilatory
oxygen sensing in four neurons that regulate social apparatus has been activated (if it was turned off),
feeding behaviour and causes the worms to remain most animals with respiratory faculties have some
in unexposed locations (Gray et al., 2004). sort of cyclic pumping mechanism for moving the
Respiratory systems are completely lacking in respiratory medium across the surfaces of the gas
lineages more basally branching than Bilateria. But exchanger. The volume of medium moved per unit
even within basally branching bilaterian groups, time can be regulated by changing the ventilatory fre-
respiratory systems are recognizable only in combin- quency, the stroke volume (i.e. the amount of medium
ation with other faculties such as locomotion or moved per ventilatory cycle) or both. Similarly, the
feeding, since effective circulatory systems are lack- concomitant circulatory heartbeat frequency or stroke
ing. In more complexly organized animal life forms, volume is also usually centrally regulated.
highly aerobic animals have evolved, maintained
and refined sensing capabilities for oxygen, a sub-
8.3 Mollusca: Gastropoda
stance that could represent a limiting factor in
metabolism in an aquatic environment. Let us now Snails originated in the water where the majority
move on to the animals that create conditions com- still are found (Bouchet et al., 2005). One of the most
patible with life within their own bodies by regulat- exceptional groups is the Panpulmonata, the air-
ing their respiratory faculties. breathing snails. This group is the most intensely
studied with respect to the control of breathing.
The great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis lives in
8.2 Control of breathing in animals with oxygen-poor, fresh-water habitats. Although its spe-
cialized respiratory proteins (see Chapter 4) allow it
respiratory faculties: general concepts
to survive submerged in hypoxic conditions using
In animals that have a respiratory faculty, gas cutaneous respiration, when at the surface it breathes
exchange can occur either as a continuous or a dis- air using a region of the mantle cavity that is modi-
continuous process. In the first case, the response fied to serve as a lung. Air breathing in snails is a
in terms of behavioural change (e.g. relocation of complex process consisting of (1) detection of internal
the organism to a more favourable environment) or hypoxic conditions, (2) a behavioural response caus-
of changes in the ventilation and perfusion of the ing it to surface, and (3) breathing. The breathing
respiratory organs need only be regulated with process, in turn, involves opening of the pneumos-
respect to metabolic demand and ambient availabil- tome (the opening to the lung cavity), expulsion of
ity (usually PO2), whereas in the latter case the air, cyclic ventilation of the lung, and finally closure
respiratory system also needs to be turned on and of the pneumostome.
off. The ‘hardware’ necessary in either case is simi- The hypoxia-induced drive originates in oxygen
lar. The organism needs oxygen receptors in a receptors at the periphery and is conveyed to the
peripheral location to detect ambient availability central pattern generator (CPG) neurons via the
and in a central location to estimate the need for right pedal dorsal neuron number 1. The CPG, which
more or less oxygen in the animal. These receptors coordinates air breathing, consists of three mutually
were probably already present long before the inhibitory interneurons, which cause the pneumos-
respiratory control mechanisms evolved, and were tome to open and close and to initiate the respiratory
C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N I N V E RT E B R AT E S 103

rhythm (Taylor and Lukowiak, 2000). The similarity alone is enough to elicit a response from these
of this simple neuronal network to the CPG in tetra- ‘central’ chemoreceptors (Erlichman and Leiter,
pods is remarkable, and recent advances in cultivating 1993, 1997).
the CPG of Lymnaea on a silicon chip and measur-
ing its activity directly has opened the door to the
promising possibilities of doing the same in mam- 8.4 Crustacea
malian—indeed even human—cell cultures (see Py
8.4.1 Malacostraca: Decapoda
et al., 2010).
Respiration in Lymnaea is subservient to the whole- Probably based on their economic importance, avail-
body withdrawal response and is altered by adap- ability, and reasonable body size, the best studied
tive responses to hypoxia during water breathing (e.g. crustaceans are Homarida, Astacida (lobsters and
depression of metabolism) (Taylor and Lukowiak, crayfish), Anomoura (hermit crabs), and Brachyura
2000). Although nervous input from PCO2-sensitive (crabs). The four groups differ mostly in the struc-
neurons in the osphradium (a sensory organ con- ture of the ‘tail’, being long and useful in swimming
nected to one of the visceral ganglia in snails) to in lobsters and crayfish, modified for fitting into
the CPG exists (Syed et al., 1990; Syed et al., 1991; captured shells in hermit crabs, and reduced and
Wedemeyer and Schild, 1995), a direct synaptic con- permanently tucked under the cephalothorax (the
nection between oxygen-sensing peripheral chemo- combined head and thorax body regions) in most
receptor cells and a CPG neuron may be more other crabs. The ventilatory pump in all adult decapod
important (Bell et al., 2008), mediating an increase in crustaceans is the scaphognathite. This is a highly
ventilatory frequency when the environment becomes modified, paddle-like appendage, which was origin-
hypoxic (Inoue et al., 2001). Below temperatures ally part of the feeding apparatus. By sweeping
of 12.5°C, the respiratory CPG becomes quiescent, back and forth it draws water into the gill chamber
regardless of the ambient PO2 (Sidorov, 2005). So and forces it across the respiratory surfaces.
Lymnaea appears to use both oxygen and carbon diox- Water-breathing crustaceans possess a mainly
ide for driving its complicated breathing response. oxygen-driven ventilatory control with carbon diox-
Juvenile Lymnaea rely more on cutaneous, aquatic ide playing only a minor role. In the crayfish Astacus
respiration than do adult snails, which employ more fluviatilis, a non-spiking oscillatory CPG cell, which
pulmonary, aerial gas exchange. There are also sig- appears to react to ambient PO2, is located in the
nificant age-related differences in the synaptic con- suboesophageal ganglion and drives the muscles of
nectivity within the CPG and in peripheral inputs to the scaphognathite. Additional oxygen sensors in
the CPG, which favour a more rhythmic activity in the scaphognathites themselves and/or in the gills
the adult CPG. Life-phase differences in respiratory provide feedback to the CNS. So some regulation of
biology are not unusual and we shall encounter them ventilation may occur at the level of the CPG, but
also in other taxa. In Lymnaea it correlates well with central and peripheral oxygen sensors are neces-
the decreased dependence on cutaneous respiration sary to mediate the ventilatory response to hypoxia.
in the adults (McComb et al., 2003). Bradycardia is a frequent response to hypoxia, but
In more terrestrial pulmonate snails such as appears to be the direct result of a lack of oxygen at
Helix aspersa and H. pomatia, the pneumostome does the level of the cardiac ganglion. This local metabolic
respond to mild hypoxia as in pond snails, but ven- process is reversed by restoring normoxia to the
tilatory regulation is mainly carbon dioxide driven: region. But the stroke volume of the heart is often
again, in remarkable convergence with terrestrial increased during hypoxia and therefore is assumed to
craniotes, as we shall see in Chapter 13. Intact sub- be independently regulated. Neurohormones appear
oesophageal ganglia and an intact anal nerve are to influence this process by a direct effect on the heart
necessary to mediate the carbon dioxide response. or indirectly via the CNS, but more research is neces-
Carbon dioxide chemoreception is restricted to a sary to clarify this interesting phenomenon.
discrete region of the medial margin of the visceral In amphibious crabs, both oxygen and carbon
ganglion and changing the pH of the haemolymph dioxide are possible respiratory modulators, but
104 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

which of the two predominates depends on whether contribution is much greater in haemoglobin-rich
water breathing or air breathing is the main focus of animals (Bäumer et al., 2002). Also the type of
the species. In other words, the highly terrestrial haemoglobin is flexible and genetic control elements
Caribbean hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus remains and oxygen conditions near the haemoglobin syn-
far more sensitive to oxygen than to carbon dioxide thesis sites determine which types of subunits are
even when on land, and it breathes air with its stiff produced. Either more macromolecules of unchanged
gills, using water trapped in the branchial chamber P50 or an increased proportion of macromolecules
as an interface (McMahon and Burggren, 1988). with greater oxygen affinity are synthesized (Paul
This is also a pretty ‘clever’ way of passively et al., 1997; Pirow et al., 1999; Paul et al., 2004; Pirow
reducing the diffusing capacity in keeping with the and Buchen, 2004). Although not regulated by breath-
higher level of oxygen on land. Other species, such ing control mechanisms, direct supply of organs
as the Atlantic blue land crab Cardisoma guanhumi, with the highest metabolic rate—namely, the sen-
are able to adjust scaphognathite beat frequency sory organs and the nervous system—is achieved in
using both gases, the relative importance switching these minute animals by direct diffusion through
when the respiratory medium is changed: greater the cuticle.
sensitivity to ambient carbon dioxide than to oxy-
gen when breathing air, but to oxygen when breath-
8.5 Hexapoda
ing water.
At least five only distantly related brachyuran spe- The control of breathing in insects involves central pace-
cies and two anomourans have evolved complete makers and/or central and peripheral chemorecep-
terrestriality. Some even have evolved lungs in the tors, which sense carbon dioxide, pH, and oxygen.
branchial space or have lung-like modifications of What is regulated is the opening and closing fre-
the carapace. One of the best studied hermit crabs, quency of the spiracles as well as pumping of the air
the coconut crab Birgus latro, shows an enhanced car- sacs, primarily by movement of the abdomen. To learn
bon dioxide sensitivity, convergent with terrestrial more about this, read on. But first, a little joke.
snails and amniotes (McMahon and Burggren, 1988). Imagine two men on a dark night, one kneeling
under a street light and the other standing next to
him. The standing man is saying, ‘If you lost your
8.4.2 Malacostraca: Cladocera
keys on the other side of the street, why are you
Another well-studied group of crustaceans are the looking here?’ The kneeling man answers, ‘Because
water fleas (Malacostraca: Cladocera), primarily the the light is better here’. Of course the man who lost
genus Daphnia. These tiny limnic animals are an his keys will not be able to find them under the
important food source for fish and due to their abil- street light, but he may become more familiar with
ity to make haemoglobin they are able to survive in the terrain and may be able to recognize his keys
large numbers even during warm periods when the faster when he looks where he thinks he lost them.
waters are hypoxic. By the same token, we shall proceed to describe
Ventilation in Daphnia is an oxygen-controlled what is known about the control of breathing in
process that regulates the beat frequency of paddle- selected groups that have been best studied and
like peraiopods, which have the dual function of then try to piece together a reasonable evolutionary
food acquisition and ventilation. Leg beat frequency scenario for insects in general.
is increased at high temperature in a food-rich
environment even when the oxygen level in the
8.5.1 Opening and closing the stigmata
water is very low. In addition, hypoxia-induced
increase of heart rate and perfusion rate during The stigma closure muscles receive excitatory and
short-term hypoxia occur. The amount of haemoglo- inhibitory impulses from branches of the median
bin is increased after a few days under hypoxia. In nerve, which contains axons of motoneurons (Miller,
haemoglobin-poor animals, circulatory convection 1969). These axons branch to innervate muscles on
covers less than half of the oxygen demand, but the the right and on the left side of the segment and
C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N I N V E RT E B R AT E S 105

interneurons connect the motoneurons of the stig- innervate spiracular muscles and the cuticular closing
mata with the CNS. apparatus of the stigmata in Lepidoptera (Schmitz
Opening and closing the stigmata represents a and Wasserthal, 1999). In the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans,
compromise involving two conflicting physiological a multipolar neuron lies in the vicinity of the stigmata
processes. Keeping the stigmata open would of with one process extending to the stigma muscle
course benefit rapid gas exchange. But most insects (Finlayson, 1966). Such mechanoreceptive neurons
are small and if ambient humidity is below the might control the opening status of the stigmata in
saturation point for water vapour, it would diffuse addition to the chemoreceptive control and work as
through the open stigmata, desiccating the animal a feedback system.
within seconds.
To release carbon dioxide, an insect may (1) open
the stigmata, (2) increase ventilation, (3) reduce the
8.5.2 Air flow and breathing movements:
fluid filling in the terminal branches (tracheoles) of
discontinuous breathing
the tracheae—which increases the surface area for
carbon dioxide to diffuse into the tracheal system— Many tracheate arthropods breathe discontinuously.
or any combination of these three mechanisms. The An important prerequisite for discontinuous res-
relative importance of these various mechanisms piration is closable spiracles. As pointed out in
differs among species. Chapter 7, this is the case in some arachnids and
The muscles of the stigmata are under CNS con- centipedes as well as in insects. Most studies have
trol, responding to the internal pH or PCO2. In been undertaken in insects, and six hypotheses
addition, muscles that are responsible for abdominal (see Chapter 10) for the origin of discontinuous
pumping movement or other ventilatory muscle gas exchange cycles (DGC) have been in discussion
activity respond to central PCO2 receptor stimula- since this phenomenon was first discovered in lepi-
tion and are innervated by the segmental lateral dopteran pupae (Heller, 1930). The first systematic
nerves and by neurons, the axons of which are investigations were carried out a bit later (Punt,
located in the median nerve. 1944, 1950; Buck et al., 1953; Buck and Keister, 1955;
Historically, the first work on the influence of car- Punt, 1956a, 1956b; Punt et al., 1957; Buck, 1958;
bon dioxide on the stigma muscles in lepidopterans Buck and Friedman, 1958; Buck and Keister, 1958;
(butterflies/moths), grasshoppers, dragonflies, and Buck, 1962), and this continues to be an area of
dipteran flies dates back to the late 1950s (Case, active research.
1956a, 1956b), but is based on the earlier classical A typical DGC (Figure 8.1) can be divided into
studies of the Dutch comparative physiologist three parts: in phase 1, the closed-spiracle ‘C’ phase,
Engel Hendrik Hazelhoff (1900–1945) in the 1920s in which external gas exchange is negligible. Because
(Hazelhoff, 1927). In lepidopteran pupae, oxygen of oxygen consumption in the tissue, the internal
affects the CNS, resulting in inhibitory and excita- oxygen level decreases continuously while approxi-
tory neurogenic regulation of stigma muscles, which mately the same amount of carbon dioxide is released.
are also under myogenic control (Case, 1957a, 1957b; But since the carbon dioxide is buffered in the
Hoyle, 1959; Burkett and Schneiderman, 1974). High haemolymph and tissues and does not necessarily
carbon dioxide levels applied to the tracheal system stay as a gas, the pressure in the tracheal system
cause the stigmata to open (Burkett and Schne- goes below atmospheric (Bridges and Scheid, 1982).
iderman, 1974), and since there is no evidence for a A critical PO2 (usually 4.5 kPa) triggers phase 2, the
peripheral carbon dioxide chemoreceptor, it appears flutter, or ‘F’ phase, in which spiracles open and
that the stigma muscle itself responds to changing close in rapid succession. Because of the negative
gas levels. But on the other hand, lowering the ambi- pressure, air enters and the oxygen it contains is
ent carbon dioxide alone does not cause the stigmata consumed as fast as it comes in (Chown et al., 2006).
to close (Beckel and Schneiderman, 1957). The effector With every opening of the spiracles, the pressure dif-
might be the inhibition of neuromuscular synapses or ference between tracheal system and environment
changing membrane properties. Multipolar neurons decreases. Also small quantities of carbon dioxide
106 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

24 C F O


CO2 Release [μmol h–1]

0 30 60 90

90 C O

0 30 60 90 120
Time [min]

Figure 8.1 Discontinuous breathing pattern in an insect, measured on hand of carbon dioxide release. Part (a): C, spiracle closed, no carbon
dioxide released. F, flutter phase of rapid opening and closing of the stigma; O, carbon dioxide rapidly released as stigma opens and then ceases as
the stigma is stutteringly closed. In part (b) a discontinuous breathing pattern is depicted in which the F phase is missing. Kestler, 1985.

leave the tracheal system, but the driving pressure The control of breathing in grasshoppers is par-
for carbon dioxide is much less than for oxygen ticularly interesting because several different states
(Hetz and Bradley, 2005), and since only about 25 of metabolic demand exist: rest, quiescent but alert,
per cent of the carbon dioxide produced is released and locomoting, whereby locomotion can be in
during the flutter phase, it continues to accumulate. the form of slow walking, hopping, or flying. The
A critical carbon dioxide level triggers phase 3, the control of breathing under these conditions dif-
open, or ‘O’ phase, also referred to as the ventila- fers. When at rest, grasshoppers tend to respire dis-
tion, or ‘V’ phase. Carbon dioxide is released and continuously, the stigmata opening and closing in
oxygen is taken up in a burst-like fashion. The car- response to changes in haemolymph carbon dioxide,
bon dioxide is retrieved from the buffer system and trans-spiracular resistance limits gas exchange.
and nearly the entire air content of the tracheae is In alert but quiescent grasshoppers, abdominal pump-
exchanged, resulting in a rise in PO2 to near the ing also occurs and gas exchange is regulated by a
ambient value. Accordingly, the three phases of combination of spiracular opening and abdominal
DGC have been referred to as CFO (closed–flutter– pumping. Bulk air flow is predominantly unidirec-
open) or CFV (closed–flutter–ventilation) respiration. tional (front to back or back to front). But during
The control of breathing in insects remains an area hopping, bulk gas flow is caused by resulting cuticu-
of active research and gas exchange patterns may lar deformation rather than by abdominal pump-
be much more diverse than previously recognized ing, and airflow is mainly tidal. Internal oxygen
(Quinlan and Gibbs, 2006). stores and increased ΔPO2 support the increased
oxygen demand. After hopping, increased abdominal
pumping restores tracheal gases, but this process
8.5.3 Grasshoppers: a case in point
appears to be a ‘hard-wired’ behavioural response,
A great deal of research on respiratory control in since it is affected neither by ambient PCO2 and PO2
insects was carried out on grasshoppers (Orthoptera) nor by pH of the haemolymph. During flight, tidal
between the 1960s and 1990s, in particular by J.F. thoracic auto-ventilation drives bulk gas flow to the
Harrison and colleagues P.L. Miller and M. Burrows flight muscles, while abdominal pumping supplies
(Harrison, 2001). So, in the spirit of the man looking the remainder of the body. Tracheal PCO2 affects
for his keys, let us take a closer look at this group. spiracular opening directly and also indirectly via
C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N I N V E RT E B R AT E S 107

the CNS, while the tracheal PO2 affects spiracular single closer muscles, local carbon dioxide control
opening only by means of a central nervous mech- is dominant, while central control modifies the
anism. Tracheal PO2 and PCO2 in addition influence response to local carbon dioxide. In the prothoracic
abdominal pumping via the CNS, while haemo- and abdominal stigmata, which have both closer
lymph pH has no effect on stigmata and ventilation and opener muscles, central nervous control of the
(Harrison, 1997). muscles dominates, and carbon dioxide acts on the
So grasshoppers appear to have a mosaic of CNS. Local ganglia and metathoracic ganglia are
mechanisms that control breathing, ranging from connected via interneurons, which coordinate open-
discontinuous breathing and direct response of the ing and closing of the stigmata with abdominal
stigma muscles to carbon dioxide during rest to pumping.
various combinations of direct and indirect control At high carbon dioxide levels, synchronization
of ventilation and stigma opening during locomo- fails and all the stigmata open, at least theoretically
tion. This host of control mechanisms is not surpris- maximizing cellular access to oxygen. But in some
ing taking into account the very different anatomical insects fluid level in the tracheoles also limits oxy-
conditions and ventilatory mechanisms that correlate genation of the tissue. This fluid level depends
with rest and locomotion. on  the metabolic demands of a given tissue and
might also be under the control of neurohormones
(Wigglesworth, 1983a). In response to locomotion, for
8.5.4 Grasshoppers and beyond
example, hormones such as octopamine can stimu-
Let us now inspect the control of gas exchange in late ventilation. In the locust grasshopper Schistocerca
grasshoppers even more closely and compare it gregaria, the closer muscle in the mesothoracic stigma
with what is seen in other insects. But please keep receives input from two excitatory motoneurons and
in mind that we are only using grasshoppers as a processes of a peripherally located neurosecretory
case in point and that this is only the very superfi- cell. These muscles possess specific octopaminergic
cial sampling of the vast literature on this subject, receptors that increase the cyclic AMP level. This is
selected to demonstrate the types of control of breath- consistent with the hypothesis of central or periph-
ing that have evolved. In particular, great advances eral octopamine containing neurons that provide
have been made studying roaches and adult and lar- the neurosecretory inputs to the muscle (Swales
val lepidopterans and dipterans, which are hardly et al., 1992).
mentioned here. For further study the reader is Oxygen—or, better said, lack of oxygen—is in
referred to recent reviews (Lighton, 1996; Chown and of itself also a powerful central nervous stimu-
et al., 2006; Lighton, 2007; White et al., 2007; Chown, lator. As mentioned before, in Drosophila, genes that
2011). code for soluble guanylyl cyclases, which catalyse
In grasshoppers during rest, tracheal PO2 is main- the synthesis of low levels of cGMP under normal
tained at about 18 kPa in the large longitudinal atmospheric oxygen levels, are strongly activated
trunks, and the PCO2 is 2 kPa. Teleologically speak- by anoxia. The increase is dose dependent for ambi-
ing, these high oxygen levels ‘make sense’ in terms ent oxygen concentrations of less than 21 per cent.
of repaying the oxygen debt after hopping, which Guanylyl cyclases are co-expressed in a subset of
can happen suddenly and without warning, but sensory neurons, where they are ideally situated to
how are they maintained? Ventilation is controlled act as oxygen sensors (Morton, 2004).
by ganglia in the metathorax and in the anterior The response of chemoreceptors in insects differs
part of the abdomen. These pacemaker ganglia ini- among species. For example, in cockroaches such
tiate the rhythm that drives abdominal pumping in as Periplaneta, receptors respond to a change in pH
grasshoppers. Modification of the pacemaker rhythm of the haemolymph, whereas in grasshoppers this
is accomplished by stretch receptors in the abdomen, could not be shown. Also in cockroaches, abdom-
whereas opening and closing of the stigmata is con- inal movements associated with rhythmic tracheal
trolled either by the CNS, by the corresponding ventilation elicit sensory feedback. Impulses from
ganglia, or locally. In metathoracic stigmata with abdominal mechanoreceptors modulate ongoing
108 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

pacemaker rhythms during tracheal ventilation, (Miller, 1962). Factors that act on the spiracular
coordinating rhythmic neural and mechanical activ- closing muscle (dragonflies lack a spiracle opening
ity (Farley and Case, 1968). muscle), are carbon dioxide, desiccation, hydration,
Grasshoppers appear to have a different mech- and hypoxia. Complete inhibition of the closer
anism for regulating ventilation. Neuronal or humoral muscles has also been demonstrated during flight
responses associated with locomotion can stimulate or ventilation in some species (Miller, 1964).
ventilation by means of a feed-forward regulation To briefly bring together some of the more
that is assumed to increase receptor sensitivity, result- important elements of respiratory control in insects:
ing in a more precise regulation by negative-feedback a host of mechanisms including a central nervous
mechanisms already present. Teleologically speaking, pattern generator, modulator neurons in the CNS,
this again ‘makes sense’ because local acid–base and local responses of muscles to low oxygen and
conditions in muscle may differ significantly from carbon dioxide levels as well as associated local
those in the CNS. receptors for oxygen and carbon dioxide have been
In addition to these peripherally modulated signals demonstrated. The sophistication of the ventilatory
driving rhythmic activity, a CPG can be present in apparatus in dragonflies as well as the ‘ancient’ origin
the metathoracic ganglion (Farley et al., 1967; Bustami of this group may suggest that such mechanisms
and Hustert, 2000; Marder and Bucher, 2001; were already in place early on in the evolution of
Woodman et al., 2008) or (in the Cuban burrowing winged insects. A clear evolutionary sequence,
cockroach Byrsotria) in the first abdominal ganglion. however, still eludes us.
This ganglion also responds to increasing levels of car- Undoubtedly the most far-reaching insight to
bon dioxide by increasing the frequency of neuronal come from the study of the control of breathing in
bursting (Myers and Retzlaff, 1963). The rhythmic insects was made only recently (Hetz and Bradley,
impulses are transferred to other segments, where 2005). These studies on the mechanisms controlling
ganglia distribute them to the muscles involved in DGC in moth pupae and in grasshoppers suggest
abdominal pumping and spiracular control. that tracheal PO2 is not influenced by ambient PO2
But how does this CPG respond to changes in oxy- in the flutter phase, but that the main function of the
gen levels? An oxygen receptor is necessary to allow closed phase appears to be to reduce the PO2 around
an unequivocal response of the CNS to changes in the cells and protect them from oxygen toxicity.
PO2. Such a receptor has been demonstrated in the To  place this in an evolutionary context: the most
horse lubber grasshopper Taeniopoda eques, in which important aspect of the control of breathing could
isolated ganglia clearly respond to changes in PO2 be described as maintaining the PO2 in the tissue at
(Bustami et al., 2002). levels approaching those that existed when aerobic
In dragonflies, rhythmically firing ventilation life originated. The plethora of respiratory control
centres exist in the abdomen, but the brain and mechanisms we have seen in this chapter illustrates
thoracic ganglia also have a considerable influence a phenomenon that reoccurs in this book: a crucial
over ventilation. Synchronized spiracular move- physiological state is preserved or improved upon
ments result in unidirectional air flow, which ven- while the mechanisms that bring it about change
tilates the flight muscles and then the abdomen dramatically.

The evolution of water-breathing

respiratory faculties in invertebrates

Since animal life originated in the water it should combined with an essentially closed circulatory sys-
come as no surprise that the first mechanisms of gas tem. But annelids seem to have spread out along an
exchange deal with the acquisition and elimination evolutionary plateau and ‘appear to be quite con-
of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide. The mech- tent’ with their existence as worms. Somehow they
anisms for gas exchange in sponges, cnidarians, never achieved the big breakthrough with a central
comb jellies, flatworms, and roundworms have been heart and externally ventilated gills. Or maybe their
discussed in Chapter 6. Some remarkable specializa- relatives did, and after that quantum jump we now
tions surfaced. But since internal circulatory systems call them molluscs, as the larval anatomy would
aside from a gastrovascular cavity or a fluid-filled suggest, or even arthropods.
body cavity are lacking and no dedicated gas
exchange surface other than the outside of the ani-
9.2 Mollusca
mal exists, it is moot to speak of evolutionary direc-
tions of the respiratory faculty in these animals. The With molluscs we appear to have a universe paral-
same applies to ‘lophophorates’ and echinoderms. lel to that of arthropods and craniotes, in which we
We see specializations concomitant with the lifestyle see an amazing number of convergences but also
these animals pursue, such as tentacle-like organs some unique solutions. When speaking about the
that can double as respiratory surfaces, papillar evolution of the respiratory faculty it only makes
gills that supply local needs, and even some unique sense when we compare phylogenetically related
situations such as counter-current conditions in groups, the closer the relationship the more mean-
sand dollars or water lungs in sea cucumbers, but ingful the comparison. Among molluscs this group
these are isolated occurrences and well-developed is Conchifera.
respiratory faculties are lacking. So again, we can The conchiferans start out as bilaterally symmetrical
hardly speak of recognizable evolutionary trends, animals with a protected mantle cavity containing
let alone cascades. paired gills. Basally branching conchiferan lineages
can have up to ten pairs of gills. From this condition
there is a tendency to release the bilateral symmetry,
9.1 Annelida
reduce the number of gills often on just one side of the
When we come to annelids and their allies, we see animal, then on both sides, finally eliminating them
an amazing variety of respiratory proteins and entirely. We don’t know exactly when this reduction
gas exchange organs on various parts of the body, occurred during the phylogenetic history of the clade

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

110 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

but it would be worth investigating the hypothesis between filter feeding, respiration, and predation as
that it coincided with geological periods of high seen among bivalve molluscs is something that will
atmospheric oxygen. turn up again in chordates. There we shall see how
Within the Conchifera, gastropods repeated this the filter-feeding mechanism gave way to respira-
sequence. Beginning with bilaterally symmetrical tory function of the gills, displacing the function of
forms, basally branching lineages such as limpets food acquisition to the mouth and later the jaws.
eliminated the gills, and air-breathing species even Both the bivalve molluscs and also the hypothetical
evolved that use only the mantle lining as a gas transitional basal craniotes—each in its own way—
exchange surface. Later, a more derived heterobanch broke the trade-off gridlock and changed from cilia-
lineage gave rise to highly terrestrial pulmonate powered to muscle-powered ventilation, allowing
snails, some of which used their lungs, their giant the evolution of predatory forms and the evolution-
haemocyanin molecules, and refined, centrally ary cascades that can accompany this lifestyle.
controlled breathing mechanisms to allow them to Cephalopod molluscs, on the other hand, seem
invade oxygen-poor aquatic realms where they to have been predatory from the beginning. Like
combine cutaneous gas exchange with the snail’s bivalves, cephalopods first appeared in the Cambrian
version of breath-hold diving. Another lineage, the and experienced two further periods of evolutionary
Opisthobranchia, following a complete torsion of radiation during the late Palaeozoic and the Mesozoic.
the body cavity, appear to have ‘reinvented’ the gill, The best known cephalopod groups are the nautiloids,
now at the posterior end of the animal. Finally, the squids/cuttlefish, and the octopus. Indeed, the largest
opisthobranch subgroups Nudibranchia (sea slugs) known extant invertebrates are cephalopods: the
and Sacoglossa (sap-sucking sea slugs) use surface giant squid Architheutis reaches a length (including
elaborations of their digestive glands—rather than the tentacles) of over 10 m. Most cephalopods are
the mantle—as a gill and survive entirely by cuta- pelagic, but octopus are secondarily adapted to a
neous gas exchange. The sacoglossid genera Elysia more secretive and benthic lifestyle.
and Plakobranchus carried this evolutionary direc- The respiratory system in cephalopods was not
tion one step further: by kleptoplasty of chloroplasts compromised with filter feeding as it was in bivalves
from the algae they have eaten, and endosymbiosis and chordates, and (sometimes even giant) highly
of the chloroplasts in the skin, they have become competitive, pelagic carnivores evolved. The func-
truly photosynthetic bilaterian animals (Green et tional morphological convergence with aquatic cra-
al., 2000; Wägele et al., 2011), capable of providing niotes includes a heart (complete with atria and a
their own oxygen and carbohydrates. ventricle), a highly effective oxygen-transport pro-
Bivalves are really the professional filter feeders tein in the internal circulation, a closed circulatory
among animals. Accordingly, we see a stepwise system in the respiratory faculty, and a muscle-
evolution of the filter-feeding mechanism in keep- powered ventilatory apparatus. In the two extant
ing with different life histories. Most bivalves use lineages Nautiloida and Coleoida, we see a now
cilia to move water over the gills, which serve the familiar progression: an apparent reduction in the
double function of filter feeding and gas exchange, number of gills and also of cardiac atria from four
the most highly derived form being the familiar pairs in Nautilus to two pairs, respectively, in the
lamellibranchiate one. But the dependence on tiny Coleoida. The gills are ventilated by contractions of
cilia for feeding and breathing represents a trade-off a muscular mantle, which ends in a mobile siphon.
and also automatically limits the size of the ani- Regarding the siphon, we see quite different evo-
mals. In another group of bivalves—the septi- lutionary directions. It is not only used for ventila-
branchiate molluscs—the water flow is muscle tion: it is also used for jet propulsion, which can be
powered, gas exchange returns to the mantle, and so strong as to even propel so-called flying squid
what once was a gas exchanger is again used in (Ommastrephidae) out of the water to glide for tens
feeding—even prey capture. of metres. The double purpose of the siphon obvi-
Although the idea of a predatory clam may ously compromises the respiratory faculty, particu-
seem bizarre, the evolutionary interrelationship larly in Nautilus and squid.

Cuttlefish sidestep this trade-off by using an Others such as crayfish, for example, have filamentous
undulating fin for browsing locomotion, but octo- gills and the cross-current model is a better approxi-
pus found another solution. They either walk on mation. But either gas exchange model is highly effi-
their tentacles or swim by adducting all the tentacles cient and this respiratory configuration is present
at the same time, using a web at their base to force even in the most basal branches of decapods.
out trapped water. But there is still another alterna- Although some decapods can swim and many
tive: both octopus and cuttlefish circumvent the have a powerful, backwards fleeing behaviour, most
trade-off by using cutaneous gas exchange, which in are benthic walkers. The respiratory faculty described
the octopus can account for more than 40 per cent earlier, together with haemocyanin as a respiratory
of the total oxygen consumption in a resting, well- protein, is completely sufficient and no remarkable
ventilated animal (Madan and Wells, 1996). evolutionary directions are evident. The gill surface
area of the active, purely aquatic blue crab Callinectes
sapidus, with 13.7 cm2 g−1, is similar to that of a
9.3 Crustacea
pelagic fish and diffusion barrier thicknesses of
Most aquatic crustaceans breathe with gills, which 1.5–3 µm for the cuticle, and 10–15 µm for the epi-
develop as part of the forked legs or on the adjacent dermal layer, are typical (Martinez et al., 1999). Due
body wall. Very small crustaceans use the skin as the to the vastly different Krogh diffusion constants of
primary gas exchange organ, whereas amphibious chitin and cellular tissue, these values result in an
species as well as terrestrial crabs show a species- oxygen diffusing capacity approximately equal in
specific development of air-breathing structures (see each of these two layers, but nearly an order of
Chapter 6). magnitude below that of the fish.
The best-studied crustaceans—the Malacostraca— As opposed to predominantly benthic crabs,
include such diverse lineages as Decapoda (crabs lobsters, and crayfish, shrimp tend to be pelagic.
and lobsters), Lophogastrida (lophogastrid shrimp), Although most shrimp are smaller than crabs and
Amphipoda (amphipods), and Isopoda (isopods). lobsters, an exception shows what is possible. The
Branchiopoda (including fairy shrimp and water pelagic lophogastrid red mysid shrimp Gnathophausia
fleas) represents another group whose respiratory ingens, with up to 35 cm of body length, is arguably
faculty has been well studied. So these will be the the biggest shrimp going. This species, which was
groups we choose to trace the evolution of water- already discussed in Chapter 5 because of its excep-
breathing crustaceans: not because other groups are tional abilities as a metabolic regulator, inhabits
not potentially revealing but simply because more poorly oxygenated waters, which of course is a
information is available. The ‘light’ is better there. chicken-and-egg question: can it live there because
Looking first at evolutionary lines within the it already has superior respiratory ability or did this
decapods, in addition to the gills themselves, the ability develop as an adaptation to the hypoxic
most important prerequisite is the carapace, which environment? But once evolved, the animal never
not only protects the gills, it also allows a directed looks back. It just uses its aerobic abilities whenever
respiratory water current. As explained briefly in and wherever it can.
Chapter 6, in all decapods the beating movement of Now, the giant shrimp just described is not a crab
a modified second maxilliped (jaw leg) called a or a lobster, but it has evolved a very similar venti-
scaphognathite (shovel jaw) sucks ventilatory water latory mechanism. In addition to using the second
into the carapace cavity from openings around or maxillary leg as a scaphognathite, it uses a modified
behind the legs, and below the gills and moves it in first thoracic leg to serve the same purpose. A minor
a ventrocaudal to dorsocranial direction. The bio- function may become a major one. We call this
physical results differ among various groups of exaptation. In the earlier example a leg pair that
decapods depending on carapace morphology and was once used in feeding in decapods or walking in
gill anatomy. In species with lamellar gills, such as shrimp becomes a ventilatory motor.
crabs and lobsters, ventilatory water tends to flow To sum up the evolutionary directions found in
counter-current to the flow of the haemolymph. water-breathing crustaceans, larger and more active
112 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

forms have gills, effective haemocyanin, and mech- entered littoral and/or periodically drying fresh-
anisms for creating a ventilatory current, usually water habitats. Similarly, Hexapoda were from the
caused by leg movement. Within each of the numerous very beginning terrestrial and evolved the tracheal
groups, adaptive radiation including the respiratory system to the most effective of all respiratory facul-
faculty occurs, but only rarely does this result in a ties. But some species adapted secondarily to life
‘high-performance’ animal. under water and many can at least survive flooding
and continue aerobic metabolism using air as an
interface and transport medium. All of those spe-
9.4 Chelicerata
cies kept their air-breathing respiratory organs but
As discussed in Chapter  6, there are two primarily developed additional structures that allow them to
aquatic—actually marine—extant chelicerate groups: continue breathing while submerged.
Pycnogonida (sea spiders) and Xiphosura (horseshoe The chitinous cuticle has the ability to form super-
crabs). Both groups are misnomers since sea spiders ficial structures that have a huge variety of functions
are not spiders and horseshoe crabs are not crabs, from wings to adhesive feet, but particularly rele-
but then, nobody is perfect. vant for respiration are the tracheae, and elaborations
Since the chelicerates represent an ancient group that make the surface non-wettable and bristles
probably dating back to the Cambrian and their that can trap air. Just as there is no evidence of the
colonization of dry land occurred long before the first homology of tracheae in the diverse lineages that have
Jurassic record of sea spiders, it is not known if the them, we find no reason to assume that the ability
latter became secondarily aquatic or if they always to repel water and trap air cannot have originated
lived in the sea. And since they have no recognizable repeatedly and independently.
respiratory organs, the only thing that we can really So plastrons—like compressible gas gills—may
say that is relevant to the evolution of the respiratory have evolved many times among small, non-calcified
faculty in sea spiders is that they have a presumably arthropods, notably spiders and especially insects.
plesiomorphic homo-hexamer haemocyanin. Note also that they appear to be lacking in larger-
Horseshoe crabs, on the other hand, have com- bodied groups and also in crustaceans (with the
plex haemocyanin and book gills (see Chapters  4 exception of some isopods), although some are
and 6), which not only gave rise to the book lungs of certainly small enough to profit from them. The
terrestrial arachnids, but were also present in the explanation could lie in the fact that crustaceans
now-extinct eurypterids (sea scorpions). Like their are basically well-adapted, water-dwelling animals
Palaeozoic cousins the horseshoe crabs, the ‘sea that have evolved some terrestrial forms, whereas
scorpions’ also have a misleading name, since they spiders and insects were terrestrial from the outset
did not live in the sea, but were coastal marine and and have evolved convergent mechanisms for sur-
fresh water inhabitants and they were are not scor- viving or even living in the water using their simi-
pions either. But they were formidable animals and lar chitinous cuticle. Accordingly, we find unrelated
were top predators in the coastal realm during the spiders, bugs, and beetles that affix air layers to
Palaeozoic. Like horseshoe crabs, sea scorpions pos- their bodies when under water and other insects
sessed five pairs of book gills and they may have that developed closed tracheal gills of widely devi-
been capable of breathing both in water and in air. ating structure and located on different parts of
Some species even may have been amphibious, the body.
emerging onto land for at least part of their life cycle. Although we cannot draw any meaningful lines
for the evolution of water breathing in arachnids
and insects, we do find support for one statement
9.5 Convergence of Arachnida
that reoccurs in this book: once something has evolved
and Hexapoda and certain genetic programmes are present, the ani-
Arachnida (scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks, etc.) mal in question never looks back. This also applies to
are unequivocally terrestrial, possibly evolving from the use of chitin as a building block of a respiratory
something similar to Palaeozoic eurypterids that faculty.
C H A PT ER 10

The evolution of air-breathing

respiratory faculties in invertebrates

As pointed out in Chapter 3, for active, aerobic 10.2 Mollusca

animals it ‘makes sense’ to breathe air, primarily
because a litre of air contains at least 30 times as Of the numerous molluscan groups, only the
much oxygen as the same volume of water. In gastropods have ventured onto dry land, but they
Chapter 7, Table 7.1 gives an overview of the types did a pretty good job of it. About 50,000 extant
of aerial respiratory organs seen as well as the species of air-breathing pulmonate snails are known,
respiratory proteins present. Over a million species and the Panpulmonata—to be sure the largest—is
of terrestrial arthropods can’t be wrong: tracheae still only one of several groups of air-breathing snails.
must be fantastic respiratory organs. But book lungs With a lung, haemocyanin, and a two-chambered
are the ancestral organs of arachnids and together heart, the respiratory faculty does not seem to be a
with the mantle cavity in air-breathing snails, they limiting factor for terrestriality in snails. This is
represent the second-most widely distributed form more likely to be their reliance on adequate water in
of aerial gas exchanger among invertebrates. The particular for gliding locomotion on a mucous layer.
‘who has what’ topic has already been dealt with in In addition to pulmonates (see later), unrelated,
more detail in Chapter 7, so let’s take a look at how operculate air breathers such as the Helicinidae,
it may have come about. Cyclophoridae, and Pomatiasidae independently
became terrestrial. Most of them are tropical. They
lack gills and lungs, and gas exchange takes place
10.1 Annelida
across the well-vascularized wall of the mantle cav-
The oldest fossil records of terrestrial earthworms ity. In some species, a breathing tube or a notch in
(Clitellata: Oligochaeta) are from the Carboniferous the shell aperture allows air breathing even when
(Selden, 1990). Gas exchange is through the skin, the operculum is closed. And then there are the
even if species are pretty big such as certain South limpets (Patellogastropoda: Patellidae). These rep-
African and Australian ones. Their adaptations to resentatives of a basally branching lineage are
life on land, as seen in earthworms and terrestrial marine and often inhabit intertidal zones. They
leeches, are modest to say the least and well suited lack lungs and breathe air using the mantle, which
only for amphibious or fossorial terrestrial life. So it is often modified to form modest gills.
is very unlikely that annelids did—or for that mat- Within the Panpulmonata, species occupy bio-
ter ever will—serve as a platform for the origin of topes ranging from aquatic to completely terrestrial.
an extensive line above ground. The oldest fossil terrestrial snails are known from the

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

114 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

late Carboniferous (Selden, 1990). They are assumed body, often near to the pneumostome, as in planor-
to derive from operculate (those that can retract com- bids, mentioned earlier.
pletely into the shell and close it with an operculum) Regarding the evolutionary sequence in the ori-
heterobranchs (see Chapter 6) with a single gill gin of air breathing in gastropod molluscs, we pro-
(Barnes, 1980). Possibly air breathing developed pose the following: first to evolve was the behavioural
among ancestral snails that lived in tidal pools or response of surfacing in response to hypoxic water
other temporary bodies of water. The ontogenetic conditions. Due to its relatively thin epithelium, the
sequence reveals first a relatively conventional man- mantle cavity probably served as a primary site for
tle cavity, and the lungs develop by remodelling the aerial gas exchange from the very beginning, and
cavity and/or the roof lining with a highly vascular- this is also where the gills are found in aquatic and
ized epithelium. In pulmonate snails, the gills are pri- marine snails. So the next phase was the stepwise
marily completely reduced and the edges of the modification of the mantle cavity to form a lung-
mantle cavity become sealed, leaving only a small like organ. Then, those individuals presenting a
opening, the pneumostome, on the right-hand side. large surface area as well as the ability to open and
In some species. the surface area of the mantle cavity close the mantle cavity in a coordinated manner,
is further increased by ridges and blind-ending were better able to survive adverse (i.e. hypoxic)
tubules. Ventilation is accomplished by flattening conditions, and air breathing evolved.
and arching of the floor of the lung cavity, the pneu- Many stylommatophorans, such as the common
mostome either remaining open or opening and clos- terrestrial slug genera Arion and Limax, are shell-less,
ing with ventilatory cycles (see Chapters 6 and 8). while others such as the edible ‘escargot’ snail Helix
One evolutionary direction that separate lines of pomatia, the grove snail Cepea nemoralis and the hairy
pulmonate snails have independently taken is a sec- snails Helicella do have shells. In another group
ondary aquatic-to-amphibious life history, whereby of terrestrial slugs, the Systellommatophora, the
aquatic forms such as the Siphonariidae (false lim- leatherleaf slugs (Veronicellidae) have completely
pets) have even developed secondary gills (Hodgson, reduced the lung cavity and gas exchange is entirely
1999). The gills of these intertidal snails are either cutaneous. But even within the Systellommatophora,
remnants of the ancestral structures or completely some slugs have adopted an at least partially aquatic
new, secondary gills. lifestyle. The intertidal Onchidiidae, for example,
The best-studied pulmonate snails—the relatively have developed a new posterior lung sac and pore,
basally branching Basommatophora—also fit this which remains closed during submersion, and gas
description. Lymnaea stagnalis (the great pond snail), exchange is cutaneous.
for example, is a bimodal breather, gas exchange Typical for pulmonate snails is not the evolution
being mainly (>60%) through the skin under nor- of high-performance forms, which for a snail is
moxic conditions. But in hypoxia, the rudimentary really an oxymoron anyway, but rather to cover the
lungs take over. The pneumostome opens and closes entire breadth of aquatic-to-terrestrial life and to
at the water surface, expiration being accomplished keep the options open. As any amateur gardener
by contraction of mantle muscle while inspiration can attest, snails exhibit a strategy in which they
occurs due to the elasticity of the mantle. The lung survive and reproduce successfully on land. But as
is inflated passively and the pneumostome is closed we have seen previously, the option of secondarily
by the pneumostome muscle. Lymnaea uses haemo- adopting aquatic life remains.
cyanin as respiratory protein while the great ramshorn
snail, Planorbis corneus, has haemoglobin. Accordingly,
P. corneus exploits its pulmonary oxygen store bet- 10.3 Initial terrestrialization(s) of
ter than L. stagnalis and can stay under water longer.
Some deep lake lymnaeids have actually secondar-
ily completely abandoned air breathing and fill the Marine onychophoran-like animals are reported
mantle cavity with water, while other species evolved from as far back as the early Cambrian. But since
secondary external gills on various parts of the they consist almost completely of soft tissue, their

fossil record is at best uncertain. The first certain et al., 2007). Molecular data show that the same genes
crown-group fossils are from Cretaceous amber. are expressed in gills of horseshoe crabs, in book
Assuming that the older fossils are in fact related to lungs, lateral tracheae, and (in spiders) the spinnerets
extant velvet worms, it is presumed that the transi- (Damen et al., 2002). But unfortunately this still does
tion to terrestrial life and possibly the origin of ony- not answer the question of whether scorpions and
chophoran tracheal lungs took place during the spiders developed their lungs from gills separately
Ordovician and Silurian: between 490 and 430 mya or if they inherited them as lungs from a common
(Monge-Najera and Hou, 2002). terrestrial ancestor.
The fossil chelicerate group Eurypterida (so-called Terrestrial Chilopoda (centipedes) and Progoneata
sea scorpions) were probably the first arthropods to (millipedes) are known from the Devonian (Shear and
occasionally call land their home. These formidable Selden, 2001; Dunlop et al., 2004). Although the
predators, such as the 1.8 m long Pentecopterus decora- respiratory organs of the fossil forms have not yet
hensis, were among the largest arthropods that ever been found, the extant centipedes have tracheal lungs
existed, and date back to the upper Ordovician, some and some millipedes even have true tracheae that
467 mya. One late Silurian specimen demonstrated penetrate tissue. In addition, the first wingless hexa-
both book-gills like their relatives the horseshoe crabs pods and, within the Arachnida, the Scorpiones,
(e.g. Limulus polyphemus) and arachnid-like book Opiliones, Amblypygi, free-living Acari, and
lungs (Manning and Dunlop, 1995), suggesting that Pseudoscorpionida, contributed to the Devonian
at least some eurypterids had an amphibious terrestrial fauna. This colonization of dry land was
lifestyle. From the Silurian (444–419 mya), true presumably exacerbated by an increase of oxygen
scorpions—which also may have been semi-aquatic in the atmosphere when the content exceeded 20 per
(Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986; Dunlop and Webster, cent (Ward et al., 2006). This meant that animals
1999)—and also spider-like trigonotarbid arachnids with respiratory systems adapted to breathing
as well as centipedes are known (Jeram et al., 1990; water could survive longer on land and eventually
Shear et al., 1996). Since extant scorpions, spiders evolved specialized air-breathing organs (ABO).
(Kamenz et al., 2008), and centipedes have either After a temporal gap—presumably caused by a
book lungs or tracheal lungs and are terrestrial, we fall in oxygen during the latter half of the Devonian
can assume that by the end of the Silurian terrestri- (Berner et al., 2007)—a new evolutionary change
alization had to be taken seriously. But did terrestri- occurred, and a surge of terrestrial arthropod groups
alization of chelicerates take place once, with a appeared during the Carboniferous and early Permian,
common ancestor of scorpions and spiders coming 345–250 mya (Ward et al., 2006). Atmospheric oxygen
on land and evolving book lungs, which they content in this period is thought to have reached 30–35
passed on to their heirs (Scholtz and Kamenz, 2006), per cent. The mesothelic spiders appear to have been
or did these groups evolve their virtually identical the first extant group on land during this surge, fol-
book lungs separately by closing the plates cover- lowed by the other arachnids, most insect groups
ing the book gills in the same way, leaving spiracles and the remaining centipede and millipede groups.
for diffusion (Jeram, 1990)? Even though elevated PO2 would have increased
As they say in German: Der Teufel steckt im Detail the diffusive flux in the tracheal system by about 67
(The devil hides in the details). As attractive as the per cent (Dudley, 1998), diffusion alone would not
idea of a single terrestrialization is, it has some have been sufficient to supply oxygen to the organs
problems: book lungs in scorpions, spiders, and of the giant terrestrial arthropods that existed back
other book-lung breathers are located in different then: some ventilatory mechanism must have been
opisthosomal segments. So scorpions and one or present.
more other arachnid lineages are likely to have Many arachnids possess tracheae that look
come on land independently and developed lungs very much like those of insects. But since the last
convergently (Dunlop and Webster, 1999). Scorpions common ancestor of insects and chelicerates may
and other arachnids must then have diverged while date back to the Ordovician, before any animals
still aquatic (Dunlop and Webster, 1999; Dunlop lived on land and certainly long before those
116 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

arachnid groups that have tracheae originated, programmes are involved in trachea formation in
these two groups must have developed tracheae different groups, and what turns the programmes
independently. on and off. Further genetic studies on non-model
Hexapods were long thought to have evolved organisms such as centipedes, wood lice, and spiders
from a common ancestor with terrestrial myria- will hopefully shed more light on this fascinating
pods, and therefore—as insects—would never have subject.
confronted terrestrialization (Selden, 1990). But
more recent phylogenetic studies suggest a closer
10.4 Origin of spider tracheae
relationship between hexapods and crustaceans
(Regier and Shultz, 1997; Glenner et al., 2006). In The Araneae (spiders) are remarkable in that sev-
this newer scenario, hexapods are presumed to eral groups have independently supplemented the
have originated during the drought-prone early book lungs with tracheae. Although the presence of
Devonian, some 410 mya within the Malacostraca— more than one respiratory system is not unusual—
perhaps the branchiopods—from a common ances- think of snails, crabs, and lungfish—spiders are
tor with the group to which the water flea, Daphnia, exceptional in the huge diversity of different com-
and the fairy shrimps belong. Or perhaps from amphi- binations and configurations realized.
pods. None of these animals have anything resem- The first fossil records of true spiders, Mesothelae,
bling tracheae. So insects, centipedes, millipedes, and are from the late Carboniferous to early Permian
arachnids developed tracheae independently (Glenner around 295 mya. However, the fossil record of other
et al., 2006). But how did animals from within groups tracheate arachnids dates back much further, with,
that otherwise have no trace of tracheae suddenly for instance, the harvestmen appearing in the early
develop them? Usually when new structures appear it Devonian about 410 mya, and an independent
is a case of exaptation, a functional anatomical para- origin of their tracheae appears likely. Also other
digm change, in which a secondary function of a arachnids—such as sun spiders—might have evolved
previously existing structure becomes primary, but tracheae independently. One feature supporting
very rarely does something originate completely the hypothesis of a repeated and convergent evolu-
de novo. tion of tracheae within arachnids is that the num-
Genetic studies give us some insight in to this ber and position of tracheal spiracles are different
question. The placodes that give rise to tracheae in each major group.
and leg primordia in Drosophila arise from a com- But even within the Araneae alone, the situation
mon pool of cells. Whether the cells become tra- is far from conclusive. Starting with two pairs of
cheae or legs depends on the local activation state of book lungs in the second and third opisthosomal
a gene called Wingless. In crustaceans, we see a simi- segment, we see virtually every combination real-
lar close relationship in signalling pathway and its ized: reduction of one pair of lungs, replacement
role in the development of gills and appendages. of the second pair of lungs by tubular tracheae,
Remember: crustacean gills often are modified replacement of the first pair of lungs by tubular tra-
exopodites of the legs. That these similarities are cheae, modification of book lungs to sieve tracheae,
more than coincidental is supported by the fact that and almost everything in between, including the
homologues of tracheal inducer genes are specific- complete absence of book lungs.
ally expressed in the gills of crustaceans. In other Particularly well-developed tracheal systems have
words: crustacean gills and insect tracheae may evolved in the two most species-rich taxa: the jump-
have a common genetic origin (Franch-Marro et al., ing spiders (Salticidae) and the sheet-web or canopy
2006). Clearly all arthropods have the raw material weavers (Linyphiidae). In the six-eyed spiders
to construct trachea, but since they can occur in dif- (Segestriidae) and their close relatives the wood-
ferent parts of the body, the question of homology of louse hunters (Dysderidae) as well as in such
tracheae in the classical sense is not really rele- phylogenetically diverse groups as crab spiders
vant, except in closely related species. The ques- (Thomisidae), the cribellate orb-weavers (Uloboridae
tion is whether the same genetic programme or and Dictynidae), and the water spider Argyroneta, the

lungs even are so reduced that the tracheae are the 1989; Paul, 1991, 1992). So spiders—even species
main respiratory organs (Braun, 1931; Millidge, 1986; that are free-ranging predators—tend to avoid
Bromhall, 1987). Given the long evolutionary history strenuous exercise. Watch wolf spiders running in
of spiders and the extreme variation and combination very short spurts or jumping spiders ambushing prey
in book lung and tracheal configuration, it is difficult after sneaking up slowly and convince yourself.
to say at this juncture to what extent there is any Treadmill experiments give more insight into
overarching phylogenetic imprint and the problem spiders’ metabolic strategy. Running at high or
appears to be best approached from a functional exhaustive speeds leads to a considerable oxygen
point of view. debt. Aerobic scope during running is between 3
and 10 times in most species, but can be up to 17.8
in the wolf spiders Geolycosa (McQueen, 1980;
10.5 Evolutionary respiratory
Culik and McQueen, 1985), which has only mod-
physiology of spiders estly developed tracheae. Now, this aerobic scope
Spiders are uncompromisingly terrestrial and have is comparable with that of a humming bird, but
apparently been so from the very beginning. But, as we need to remember that the wolf spider has a
just mentioned, one of the most puzzling chapters very low resting metabolic rate to begin with com-
in the phylogenetic history of spiders is why they pared with that of a bird. For jumping spiders, in
appear to have repeatedly replaced at least half of a which tracheae are well developed and extend
perfectly good respiratory system—namely, the book into the prosoma, the tracheae support aerobic
lungs—with tracheae. And since, unlike insects, they metabolism at intense activity, supporting the
do have a reasonable alternative to tracheae, spiders hypothesis that they have evolved together with
provide an optimal testing ground to study the increased aerobic needs in some spider groups in
advantages of direct, tracheal, gas exchange as which the circulatory component of the respira-
opposed to indirect gas exchange involving the tory faculty cannot keep pace with the aerobic
lungs, circulatory system, and respiratory proteins. needs of the species (Prestwich 1988a; Prestwich,
Simple school geometry tells us that a system of 1988b; Schmitz, 2005).
tubes provides much more surface area than paral- Let’s now have a look at the circulatory compo-
lel plates, so replacing a book lung by sieve tracheae nent. Spiders have an open circulatory system.
results in an immediate advantage. Extending the They do have major vessels connecting the book
tracheae into the haemolymph sinus adds even lungs with the heart and even major vessels leaving
more surface area and further extension through the heart, but capillaries are always lacking. In four-
the pedicel into the prosoma represents a quantum lunged spiders such as tarantulas, the anterior and
jump in gas exchange efficiency without requiring posterior circulation are separated, so that haemo-
changes in the open circulatory system. lymph from the prosoma enters only the anterior
How does this translate into the physiology of lung pair while that from the opisthosoma enters
everyday life of a spider? During low-activity the posterior lungs (Paul et al., 1989). But during
phases, the partition between aerobic and anaerobic fast running when metabolism in the leg muscles
metabolism depends on the ATP requirement: as the becomes anaerobic, prosomal perfusion is inter-
ATP demand rises, spiders quickly deploy anaerobic rupted by a muscular valve at the anterior end of
metabolism, whereby d-lactate, the major by- the pedicel (Paul and Bihlmayer, 1995). So haemo-
product, accumulates in the legs and the prosoma lymph flow and pressure can be functionally
(Prestwich, 1983a). Most spiders are completely adapted even without capillaries (Paul et al., 1991;
exhausted if chased around for 1 or 2 minutes. Paul et al., 1994b; Paul et al., 1994a). In the same
Repaying the oxygen debt in small-bodied species species, the arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2)
takes about half an hour, while in larger spiders like of 3.7 kPa remains constant during rest and walk-
tarantulas it can take hours, during which time the ing, but increases during the recovery phase, reach-
animals can hardly move (Anderson and Prestwich, ing a maximum of about 10 kPa at the end of
1985; Paul, 1986; Paul and Fincke, 1989; Paul et al., recovery (Angersbach, 1978).
118 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

In tarantulas, which lack tracheae, a crucial factor and tracheate arthropods do have leg extensor
in oxygen transport in the haemolymph is the muscles. So let’s have another look.
arteriovenous PCO2 difference (ΔPavCO2). During High local oxygen requirement is best served by
rest, spiracles are nearly closed and the ΔPavCO2 is tracheae, whereas a general oxygen demand—
small. During recovery from an exhaustive run, the particularly at rest—is well served by book lungs.
ΔPavCO2 increases and the spiracles open, causing Jumping spiders can support relatively high aerobic
an increase in PaO2. The ΔPavCO2 falls and oxygen metabolic rates better than comparable spiders
can be released to the tissue. Together with an with a less-developed tracheal system, such as wolf
increase in heart rate, this results in a more intense spiders (Prestwich, 1983a; Schmitz, 2004, 2005,
use of haemocyanin in respiration. Araneomorph 2016). In support of this hypothesis, tracheae indeed
spiders with two lungs and a prosomal tracheal sys- tend to supply exactly those organs that need a
tem have significantly lower maximum heart rates large amount of oxygen compared with the sur-
than those with tracheae limited to the opistho- rounding organs. The Uloboridae, for example,
soma. Return to normal heart rates in recovery actively groom their web elements with the third
phases after running are also faster in species with leg pair during prey capturing, and also have a bet-
prosomal tracheae (Bromhall, 1987a). In general, the ter tracheal supply to the muscles of these legs than
heart rate correlates inversely with body size as to other legs (Opell, 1987, 1990; Opell and Konur,
does metabolic rate, but correlation with hunting/ 1992). And in jumping spiders, which rely mainly
prey-capture style remains inconclusive (Carrel and on their huge eyes for prey capture and protection
Heathcote, 1976; Greenstone and Bennett, 1980; against predation, tracheae supply predominantly
Carrel, 1987). the nervous system and sense organs in the pro-
Against this background let us take another look soma (Schmitz, 2004, 2005). Also, the haemocyanin
at the selective advantages of tracheae over lungs. shows high affinity but lower concentration in spiders
One factor is the better stigmatal anatomy and con- with a well-developed tracheal system (Schmitz and
trol of water loss in tracheae (Ellis, 1944; Levi, 1967; Paul, 2003). This point needs further investigation but
Anderson and Prestwich, 1975; Levi, 1976). Certainly is certainly consistent with the hypothesis that haemo-
small spiders are threatened by evaporation at low cyanin serves primarily in oxygen storage in tra-
humidity, but this does not hold true for all spiders cheated spiders, but is better suited for oxygen
and conversely, those with a well-developed tra- transport and release at the tissues in those dependent
cheal system and reduced lungs such as saxicolous on book lungs.
and crepuscular six-eyed spider Dysdera, are not
even diurnal let alone exposed to a desiccating
10.6 Crustacea
Another reason, at least for replacing lungs, could Terrestrial and semi-terrestrial crustaceans are found
be the curious hydraulic leg extension mechanism only among the malacostracan groups Isopoda
of spiders and separation of the prosoma from the (Oniscoidea), Decapoda (Anomura and Brachyura),
opisthosoma. Breathing with book lungs alone will and Amphipoda. The first terrestrial isopods and
result in local hypoxia in the prosoma when spiders decapods emerged independently from aquatic
are walking, and tracheae reaching into the pro- ancestors probably in the late Eocene (only about 40
soma will solve that problem. But most spiders run mya) but amphipods never advanced beyond the
in short spurts and haemolymph exchange between semi-terrestrial stage. The semi-terrestrial amphi-
pro- and opisthosoma can happen between sprints. pod ‘sand flea’ Talitrus saltator, for example, uses
Also, not all spiders that walk a lot (e.g. wolf pereiopod (walking leg) gills for air breathing. But
spiders) have tracheae in the prosoma and vice what is most exciting, in contrast to arachnids or
versa: not all spiders with prosomal tracheae are insects, in which the initial terrestrialization took
free-ranging hunters (e.g. crab spiders normally place millions of years ago, it is still going on among
just sit and wait in flowers). In addition, this argu- crustaceans. So they can serve as a present-day
ment applies only to spiders, since other arachnids analogue of what happened long ago in other

groups: a veritable time machine, as it were, for possess varying competences for breathing both
respiratory scientists. water and air. This can be seen in species-specific
morphological and physiological adaptations to a
lifestyle extending from using gills as air-breathing
10.6.1 Isopoda
organs up to complete adaptation to air breathing
Oniscoid isopods, with their reduction of a cal- with respiratory organs that resemble lungs (see
careous exoskeleton and highly developed pleopod Chapters 7 and 8).
lungs, have become fully terrestrial and thrive even At least partial terrestrialization has evolved and
in deserts, where they spend their days under- is still happening independently in several groups
ground. In several lineages of wood lice, the pleo- (Burggren, 1992; Henry and Wheatly, 1992; Henry,
pod lungs have even given rise to tracheal lungs. 1994; Adamczewska and Morris, 2000), namely
Here the convergence with spiders is remarkable. among the Anomura (hermit crabs), with the ter-
As we remember, spiders inherited internalized restrial coconut crab Birgus latro, and the Brachyura
book lungs, which were presumably derived from (short-tailed crabs), which include the amphibious
the exopodites of extremities located in the poster- Ocypodidae (fiddler and ghost crabs). A least five
ior part of the body of their aquatic ancestors. other major lineages of brachyurans can survive
Independently in some groups all or part of the prolonged exposure to air, but the most highly ter-
book lungs were converted into tracheal lungs. In restrial belong to the Grapsidae, where the hallow-
isopods, the endopodites of the pleopods form gills een crab (Gecarcinus ruricola) is completely terrestrial
and, as in arachnids, the exopodites develop into (Bliss, 1968).
lungs that are not unlike single leaves of arachnid However, the problems confronted in terrestrializa-
book lungs. These become either dorsally or ven- tion are not just anatomical. Semi-terrestrial and
trally closed and give rise to tracheal lungs. There terrestrial anomuran and brachyuran crabs con-
seems to have been a transition of species living in tinue to use scaphognathite ventilation, the same
wet to dry environments and a parallel change from basic mechanisms as in water-breathing crabs. In
gills to pleopod lungs or even trachea-like struc- some species ventilation seems to be aided by lateral
tures. Examples for this evolutionary scenario are movements of the abdominal mass which acts like a
Oniscus that has a simple and uncovered lung, piston to pump air in and out the branchial chamber.
Porcellio that has lungs invaginated into the exopo- As tempting as it is to go on land where the con-
dite and Hemilepistus and Periscyphis with highly tent of oxygen per litre of ventilated medium is so
developed tubular lungs (Hoese, 1982; Schmidt and much higher than in water, particularly in the trop-
Wägele, 2001). ics the high air temperature and sun shining on the
carapace creates problems for oxygen transport. As
the temperature rises, the solubility of oxygen in the
10.6.2 Decapoda
crustacean equivalent of blood plasma decreases
But crabs are another story. Actually, aside from dramatically. Accordingly, most tropical or subtrop-
having good walking legs, decapods got dealt a ical terrestrial crabs shift from ‘plasma’ to haemo-
weak hand for becoming terrestrial: they have a cyanin transport of oxygen. There is no clear
heavy, often calcified exoskeleton, a relatively inef- relationship between oxygen affinity and terrestri-
ficient open circulatory system, a scaphognathite ality, but haemocyanin concentration is generally
ventilatory system (which is okay for water but is higher in terrestrial crabs. This increases the oxygen-
poorly suited for moving air through the gills), carrying capacity and allows the haemolymph to
and gills that can fill with water or collapse on leaving transport the same amount of oxygen with reduced
the water. Each group has achieved its terrestriality flow per unit of cardiac activity. The reduced haemo-
separately and nowhere do we see a series of syner- lymph flow, in turn, reduces evaporative water loss
gistic changes that release an evolutionary cascade. over the respiratory organs.
Instead, decapod crustaceans appear in general to But this hypoventilation also brings problems with
have spread out along a plateau in which the animals it. It leads to an accumulation of carbon dioxide,
120 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

which, in most terrestrial crabs, remains as hydro- crustacean: 36 kPa. This is about twice as high as
gencarbonate or is incorporated in the shell as car- human systolic blood pressure.
bonate. But air breathers also have the ability to In spite of this highly derived lung, the respira-
excrete carbon dioxide directly into the air over the tory adaptations of Birgus leave the impression of
respiratory epithelium thanks to the incorporation being makeshift and making the best of a bad situ-
of carbonic anhydrase into epithelia of the ‘gill- ation. Responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia indi-
lungs’. This is not only a key factor in the evolution cate that Birgus occupies an intermediate position
of pulmonary carbon dioxide excretion but also in an evolutionary sequence from water to land
represents an intriguing convergence with craniote (Cameron and Mecklenburg, 1973). The lungs are
lungs. As discussed in Chapter 8, the terrestrial crab ventilated by the large, anteriorly displaced scaphog-
genera such as Birgus, Gecarcinus, and Gecarcoidea nathites, which draw air forwards through the lungs.
do not take water with them and carbon dioxide is The lung itself has a low extraction efficiency, which
released via the lungs, whereas bimodal breathers is compensated for with a high rate of air flow with-
such as the southwestern Atlantic crab, or carangejo out counter-current gas exchange. This results in an
granuloso (Chasmagnathus granulatus; Grapsidae) oxygen extraction of 2–7 per cent, compared with
extract oxygen through the lungs but release carbon 20–70 per cent in aquatic crabs. Optimization of oxy-
dioxide to transported water through the gills gen delivery is achieved by anatomically constrained
(Halperin et al., 2000). adjustments of ventilation and perfusion rather than
To better understand the possibilities and limita- by modulation of haemocyanin function (McMahon
tions of terrestrialization in large crustaceans com- and Burggren, 1979).
pared with other animals, let us take a closer look at So much for a look at the incipient processes of ter-
the completely terrestrial hermit crab Birgus latro as restrialization. We have seen many parallels among
a case in point. Specimens of this species, also called centipedes, millipedes, arachnids, and crustaceans.
the coconut crab or robber crab, can weigh up to 4 Most of these can be characterized as individual
kg. Unlike most other hermit crabs, B. latro uses its adaptive lineages that reflect animals with a relatively
own shell rather than a discarded snail shell, and it low-level metabolic strategy rather than extreme spe-
is an obligate air breather, entering water only to cialization for active life on land.
drink or to lay eggs, and even drowns after some
hours in water (Cameron and Mecklenburg, 1973).
10.7 Myriapoda
So-called branchiostegal lungs extend laterally
from the abdomen and account for the entire In centipedes, the position of the spiracles and also the
gas exchange. Experimentally removing the highly fine structure of the tracheae are different in the sub-
reduced gills causes no problems for the animal. So groups Pleurostigmophora and Scutigeromorpha,
the coconut crab essentially evolved an air-breathing so it is possible that tracheal systems developed
organ without dispensing of its gills until well twice within the Chilopoda (Hilken, 1997). In milli-
advanced as an air breather. This development of pedes, on the other hand, the differences are more
parallel respiratory organs is also seen in snails and in degree than in type. In some groups, the tracheae
spiders and, among craniotes, in lungfish and many directly supply regions of high oxygen demand
air-breathing teleosts. such as the CNS and the anterior legs, whereas
The inner lining of the branchiostegal lung is others possess only tracheal lungs, which end in the
highly vascularized and consists of branching tufts open circulatory system. Looking at the myriapods
that protrude into the modified air chamber, result- as a whole, their best time probably was back in the
ing in a high surface area (Cameron, 1981; Greenaway oxygen-rich Carboniferous, when massive, milli-
et al., 1988). The diffusion barrier is thin and haemo- pede-like arthropleurids reached a length of more
lymph from the lungs directly enters the pericardial than 2 m, possibly making them among the largest
sinus, the crab’s equivalent of the left atrium in a terrestrial invertebrates ever to walk the earth
craniote (Farrelly and Greenaway, 2005). Blood pres- (Graham et al., 1995; Dudley, 1998). Since then, the
sure in this species is the highest reported for any group has kept its feet on the ground, as it were,

and done a lot of experimenting with tracheae and of tracheal structures in hexapods may be gener-
tracheal lungs. ated by looking at the development of the tracheal
system in Drosophila. There, tracheae originate from
respiratory placodes located metamerically along
10.8 Hexapoda
the lateral surface of the embryo. In Drosophila, each
The situation among the non-insectan hexapods is a placode consists of about 80 cells, which divide and
minefield as well. For instance, some coneheads migrate inwards to form initial tracheal branches.
(Protura) and some springtails (Collembola) have So far so good. Then, cytoplasmic projections of
tracheae, whereas others do not. To make matters individual distal tracheal cells ramify to form a ser-
worse, the location and specific arrangement of ies of tubules that terminate in a species-specific
these tracheae differs considerably between the fashion at individual internal organs.
groups, making their homology at best questionable. At each branching stage, epithelial migration mech-
So, right now it is uncertain whether tracheae were anisms and tube formation are distinctive. Fibroblast
already present in stem hexapods and got reduced growth factor (FGF) and a fibroblast growth factor
concomitant with minaturization events that made receptor (FGFR) repeatedly activate a general genetic
a dedicated respiratory system obsolete, and subse- programme to control branch budding and out-
quently re-evolved using an ancestral genetic tem- growth, but at each branching stage, the mechanisms
plate, or if we are facing numerous independent that control FGF expression and downstream signal
origins of tracheae within hexapods alone. More transduction change, depending on the pattern and
research on these basally branching hexapods is form of branches (Jarecki et al., 1999; Metzger and
urgently required in order to shed some light on the Krasnow, 1999; Affolter and Shilo, 2000; Ghabrial et
course of the evolution of their respiratory system. al., 2003). This ontogenetic sequence is not unex-
Within the Insecta, a tracheal system with two pected for a hierarchically branching system, and
pairs of thoracic stigmata and eight pairs in the abdo- indeed it is at least analogous to that seen in the
men is already present in the Zygentoma (silverfish), mouse lung (Behr, 2010).
a basally branching lineage that never possessed More than 30 genes are involved in sequential
wings. In silverfish, the tracheal supply in the abdo- steps controlling branching morphogenesis. This is
men remains segmentally separate, whereas thoracic caused exclusively by cell migration and cell shape
tracheae also supply the head. In winged insects changes rather than by cell division. During the
(Pterygota), a longitudinal anastomosis connects the migration phase, cells of each branch are guided to
abdominal segmental tracheae, and this system distinct fates, which finally result in the formation
remains remarkably unchanged among hemimeta- of a continuous tracheal network. Each branch
bolic insects. Evolutionary directions within the forms at key positions a definite number of cell
insects primarily involve the pattern of distribution of types: fusion cells (responsible for interconnection
tracheae and the presence and location of air sacs of tracheae), terminal cells (for gas exchange in tra-
as well as spiracle structure, including the closing cheoles), and branch cells (portions of the tracheal
mechanisms. Again, looking at the functional side of system that transport oxygen from the spiracles to
the respiratory faculty may be the most promising the tracheoles). We suspect that the fusion cells are
approach in terms of understanding the morpho- an evolutionary innovation of the winged insects.
logical diversity, whereas a strictly phylogeny- Further research on non-model insects may reveal
oriented evaluation remains desirable. the mechanisms by which key innovations occur.
A recent comparison of Drosophila with a beetle, for
example, has shown how crosstalk between genes
10.8.1 Ontogeny of the tracheal system in a
may have resulted in elimination of one spiracle
model organism
pair and formation of a second longitudinal branch
Diptera (flies) are among the most highly derived in Drosophila and how these innovations may be
insect groups, but we still may be able to learn relevant to survival in these fruit flies (de Miguel
something about the principles of how the diversity et al., 2016).
122 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

During terminal branching, FGF expression is 30–50 per cent (Krogh, 1920b; Buck, 1962; Schmitz
regulated by local PO2 such that tracheal branching and Perry, 1999).
matches the cellular oxygen needs, not unlike the How well does the tracheal system match the
mechanisms guiding blood vessel growth during respiratory needs in small and large insects and is
wound healing in mammals. Tracheal branching the oxygen delivery more challenging in large
increases in hypoxia and decreases in hyperoxia insects? This hypothesis has been tested in grass-
(Locke, 1958a; Loudon, 1988). In other words, hoppers many times. In Schistocerca americana, the
whereas the major tracheal branches are laid down tracheal volume scales with mass to the 1.3 power,
genetically programmed and controlled by hard- this is larger than the exponent for metabolism
wired developmental cues, branching of the trache- (0.8), suggesting a greater respiratory capacity in
oles is variable and controlled by oxygen demands. larger grasshoppers, if tracheal diffusing capacity
This is very similar to the way the circulatory sys- is proportional to volume (Lease et al., 2006). The
tem develops in craniotes. tracheal diffusing capacity in the jumping legs in
Now let’s take a brief look at air sacs. We see ten- adults have about four times as much diffusing
dencies here that appear to be related both to func- capacity as second instars. Differences are mainly
tional adaptation and to phylogenetic lineages. Large due to larger surface-to-volume ratios and thinner
insects, such as dragonflies and locust grasshoppers, tracheal walls in adults. In addition, adults’ leg
have small air sacs distributed along their tracheal muscles have more intracellular tracheae and mito-
system, each flight muscle having its own tracheal chondria than those of instars (Kirkton et al., 2005).
supply and associated air sac. Flies and bees—both But large grasshoppers can also compensate for
large and small—have large air sacs (Faucheux, 1974). their increase in body size by quadrupling convective
In addition to their function in distributing air, air gas exchange due to increasing abdominal pumping
sacs help maintain the form and muscle function frequency and the tidal volume thanks to their air
of the insect irrespective of variable volume of the sacs (Greenlee and Harrison, 2004).
digestive or reproductive system organs. Further evidence for matching of structure and
function in the tracheal system was provided by
comparison of adults of species of different sizes,
10.8.2 Functional morphology and evolution
ranging from 0.07 to 6.4 g. The maximal tracheal
of insect tracheae
system conductance scales with mass to the 0.7
The level of complexity of a tracheal system depends power: similar to the scaling factor for metabolic
in part on the demands placed on it, but also in part rate in general. But ventilation rate (f · VT) in hyp-
on the size of the insect and its phylogenetic oxia scales directly with body mass, suggesting that
position. Small insects or non-volant species with a convection is a key factor of gas exchange in all spe-
low metabolic rate tend to have simple tracheal sys- cies, and body size does not affect the safety margin
tems that are characterized by small tracheal vol- for oxygen delivery (Jarecki et al., 1999).
umes, a low number of tracheoles, and low diffusing However, diffusing capacity is expressed in terms
capacities. Volant or fast-running insects, on the of oxygen flux per unit driving pressure, and since
other hand, have highly complex tracheal systems it is to be expected—particularly in an actively fly-
with large volumes, volume-variable air sacs, tra- ing insect—that the driving pressure in the muscu-
cheoles penetrating the organs, and extremely high lature would be very much greater than in the
diffusing capacities. Tracheal volumes are between haemolymph, virtually all of the gas exchange
1 and 50 per cent of the total volume of the insect, would take place in the tracheoles. So in the end, for
depending on the species and developmental stage. insects—but not necessarily for other tracheated
Examples are the larvae of the silkworm Cossus with arthropods—both the lateral and terminal gas-
a tracheal volume of 1.5–3 per cent of the body vol- exchange models lead to the same conclusion.
ume, 1.3 per cent in instars of stick insects, 5–10 per True tracheal lungs also occur in insects, particu-
cent in pupae of moths, 6–10 per cent for the water larly in larvae. Caterpillars of the Brazilian skipper
beetle Dystiscus, and for some other adult insects butterfly Calpodes ethlius have been studied

because of their economic importance as leaf-roll- to a cyclic respiratory pattern. A further increase in
ing defoliators of canna plants. The eighth (last) metabolism shortens the flutter phase and when it
pair of abdominal spiracles have thin-walled tra- is completely eliminated, continuous respiration is
cheal tufts not unlike the tracheal lungs of centi- the result.
pedes and onychophorans, surrounded by a large Looking at the evolution of breathing patterns in
number of haemocytes (Wigglesworth, 1953, 1972; arthropods, the most closely related taxon, the vel-
Wigglesworth, 1983a). vet worms have relatively high respiratory rates
and breathe continuously with low safety margins.
This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that
10.8.3 Spiracle closing mechanisms
discontinuous respiration and very low metabolic
Most insects have some mechanism such as sieve rates constitute a derived trait and have appeared
plates, hairs, bristles, or the like that keep foreign independently in several groups such as centipedes
objects from entering the tracheae. As explained in and arachnids, in addition to insects. Some examples
Chapter 7, there are two types of spiracle closing are given in the following paragraphs.
mechanisms: the internal and external ones (Mill, In centipedes we see incipient evolution of DGC.
1985). But this does not mean that they evolved Representatives of the Scutigeromorpha show con-
only twice. Completely unrelated groups such as tinuous respiration, while some Lithobiomorpha
grasshoppers, cockroaches, and lepidopterans have show weak periodic patterns as does Cormocephalus
an external closing apparatus, whereas an internal elegans, a representative of the crown group
one is found in bees and lepidopterans (Beckel Scolopendromorpha. But two other scolopendro-
and Schneiderman, 1957; Nikam and Khole, 1989; morphan species in the same genus, C. morsitans and
Schmitz and Wasserthal, 1999). Yes, lepidopterans C. brevicornis, show identical DGC patterns to those
have both types! found in insects (Klok et al., 2002).
Among arachnids, the pseudoscorpions, solifugids,
and mites/ticks have discontinuous ventilation but it
10.9 The origin and evolution of
differs not only from what we see in insects but also
discontinuous gas exchange cycles in among groups and—as we have seen in centi-
tracheated arthropods pedes—also among species within the same group.
But unfortunately, as the high-level systematics of
Many arthropods that have tracheae also breathe arachnids is uncertain, it is not possible to draw
discontinuously, particularly during rest or meta- any conclusions regarding the evolution of DGC in
morphosis in insects. A prerequisite for discontinu- this taxon. But one thing that turns up is the unusual
ous respiration is closable spiracles. This is the case role of oxygen.
in some arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, and as In the pseudoscorpion Garypus californicus (Lighton
well as in insects. The plesiomorphic condition is and Joos, 2002), for example, internal hypoxia induces
undoubtedly continuous gas exchange since we a decrease in interburst phase length. This suggests
must assume that the structures that close the stig- that the opening phase is actually triggered by
mata had not yet evolved. Also, in addition to DGC, hypoxia: just the opposite to what we see in insects.
cyclic respiratory patterns are known, whereby the We remember: hypoxia as a trigger is common in
spiracles never fully close but a rhythmic pattern of water-breathing animals but is rare in terrestrial
carbon dioxide release is observed. In some insects ones. But the pseudoscorpion is not alone, since a
and possibly in other tracheated arthropods, con- hypoxia trigger is also suspected for the African tor-
tinuous, discontinuous and cyclic respiration are a toise tick Amblyomma marmoreum. In addition, this
continuum influenced by the PO2 in the surround- tick differs from insects in that it has no clear flutter
ing medium and the metabolic rate (Bradley, 2006, phase.
2007; Contreras and Bradley, 2009). The closing Solifugans, as fossorial animals, may often be
phase lowers the PO2 in the insect, but when meta- exposed to hypoxic or hypercapnic environments in
bolic rate increases, this phase disappears, leading deep, sealed underground burrows (Lighton, 1998).
124 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

They do perform DGC (Lighton and Fielden, 1996), about how DGC may have arisen, whereby the
but internal hypoxia triggers the flutter phase rather hypotheses are not necessarily mutually exclusive
than the opening phase, and increases interburst and certainly are not animal-group specific. These are
phase length as in insects. (1) the hygric hypothesis—DGC reduces respiratory
Now looking at mites and ticks: the giant red water loss (Lighton, 1996); (2) the chthonic
velvet mite Dinothrombium magnificum, which is hypothesis—DGC optimizes subterranean breath-
also fossorial, is assumed to perform DGC during ing in hypoxic and/or hypercapnic environments
diapause-like phases (Lighton and Duncan, 1995). by the generation of adequate partial pressure gra-
And the American dog tick Dermacantor variabilis dients (Lighton and Berrigan, 1995; Lighton, 1998);
breaths discontinuously before a blood meal. During (3) the chthonic-hygric hypothesis which is a combination
the blood meal it stays discontinuous in males but of (1) and (2); (4) the oxidative damage hypothesis—
becomes continuous in females. This can be explained DGC protects against the toxic properties of oxygen
by the nearly 100-fold increase in weight and also in (Hetz and Bradley, 2005; Bradley, 2006); (5) the
metabolic rate, particularly in females (Fielden et al., emergent property hypothesis—DGC is a non-
1994; Fielden et al., 1999). adaptive process, which arises as an epiphenomenon
The best-studied group regarding DGC is insects of the interaction of oxygen and carbon dioxide con-
(see Chapter 8). During activity the majority of insect trol, both regulating the spiracular opening; and (6)
groups display a plesiomorphic continuous respiration the strolling arthropod hypothesis—DGC arose as
pattern combined with various cyclic patterns during protection against parasitic invaders.
other life phases. DCG is undoubtedly a derived state Many authors now favour the hygric hypothesis
and probably developed independently at least five (Chown et al., 2006; White et al., 2007), but there are
times in the following groups: Dictyoptera (among also arguments against it (Lighton, 2007). Two such
roaches and mantids), Orthoptera (grasshoppers and arguments are the fact that many inhabitants of dry
crickets), Coleoptera (beetles), Lepidoptera (butter- habitats, such as some desert ants, are in fact con-
flies and moths), Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and tinuous breathers, and also that the elimination of
ants), and Diptera (flies) (Marais et al., 2005). Having DGC does not necessarily result in increased water
said that, it is possible that the technical improvement loss (Lighton and Turner, 2008). As implied earlier,
may reveal that DGC is much more common in small it is not unlikely that the evolutionary raisons d’être
insects than previously thought (Schneiderman, 1960; behind DGC may be different in different groups,
Lighton, 1996; Bradley, 2006; Chown et al., 2006; White and that it arose independently several times. One
et al., 2007; Chown, 2011). strong argument for the repeated, independent ori-
So, is there a single origin of DGC or perhaps sev- gin of DGC, as pointed out previously, is its pres-
eral, all leading to the same result in diverse ence even in certain non-insect arthropods, such as
lineages? To date, there are six different hypotheses centipedes and arachnids.
C H A PT ER 11

Respiratory faculties of aquatic


Before you can do what you want to do, you always animal. Branchiostoma has an asymmetric larval stage
have to do something else. So let us first take a look in which a small number of gill openings exit on the
at the non-craniote chordates to better understand the right-hand side: the mouth is on the left side. During
respiratory faculties in craniotes. One of the struc- metamorphosis, the gill openings on the right migrate
tures that characterize chordates in general is the per- across the ventral midline to the left side, new ones
forated branchial basket in the anterior part of their form on the right, and the mouth takes its final, anter-
gut. As the name ‘branchial’ implies, this structure, ior position. The new branchial basket becomes
which functions in filter feeding, is also assumed to enveloped in an atrium. During this process, the
have a respiratory function. But let’s have another relatively straightforward larval coelom develops
look. folds that permeate most of the body including
In the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum, the the wall of the atrium, providing it with a very thin
branchial basket is supplied with haemolymph from water–coelom diffusion barrier. This surface is ven-
the ventral aorta (Figure 11.1). As mentioned in tilated by the same water current that serves in filter
Chapter 4, this fluid has a vanadium-containing sub- feeding. When the animal swims using muscle-
stance for which a respiratory function has yet to powered undulation, the coelomic fluid is pushed
be demonstrated, but no red blood cells. A series around, presumably resulting in a circulation of dis-
of tiny, ventrally located contractile elements called solved metabolic gases (Schmitz et al., 2000). The
bulbilli pump the haemolymph through spaces in segmental muscles also are spongy and have a fluid-
the branchial bars and it is collected in dorsal aortic filled cavity (myocoel) facing the outer surface of
roots just as in craniotes. But unlike craniotes, there the animal. So the muscles can exchange respiratory
are no thin-walled gas exchange surfaces in the ‘gills’ gases directly through the skin and movement of
in these cephalochordates, but parallel vessels do the myocoel fluid distributes them. When the ani-
supply the nephridial organs. More importantly: the mal is not moving and the metabolic rate falls, con-
branchial basket in Branchiostoma makes up only vection presumably ceases. In other words, the very
1–2 per cent of the total morphometrically measured craniote-like circulatory system of our non-craniote
oxygen diffusing capacity of the animal (Schmitz relative probably has no significant gas exchange
et al., 2000). function. The ciliated epithelium of the branchial fil-
So if the ‘gills’ really just supply the nephridial ter ventilates the atrial gas exchange surface of unique
organs and/or serve in filter feeding, how does coelomic spaces and passive movement of coelomic
Branchiostoma breathe? To understand this we need fluid functionally takes on the gas transport function
to take a look at the late developmental stages of the provided by the circulatory system in craniotes. The

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

Nt Bb My
No Sm Gu

At An
Ci Ve 1°Ga 2°Ga Go

(b) (c) Ns 2°Eba 1°Eba

Df Dar
Sc Sc

Gc 2°Ga
Ld Cga
2°Ga Oga
Go Cv Iga
Ps Cm

Bu Va Ca

Figure 11.1 Structure of the branchial apparatus in the amphioxus, Branchiostoma. (a). The branchial apparatus consists of at least 20 gill arches on each side, the number becoming doubled by
the formation of secondary arches. Part (b) represents a cross section through the middle of the gill apparatus. The gut, including the branchial apparatus—originally located in the unsegmented
body cavity (coelom)—becomes secondarily surrounded by a peribranchial space (Ps), while the coelom invades various spaces: for example, sclerocoel (Sc), parachordal coelom (Pc), gill arch
coelom (Gc). The myocoel (Mc) is a fluid-filled, muscle fibre-free region on the lateral surface of the segmental muscles, which serves in the direct ventilation of the musculature. Part (c) is a detail of
the branchial apparatus. Ventilated water is drawn by action of ventilatory branchial cilia (Cv, in inset) in through the mouth, moved across the gills, collected in the peribranchial space (atrium) (Ps)
and exits through the atriopore (At in part (a)). A mucus net, formed in the endostyle (not labeled) at the base of the branchial apparatus is carried dorsally by mucous-transporting cilia (Cm) and
then moved by further cilia to the gut (Gu, in part (a)). Arrows show direction of haemolymph flow. All labels in alphabetical order: An, anus; At, atriopore; Ba, lumen of branchial basket; Bb,
branchial basket; Bu, bulbilli; Ci, oral cirri; Ca, collateral artery; Cga, coelomic gill artery; Cm, mucus-transporting cilia; Cv, ventilatory cilia; Dar, dorsal aotic roots; Df, dorsal fin; Go, gonads; Gu, gut;
Ld, liver diverticulum; Iga, Inner gill artery; Mc, myocoel; No, notochord; Ns, nephridial sinus; Nt, neural tube; Oga, outer gill artery; Pcc; Parachordal coelom; Ps, Peripranchial space (Atrium); Sm,
Segmental musculature; Ve, velum; Va, ventral aorta; 1°Ga, primary gill arch; 1°Gb, primary gill bar; 1°Eba, efferent branchial artery of primary gill arch; 2°Ga, secondary gill arch; 2°Gb, secondary
gill bar; 2°Eba, secondary efferent branchial artery. After Westheide and Rieger, 2007; Perry, 1989.

convergence with bivalve molluscs is astounding, into any detail about the pattern of branchial blood
but more about this later in Chapter 14. vessels supplying and draining gills. For this there are
Of the three tunicate groups—Thaliacea, Apendic- a large number of good comparative craniote anat-
ularia, and Ascidia—the first two are pelagic and omy books which you are encouraged to consult.
planktonic, and together make up fewer than 150 spe-
cies. The Ascidia (ascidians, sea squirts), with some 11.1 Myxinoida
4000 species, have a pelagic, tadpole-shaped larval
stage but as adults they are sessile filter feeders. The Hagfish completely lack a cartilaginous gill skeleton
branchial basket of large individuals contains several in the holobranch septum, and an external cartilagin-
thousand gill slits (Goldschmid, 2007). Like amphi- ous net, such as that seen in lampreys, is incomplete
oxus, these ascidians draw in water by ciliary action or lacking. The array of gas exchange structures on
through a broad inflow orifice and move it through the gill pouch walls consists of a series of primary and
the filter apparatus of the branchial basket into to a secondary respiratory folds, which lie more or less
peribranchial space, whence it flows out through a parallel to the direction of water flow (Figure 11.3).
relatively narrow outflow orifice (Figure 11.2). The The blood spaces within these folds contain pillar
ciliary beat is under central, neurological control. cells that closely resemble those of sharks and bony
It is assumed that gas exchange takes place in the fish (see section 11.3). Blood flows through the spaces
gill slits themselves, which are well supplied with cir- between the pillar cells in the opposite direction of
culatory vessels. Unlike amphioxus, a central heart, water flow: the counter-current model already exists
which can reverse the direction of pumping, is pre- in the most basally branching lineage of extant
sent and extensive coelomic spaces are lacking. In the craniotes.
haemolymph, in addition to vanadocytes, in which In hagfish, the ciliated ventilatory pump of the
a sulphur–protein–vanadium complex results in an cephalochordates is functionally replaced by a muscle-
intracellular vanadium concentration some 100,000 driven pharyngeal velum (Marinelli and Strenger,
times higher than the surrounding sea water, cells 1959; Mallatt and Paulsen, 1986).This strange device
containing high concentrations of iron, chromium, is a curtain (the true meaning of the Latin word,
niobium, tantalum, titanium, and manganese are pre- velum) of tissue that is attached to the pharynx and
sent (Goldschmid, 2007). The possible respiratory func- opens forward onto an inverted T-shaped plunger.
tion of these metal-containing cells is unknown but When the plunger moves down it traps pharyngeal
on exposure to air the haemolymph turns black. water behind the velum. This water is then pushed
A little bit of terminological clarification will now caudally into the gills when the plunger is raised,
be helpful. The plesiomorphic structure of gills in cra- the free lateral edges of the velum acting as a valve.
niotes is undoubtedly a series of gill pouches that So the velum is a positive pressure pump with a
connect the central lumen of the pharynx with the fixed unit volume, but the minute volume can be
outside pharyngeal surface. The principal anatomy varied by changing the frequency.
is best illustrated using a shark as a model, although
their discussion follows later (but see Figure 11.6c
11.2 Petromyzontida
later in this chapter) These pouches have an array
of respiratory structures, described in more detail Unlike hagfish, lampreys migrate into or permanently
later, on their anterior and posterior surfaces. This inhabit bodies of fresh water, where they lay their
respiratory structure array plus half of the wall that eggs in sandy stream bottoms. There they develop a
separates one pouch from another is called a ‘hemi- filter-feeding (ammocoete, meaning ‘sand-bed’) lar-
branch’ (half-gill), and the whole wall (branchial val stage with an amphioxus-like lifestyle. Although
septum) plus its two hemibranchs is called a ‘holo- they do have ciliated epithelium on their gills, it is
branch’. On the other hand, each pouch plus the two just used for transport of the alimentary mucus sheet
hemibranchs that border it is called a ‘respiratory and not for water propulsion. The gills, which resem-
unit’. To avoid confusion and missing the forest ble miniature versions of the adult ones, are ventilated
because of all the trees, so to speak, we shall not go with a muscle-powered velum (Rovainen, 1996).
128 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

(a) CNS



neural “brain”

heart stomach

“brain” heart

“brain” ganglion

gill space


Figure 11.2 The Ascidia, the most species-rich group of tunicates, have a muscle-powered tail and notochord as larvae, shown in part (a). The
larvae attach to the substratum, resorb the tail and most of the central nervous system and become sessile filter feeders (sequence (b)), whereby
the locomotor system is reduced, most of the central nervous system (CNS) is eliminated, the brain becomes reduced to a ganglion and the
branchial basket is greatly enlarged. Large adult organisms, (c), may have several thousand gill openings to the peribranchial space. After
Westheide and Rieger, 2007.

(a) (b) (c) allel to the water flow (Figure 11.4). The filaments
used to be called primary lamellae. Flat, gas exchange
structures jut more or less at right angles to the fila-
ment, and are accordingly called ‘secondary lamellae’
but we shall henceforth just refer to them as lamel-
lae. They extend on both sides, from near the free
edge of each filament to its base, where it attaches to
the branchial septum. This is fundamentally differ-
ent from hagfish, in which the folds on the filaments
run parallel to the filamentar axis. In lampreys, near
the attachment of the filament to the septum, the
heart lamellae taper, forming a free space, or water chan-
nel, along the base of the filament.
During metamorphosis the velum changes its func-
tion, in the adult serving as a filter that prevents
food from entering the gills, and adult lampreys
have superficial branchial constrictor muscles that
they use in gill ventilation (Rovainen, 1996). Since
efferent the mouth in these ectoparasites is usually blocked
branchial by attachment to the host, the branchial cavity is
artery filled passively by non-ventilatory backflow through
the gill openings, the water being moved by recoil of
the cartilaginous branchial basket that surrounds
afferent the gills, but cartilaginous gill arches are lacking.
inner artery
Due to the relatively narrow external opening of the
gill gills, the flow velocity decreases as water fills the
pouches and the lamellae are not ventilated during
During ventilatory outflow, water is forced at high
outer gill duct
velocity through a relatively narrow opening at
the end of the gill pouch, thereby creating a negative
pressure—much like those vacuum pumps in the
chemistry lab—and pulling water in between the
Figure 11.3 Gill structure in hagfish. The branchial region and the
blood supply on the right-hand side of the body, viewed dorsally lamellae, then into the water channel, and out of the
in three different hagfish genera ((a), Epatretus; (b), Paramyxine; gill. The lamellae do not collapse because the pressure
(c), Mxyine) are illustrated. The respiratory unit, or gill pouch, on both sides is the same. The direction of blood flow
exemplified for Myxine in (d) consists of respiratory folds that are in the lamellae is from the base near the water chan-
oriented parallel to the direction of water flow. Since the blood enters
nel toward the free end of the filament: counter-
from the afferent branchial arteries distally and flows proximally it the
efferent branchial artery (black arrows) and the water (black with current to the flow of water during expiration. So in
white arrows) flows in the opposite direction, the counter-current spite of the dramatically different anatomy of the
model is established. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015. gas exchange structures, the counter-current model
appears conserved.

The gill structure of the adult lamprey is very dif-

11.3 Chondrichthyes
ferent from that of hagfish and similar to sharks
(Marinelli and Strenger, 1959; Kempton, 1969; Mallatt, In jawed craniotes (Gnathostomata), the structure of
1996). It is composed of raised ridges, called ‘fila- the gills (filaments plus lamellae with their pillar cell
ments’, that are oriented on the gill pouch wall par- systems) is the same as in adult lampreys, but the
branchial arteries
cartilage afferent nerves


(b) water oesophagus

velum canal



gill filaments

(c) (d)
water channel
efferent arteries

– + +
– +

– +

gill lamellae
gill septum
gill filament

Figure 11.4 The branchial region of the lamprey, Petromyzon, in schematic frontal (part (a)) and parasagittal section (part (b)). Parts (c) and (d) illustrate
gill ventilation in schematic frontal section of a respiratory unit (gill pouch) on the left-hand side viewed dorsally, lateral to the left. During inspiration
(part (c)) when the animal is attached by its mouth to an object or host, water is drawn in through the gill openings, by relaxation of the constrictor
musculature and dilation of the branchial region as the elastic cartilage skeleton (part (a)) springs back to its resting state. The pressure conditions during
filling of the gill pouches differ dramatically from the flow-through ones during inspiration (part (c)) and are not simply reversed: the lamellae are not
ventilated. During expiration (part (d)), as the constrictor musculature (not shown) contracts, pressure rises in the gill pouches (+ signs). Water escapes by
flowing between the gill lamellae and out through the water channels at their base. Compare also Fig. 11-6(d). The water flowing rapidly over the tips of
the gill filaments at the outlet lowers the relative pressure, drawing more water between the lamellae. Deoxygenated blood enters the septa through paired
afferent arteries proximally and leaves, oxygenated, from the same septum through unpaired efferent arteries, which may lie proximally (parts (c) and (d)) or
distally (part (a)) in the septum, depending on the ventral or dorsal location. Modified after Westheide and Rieger, 2015. and Perry, 1989.

septa between gill pouches now contain a branchial squeeze the entire branchial region. The deeper inter-
support system that consists of internal (medial) arcual muscles and the branchial adductors attach
gill arches (Mallatt, 1996) and also have cartilagin- directly to the branchial cartilages, constricting each
ous rays extending into the relatively thin holo- gill arch separately by decreasing the angle between
branchial septa. Each gill arch is made up of a series the arch elements and at the same time raising the
of five parts—termed pharyngo-, epi-, cerato-, hypo-, floor of the gill region. Some parts of the compli-
and basibranchial elements—jointed to each other cated hypobranchial muscles also can cause con-
(Figure 11.5). Of these, only the epi- and ceratobranchial striction of the gill region. In contrast to the intrinsic
elements support gills. The elements are connected gill arch muscles, the hypobranchial group consists
to the skull and to each other by sophisticated of modified segmental muscles of the trunk.
branchial musculature that is directly innervated by During inspiration, the mouth and the spiracles
the branchiomeric cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X open and the branchial dilator muscles contract.
(see Chapter 13). Unlike in lampreys, in which the This draws water into the mouth and from the oral
cartilaginous basket lies peripheral to the gills, the pharynx into the gill pouches, whereby external
branchial skeleton of gnathostomes lies medial to flaps of the branchial septa act as valves to prevent
the gills and is of neural crest origin. Recent studies, water from entering the gill region from behind.
however, revealed that the gill epithelium of chon- The mouth is then closed, forcing water into the gill
drichthyans, like that of hagfish, is endodermal pouches (Figure 11.6). The pharynx is constricted by
(Gillis and Tidswell, 2017). a contraction wave of external and internal constrictor
In gnathostomes, inspiration is not passive as in muscles, progressing from the front to the back of
lampreys, but is actively brought about by levator the pharynx. This forces trapped water into the gill
muscles of the gill arches. Dorsally, the levator mus- pouches and over the respiratory surfaces. This
cles raise the pharyngo- and epibranchial cartilages, push–pull mechanism causes a nearly continuous
while ventrally it is the hypobranchial muscles which unidirectional flow of water across the gills.
pull the gills caudally and open the lower jaw. Deoxygenated blood from the ventral aorta is
Expiration is caused by contraction of the dorsoven- pumped into the afferent branchial arteries, which
trally oriented external constrictor muscles, which are located on the branchial skeleton, and from

mm. interarcualia
mm. levatores m. cucullaris

mm. adductores shoulder

mm. constrictores hypobranchial


Figure 11.5 Basic structure of the gill skeleton and the most important musculature in Gnathostomata. Of the five skeletal elements (Pharyngo-,
Epi-, Cerato- Hypo- and Basibranchial cartilages or bones) only the first three (phar, epi, cer) are illustrated here and only the Epi- and Ceratobranchial
parts support gill filaments. The mm. levatores extend above all gill arches as levator arcuum branchialis and aid in inspiration while the external
constrictor muscles (mm. constrictores, here onls partially shown) cover the entire gill region in sharks and effect expiration. The mm. interarcualia
and adductor branchialis are internal constrictor muscles that aid in forcing water out of the pharynx. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.
water efferent gill lamellae gill filaments
(a) gill gill channel (b)
filament lamellae artery
afferent filament artery
gill arteries
flap water channel
cer pillar
septum corpus

holobranch afferent
cartilage septal


nerve veins

(c) (d)


– – +

Figure 11.6 Parts (a) and (b) show the anatomy and terminology for shark gills. Note that the gill septum is much longer than the gill filament
and that a water channel is present at the base of each filament as in the lamprey. Also note that the direction of blood flow through the gill
lamellae (white arrows in part b) is opposite that of the water flow (black arrows) between them. Branchial region in a shark. (c), Expiration. The
mouth closes and the branchial region constricts, increasing the pressure in the pharyngeal cavity and forcing water over the gills. (d), Inspiration.
The mouth opens and the branchial region expands, closing the gill flaps and preventing water from entering by any other path than through the
mouth or the spiracles. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.

there into the afferent filament arteries. Following is completely gone in the most species-rich teleost
counter-current gas exchange in the lamellae, the lineage, the Percomorpha (perch-like fish). Each
oxygenated blood leaves the gills via the efferent filament is supported by a cartilaginous rod (Figure
filamentar and the efferent branchial arch arteries, 11.7). A pair of filament adductor muscles, which
arriving in the dorsal aorta for distribution to the may represent a rudiment of the old superficial con-
body. strictor muscles, adjusts their position and optimizes
water flow between the lamellae. When the adductor
muscles are relaxed, the filaments spread apart such
11.4 The operculum
that the tips even touch and all of the respiratory
We have left out one important element of the struc- water is forced over the lamellae: the so-called
ture of the branchial region of many gnathos- branchial curtain. Under conditions where less gas
tomes: the gill covers or opercula (sing., operculum). exchange efficiency is required, the adductor mus-
In various extinct (†) and extant jawed fish groups cles contract, allowing water to escape without con-
(placoderms†, chimaeras, acanthodians†, paleonisc- tacting the respiratory surfaces. In addition, blood
ids†, sarcopterygians, actinopterygians), opercula flow through the filamentar and lamellar vasculature
appeared and the gill septa became at least partially is not homogeneous and favours the more basal
reduced. These anatomical modifications have func- regions of both structures during periods of reduced
tional consequences. If funnel-shaped gill pouches activity. This active adjustment of teleost gills results
are no longer present, we would expect that the in an optimal ventilation/perfusion relationship in
high water velocity at the distal end of the filaments the lamellae. In addition to the principal branchial
would be reduced and ventilation of the lamellae vascular architecture with afferent and efferent arter-
would no longer be effective. But muscular adduc- ies as previously described for sharks, osteognathos-
tion of the operculum can also increase the velocity tomatans have a so-called central venous sinus that
of water leaving the gills (Figure 11.7). Reduction of receives blood from the efferent filamentary arter-
the holobranch septum frees the filaments and—as ies. It is assumed to have mechanical functions, but
long as each filament is separately supported by a also nutritive ones.
cartilaginous ray—provides the advantage that water However, in spite of these dramatic changes in
can flow directly between the lamellae and out of the anatomy of the respiratory apparatus, the basic
the gill, and the energy-wasting deflection into nar- process of gill breathing does not really change much.
row water channels on the septal surface is no longer As in sharks, the process begins when the mouth
necessary. opens and water enters (Figure. 11.7). As the mouth
closes, water is forced into the pharynx. At the same
time the operculum swings outward (abduction),
11.5 Basic structure and function of the forming an opercular valve prohibiting the water
gills in Osteognathostomata, particularly from entering from behind. Then, with the mouth
closed the operculum swings inward (adduction),
forcing water out over the gills and the process
In bony, jawed craniotes (Osteognathostomata), the starts over again.
skull and the operculum make the superficial con- Most ray-finned fish have four functional holo-
strictor muscles seen in sharks and rays redundant. branchs, namely gill arches III, IV, V, and VI. Lungfish
Instead osteognathostomatans have highly differ- can have up to five gill arches, but their respiratory
entiated opercular and gill arch muscles. But the function is very different among the lungfish spe-
structure of the gills in the most basally branching cies. In the Australian lungfish Neoceradotus forsteri,
actinopterygian (ray-finned fish) radiations such as for example, the gills are the main respiratory organ,
Cladistia (bichir and reed fish) and Chondrostei whereas in the South American lungfish Lepidosiren
(sturgeons and paddle fish) are very shark-like, with paradoxa, their contribution is virtually non-existent.
nearly complete holobranch septa. In more crown- In African lungfish, Protopterus, only three of the five
ward groups, this septum becomes reduced and gill arches have gas exchange tissue.
134 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

(a) branchial arch

efferent arch artery

afferent arch artery

branchial arch vein
efferent filament artery

afferent filament artery

central venous sinus
gill lamellae
direction of blood flow

filament cartilage

secondary branchial
arch vein

direction of water flow


– –

–– +

Figure 11.7 Structure of a typical teleost (percomorph) gill with a completely reduced septum (a). Note the complicated vasculature including
the central venous sinus (part of the secondary circulatory system), by which the stiffness of the filament can be adjusted. The oxygenated blood it
contains may also serve as a reserve. Water flow (large blue arrow) and blood flow (small black arrow) through the gill lamellae are in opposite
directions. Branchial region of a teleost fish. (b), left, Inspiration. The mouth opens and the operculum abducts, reducing pressure in the pharynx
and drawing water in, whereby the gills are ventilated. (b), right, Expiration. The mouth closes and the alar valve prevents water from escaping
anywhere except over the gills. The operculum then constricts, forcing water out of the branchial cavity. Note that when the gill arch septa are
reduced, the tips of the gill filaments can be adjusted to touch, forming a branchial curtain. Water exits directly to the supopercular space and not
through a water channel as in sharks and lampreys. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015; Perry 2008.

Numerous morphometric estimates of surface neurological coupling persists in spite of the fact
area and diffusion barrier thickness conducted over that the heart may lie caudal to the gills rather than
the past four decades have revealed that within the being surrounded by them and that the rigid skeleton
cartilaginous and the ray-finned fish, the diffusing supports the sinus venosus, reducing the biophysical
capacity correlates well with the lifestyle (e.g. slug- aspect of event coupling.
gish bottom dweller vs constant rapid swimmer) This arsenal of highly versatile and effective ven-
rather than with the systematic position. (For refer- tilatory mechanisms was certainly instrumental in
ences, see Hughes, 1972; Hughes and Morgan, 1973; allowing the evolution of the enormous diversity in
Hughes, 1984; Fernandes et al., 2007.) But in addition, size and aerobic activity seen among present-day
recent studies have corroborated earlier ones that jawed fish. Estimates of extraction of dissolved oxy-
show that killifish or trout, respectively, can quickly gen from inspired water range from 60 per cent in
change morphological parameters that result in an sharks to more than 80 per cent in teleosts, and as
increase in diffusing capacity when placed in hypoxic mentioned in Chapter 5, the water in the wake of a
water (Soivio and Tuurala, 1981; Ong et al., 2007). fish school may contain no measurable oxygen at all
(Domenici et al., 2007).

11.5.1 Optimizing gill function

11.5.2 Ram ventilators
As discussed earlier, water flow is normally unidirec-
tional in craniotes with internal gills, the exceptions Since fish have a flow-through system from front to
being lampreys and sturgeons. In sturgeons, water back beginning at the mouth, it is possible for a fish
flow is normally unidirectional but may become tidal just to swim with its mouth and operculum open
when the animal searches for food with the mouth and save the energy of using its breathing muscles.
submerged in sediment. Breathing frequency falls to zero (or becomes con-
With an eye on the biophysical constraints we tinuous, depending on your point of view), also
saw in Chapter 3, it is not surprising that respira- releasing heartbeat from any respiratory constraint.
tory faculties show morphological mechanisms that Independently, many lines of fishes that inhabit
optimize their efficiency, but because of the limited flowing water evolved the practice of this so-called
solubility of oxygen in water and wildly fluctuating ram ventilation to some extent, and several lines of
diurnal/nocturnal oxygen partial pressures and the pelagic neoselachians and bony fish such as tunas
metabolic demands of activity, one would expect and billfishes (e.g. swordfish and marlins) as adults
not only anatomical but also neurophysiological are incapable of ventilating their gills at rest. These
mechanisms. These will be discussed in more detail sharks, for instance, actually would drown if they
in Chapter 13, but one surprising and perhaps par- stop swimming, but contrary to some popular anec-
ticularly revealing phenomenon should be men- dotes, this is not true for sharks in general, most
tioned here. of which have perfectly functional respiratory mus-
Since the pericardial cavity in sharks is surrounded culature. Also the remora suckerfish (Perciformes:
by the branchial spaces, it makes biomechanical Echeneidae), which attach themselves to other fish,
sense that ventricular contraction (systole) should boats, sea turtles, and even SCUBA divers using a
coincide with branchial constriction, and that filling sucker (actually a modified dorsal fin) on the top of
of the ventricle (diastole) and the sinus venosus the head, employ ram ventilation when their host is
should occur simultaneously with dilatation of the swimming. Comparing constant-swimming neose-
gill arches. And what one actually finds is not only lachians and bony fish such as tunas and billfish, we
a coupling of ventilation and perfusion rates but see amazing similarity.
also of events. A dogfish shark (Scyliorhinus canicula) The shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), weigh-
shows a one-to-one coupling of expiratory events ing roughly 5 kg, ram ventilates while cruising
and ventricular systoles at rest, and following exer- at 1.4 km h−1, while the much smaller skipjack tuna
cise, the rates change but whole-number ratios may (Katsuwonus pelamis) with one-third of this weight,
be conserved (Taylor et al., 2006). In bony fish, this swims at almost twice the speed (Wegner et al., 2012).
136 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

Both species of ram ventilators meet their metabolic (b) Gia

demands, attaining more than 50 per cent extraction (a) s Fgi
of oxygen from the inspired water, but through dif- Fgi
ferent strategies (Stevens, 1972; Bushnell and Brill,
1991, 1992). The slower-swimming shark has a lower
metabolic rate and moves less water through the
gills than the tuna, but because the interlamellar
spaces are larger (56 µm as opposed to only 20 µm Fgi
in the tuna), the resistance to water flow is lower in
the shark and the flow rates over the lamellae are (c) (d)
similar in the two species. In addition, the shark
lamellae are larger, resulting in a longer contact time
between respiratory water and the lamellar surface
than in the tuna. This is compensated by the thinner
water–blood diffusion distance in the tuna, which is
comparable with the air–blood diffusion distance in Gio (f)
a mammalian lung! The tunas can achieve such thin Gio
diffusion barriers because their filaments are virtu-
ally immobile and fused together by crossbeams.
This results in a constant-volume gill, analogous to
the constant-volume avian lung, and with the same Mo
result: the respiratory organs can have extremely thin (g) Ao (h) Mo
cell coverings because they do not need to take vol- Gii
ume changes and bending into account. Incidentally, Gio
the labyrinth ABO of anabantid fishes are also con-
stant volume and also display air–blood barriers Gio
as thin as those in mammalian lungs (Munshi, 1985;
Graham, 1997). (i)

11.6 Lissamphibia
In general, larval lissamphibians are aquatic gill Gio
breathers whereas amniotes don’t have a larval (j)
stage at all and do not perform aquatic gas exchange.
Let’s have a closer look at this.
In present-day Anura (frogs and toads), both Figure 11.8 Primary ((a) – (d)) and secondary ((e) – (j)) larval
internal and external gills can be present, the exter- gills in fish and amphibians. Similar filamentous gills (Fgi)
nal gills replaced by internal ones at a later develop- extending from the posterior side of the gill septum (Gis) in
fetuses of two shark genera ((a), Acanthias; (b), Mustelus) and
mental stage. The internal gills are derived from an
in the former also from the spiracle (S), which has no gas-exchange
anterior row of filaments on the gill arches, and the function in the adult. The larval teleost fish Cubitis shows a very
external ones, from the posterior row. Interestingly, similar gill development. Both in the shark and the teleost the
the same pattern is seen in neoselachians and also anterior side of the gill arch (Gia) shows no filamentous gill
among highly derived teleosts such as the loaches development. Secondary, external gills can be superficially similar
as in lungfish ((e), Polypterus; (f), Lepidosiren) and anuran
(Cobitidae). The gills are resorbed during metamor-
amphibians ((j), Salamandra) or highly diverse as is anuran
phosis in anurans. External gills are also found in amphibians ((g), Rana, (h), Gastrotheca) and gymnophionans
unrelated groups of air-breathing fishes such as ((i), Hypogeophis). Ao, adhesive organ; Gii, internal gill; Gio,
lungfish and cladistia (Figure 11.8). Among Caudata external gill; Mo, mouth. Perry, 1989.

(salamanders and newts) they are common in such because there is no way for the blood to return to
distantly related groups as Proteidae, Ambystomidae, the skin (Barej et al., 2010). In earlier developmental
and Necturidae, where external gills are maintained stages, however, a venous return probably exists,
throughout life, whereas others (e.g. Hynobiidae, but this remains to be verified based on suitable
Cryptobranchidae, Sirenidae, and Amphiumidae) specimens.
maintain only internal gills. In the Gymnophiona There are, though, also lungless frogs, such as the
(caecilians), larvae have three pairs of feathery exter- recently discovered Barbourula kalimantanensis from
nal gills, two of which are resorbed and the other is Borneo (Bickford et al., 2008). However, to date very
shed upon metamorphosis (Himstedt, 1996). In fact, little is known about respiratory adaptations or mat-
the identification of a gill opening in a juvenile caecil- ing habits of this species. And last but not least, there
ian was the first unequivocal anatomical character are also lungless caecilians such as Microcaecilia iwok-
that allowed their inclusion within amphibians ramae (Wake and Donnelly, 2010) and Atretochoana
rather than snakes (Müller, 1831). eiselti, the latter actually being the largest known
In addition to gills, most lissamphibians also use species of tetrapod without lungs (Wilkinson and
the skin for aquatic gas exchange (for relevant refer- Nussbaum, 1997).
ences, see Feder and Burggren, 1992), and skin breath-
ing may not only be important for carbon dioxide 11.7 Cutaneous gas exchange
release in aquatic lissamphibians. Anecdotal reports
in amniotes
claim that terrestrial toads accomplish the same by
sitting in puddles of dilute urine. The group Amniota is characterized by a large num-
And then there are the often highly terrestrial ber of traits that make the animals well suited for
Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders) that entirely life on dry land. These include a waterproof skin,
lack gills and lungs, and are completely reliant on internal fertilization, and the lack of a larval stage
the skin for gas exchange. Plethodontids show many and functional gills. Most Amniota are not capable
adaptations that enhance the efficiency of cutaneous of aquatic gas exchange and even in groups that
gas exchange, which functions equally well in water are completely marine it tends to account for no
and on land. Fine capillaries penetrate into the epi- more than a quarter of the total oxygen consumption
thelium, reducing the diffusion barrier to less than (King and Heatwole, 1994). In the sea snake genera
10 μm. As in other salamanders and some anurans Acalyptophis and Lapemis during voluntary diving,
(Noble, 1931), the erythrocytes fragment into tiny oxygen is continuously removed from the lung
haemoglobin-filled packets that can easily enter until about 50 per cent remains, at which time the
capillaries, making lissamphibians the only crani- animal usually surfaces (Seymour and Webster, 1975).
otes besides mammals that can have nucleus-free During diving, blood tends to bypass the lung (right–
red blood cells. And since the lungs are lacking, left shunt), partially recirculating in the deoxygen-
separation of blood in the heart is not necessary, ated state. This is viewed as a mechanism to avoid
and the interatrial septum has a large foramen, losing oxygen to the water via the cutaneous circu-
creating a functional analogue of a fish heart. lation (Seymour and Webster, 1975). During long,
Specializations for cutaneous respiration are also forced dives, the oxygen reserves are depleted com-
seen in anurans, probably the best known being the pletely and the blood pH drops due to anaerobic
permanent skin folds of the Lake Titicaca frog metabolism, indicating that cutaneous gas exchange
Telmatobius culeus, reminiscent of those in the giant alone is not capable of supporting an active sea
salamander Cryptobranchus allegheniensis and the snake.
hair-like papillae displayed in the flanks and thighs The Nile softshell turtle Trionyx triunguis is capable
of the male African ‘hairy frog’ Trichobatrachus of limited buccopharyngeal and cutaneous gas
robustus during the breeding season. A recent study exchange (Girgis, 1961). Numerous papillae extend
indicates that at least late in their developmental into the oral cavity and are supplied by branches of
stage these ‘hairs’ cannot serve in gas exchange, the carotid artery. Because of their thick diffusion
138 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

barrier (approximately 100 µm), these structures accumulated during metabolism under anaerobic
probably play a role only during extreme hypoxia. conditions. Repeating the experiments at 10°C and
Girgis (1961) reports that approximately 30 per cent sequentially blocking the possible sites for aquatic
of the aquatic respiration is buccopharyngeal, the gas exchange showed the skin, rather than the buc-
remaining 70 per cent being cutaneous. In another copharyngeal cavity or the extensive urinary bladder,
soft-shelled turtle species, Apalone spinifera, cutane- to be the source of extrapulmonary gas exchange
ous gas exchange may account for as much as 37.5 (for references, see Jackson, 2013).
per cent of the total oxygen uptake. But as in the sea
snake, all sources of non-pulmonary gas exchange 11.8 Do turtles have a cloacal
combined—while helpful in allowing survival of
water lung?
a resting animal—are not sufficient to support an
active turtle. In his excellent review of the role of the urinary and
In two other aquatic turtles, Sternotherus odoratus cloacal bladder in turtles, Jørgensen (1998) states:
and S. minor, the ratio of buccopharyngeal to cuta- ‘The view that the cloacal bladders function in res-
neous gas exchange is closer to 70 per cent versus piration became widely adopted, despite the fact
30 per cent (Belkin, 1968). Based on the published that experimental evidence does not support such a
histological sections (Heiss et al., 2010), the exchange role’. In fact, no cryptodiran turtle has been shown
barrier in the oral papillae in Sternotherus appears to to engage in gas exchange with the urinary or acces-
be pretty thick, as in Trionyx, making the degree of sory (cloacal) bladders, in spite of their often villous
its contribution to oxygen uptake questionable. The internal structure.
primary function of the papillae probably lies in car- But having said that: several species of pleuro-
bon dioxide release, since the KCO2 for tissue is much dires do remain voluntarily submerged for prolonged
greater than the KO2. Perhaps during prolonged periods up to several days (King and Heatwole, 1994),
submerged periods, carbon dioxide can be released and the cloaca is actively ventilated. Physiological
via these structures, thereby reducing its systemic studies on Myuchelys latisternum showed that about
partial pressure and delaying the breathing reflex. one-quarter (a bit more at 30°C than at 20°C) of the
This would be advantageous because it would total oxygen uptake was extrapulmonary. Of this,
increase the time an animal can spend under water. about half took place in the buccopharyngeal cavity
In studies designed to simulate underwater hiber- and the other half occurred in the cloaca and through
nation in the painted turtle Chrysemys picta, animals the skin, with a tendency for the cloaca to be more
maintained at 3°C and denied access to air were important. A similar situation was reported for
able to survive in normoxic but not in anoxic water the closely related Elseya albagula (FitzGibbon and
(Ultsch et al., 1984). The rate of oxygen uptake in Franklin, 2010). So certain turtles, together with sea
normoxic water was calculated to be sufficient to cucumbers and dragonfly larvae, appear to be the
sustain life at 3°C, but not to oxidize the lactate only animals to have a functional water lung.
C H A PT ER 12

Respiratory faculties of amphibious

and terrestrial craniotes

Lungfish, amphibians, and amniotes breathe air. posterior pharynx and are capable of some gas
This should not be a surprise to anyone, and the exchange. In other ray-finned fishes, the swim blad-
main part of this chapter will deal with them. But der is dorsal and unpaired. In many cases it is used
it is probably less well known that all of the major as an ABO. In the Ginglymodi (aka Lepisosteiformes,
groups of Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) except gars) and Halecomorphi (aka Amiiformes, bowfins)
the Chondrostei (sturgeons) and Clupeomorpha the respiratory swim bladder is supplied bilaterally
(herrings and allies) contain at least one air-breathing from a branch of the sixth branchial arch, just like
group. So we shall start off on the left foot as it were the lungs of tetrapods. Also the structure of the
and deal first with them before returning to the swim bladder is strongly reminiscent of a frog lung,
mainstream of terrestrial air-breathing craniotes. so that the designation ‘pulmonoid swim bladder’
is justified. Respiratory swim bladders in other
teleost groups receive their blood supply from an
12.1 Air-breathing fish
unpaired swim bladder artery, which branches off
In general, fish that breathe air have three problems: the dorsal aorta and under ‘normoxic’ conditions
first, as fish, they spend most of their time in the water would be expected to contain oxygenated blood
and they ventilate the branchial region with water, if that has just passed through the gills. Under
for no other reason than to maintain the proper blood hypoxic conditions the swim bladder would receive
pH with the help of the ionocytes (aka ‘chloride cells’) deoxygenated blood. Blood that has been oxygen-
located there. Second, the gills, skin, and anything ated by the respiratory swim bladder is returned to
else contacting the water will release carbon diox- the general venous circulation and not directly to
ide, resulting in a high blood pH. The same high- the heart as in lungfish and tetrapods.
affinity haemoglobin that works well at a high pH to Since the swim bladder is often used for gas
extract oxygen from water may not be suitable for air exchange, perhaps a few words on this organ are in
breathing at a lower pH. And third and finally, they place although it is dealt with in more detail else-
have to find some way of ventilating their ABO that where. Except in the Cladistia, it is a dorsal deriva-
is not mutually exclusive with water breathing. tive of the pharynx, posterior to the gills. In the
The most basally branching extant lineage of plesiomorphic condition it remains connected to
ray-finned fish—the Cladistia (aka Polypteriformes, the gut, either directly or by a pneumatic duct. This
bichirs and reed fish)—have paired, lung-like, air- is known as the physostome condition. The swim
filled organs that originate ventrally from the bladder is filled either by pushing air in from the

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

140 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

pharynx or by oxygen liberation from the blood (see use virtually every part of the body, sometimes even
section 4.6.5 in Chapter 4). Among the more highly the swim bladder, for air breathing. In the walking
derived teleosts, the pneumatic duct is only present catfish Clarias, branched structures extend dorsally
in developmental stages and in adults oxygen secre- from the branchial chambers and serve as ABOs. In
tion is the only mechanism for filling the swim the closely related Heteropneustus, the chambers are
bladder. This is known as the physoclist state. unbranched but penetrate deep into the muscula-
Graham (1997) describes air breathing in fish as a ture, forming long sacs (Moussa, 1956; Munshi, 1961;
‘mosaic’: it has arisen and developed independently Hughes and Munshi, 1973; Maina and Maloiy, 1986).
(i.e. from non-air breathing ancestors) perhaps more Other highly successful air-breathing fishes include
than 60 times. The factors leading to air breathing in percomorph species that are either physoclist or
fish are multiple and the prerequisites are few. Those have completely reduced the swim bladder.
groups that have lungs, or a pulmonoid/respiratory Channiformes (snake head fish), Blennioidei (blen-
swim bladder tend to develop only the skin as an nies), Gobioidei (gobies), and Anabantoidei (climb-
accessory aerial gas exchange organ, whereas those ing perches) are some examples. In all of these
with a non-respiratory or secretory swim bladder groups and also in the swamp eel Synbranchus,
also modify the gills, the opercular or branchial cav- the pharynx and/or gill chambers are the preferred
ities, the pharynx, the pneumatic duct, or the stomach location for air breathing.
or intestine: virtually any surface that can contact air. The fine structure of the gas exchange surfaces in
Of the two options, gas secretion tends to present the widely phylogenetically diverged genera Channa,
more possibilities for the exploitation of ecological Clarias, and Anabas, are strikingly similar although of
licences than does gas uptake. On example illus- completely different origin. In all cases, the superfi-
trates this tendency. The basally branching teleost cial blood channels are extremely tortuous, forcing
group Osteoglossomorpha has numerous groups in blood cells close to the exchange surface and result-
which the swim bladder is respiratory. One air- ing in diffusion distances of less than 0.5 μm: similar
breathing subgroup, the Notopteroidea, has eight to a mammalian lung (Munshi,  1985). Among the
species whereas the gas-secreting sister taxon, Anabantoidei and the Channiformes, so-called laby-
Mormyroidea, has 198 (Berenbrink et al., 2005). This rinth organs have developed independently. These
could either mean that the Notopteroidea got it are highly specialized, more or less constant-volume
right the first time or that the Mormyroidea are much organs that are located above the gills and can be
more capable of further specialization, possibly filled by pushing air in from the mouth, expelling
with the help of their gas-secreting swim bladder. water. Alternatively, air can be drawn in when water
Air breathing can be developed in other parts of the is emptied to the mouth by forcing it into the laby-
body, but oxygen secretion is limited to the swim rinth organs from behind by opercular contraction
bladder and the rete mirabile of the eye. (Peters, 1978). Some anabantoid species, such as the
One particularly interesting group is the Otophysi. blue gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus), are obligate
This group is characterized by contact between the air breathers and cannot cover their entire oxygen
swim bladder and the otic region via an osseous demand by breathing water, while others such as the
chain, the Weberian apparatus, named after the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) are facultative
German anatomist and physiologist Ernst Heinrich air breathers. A recent study has shown that this state
Weber (1795–1878). With a tersely filled swim blad- is so firmly established that T.  trichopterus cannot
der, the fish can sense vibrations in the water and enhance larval gill growth when raised under
hear approaching danger or prey. One group within hypoxia, whereas the facultative air breather B. splen-
the Otophysi, the Characiformes, have a two-cham- dens can (Mendez-Sanchez and Burggren, 2017).
bered swim bladder, whereby the posterior cham- From the point of view of breathing mechanics,
ber is respiratory and the anterior one contacts the irrespective of phylogenetic lines, there are basically
Weberian apparatus. Also within this Otophysi, cat- two kinds of ABOs: constant-volume ones and
fish (Siluriformes) are primarily sluggish creatures inflatable ones. In the constant-volume ones such as
and really professional bottom-dwellers, many of labyrinth organs, the fish have to see that they
which also live in poorly oxygenated habitats. They remove water from the ABO and fill the space with

air. This process, common to many species that have extremely high. Although surfactant is present in all
the ABO in the head or pharynx, has been described adult fish species studied (Daniels et al., 2004), tiny
as a four-cycle mechanism (Brainerd, 1994a). Ray- larvae have not yet been investigated.
finned fish such as Polypterus, which have lung-like To sum up, there are numerous examples of air
organs, draw air into the ABO using elastic energy breathing, ray-finned fishes but unlike arthropods
stored between the ganoid scales during forced and lobe-finned fish they show little or no tendency
expiration (Brainerd,  1994b), and breaths can be to become permanently terrestrial.
‘topped up’ using the buccal pump (Graham et al.,
2014). But Polypterus exhibits a special inspiratory 12.2 The respiratory faculty of
pathway through the spiracle. Although these fish
the Lissamphibia
can inhale through the mouth, the spiracles are
actually their preferred route (Graham et al., 2014). The basic structure of amphibian lungs is superficially
The question of how the swim bladder is initially similar to that of pulmonoid and other respiratory
filled in larvae needs more study. Busse et al. (2006) swim bladders, and even the lungs of snails. They are
point out that although the larvae of physoclist spe- sacs that contain a waffle-like, edicular parenchyma
cies are at first physostome, they may never have (see also section 12.3) that is supported and pulled up
access to the surface (e.g. in deep sea forms) and/or by smooth muscle and elastic tissue-containing tra-
are so small that they risk adhering to the surface beculae (diminutive of the Latin trabs, meaning a sup-
film once they break it. In addition, some larvae port beam) that extend around the curvature of the
lack haemoglobin for regulation of the swim blad- lung in a net-like fashion (Figure  12.1). When the
der filling. And the surface tension within a larval lungs are filled with air and the glottis is closed, con-
swim bladder of only 100 μm in diameter must be traction of the smooth muscle pulls on the respiratory



Ps V


V Sm

Figure 12.1 Artistic representation of an edicular parenchyma, as found in the lungs of amphibians and in many reptiles. A superficially similar
parenchymal structure is also seen in lungfish and in the respiratory swim bladders of basal radiations of actinopterygian fishes. A, intrapulmonary
branch of the pulmonary artery; S, Central leaflet of the inter-edicular septum; Ed, edicula; Ps, perivascular space; Tr, trabecula with its ciliated
epithelium (Ce); Sm, smooth musculature and elastic tissue of trabeculae; St, striated muscle present in some species; V, intrapulmonary branch of
the pulmonary vein, which carries oxygen-enriched blood out of the lung. Note the complete capillary (C) net on both sides of the inter-edicular
septum. The central leaflet can contain in addition to connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves and smooth muscle. Perry 1998.
142 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

septa that connect the trabeculae with the inner lung (lungs/gills and skin). These arteries derive from the
wall and holds them upright: sort of analogous to a bilateral sixth branchial arch. Since the fifth branchial
suspension bridge. These trabeculae are covered by a arch degenerates in amphibians that lack external
clearance-type epithelium, consisting of ciliated cells gills, the next more anterior paired vessels that branch
and secretory cells: serous secretory cells or mucus- off in postmetamorphic frogs and toads are the bilat-
secreting goblet cells. In addition, neuroepithelial erally aortic vessels, which, as in amniotes, are derived
bodies are found in the trabecular epithelium, and from the fourth aortic arch. These vessels carry at least
these structures are believed to help regulate the partially oxygenated blood to the body with excep-
smooth muscle tension on the respiratory septa. tion of the head, which is supplied by the carotid
The overall shape of the lungs in lissamphibians arteries, derivatives of the third branchial arch. This is
roughly corresponds to the overall body shape of the the last blood to leave the heart and contains the high-
animal: usually being roundish or ellipsoid in anurans, est oxygen saturation. Separation of the blood masses
sausage-shaped in caudates, and very elongated occurs in the heart due to the location of the open-
in gymnophionans. The lungs usually are paired ing of the right atrium near the aortic trunk and
organs (or totally lacking, see Chapter 11), but gym- the left atrium more peripherally. Secondary blood
nophionans have a unilateral (left-sided), at least par- separation occurs in the aortic trunk due to the action
tial pulmonary reduction. In caudates, the lungs are of a spiral valve located there. This mechanism works
stretched along the body wall and suspended by pul- reasonably well in a resting toad with some recircu-
monary ligaments (mesopneumonia), allowing buoy- lation of deoxygenated blood (right-to-left shunt),
ancy regulation at different states of filling when the but when the animal is metabolically challenged by
animals are in the water. In anurans, the mesopneu- hypoxia the efficiency actually increases, that is, the
monia are reduced, and the lungs collapse toward the right–left shunt decreases (Gamperl et al., 1999).
glottis during expiration. Aside from this overall Now back to breathing mechanisms (Figure 12.2).
simplicity of lissamphibian lungs, there is some struc- Having supplied the lungs with oxygen-poor blood,
tural diversity found among them (Marcus,  1937), the amphibian must now ventilate them and oxy-
and a broad-scale revision of their pulmonary genate the blood as it flows through the pulmonary
morphology would be a worthwhile endeavour. capillary bed. The positive-pressure buccal pump
At the histological level, amphibian lungs also has been best studied in frogs and toads (Gans et al.,
closely resemble those of most of their piscine rela- 1969; Macintyre and Toews, 1976). There, the two-
tives. A single type of epithelial cell assumes the step sequence of events is (1a) the mouth closes,
dual function of lining the gas exchange surface and opening the nostrils by lever action on the premaxil-
producing surfactant (see Chapter 3). lary bone, and the floor of the mouth is lowered,
As opposed to the four-cycle mechanism seen in drawing fresh air into the buccal cavity, (1b) the glot-
air-breathing ray-finned fish, lungfish and tetrapods tis opens, allowing air to escape from the lungs. The
have been described as having a two-cycle breathing flank muscles, in particular the m. transversus aids in
mechanism (Simons et al., 2000). We shall come back expelling air, which jet-streams over the stored air
to this later and modify it, but for now it suffices to in the buccal cavity and exits through the nostrils.
know that (phase 1) air is gulped or drawn into the (2) With the glottis still open, the nostrils are closed
mouth and then (phase 2) forced into the lungs with and the buccal floor is raised, forcing the stored air
the aid of jaw and hypobranchial muscles. Air is also into the lungs and finally (3a) the glottis closes.
expelled from the lungs, aided by contraction of the Neurobiological studies have revealed, particularly
transverse trunk musculature, a muscle group lacking in amniotes, that what is indicated here as 3a is actu-
in ray-finned fish. To understand this so-called buccal ally an independent third, post-inspiratory phase,
pump breathing in amphibians, it helps to first have a known in mammals and turtles (Richter et al., 1987;
closer look at the entire cardiorespiratory faculty. Douse and Mitchell, 1990). Since the lungs can have
Amphibians, like fish, have a single aorta leaving a larger volume than the buccal cavity, this process
the heart. The aortic trunk gives rise, sequentially and can be repeated several times to fill them.
bilaterally, first to the pulmocutaneous arteries, which Buccal ventilation in frogs and toads involves an
supply oxygen-poor blood to the respiratory organs unusual mechanism mentioned previously, which is




1b 2

Figure 12.2 Schematic representation of the breathing cycle in many anuran amphibians, anterior to the left. Dashed outlines indicate the
condition existing before the one shown with solid lines. The breathing cycle alternates between a ventilatory (1 and 2) and non-ventilatory 3
periods. In the ventilatory period, following a preparatory phase in which the nares are opened and the floor of the buccal cavity is lowered, the
glottis is opened (1) and the lung collapses, allowing air to jet stream out of the nares. In 2 the nares close and the glottis remains open while the
floor of the buccal cavity is raised, forcing air into the lungs. This procedure may be repeated several times until the lungs are filled. In 3 the glottis
is closed and the lungs remain filled (3a) while oscillatory activity may continue in the buccal cavity (3b). After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.

lacking in caudates and gymnophionans, whereby are primarily multichambered and contain branch-
pressing the mouth closed rotates the premaxillary ing airways that supply independent chambers,
bone and opens the nares. In fact, there is really which tend to be taxon-specific in their number and
quite a variety of respiratory sequences seen among location. They are generally suspended by meso-
amphibians, which should encourage us not to lean pneumonia but in many taxa are attached partially
too heavily on ‘the frog’ as a model organism, par- or completely to the body wall and/or the viscera
ticularly when it comes to understanding evolution that surround them. Only in most mammals are the
(see Chapter 15). The cane toad (Rhinella marina) seems lungs completely free to glide within closed pleural
even be able to ventilate its lungs in the experimen- cavities, and the mesopneumonia usually are accord-
tal absence of the buccopharyngeal pump (Bentley ingly reduced.
and Shield,  1973). In addition, exclusively aquatic The parenchyma of amniote lungs is, in its plesio-
genera such as Xenopus or Pipa only surface very morphic condition, superficially similar to that that
briefly in order to breathe and also have a highly of amphibians, but shows more variation in its dis-
modified and abbreviated buccal pumping mech- tribution and specific type (Figure 12.3). In particular,
anism, whereby inspiration occurs only after air has in most reptilian lungs it is heterogeneously distrib-
been expired from the lung and buccal cavity, in com- uted, with deep parenchyma near the mouths of the
parison to the ranids and bufonids, which fill the chambers and sac-like, sometimes even parenchyma-
buccal cavity first (see earlier-mentioned phase 1a) free regions in the periphery. The deep regions with
(Brett and Shelton, 1979). tubular, honeycomb-like air spaces are called ‘fave-
olar’ parenchyma (from Latin favus, meaning honey-
12.3 The respiratory faculty comb). If the air spaces are not much deeper than
they are wide, the parenchyma is ‘edicular’ (from
of the Amniota
Latin aediculum, meaning wall niche), and if the tra-
In general, the structure of amniote lungs differs beculae lie directly on the surface of the lung, it is
fundamentally from that of amphibians in that they ‘trabecular’. In addition, the trabeculae tend to be
144 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S





IB Edicular
Multichambered LT IST CH
RIB YM Trabecular
STR LUNG Homogeneous N



Figure 12.3 Three independent structural variables in reptilian lungs: structural type, parenchymal type and parenchymal distribution. In the
single-chambered structural type, and intrapulmonary bronchus is lacking and the lungs consist of one chamber. The transitional lung type has a
small number of chambers emanating from a short intrapulmonary bronchus. The multichambered type has a long intrapulmonary bronchus and a
large number of chambers. The faveolar parenchymal type consists of tubular air spaces that are deeper than they are wide. In edicular paren-
chyma the spaces are about as wide as they are deep, and in trabecular parenchyma the septa are so short that the trabeculae lie directly on the
inner surface of the lung. Types of parenchymal distribution range from homogeneous to heterogeneous and may vary even within a single species.
CL, central lumen; E, edicula; F, faveola; IB, intrapulmonary bronchus; T, trabecula. After Perry, 1998.

more branched than in amphibians, and are classi- probably did not ‘invent’ aspiration breathing. It
fied as first-, second-, and third-order trabeculae, the has, for instance, been observed in one species of
latter often reaching the floor of the lung. Mammalian aestivating lungfish (Protopterus amphibius), but not
and avian gas exchange tissue is highly specialized in others (Lomholt et al., 1975; Delaney and Fishman,
and does not fall under these classifications of 1977; Perry et al., 2008), and body wall muscle con-
parenchymal types. traction associated with breathing has even been
A fundamental difference to amphibian lungs, seen in ammocoete larvae of lampreys (Hoffman
however, is found at the histological level in amniotes. et al., 2016). The reverse seems more likely: lissam-
There, two discrete types of epithelial cells are present phibians eliminated the possibility of costal breath-
and assume different functions. One, called ‘type I’ ing when they eliminated their ribs.
cells, spread out and constitute the gas exchange sur-
face. The other, accordingly called ‘type II’ cells, is
12.3.1 Lepidosauria
responsible for producing surfactant (see Chapter 3).
Also opposed to extant amphibians, the plesio- Lepidosauria (Greek: ‘scaly reptiles’) is the most
morphic condition in amniotes is negative-pressure, species-rich group of extant reptiles and is made
aspiration breathing, in which the ribs are swung up of the Squamata (Latin: also refers to scaly rep-
downward, forward, and outward, reducing the tiles, but includes only lizards and snakes) and the
pressure in the body cavity and expanding it, filling Rhyncocephalia, the latter group consisting of a single
the lungs with air if the glottis is open. Amniotes extant species, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus).

Just as there is no typical lepidosaur, there is also extrapulmonary airways. This is the result of an
no typical lepidosaurian lung. The morphological early ontogenetic branching event, resulting in the
pulmonary diversity spans almost the entire range anterior-most region of the lung literally overgrow-
seen in amniotes, ranging from single-chambered ing the extrapulmonary bronchus. Internally, the
sacs to multichambered organs and everything in lungs of several species show additional remnants
between. Instead of a boring description of the of the initial branching in the form of septa extend-
lungs in each component subgroup, we shall just ing into the central pulmonary lumen (Figure 12.4).
defer you to Perry (1998) for that and move on to These septa result in a series of lobes or niches, and
some more interesting stuff. persist as surfaces that enlarge the potentially respira-
In spite of their huge structural diversity, there are tory surface area, as can be seen in many geckos
some overriding features of all lepidosaurian lungs, and lacertid lizards, for example. The parenchyma
the most important of these being a branched pul- frequently is of the edicular type, in which the hon-
monary bauplan (Lambertz et al., 2015). Well, at least eycomb-like respiratory structures are not deeper
developmentally (compare also Chapter  15). If we than they are wide. The parenchyma in most cases
begin with lizard-like lepidosaurs (including the tua- is also heterogeneously distributed, becoming flatter
tara), we usually see rather sac-like, single-chambered distally, with the smooth-muscular trabeculae rest-
lungs in the adults. The originally branched nature ing directly on the lung surface. Others, such as tegu
is betrayed only by the subapical entrance of the lizards (Salvator and Tupinambis), have no lobes and

branching phase growth phase

2 mm 2 mm
cranial bud dorsal buds

500 μm 1 mm
ventral buds
dorsal niches

1 mm 1 mm
ventral niches

Figure 12.4 Ontogenetic sequence of the single-chambered lung of the gecko, Paroedura picta. The upper row of full profiles of the foetal stages
corresponds with the second row, showing corresponding stages of lung development. Note the cranial, dorsal and ventral buds form a transient
multichambered lung. Traces of this developmental stage are still present in the form of dorsal and ventral niches and in the pathway of the
pulmonary artery in the adult lung (dried preparations in lower row: left-hand illustration, intact left lung viewed laterally; right-hand illustration,
right lung, medial side removed, viewed medially showing lateral wall with niches. After Lambertz (2016b).
146 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

niches, but rather a homogeneously distributed fave- two discrete chambers: a small anterior one and a
olar parenchyma (Perry, 1983). The structural type larger posterior one. A short intrapulmonary bronchus
and distribution of the parenchyma has consequences supplies these two chambers individually, although
for breathing mechanics and gas exchange (Perry in many species it is hardly recognizable. Additional
and Duncker, 1980, see also later in this section). smaller septa, being the remnants of early branch-
Between the single-chambered and the multi- ing events as well, can be present to various degrees
chambered types there is what we call the transi- in both of these chambers.
tional lung type (Figure 12.5), found mainly among In what appears to be a remarkable case of re-
members of the Iguania (i.e. iguanas, chameleons, evolution (compare also Chapter  15), monitor liz-
agamids, and close relatives). There, the apical branch, ards (Varanus) and the closely related gila lizards
whose further growth causes the subapical entrance (Heloderma) use the branched pulmonary bauplan,
of the extrapulmonary bronchi as described earlier, which persists during early ontogeny in all lepidos-
is bordered by a large septum that extends far into aurs, as a template to develop a true multicham-
the lung. This results in the division of the lung into bered lung as adults, in which an intrapulmonary

(a) posterior chamber apical chamber

2 cm

(b) (c) (d)

* c


Figure 12.5 The transitional lung of an Iguana iguana: dried right lung in lateral view, lateral wall removed, anterior to the right. Part (a) shows
the two main chambers, the apical and posterior chamber. Parts (b) and (c) show details of the short intrapulmonary bronchus. Part (d) is a
schematic representation of the communication of the intrapulmonary bronchus with the two chambers, the location marked with an asterisk
in part (a). The orifice to the posterior chamber is indicated by the left-hand white disc and the associated arrow,b, indicates the view shown in
(b). The orifice to the apical chamber is indicated by the upper, white ovoid disc and the associated arrow,c, indicates the view shown in (c).
Original M.L.

(a) trachea left lung lung with parenchyma

right lung

saccular region
(b) trachea right bronchus right lung parenchyma free

left lung

right saccular region

(c) trachea tracheal trough bronchus parenchyma free

Figure 12.6 Three snake lungs in ventral view, showing different forms of development. (a), the rubber boa, Charina; (b) the colubrid rat snake,
Pantherophis; (c), a rattlesnake, Crotalus. In part (a), since two lungs is the plesiomorphic state for squamates, a well-developed right lung and a
reduced left one as in Charina is considered to reflect the plesiomorphic state rather than a derived one. Also characteristic of squamate lungs in
general, parenchyma extends to the posterior end of both lungs, whereas in the lungs illustrated in parts (b) and (c) the posterior part of the lung
is saccular and lacks parenchyma and pulmonary vasculature. Note also the subterminal bronchial entrance as in other reptilian groups. In part (b),
the tiny vestigial left lung of Pantherophis also shows a subterminal bronchial entrance, whereas the right lung has an intrapulmonary bronchus
and a short tracheal lung anterior to the bronchial bifurcation. The rattlesnake in part (c), on the other hand, has no vestige of a left lung, but
embedded in the faveolar parenchyma is a long, trough-like tracheal extension typical of viperid snakes and the right bronchus is vestigial. After
Wallach, 1998.

bronchus supplies several discrete chambers (Becker adults may have no left lung at all (many colubrids
et al., 1989). The walls of these chambers, at least in and vipers), a tiny vestigial left lung (many cobras),
certain monitor lizards, can also be perforated, mak- or a shorter but properly developed one (pythons)
ing extrabronchial intercameral connections. These (Figure 12.6). Several unrelated species of snakes also
may be important for air distribution (see later in have a remarkable additional site for gas exchange
this section). in the trachea: a so-called tracheal lung (Wallach
Probably one of the most intriguing evolutionary 1998). This structure of course has nothing to do
patterns evident among lepidosaurs is the repeated with the tracheal lungs of arthropods and is just an
and convergent appearance of a serpentiform (snake- unfortunate synonym.
like) body shape. True snakes (Serpentes) are the In squamates in general, a left-sided at least par-
most species-rich radiation of scaled reptiles, but tial reduction is more common, perhaps due to the
almost all other squamate lineages also exhibit ser- presence of the stomach on the left side and the habit
pentiform species. Most of these species share not of many species to swallow large prey whole. But as
only a similar external appearance, but also show seen with amphisbaenians and their right-sided
similar adaptations in the anatomy and location of reduction, both conditions occur, but are usually in
their internal organs, including the lungs. One lung a conservative, taxon-specific fashion. But there is
usually is strongly reduced or even absent, whereas no rule without an exception. The European glass
the other one is greatly elongated. But the earlier- lizard Pseudopus apodus shows a so-called fluctuating
mentioned subapical bronchial entrance is still rec- asymmetry: some specimens have a much shorter left
ognizable. Which lung becomes reduced in general lung, some, a much shorter right lung, and in some,
is taxon specific and highly conserved. In snakes, both lungs are about the same length (Lambertz
for instance, the left lung is reduced, whereas in et al., 2018). The developmental causes of this unusual
amphisbaenians it is the right one. The degree of phenomenon remain obscure, but are of great inter-
one-sided reduction varies: snakes, for example, as est from an evolutionary perspective.
148 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

And there are more exceptions. One radiation of (a) (b)

gymnophthalmid lizards (Calyptommatus and rela- F
tives) is composed of sand swimmers, with a ser- T1
pentiform body and strongly or completely reduced SF
legs. Despite their body elongation, the lungs are T2
short, stout, and of approximately equal length. In
fact, the entire arrangement of their viscera is not
asymmetrical and ‘snake-like’, but the organs lie in
sequence along the body axis (Klein et al., 2005).
Intrapulmonary structures such as pronounced
septa, lobes or niches rarely occur in serpentiform
squamates and the lungs in general are pretty much F
sac-like. Here, the multichambered lungs of blind IS
snakes (Typhlopidae), represent an exception. In
fact, membranous regions (particularly in the cau-
dal part) can be completely devoid of parenchyma
and pulmonary blood vessels in many species. These (c)
sac-like regions may serve in air storage and/or
passive ventilation or simply as a space holder to
allow effective serpentine locomotion, but they cer-
tainly have no direct gas exchange function.
Gas exchange takes place in the parenchymous
regions (Figure  12.7). Given the highly variable
structural types of lungs in lepidosaurs, the body
mass-specific respiratory surface area also differs Figure 12.7 Examples of parenchymal types in reptilian lungs. Parts
considerably, being largest in those species with (a) and (b) show faveolar parenchyma. In (a), the prenchyma of the
lizard Podarcis consists of niches (see also Fig. 12-1) bounded by
multichambered lungs. A similar variability exists
trabeculae of 1st (T1) and 2nd (T2) order and within the niches,
in the barrier thickness. In general, the diffusion trabeculae of 3rd (T3) and even 4th and 5th order (not labeled) can be
distance in lepidosaurian lungs is much greater seen. Faveoli (F) are separated from each other by interfaveolar septa
than in birds and mammals. Stereology-based stud- (IS). In part (b), the highly specialised faveolar parenchyma of the
ies designed to estimate these factors are few and colubrid snake, Nerodia, only shows 1st and 2nd order trabeculae, but
the faveolar walls possess secondary faveoli (SF) in their upper
far between (see summary in Perry,  1998). Typical
portions. Scale bars indicate 0.5 cm. Part (c) shows the typical edicular
barrier thicknesses tend to fall between about 0.5 parenchyma of the giant gecko, Rhacodactylus. Note the heterogeneous
and 1 µm, being thinnest in animals with single- distribution, with trabecular parenchyma in the posterior region
chambered lungs and faveolar parenchyma. In such (to the right in the picture). The lung is 10 cm long. After Perry, 1998.
lungs, pronounced capillary bulging is also com-
mon, resulting in exposure of a large proportion of two hats, as it were. They are postural, both during
the capillary surface. standing and locomotion, and also are respiratory.
Like all other amniotes, lepidosaurs are aspiration So particularly during locomotion, lizards have a
breathers and movements of the ribs together with problem breathing and walking at the same time,
the associated volume and pressure changes of the just when increased ventilation would be necessary.
trunk are responsible for the ventilatory air move- This paradox has been termed ‘Carrier's constraint’
ments (Figure 12.8). The musculature involved are in honour of David R. Carrier who first described it
hypaxial body wall muscles, which include, in (Carrier, 1987).
addition to the intercostals, also the oblique, trans- Theoretically, the animals can do only one of these
verse, and rectus muscles. Due to the ‘lizard-like’ things at a time, but at least the savannah monitor
sprawling gait of many lepidosaurs and the lateral Varanus exanthematicus has developed a way to cir-
undulation during walking, the trunk muscles wear cumvent this constraint. When walking, an auxiliary


(b) glottis rib lung


1 2

Figure 12.8 (a) Typical multichambered lung of the gila lizard, Heloderma, with numerous separate chambers, each communicating with the
long intrapulmonary bronchus, clearly visible extending along the centre of the lung. The opened, right lung is 15 cm long. The shorter left lung can
be seen in the background. (b), A typical respiratory cycle or a squamate reptile. Dashed outlines indicate the condition existing before the one
shown with solid lines. The breathing cycle alternates between ventilatory (1 and 2) and non-ventilatory (3) periods. The ventilatory period begins
(1) with expiration followed by inspiration (2). This cycle can be repeated several times before ending in the post-inspiration (3), when the glottis is
closed and the non-ventilatory period begins. The plesiomorphic condition is aspiration breathing using the ribs and intercostal muscles is
illustrated here. Some reptiles such turtles (Fig. 12-11) and crocodilians (Fig. 12-15) have non-intercostal accessory breathing mechanisms
including trunk muscles while some lizards employ buccal/gular pumping, not unlike that illustrated for amphibians in Fig. 12-2. After Perry, 1998;
After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.

ventilatory mechanism is used: gular pumping crevices and use gular pumping to overinflate their
(Owerkowicz et al., 1999). Gular pumping is super- bodies when threatened, making them difficult to
ficially similar to buccal pumping, already described pull out (Smith, 1946).
for amphibians, but involves not only the floor of While this is the only known active auxiliary ven-
the mouth, but also the extensive hyoid apparatus tilatory mechanism demonstrated to date in lepido-
of the throat, making the volume of air ‘swallowed’ saurs we shouldn’t count our lizards before they
independent of the size and shape of the jaws. While hatch. In other lineages, certain passive mechanisms
gular pumping as a way around Carrier’s constraint and structural arrangements exist that significantly
has been only experimentally demonstrated for one influence ventilatory performance. These involve
species, given the similar hyoid anatomy in other septation of the body cavity. In squamates, especially
monitor lizards, it is likely there as well and has also modification of the mesentery results in coelomic
been demonstrated in the agamid Uromastyx (Al- subdivision, which reduces the motility of the vis-
Ghamdi et al.,  2001). But gular pumping can also cera during breathing, thereby increasing ventila-
serve another function in reptiles. Saxicolous liz- tory efficiency. While several lineages of squamates,
ards such as Uromastyx wedge themselves into rock particularly among those that used to be united as
150 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

‘Scincomorpha’, exhibit at least partial, mesentery- and simulation-based analysis of air movements in
derived intracoelomic compartmentalization (Klein the lungs of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) showed
et al., 2005), it has been most extensively studied in that the inspired air reflects off the posterior pul-
tegu lizards (Klein et al., 2003a; Klein et al., 2003b; monary wall and flows back along the edges in an
Klein et al., 2003c). There, the mesentery forms a so- anterior direction. During expiration, flow in the
called post-hepatic septum, which is instrumental anterior direction continues. As attractive as it may
in maintaining ‘order’ within the coelomic cavity sound, just as there is no justification to consider the
during inspiration. This faculty appears to be saccular regions of snake lungs to be related to avian
intimately connected with the homogeneous, fave- air sacs, we do not consider this peripheral unidirec-
olar lungs of these animals, which show the lowest tional air flow to be avian-like (see section
compliance of any reptilian lungs studied to date (Farmer, 2015; Portugal, 2015). The jet-streaming of
(compare to earlier discussion). air flowing through the iguana lung just reaches the
If we now come back to the monitor lizards, we posterior end of both chambers and bounces back
see another intriguing aspect that is unique among along the edges. You basically see the same thing
lepidosaurs. We already mentioned pores connect- happening when you fill a beer glass (Figure 12.9).
ing adjacent chambers of varanid lungs, allowing Analogous to that of birds, the savannah monitor
air to travel a route alternative to the intrapulmo- on the other hand, does show a special form of
nay bronchus. This is reminiscent of the condition unidirectional intrapulmonary airflow since it has a
encountered in crocodiles (see section Now, multichambered lung, a long intrapulmonary bron-
in general air flow in lepidosaurs is tidal: air moves chus, and the intercameral perforations described
in and out of the lung by the same path. Experimental previously. It has been shown experimentally that

jet stream


Figure 12.9 Filling a beer glass demonstrates that inflating lung chambers by jet-streaming results in peripheral flow in the opposite direction
already during ‘inspiration’. Original M.L.

air masses move extrabronchially through the inter- expressions of these branching patterns also exist
cameral connections from back to front during (see also Chapter 15).
inspiration (Schachner et al.,  2013). In many vara- The parenchymal type that lines the second- and
nids the lungs literally wrap around the heart form- third-order branches in chelonian lungs is primarily
ing a pronounced cardiac lobe (Becker et al., 1989). edicular and can range from a rather homogeneous
Such cardiac lobes are also seen independently in distribution (e.g. softshell turtles) up to a highly
crocodiles and mammals. We hypothesize that the heterogeneous one in which the distal regions of the
primary physiological advantage of this anatomical chambers are characterized by trabecular paren-
configuration lies in the intrapulmonary circulation chyma, resulting in an almost sac-like appearance
of air masses whenever the heartbeat frequency (e.g. pond turtles). Adaptive responses and a cer-
exceeds respiratory frequency, such as during non- tain degree of plasticity are also evident (Schachner
ventilatory periods (see also section on et al., 2017), but apparently restricted to these most
crocodilians). This is really a win–win situation: the terminal regions of developing lungs, which are
mechanical work of the heart is reduced because directly involved in gas exchange.
it  is surrounded by air, and the lung gets auto- Histologically, the lungs of turtles in general
ventilated by the heart ‘for free’ in form of a mechan- exhibit the typical reptilian architecture. Early mor-
ical event-coupling between gas circulation and phometric studies aimed at estimating the morpho-
perfusion. logical diffusing capacity are scarce and do not
strictly follow most recent stereological methods
(Perry, 1976, 1978). But the pulmonary gas exchange
12.3.2 Testudines
barrier thickness of about 0.5 µm falls within the
Turtle lungs can be considered as representing sort range seen in other reptiles.
of the archetype of the branched, multichambered Turtles are unique among extant craniotes
lungs of amniotes. The trachea branches into two because their ribs are incorporated into the charac-
extrapulmonary bronchi, which give rise to the two teristic shell. This construction comes at the cost of
lungs, respectively. An intrapulmonary or first-order a complete loss of costal motility and turtles are the
bronchus continues within each lung from which a only extant amniote lineage in which costal breath-
lateral and a medial row of secondary branches arise ing is structurally impossible. But the shift towards
(Figure 12.10). These generally assume a chamber- this encapsulated bauplan was associated with a
like appearance in the adult. In marine (Chelonioidea) fundamental reorganization of the body wall mus-
and softshell turtles (Trionychidae), these chambers culature as well, whereby especially the hypaxial
exhibit a rather narrow lumen, enhancing their group is relevant to the respiratory mechanism (see
bronchial appearance. The posterior region of the also Chapter  15). Intercostal muscles are useless
lung usually ends in a more or less sac-like terminal in an animal with akinetic ribs: they never fully
chamber. The second-order branches or chambers develop and are lacking in adult turtles. But also the
can have additional subdivisions, logically charac- oblique body wall muscle layers have become
terized as third-order in the hierarchical system. highly modified and are represented by a single m.
Different types of third-order branches can occur. obliquus abdominis that extends along the posterior
The first lateral chamber is known to give rise to flanks. The deepest layer of the hypaxial group, the
one or two discrete subchambers and the proximal transverse musculature, which plesiomorphically
region of the lateral chambers contains a distinct forms a continuous layer enveloping the body cav-
medial lobe. The terminal regions of both the lateral ity, on the other hand, splits into an anterior m.
and the medial chambers can exhibit additional, transversus thoracis (which regrettably was named
usually dichotomous branching events, which persist m. diaphragmaticus by Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus
in the adult as discrete intracameral septa bordering (1776–1827) in his otherwise unsurpassed descrip-
additional lobes. This basic pulmonary bauplan is tive anatomy of the European pond turtle from
shared by all turtle species, but certain taxon-specific 1819–1821) and a posterior m. transversus abdominis
152 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

(a) 1°: intrapulmonary bronchus [a]

2°: medial chamber [c]

extrapulmonary 3°: dorso-ventral dichotomous branching [f]


3°: sub-chamber
[d] 3°: dorso-medial lobe
2°: lateral chamber
terminal chamber
3°: cranio-caudal dichotomous branching [e]


d c
g h

Figure 12.10 Dorsal view of an artistic model (a) and dried left lung (b), opened ventrally, of a slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). From a primarily
unbranched (1°) intrapulmonary bronchus [a], a secondary sequence (2°) of branching occurs, forming lateral and medial chambers (only 1st
chambers, [b] and [c], labelled here), which ends in a terminal chamber [h], may have been present in the multichambered lungs of the first
amniotes (see text). Further (3°) monopodial and dichotomous branching events [e] and [f] and formation of unpaired subchambers [d] and lobes
[g], respectively, may follow. Original M.L.

(a) s. postpulmonale
m. transversus abdominis
m. transversus thoracis

m. obliquus
m. serratus abdominis
m. pectoralis

lung m. transversus abdominis

(b) m. serratus m. obliquus abdominis


1 2

Figure 12.11 (a), Respiratory musculature in the European pond turtle, Emys and (b), chelonian respiratory cycle. The main inspiratory (mm.
obliquus abdominis and serratus) and expiratory (m. transversus abdominis) muscles as well as accessory breathing muscles (mm. pectoralis and
transversus thoracis) were known to the early investigators, but their exact function, shown in part (b) as well as in Fig. 12.12, was not demon-
strated until much later. Part (b), represents a typical respiratory cycle of a turtle. Dashed outlines indicate the condition existing before the one
shown with solid lines. The breathing cycle alternates between a ventilatory (1 and 2) and non-ventilatory (3) periods. The ventilatory period begins
with expiration (1), effected by contraction of the m. transversus abdominis. This is followed by contraction of the mm. obliquus abdominis and
serratus, causing inspiration (2). This cycle can be repeated several times before ending in post-inspiration (3), when the glottis is closed and the
non-ventilatory period begins. Oscillatory movement of the buccal floor probably serves olfaction. (a) after Bojanus, 1819-21; (b) After Westheide
and Rieger, 2015.

(Figure  12.11a). Of these two transverse muscles, recognized. In 1799, Townson proposed that the
only the latter is found in all species. So now, how motor of the ventilatory process was exactly the
do turtles breathe (Figure 12.11b)? two earlier-mentioned abdominal body wall muscle
In fact, it took nearly two centuries before the func- groups. The oblique abdominal muscle was identi-
tional morphological insights of Robert Townson fied as being responsible for inspiration and the
on their ventilatory mechanism became universally transverse abdominal, for expiration. But it was not
154 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

until the seminal studies of Carl Gans in the 1960s This process is further assisted by activity of shoul-
that Townson’s observations, which were based on der girdle muscles, particularly the m. serratus. In
simple vivisections, could be corroborated electro- principle, this mechanism can be seen as a func-
myographically and the ‘belief’ that turtles breathe tional analogue to the diaphragm-assisted ventila-
using amphibian-like buccal pumping was proven tory mechanism of mammals (see section  12.3.3),
wrong. Two studies (Gans and Hughes, 1967; Gaunt whereby the main anatomical difference is that the
and Gans, 1969a, 1969b) correlated the activity of sev- muscles involved are outside the body cavity. Expira-
eral muscles with simultaneous recordings of changes tion on the other hand is just like in many other tetra-
of the intrapulmonary pressure and removed any pods: contraction of the transverse muscles presses
lasting doubts about this (Figure 12.12). the viscera up against the dorsally situated lungs,
When the cup-shaped oblique abdominal muscle increasing intrapulmonary pressure and—when the
contracts, it becomes flattened. This decreases the glottis is open—resulting in expiration. Since intra-
pressure within the shell, including the lung. When pulmonary pressure changes are the result of gen-
the glottis is open, this causes inspiratory air flow eral changes in pressure within the shell, it follows
in a special chelonian form of aspiration breathing. that retraction of the neck (Mans et al., 2013) and
extremities will also effect breathing. In fact, at least
during rest, movement of the pectoral girdle assists
the ventilatory process.
Summarizing, the general chelonian reorganiza-
Pressure recordings

tion resulted in a new functional division of the
trunk. The ribs, now being integrated into the rigid
atmospheric shell, are responsible for torsional control during
level locomotion and are devoid of any respiratory func-
tion, whereas the modified body wall muscles have
taken over the ventilatory role (see also Chapter 15).
inwards But, as we have already seen regarding the influence

of retraction of the extremities on intrapulmonary

outwards pressure, it is not surprising that locomotion can
have a direct influence on ventilatory performance.
m. transversus Any overarching generalizations are difficult to jus-
abdominis tify though, partly because experimental studies are
m. obliquus limited to a small number of species. Marine turtles,
for instance, do not breathe at all while moving on

m. pectoralis
land. They have to stop their cumbersome crawling
m. serratus
to breathe (Jackson and Prange, 1979). On the other
hand, the ventilatory pattern of the fully terrestrial
glottis opener box turtle Terrapene carolina seems not to be affected
by locomotion at all (Landberg et al.,  2003), while
glottis closer
semi-aquatic species such as the red-eared slider
Trachemys scripta elegans appear to lie somewhere
Figure 12.12 Simultaneous electromyographic activity and
intrapulmonary pressure recordings in the terrestrial turtle Testudo
between these two extremes: they continue to venti-
graeca. Increased intrapulmonary pressure clearly correlates with m. late their lungs during terrestrial locomotion, but
transversus abdominis activity supported by forelimb movement with a reduced tidal volume compared with resting
effected by m. pectoralis, and decreased intrapulmonary pressure conditions (Landberg et al., 2009).
correlates with mm. obliquus abdominis and serratus activity. Outward Finally, it should be mentioned that turtles—
movement of the forelimb also correlates with periods of decreased
intrapulmonary pressure. Since the glottis opener is active during this
although they routinely do not do so for respiratory
entire period, increased intrapulmonary pressure results in expiration purposes—can employ buccal pumping. Similar to
and decreased pressure, in inspiration. Gans & Hughes, 1967. the situation previously described for the saxicolous

lizards, also the pancake tortoise Malacochersus torn- effectively spreading out the surfactant and they
ieri is for instance able to inflate itself using this may also play a certain role for intrapulmonary air
strategy when hiding in rock crevices (Ireland and distribution.
Gans, 1972). Most mammalian lungs are asymmetrical, the
So much for breathing on land, but most extant left  lung tending to have a more simple branching
turtle species are at least semi-aquatic. To date, no structure then the right one. The right lung often
study has examined the ventilation in swimming has a separate lobe, called the cardiac lobe, which
turtles in any detail, comparing taxa with different wraps around the heart and may participate in car-
locomotor strategies. All that is known is that tur- diogenic air distribution. As already hypothesized
tles can adjust their level of pulmonary filling to for monitor lizards earlier, surrounding the heart by
control buoyancy (Jacobs, 1939; Jackson, 1969; Milsom air rather than by soft tissue reduces the mechanical
and Johansen,  1975; Peterson and Gomez,  2008). work of heartbeat. Many species have up to 20 gen-
Electromyographical recordings are lacking, but it erations of bronchial branching before giving rise
is highly probable that the two groups of transverse to  respiratory bronchioles, which have some gas
muscles are responsible for moving air from anterior exchange function and finally ending blindly in alveo-
to posterior regions of the lung as well as from the lar ducts and sacs. The number of lung lobes is inde-
left to the right side, possibly in combination with pendent of the branching pattern. Bronchial branches
another largely neglected and poorly understood located within the lobes are held open by cartilagin-
lung-associated muscle: the m. pulmonalis, aka m. ous rings. The bronchioles, on the other hand, enter
striatum-pulmonale (Hansemann, 1915; George and the lobes, lack cartilage, and are held open by their
Shah, 1954). attachment to the parenchyma. During inspiration,
air is drawn into the bronchioles, the attachment
to the surrounding lung tissue keeping them open.
12.3.3 Mammalia
During expiration, the parenchyma surrounding the
Probably everyone reading this book already knows bronchioles becomes smaller as air leaves it, pulling
that mammals have bronchoalveolar lungs, where on the bronchiolar walls and keeping them from col-
branching cartilage-reinforced bronchi and cartilage- lapsing. In people suffering from emphysema, the
free bronchioles lead to alveolar sacs that are com- parenchyma does not get smaller and the bronchioles
posed of clusters of tiny gas exchange units called collapse, trapping the inhaled air and destroying
alveoli (Figure  12.13a, b). In positive casts they more and more lung tissue. Bad news.
resemble bunches of grapes, hence the Latin name Branches of the pulmonary artery carry deoxy-
‘alveolus’, which actually means ‘tiny bunch of genated blood from the right ventricle of the heart
grapes’. But unlike in reptilian lungs, the airways into the lung, closely following the branching bron-
in mammals are purely gas-conducting structures, chi and bronchioles. Upon reaching the alveoli, the
covered with ‘clearance’ epithelium, made up mostly deoxygenated blood enters a sheet of capillaries in
of ciliated cells and mucous-secreting goblet cells. the alveolar walls. During lung development, a double
Particularly in terminal regions of the airways, as in capillary net is present, with a layer of capillaries
reptilian and amphibian lungs, we find embedded facing each side of an interalveolar septum that
in this epithelium, autonomically innervated groups separates each alveolus from its neighbour. This con-
of endocrine-like cells, termed neuroepithelial bod- dition reminiscent of that of most reptiles is main-
ies. The endocrine-like cells have dense-core vesicles, tained in monotremes: echidnas and the platypus.
which, in turn, contain serotonin and neuroendo- In addition, it is also found in many marine mam-
crine active peptides, which are secreted basally in mals such as whales, dugongs, and manatees, where
response to local hypoxia but not to hypoxaemia it is presumed to be useful in storing a large blood
(for references, see Scheuermann, 1987). Connecting volume and providing a large oxygen-carrying
adjacent alveoli are interalveolar pores of Kohn, capacity (see also Chapter 5). It may also give div-
named after the German physician Hans Nathan ing animals some advantage in rapid gas exchange
Kohn (1866–1935). Their function probably is in upon surfacing.
156 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

(a) (b)
trachea alveolar pulm. vein
right main
main bronchus
bronchus pulm.

V1 alveolus


pulm. artery
pulm. vein

rib lung diaphragm

Figure 12.13 Mammalian lung structure ((a) and (b)) and (c) breathing pattern. Part (a) shows in ventral view, the bronchial branching pattern
in a rodent. Branch V1 goes to the cardiac lobe, mentioned in the text. The location of the eparterial branch, E, is important for establishing the
homology of the first branching generations. Compare the left lung (right-hand side in this ventral view) with the turtle lung in Fig. 12-10. Part (b)
is an artist’s rendition of the terminal branches of a mammalian lung, showing the alveoli (alveolus) located in alveolar sacs, which connect
through alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles that have a few alveoli, to the bronchioles. Note that the pulmonary artery lies close to the
airway, whereas the pulmonary vein, which contains oxygenated blood, exits distally and lies in the connective tissue separating lung lobes. In
contrast to reptiles (Figs. 12.5, 12.11, 12.15), in which the glottis completely closes during the non-ventilatory period, the breathing cycle (part
(c)), in most mammals is continuous. Dashed outlines indicate the condition existing before the one given with solid lines. In analogy to reptiles,
the breathing cycle begins (1) with expiration, in which the diaphragm is passively pulled forward or during forced expiration, pushed by
contraction of abdominal and intercostal muscles. This is followed (2) by an inspiration effected by contraction of the diaphragm and a forward
movement and lateral splaying of the ribs. Only a single rib represents the rib cage in this simplified representation. 3 represents the transitory
post-inspiratory phase in which the larynx may be partially closed. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.

The pulmonary veins, as they leave the alveoli, do But even taking this into account, the compliance of
not follow the same path as the arteries, but rather mammalian lungs still lies one to two orders of mag-
they go to the periphery of the lobes and enter the nitude below the values for reptiles and birds. The
interlobular connective tissue. This arrangement pre- second trick is the diaphragm. All mammals have
vents contact of small arterial and venous vessels, one. The functional unit of diaphragm together with
and makes counter-current gas exchange between intercostal muscles and the completely closed pleural
blood entering and leaving the lungs unlikely. The cavities easily allows generation of transpulmonary
larger, lobular vessels run parallel to each other and negative pressures exceeding the colloid osmotic
leave and enter the lung at the point where the air- pressure and vapour pressure of blood, which set the
ways also enter. This is called the root, or the hilus, limits of meaningful aspiration breathing. All this
of the lung. But even there, the artery and the vein without any negative effect on the rest of the viscera.
tend to be on opposite sides of the bronchus. The diaphragm undoubtedly is a key structure
Minimizing contact between afferent and efferent for the breathing mechanism in mammals (Figure
pulmonary vessels appears to be a general struc- 12.13c). There are entire volumes dedicated to its func-
tural principle of pulmonary circulation, and is not tional integration in the respiratory performance of
limited to mammalian lungs. In the peripheral, sac- the thorax (e.g. Roussos and Macklem, 1985), so we
like regions of the lungs of the red-eared slider turtle, will restrict ourselves here to a brief summary of its
for example, small branches of pulmonary arteries anatomy and principal actions. This dome-shaped
and veins tend to cross at angles approaching 90°. muscle, which upon contraction flattens and expands
The lungs are the largest surface of the animal in the pleural cavity, is composed of two different struc-
contact with the environment, with all its pollutants tures. Well, actually three. During ontogeny, first a
and pathogens. The human lung has a surface area membranous structure derives from the posterior
about the size of a tennis court, so probably larger wall of the pericardial cavity and merges with those
than your apartment. So it is reasonable that lungs of the cranial nephric fold to form a so-called post-
have an important immune function in addition to pulmonary septum, which in turn separates the
being gas exchange organs. Lodged in the pulmon- lungs from the remaining viscera. This postpulmo-
ary epithelium are dendritic cells: members of the nary septum becomes subsequently invaded by mus-
monocyte cell line that send cellular extensions to culature, thus forming an active structure involved
the lung surface and capillaries, where they check in breathing. However, it is important to recognize
out air-borne and blood-borne material. They are in that there are in fact two different muscular units,
contact with alveolar epithelial cells, in particular namely the costosternal and the crural part, respect-
the type II cells and can influence the surfactant ively. The combination of these two groups of mus-
immune response. Mammalian lungs furthermore cles with their different fibre orientation, which in
are supplied by an extensive system of lymphatic principle can be seen in all mammals ranging from
vessels and bronchus-associated lymphatic tissue. monotremes to us humans, eventually allows for
The alveoli of mammals—with diameters in the the effective flattening. The diaphragm acts in con-
order of 100 µm and less—must be inflated and cert with the remaining musculature of the thorax,
deflated with each breath. Taking into account what in particular the intercostal muscles, in decreasing
we know about the high surface tension phenom- intrapulmonary pressure and thus generating inspira-
ena associated with small radii of curvature (see tory air flow. Expiration on the other hand is
Chapter 3), without even measuring it one can pre- largely brought about by elastic recoil of the lungs
dict a low compliance and high work of breathing themselves, but may be supplemented by muscular
in mammals compared with birds and reptiles, where activity.
only the most flexible parts of the respiratory appar-
atus need to be moved. But mammals have two Gas exchange and aerobic scope
tricks up their sleeve that allow them to be high- in the Mammalia
performance animals in spite of the difficult biomech- Mammalian lungs demonstrate the ventilated pool
anical hand that they have been dealt. First of all, gas exchange model (see Chapter  3), according to
they have extremely effective pulmonary surfactant. which an equilibrium is reached between inspired air
158 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

and incoming blood. Fully oxygen-saturated blood if bats did not exist one would probably predict that
can never reach atmospheric PO2 levels and does they never could. One of us (S.F.P) suspected that
not exceed that of the end-expired air. Nevertheless, small bats might have well-developed respiratory
a flying bat reaches oxygen consumption rates simi- bronchioles analogous to the avian neopulmo and/
lar to those of flying birds in the same weight range or large interalveolar pores of Kohn. However,
(about 35 ml O2 min−1 100 g−1). Also looking at aerobic detailed airway casts and scanning and transmission
scope (difference between resting and maximal V̇ O2), electron micrographs showed nothing unusual: bats
mammals measure up pretty well, most of them just have huge lungs. Well, that is not all. They are
coming in at around 20, with racehorses and prong- regular flying machines with a very large heart and
horn antelopes (Antilocapra americana) exceeding 60 large blood volumes as well (Jürgens et al., 1981).
(Bishop, 1999). Now even this may seem modest
compared with 100 in a bee or 300 in a moth, with
their tracheal systems. But insects the size of race-
12.3.4 Archosauria: what crocodilian reptiles
horses? Tracheae also have their downside.
and birds have in common, and what not
Small bats such as Pipistrellus pipistrellus also
have a large aerobic scope, nearly double that of As archosaurs, crocodiles and birds have several
non-volant mammals in their size range. Given the structural lung characteristics in common (Figure
mechanical disadvantages of the mammalian lung, 12.14). The anterior part of the multichambered

(a) (b)
Dorsal Dorsal
Do Do

Mvc Ibr


(c) (d) Lateral

Lateral Mdb Cea

Mvb Cla

Figure 12.14 Comparison of developmental stages of crocodilian (upper) and avian (lower) lungs. Note the similarity between crocodilian (parts
(a) and (b)) and avian ((c) and (d)) lungs in three-dimensional reconstructions or injection preparations ((a) and (d)) and representative sections ((b)
and (d)). Air sac development (Aa, abdominal air sac; Cdta, caudal thoracic air sac; Cea, cervical air sac; Cla, (inter)clavicular air sac, Crta, cranial
thoracic air sac) takes place only in the avian lung. The left-hand three-dimensional reconstructions show similar monopdial branching patterns in
developing crocodilian and avian lungs and division into two regions: an anterior region with a small number of chambres (Do, Mdc, Mvc) in the
crocodilian lung or secondary bronchi (Mvb) in the avian lung, and a posterior region with a large number of chambres (Po) or secondary bronchi
(Mdv) in crocodian and avian lungs, respectively. Crocodian lungs: Do, dorsal chambres; Mdc, mediodorsal chambres; Mvc, medioventral chambres.
Avian lungs: Mdv, mediodorsal bronchi; medioventral bronchi). After Perry, 1989.

crocodilian lung contains a cartilage-reinforced, that are very reminiscent of crocodilian lungs (Locy
more or less straight intrapulmonary bronchus that and Larsell, 1916a, 1916b; Goodrich, 1930; Sanders
gives rise to rows of secondary bronchi. Because and Farmer, 2012).
these secondary bronchi diverge sharply without In crocodilians, the secondary bronchi form long,
any change in the direction of the main bronchus arching chambers that contain the gas exchange sur-
and are much smaller in cross section than the latter, faces (Figure 12.15a). These surfaces are often perfor-
we speak of a monopodial branching pattern. The ated, and even the surfaces that make up the walls
openings to the major secondary bronchi tend to between adjacent chambers are perforated. The lat-
spiral around the main bronchus in a counterclock- ter perforations allow cardiogenic air flow during
wise fashion in the left lung, clockwise in the right apnoeic rest periods (Farmer, 2010). Extrabronchial,
lung. Bird lungs go through developmental stages intercameral air flow has even been demonstrated

L3 L4 L’ D’
L2 D”
D3 D4 M4
L1 V’

(b) nares lung liver m. diaphragmaticus


1 2

Figure 12.15 Basic lung structure and breathing mechanism in a crocodilian reptile. A, Sketch of the left lung, anterior to the left, in a Nile
crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, showing the trajectory of chambres. Thick lines approach the observer. The anterior part (stippled) of the
intrapulmonary bronchus is cartilage-reinforced and gives rise to four sets of chambers: dorsal (D1-4), lateral (L1-4), and ventral (V1-3). Medial
chambers are lacking in the most anterior part, and only in the second and fourth sets of chambers (M2, M4) are illustrated here. The posterior
part of the intrapulmonary bronchus is not cartilage reinforced and gives rise to an irregular array of numerous chambers indicated by hashmarks,
ending in a small terminal chamber. Part (b) shows a typical respiratory cycle for a crocodilian reptile. Dashed outlines indicate the condition
existing before the one shown with solid lines. The breathing cycle alternates between ventilatory (1 and 2) and non-ventilatory (3) periods.
The ventilatory period begins (1) with expiration followed by inspiration (2). This cycle can be repeated several times before ending in the
post-inspiratory (3), when the glottis is closed and the non-ventilatory period begins. Costal inspiration may be aided by contraction of the m.
diaphragmaticus and retraction of the liver, whereby the kinetic pubis is swung back by contraction of the mm. ischiopubis and ischiotruncus
(not labled). After Perry, 1998 and Westheide and Rieger, 2015.
160 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

during breathing episodes in several crocodilian estuarine crocodile Crocodylus porosus, costal breath-
species (Farmer and Sanders, 2010; Schachner et al., ing is used to such an extent that the hepatic piston
2013; Farmer, 2015). can appropriately be considered an accessory breath-
In birds (Figure 12.16), the secondary bronchi do ing muscle rather than the main breathing mech-
not contain gas exchange surfaces but give rise to anism. For further details see Munns et al. (2012),
tubes called parabronchi, which are surrounded by also for references to earlier studies.
three-dimensional meshworks called the ‘blood– A recent study on American alligators (Alligator
air–capillary net’, where gas exchange takes place mississippiensis) furthermore demonstrated an acces-
(Figure 12.17). In the fetal avian lung, parabronchi sor expiratory function of the m. iliocostalis (an
from posterior secondary bronchi (called the medi- epaxial muscle!) mediated through the uncinate
oventral bronchi) grow toward their counterparts processes on the vetrebral ribs when breathing under
from the anterior secondary bronchi (called medio- certain conditions on land (Codd et al., 2019).
dorsal bronchi) and merge with them in a so-called
plane of anastomosis. Also, the avian respiratory Aves
system develops a series of five pairs of air sacs, all The proper designation of a bird’s respiratory sys-
of which are lacking in crocodilians. Incidentally, tem is ‘lung–air sac system’, since it is composed of
not only birds but also all saurischian dinosaurs are two anatomically discrete parts: the virtually con-
also hypothesized to have had lungs with separate stant-volume lung and extremely flexible air sacs,
gas exchange regions and air sacs. There is more which lie outside the lung proper. The gas exchanger
about this in Chapter 15. consists of a flow-through system of tubes called
parabronchi (Figure 12.17). Their walls open to air Crocodylia capillaries, which form a meshwork with blood
Crocodilians have a unique (but see also pterosaurs, capillaries. The air capillaries are less than 10 µm in
Chapter  15) breathing mechanism that allows diameter and the air–blood barrier is commonly
them to circumvent Carrier’s constraint and also to less than 0.1 µm thick. The air capillaries, because of
adjust their centre of buoyancy while in the water their small radius of curvature, would certainly fill
(Figure 12.15b). The liver lies posterior to the lungs with fluid from the blood were it not for surfactant
and is firmly encapsulated by a post-hepatic sep- produced at the entrance to the blood–air–capillary
tum. The posterior margin of this septum attaches to net and spreading onto the gas exchange surface.
the so-called diaphragmaticus muscles (not homolo- And this extremely thin diffusion barrier can only
gous to the mammalian diaphragm), which extend remain stable because the lung is firmly fixed to the
to the pelvis, and in particular to the mobile pubic curvature of the dorsal body wall and has a virtually
bones. During inspiration, the diaphragmaticus muscle constant volume. For more information the reader is
contracts, pulling the liver with it and causing a referred to Duncker (1971) and Maina (2005, 2017).
negative pressure in the closed pleural spaces, Five pairs of extremely flexible air sacs are
which contain the lungs. When the glottis is open attached to the lung, four of the pairs being involved
the animal breathes in: if the glottis is closed and the in moving air through the lungs (Figure 12.16a). Of
animal is in the water, the lungs are stretched in a these, one pair, the interclavicular air sacs, fuse in
posterior direction, changing the centre of buoy- most species to form a single sac, so that seven air
ancy. At the same time, the contraction of the ischio- sacs (three anterior and four posterior) remain to
pubis and ischiotruncus muscles swing the pubis propel air through the lung. During both inspiration
bone down and back, making room in the abdomen and expiration, air moves in the same posterior-to-
for the liver (Farmer and Carrier,  2000). This so- anterior direction in those parabronchi that connect
called hepatic piston mechanism (Gans and Clark, posterior and anterior regions of the lung: the part
1976) is unique to extant crocodilians and there is called the ‘palaeopulmo’. But in most birds, a sec-
no hint of anything similar in any other group with ond group of parabronchi develop (the ‘neopulmo’)
the possible exception of extinct pterosaurs (see connecting the posterior thoracic air sacs and
Chapter  15). But having said this, at least in the the  abdominal air sacs with the intrapulmonary

(a) parabronchi of the (b)

1 5 bronchus


2 3 4

medioventral mediodorsal
bronchus bronchus

* pulmonary
* ** medioventral vein


lung rib
uncinate process
air sac


Figure 12.16 Avian respiratory system (parts (a) and (b)) and breathing cycle (c). The avian lung air-sac system consists of the left and right
lungs and air sacs. The lungs usually consists of two parts: the paleopulmo and the neopulmo. Each of these parts is composed of flow-through
tubes called parabronchi, which are surrounded by a blood-air-capillary network, in which gas exchange takes place (b). For details of the
parabronchial structure see Fig. 12.17. The air sacs are paired structures (with the exception of the interclavicular air sac, which is fused to form a
single sac in most species) and form two groups: the anterior group, consisting of (2) the interclavicular and (3) the cranial thoracic air sacs, and
the posterior group, consisting of (4) the caudal thoracic and (5) the abdominal air sacs. The cervical air sac (1) is not relevant in ventilation. During
inspiration, all ventilatory air sacs increase in volume (white arrows in part (a) upper drawing, see also part (c)) and decrease in volume during
expiration (white arrows in part (a) lower drawing, see also part (c)). During both inspiration and expiration the parabronchi of the paleopulmo are
unidirectionally ventilated whereas those of the neopulmo are ventilated bidirectionally. Black arrows indicate the direction of airflow in (a) and
(b). A sheath containing the blood-air-capillary net (part (b)) is supplied with deoxygenated blood by branches of the pulmonary artery. The
breathing cycle (part (c)) in most birds is continuous. Dashed outlines in part (c) indicate the condition existing before the one given with solid
lines. In analogy to reptiles, the breathing cycle begins (left) with expiration, whereby the ribs are moved forward by lever action of the appendico-
costal muscles (not shown) on the uncinate processes, rocking the sternum forward. Only a single rib is shown in these simplified drawings.
Expiration is caused primarily by action of the external oblique muscle sheet (not shown), pulling the ribs back. Or during forced expiration, pushed
by contraction of abdominal and intercostal muscles. Inspiratory and post inspiratory (right) phases are shown here as combined pending further
research. After Westheide and Rieger, 2015.
Figure 12.17 Detailed illustration of a parabronchus. Gas exchange takes place in the parabronchial mantle, in which atria give rise to smaller
infundibula, which in turn lead to a network of fine air capillaries (illustrated on the left half). These air capillaries are interwoven with blood
capillaries (illustrated on the right half). Although avian gas exchange in general is best characterised by the cross-current model (see text and Fig.
12.16), deoxygenated blood (blue) enters these capillaries and becomes oxygenated (red) in a local counter-current-like fashion as it moves toward
air of higher oxygen partial pressure. Oxygenated blood is collected near the parabronchial lumen and directly removed by branches of the
pulmonary vein, thereby minimizing the chance of oxygen loss by counter-current exchange. Drawing by Beatrice Ollenschläger (Bonn, 1995,
modified 2005) after Duncker (1971).

bronchus. In the neopulmo, air moves bidirectionally This process conveniently leaves out the bidirec-
from the intrapulmonary bronchus into the air sacs tional flow in the neopulmo, thereby emphasizing
during inspiration and in the opposite direction the ‘necessity’ of unidirectional air flow and also
during expiration. But the important thing is that the requires that the palaeopulmo have the same vol-
air flow is directed and the cross-current model is ume as the posterior air sacs, leaving no flexibility
maintained (see also Chapter 3). for variability in tidal volume. So forget it!
Now, let’s look at the breathing process in a little The motor for inspiration is provided by the
more detail (Figure 12.16c). During inspiration, about external oblique muscle and a special division of the
half of the air traverses the neopulmo and is stored external intercostal muscles, called the appendico-
in the parabronchi of the neopulmo and in the pos- costal muscles. The latter muscles attach to lever
terior air sac group at end inspiration. The other arms, called uncinate processes, on the posterior
half of the inspired air bypasses the posterior air sac surface of the ribs and to the anterior margin of the
group, traverses the palaeopulmo from back to rib behind it. Their contraction causes the ribs to
front, and is stored in the parabronchi of the palae- swing forward and out, depending on the articula-
opulmo and in the anterior air sac group. During tion angle. A ventral, jointed extension attaches
expiration, the air from the posterior air sac group is the free end of the ribs to the sternum, rocking the
pushed back through the neopulmo in the opposite latter down and forward with each inspiration. The
direction and then displaces the air that is in the extremely flexible air sacs are carried along with
palaeopulmo, moving in the same direction as dur- this motion and air is drawn into and through the
ing inspiration, and is at least in part exhaled. The lungs as described earlier. Because the air sacs are
air that was in the paleopulmo and in the anterior so flexible, birds can’t passively breathe out like we
air sac group is simply exhaled. And all of this is can. The forced expiration is done using a complex
accomplished without any mechanical valves! array of hypaxial muscles (Codd et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, it is falsely stated in many text- Unlike mammals and most reptiles, directed air
books that during inspiration air fills the posterior flow is crucial for breathing in birds and is the key
air sac group (without mentioning the neopulmo), to the cross-current model. But it is not true that the
then moves to the ‘lung’ (palaeopulmo?) during air flow must be unidirectional: remember, about half
expiration, to the anterior air sacs during the next of the parabronchi, namely those of the neopulmo,
inspiration, and is exhaled in the second expiration. are bidirectionally ventilated.
C H A PT ER 13

Control of breathing in craniotes

Many convergent faculties exist in the control of connection between the cerebrum and the hindbrain,
breathing not only among various invertebrate is also the origin of light-sensitive and neuroendo-
groups, but also between invertebrates and crani- crine organs such as the retina, epithalamus/pineal
otes. This convergence is probably dictated by similar body, hypothalamus, and posterior pituitary gland
requisites of animals in general and of those with (neurohypophysis). The prosencephalon is separated
elevated levels of aerobic metabolism in particular. from the hindbrain, or rhombencephalon, by the
Let us assume for the time being that the principle midbrain (mesencephalon) and the metencephalon.
of Hetz and Bradley (2005) applies in general and The latter is technically the most anterior part of
that craniotes also maintain tissue oxygen levels at the rhombencephalon and is composed dorsally of
the evolutionary Pasteur point (see Chapter 1). This the cerebellum and ventrally of the pons. Although
is a reasonable assumption, because high levels of prosencephalon-derived centres and optical and
molecular oxygen could result in the formation of acoustic information processed in the mesencephalon
ROS, which are detrimental to life but may also have can participate in hormonally regulated and descend-
an important messenger function. Some oxygen is ing control of the respiratory system, such as calling
necessary for aerobiosis, though. Seen from this per- in frogs and birds or in human speech, respectively,
spective, a respiratory system must not just supply the main centres for breathing are located in the
oxygen. It must supply the right amount of oxygen. so-called brainstem. The brainstem is defined as the
And there is no reason to assume that craniotes are hindbrain, with the exception of the cerebellum.
any different from invertebrates in this respect. For our present purposes, it is enough to know
that the brainstem gives rise to between 7 and 9 of
13.1 The craniote brain and innervation the 10–12 cranial nerves that arise from the brain,
including those innervating the jaws (V: trigeminal),
of respiratory muscles
the gills (VII: facial; IX: glossopharyngeal; X: vagal;
To explain the central nervous control of breathing, XI: vagal accessory), and the hypobranchial muscu-
we first need to provide a general description of the lature (XII: hypoglossal). These parts of the brain also
craniote brain. Traditionally, the brain is made up of contain the corresponding motor centres (nuclei)
three parts: the forebrain, or prosencephalon; the for these cranial nerves, which are directly involved
midbrain, or mesencephalon; and the hindbrain, or in breathing movements. In the brainstem, we are
rhombencephalon. The forebrain, in turn, consists dealing with the most ‘ancient’, and one of the most
of the paired cerebrum (telencephalon)—which is poorly understood parts of the brain: the so-called
the seat of reception and processing of chemical reticular formation. It will therefore only be possible
signals in all craniotes and cognition in most—and to paint a broad picture of the neuronal control of
the diencephalon, which in addition to being the breathing.

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N C R A N I OT E S 165

The control of breathing, be it in ventilation of cyclic activity of respiratory muscles can be initi-
the gills or of lungs, resides in the brainstem. But as ated or modified. Also as in invertebrates, water
we shall later see, it remains to be clarified if the breathing species tend to use ambient oxygen for
initiation of breathing is a property of pacemaker this purpose, whereas in air-breathing species the
neurons in the brainstem or if it relies on external signal comes from the circulating pH or PCO2. The
stimuli. In any case, the neuronal pathways that detection of and reaction to ambient and systemic
originally controlled gill breathing still appear to PO2 and PCO2 is complex to say the least and many
be active in controlling ventilation in terrestrial pieces of the puzzle are the object of ongoing research.
tetrapods, including mammals and birds. In addition to these primary triggers for breathing,
there are a host of other substances ranging from
simple divalent ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ to
13.2 Respiratory organs
neurotransmitters such as glutamate and gamma-
Although a more detailed account of the structural aminobutyric acid (GABA), indole and catechol-
diversity of gills and lungs appears in Chapters 11 amines. Many of these substances probably have
and 12, a brief summary of those points relevant to been around before and throughout the evolutionary
the control of breathing will be given here. To keep history of craniotes and have been incorporated into
things simple for the present purposes, we use the the complex control of breathing. These substances
word ‘fish’ for any craniote that is not a tetrapod. are too numerous to receive attention here and the
Fish are primarily water breathers, and although reader is referred to recent reviews (Gargaglioni and
many have secondarily evolved air breathing, none Milsom, 2007; Baghdadwala et al., 2016). Instead, in
have completely eliminated the gills. Fish gills are the sense of the man looking for his keys, we will
derivatives of the pharynx and except in some spe- highlight just one substance to show the type of
cialized groups, such as adult lampreys, they are influence we are talking about: namely the indola-
unidirectionally ventilated by water flowing in the mine serotonin, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine,
mouth (or the nose or spiracles as in the case of hag- or 5-HT.
fish or chondrichthyans and sturgeons, respectively) The role of 5-HT in the control of breathing is a
and out through gill slits or opercular opening. hot topic that definitely needs more attention. To
Except for the most basally branching lineages of begin with, it is a ubiquitous molecule, being pre-
craniotes such as hagfish and larval lampreys, water sent in protists, plants, and in every animal clade,
is moved through the gills by jaw muscles and spe- and even may have been pivotal in the origin of life
cialized gill muscles, which are innervated by cra- itself. This indolamine is chemically related to growth
nial nerves V, VII, and IX–XII. hormones (auxins) in plants and serves as a neuro-
Lungs are blind-ending sacs that are derivatives of transmitter, neuromodulator, and hormone in ani-
the posterior pharynx. In buccal pumping of amphib- mals. With regard to the control of breathing, it is
ians, many of the muscles involved in lung inflation interesting to note that it not only is involved both in
and deflation are homologous to those used by fish the response to ambient and blood-borne PO2 levels,
in ventilating their gills. Since amniotes are plesio- but also can be released in the brain in response
morphically rib breathers, the activation of the inter- to high PCO2/low pH levels, as we shall see in the
costal and related hypaxial muscles as well as the sections that follow.
mammalian diaphragm are coordinated with the
activity of the branchiomeric and hypoglossal cranial
13.3.1 Peripheral organs that sense oxygen
nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII, which are primarily
involved in regulating airflow at the glottis or larynx. In fish, special paracrine cells known as neuroendo-
crine cells (NECs) located in the gills release 5-HT in
response to low PO2 in the ventilated water. The
13.3 Sensing of respiratory gases
number of NECs increases in fish exposed to chronic
Like invertebrates, craniotes must first detect the hypoxia and decreases under chronic hyperoxia
presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide before the (Jonz and Nurse, 2009). Whereas NECs on gills are
166 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

well positioned to detect ambient oxygen levels in word is not yet out, suffice it to say here that NEBs
the water, for responding to oxygen levels in the also release neuropeptides, the exact function of
blood one particularly strategic location is the spiracle, which also cries out for further study.
which, as mentioned previously, is used for inspir- But how do NECs actually detect changing oxygen
ation in some fish groups and—unlike gills—is sup- levels? At least in the fish gill it appears to involve
plied with blood that has already passed through membrane-bound K+ channels in which an ion leak,
the gills on its way to the most oxygen-dependent analogous to that in the sinus pacemaker cells of the
organs of a fish: the eyes and brain. In most ray-finned heart, is present. Technically, this is referred to as a
fish, the spiracle no longer opens to the outside, K+ (KB) channel leak, and is similar to the TASK
and thus detects only oxygen levels in the blood. (TWIK-related tandem pore domain acid-sensitive
Nevertheless, it keeps its original blood supply and K+ channel)-type ion channel in mammalian carotid
often a gill-like structure (Waser et al., 2005), and is body. Hypoxia inhibits the K+ channels, depolarizes
appropriately renamed ‘pseudobranch’. Through the NEC membrane, and is believed to initiate a
NECs in the pseudobranchs, a fish has immediate transient rise in intracellular Ca2+, inducing release
feedback regarding how well its gills are doing in of dense-core granules with their contained 5-HT
oxygenating the blood passing through them. It is and neuropeptides, and activating vagal postsyn-
tempting to speculate that the pseudobranch gave aptic receptors (Jonz et al., 2016).
rise to the carotid bodies in tetrapods, which also Other proposed oxygen chemoreceptors outside
contain NECs that release 5-HT in response to hypox- of the gills, such as those of the skin in embryos and
aemia (Milsom and Burleson, 2007). But the hom- the NEC-like cells of the ABOs in adult air-breathing
ology remains uncertain because the carotid bodies fish, are structurally and biochemically similar to gill
are not located at the site of the pseudobranch, but NECs, but are not well defined as oxygen sensors.
further upstream at the bifurcation of the common The NECs of the skin of embryonic zebra fish Danio
carotid artery into the internal and external carotid. rerio, which lack functional gills, appear to be similar.
The location of NECs in the adult animal notwith- Relatively little work has been done on the cen-
standing, they are derivatives of ectodermal neural tral control of breathing in teleost fish, but in the
crest cells, which embryologically are migratory, so goldfish, as in lampreys and sharks, the control
they can end up almost anywhere in the body. They centres for breathing appear to be distributed along
are found, for example, in all tetrapod lineages, the entire brainstem (Duchcherer et al. 2010). One
embedded in the clearance epithelium of the terminal study indicates that the stimulus for initiation of swim
airways, where they form paracrine organs known bladder air breathing in the gar pike Lepisosteus
as neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs). NEBs (Figure 13.1) osseus, an obligatory air breather, is PCO2/pH, which
are found on the surface of the smooth muscular has no influence on fictive gill breathing in reduced
trabeculae of amphibian lungs and also in turtles, preparations (Wilson et al., 2000; Perry et al., 2001).
crocodiles, lizards, and in snakes, where they can
form prominent dome-like structures (Luchtel and
13.3.2 Organs that sense PCO2/pH
Kardong,  1981; Perry,  1998). In mammals, NEBs
release 5-HT from basally located dense-core vesicles The simple answer is: there are none. Or are there
in response to hypoxia but not to hypoxaemia many? Aside from the fact that carotid bodies are
(Lauweryns et al.,  1978; Pan et al.,  2004). And in somehow able to respond to hypercapnia, no iden-
birds they are found both in the airways and in the tifiable peripheral or central PCO2/pH-receptor
air sacs, where they form sensory organs called organs equivalent to NEBs have been identified.
racemes. These NEBs are innervated by the vagus The peripherally elicited carbon dioxide/pH
nerve (X). It remains to be demonstrated to what response depends on the location and method of
extent the 5-HT released on exposure to hypoxia application of the stimulus. Applying weak acid,
has local action on the pulmonary smooth muscle, carbon dioxide, or irritants to the nasal epithelium
stimulates vagal afferents, or has endocrine activity (see Coates,  2001) and the larynx in tetrapods, for
by entering the bloodstream. Although the final example, results in cessation of breathing. But on
C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N C R A N I OT E S 167


F T1

(b) (c)
Ci S1 S2




C (d)



Figure 13.1 Neuroepithelial bodies in the lung of a snake, Nerodia. Part (a) is a scanning electron micrograph of a faveolar opening (F) showing
the domes (D). First-order trabecula (T1) contain smooth muscle (SmM). Parts (b)-(d) show transmission electron micrographs of a neuroepithelial
body and its neuroendocrine cells, NC, indicated in part (c) as NC1, 2 and 3. The square in part (c) is shown in detail in part (d), where basally
situated, 5-HT-containing dense core vesicles (DCV) are shown in a putative developmental sequence, DCV 1,2 and 3. Other labled structures are
capillaries, C; cell processes that contact the neuroendocrine cells, CP; dense connective tissue, DCT; loose connective tissue, LCT; serous secretory
cells, S; and ciliated cells, Ci, of the trabecular clearance epithelium. Scale bars are 100 µm in part A, 10 µm in part B, 1 µm in part (c) and 0.2 µm
in part (d). Perry, 1998.
168 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

the other hand, inhaling carbon dioxide also lowers outwardly directed activity and inwardly directed
the blood pH and dramatically increases breathing inhibition continues until it reaches the starting
frequency and amplitude, due to central carbon point and begins anew. It has long been assumed
dioxide/pH response. In the lungs of amniotes, car- that suckling, hiccuping, and other cyclic phenom-
bon dioxide detection can be associated with stretch ena that involve the respiratory system are coord-
reception, the plesiomorphic condition being car- inated by such neuronal networks, termed ‘half
bon dioxide-sensitive stretch receptors, with carbon centre models’. This may at least in part be the case
dioxide sensitivity being maintained in birds and and this phenomenon may also be involved in the
stretch reception, in mammals. cyclic nature of breathing.
Morphological identification of central carbon Since the 1990s, much attention has focused on
dioxide receptors has eluded researchers, but multiple characterizing the control of breathing in anuran
brainstem regions within the reticular formation amphibians—in particular, the bullfrog Lithobates
have been identified that are extremely sensitive to catesbeianus and the northern leopard frog L.  pipi-
carbon dioxide and can be excited by carbon dioxide ens)—and localization of centres in the brainstem
application in isolated brainstem preparations in that regulate ventilatory activity for gills in the tad-
mammals (Nattie,  1999; Nattie and Li,  2009) and pole and for lung breathing in the postmetamorphic
frogs. Even a partial list of locations showing carbon frogs (Figure  13.2). It was very soon revealed that
dioxide sensitivity sounds like a road map of Italy: even in the adult frog there are two centres—one
retrotrapezoid nucleus, nucleus isthmi, nucleus coer- called the ‘buccal’ centre and the other, the ‘lung’
uleus, nucleus tractus solitarius, and the raphe nuclei. centre—which in intact as well as in isolated brain-
With the raphe nuclei we are back to 5-HT. The stem preparations responds to change in the com-
serotonergic raphe nuclei (raphe means ‘seam’) are position of the bathing medium (McLean et al., 1995;
a row of up to eight anatomically distinct regions, Milsom et al., 1999).
which make up the medial-most part of the reticu- Decreasing pH or increasing carbon dioxide in
lar formation. It borders medially on the ciliated, the bathing medium results in increasing the fre-
ependyma-lined neural canal and laterally on the quency of spontaneous ‘lung’ bursting activity in
pons, and ventral respiratory group (VRG), which, the branchiomeric cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X,
includes parts of the nucleus ambiguus, the nucleus just as an intact frog responds by increasing the fre-
retroambiguus, and the nucleus retrofacialis as well as, quency of breathing episodes when the blood pH
in mammals, the putative pacemaker neurons of the decreases. On the other hand, the ‘gill’ bursts are
pre-Bötzinger complex (see also section  13.4). At independent of the pH of the bath but change
any rate, central carbon dioxide/pH reception is amplitude depending on the PO2. The characteriza-
part and parcel of the control of air breathing. tion of the neurons involved goes beyond the scope
of this book and the reader is referred to recent
13.4 Rhythm generation in reviews (Gargaglioni and Milsom, 2007; Baghdadwala
et al.,  2016) and to the experimental studies cited
the craniote brain
therein, but suffice it to say that microapplication
Cyclic occurrences, such as saccadic eye movement, of glutamate has a strong stimulatory effect and
shivering, or limb tremor involve neuronal net- GABA is inhibitory for the ‘lung’ rhythm (Kogo and
works, in which groups of neurons that innervate Remmers, 1994; Kogo et al.,  1997; McLean and
antagonistic muscles are interconnected by mutu- Remmers, 1997). The effect of 5-HT is more difficult
ally inhibitory axons. If one of the groups is acti- to interpret: in the isolated brainstem it increases
vated, it causes contraction of ‘its’ muscle while at the amplitude of ‘gill’ bursts dramatically but com-
the same time inhibiting those that would stimulate pletely inhibits ‘lung’ bursts, but see also Kinkead
the antagonistic muscle or muscles. After the inhib- et al. (2002).
ition has passed, a second group of neurons then Based on what we know about the craniocaudal
inhibits the first one and all others involved in the sequence of branchiomeric cranial nerves in the shark
circuit, while stimulating ‘its’ muscle. This wave of and the broad distribution of rhythm generation in
C O N T R O L O F B R E AT H I N G I N C R A N I OT E S 169

V hypoglossal nerve (XII), which in the frog is actu-

ally a spinal nerve. In keeping with the insensitivity
VII of the ‘buccal’ rhythm to pH, this brainstem region
VIII is carbon dioxide insensitive. The ‘lung’ burst
VII VI generator, however, lies much farther anterior, in
rhombomere 5 near the motor nuclei of nerves IX
VIa PBC and X (Baghdadwala et al., 2016). Although ‘lung’
X IX bursts in reduced preparations often begin coupled
IX with a ‘buccal’ burst, transection of the brainstem
B Obex between the two centres allows each to carry on
Skull H
H X independently.
We mentioned earlier that the breathing cycle in
Spinal VRG craniotes is not two-cycled, but actually three-cycled,
cord XI
with a separate post-inspiratory phase. Recently a
‘priming centre’ was discovered in the frog brain-
Skull stem, surrounding the ‘lung’ centre. Its activity cor-
responds to the post-inspiratory phase, preparing
Spinal the brain for the power stroke, which forces air into
cord the lungs (Baghdadwala et al., 2016).
Parallel to these studies on frogs and tadpoles,
the neonatal rat was being studied. In the mamma-
Frog Mammal lian brain a region of the anterior part of the VRG
exists, which Jack Feldman named after a bottle of
Figure 13.2 Semi-schematic frontal (coronal) section through the
Bötzinger wine. Adjacent to this ‘Bötzinger com-
brainstem comparing a frog (left-hand side) with a mammal
(right-hand side). Roman numerals indicate cranial nerves and their plex’, in the ‘pre-Bötzinger complex’, a group of
motor nuclei. Note that the hypoglossal nerve is indicated by the letter pacemaker neurons was found, which initiated the
H. The 12th cranial nerve in mammals, the hypoglossal, is actually the inspiratory act (Smith et al., 1991). More recently,
second spinal nerve and the frog, due to its shorter skull. Lining up adjacent to the pre-Bötzinger complex, a group of
the profiles using the posterior end of the fourth ventricle (obex) as an
neurons called the post-inspiratory complex was
orientation point, one sees a similar anterior to posterior sequence in
the motor nuclei and also in the structures attributed to stimulation of discovered, the activity of which coincides with the
respiratory muscles: The buccal centre (B), lung centre (L) and the post-inspiratory phase of ventilation (Anderson et al.,
priming centre (PR) in the frog and the Pre-Bötzinger Complex (PBC) 2016). Perhaps not coincidentally, the lung centre and
in the mammal. Other structures indicated are the cerebellum (CER) in priming centre in the frog and the pre-Bötzinger
the frog and in the mammal, the dorsal respiratory group (DRG), Ph
centre and the post-inspiratory complex lie in the
(phrenic motor nucleus), pontine respiratory group (PRG), and ventral
respiratory group (VRG). Original, diverse sources. same part of the brainstem: rhombomeres 7 and 8.
In this area of active research, we are far from know-
the fish brain (Taylor et al.,  2010), it was expected ing all the answers. There is some doubt, for example,
that the ‘gill’ centre would lie cranially, near the motor that the pre-Bötzinger centre is really a spontaneous
nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (V), but it actually pacemaker, but rather might consist of neurons that
lies in the most posterior division (rhombomere 8) are associated with gasping in response to hypoxia
of the brainstem, near the motor nucleus of the of the preparation (St. John, 2009).
C H A PT ER 14

The evolution of water-breathing

respiratory faculties in craniotes

One of the characters that distinguished basal aerobic processes, at least for a sessile animal, an
chordates from their nearest relatives, the Entero- automatic coupling of feeding and ventilation of
pneusta (acorn worms), was the ciliated branchial respiratory surfaces is meaningful. The mucous
basket in the anterior part of their gut. As explained sheet used for snaring suspended particles in
in Chapter 11, the ventral position of the heart(s) as amphioxus and tunicates is swallowed complete
well as its/their location upstream from the gills with mucus, which contains an organic iodine mol-
and the obligatory flow of perfusing fluid through ecule that is homologous to thyroid hormone. Like
the gill arches before being distributed directly to the latter it stimulates metabolism. 5-HT, which in
the body are plesiomorphic characters of craniotes craniotes stimulates mucus production, is present
that were already present in non-craniote chordates. in the CNS of amphioxus. Now, 5-HT has also long
As in Tunicata and Cephalochordata, gas exchange been known to stimulate ciliary activity in a wide
can at least theoretically take place in the gills and variety of animals from protozoans to mammals
some pelagic tunicates even use the water stream (Maruyama et al., 1984; Castrodad et al., 1988;
produced by the branchial cilia for locomotion by jet Yoshihiro et al., 1992; Wada et al., 1997; Nguyen et al.,
propulsion. But the primary function of the branchial 2001; König et al., 2009; Walentek et al., 2014); and in
basket is undoubtedly filter feeding. The ciliated amphioxus, ciliary beat is linked to water flow across
epithelium provides a constant water flow, but this the gas exchange surfaces. In addition, at least in
epithelium in and of itself is so thick as to present a tunicates, ciliary beat is under central nervous con-
disadvantageously long diffusion distance between trol (Goldschmid, 2007). Connecting the dots we see
the water and the perfusing fluid. On the other that from the very beginning of the craniote lineage,
hand, at least in the amphioxus, the extremely thin ventilatory control paralleled metabolic changes
epithelium of the atrium as well as the proximity of associated with feeding, and 5-HT and possibly even
extensive coelomic cavities results in an effective central nervous control have always been associ-
site for gas exchange that is comparable with the ated with control of breathing.
respiratory mantle of the lamellibranch bivalve Okay, amphioxus and tunicates are not our direct
molluscs. ancestors, but are probably the closest living rela-
But we should not look askance at our humble tives of craniotes. A mismatch between the meta-
relatives. Filter feeders do not feed all the time at bolic demand of muscular locomotion and the
full speed and the metabolic machinery has to be limited plasticity and maximal ventilatory capabil-
coordinated with presence of something to be metab- ity of a ciliary respiratory pump could have been
olized. And if metabolism and the ciliary activity are critical in limiting amphioxus and tunicates to a

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001


relatively small size, and planktonic or sessile life (extant sharks and rays), previously called Elasmo-
histories. Eliminating this mismatch through the ori- branchii. Bony craniotes also consist of two extant
gin of muscle-powered gill ventilation could have lineages: the Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) and
been a pivotal factor in releasing an evolutionary Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned craniotes). The latter have
cascade that resulted in conquest of the aquatic three extant lines: Actinistia (coelacanths), Dipnoi
realm by craniotes. Ventilating the gills by muscle (lungfish), and Tetrapoda (tetrapods), which include
power also allowed the branchial epithelium to the Lissamphibia (extant amphibians) and Amniota
become thin, since cilia were no longer required, (terrestrial craniotes, including ourselves).
and the gills were relieved of their direct role in
food gathering.
14.2 Myxinoida
14.1 Origin and diversity of craniotes Assuming that hagfish are indeed a relict branch
of  the most basal radiation of craniotes, character
The origin of craniotes still is somewhat shrouded traits that its respiratory faculty shares with other
in mystery and the closest possibly related thing are craniotes are listed here:
the conodonts. Conodonts are a radiation of jawless
animals that first appeared in the Cambrian and became A. Gill structure and function.
extinct toward the end of the Triassic (DeSantis and Pharyngeal gills that serve as gas exchange organs.
Gas-exchange structures with pillar cells.
Brett, 2011). They may have evolved from a position
Counter-current gas-exchange model.
on the craniote stem line between our common non-
B. Ventilatory mechanism
craniote ancestor and extant craniotes. Their paired Ventilated by musculature rather than cilia.
anterior eyes and wear patterns on the strange teeth C. Circulatory component
and as well as the sheer size (up to 40 cm) of these Red blood cells containing haemoglobin.
animals suggest that they may have been predators Gills receive deoxygenated blood from a central (gill)
or at least scavengers rather than sedentary filter heart.
feeders (Purnell et al., 1995). So it is likely that the D. Control of breathing
gills of these serpentine animals were dedicated Sequential, caudally-progressing oscillators in the
respiratory organs and that a muscle-powered brainstem.
pump under central nervous control was already Sequence starting at the level of the trigeminal cranial
nerve (V) for velum activity.
present before extant craniotes arose. Unfortunately,
Rhythm modulated by ambient oxygen levels.
there are no fossil impressions of conodont gills and
it is not known if branchial muscles were present. As discussed in Chapter 11, hagfish differ so much
Until direct evidence is found, we can only specu- in practically all of these traits from other craniotes
late that conodonts were at least part of a radiation that one could almost postulate their separate ori-
that used a muscle-powered ventilatory apparatus. gin from a proto-craniote ancestor. But let us take a
Let us now take a quick look at the extant craniote closer look at these traits one at a time, starting with
groups and their possible relationships to each ‘Gill structure and function’. Now, perforation of
other. Craniota consists of three extant monophyletic the pharynx and a ventilatory stream through the
groups: Myxinoida (hagfish), Petromyzontida (lam- perforations were already present in non-craniote
preys), and Gnathostomata (jawed craniotes). We chordates, so at least an exaptation by which func-
will not concern ourselves with the subgroups of tional gills could evolve as a plesiomorphy of crani-
hagfish or lampreys here or whether these jawless otes is imaginable, even if they were are not used
creatures together might also form a monophylum. for gas exchange in non-craniote ancestors. But a
The jawed craniotes fall into two groups: Chon- closer look at the gills brings out some puzzling
drichthyes (cartilaginous fish) and Osteognathosto- characteristics. The histological structure of the gas
mata (bony, jawed craniotes), previously called exchange folds with pillar cells in hagfish is very
Osteichthyes. The cartilaginous fish have two extant similar to what is seen in other craniotes. But the
lines: Holocephali (chimaeras) and the Neoselachii overall structure with parallel and branching folds
172 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

is quite different: possibly representing a structural morphy of that group: the atrium and ventricle are
simplification reflecting the life history of these spatially separated and connected by a duct. Also,
scavengers, which sometimes bury themselves com- strictly speaking, the heart should probably be con-
pletely in their decomposing prey. This might clog a sidered a gill heart, since hagfish also have other
more complicated gill structure. hearts: paired caudal hearts, paired anterior cardinal
Let us now move on to part B, the ventilatory hearts, and an unpaired hepatic portal one.
mechanism. It does not involve cilia. The velum as Moving now to part D, control of breathing.
a ventilatory motor in extant adult animals is seen Hagfish do not use cilia to ventilate their gills. The
only in hagfish, but see larval lampreys in section respiratory motor, the velum, is innervated by the
14.3. Hagfish completely lack a gill skeleton in the trigeminal nerve, which in lampreys innervates the
septa between the gill pouches and an external car- most anterior gills and in jawed fished, the jaws. It
tilaginous support in the gill region is present only is not difficult to imagine that this pattern of
in some species. Then again they really don’t need innervation is ancestral and was exapted in fish
one since the velum is a positive-pressure pump, lineages that later evolved. The end result—namely
quite unlike the ventilatory mechanism in other cra- unidirectional ventilation of the gills—was main-
niotes, where the filling of the branchial spaces—at tained while the branchial skeleton, jaws, and
least in part—is a negative-pressure phenomenon associated musculature evolved and indeed the
caused by passive elastic or active muscular dilation entire ventilatory mechanism changed and became
of the branchial region. The velum respiratory pump refined in subsequent lineages. A respiratory role of
and weak or lacking special superficial branchial 5-HT is already established in the hagfish. Also, the
constrictor muscles is something that hagfish appear sequentially and caudally progressing oscillators of
to have in common with Palaeozoic pteraspid the brainstem are carried on all the way to teleosts.
armoured fish (Jarvik, 1965), and could in fact be Stimulation of the serotonergic raphe nuclei results
a  very basal trait that was conserved in hagfish. not only in increases in breathing frequency, but
The counter-current model might be counted as a also the 5-HT released there stimulates ependymal
physiological synapomorphy of all craniotes, but ciliary beat and thereby increases circulation of
the way in which it is achieved is not. Of course, the cerebrospinal fluid in the parts of the brain associ-
counter-current model as such was not ‘invented’ ated with the control of breathing (Stokes, 1997).
by craniotes: we have already seen it independently
turning up in molluscs, crustaceans, and maybe
14.3 Petromyzontida
even in sand dollars. Its repeated appearance is
only evidence for the efficiency of this system and Larval lampreys use a velum for gill ventilation
the importance of energy-saving mechanisms in the (Rovainen, 1996). Although these filter feeders pos-
evolution of a respiratory faculty in general. But as sess ciliated epithelia, they are used only for trans-
pointed out in Chapter 11, its persistence in spite of port of the alimentary mucus sheet and not for
major differences in gill structure and ventilatory water propulsion. For the time being we can assume
mechanisms among hagfish, lampreys, cartilaginous that regulation of ciliary beat and its coordination
fish, and bony fish is striking. with metabolism is via iodine-containing molecules
Now let us look at part C, the circulatory compo- and 5-HT, as in the amphioxus, but what about mus-
nent. The presence of red blood cells may be a cle-powered ventilation and locomotion? A recent
synapomorphy of all craniotes, but the structure of study showed that contraction of muscles that sur-
hagfish haemoglobin differs considerably from that round the branchial region in response to central
of other craniotes. The fact that a heart pumps PCO2/pH stimuli that would result when muscles
deoxygenated blood into the gills is plesiomorphic exercise anaerobically, is present in addition to
for craniotes since this arrangement is also present the velum, which powers normal larval breathing
in non-craniote chordates, but the heart itself in (Hoffman et al., 2016). In other words, a respiratory-
hagfish is also quite different from what is seen in related neuronal pathway for activating these mus-
other craniotes and must be considered an autapo- cles in response to changes in the internal milieu

exists in these filter feeders that are part of a basally 14.4 Gnathostomata
derived craniote lineage. The significance of this
discovery will become evident when we come to Jawed fishes differ from hagfish and lampreys not
air-breathing craniotes and we shall return to it only in that they have moveable jaws, as the name
then. implies, but perhaps more importantly, in their five-
As described in Chapter 11, gill structure of the part gill skeleton. Although the embryological ori-
adult lamprey is comprised of filaments oriented par- gin of this structure as a derivative of the neural
allel to the ventilatory water flow with a row of lamel- crest—those mysterious ectodermal mesenchyme-
lae on each side (Marinelli and Strenger, 1959; like cells that arise on the edge of the neural tube—
Kempton, 1969; Mallatt, 1996). This is similar in larval is well known, the precursor of the gnathostome gill
and adult lampreys in spite of their different feeding skeleton remains a mystery.
behaviour and ventilation mechanisms (Youson and
Freeman, 1976), and also very similar to that of sharks.
14.4.1 Chondrichthyes
These gills are fundamentally different from those of
hagfish though, in which the folds on the filaments Sharks/rays and chimaeras have a curious
run parallel to the filamentar axis. combination of lamprey-like gills and a completely
The final word has not yet been spoken on the gnathostome, five-part gill skeleton. Complete
phylogenetic relationship among hagfish, lampreys, holobranch septa are present in both groups, but
and gnathostomes, but there is no reason to assume only in neoselachains does it reach the surface of the
that the ancestor of the latter two groups ever pos- body, resulting in separate gill slits for the respira-
sessed hagfish-like gills. The more parsimonious tory units. Embryologically, the gill region in sharks
conclusion is that hagfish gill structure is an autapo- remains uncovered until shortly before hatching
morphy of that group, as discussed previously. and the gills develop filamentous ‘hairs’ that serve
Impressions of the gill region of Palaeozoic, jawless, in gas exchange before hatching in oviparous spe-
cephalaspid fishes, revealing fern-like gills and super- cies. So it is not really clear whether the separate gill
ficial constrictor muscles, are consistent with this pockets or the unified gill region, covered by a sin-
hypothesis and led Jarvik (1965) to even suggest gle membrane, as seen in chimaeras, is the plesio-
that lampreys are indeed the last survivors of that morphic condition.
group. Since a velum is lacking in gnathostomes The structure and function of the red blood cells
and present in the other two groups, one may fur- and their haemoglobin—in spite of its myoglobin-
thermore conclude that the plesiomorphic condi- like dissociation curve—is more similar to that
tion for craniotes was a velum. of the Osteognathostomata than of lampreys and
The breathing cycle in the adult lamprey appears hagfish, and particularly the white blood cells and
to begin in the para-trigeminal respiratory group in immunoglobulins bear a strong similarity to what
the vicinity of the motor nucleus (Bongianni et al., we see in bony fishes and tetrapods.
2016) of cranial nerve V. This is responsible for clos- Gill ventilation in sharks begins with closure of
ing the jaw in jawed fishes, but in the jawless lam- the mouth, constriction of the most anterior gill
prey it innervates the first gill pouches. This region arches, and a wave of constriction moving in an
of the brain is stimulated by glutamate and is anterior-to-posterior sequence along the gill arches,
inhibited by GABA and opioids. The lamprey has followed by opening the mouth, and dilation of
these characteristics in common with tetrapods. the branchial region (see Taylor et al., 2010). In
Although the importance of the brainstem in gener- spontaneously breathing, resting sharks, gill beat is
ating breathing rhythm is well documented, pace- coupled with heartbeat. Here the motor neurons
maker neurons have not yet been found there in the not of the trigeminal but of the dorsal vagal nucleus
lamprey. The reverberating circuit that results in cyclic (DVN) appear to be positively driven by the activity
breathing appears to be distributed along the entire of neighbouring respiratory neurons (Leite et al.,
reticular formation of the brainstem, with concentra- 2014) and the possibility of an afferent cardiogenic
tions near the branchiomeric nuclei V, VII, IX, and X. stimulus cannot be excluded. We do not see a major
174 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

change from the condition in the lamprey, since the groups remains to be established. Ironically, some
entire neuronal complex is linked, it is just a ques- sharks and teleosts have evolved obligatory ram
tion of which part sets the oscillator in motion. In ventilation (see also Chapter 11), whereby the venti-
exercising or excited animals the one-to-one coupling latory muscles are reduced. In addition, conver-
is broken, implying that breathing is stimulated by gently in tunas and billfishes, the filaments are
some other source. immobilized by crossbeams, creating a sieve-like
gill structure.
As discussed in Chapter 4, the Root effect also
14.5 Osteognathostomata
appears to have evolved convergently in physoclist
Although a functional analogue is present in chi- fishes, whereby the physoclist state (loss of connec-
maeras, a bony operculum must be considered an tion of the swim bladder to the pharynx) has devel-
autapomorphy of bony, jawed fishes, for which it oped separately in different fish groups.
played (and still plays) a crucial role for the ventila-
tory mechanism. Another shared derived trait of
osteognathostomatans is the central venous sinus of
14.5.2 Sarcopterygii
their gills. The lobe-finned fish appear to have started with the
same basic endowment as the ray-finned fish did
(Figure 14.1), and their gill morphology correlates
14.5.1 Actinopterygii
well with the current phylogenetic consensus: the
Reduction of the holobranch septum is probably lungfish are the sister taxon of the tetrapods. The
the most far-reaching evolutionary trend one can extant actinistians (Latimeria)—the sole survivors
encounter within this lineage. In the bichirs and stur- of the basal-most branching lineage of sarcoptery-
geons, it is limited to exposure of the very tip of the gians—appear to have maintained a central venous
gill filaments, since cartilaginous support of individ- sinus in their gills. Such a secondary circulatory sys-
ual filaments (lepidotrichia) is lacking, and first tem is absent in both lungfish and tetrapods, which
appears in the Neopterygii: the sister group to the instead appear to have evolved a true lymphatic sys-
sturgeons. This group includes the Halecomorphi tem. The holobranch septa of Latimeria and the Dipnoi
(the only extant species being the bowfin, Amia calva), experienced some reduction similar to that of the
the Ginglymodi (gars), and the Teleostei, which actinopterygians, in particular in the coelacanth
make up about 96 per cent of all extant fish species. (Hughes, 1998). However, the gills of Latimeria exhibit
Teleosts arose, presumably as a marine group, a rather low surface area, matching the sluggish life-
during the Triassic and experienced a dramatic style of these deepwater fish (Hughes, 1995). The gills
radiation during the Mesozoic, with some groups of the dipnoans are utilized differently among the
such as the Osteoglossomorpha and Ostariophysi three extant lineages, being almost obsolete in terms
completely and several others partially recoloniz- of oxygen uptake for the obligatory air-breathing
ing fresh water. Although all teleost groups experi- South American lungfish (Moraes et al., 2005).
enced some septal reduction, the holobranch septa
are completely reduced in Protacanthopterygii,
Paracanthopterygii, and Perciformes, the latter Lissamphibia
alone accounting for 40 per cent of all known fish The first tetrapods retained their spiracles as adults
species. The Ostariophysi, which include carps and (Clack, 2012), although it is not known entirely to
catfish, show a septal reduction that is nearly as what extent they were involved in gas exchange
complete as in the Perciformes and have also with water or air (Graham et al., 2014). The array of
separately developed filament adductor muscles. In gill morphology among larval lissamphibians is
addition, several groups have the ability to expose great—from simple bumps on the gill arch in the sec-
or bury their lamellae, depending on the oxygen ondary gills of ranid frogs to elaborate, bell-shaped
content of the water. Whether this trait is plesiomor- structures that envelop the pre-hatching larva and
phic or has developed separately among various serve as a pseudoplacenta in Gastrotheca.

Neoselachii Teleosteii Latimeria Dipnoi

high-performance low-metabolism amphibious
gill breathers lifestyle lifestyle
Actinopterygii Actinistia

dominance of
lung breathing

progressive pulm. reduction
reduction of

importance of lung breathing

operculum, central venous sinus


Fig. 14.1 Scenario for the principle evolution of gill structure among jawed fish. Neoselachians maintained a complete holobranchial gill
architecture with projecting distal septal ends as integral structural components of their ventilatory mechanism. Their chondrichthyan sister clade
Holocephali (not shown) evolved an operculum independently of the main radiation: Osteognathostomata. Within the latter group, a central
venous sinus (CVS) is present and we see several reductions of the holobranchial septa, increasing the respiratory surface area potentially
available. Within the ray-finned fish, the teleosts show the most advanced septal reductions and a dominance of high-performance gill breathers is
found. For the lobe-finned fish, on the other hand, one may assume generally an increased importance of lung breathing. However, concurrent
with a secondary reduction of functional lungs, actinistians, represented by the extant coelacanth, evolved a remarkable low-metabolism strategy.
On the other side of the sarcopterygian phylogenetic tree, the CVS became reduced and a true lymphatic system appears to have replaced the
secondary circulatory system. The bimodal breathing of lungfish allowed for an amphibious lifestyle, in which pulmonary air breathing even can be
obligatory. Within tetrapods, gill-based aquatic respiration first became restricted to early developmental stages and lung breathing eventually fully
dominant. Potential apomorphic traits are written in normal font; functional interpretations in italics. Schematic drawings of holobranch
morphology after Hughes (1998).

Although the gill arches of lissamphibians are scales in stem line tetrapods (Romer, 1972) does not
homologous with those of fishes, no extant lissam- speak against cutaneous gas exchange, as demon-
phibians have lamellae and countercurrent gas strated by the South American lungfish, in which the
exchange. This suggests that functional adult gills scales are covered by an epithelium that indeed is sig-
were lost in lissamphibian ancestors and the larval nificant in carbon dioxide release (Moraes et al., 2005).
and perennibranch gills evolved from larval rather An extreme evolutionary change intimately asso-
than adult fish gills. In extant lungfish and in also in ciated with skin breathing is the repeated loss of
the bichir (Cladistia), the external larval gills resem- lungs, as seen in all three extant clades of lissam-
ble those of lissamphibians, in particular of gym- phibians. Plethodontid salamanders, for instance,
nophionans (see Bartsch, 2015). presumably originated in cold streams of the Appa-
In addition to gills, cutaneous gas exchange could lachian Mountains during the Pleistocene (Goin et al.,
have been an important mechanism for carbon diox- 1978). Under these frigid conditions, dissolved
ide release among basal tetrapods. A potential extant oxygen was abundant and air-filled lungs would
analogue, for instance, is the South American lung- have provided disadvantageous buoyancy in fast-
fish Lepidosiren paradoxa. Even the presence of bony flowing water. Since that time plethodontids have
176 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

become the most species-rich salamander group, with we saw several examples of sea snakes and aquatic
more than 400 species, and have extended their range turtles that convergently have adapted to carry out at
west to California and south to Honduras. Less is least some gas exchange with water. The sea snake
known about the evolutionary cascade that led to adjusts its circulatory system using a right–left shunt,
lungless frogs and caecilians. preventing loss of pulmonary oxygen to the water dur-
ing a dive. But several species of turtles from distantly Amniotes related clades independently developed the ability to
Among Amniota, gas exchange with the water is more extract oxygen from the water using buccopharyngeal
of a curiosity than an evolutionary trend. In Chapter 11 papillae, the skin, or the even cloaca as a water lung.
C H A PT ER 15

The evolution of air-breathing

respiratory faculties in craniotes

Before we set off on our journey through the evolu- persist, but we are inclined to follow the assumption
tion of air-breathing respiratory faculties in crani- that the Lepidosauria (Sphenodon plus Squamata,
otes, we should take a brief look at the systematics snakes, and lizards) are the sister taxon of a clade com-
within and surrounding the tetrapods, which will prised of the Testudines (turtles) and the Archosauria
be the focus of this chapter. Most investigators agree (crocodilians and the last remaining dinosaurs: birds).
that within the sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) line, There is no doubt that the lungs are the primary
two groups of fishes still exist: the Actinistia (coel- site of aerial gas exchange for all tetrapods. So the
acanths), with one genus, Latimeria, and the Dipnoi first question when discussing the evolution of air
(lungfishes). The latter has two extant groups: Neocer- breathing in this line of craniotes should be: where
atodidae with one extant species, Neoceratodus forst- do the lungs come from? This question usually is
eri (Australian lungfish), and the Lepidosirenidae, intimately associated with the swim bladder, so let
with one species of South American lungfish us begin with a critical look at swim bladders and
(Lepidosiren paradoxa) and several African lungfish their evolution and then move on to lungs.
within the genus Protopterus. The general consensus As pointed out in Chapter  12, air breathing ori-
is that Dipnoi are the sister taxon to the Tetrapoda. ginated not only among sarcopterygians but also
Especially during the Devonian, a large number of dozens of times among ray-finned fishes. There the
tetrapods evolved that were more or less capable of ABOs range from gills and skin to highly derived
walking on land. We will not concern ourselves structures such as the labyrinth organs, and virtu-
with the persisting debate about the details of tetra- ally everything else that can be brought in contact
pod phylogeny and are satisfied with recognizing with air. But in spite of impressive morphological
the extant Lissamphibia as the sister group of the specializations, no actinopterygian has evolved a
true terrestrial craniotes, the Amniota. Three lis- separate venous return of oxygenated blood to
samphibian taxa exist (Anura, Caudata, and Gym- the heart and some separation of oxygenated and
nophiona), whereby it is generally accepted that the deoxygenated blood masses, which characterize the
latter group is a sister taxon of the two former ones. plesiomorphic state for lungfishes and tetrapods.
Within the amniotes we find a principal subdivision Generally speaking, surface skimming together with
into the Synapsida, the last survivors of which are us air-gulping behaviour, which has been observed in
Mammalia, and the Sauropsida. Sauropsids include many unrelated species of fish, may have repre-
the traditional reptiles as well as the birds. Several sented an initial stage in the evolution of craniote
competing hypotheses for this line of amniotes still air breathing.

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

178 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

15.1 Swim bladder evolution Although admittedly a slight digression from res-
piration, perhaps a few words on the how and why
The problems associated with the origin of swim of oxygen secretion are in order. To begin with, it is
bladders and their relationship to lungs will be dis- coupled with the presence of the Root effect in the
cussed in the next section. But first it might be useful blood (see Chapter 4), which results in a large release
to know a bit more about the structure, function and of haemoglobin-bound oxygen in response to a
evolution of swim bladders among the Actinopterygii. slight lowering of the blood pH. The latter occurs in
To begin with we can assume that this structure is the gas gland by secretion of lactic acid. The Root
an unpaired dorsal outgrowth of the posterior phar- effect is also instrumental in supplying the retina
ynx. It served as a flotation device from the begin- with oxygen, and is still present in fishes such as
ning and was present at least at the base of the sole and tuna, which have completely lost the swim
Actinopteri: all ray-finned fish except for the basally bladder. Molecular studies indicate that the Root
branching Cladistia. But within the Actinopteri, effect and oxygen secretion in the retina date back
the structure and function of the swim bladder may to at least the Triassic origin of the Halecostomi
differ substantially, which somewhat confounds (Halecomorphi plus Teleostei). But since then, oxygen-
understanding of its evolution. The second basally secreting swim bladders appear to have arisen sev-
branching lineage, the sturgeons (Chondrostei), have eral times: within the Elopomorphi (in eels but not
developed a non-respiratory swim bladder inde- in tarpuns), in the Paracanthopterygii (in salmonids
pendently of other fish, but other non-teleost Actin- but not in smelts), among Otophysi (in the carp lin-
opteri, the bowfin Amia calva (Halecomorphi) and eage but not in electric eels and knifefish, characins,
the gars (Ginglymodi), possess a so-called pulmo- and catfish), and again in the Acanthopterygii
noid swim bladder, which is capable of aerial gas (Berenbrink et al.,  2005). The latter group—which
exchange. This organ, just like tetrapod lungs, receives includes the Percomorpha and thus more than
a bilateral blood supply from the sixth branchial arch. 40 per cent of all fish species—are as adults physo-
Within teleosts, this vascular supply is replaced by clist, so the swim bladder must secrete gas.
an unpaired branch of the dorsal aorta (swim blad-
der artery), but several do have a respiratory swim
15.2 The origin of tetrapod lungs
bladder. Liem (1989) has proposed that the first tele-
osts evolved in an oxygen-rich marine habitat, where Now back on course. With a few exceptions seen
the branchial arch blood supply was eliminated and among amphibians in which the lungs have been
the pulmonoid swim bladder was replaced by a non- reduced, they are present in all tetrapods and even
respiratory one. This organ became secondarily in some fish. So lungs must be a plesiomorphy of
respiratory in fresh-water forms and remains so in tetrapods or maybe they are even an autapomorphy
many species of the basally branching teleosts, the of Osteognathostomata or Gnathostomata. Right? But
Osteoglossiformes, whereas others evolved an oxy- where did they come from? This is where the swim
gen-secretion mechanism. A particularly interesting bladder usually comes into play. However, in spite
variant is found within the Otophysi (carps, catfish, of about two centuries of investigation it remains
characids, and their close relatives). Among the char- unclear if the lungs originated from the swim bladder,
acids, a two-chambered respiratory swim bladder the swim bladder from the lungs, or neither. Recent
originated: the anterior chamber being connected reviews and textbooks (e.g. Liem, 1988; Kardong, 2002;
to the otic region of the skull by a series of bones Roux,  2002; Bartsch,  2004; Mickoleit, 2004) favour
(Weberian apparatus) enhances under-water hearing, the scenario that lungs were present in the earliest
while the posterior chamber is for air breathing. osteognathostomes and migrated dorsally to form the
Finally the physoclist condition evolved with com- swim bladder within the ray-finned fishes. But how
plete loss of a pneumatic duct that connects the swim sure are we, really? Let us begin with a time-machine
bladder with the outside world. But it must be trip back some 400 million years and look around.
assumed that the physostome condition (pneumatic During the Devonian, the PO2 of the air was prob-
duct present) is ancestral for teleosts (Faenge, 1983). ably about 15 kPa, or 25 per cent lower than today,

and in shallow, fresh-water habitats of equatorial salient points here and hope to stimulate the reader
regions of present-day Europe, North America, and to form his/her own conclusion. Or, better yet, to
Russia this would have led to low levels of dis- do the critical experiments and conclusively test the
solved oxygen. To make this situation a bit clearer: lung–swim bladder homology hypothesis using
back then, the sea-level PO2 would have been about state-of-the-art methods, since many arguments are
the same as at an altitude of about 2500 metres based on work done in the late nineteenth and early
today. If one takes into account subtropical temper- twentieth centuries.
atures and oxygen consumption by aquatic plants Looking at the extant groups, chondrichthyans
and bacteria, night-time oxygen levels could have have neither lungs nor a swim bladder and embryo-
been quite critical. So these fresh-water habitats logical studies show little evidence that they ever
could be reasonably compared with those in equa- possessed any, so we most likely can eliminate
torial regions today: exactly where we still find a them. But in bony fishes, the most basally branch-
plethora of air-breathing fish, but at an elevation of ing groups—among extant ray-finned fish the
2500 m, making the conditions for hypoxia more Cladistia, and among extant lobe-finned fishes, the
extreme. Actinistia and Dipnoi—have or at least may have
During the Silurian and into the Devonian, crani- had paired organs that originate in the floor of the
ote life consisted primarily of bottom-dwelling, posterior pharynx (Lambertz,  2017). Swim blad-
jawless ostracoderms and among gnathostomes, ders, on the other hand, with few exceptions
heavily armoured placoderms and the palaeosela- originate ontogenetically in the roof of the pharynx.
chian progenitors of sharks and chimaeras. The ABO in cladistian fish, lungfish, and tetrapods
Sharks—initially fresh-water dwellers—appear to have in common a ventral, posterior pharyngeal
have dealt with fluctuating conditions by becoming origin, but only tetrapods have retained the
marine, and now-extinct acanthodian fishes, which ancestral, complete ipsilateral nerve and blood
predate the modern Osteognathostomata, were supply. And even within that group there is no
already marine during the Silurian. consensus regarding whether lungs are derived
In the Devonian, placoderms became dominant from gill pouches 6, 7, or 8 (Wiedersheim,  1909;
predators. At least one placoderm (Bothriolepis Makuschok, 1913; Marcus, 1923), or from pouches
canadensis) had paired gas bladders (Denison. at all (Greil, 1914).
1941), which brings us back to another solution for Now to summarize the arguments about the ori-
dealing with hypoxic conditions: just to abide in gin of lungs in a historical context: Goette (1875)
this nutrient-rich environment and breathe air. We proposed, based on embryological studies of
do not know for sure if these structures served in anuran embryos, that tetrapod lungs develop
breathing (Myers,  1942), but they likely did con- ontogenetically and evolved phylogenetically from
tain gas. Indeed, it is hard to imagine how heavily modified gill pouches in the posterior pharynx. He
armoured creatures such as placoderms could then went on to speculate that the lungs actually
have inhabited the water column without some may be derived from the piscine swim bladder.
sort of flotation device. But even if the gas blad- Sagemehl (1885) reversed this hypothesis and Dean
ders did serve in air breathing, their origin in the (1895) later popularized the idea that ventral lungs
anterior pharynx rather than in a posterior loca- could evolve into an unpaired, dorsal swim blad-
tion speaks against their homology with the lungs der. To do this, he placed Polypterus, Neoceratodus,
of sarcopterygians. Erythrinus, and Lepisosteus/Amia in a sequence that
Fast forward to the here and now and knowing has no relation to the phylogenetic position of the
what we do about swim bladders and Devonian groups (Liem, 1988), but presumably demonstrated
fauna, let us ask again: did lungs evolve from the that the pneumatic duct (and, therefore, the lungs)
swim bladder, the swim bladder from the lungs, or can migrate around the pharynx.
neither of these? This topic has been dealt with in In the first quarter of the twentieth century, hot
some detail elsewhere (Perry, 2007; Lambertz and debates ensued, characterized by different researchers
Perry,  2015), so we will just summarize the most interpreting the same data in different ways. At the
BA6 Neoceratodus
Teleostei Polypterus


Lepisosteus Acipenser
SB’ PSB SB Polypterus
Salmo Protopterus

Teleostei L’
Halecomorphi Chondrostei Cladistia L
Ginglymodi Dipnoi

Chondrichthyes PSB L’

Placodermi Tetrapoda

Gill pouches
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Respiratory pharynx


Respiratory Pharynx

Figure 15.1 Evolutionary directions of craniote lungs and swim bladders. A respiratory pharynx (encircled inset), is seen as plesiomorphic either
for all extant gnathostomes (dotted pathway) or for all osteognathostomes (solid pathway to RP, respiratory pharynx, on cladogram). It gives rise
ventrally among actinopterygians only in cladistians to lung-like organs (L’), which lack pulmonary venous return to the heart. Among further
actinopterygians the respiratory pharynx gives rise dorsally to the pulmonoid swim bladder (PSB), which retains the plesiomorphic blood supply
from the 6th branchial arch (BA6), and independently to swim bladders (SB) with arterial supply from a new swim bladder artery (SBA). Among
sarcopterygians the ventral part gives rise to lungs (L), in which pulmonary venous return and oxygenated/deoxygenated blood separation at the
heart (see text) are present. Partial reduction of the left lung in the actinopterygian Polypterus is similar to Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus, in
which only the right lung remains in adults. In other lungfish groups (here, Protopterus) both lungs are equally developed. The actinistian Latimeria
has an unpaired fat-filled ventral organ (FL) and lacks functional lungs. From Hsia et al. (2013).

end of the day, one camp believed that lungs and and persisted inhabiting warm, shallow, vegetation-
the actinopterygian swim bladder were either and microorganism-rich coastal regions had some
one and the same organ (Greil, 1905,  1914), or kind of ABO. Since the pharynx possibly was already
that lungs gave rise to the swim bladder (Piper, being used for breathing and the oxygen-secreting
1902), although comparative embryological stud- swim bladder had not yet evolved, it stands to
ies (Moser,  1904) had failed to demonstrate how reason that pharyngeal derivatives, including some
the lung primordium moves from a ventrolateral that would later become a swim bladder or lungs,
to a dorsomedial position. The suggested migra- were used for air breathing. There is also some indi-
tion remained speculative and could not be demon- cation that breathing with internal gills and lung
strated to reflect any ontogenetic continuum, and to breathing were both possible in several early tetra-
date, the relationship between lungs and swim pod lines (Clack, 2012). A neck first came into exist-
bladders remains shrouded in mystery. ence later with the Carboniferous advent of the
A reasonable escape route from this dilemma is the amniotes. Before that, the head was contiguous with
so-called respiratory pharynx hypothesis (Figure 15.1), the trunk and the posterior pharyngeal region could
first developed by Neumayer (1930) and Wassnetzov easily have given rise more than once to dorsal or
(1932). The paired, ventral ABO in the basally branch- ventrolateral pouch-derived grooves, which, in turn,
ing actinopterygian Cladistia and the sarcoptery- were exapted in the body cavity to form a swim
gians, as well as the dorsal unpaired pulmonoid bladder or lungs, respectively. In the water and the
swim bladders, show the same blood supply, innerv- tangled, Devonian shorelines, the paired lateral solu-
ation, and exhibit a comparable mechanism for the tion would have had the advantage of allowing
control of air breathing. According to the respira- more manoeuvrability whereas the dorsal swim
tory pharynx hypothesis, this is because all of these bladder provides more stability and automatic right-
organs are derived from the posterior pharynx, ing: an advantage in open water.
which may have had a respiratory function in basal Remember the air-breathing catfish, Heteropneustus,
Osteognathostomata even before it evolved into the mentioned in Chapter  12, in which unbranched,
organs we see today (Perry et al.,  2001). Lungs finger-like projections from the gill chambers pene-
accordingly formed from a ventral and the swim trate deep into the musculature (Moussa,  1956;
bladder from a dorsal anlage, respectively. Lacking Munshi,  1961; Hughes and Munshi,  1973; Maina
any hint of continuity at the embryological level, and Maloiy, 1986)? If you think about it, this could
the only way to verify with any degree of certainty provide some insight into how lungs originated in
if sarcopterygian lungs, cladistian ‘lungs’ and actin- tetrapods: possibly as a posterior extension of the
opterygian swim bladders are homologous to each gill chamber lining. This idea is also in keeping with
other is to trace the identity of the gene regulatory the proposed embryological origin of amphibian lungs
networks throughout development and we are a from gill pouches (Goette, 1875) and is also reminis-
long way from that (Lambertz and Perry, 2015). cent of some remodelling sequences we have seen in
In conclusion, the question of lung/swim blad- completely unrelated groups such as molluscs.
der homology boils down to the definition or con-
cept of homology one uses. Lungs and the swim 15.3 General principles of the respiratory
bladder show the same general location of origin and
faculties in amniotes
could be construed to be ‘homologous’ as deriva-
tives of the posterior pharynx. This remains unchal- You can read in most standard zoology or compara-
lenged and in principle is what the respiratory tive anatomy textbook that amniote lungs began as
pharynx hypothesis suggests. However, conclusive simple sacks with a waffle-like internal structure
evidence that one is actually derived from the other and independently evolved to the more complex
remains to be shown. types seen in turtles, crocodilians, birds, and mam-
Tetrapods and their lungs probably arose during mals. As appealing as this story is, just the reverse
the relatively oxygen-poor Devonian. Probably most appears to be the case (Figure 15.2). The first amniote
fish that did not escape to a cooler marine habitat lungs almost certainly contained an intrapulmonary
182 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

Lissamphibia Mammalia Testudines Crocodylia Aves Lepidosauria




complete terrestrialization

Figure 15.2 Hypothesized sequence of pulmonary evolution among amniotes. Starting with a multichambered, superficially turtle-like lung, we
see several taxon-specific modifications and most remarkably, a secondary simplification among lepidosaurs, which is interpreted to have
co-occured with a general miniaturization of body size. After Lambertz et al. (2015).

bronchus that supplied two rows of branched than twice as high as during the Devonian), and
chambers, and therefore a rather complex, multi- climb and dig in search of prey, which they could
chambered bauplan (Lambertz et al., 2015). bite and hold fast with (relative to their small size)
Amniotes arose during the end of the Carbon- powerful jaws. Their hypothesized multichambered
iferous and looked much like modern lizards. They lungs could have been decisive in running down
were of modest size: probably less than 20 cm in prey, in struggling with larger prey or predators, or
length. To put them in context, let us board the time fleeing from predators. Insects already had evolved
machine again. Looking at the world back then, dia- a tracheal system, so if early amniotes hunted them,
dectamorph and seymouriamorph amphibians up the amniotes would also have benefited from a
to 2 m in length were the dominant terrestrial cra- respectable combination of locomotor ability, cardio-
niotes, and probably preyed on other amphibians respiratory maximal capability and stamina, and
or on fish that ventured onto or near the land. But predatory adaptations, also including keen sense
the relatively small amniotes had many advantages: organs.
aided by claws and a flexible neck they could find In summary, we hypothesize a multichambered
and catch small, terrestrial invertebrates. Dry-land lung structure with a cartilage-reinforced intra-
adaptations such as the lack of aquatic larvae and pulmonary bronchus that opened to a series of cham-
highly keratinized skin as well as vaulted, narrow bers, disposed in medial and lateral rows. However,
jaws meant that from hatching onward they could we should also not forget that—as mentioned in
inhabit upland regions (we are now talking about a Chapter 12—amniote lungs differ from all other
time when the oxygen content of the air was more lungs and lung-like organs also at the microscopical

level, namely by expressing two distinct types of So it is easy to construct—as mentioned earlier—a
pneumocytes. These took over different functions, sequence of increasing complexity beginning with a
which previously were assumed by a single type of presumably frog-like Sphenodon lung, passing through
cell only. The type I pneumocytes of amniotes consti- a gila/monitor stage, and ending up with the mul-
tute the gas exchange surface, whereas the type II tichambered lungs of turtles and crocodiles, or even
cells are responsible for the production of sur- the more highly derived ones of birds and mam-
factant. Whether this cell-type differentiation is mals. However, that is too easy to be true. If one
intimately connected to the intrapulmonary branch- takes the ontogenetic formation of even the simple
ing remains entirely speculative, but may be worth lungs of, for instance, a gecko into account, one sees
further examination. that they indeed undergo an early branching phase
Breathing in amniotes was and still is primarily that is highly reminiscent of those of the other amni-
costal-aspirational, which is brought about by a very otes with more complex lungs (see Chapter 12).
complex array of trunk muscles, particularly those We consequently hypothesize that the prevalence
of the hypaxial body wall. It may have been sup- of a rather simple, almost sac-like structure of the
ported by some degree of gular pumping. Gastralia adult lungs in the majority of lepidosaurs is related
(belly ribs) stiffened the ventral body wall, prevent- to the above-mentioned small body size of the clade’s
ing paradoxical inward movement during costal earliest representatives. In animals that size, surface
inspiration and enhancing its efficiency. tension problems (see Chapter 3) would have been
From this point, as indicated in Chapter 12, amni- extremely critical if complexly branching lungs were
ote respiratory evolution appears to have followed just miniaturized. A secondary simplification of pul-
two fundamentally different directions. In general, monary morphology, on the other hand, would have
one can observe (1) a low-compliance, high work of been an elegant way out of this dilemma and opened
breathing strategy and (2) a high-compliance, low the door to the evolution of small lizards. Such ani-
work of breathing one. The first was taken by the mals, with a low metabolic demand, would have
Synapsida, the group in which mammals later had an advantage in an environment with low oxy-
arose. This seems to have happened without book- gen levels as it persisted during parts of the Mesozoic,
ing a return ticket: once their complex respiratory and would also have been able to exploit different
apparatus evolved, it was and still is maintained. The ecological licences than the rather large-bodied
second direction appears to have occurred repeatedly synapsids or archosaurs (see also section 15.3.4.).
and in different manifestations. One example is Extremely small mammals such as the Etruscan
embodied in lepidosaurs, which experienced a sec- shrew Suncus etruscus obviously exist as well. So
ondary simplification of their lung structure (see why would body size be an argument here? Well,
section 15.3.1.), but here we also see deviations from these shrews can inflate their lungs only because
this strategy. Another example is the spatial and they have completely closed pleural cavities and a
functional separation of ventilatory and gas exchange diaphragm that can generate the pressures needed
structures in the avian lung–air sac system. to counteract surface tension phenomena. But lepi-
dosaurs do not have these structures. Monitor and
gila lizards therefore appear to have built upon the
15.3.1 Lepidosauria
fetally complex structural template and secondarily
The first lepidosaurs were only a few centimetres ‘reinvented’ a complex lung. Such a re-evolution
long (Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka,  2009). They using an old bauplan is not so unusual: look at
survived as the tuatara on a small number of New amphibian larval gills, for example, and also func-
Zealand islands, and as the most species-rich radi- tional wings that have repeatedly reappeared in
ation of reptiles: lizards and snakes (squamates). The highly derived stick insects whose ancestors had
tuatara and most squamates have a superficially sim- entirely lost them (Whiting et al., 2003).
ple lung structure. But among the lizards, the moni- Lepidosaurs in general retained the ancestral mul-
tors (Varanus) and their close relatives the gila lizards tichambered lung during ontogeny and eventually,
(Heloderma) have a multichambered lung structure. when the world became a more pleasant place to
184 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

live, the only giant forms that could evolve with their when the animals are walking. The phenomenon
secondary single-chambered lungs were snakes. The known as Carrier’s constraint results, because the
single-chambered lung is ideally suited for them, same hypaxial body wall muscles are used in
though, and snakes make up almost half of all rep- breathing and in locomotion, and just when extra
tilian species. Others, as already mentioned, seem lung ventilation is most needed, it would be con-
to have re-constructed a multichambered lung based strained. One main factor in the evolution of the
on their retained fetal anlage and consequently gave respiratory faculty in amniotes in general and squa-
rise to giant Mesozoic sea-faring mosasaurs as well mates in particular is the mechanisms they have
as to extant varanoid lizards. Komodo dragons evolved that constrain this constraint, as it were.
(Varanus komodoensis) can reach a length of over 3 m Among lizards, species-specific points of adhe-
and weigh 90 kg, and the extinct V. priscus was more sion of the mesentery often restrict the movement
than twice as large. of the viscera, thereby increasing the efficiency of
Although the tuatara has a very complex body breathing (Klein et al., 2005). Restriction of visceral
wall structure with ribs that have uncinate processes movement means that the lungs can be exposed to
and several layers of muscles (Figure 15.3), presum- greater negative pressure during inflation without
ably representing something close to the plesiomor- obstruction, which in turn means that the lungs can
phic amniote condition, the thoracic structure of develop more internal surfaces, finally resulting in
many lizards is simplified (Maurer, 1896; Gasc, 1981). decreased compliance but greater aerobic capabil-
The uncinate processes are lacking as is for instance ities for the animal. This viscous circle culminates
the superficial layer of external intercostal muscles. among teiioid lizards in the mesentery of the tegu
Snakes and lizards use costal, aspiration breathing, lizard Salvator merianae, forming posterior to the
which as described in Chapter 12, becomes a problem lungs and liver an almost complete, diaphragm-like

(a) (d) m. intercostalis internus dorsalis

uncinate process m. intercostalis internus

m. obliquus externus superficialis m. intercostalis ventralis
(b) (e)

gastralia m. rectus
m. obliquus externus profundus
m. uncinocostalis longus m. obliquus internus
m. uncinocostalis brevis m. transversus
(c) (f)

m. intercostalis externus
epaxial muscles m. intercostalis ventralis
m. intercostalis externus longus

Figure 15.3 Hypaxial body wall muscles of the tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, viewed from the left side. This representative of the most basal
extant radiation of lepidosaurs shows the most complete body wall musculature of any amniote, being reduced or specialised in other groups.
Sequential dissections of body wall layers, beginning (a) with the most superficial and ending (f) with the deepest. Note the presence of
cartilaginous uncinate processes, indicated in blue, and the associated musculature (gray tones) on the ribs (yellow) as well as gastralia (see part
(b)): structures associated with postural, locomotor and respiratory function. After Maurer (1896).

wall called the post-hepatic septum. While this sep- the experts in retracting their neck and the length of
tum cannot contract with each breath, it does con- the trachea even can be greatly reduced (e.g. Testudo),
tain significant smooth muscle, which presumably whereby the elongated extrapulmonary bronchi run
can adjust its tension. along both sides of the neck.
Snakes went their own direction with regard to However, the lungs themselves are also of interest
lung and body wall evolution. Only representatives in an evolutionary context, especially with regard to
of some radiations such as pythons and boas have inferring the phylogenetic relationships within the
retained two lungs. Most others have only the right Testudines. The earlier-mentioned multichambered
lung along with its vascularization and innervation, bauplan notwithstanding, a huge structural diver-
whereas the left lung does not develop at all or sity of this organ exists among turtles. The principal
remains vestigial. Snake lungs are also typically branching pattern of the lungs seems to be taxon
highly heterogeneous, with the posterior part and specific, highly conserved, and thus phylogenetically
the most anterior part being thin-walled sacs with informative.
no pulmonary vasculature. They serve in air stor- As an example (Figure 15.4), based on a combin-
age, as a buoyancy organ, a ‘pneumo-skeleton’, a ation of information on the developmental and adult
place holder for accommodating ingested prey and anatomy of the respiratory system, one long-lasting
in communication. The heart usually lies where the controversial issue in chelonian systematics recently
tracheal bifurcation used to be, and anterior to that received the first morphological support for the
many species have modified the trachea to contain robust molecular-based consensus topology. The
deep faveolar parenchyma that is identical to that of sole extant representative of the Platysternidae,
the lung proper, viz. the tracheal lung mentioned in the Asian big-headed turtle Platysternon megacepha-
Chapter 12. lum, shows an intrapulmonary branching pattern
Snakes are of course particularly prone to Carrier’s that more strongly resembles that of the Testudinoidea
constraint, but their lungs usually are firmly attached (tortoises and pond turtles) than Chelydridae (snap-
to the body wall musculature and directly affected ping turtles) (Lambertz et al.,  2010). This is in full
by every rib movement. Although serpentine loco- agreement with the molecular data concerning the
motion can also move air in and out of the lungs, it placement of P.  megacephalum, but contradicts the
will probably also move stored air to and fro (Donnelly majority of osteology-based morphological evidence.
and Woolcock, 1978). Our knowledge about the comparative pulmonary
anatomy of turtles still rests on the early studies of
Milani (1897) and Gräper (1931). Since both authors
15.3.2 Testudines
lacked our present understanding of evolutionary
The lungs of turtles probably are the closest approxi- character transformation, a modern systematic revi-
mation of the ancestral amniote pulmonary bau- sion is long overdue. The high degree of anatomical
plan (see Chapter  12), which makes them of great diversity in chelonian lungs makes them a potential
interest for understanding pulmonary morphology source of additional phylogenetically pertinent data,
and evolution in amniotes in general. However, which could to help resolve conflicting molecular
also among turtles the respiratory system tells an versus traditional osteology-based conclusions, but
interesting evolutionary story, which begins with this has yet to be fully exploited. Particularly the
the extrapulmonary airways. The plesiomorphic latter approach is known to exhibit a high degree of
arrangement of the trachea is in a mid-ventral cervical homoplasy. Ongoing anatomical studies on chelonian
position and also the Pleurodira (side-necked lungs (M.L.) appear to corroborate this assumption
turtles) maintain this condition. The Cryptodira and research continues.
(hide-necked turtles), on the other hand, exhibit a In contrast to the exchanger, which is assumed to
displacement of the trachea to one side of the neck. come close to the plesiomorphic amniote condition,
This must be assumed to have evolved in concert the active pump has diverged dramatically from
with the neck retraction mechanism as an adapta- the ancestral state (see Chapter 12). As we shall see,
tion that keeps the trachea patent. Tortoises truly are this modification was not so much a result of the
186 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S


Chelydridae Testudinidae Emydidae Platysternon


Figure 15.4 Phylogenetic relationships of selected cryptodiran turtles as inferred from pulmonary morphology. The X in the schematic cross
sections indicates the medial lobe of the lateral chambers and is used for reference. Note the septum in the medial chambers (indicated by arrow
heads) of the Emydidae and the Asian big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum), suggesting a closer affinity due to a shared developmental
branching pattern. After Lambertz et al. (2010).

increase in trunk rigidity

Odontochelys Chelydra
Eunotosaurus semitestacea (220 mya) serpentina (extant)
africanus (260 mya)

torsional control
hypax. musc.


ribs / shell
Pappochelys quenstedti (210 mya)
rosinae (240 mya)

division of function


Figure 15.5 Pathway in the origin and early evolution of turtles (left-hand diagram) showing the sequence in the evolution of the shell. Starting with
broadened but still individual ribs, the first element of the shell that is formed is the plastron (ventral part), which is assumed to have been beneficial
for m. obliquus abdominis-based inspiration. On the right is a biomechanical interpretation of these events, illustrating the division of function of the
body wall, in which the trunk muscles take over a ventilatory role and the ribs a mechanical in stabilizing the trunk with regard to torsional control.
After Lyson et al. (2014) and Lambertz (2016).

shelled bauplan, but rather it is more likely that it some 10 million years later all of the major mam-
allowed for the evolution of the shell in the first malian groups that exist today in addition to several
place. now extinct ones were present. In general, mammals
Turtles must have started out as animals with indi- represent high-performance metabolic regulators,
vidual ribs, and the shell evolved progressively. The characterized by a constant, high metabolic rate and
scenario for further evolution begins in the Permian in some cases an impressive aerobic scope of over
of South Africa with the potentially earliest stem-line 30. The same bauplan encompasses shrews with a
turtle Eunotosaurus africanus (Figure  15.5). This spe- body mass of a few grams up to the blue whale, the
cies, whose ribs—albeit pronouncedly broadened— largest animal ever to exist. Volant forms, marine
are still free, already had a two-bellied transverse divers, and arctic-to-tropical and desert-adapted
muscle and lacked intercostal muscles (Lyson species have colonized virtually every habitat
et al., 2014). So a structural and functional divergence on earth.
from the plesiomorphic state of the trunk had In mammals, key elements of the cardiorespiratory
already occurred during the dawn of turtles. faculty, including the four-chambered heart, highly
According to this scenario, the broadened ribs adapted red blood cells, the bronchoalveolar lung
stabilized the trunk, counteracting torsion during in closed pleural cavities, highly effective lung
locomotion, whereas the hypaxial body wall muscles surfactant, and costal-diaphragmatic breathing
became primarily responsible for breathing, thereby mechanisms combine synergistically with an effi-
evading ‘Carrier’s constraint’. As we see in the cient locomotor apparatus and astute CNS. From its
Triassic toothed turtle Odontochelys semitestacea, the general advantageous beginning, each mammalian
first component of the shell to evolve was the ventral group has experienced its own evolution, including
part: the plastron. From a purely functional point of that of the respiratory faculty. The branching pat-
view, this ‘makes perfect sense’. The increased rigid- tern in mammalian lungs described in Chapter 12,
ity of the ventral trunk would have facilitated the for example, is group specific, and has been used in
inspiratory function of the oblique abdominal mus- rodent systematics (Wallau et al.,  2000). And in
culature, which in extant turtles inserts on the caudal artiodactyls the left lung has a separate bronchus
edge of the plastron (Lambertz, 2016b). So the early anterior to the major bronchial bifurcation to the
modification of the ventilatory system of turtles with two lungs. Nobody really knows what this is good
an adaptive advantage of uncoupling locomotion for, but it is interesting that whales also have this
and respiration can be assumed actually to have strange branching pattern, which is consistent with
paved the way to the evolution of the iconic shell, the hypothesis that they are highly derived (cet-)
and not vice versa. artiodactyls. But here we shall concern ourselves
only with a scenario to explain how the basic mam-
malian respiratory faculty got there.
15.3.3 Mammalia
In general, the branching pattern of mammalian
Let us now take a closer look at the mammalian lungs is most reminiscent of that seen in turtles,
respiratory faculty. It is unlikely that the long cata- particularly sea turtles (see later in this section). In
logue of characters that differentiates synapsids— both cases, the main intrapulmonary bronchus in its
in particular mammals—from all other amniotes plesiomorphic condition is wider at the beginning
arose together, but mammals were already present than at the end and is supported over its entire
as relatively small creatures that lived a clandestine length by cartilage. Monopodially branching off the
nocturnal and subterranean life throughout the main bronchus are two rows of second-order bron-
Mesozoic. We have already spoken of miniaturization chi. In mammals, two rows are only identifiable at
and its potential role for the evolution of lepidos- early stages in lung development, later the rows
aurs. Something similar appears to have happened become obscured. The further branching of the air-
to the synapsids. When non-avian dinosaurs became ways is dichotomous, giving rise to sequentially
extinct around 65 mya, mammals surfaced and rap- smaller airways. Comparing late fetal lung anatomy
idly evolved, so that by the end of the Palaeocene in the sea turtle Caretta caretta and a mammal (Perry
188 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

et al., 1989), it is not difficult to envision the conver- 15.3.4 Archosauria

sion of the proximal chamber regions to second-
A third group within the sauropsids, the archosaurs,
order bronchi in a basal mammalian lung simply by
arose during the Triassic, quickly became the dom-
retention of the fetal condition. A similar transitional
inant terrestrial craniotes as crocodilians and related
stage is seen in new-born marsupials (Mortola et al.,
species, and dominated again during the Jurassic and
1999; Frappell and Mortola, 2000).
Cretaceous as dinosaurs. Even now archosaurs—
The evolution of tiny mammalian alveoli resulted
with more than 10,000 species of birds—almost out-
in a low compliance and high work of breathing.
number all other terrestrial craniote groups.
This situation only ‘makes sense’ if the aerobic
As opposed to the low-compliance, high-work
activity of the individuals can be maintained and
strategy of mammals, the avian lung–air sac system
this is where the diaphragm comes in. Indeed, the
follows a different biophysical path, characterized
evolution of the bronchoalveolar lung as part of a
by extremely high compliance and maintenance of
high-performance functional unit would not been
costal breathing. But where did the avian respiratory
have possible at all without the coupled evolution
system come from? It is possible to envision how a
of the diaphragm. Experimental or therapeutic
consensus lung, combining the characteristics that
paralysis of the diaphragm results in greatly dimin-
the crocodilian and avian lungs have in common,
ished respiratory function. Similarly, during the
could not only have given rise to these two lung
third trimester of human pregnancy, when the dia-
types, but also to a lung–air sac system that the
phragm is practically immobilized and only costal
largest terrestrial animals ever to live—the sauropod
breathing is possible, the aerobic capacity is also
dinosaurs—also had.
severely reduced.
Starting with sauropods and working backwards,
Recent studies have indicated that a progenitor
these gigantic animals have a problem: avoiding the
of the mammalian diaphragm already may have
‘gravitational constraint’ that would result if you
been present in early synapsids that diverged
have a lung that is a metre or more high. How
from the amniote baseline very early on (Lambertz
would a lung cope with pulmonary blood pressure
et al., 2016). During the Palaeozoic, large-bodied
high enough to reach all exchange surfaces without
synapsids, such as Cotylorhynchus and Dimetrodon,
causing oedema in the lower parts? The trick was
became the dominant tetrapod fauna. A lung anat-
that the lungs were probably relatively flat, adhered
omy not unlike that of sea turtles already may have
to the dorsolateral body wall much as in birds
been present in these basally branching synapsid
and  were connected to large air sacs that lacked
groups. The proposed diaphragm-like muscle would
pulmonary vasculature. This anatomy killed several
have allowed an uncoupling of locomotor and
birds with one stone, as it were: it made the dino-
respiratory movements and release from Carrier’s
saur lighter than it would appear to be, it provided
constraint, and the evolution of the low-compliance,
a large tidal volume, allowing a huge dead space
high-performance mammalian respiratory faculty
and a long neck, where the wet tracheal surface pro-
could blossom.
vided evaporational cooling during inspiration, and
But let us not look at the bronchoalveolar lung as
on expiration, water vapour could condense on the
a faulty construction that, like the helpless girl tied
cooled surface and reduce water loss (Perry et al.,
to the log in the sawmill in silent film melodramas,
2011; Sverdlova et al.,  2012; Henderson,  2013).
can only be saved from certain destruction by a deus
Whether sauropods had a flow-through lung like
ex machina: the diaphragm. On the contrary, this com-
we find in birds is not known. That would depend
bination of an effective gas exchanger, and cardio-
on whether parabronchi developed.
vascular system together with an efficient ventilatory
Coming back to the question of a consensus archo-
apparatus, a highly developed central nervous and
saur lung: what would such a lung look like that
sensory system, and an adaptable locomotor
could give rise to those of crocodiles, sauropods,
apparatus together precipitated an evolutionary cas-
and birds? Crocodiles have multichambered lungs
cade that ended up in mammals (Perry and Carrier,
that at least in the fetal stage somewhat resemble
2006; Perry et al., 2010).

those of birds. Also the lungs have pores connecting Even in its initial stages long before the division of
one chamber to another and unidirectional air flow saurischian dinosaurs into sauropods and thero-
through these pores has been demonstrated (Perry, pods, cardiogenic undirectional air movement dur-
1991; Farmer and Sanders,  2010). So can we envi- ing non-ventilatory periods could have favoured
sion a crocodile lung giving rise to an avian or dino- the anatomical division into gas exchange and high-
saur lung–air sac system? It is a good idea, but there compliance mechanical regions in the lung, which
are some problems. were later exapted, giving rise to the lung–air sac
First of all, at least the abdominal and interclav- system. Each step in this sequence would lead to
icular air sacs are absolutely essential for birds to more efficient lungs, a superior aerobic lifestyle,
breathe. Air sacs are not present in crocodilian lungs, and birds. In addition, Carrier’s constraint becomes
but they must have been present in saurischian sequentially eliminated as locomotion is moved
dinosaurs, because of the gravitational constraint from the trunk to the extremities.
problem. Secondly, the parabronchi of the avian So did the avian lung–air sac system develop
paleopulmo connect secondary bronchus groups from the crocodilian lung? Not likely, but they did
from the front and the back of the lungs with each most likely arise from a common source. Comparing
other, but not adjacent chambers, as do the pores in crocodilian and avian lungs, though, even the specific
crocodilian lungs. And embryologically this does homology of any structure except the main intrapul-
not happen by initially adjacent secondary bron- monary bronchus and the second-order branches
chial anlagen becoming pushed apart by parabron- (secondary bronchi and chambers, respectively)
chial development. On the contrary, widely separated remains speculative.
secondary bronchial groups become connected by We have focused here on the structure and function
the parabronchi growing together and meeting in of the lung–air sac system, but a respiratory faculty
the plane of anastomosis. This does not happen in has circulatory, locomotor, and control components.
crocodiles and we do not know about dinosaurs. However, as discussed previously regarding mam-
Finally, the respiratory mechanics (discussed in mals, a synergistic combination of respiration, loco-
Chapter 12 in more detail) in crocodilians and birds motion, and central nervous competence has again
are completely different. Here again, the sauropod resulted in an evolutionary cascade. Birds now occupy
may be closer to birds than to crocodiles, with their virtually every biotope imaginable: swifts can spend
mobile pubic bone and hepatic piston. almost their entire adult life in the air whereas others,
The really big dinosaurs are so different from such as penguins and ‘ratites’, are marine divers or
birds that it is hard to get a respiratory handle on terrestrial pedestrians.
them, so let us look at some dinosaurs that are a bit
closer to birds and see if we can piece together a 15.4 Evolution of the control of
scenario on how to get from the consensus archo- breathing in craniotes: a final kick
saur lung described in Chapter  12 to the avian
at the cat
lung–air sac system.
We postulate an evolutionary cascade that revolved Since the neuronal control of breathing in a way
around the cardiorespiratory faculty and locomotor encompasses the entirety of the craniote respiratory
apparatus in small, theropod dinosaurs. These highly faculty, we have saved a look at its evolution for this
mobile animals had a compressed, stiff trunk and last part. Beginning with filter feeding, in non-cra-
relied on rib breathing. In fact, some, such as niote chordates we already see a central control of
Velociraptor, had enormous uncinate processes, which the ciliary beating, which is responsible for ventila-
are consistent with this hypothesis (Codd et al. tion of the branchial basket. Here, indolamines and
2005). This anatomy would have cramped the mid- catecholamines play from the very beginning a
dle part of the stiff lung, bringing anterior and pos- regulatory role. We pick the indolamine serotonin
terior regions closer together, and at the same time (5-HT) and check its involvement throughout the
displaced the more flexible, distal parts, exacerbat- evolution of the respiratory faculty as we progress
ing the development of air sacs somewhere else. in basally derived chordate lineages from ciliary to
190 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

muscle-powered ventilation in craniotes, well know- the nucleus of cranial nerve V (priming and lung
ing that a host of other substances could also be fol- centres mentioned previously), also exists. But the
lowed. Given the gaps in the phylogenetic record it lung oscillator did not evolve from the gill oscilla-
is not possible to recreate a clear linear evolution- tor: on the contrary. Separate neuronal pathways
ary baseline progression but comparing the control for response to oxygen or carbon dioxide/pH may
elements of respiratory faculties, we can piece have existed even before muscle-powered breath-
together parts of a scenario. ing, and afferents may have always been important
In craniotes, the gills consisted from the very begin- in coordinating the initiation of air breathing. The
ning of a linear sequence of openings in the pharynx, importance of 5-HT in simulating breathing by
through which ventilatory water is unidirectionally detecting oxygen levels peripherally in the carotid
propelled, beginning at the anterior opening and bodies as well as the presence of 5-HT oxygen-sen-
moving caudally. Regardless of whether the motor is sitive neuroepithelial bodies in the lungs are con-
a velum, superficial constrictor muscles, or highly sistent with this hypothesis. And looking at the
differentiated branchiomeric muscles, a fore-to-aft possible orchestrating function of the serotonergic
sequence of cranial nerve activity is maintained raphe nuclei (including stimulation of ependymal
from hagfish to teleosts. ciliary activity) in the posterior region of the brain-
Jumping now from water breathing to air breath- stem, it appears that this region together with exap-
ing, we see one important change. Although the tation of nuclei of cranial nerves X and XII may
branchiomeric cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, XI, and have been pivotal control elements during the evo-
XII (S-2 in amphibians) continue to be crucially lution of air breathing in tetrapods.
involved, in keeping with dramatic changes in the Looking now to amniotes such as turtles and
structure and function of the ventilatory apparatus, mammals, we also see a respiratory control area
the sequence of firing is now controlled from nodes. ‘hard wired’ in a region of the brainstem similar to
In ‘the frog’ these are called the priming centre, the that of the priming and lung centres in the frog
lung centre, and the gill centre (Baghdadwala et al., (Douse and Mitchell, 1990). In amniotes it is called
2016). This is consistent with the hypothesis that the the ventral respiratory group (VRG). In mammals
control of breathing comes to lie posterior rather the VRG is near the motor nuclei of cranial nerves V
than anterior in the brainstem in these amphibians. and VII, not far from what would be the lung oscil-
In the gill centre, the frequency of fictive air lator and priming oscillator in the frog. This is also
breathing events, but not of rhythm, is stimulated the location of the mammalian respiratory (pre-
both by application of acidic carbon dioxide-free Bötzinger) neurons (Smith et al., 1991) and the post-
and hydrogencarbonate-acidified baths in reduced inspiratory center (Anderson et al., 2016). It remains
preparations. And in the obligatory air-breathing unclear if the pre-Bötzinger and the respiratory
actinopterygian gar pike Lepisosteus, fictive air breath- parafacial neurons (Pisanski, 2018) next to the cra-
ing episodes in reduced preparations are also initi- nial nerve VII motor nucleus in mammals evolved
ated by lowering the pH of the bathing fluid (Perry et from lung or priming oscillators or their precursors,
al., 2001). So it is possible that the neurological control or if the frog is just a ‘red herring’ (Gans, 1970) and
of air breathing even predates the separation of actin- its control of breathing is relevant only to the frog
opterygian and sarcopterygian lines. More research and closely related amphibians.
is urgently needed here and also in lungfish, to clar- Having said this, it is perhaps significant to note
ify if such control nodes are present and, if so, if that frogs and toads are buccal breathers and amni-
they are homologous to those seen in tetrapods. otes are aspiration breathers, so one could even
Frogs and perhaps tetrapods in general appear assume that the control of breathing might be com-
to use a neuronal network of mutually inhibitory pletely different in these groups. What appears
neurons (gill centre in the frog, mentioned previ- to  be a two-phase breathing mechanism in extant
ously), located in the nucleus ambiguus and surround- amphibians is easily derived from the sequence in
ing the motor nucleus of cranial nerve X, to initiate activity of jaw and hypobranchial muscles seen in
air breathing, although a more anterior region near the lungfish, Protopterus (McMahon,  1969), again

suggesting that the neurological sensing and con- the three-phase control of breathing even further
trol pathway may be older than the actual tetrapod back in the sarcopterygian lineage.
breathing mechanism. In Protopterus, the buccal pump However, in looking for insight into evolutionary
sequence of (1) opening the glottis and the mouth, pathways we should not just look back. In birds, for
allowing air to leave the lungs and mouth, then (2) example, the stimuli driving respiration are basically
closing the mouth and—whilst the operculum is similar to what is seen in mammals, except that pul-
held closed—forcing the trapped air through the monary stretch receptors appear to be reduced and
open glottis into the lungs, easily can be derived the avian brain is much more tolerant to hypoxia and
from the sequence the lungfish used for ventilating hypercapnia than in mammals. In Chapter 5, we saw
its gills with water (McMahon, 1969). The main dif- how these adaptations may enable birds to fly at alti-
ference is that during water breathing the glottis is tudes where mammals can barely survive for few
kept closed and the operculum is open when water hours, and learning how they do it may help us to
is pressed across the gills. While it is easiest to make a better understand the multidimensional aspects of
comparison of lungfish with perennibranch caudate the evolution of the control of breathing in general.
amphibians, recent studies have extended it to frogs To put the big pieces together in a speculative
and even mammals. In frogs (Lithobates and Rana), scenario, it is possible that for craniotes in general
mouth closing takes place earlier, because the nares the main oxygen-regulated control entity lies in
in these anurans are opened by a curious mechanism, the posterior brainstem and projects forward to the
whereby pressing the jaws closed rotates the pre- region of cranial nerves V and VII, where the
maxillary bone in the upper jaw. Also, neurobiological sequence of gill breathing begins. This mechanism
studies clearly demonstrate three rather than two may be older than the origin of tetrapods or even of
phases because the complete or partial closure of sarcopterygians. In air breathers, the response of the
the glottis following inspiration is recognized as a anterior centres is usually inhibited, but becomes
separate, post-inspiratory phase (Gargaglioni and responsive when the pH is low. The ascending
Milsom, 2007). input would then set activity patterns in motion for
In other words, the respiratory cycle in all tetra- air breathing using the same branchiomeric cranial
pods consists of three parts: inspiration, in which nerves that were responsible for gill breathing in
the lungs are filled; post-inspiration, in which the fish, but are now innervating highly modified anat-
glottis is closed; and expiration, when the glottis omy. Using the lungfish as a model, one can envi-
is opened and air is expelled from the lungs. sion the origin of aspiration breathing. And since
Amphibians and reptiles are usually episodic aspiration has also been reported in a lungfish and
breathers, so the post-inspiratory phase consists of is not mutually exclusive with buccal breathing,
the relatively simple act of closing the glottis and parallel existence of these two breathing modes in
keeping it closed until the next breathing episode. the ancestors of amniotes is also possible (McMahon,
Mammals and birds, on the other hand, usually do 1969; Lomholt et al.,  1975). We could gain some
not close the glottis completely between breaths. insight into this question if we could show that a
Air oscillation during post-inspiration is under fine homologue of the piscine gill oscillator in amniotes—
control and often associated with sound produc- which never have functional gills—is still there tick-
tion. Nevertheless, the persistence of the three-part ing along but just never surfacing. There is some
breathing cycle in spite of major anatomical differ- evidence that cyclic occurrences such as gular pump-
ences suggests that it was there before the divergence ing in some reptiles, suckling in infant mammals,
of lissamphibian and amniote lineages. Additional or hiccups may represent the de-inhibition of a gill
focused studies on lungfish could push the origin of oscillator (Straus et al., 2003).
C H A PT ER 16

The bottom line

The endosymbiosis of mitochondria by eukaryotic through ventilation, perfusion, and oxygen-binding

cells together with photosynthetic oxygen produc- proteins. And at the end of the chain, cells with enor-
tion opened the door to evolutionary pathways in mous differences in oxidative demand even within
diverse lineages, often ending in high- performance the same organism are supplied with just the right
animals that operate at high energy levels, but also amount of oxygen to keep ATP production flowing,
resulted in several intermediate metabolic plateaus. while at the same time not stifling the initial
Animals with elevated oxygen requirements also glycolytic steps.
need specialized respiratory faculties, consisting of Aside from the surface of the animal as a gas
a gas exchanger, a ventilatory pump, a physical link exchanger, ventilation probably was one of the first
to some mechanism—usually including at least one elements of a respiratory faculty to appear. Of
heart and oxygen-transporting proteins—for internal course, living in flowing water is the most obvious
distribution of respiratory gases and a control element way to achieve ventilation without metabolic cost.
that coordinates supply and removal of respiratory But many animals can also move about. Cilia and
gases with metabolic demand. flagella can be used to move through the water,
These multifaceted respiratory faculties that exist exposing the creatures to fresh environments, but if
in time and space arrived at their present condition the animals are stationary, these organelles can also
through evolution, introducing a fifth dimension to be used to move water over them. So a cilia-driven
the concept of the respiratory faculty—namely the water current, such as seen in sponges and many
transmission of genetic information from generation filter-feeding organisms like bivalve molluscs, tuni-
to generation—in addition to the three spatial ones cates, and amphioxus, can be considered a step in
plus time. Let us now look back at some of the the direction of a respiratory faculty, even if its ‘pri-
major events in the evolution of respiratory facul- mary’ function is usually seen as feeding. As ani-
ties in animals. mals evolved larger-bodied, more mobile, and even
Life began in the water so it is reasonable to predatory forms, moving thin sheets of water by
assume that the oldest form of gas exchange was cilia was no longer appropriate and various forms of
directly between the surface of the animal and muscle-powered mass ventilation are seen: the
respiratory gases dissolved in water. Stepping back siphon in cephalopod molluscs, a modified leg—the
and looking at the evolution of respiratory faculties, it scaphognathite—in crustaceans, and intrinsic and
is impressive how just those parameters that exacer- extrinsic gill musculature in craniotes to name a few.
bate diffusing capacity have repeatedly emerged: Indeed, in craniotes, muscle-powered gill ventilation
large surface area, thin diffusion barrier, maintenance supplanting cilia provided a breakthrough that pre-
of large driving pressures for respiratory gases cipitated an evolutionary cascade ending in teleost

Respiratory Biology of Animals: Evolutionary and Functional Morphology. Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz,
Anke Schmitz, Oxford University Press (2019). © Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, & Anke Schmitz.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780199238460.001.0001

T H E B OT TO M L I N E 193

fish. Probably the most notable evolutionary trend is with hypoventilation and accumulation of waste
the establishment of unidirectional ventilation of the gases. These are problems every amphibious ani-
gills allowing for counter-current gas exchange right mal must face. The solutions may involve radically
from the beginning of the craniote lineage, and its different structures in different animal groups, but
maintenance and refinement in spite of dramatic physiologically the results converge.
changes in the active pump mechanism. One curious terrestrial evolutionary direction that
Directed water flow is more efficient in ventilat- could be instructive is seen in spiders. Animals that
ing respiratory surfaces than undirected turbulence, have perfectly good book lungs for breathing air
and counter-current is the most efficient gas exchange evolved a tracheal system, also for breathing air.
model. Can it be any wonder that directed flow of Closer analysis of this phenomenon reveals that the
the respiratory medium has arisen in every major book lungs oxygenate the haemolymph in general,
group of animals, and many also have cross-current whereas the tracheae directly supply specific, high-
or counter-current systems? But once lost, counter- metabolic-need organs. If we look around we see this
current systems do not seem to re-emerge. A wide principle occurring in other organisms or organs.
variety of aqueous gas exchange mechanisms exist Think of the mammalian liver, where the hepatic
in adult tetrapods, ranging from well-developed artery opens into sinusoids, providing the hepato-
external gills in perennibranch salamanders to sur- cytes with mixed—rather than pure arterial—blood.
vival aids in the buccal cavity, skin, and even the But then there is the heart with its dedicated coronary
urinary bladder of some aquatic turtles. But in spite arteries supplying the working muscle with blood
of this repeated origin of water breathing, no tetra- with a PO2 of around 11 kPa.
pods have evolved directed water flow or a vein for Anatomical constraints such as a cuticle that has
the separate return of oxygenated blood from the a very low permeability for oxygen result not only in
gills or skin to the heart. The oxygen-enriched blood limitations, but also in possibilities. In many arthro-
is always returned to the posterior cardinal veins or pods and their close relatives, the cuticle forms the
the posterior vena cava, resulting in an admixture most efficient gas exchange system of all, the tra-
with oxygen-poor venous blood. Incidentally, this cheal system. It takes advantage of the extremely
also applies conversely to air-breathing fishes: no high diffusion rate of gas in gas and appeared prob-
air-breathing actinopterygian fish has ever evolved ably independently in velvet worms, arachnids, iso-
a mechanism for keeping oxygen-poor and oxygen- pods, myriapods, and hexapods. Insect tracheae
rich blood separated in the heart. conduct air to the terminal locus of gas exchange
The limited solubility of oxygen in water lends an with little loss of oxygen to the haemolymph, whereas
energetic advantage to any animal that can breathe those of most other tracheate arthropods have tra-
air: at the same partial pressure, a litre of air con- cheal lungs, which release oxygen to the respiratory
tains roughly 30 times much oxygen as a litre of protein-containing haemolymph.
water. But life on land is not just a bed of roses; it Among craniotes, surfactant prevents delicate gas
also presents limiting factors such as desiccation, exchange surfaces from collapsing and sticking
surface tension phenomena and collapse of respira- together, and directed airflow and auxiliary breath-
tory surfaces, and potential physical damage. Also, ing mechanisms repeatedly appeared. Surfactant
because of the very different physical properties of seems to have been there from the very beginning,
water and air, ventilatory mechanisms that evolved in but the auxiliary breathing mechanisms may well
water rarely work well for moving air. Accordingly, have arisen from exaptation of jaw and body wall
we often see parallel systems evolving, whereby gills muscles, resulting in preservation of a function (e.g.
are maintained for water breathing and lungs, man- counter-current exchange of craniote gills or lung
tle epithelium, tracheae, or other surfaces are used ventilation) while the mechanisms that bring it
in air. Craniotes, molluscs, and arthropods provide about may change.
numerous examples. Going one conceptual level The multiple origin and evolution of circulatory
deeper: because oxygen is too easy to come by on systems, which interface with the respiratory fac-
land, we confront buffering problems associated ulty, is certainly of great interest, but dealing with
194 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

them in detail is not justified in the present book. single arterial blood supply from the dorsal aorta
Suffice it to say that, compared with invertebrates, arose among marine teleosts, and then experienced
craniotes are unique in that the heart lies upstream varied evolution in different groups, including
from the gills and pumps deoxygenated blood into respiratory swim bladders on the one hand, and
them. For most fish this is not a problem and the oxygen-secreting physoclist ones on the other hand.
residual blood pressure downstream from the gills The use of PCO2/pH in the blood rather than PO2
is sufficient to perfuse the body. Now returning to in the control of air breathing appears already to
terrestrialization: the relatively high vascular resist- have been in place before the separation of actinop-
ance in craniote lungs does pose a problem, which terygian and sarcopterygian lines. So the two (actu-
lungfish and tetrapods (but not ray-finned fish) ally three)-phase breathing cycle may have originated
have perhaps separately solved by developing a in basal sarcopterygians before the development of
pulmonary vein or veins that return the oxygenated lungs and was preserved in lungfish and the ances-
blood to the heart. The evolution of mechanisms tors of extant amphibians and amniotes, notwith-
that allow or prevent admixture of oxygenated and standing the possible separate origin of lungs in
deoxygenated blood in the heart go beyond the these groups. Expiration was aided by the trans-
scope of this book, but the return of oxygenated blood verse abdominal musculature, lacking in ray-finned
to the heart for circulation to the body certainly was fishes, and remains to this day.
a key factor in the evolutionary cascade concomi- The lungs of extant amphibians as derivatives of
tant with the terrestrial radiation of amniotes. pharyngeal structures as well as the breathing mech-
And while on the subject of craniote terrestriali- anisms apparently were already present when the
zation, the origin and evolution of ABOs and indeed ancestors of the Lissamphibia arose. But amniotes?
of the entire respiratory faculty, is a veritable mine We now have evidence that the first amniote lungs
field. The appearance of ABOs dozens of times in probably had a complex structure, possibly not unlike
different groups of teleost fishes—a group of highly that seen in basally branching lineages of turtles,
specialized water breathers—speaks volumes and and the three-phase breathing cycle is also plesio-
perhaps gives us some insight into the Palaeozoic morphic. Furthermore, aspiration breathing may be
origin of lungs. The advantages of air breathing in more ancient than once thought. Also, that the
oxygen-poor waters have been mentioned earlier. lungs are derivatives of the posterior pharynx is
We speculate that pharyngeal ABOs were wide- belied not only by their embryological origin, but
spread among Devonian fishes and ventilation of also by their vascular supply and innervation. But
the pharynx with air probably preceded the origin exactly which pharyngeal structures gave rise to
of lungs and the respiratory swim bladder. The them and their ontogenetic relationship to the lungs
lung-like organs of the cladistian ray-finned fish of lungfish and lissamphibians remains unclear.
Polypterus appear to be a relic of those times. But the One of the most fascinating aspects of the evolu-
lack of pulmonary venous return to the heart and tion of the respiratory faculty in animals is the par-
also the lack of surfactant-producing cells in the allel emergence of respiratory proteins in diverse
parenchyma suggest that these ABOs are an auta- taxa. Oxygen-binding organic molecules such as myo-
pomorphy of the Cladistia. The similar vascular globin and haemoglobin may have been around
supply and innervation of these ABOs and tetrapod even before life as we know it existed, and were
lungs indicates only that these structures are all more than likely key factors in the origin of life and
derivatives of the posterior pharynx. Among certainly in the evolution of aerobic metabolism.
ray-finned fishes, swim bladders appear to have Their role in sequestering oxygen and releasing it
originated once as a pulmonoid swim bladder with a again under metabolically meaningful conditions is
double blood supply from the sixth branchial arches, deeply embedded in life and certainly will remain
similar to that seen in Amia and Lepisosteus. Air the focus of research for decades to come. We need
breathing was later separately eliminated in ances- only to think of the multiple crucial functions of
tral teleosts and sturgeons. A swim bladder with a cytochromes to impress this upon us, but the more
T H E B OT TO M L I N E 195

obvious function of oxygen transport is not to be adapt without evolving new species. Particularly
overlooked as being crucial to the survival of active, with respect to the response to the availability of
complex organisms. oxygen we find astounding convergence not only in
Unlike globins, haemocyanins originated as phe- the molecular mechanisms but also in the behav-
noloxidase enzymes and later exapted into the role of ioural results of exposure to hypoxia and anoxia in
oxygen transport molecules, convergent with haemo- insects and other invertebrate groups, and also in
globin. In spite of a completely different molecular craniotes. Although HIF and HSP are key factors in
structure, the physiological properties of craniote orchestrating these responses in all species, there is
haemoglobin and the haemocyanins of arthropods no reason to presume a priori that the results would
and molluscs show astounding similarities, including be convergent, since the developmental biology,
oxygen uptake, transport and release, cooperativity, anatomy, and respiratory physiology of the groups
Bohr effect, Root effect, and the modulation of these involved are totally different.
properties by external effectors. Some milestones Little evolutionary consistency is recognizable
in respiratory biology that involve respiratory pro- in metabolic control mechanisms. On the contrary,
teins include (1) the development of intracellular the control mechanisms appear to display on the
haemoglobins and haemerythrins; (2) the inde- one hand a surprising degree of variability within
pendent evolution of molluscan and arthropod lineages and on the other hand, convergence among
haemocyanins, which offered advantages over the only distantly related groups. In the end effect, ani-
haemoglobins in the more advanced molluscan and mals do whatever they can that is consistent with
arthropod cardiovascular systems; and (3) the evo- the internal constraints of their anatomical bauplan,
lution of porphyrin-containing extracellular glob- their physiological capabilities, behavioural reper-
ins, which evolved independently in several groups toire, and survival. When they enter the realm of envir-
and serve a plethora of functions, many of which onmental extremes they are forced to converge. We
have yet to be discovered. In addition, our analysis are dealing with a complex, multidimensional net-
of respiratory proteins points up some interesting work and this is probably the key to its success.
principles in the evolutionary biology of respiration Finally let us reconsider the control mechanisms.
in animals in general. Certainly a major step in the To begin with they are more or less self-regulating.
evolution of the respiratory faculty in craniotes was Cilia beat faster in warm water, and the metabolic
the packaging of haemoglobin in erythrocytes, which rate and oxygen demand also increase. More par-
gave the flexibility of a relatively small oxygen trans- ticulates are caught in the filtering net, which—at
porter with none of the disadvantages, and at the least in amphioxus—contains cilia-stimulating 5-HT
same time freed up the plasma for other functions. and a homologue of metabolism-stimulating thy-
Somehow craniotes appear to have just dropped roid hormone. In craniotes, the brainstem with its
from the sky complete with red blood cells, immuno- direct access to the branchiomeric cranial nerves
globulins, and a blood coagulation cascade. drives muscle-powered breathing, using dissolved
In general, the role of respiratory proteins is dif- oxygen as a signal. Water-breathing crustaceans and
ferent for oxygen and carbon dioxide and also molluscs also adjust ventilation according to the
differs between animals with single and multiple oxygen content of the water. To some extent this is
respiratory systems. There is a complex trade-off in also self-regulating: since warm water contains less
animals that breathe with a tracheal system (using oxygen than cold water, more water has to be pumped
terminal diffusion) but also possess respiratory pro- at the higher temperature in order to extract the
teins, and in bimodal breathers with lungs and gills same amount of oxygen and the metabolic rate may
or lungs and tracheae. also rise. So comparing fishes with invertebrate taxa,
Although the world is populated by recognizable we see amazing parallel respiratory faculties for
species, these species are not static but are subject to water breathing. But we should not miss the forest
evolution. One major factor related to respiratory for the trees. As metabolic demand increases, the
faculties is the ability of animals to acclimatize or anatomical and physiological solutions for satisfy-
196 R E S P I R ATO RY B I O L O G Y O F A N I M A L S

ing it must become more and more similar, simply of the respiratory system takes this latency into
because there are fewer alternatives. It is no coinci- account. If the reaction is too fast or the anatomical
dence that the counter-current model has evolved latency is too great, an oscillating breathing rhythm
independently several times, reaching its peak in results. Of course, a signal that is also part of a buffer
teleost fish and cephalopod molluscs, but it is often system complicates matters, since hydrogencarbon-
overlooked that this is just the most effective bio- ate is not the only buffer in blood and the form of
physical solution to a common problem: effective nutrition, involvement of anaerobic metabolism, and
aquatic gas exchange. so on, all influence the pH. But, as evidenced by the
In terrestrial animals, the PCO2/pH of the circu- repeated occurrence of PCO2/pH-induced air breath-
lating internal medium rather than ambient oxygen ing in animals, this signal seems to do the job. It
is used as a signal, both in invertebrates such as crabs enables bar-headed geese to fly over the Himalayan
and terrestrial snails, as well as in craniotes. What Mountains and cheetahs to run at speeds in excess
sense does this make? Why is it not enough to of 100 km h−1 and recover.
know the PO2 of the haemolymph/blood leaving We are a long way from knowing all the answers,
the respiratory organ for air breathing? The PO2 in but although the goal is desirable, the fun is really
water can vary wildly and very quickly with time in the journey. So let us end on a positive note from
and location, so it is of major survival value for an that famous comparative anatomist, Johann Wolfgang
aquatic animal to be able to detect ambient PO2 and von Goethe (1749–1832):
quickly adjust its behaviour. Using the PCO2/pH O! glücklich! wer noch hoffen kann
stimulus is not a good option, since due to its high Aus diesem Meer des Irrthums aufzutauchen.
solubility, carbon dioxide is quickly lost and is not a Was man nicht weiß das eben brauchte man,
reliable signal. But on land, oxygen is usually abun- Und was man weiß kann man nicht brauchen.
dant, so quick reactions are not necessary. Only Doch laß uns dieser Stunde schönes Gut,
under severe hypoxia is a gasping reflex elicited in Durch solchen Trübsinn, nicht verkümmern!
terrestrial craniotes. How fortunate is he who can still hope
On the other hand, sticking to amniote examples, To emerge from these uncharted waters.
the capillary endothelium in the lungs, unlike the What we don't know is really what we need,
pillar cells of gills, does not contain carbonic anhy- And what we know is of no use at all.
drase. Carbon dioxide is difficult to release and is an But let the radiance of this hour,
important part of a buffer system. By their very nature, Not be marred by such dark thoughts!
buffer systems show a certain latency and smooth Goethe JW (1808). Faust—Eine Tragödie.
the reaction to changes in metabolic rate. The anatomy Tübingen: J.G. Cotta’sche Buchhandlung, p. 71.

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Tables and figures are indicated by an italic t and f following the page number.

A American dog tick, 124 temperature and, 64

Acalyptophis, 137 Amia, 174, 178, 179, 180f, 194 tetrapods, 53
Acanthias, 136f amniotes, 61, 177 anaerobiosis, 44–5, 46, 49, 64, 91
Acari, 38, 88t, 89, 115, 123, 124 breathing mechanics, 20–2, 21f Anisops, 34–5, 80
acclimatization to hypoxia, 29, 41, 42 control of breathing, 165, 168 Anisoptera see dragonflies
crustaceans, 47–9 cutaneous gas exchange, 137–8 annelids
hexapods, 51 general respiratory faculties, 143–4, haemerythrin, 35
mammals and birds, 53–8, 54f 144f, 176, 181–3, 182f haemoglobin, 33, 69, 84
acetyl coenzyme A, 3, 44 respiratory acidosis, 20 heat tolerance, 64
Acipenser, 180f see also birds; mammals; reptiles hypoxia, 45, 47
acorn worms, 170 amphibians, 177 respiratory faculties, evolution,
Acquapendente, Hieronymus breathing mechanics, 22 109, 113
Fabricius ab, 6 control of breathing, 168, 169, 169f, respiratory faculties, structure and
actinistians, 35, 174, 175f, 177, 190, 191 function, 67–70, 68f, 84, 88t
179, 180f freezing, 63 anomouran crabs see hermit crabs
actinopterygian fishes, 177 gigantism, 61 Anopheles, 34
control of breathing, 190 gills, 15, 53, 136–7, 136f anoxia, 49–50, 51, 52, 53, 63
hypoxia, 51–3 haemoglobin, 30, 32 Anser, 56–7
respiratory faculties, evolution, hypoxia, 53 antelopes, 57, 158
174, 175f, 178, 180f lungs, 22, 141–3, 141f, 143f, 165, 166 Antilocapra, 158
respiratory faculties, structure and red blood cells, 32 antioxidant defences, 62, 63
function, 133–6, 134f, 136f, 140 respiratory faculties, evolution, ants, 51, 64
acute respiratory distress syndrome 174–6, 180f, 182f anuran amphibians see frogs and
(ARDS), 61 respiratory faculties, structure and toads
Acyrthosiphon, 34 function, 15, 22, 53, 136–7, 136f, Anurida, 80
adaptation to hypoxia, 29, 42 141–3, 141f, 143f, 165, 166 Apalone, 138
crustaceans, 47–9 sensing of respiratory gases, 166 Aphelocheirus, 80
mammals and birds, 53–8, 54f amphioxus, 32, 125–7, 126f, 170–1 Aphis, 34
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 1, 4, 28, amphipods, 34, 48, 88t, 93, 111, 118 Aphodius, 51
44–5, 47, 50, 52–3, 60, 62–3, 117 Amphiprion, 62 Aphonopelma, 87, 91
Aeby, Christoph Theodor, 7 Amphitrite, 69 Apis, 34, 99
Aedes, 34 Anabas, 140 Aptenodytes, 58t
Aeshna, 82f, 83, 97 Anadara, 28 arachnids
aestivation, 46 anaerobic metabolism, 28, 39, 41, discontinuous breathing, 49, 89, 91,
affinity of respiratory proteins, 25, 26, 44–5, 45f 123–4
27–8 annelids, 47 haemocyanin, 38
African lungfish, 35, 133, 144, 177, arachnids, 49 hypoxia, 46, 49
180f, 190–1 crustaceans, 48 lateral diffusion model, 19
altitude see high-altitude hypoxia diving craniotes, 59, 60 respiratory faculties, evolution, 112,
Alviniconcha, 34 fish, 52–3 115–18
Amblipygi, 80, 87, 88t, 90f, 115 hexapods, 50–1 respiratory faculties, structure and
Amblyomma, 123 humans at altitude, 55, 56, 57 function, 77–80, 87–93, 88t, 90f, 92f


Araneae see spiders haemoglobin, 29–30, 32 Buck, John B., 98

Architheutis, 110 high-altitude species, 56–7 bullfrog, 168, 191
archosaurs, 177 hypoxia, 56–7 bumblebees, 99
respiratory faculties, evolution, red blood cells, 33 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 11
182f, 188–9 respiratory faculties, evolution, Bunsen solubility coefficient, 11
respiratory faculties, structure and 182f, 188–9
function, 158–63, 158f, 159f, 161f, respiratory faculties, structure and C
162f function, 2–3, 158–63, 158f, 161f, caddis flies, 82f, 83
see also birds 162f, 166 Caenorhabditis, 101–2
Arenicola, 47, 68f, 69 Birgus, 48, 95, 95f, 104, 119, 120 caisson disease, 52, 58–9
Argyroneta, 46, 78, 79, 116–17 bivalve molluscs Callinectes, 111
Arion, 114 haemocyanin, 39 Calpodes, 122–3
Aristotle, 5 myoglobin, 35 Calyptogena, 34
Artemia, 34, 47 respiratory faculties, 72, 73f, 110 Calyptommatus, 148
arthropods black flies, 80 Cambrian, 110, 112, 114–15, 171
haemocyanin, 30f, 36–40 blue crab, 111 camelids, 33, 57
initial terrestrialization of, 114–16 blue gourami, 140 Camponotus, 51
tracheal gas exchange models, Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 6 cane toad, 143
18–19, 18f, 97 body size Carassius, 52, 53, 62, 166
see also arachnids; chelicerates; Bohr effect and, 28 Carausius, 85, 97
crustaceans; discontinuous hyperoxia and, 61 carbon dioxide, 19–20, 28, 61, 105
breathing in arthropods; hypoxia and, 51 diffusion, 13, 14, 14t
hexapods; myriapods lepidosaurs, 183 scorpions and, 91
ascidians, 127, 128f Bohr, Christian, 8, 28 sensing, 166–8
Asian big-headed turtle, 185, 186f Bohr effect, 28, 39 solubility in water, 11
Astacus, 103 Bojanus, Ludwig Heinrich, 151 transport by haemoglobin, 29–31, 36f
Asteroidea, 66, 67 Bombyx, 34 carbon monoxide, 31, 32, 36
Atlantic blue land crab, 104 book gills, 77, 78f, 87, 112, 115 Carboniferous, 61, 113–14, 115, 116,
Atlantic crab, 120 book lungs, 38, 49, 80, 87, 89, 90f, 120, 181, 182
atmospheric oxygen, 3, 4, 50, 110, 115 91–2, 92f, 93, 193 Cardisoma, 48, 104
ATP see adenosine triphosphate (ATP) evolution of, 113, 115, 116–18, 119 Caretta, 187
Atretochoana, 137 Bothriolepis, 179 Caribbean hermit crab, 104
Aulophorus, 69 bowfin, 174, 178, 179, 180f, 194 carps, 52, 53, 62, 166, 174, 178
Aurelius, Marcus, 5 box turtle, 154 Carrier's constraint, 148–9, 160, 184,
Australian lungfish, 133, 177, 179, 180f Boyle, Robert, 9 185, 187, 188, 189
Avogadro, Amedeo, 10 Boyle–Mariotte law, 9–10 Cataglyphis, 64
Avogadro’s law, 10 brachiopods, 35, 66 catfish, 28, 140, 174, 178, 181
brachyuran crabs, 75f, 88t, 95, 103, Cavendish, Henry, 6
B 104, 119 centipedes see myriapods
backswimmer bugs, 34–5, 80 bradycardia, 58, 59–60, 103 Cepea, 114
Baetis, 82f brain, craniotes, 164–5, 168–9, 169f cephalopods
Barbourula, 137 Branchiodrilus, 69 cutaneous gas exchange, 74, 111
bar-headed goose, 56–7 branchiopod crustaceans, 34, 47, 76, haemocyanin, 39, 40
barnacles, 74–6, 76f 77f, 111, 116 heat tolerance, 64
bats, 158 branchiostegal lungs, 95, 120 respiratory faculties, 73–4, 74f,
bees, 34, 97, 98, 99, 123 Branchiostoma, 125, 126f 110–11
beetles, 34, 50, 51, 79f, 80, 122, 124 branchiurans, haemocyanin, 37 Root effect, 29
Betta, 140 Brazilian skipper butterfly, 122–3 Cervus, 33
Biomphalaria, 34 breathing mechanics, 20–2, 21f Channa, 140
2,3-biphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG), 25, brine shrimps, 34, 47 Charina, 147f
28, 32, 55–6, 57 brittle stars, 67 Chasmagnathus, 120
bird spider, 87, 91 Broman, Ivar, 7 chelicerates, 115
birds, 177 Brown, Robert, 12 haemocyanin, 28, 30f, 37, 38, 39
breathing mechanics, 22 Brownian motion, 12 respiratory faculties, 76–7, 78f, 112,
cross-current gas exchange model, bryozoans, 66 115
18 buccal pumping, 141, 142–3, 143f, 149, see also arachnids
diving, 58–60, 58t 154–5, 165, 190–1 Chelifer, 89

Chelydra, 186f counter-current gas exchange model, cryoprotection, 62–3

Cherax, 48 17–18, 17f Cryptobranchus, 137
Chilopoda see myriapods Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 58 ctenidia, 70, 70f, 73f, 74f
chironomid midges, 35 crabs ctenophorans, 47, 66
Chironomus, 35 control of breathing, 103–4 Cubitis, 136f
chlorocruorin, 33, 69 hypoxia, 48–9 cutaneous gas exchange, 16, 65–6
chloroplasts, 4, 110 respiratory faculties, 74, 75f, 88t, amniotes, 137–8
chondrichthyan fishes 95–6, 95f amphibians, 137
respiratory faculties, evolution, respiratory faculties, evolution, 111, branchiopod crustaceans, 76
173–4 119–20 cephalopods, 74, 111
respiratory faculties, structure and craniotes fish, 52, 175
function, 127, 129–33, 131f, 132f, anoxia, 52, 53, 63 gastropods, 110
135–6, 136f, 166 brain, 164–5, 168–9, 169f reptiles, 137–8
Christmas Island red crab, 48–9 breathing mechanics, 20–2, 21f scorpions, 91
Chrysemys, 63, 138 control of breathing, 164–9, 167f, cuttlefish, 64, 73–4, 74f, 110, 111
chthonic hypothesis, 124 169f, 172, 189–91 Cuvier, Georges, 1–2, 6
chthonic-hygric hypothesis, 124 diving, 42, 53, 58–60, 58t, 59t, 61 cyanobacteria, 3
circulating respiratory proteins, 23 haemoglobin, 31–3 cytochromes, 25, 31, 99
see also haemocyanin; haemoglobin hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs),
Cladocera see water fleas 44 D
clams, 28, 34 myoglobin, 35 Dalton, John, 10
Clarias, 140 origin of, 171 Dalton’s law of partial pressures, 10
clitellate annelids, 45, 69–70, 84, 88t oxygen as a toxic substance, 61–2 Damon, 87
cloacal bladders, 138 red blood cells, 32–3 damselflies, 82f, 83
clownfish, 62 respiratory acidosis, 20 Danio, 52, 166
cnidarians, 47, 65–6 sensing of respiratory gases, Daphnia, 34, 46, 47, 76, 77f, 104, 116
cockroaches, 107–8, 123 165–8 Dascillus, 34
coconut crab, 48, 95, 95f, 104, ventilation and perfusion, 15, 16f Davy, Sir Humphrey, 6
119, 120 see also respiratory faculties of death zone, 54, 54f
coelacanths, 35, 174, 175f, 177, craniotes, evolution; respiratory decapods
179, 180f faculties of craniotes, structure control of breathing, 103–4
Coenobita, 48, 104 and function evolution of, 118
cold temperatures, 62–3 crayfish, 48, 74, 75f, 103, 111 haemocyanin, 37
Coleoptera see beetles Cretaceous, 61, 115, 188 hypoxia, 47, 48–9
Colossoma, 51 Crinoidea, 67 respiratory faculties, 74, 75f, 88t,
colubrid snakes, 147f, 148f, 167f crocodilians, 177 95–6, 95f
comb jellies, 47, 66 respiratory faculties, evolution, respiratory faculties, evolution, 111,
common yabby, 48 182f, 188–9 119–20
compliance, lung, 20, 21f, 22 respiratory faculties, structure and decompression sickness, 52, 58–9
compressible gas gills, 79–80, 81f function, 158–60, 158f, 159f, 166 Dejours, Pierre, 8
conchiferans, 70, 109–11 Crocodylus, 159f, 160 Dermacantor, 124
see also bivalve molluscs; cross-current gas exchange model, Dermochelys, 58t
cephalopods; gastropods; 17f, 18 Dero, 69
scaphopods Crotalus, 147f Descartes, René, 6
conodonts, 171 Crucian carp, 52 desert ants, 64
control of breathing crustaceans Devonian, 66, 115, 116, 177, 178–9,
in craniotes, 164–9, 167f, 169f, 172, control of breathing, 103–4 181, 194
189–91 haemocyanin, 37–8 diffusion, 1, 12–15, 14f
in invertebrates, 100–8, 101t haemoglobin, 34, 76, 104 morphological diffusing capacity,
convection, 1, 15–16, 16f heat tolerance, 64 13–15
cooperativity of respiratory proteins, hypoxia, 45, 46, 47–9 physiological diffusing capacity, 15
26–7 respiratory faculties, evolution, Dimetrodon, 188
corals, 47, 65–6 111–12, 116, 118–20 dinosaurs, 1, 61, 188–9
Cormocephalus, 123 respiratory faculties, structure and Dinothrombium, 89, 124
correlation of the parts, law of, 1–2 function, 74–6, 75f, 76f, 77f, 88t, dipnoans, 174, 175f, 177, 179, 180f
Cossus, 122 93–6, 94f, 95f Diptera, 34, 80, 96, 96f, 121
Cotylorhynchus, 188 Root effect, 29 see also Drosophila

discontinuous breathing in arthropods extreme conditions, 41 gar pike, 166, 190

arachnids, 49, 89, 91, 123–4 cold, 62–3 Garypus, 123
evolution of, 123–4 heat, 63–4 gas exchange models, 16–19, 17f, 18f,
insects, 62, 64, 98, 105–6, 106f, 107, hyperoxia, 41, 61, 122, 166 97, 157–8
124 oxygen as a toxic substance, 61–2 gas gills
myriapods, 86, 123 see also hypoxia compressible, 79–80, 81f
diving bells, 78 incompressible, 80, 81f
diving in air-breathing craniotes, 42, F gas laws, 9–12
53, 58–60, 58t, 59t, 61 ‘faculty’ concept, 1–2, 2f Gasterophilus, 34
diving reflex, 59 fairy shrimps, 111, 116 gastropods
dogfish shark, 135 fan worms, 69 control of breathing, 102–3
Dolomedes, 79 Fenn, Wallace, 8 haemocyanin, 39
dragonflies, 82f, 83, 97, 99, 108 fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 51, haemoglobin, 33, 34
driving pressure, 12–13 121, 122 heat tolerance, 64
Drosophila, 34, 50, 51, 62, 96f, 99, 102, Fick, Adolph, 13, 16 myoglobin, 35
107, 115, 121 Fick principle, 16 negative Bohr effect, 28
dugongs, 60 Fick’s first law of diffusion, 13 respiratory faculties, evolution,
Duncker, Hans-Rainer, 8 fish, 177 110, 113–14
Duverney, G. Joseph, 5 air-breathing, 139–41, 141f respiratory faculties, structure and
dynamic compliance, 20 anoxia, 52 function, 70–2, 71f, 84–5, 85f, 88t
Dysdera, 38, 92f, 118 control of breathing, 190–1 Gastrotheca, 136f, 174
Dysticus, 79f, 122 counter-current gas exchange Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 10
model, 17–18 Gay-Lussac’s law, 10
E globins, 35 Gecarcinus, 95, 119, 120
earthworms, 69, 84, 88t, 113 haemoglobin, 28, 30, 33 Gecarcoidea, 120
echinoderms, 66–7, 109 hypoxia, 51–3 Gecarcoidea, 48–9
Echinoidea, 66, 67 myoglobin, 35 geckos, 145f, 148f
eels, 33 pseudobranch, 2, 29, 166 Geukensia, 72
Einstein, Albert, 12 reactive oxygen species and, 62 giant prawn, 47
elk, 33 respiratory faculties, evolution, giant red velvet mite, 89, 124
Elmis, 80 173–4, 175f, 178, 179, 180f giant squid, 110
Elseya, 138 respiratory faculties, structure and gila lizards, 146–7, 149f, 183
Elysia, 110 function, 127–36, 131f, 132f, 134f, gill covers, fish, 133
emergent property hypothesis, 124 136f, 139–41, 141f gills, 15, 16f
emperor scorpion, 91 Root effect, 29, 174, 178 actinopterygian fishes, 133–6, 134f,
Emys, 153f schooling behaviour, 51–2 136f, 174, 175f
endosymbionts, 3–4 sensing of respiratory gases, 165–6 amphibians, 15, 53, 136–7, 136f
Enteropneusta, 170 swim bladders, 29, 139–41, 141f, amphioxus, 125, 126f, 171
Epatretus, 129f 166, 178, 179, 180f annelids, 68–9, 68f
Ephemera, 82f flatworms, 33, 66 chelicerates, 77, 78f, 87, 112, 115
Ephemeroptera, 39, 82f, 83 flies see Diptera; Drosophila chondrichthyan fishes, 127, 129–33,
Erythemis, 99 flying squid, 111 131f, 132f, 135–6, 136f, 173–4
Erythrinus, 179 Folsomia, 51 conodonts, 171
ethanol, 52–3 freezing, 62–3 crustaceans, 47, 48, 74, 75f, 93, 95–6,
Etruscan shrew, 184f frogs and toads 111–12, 116, 118, 119, 120
Eunotosaurus, 186f, 187 control of breathing, 168, 169, 169f, fish, 2, 15, 51, 52–3, 62, 87, 127–36,
European glass lizard, 147 190, 191 129f, 131f, 132f, 134f, 136f, 165–6,
European pond turtle, 153f freezing, 63 171–2, 173–4, 175f
eurypterids, 112, 115 respiratory faculties, 136, 136f, 137, hagfish, 127, 129f, 171–2
eutrophication, 42 142–3, 143f insects, 80–3, 82f, 112
Euzonus, 69 fruit flies see Drosophila lampreys, 127–9, 130f, 166, 172–3
evolution functional anaerobiosis, 44–5, 46, 49, molluscs, 70–4, 70f, 71f, 73f, 74f,
of respiratory proteins, 31–40 64, 91 109–10, 113, 114
see also respiratory faculties of sarcopterygian fishes, 174, 175f
craniotes, evolution; respiratory G sea urchins, 67
faculties of invertebrates, evolution Galen, 5 tunicates, 127, 128f, 171
evolutionary cascade, 2–3 Gans, Carl, 8, 154 see also gas gills

globins, 35 Haller, Albrecht von, 6 horseshoe crabs, 28, 30f, 38, 39, 77,
see also haemoglobin; myoglobin halloween crab, 95, 119 78f, 112, 115
Glossina, 34, 105 haptoglobins, 32 horseshoe worms, 66
gluconeogenesis, 44–5 harvestmen, 38, 88t, 89–91, 90f, 115 house spider, 92, 93
glycogen, 45, 50, 55 Harvey, William, 5–6 Hughes, George M., 8
glycolysis, 4, 25, 31, 44–5, 52–3, 56 Hazelhoff, Engel Hendrik, 105 humans
Gnathophausia, 48, 75f, 111 heat shock proteins (HSPs), 43, 63–4 diving, 58t, 59t, 61
gnathostomes see amphibians; birds; Helicella, 114 high-altitude and, 53–6, 54f, 57
fish; mammals; reptiles Helix, 85, 85f, 103, 114 oxygen as a toxic substance, 61–2
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 196 Heloderma, 146–7, 149f, 183 sickle cell anaemia, 32
goldfish, 52, 62, 166 Hemigrapsus, 48 hygric hypothesis, 124
grasshoppers, 50, 99, 106–7, 108, Hemilepistus, 94f, 95, 119 Hymenoptera, 34, 96, 97, 99, 123
122, 123 Hemiptera, 34–5, 80 hypercapnia, 61, 120, 123, 124, 166, 191
great diving beetle, 79f Henry, William, 10–11 hyperoxia, 41, 61, 122, 166
great pond snail, 102, 103, 114 Henry–Dalton law, 11 hyperventilation, 20, 46, 47, 54–5, 56, 57
great ramshorn snail, 114 Henry’s law, 10–11 hypocapnia, 50, 55
grove snail, 114 hermit crabs, 48, 88t, 95, 103, 104, hypocapnic inhibition of breathing, 55
guanosine triphosphate (GTP), 1, 28 119, 120 Hypogeophis, 136f
gular pumping, 149, 183, 191 see also coconut crab hypometabolism, 46, 48, 50, 62–3, 138
guppy, 62 Heteropneustus, 140, 181 hypoventilation, 120–1, 193
gymnophthalmid lizards, 148 hexamerins, 36–7, 39 hypoxia, 39, 41–53
Gyps, 56, 57 hexapods amphibians, 53
anoxia, 49–50, 51, 63 annelids, 45, 47
H control of breathing, 104–8, 106f arachnids, 46, 49
haemerythrin, 23, 25, 30f, 35–6 discontinuous breathing, 62, 64, 98, ATP-producing metabolic pathways,
haemocyanin, 23, 25, 30f, 32, 36 105–6, 106f, 107, 124 44–5
in arthropods, 30f, 36–40 freezing, 63 behavioural strategies, 46–7, 51–2, 53
hypoxia and, 47, 48–9 gigantism, 61 birds, 56–7
in molluscs, 34, 39–40 haemocyanin, 37, 38–9 body size and, 51
negative Bohr effect, 28 haemoglobin, 34–5, 80 crustaceans, 45, 46, 47–9
physiological properties, 39–40 heat tolerance, 64 diving in air-breathing craniotes,
temperature and, 64 hypoxia, 49–51 42, 53, 58–60, 58t, 59t, 61
haemoglobin, 23–35, 24f physiology of flying insects, 98–9 fish, 51–3
affinity, 25, 26, 27–8 reactive oxygen species and, 62 hexapods, 49–51
annelids, 33, 69, 84 respiratory faculties, evolution, 112, high-altitude, 29, 41, 42, 53–8, 54f
Bohr effect, 28 115–16, 121–3 humans at altitude, 53–6, 54f, 57
carbon dioxide transport, 29–31, 36f respiratory faculties, structure and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs),
craniote, 31–3 function, 77–83, 79f, 81f, 82f, 88t, 43–4, 43f, 46, 51
crustaceans, 34, 76, 104 96–9, 96f internal, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45f, 49
diving and, 59 spiracle closing mechanisms, mammals, 57
evolution of, 31–5 97–8, 123 myriapods, 49
Haldane effect, 29–31, 36f stigma opening and closing, 104–5, negative Bohr effect and, 28
hexapods, 34–5, 80 106, 106f, 107 oxygen conformers and oxygen
Hill coefficient, 26–7 terminal gas exchange model, regulators, 45–6, 45f
hypoxia and, 47, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59 19, 97 reptiles, 53
molluscs, 33–4, 72, 114 hibernation, 46, 63 hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs),
non-craniote, 33–5 high-altitude hypoxia, 29, 41, 42, 43–4, 43f, 46, 51
oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC), 53–8, 54f hypoxia-response elements (HREs),
24f, 26 Hill, Archibald V., 26 43–4
structural changes, 29 Hill coefficient, 26–7
unsegmented ‘worms’, 66 Hillary, Sir Edmund, 58 I
water and, 28 Hochachka, Peter, 58 icefishes, 33
hagfish, 4, 28, 31, 127, 129f, 171–2 Holothuria, 66, 67, 109 ideal gas law, 10
hairy snails, 114 Homarus, 37 iguanas, 146f, 150
Haldane, John Scott, 8, 31 honeybee, 99 incompressible gas gills, 80, 81f
Haldane effect, 29–31, 36f hooded tickspiders, 87–9, 88t infinite pool gas exchange model,
Haliotis, 70, 71f horse botfly, 34 16, 17f

insects Krogh’s diffusion constant, 13–14, birds, 158–63, 158f, 161f, 162f, 166,
anoxia, 49–50, 51, 63 14t, 18–19 182f, 188–9
control of breathing, 104–8, 106f control of breathing, 165, 166, 167f,
discontinuous breathing, 62, 64, 98, L 168–9, 190–1
105–6, 106f, 107, 124 Lacerta, 21f crocodilians, 158–60, 158f, 159f, 166
freezing, 63 lactate, 20, 29, 39–40, 44–5, 46, 48–9, diving and, 59–60
gigantism, 61 50, 52–3, 56, 60, 91, 117, 138 evolution of, 177, 178–91, 180f, 182f
haemocyanin, 37, 38–9 Lake Titicaca frog, 137 general amniotes, 143–4, 144f,
haemoglobin, 34–5, 80 lampreys, 31, 127–9, 130f, 166, 172–3 181–3, 182f
heat tolerance, 64 Lapemis, 137 at high altitude, 55, 56
hypoxia, 49–51 lateral diffusion model, 18–19, 18f, 97 lepidosaurs, 22, 144–51, 145f, 146f,
physiology of flying insects, 98–9 Latimeria, 35, 174, 175f, 177, 180f 147f, 148f, 149f, 166, 167f, 182f,
reactive oxygen species and, 62 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent de, 6 183–5, 184f
respiratory faculties, evolution, 112, leatherback turtle, 58t mammals, 16, 22, 55, 56, 155–8,
115–16, 121–3 leatherleaf slugs, 114 156f, 165, 166, 182f, 187–8
respiratory faculties, structure and leeches, 45, 69–70, 84, 88t, 113 surfactant, 21–2, 61, 142, 144, 155,
function, 77–83, 79f, 81f, 82f, 88t, Leonardo da Vinci, 5 157, 160, 183, 187, 193, 194
96–9, 96f lepidopterans, 34, 80, 105, 123 turtles, 53, 151–5, 152f, 153f, 154f,
spiracle closing mechanisms, lepidosaurs, 177 166, 182f, 185–7, 186f
97–8, 123 breathing mechanics, 21f, 22 lungs, tracheal see tracheal lungs
stigma opening and closing, 104–5, freezing, 63 lungs, water, 67, 82f, 83, 109, 138
106, 106f, 107 respiratory faculties, evolution, 182f, Lymnaea, 34, 85, 102, 103, 114
terminal gas exchange model, 183–5, 184f
19, 97 respiratory faculties, structure and M
internal hypoxia, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45f, 49 function, 22, 144–51, 145f, 146f, mackerels, 28
invertebrates 147f, 148f, 149f, 166, 167f Macrobrachium, 47
control of breathing, 100–8, 101t Lepidosiren, 133, 136f, 175, 177 Magelona, 68, 69
haemoglobin, 23, 26, 28, 33–5 Lepisosteus, 166, 179, 180f, 190, 194 Malacochersus, 155
sensing of respiratory gases, 101–2 Leptonychotes, 58t, 60 malacostracans
ventilation and perfusion, 16f Lestes, 82f control of breathing, 103–4
see also respiratory faculties of life, origin of, 3–4 evolution of, 118
invertebrates, evolution; Limax, 114 haemocyanin, 34, 37–8
respiratory faculties of Limulus, 28, 30f, 38, 39, 77, 78f, 115 hypoxia, 45, 47, 48–9
invertebrates, structure and lissamphibians see amphibians respiratory faculties, evolution, 111,
function Lithobates, 168, 191 116, 118–20
ion channel arrest, 53, 62–3 Littorina, 64 respiratory faculties, structure and
isopods lizards see lepidosaurs function, 74, 75f, 88t, 93–6, 94f, 95f
evolution of, 118 lobe-finned fishes see sarcopterygian Malpighi, Marcello, 6
hypoxia, 45 fishes mammals, 177
respiratory faculties, 88t, 93–5, 94f, lobsters, 37, 74, 75f, 103, 111 anoxia, 52
111, 119 locust grasshopper, 50, 99, 107, 122 breathing mechanics, 22
Isurus, 135–6 ‘lophophorates’, 66, 109 control of breathing, 169, 190
lophophores, 66, 68 diving, 58–60, 58t, 61
J Loschmidt, Josef, 13 fetuses, 7, 29, 32
jellyfish, 47, 65–6 Loschmidt's number, 13 haemoglobin, 27, 28, 29–30, 32–3
jumping spiders, 42, 49, 85, 87, 91, 93, Ludwig, Carl, 7–8 high-altitude species, 57
116, 117, 118 lugworms, 47, 68f, 69 hypoxia, 57
Jurassic, 112, 188 Lumbricus, 84 red blood cells, 32–3
lung compliance, 20, 21f, 22 respiratory faculties, evolution,
K lungfish, 35, 133, 136f, 144, 174, 175, 182f, 187–8
Katsuwonus, 135–6 175f, 177, 180f, 190–1 respiratory faculties, structure and
King, Anthony S., 8 lungs, book see book lungs function, 16, 22, 55, 56, 155–8,
king penguin, 58t lungs, branchiostegal, 95, 120 156f, 165, 166
Kohn, Hans Nathan, 155 lungs, pleopod, 93–5, 94f, 119 sensing of respiratory gases, 166
Komodo dragons, 184 lungs, tetrapod, 15, 16f, 20–1, 21f see also humans
Krogh, August, 8, 97 amphibians, 22, 141–3, 141f, 143f, manatees, 59, 60
Krogh, Marie, 8 165, 166 mangrove ant, 51

mangrove crab, 74 Nemathelminthes, 66 Pascal, Blaise, 9

Mariotte, Edme, 9 nematodes, 33, 51, 66, 101–2 Pasteur, Louis, 3
Mastigoproctus, 87 Nemertini, 66 Pelagothuria, 67
maxillopodans, 74–6, 76f Neoceratodus, 133, 177, 179, 180f Penaeus, 47
mayflies, 39, 82f, 83 Nerodia, 148f, 167f penguins, 58, 58t, 59
Mead, Jeremiah, 8 neuroendocrine cells (NECs), 165–6, Pentecopterus, 115
Meckel, Johann Friedrich, 6 167f perfusion, 1, 15, 16, 16f
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 6 neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs), 166, 167f Peripatus, 85
metabolic acidosis, 20, 46, 48 Nile crocodile, 159f Periplaneta, 107
metabolic alkalosis, 20 nitric oxide, 31 Periscyphis, 94f, 119
Methanoaricia, 47 Nops, 92, 92f peritreme, 98
Microcaecilia, 137 northern leopard frog, 168 permeability coefficient see Krogh’s
microwhip scorpions, 87, 88t northern sea elephant, 58t diffusion constant
millipedes see myriapods Permian, 61, 115, 116, 187
Mirounga, 58t O Perrault, Claude, 5
mites see ticks and mites octopus, 74, 110, 111 Perrin, Jean-Baptiste, 12
mitochondria, 3–4, 44, 45, 56, 62, 63 Odontochelys, 186f, 187 Petromyzon, 31
molluscs Oncorhynchus, 52 Petromyzontida see lampreys
control of breathing, 102–3 oniscoid isopods, 88t, 93–5, 94f, 119 Pflüger, Eduard, 7–8
cutaneous gas exchange, 74, 111 Oniscus, 94f, 119 pH
haemocyanin, 34, 39–40 onychophorans, 38, 85, 88t, 115, 123 Bohr effect and, 28
haemoglobin, 33–4, 72, 114 open pool gas exchange model, 16, regulation, 19–20
heat tolerance, 64 17f Root effect and, 29
myoglobin, 35 opercula, fish, 133 sensing, 166–8
negative Bohr effect, 28 Ophiuroidea, 67 phenoloxidases, 36–7
respiratory faculties, evolution, Opiliones, 38, 88t, 89–91, 90f, 115 Pholcus, 91–2, 92f
109–11, 113–14 Ordovician, 115 phoronids, 66
respiratory faculties, structure and organic phosphates, 28 photosynthesis, 4, 62
function, 70–4, 70f, 71f, 73f, 74f, origin of life, 3–4 Phrynus, 80
84–5, 85f, 88t Orthognatha, 92f Physalia, 65–6
Root effect, 29 ostracods, 34, 37, 46 Physeter, 58, 58t
monitor lizards, 146–7, 148–9, 150, Ovis, 57 physiological diffusing capacity, 15
183, 184 oxidative damage hypothesis, 124 Piiper, Johannes, 8
morphological diffusing capacity, 13–15 oxidative stress, 62 Pipa, 143
Moser, Fanny, 7 oxygen Pipistrellus, 158
moths, 80, 123 atmospheric, 3, 4, 50, 110, 115 Pirata, 79
mouse deer, 33 as a toxic substance, 61–2 Pisaura, 79
Müller, Johannes, 7 oxygen conformers and oxygen placoderms, 179, 180f
Mustelus, 136f regulators, 45–6, 45f Plakobranchus, 110
myoglobin, 23, 24f, 26, 28, 47 oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC), 24f, Planorbis, 114
diving and, 59 26, 27 plastron gills, 80, 81f, 112
evolution of, 31, 33, 34, 35 Plathelminthes, 33, 66
myriapods P Platysternon, 185, 186f
discontinuous breathing, 86, 123 pacú, 51 Plea, 80
haemocyanin, 37, 38 painted turtle, 63, 138 pleopod lungs, 93–5, 94f, 119
hypoxia, 49 Palpigradi, 87, 88t Podarcis, 148f
respiratory faculties, 85–7, 86f, 88t, pancake tortoise, 155 Poecilia, 62
115, 120–1 Pandinus, 91 polychaete annelids, 47, 68–9, 68f
Mytilus, 72 Pantherophis, 147f Polyplacophora, 35, 39, 70
Myuchelys, 138 Pantholops, 57 Polypterus, 136f, 141, 179, 180f, 194
Myxine, 28, 31, 129f Panulirus, 37 Porcellio, 94f, 119
Myxinoida see hagfish Pappochelys, 186f poriferans, 65
Paramyxine, 129f porphyrins, 24f, 25, 27, 31, 35, 195
N Pardosa, 87 Portuguese man o’ war, 65–6
Nautilus, 74, 111 Paroedura, 145f pre-Bötzinger complex (PBC), 168,
Neergaard, Kurt von, 8 partial pressures law, 10 169, 169f, 190
Nemastoma, 89–91 PAS proteins, 43 pressure, 9

priapulids, 35, 66 mammals, 182f, 187–8 chelicerates, 76–7, 78f

Priestley, Joseph, 6 sarcopterygian fishes, 174, cnidarians, 65–6
Proganochelys, 186f 175f, 180f crustaceans, 74–6, 75f, 76f, 77f, 88t,
Progoneata see myriapods swim bladders, 178, 179, 180f 93–6, 94f, 95f
pronghorn antelope, 158 tetrapod lungs, 177, 178–91, ctenophorans, 66
Protopterus, 35, 133, 144, 177, 180f, 190–1 180f, 182f echinoderms, 66–7
pseudobranch, 2, 29, 166 turtles, 182f, 185–7, 186f hexapods, 77–83, 79f, 81f, 82f, 88t,
pseudo-haemocyanin, 36–7 respiratory faculties of craniotes, 96–9, 96f
Pseudopus, 147 structure and function, 125–38, molluscs, 70–4, 70f, 71f, 73f, 74f,
pseudoscorpions, 38, 49, 87, 88t, 89, 139–63 84–5, 85f, 88t
90f, 115, 123 actinopterygian fishes, 133–6, 134f, myriapods, 85–7, 86f, 88t
pulmonate snails, 70, 71, 84–5, 85f, 136f, 140 phoronids, 66
88t, 102, 103, 113–14 air-breathing fish, 139–41, 141f poriferans, 65
purple shore crab, 48 amphibians, 15, 22, 53, 136–7, 136f, unsegmented ‘worms’, 66
Pycnogonida, 38, 76–7, 112 141–3, 141f, 143f, 165, 166 velvet worms, 85
amphioxus, 125–7, 126f respiratory gases
R birds, 2–3, 158–63, 158f, 161f, properties of, 9–12
Rahn, Hermann, 8 162f, 166 see also sensing of respiratory gases
rainbow trout, 52 chondrichthyan fishes, 127, 129–33, respiratory proteins, 23–40
ram ventilators, 135–6 131f, 132f, 135–6, 136f affinity, 25, 26, 27–8
ramshorn snail, 34 crocodilians, 158–60, 158f, 159f, 166, Bohr effect, 28
Rana, 63, 136f, 191 182f, 188–9 carbon dioxide transport, 29–31, 36f
Rathke, Martin Heinrich, 6, 60 cutaneous gas exchange in amniotes, evolution of, 31–40
rattlesnakes, 147f 137–8 haemerythrin, 23, 25, 30f, 35–6
ray-finned fishes see actinopterygian fish, 127–36, 131f, 132f, 134f, 136f, Haldane effect, 29–31, 36f
fishes 139–41, 141f hexamerins, 36–7, 39
reactive oxygen species (ROS), 61–2 general amniotes, 143–4, 144f Hill coefficient, 26–7
red mysid shrimps, 48, 75f, 111 hagfish, 127, 129f negative Bohr effect, 28
reptiles, 177 lampreys, 127–9, 130f, 166 organic phosphates, 28
anoxia, 53, 63 lepidosaurs, 22, 144–51, 145f, 146f, oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC),
breathing mechanics, 21f, 22 147f, 148f, 149f, 166, 167f 24f, 26, 27
diving, 53, 58t, 59, 60 mammals, 16, 22, 55, 56, 155–8, 156f, Root effect, 29
freezing, 63 165, 166 structural changes, 29
globins, 35 tunicates, 127, 128f water and, 28
haemoglobin, 27, 29–30 turtles, 7f, 53, 137–8, 151–5, 152f, 153f, see also haemocyanin; haemoglobin
sensing of respiratory gases, 166 154f, 166 Rhacodactylus, 148f
see also crocodilians; lepidosaurs; respiratory faculties of invertebrates, Rhinella, 143
turtles evolution, 109–12, 113–24 Rhodnius, 97
resistance, lung, 20–1 annelids, 109, 113 Rhyacophila, 82f
respiratory acidosis, 20, 48 arachnids, 112, 115–18 ribbed mussel, 72
respiratory alkalosis, 20, 28, 47, 48, chelicerates, 112, 115 ribbon worms, 66
54–6, 57 crustaceans, 111–12, 118–20 Ricinulei, 87–9, 88t
respiratory biology, history of, 5–8 discontinuous breathing in riffle beetles, 80
respiratory faculties of craniotes, arthropods, 123–4 robber crab see coconut crab
evolution, 170–6, 177–91 hexapods, 112, 115–16, 121–3 Rohrer, Fritz, 8
actinopterygian fishes, 174, 175f, initial terrestrialization of Roman snail, 85, 85f, 114
178, 180f arthropods, 114–16 Root effect, 174, 178
amphibians, 174–6, 180f, 182f molluscs, 109–11, 113–14 rough periwinkle snail, 64
archosaurs, 182f, 188–9 myriapods, 115, 120–1 roundworms, 66
birds, 182f, 188–9 respiratory faculties of invertebrates, rubber boa, 147f
chondrichthyan fishes, 173–4 structure and function, 1–3, 2f, Rüppel’s griffon vulture, 56, 57
control of breathing, 189–91 16f, 65–83, 84–99
fish, 173–4, 175f, 178, 179, 180f annelids, 67–70, 68f, 84, 88t S
general amniotes, 176, 181–3, 182f arachnids, 77–80, 87–93, 88t, salamanders, 32, 137
hagfish, 171–2 90f, 92f Salamandra, 136f
lampreys, 172–3 brachiopods, 66 Salticus, 87
lepidosaurs, 182f, 183–5, 184f bryozoans, 66 Salvator, 145–6, 184–5

sarcopterygian fishes, 177 snorkel and siphon, 78–9, 79f Terrapene, 154
control of breathing, 190–1 softshell turtles, 137–8, 151 Testudines see turtles
respiratory faculties, 174, 175f, 180f solifugids, 38, 49, 87, 88t, 90f, 91, Testudo, 154f, 185
see also coelacanths; lungfish 116, 123–4 tetrapods, 53, 166, 177
sauropod dinosaurs, 1, 61, 188–9 South American lungfish, 133, 136f, see also amphibians; birds; lungs,
scaphopods, 35, 39, 72–3 175, 177 tetrapod; mammals; reptiles
scarabaeoid beetles, 51 sperm whale, 58, 58t thalassinid shrimps, 37
scavenger proteins, 32 Sphaeridium, 51 theropod dinosaurs, 189
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 6 Sphenodon, 144, 183, 184, 184f Tibetan antelope, 57
Scheid, Peter, 8 spiders Tibetan sheep, 57
Schistocerca, 50, 99, 107, 122 haemocyanin, 38 ticks and mites, 38, 88t, 89, 115,
Schneiderman, Howard A., 98 hypoxia, 46, 49 123, 124
schooling behaviour, fish, 51–2 respiratory faculties, evolution, 115, tiger beetles, 50
scorpions, 49, 88t, 90f, 91, 115 116–18 tissue respiratory proteins, 23
Scutigera, 38, 86, 86f respiratory faculties, structure and see also myoglobin
Scutigerella, 86f, 87 function, 77–80, 88t, 90f, 91–3, 92f torpor, 46, 63
Scyliorhinus, 135 spike arrest, 53, 63 Torricelli, Evangelista, 9
sea cucumbers, 66, 67, 109 spiny lobsters, 37 Townson, Robert, 6, 7f, 153–4
sea elephants, 58t, 59t spiracle closing mechanisms, 97–8, 123 tracheal gas exchange models, 18–19,
sea lilies, 67 Spirostreptus, 38 18f, 97
sea scorpions, 112, 115 sponges, 65 tracheal gills, 80–3, 82f, 112
sea snakes, 59, 60, 137 springtails, 51, 80, 121 tracheal lung model, 18–19, 18f, 97
sea spiders, 38, 76–7, 112 Spriostreptus, 86–7 tracheal lungs, 19
sea squirts, 127, 128f squids, 73, 110 insects, 122–3
sea stars, 66, 67 standard gas conditions, 11–12 myriapods, 38, 86, 86f, 115, 120–1
sea urchins, 66, 67 static compliance, 20, 21f velvet worms, 38, 85, 115
seals, 58t, 59, 59t, 60 Stenasellus, 45 Trachelipus, 94f
seed shrimps see ostracods Sternotherus, 138 Trachemys, 53, 152f, 154
sensing of respiratory gases stick insects, 85, 97, 122, 183 Tragulus, 33
craniotes, 165–8 stigma opening and closing, 104–5, trehalose, 50
invertebrates, 101–2 106, 106f, 107 Triassic, 171, 174, 178, 188
Sepia see cuttlefish stress proteins, 43, 63–4 Tribolium, 34
Serpula, 69 sun spiders, 38, 49, 87, 88t, 90f, 91, Trichobatrachus, 137
Serveto, Miguel, 5 116, 123–4 Trichopodus, 140
sharks and rays Suncus, 184f Trichoptera, 82f, 83
respiratory faculties, evolution, superoxide dismutase (SOD), 62 Trionyx, 137–8
173–4 surface tension, 20 Triops, 34
respiratory faculties, structure and surfactant, 21–2, 61, 142, 144, 155, 157, tsetse fly, 105
function, 127, 129–33, 131f, 132f, 160, 183, 187, 193, 194 tuatara, 144, 183, 184, 184f
135–6, 136f, 166 Swammerdam, Jan, 6 Tubifex, 47, 69
shortfin mako shark, 135–6 swim bladders, 29, 139–41, 141f, 166, tunas, 135–6, 174
short-tailed crabs see brachyuran 178, 179, 180f tunicates, 32, 127, 128f, 170–1
crabs symmorphosis, 2 Tupinambis, 145–6
shrimps, 34, 37, 47, 48, 75f, 111, 116 Synbranchus, 140 turtles, 177
Siamese fighting fish, 140 anoxia, 53
sickle cell anaemia, 32 T cloacal bladders, 138
Silurian, 115, 179 tachycardia, 55, 59 control of breathing, 190
silverfish, 121 tadpole shrimps, 34 cutaneous gas exchange, 137–8
sipunculids, 35, 64, 66, 68 Taeniopoda, 108 diving, 53, 58t, 60
skipjack tuna, 135–6 Talitrus, 48, 93, 118 freezing, 63
slider turtles, 53, 152f, 154, 157 tarantulas, 87, 91, 117, 118 globins, 35
sludge worms, 47, 69 Tegenaria, 92, 93 respiratory faculties, evolution, 182f,
slugs, 114 tegu lizards, 22, 145–6, 150, 184–5 185–7, 186f
smelts, 33 Telmatobius, 137 respiratory faculties, structure and
snails see gastropods terminal gas exchange model, 18–19, function, 7f, 53, 137–8, 151–5,
snakes, 22, 147f, 148f, 166, 167f, 185 18f, 97 152f, 153f, 154f, 166
see also lepidosaurs; sea snakes termites, 51, 62 sensing of respiratory gases, 166

U W Wirz, Karl, 8
Ucides, 74 wasps, 97 wolf spiders, 87, 91, 93, 117, 118
universal gas constant, 10, 13 water bugs, 80
unsegmented ‘worms’, 66 water fleas, 34, 46, 47, 76, 77f, X
urate, 39–40 104, 116 Xenopus, 143
Uropygi, 87, 88t, 90f water lungs, 67, 82f, 83, 109, 138 Xiphosura see horseshoe crabs
water spider, 46, 78, 79, 116–17
V Weber, Ernst Heinrich, 140 Y
van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie, 6 Weberian apparatus, 140, 178 Young–Laplace equation, 20
Varanus, 146–7, 148–9, 150, 183, 184 Weddell seal, 58t, 60
vasoconstriction, 55, 59, 60 Weibel, Ewald, 8 Z
Velociraptor, 189 West, John B., 8, 58 zebrafish, 52, 166
velvet worms, 38, 85, 88t, 115, 123 whales, 58, 58t, 59, 59t, 60 Zootermopsis, 62
ventilated pool gas exchange model, whip scorpions, 87, 88t, 90f Zootoca, 63
16–17, 17f, 157–8 whip spiders, 80, 87, 88t, Zuntz, Nathan, 8
ventilation, 1, 15, 16, 16f 90f, 115 Zygentoma, 121
viviparous lizard, 63 Wigglesworth, Vincent B., 98 Zygoptera, 82f, 83

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