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Review Article

Management of Scapular

Peter A. Cole, MD With the exception of displaced articular glenoid fractures,
Erich M. Gauger, MD management of scapular fractures has largely consisted of benign
neglect, with an emphasis on motion as allowed by the patient’s
Lisa K. Schroder, BS, MBA
pain. Better understanding of this injury has resulted in greater
acceptance of surgical management of highly displaced variants.
However, little agreement exists on indications for surgery, and
there is no clear comparative evidence on outcomes for surgically
versus nonsurgically managed fractures. Scapular fractures are the
result of high-energy mechanisms of injury, and they often occur in
conjunction with other traumatic injuries. In addition to performing
meticulous physical and neurologic examination, the surgeon
should obtain plain radiographs, including AP shoulder, axillary, and
scapular Y views. Three-dimensional CT is used to determine
accurate measurements in surgical candidates. Surgical approach,
technique, and timing are individualized based on fracture type and
other patient-related factors.

From the Department of

W ith regard to documenting
and surgically managing scap-
ula fractures, the French have histor-
nal, transverse, and oblique.
In 1913, Albin Lambotte4 of Bel-
gium was the first to describe inter-
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of
ically dominated the field, with im- nal fixation of the scapula. He
Minnesota, Regions Hospital,
St. Paul, MN. portant contributions by Paré, Petit, included preoperative and postoper-
Desault, Du Verney, Lenormant, Du- ative radiographs as documentation.
Dr. Cole or an immediate family
member serves as a paid consultant jarier, Malgaigne, Basset, Dupont, However, it was Grune5 and Plage-
to Synthes and has received Judet, and Evrard, among others.1 mann6 who, in 1911, presented the
research or institutional support from The first depiction of a scapula frac- first radiographic series detailing
Zimmer, Synthes, DePuy, Smith &
ture was published in 1579 by Am- fracture characteristics in 13 and 19
Nephew, Stryker, and Acumed.
Neither of the following authors nor broise Paré2 in a description of a bat- cases, respectively. Several docu-
any immediate family member has tle injury: “When the fracture mented cases of surgical manage-
received anything of value from or involves the neck of the scapula, the ment of scapula fractures existed by
owns stock in a commercial
company or institution related
prognosis is almost always fatal.” the early 1900s. In 1916, Hitzrot
directly or indirectly to the subject of Perhaps the fatality resulted from and Bolling7 published a history of
this article: Dr. Gauger and Ms. what we now know to be commonly treatment in the latter half of the
Schroder. associated injuries such as pneumo- 1800s and reported on eight cases of
thorax or head and neck injury. their own, which was the largest sur-
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:
130-141 The first classification of scapula gical series to date. The first docu-
fractures was developed by Jean- mented scapula fracture operation in
JAAOS-20-03-130 Louis Petit,3 who divided scapula the United States was performed by
fractures into body, neck, and pro- Longabaugh8 in 1924. In 1938 and
Copyright 2012 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
cess. He further subdivided fracture 1939, respectively, Reggio9 and Fis-
of the scapular body into longitudi- cher10 were the first and second per-

130 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Peter A. Cole, MD, et al

sons to document surgical manage- Figure 1

ment of intra-articular fractures. Patient Evaluation
Dupont and Evrard11 introduced
Scapular fracture is a rare injury.
the term “pilier” in the context of a
However, these high-energy injuries
primary strategy to stabilize the criti-
are being seen more often likely be-
cal fractured lateral scapular border
cause of improved emergency re-
(ie, pillar) with a plate. The 1950s
sponse and trauma resuscitation.
and 1960s were characterized largely
Two recent reports on the subject
by nonsurgical management of scap-
found the mean age of patients with
ula fractures as espoused by influen-
scapular fractures to be 42 years30
tial thought leaders such as Rowe12
and 35 years.31
and Schnepp et al,13 despite critically
Scapular fracture occurs in the set-
documented larger surgical series by
ting of high-energy trauma, and pa-
Decoulx et al14 (26 patients) and Initial AP shoulder radiograph of a
tients must be carefully examined for
Tondeur15 (38 patients), as well as patient who was injured in a
other injuries. In most cases, the vec-
Judet,16 who described the well- motorcycle collision. Multiple rib
tor of energy is directed from lateral fractures resulted in a caved-in
known extensile posterior approach to medial, often from a position appearance of the chest. The
for internal fixation of scapula neck cephalad to the plane of the shoul- complex fracture pattern consists of
fractures. a superior glenoid fracture
der.30 This mechanism of injury is as- extending through the coracoid
The management of scapular frac- sociated with high rates of injury, in- base, with involvement of the
tures has changed based on greater cluding concomitant injury in scapular body and glenoid neck.
understanding of the injury, peri- approximately 90% of patients,30,31 The glenoid neck fracture and
diaphyseal clavicle fracture
scapular anatomy, surgical ap- ipsilateral extremity injury in 50%,31 constitute a double disruption of
proaches, and fracture fixation thoracic injury in 80%,17 and associ- the superior shoulder suspensory
strategies.17-25 Additionally, there is ated head injuries and spinal frac- complex (ie, floating shoulder).
new recognition of dysfunction asso- tures in 48% and 26%, respec-
ciated with scapula malunion, and tively.31 A retrospective review of the
diagnostic strategies have been devel- National Trauma Database found
oped to better understand fracture scapula fractures to be an important ries are typically prioritized over up-
morphology and deformity.21,22,26-29 marker for ipsilateral upper extrem- per extremity fractures and because
Although there is increased recog- ity injuries, pelvic ring injuries, and the scapula is enveloped in an abun-
nition that certain scapular fractures thoracic injuries even after adjusting dant soft-tissue envelope, scapular
warrant fixation, controversy exists for injury severity.32 It has been spec- fractures are often detected late, typi-
regarding surgical indications. This ulated that although there is a high cally after the patient has been extu-
controversy stems from the recogni- injury association rate between tho- bated and can respond to a tertiary
tion that most extra-articular scapu- racic injury and scapula fracture, injury survey. The examiner should
lar fractures heal with nonsurgical the energy of trauma is absorbed specifically look for scapular frac-
management, with little measurable through the thorax, where often tures in the setting of hemopneumo-
dysfunction, in part because most are multiple rib fractures occur, which thorax and multiple rib fractures
moderately displaced, at most, and may explain why associated mortal- (Figure 1).
because the shoulder has a great ca- ity is approximately 10% lower in Identifying the mechanism of in-
pacity for compensatory motion. Ad- multiply injured patients with scapu- jury is helpful in determining other
ditionally, there are no clear lar fracture than in patients with possible injuries. The examiner also
evidence-based guidelines for surgi- similar injury severity but without should document pain in the pa-
cal indications, and the decision scapular fractures.17 tient’s neck or back as well as numb-
when to operate must be based on The rate of thoracic injury and the ness and tingling in the upper ex-
expert opinion. Only recently have severity of injury may also under- tremity. Cervical spine injuries and
accepted definitions of displacement score the reason for missed or de- brachial plexus lesions occur in 7%
with validated criteria for measuring layed diagnosis of scapula fractures, of patients with scapular fracture,
deformity become available in the lit- which was noted to be 12.5% in one and these injuries can greatly influ-
erature.29 study.33 Because life-threatening inju- ence overall outcome.34 The physical

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 131

Management of Scapular Fractures

Figure 2 Figure 3

Clinical photograph of a patient

prior to open reduction and internal
fixation of a scapular and clavicular
fracture that had occurred 46 days
prior. In part, surgery was delayed
to allow healing of severe skin
abrasions over the anterolateral
shoulder (arrow).

examination should include a de-

tailed neurologic examination of the
ipsilateral upper extremity, and sym-
metricity of pulses should be as-
sessed. The patient should be dis- Three-dimensional CT scans of the scapula. A, AP view demonstrating the
robed for skin inspection because fracture line extending from the inferior glenoid neck to the medial border
immediately caudal to the acromial spine. This view is important in
severe abrasions are common, most
determining fracture characteristics, including medial and lateral
frequently over the acromion (Figure displacement and the glenopolar angle. B, The scapular Y view is helpful in
2). The presence of severe abrasions determining anterior-posterior displacement and angulation.
influences the timing of surgery. To
mitigate the risk of infection, shoul-
ders with abrasions or scabs should surement of displacement and angu-
be cleansed daily until they have lar deformity (Figure 3). Management
completely reepithelialized. This pro- Prior to the use of 3D CT, it was
cess may take a few weeks. Herrera Many authors have suggested surgi-
difficult to comprehend the common
et al35 reported excellent outcomes in cal criteria for scapula fractures
variations of scapula fracture pat-
badly displaced scapula fractures based on personal experience and
terns and specific fragment defor-
even when surgery was not per- case series outcomes.36-39 Commonly
mity. Armitage et al27 evaluated 90
formed until ≥3 weeks after injury. used terms to describe the radio-
3D CT scans of fractured scapulae
A standard chest radiograph graphic characteristics of scapula
with neck and/or body involvement
should be obtained to evaluate for fractures include displacement, medi-
and reported that, in more than two
pneumothorax, and a trauma lateral alization, angulation, and shortening
thirds of patients, the fracture line
cervical spine radiograph should be (Figure 4). Only recently have explic-
entered or exited just inferior to the
obtained to assess the patient for as- itly defined and validated measures
sociated spinal fractures. Addition- glenoid and through the vertebral of these fracture characteristics been
ally, the radiographic workup should border just caudad to the base of the published.29 Historically, these mea-
include AP shoulder, axillary, and acromial spine. Seventeen percent of sures were seldom clearly reported.
scapula Y views. If marked displace- fractures had articular involvement, Historical recommendations, such
ment has occurred, such that there is and 22% entered the spinoglenoid as those of Hardegger et al,36 Ada
a possibility of meeting surgical indi- notch. The articular fractures in this and Miller,37 Nordqvist and Peters-
cations, a three-dimensional (3D) CT study did not follow predictable pat- son,38 and Romero et al,39 inform the
scan should be obtained.27 The 3D terns. Instead, they demonstrated the surgical indications cited in the re-
CT can be rotated to the optimal AP highest variability in trajectory, with cent literature. These authors based
plane and to the lateral plane (ie, a wide distribution of exit points their surgical recommendations on
scapula Y) for more accurate mea- along the vertebral border. findings that indicated a significant

132 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Peter A. Cole, MD, et al

Figure 4

Use of three-dimensional CT to measure scapular fracture characteristics. A, In the AP scapula view, the glenopolar
angle (Θ) is the angle created at the intersection of a line drawn from the inferior glenoid fossa to the superior apex of
the glenoid fossa and a line drawn from the superior apex of the glenoid fossa to the inferior angle of the scapula.
B, In the scapular Y view, angulation (Θ) is measured by drawing a line parallel to the proximal fragment and a line
parallel to the distal fragment. C, AP scapula view illustrating the components used to measure medial and/or lateral
displacement. 1 = lateral-most point of the distal fragment, 2 = lateral-most point of the proximal fragment, 3 = medial-
most point on the scapula at the level of the fracture, line A = medial/lateral displacement, line B = width of the scapula
at the level of the fracture

relationship between persistent made up of the glenoid, coracoid, vocated to identify displacement,
shoulder disability and residual ra- clavicle, and acromion process, as angulation, and fracture pattern,
diographic deformity (ie, significant well as the connecting soft tissues techniques for capturing these data
displacement and glenoid neck mal- between these structures, the coraco- points have only recently been de-
alignment). Patients with the most clavicular ligament, and the acro- fined.21,22,29,35
severe injuries were most likely to mioclavicular joint capsule. Accord- With the exception of unstable and
have outcomes such as residual pain ing to Goss,52 the interruption of two displaced glenoid fossa fractures, all
and functional complaints following structures in this ring constitutes a surgical indications should be con-
nonsurgical treatment.37 “double disruption,” resulting in an sidered relative given the lack of de-
Contemporary series with defined interruption in the suspension be- finitive proof regarding the benefits
surgical indications are listed in Ta- tween the axial and appendicular
of surgery. Management must be in-
ble 1.22,34,35,37,40-51 Four studies report skeleton.
dividualized for each patient (Figures
the use of radiologic criteria to mea- The most explicit recent surgical
5 and 6).
sure displacement and angulation to indications include medial displace-
guide surgical management of iso- ment of the lateral border >25 mm,
lated extra-articular fractures as shortening >25 mm, angular de-
well as combined injury of the supe- formity >45°, concomitant intra- The minimally or moderately dis-
rior shoulder suspensory complex articular step-off >3 mm, or dis- placed scapular fracture that does
(SSSC).22,35,37,40 In contrast, most placed double disruption of the not meet surgical criteria should be
studies report surgical indications SSSC.22 Indications for surgery are managed with a sling for 2 to 3
only as “unstable” or “displaced.” based on type of scapula fracture (ie, weeks until the fracture begins to
Goss52 coined the term “superior intra-articular, extra-articular, dou- consolidate and the pain subsides.
shoulder suspensory complex” to de- ble lesions of the SSSC process). Al- Patients often experience pseudopa-
scribe the osseoligamentous ring though 3D CT has recently been ad- ralysis during healing and report that

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 133

Management of Scapular Fractures

Table 1
Surgical Indications for Three Types of Scapular Fracture
No. of
Fracture Type Study Patients Explicit Surgical Indications

Extra-articular Ada and Miller37 8 Medial displacement >1 cm or angular deformity >40°
Khallaf et al40 14 Medial displacement >1 cm, angular deformity >40°
Herrera et al35 22 Medial displacement >15 mm, angular deformity >25°, articular
step-off >4 mm, or double lesion of the SSSC
Jones et al22 37 Medial displacement >25 mm, shortening >25 mm, angular de-
formity >45°, articular step-off >3 mm, or double lesion of the
Double lesions of the SSSC Leung and Lam41 15 Unstable shoulder girdle
Rikli et al42 12 Unstable shoulder girdle
Egol et al43 7 Displaced double lesion of the SSSC
van Noort et al44 4 Significant clavicular displacement and a displaced scapular
Oh et al45 10 Unstable shoulder girdle
Hashiguchi and Ito46 5 Unstable shoulder girdle
Labler et al47 17 Displaced neck fracture >25 mm and/or reduction of glenopolar
angle <30°
Intra-articular Kavanagh et al48 10 Displacement >2 mm
Leung et al49 14 Displaced fracture of the glenoid
Mayo et al34 27 Displacement >5 mm or displacement associated with sublux-
Adam50 10 Displaced fracture of the glenoid
Schandelmaier 22 Displaced fracture of the glenoid
et al51

SSSC = superior shoulder suspensory complex

their injured shoulders do not work ing support of the thorax, or scapu- long-term weakness in external rota-
or that they have no control over lar fractures associated with double tion, forward elevation, abduction,
them. lesions of the SSSC. and internal rotation.
Progressive deformity of the scapu- In the absence of fracture displace-
lar fracture during the early postin- ment, subsiding pain corresponds Surgical
jury phase is a concern,53 and serial with clinical healing. Once pain has
radiographs should be obtained on a subsided, progressive, full, passive Isolated Process Fracture
weekly basis for up to 3 weeks. Such range of motion is allowed. A physi- Little has been published on frac-
deformity likely is the result of the cal therapist should demonstrate tures of the scapula processes (ie,
combination of fracture instability techniques with pulleys, partners, acromion, coracoid). Prior to rela-
and gravitational stress when pa- and/or opposite handheld guide tively recent surgical series by
tients are upright and mobile. Some sticks. At 1 month after injury, full Ogawa and Naniwa54 (acromion),
patients may require surgery to re- active range of motion can be initi- Ogawa et al55 (coracoid), and Ana-
pair displacement and/or angular de- ated for the next 4 weeks (through vian et al56 (acromion and coracoid),
formity.53 It seems likely that frac- postinjury week 8). This is followed only small case reports could be
tures more at risk for progressive by a progressive strengthening pro- found. In his own practice, the senior
displacement in the early postinjury gram, starting with 3-lb weights and author (P.A.C.) has established the
phase are those with instability, such resistive bands, with the goal of no following surgical indications for
as scapular fractures associated with restrictions at 3 months after injury. scapular process fractures: painful
multiple consecutive rib fractures, Endurance training is begun, empha- nonunion, concomitant ipsilateral
which thus do not have the underly- sizing rotator cuff strength to avoid operative scapula fracture requiring

134 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Peter A. Cole, MD, et al

Figure 5

Algorithm for diagnosis and management of scapula fracture. Relative surgical indications are listed, as well.
3D = three-dimensional, ORIF = open reduction and internal fixation
Surgical indication reduced to 10 mm for double disruptions and to 15 mm when combined with 30° angulation in the
practice of the senior author (P.A.C.).
Surgical indications reduced to ≥30° in the presence of 15 mm of medialization in the practice of the senior author.

surgery, displacement ≥1 cm as seen Three patients underwent hardware (30.8%), tension band wiring in 2
radiographically, or two or more dis- removal because of prominence and (15.4%), and Kirschner wires in 2
ruptions of the SSSC.56 irritation. (15.4%).
Anavian et al56 reported on 13 ac- Two separate retrospective studies Painful nonunion of the acromion
romion fractures and 14 coracoid reported on 35 coracoid fractures and the coracoid has been reported.
fractures managed with open reduc- managed with bone screws55 and 8 Impingement syndrome (in acromion
tion and internal fixation (ORIF) acromion fractures managed with fracture) and neurologic compres-
using 2.7- or 3.5-mm compression Kirschner wires or tension band wir- sion (in coracoid fracture) have been
screws with and without bone plates. ing.54 All fractures united. In a sys- reported, as well. However, we rec-
Fracture locations were analyzed on tematic review of surgically managed ommend surgery for displaced frac-
3D CT scans, and the authors rec- scapula fractures, Lantry et al57 de- tures (Figure 7).
ommended the use of 3D CT to as- scribed as apophyseal 20 fractures
sess fracture characteristics and es- (8.2%), including acromial, coracoid Intra-articular Glenoid Fracture
tablish whether surgical criteria have and/or scapular spine fractures, of Management of intra-articular gle-
been met. At a mean follow-up of 11 the 243 cases studied. These apophy- noid fractures (Figure 8) is less con-
months (range, 2 to 42 months), all seal fractures were surgically man- troversial than that of extra-articular
fractures had united, and all patients aged in 13 cases, with screws alone fractures. However, few authors
recovered full motion with no pain. in 5 (38.5%), plates and screws in 4 have reported explicit, measurable

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 135

Management of Scapular Fractures

Figure 6

CT scans and plain radiographs demonstrating relative surgical indications and measurement techniques and those of
the senior author (P.A.C.) for scapular fracture. Scapular Y three-dimensional (3D) CT scan (A) and two-dimensional
axial CT scan (B) demonstrating measurement of intra-articular gap/step-off (surgical indications: relative, ≥3–10 mm
and 20%–30% glenoid involvement; senior author, ≥4 mm and 25% glenoid involvement). PA 3D CT scan (C) and
Grashey radiograph (D) demonstrating measurement of medialization (surgical indications: relative, ≥10–20 mm; senior
author, 20 mm). In the practice of the senior author, the surgical indication is reduced to 10 mm for double disruptions
and to 15 mm when combined with 30° angulation. PA 3D CT scan (E) and Grashey radiograph (F) demonstrating
measurement of the glenopolar angle (surgical indications: relative, ≤20°–22°; senior author, <22°). Scapular Y 3D CT
scan (G) and scapular Y (lateral) radiograph (H) demonstrating measurement of angulation (surgical indications:
relative, ≥30°–45°; senior author, >45°). In the practice of the senior author, the surgical indication is reduced to ≥30°
in the presence of 15 mm of medialization. Line A = displacement of the proximal fragment relative to the distal
fragment at the lateral border, line B = full width of the scapula at the level of the fracture

surgical indications (Table 1). Ka- surgical management are limited, tive surgeon rating system that took
vanagh et al48 reported the outcomes and they typically consist of level IV into account pain, strength, and mo-
following surgical management of evidence and use subjective sur- tion. Complications included hard-
intra-articular fractures displaced >2 geon outcome assessment. Kavanagh ware removal in three patients,
mm. Later, Mayo et al34 reported et al48 reported on nine patients marked infraspinatus weakness in
follow-up on 27 patients from a se- treated surgically for intra-articular two, and wound dehiscence in one.
ries of 31 surgically treated patients fractures with displacement >2 mm. In both studies, poor outcomes were
in which displacement of the articu- All patients were pain free, and seven attributable to associated brachial
lar fragments was defined as being regained normal strength. Mayo plexus injuries.34,48
>5 mm. Currently, there are no et al34 reported good to excellent In the past decade, only two pub-
agreed-on surgical indications for outcomes in 22 of 27 patients at an lished series have reported on out-
intra-articular glenoid fractures. average follow-up of 43 months comes in patients with intra-articular
Reports regarding long-term out- (range, 25 to 75 months). These out- glenoid injuries.50,51 Surgical manage-
comes following surgical and non- comes were assessed using a subjec- ment led to good outcomes in these

136 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Peter A. Cole, MD, et al

Figure 7 series of 1050 and 2251 patients.

Schandelmaier et al51 reported a
mean shoulder Constant score of
79% (reported as a percentage of the
contralateral uninjured shoulder) at
a mean follow-up of 10 years.

Double Lesions of the Superior

Shoulder Suspensory Complex
Double lesions of the SSSC are re-
ferred to as “floating shoulder” inju-
ries when the double disruption in-
volves a fractured scapular neck and
concomitant ipsilateral clavicular
fracture. Ipsilateral acromioclavicu-
lar dislocation and coracoid fracture
is a less common double disruption
A, Preoperative posterior three-dimensional CT scan of an isolated displaced
fracture at the base of the acromion. The displacement is better appreciated of the SSSC. Although several case
on the superior view of the scapula (inset). B, AP scapula radiograph studies have been published on surgi-
obtained 5 weeks after open reduction and internal fixation demonstrating cal and nonsurgical management of
anatomic alignment that was achieved with a 2.7-mm reconstruction plate these injuries, no study provides
and a small-fragment T-plate.
measurable surgical indications be-
yond the simple presence of the dou-
ble lesion. This is often referred to as
Figure 8 an unstable shoulder girdle (Table 1).
The largest series to report func-
tional outcomes following surgical
management of double lesions of the
SSSC was published in 1993 by
Leung and Lam.41 They performed
ORIF on 15 patients with scapular
and clavicular fractures. At a mean
follow-up of 25 months (range, 14 to
47 months), 14 patients had good to
excellent results according to the
scoring system of Rowe.
Since the publication of that initial
series, disagreement has arisen re-
garding whether to fix both fractures
or only the clavicle fracture, or
whether nonsurgical management is
most appropriate for satisfactory
outcomes. In several studies, only the
clavicle was repaired.42,44,46,58 Nota-
A, Preoperative scapular Y three-dimensional CT reconstructions of an intra- bly, three studies reported scapular
articular glenoid fracture involving the base of the coracoid and extending malunion and drooping in some pa-
into the scapular body (top inset). Bottom inset, Two-dimensional axial CT
scan demonstrating 9 mm of articular step-off. B, Postoperative AP tients, as well as conversion to surgi-
radiograph of a different patient treated surgically to manage intra-articular cal treatment in patients with unsat-
glenoid fracture. A combined anterior/posterior approach was required to isfactory nonsurgical outcomes.44,46,58
address the many fractures. Open reduction and intramedullary fixation with
Other series combined results of
intramedullary implants was performed on ribs six through eight to address
the considerable displacement of the thorax. ORIF of the clavicle only with ORIF
of both clavicular and scapular frac-

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 137

Management of Scapular Fractures

Figure 9 Other surgical series report good

outcomes based on less rigorous out-
come assessments.37,40 Additionally,
Jones et al22 reported mean forward
flexion of 158° in 37 patients follow-
ing ORIF to manage medialization
>25 mm or angular deformity of the
scapula measuring 45°.

Surgical Approaches and

AP radiographs of a patient who presented with chronic pain, weakness, and
a drooping shoulder 4 months after sustaining a scapular fracture. A, The
It is important to choose the correct
uninjured right shoulder. B, View of the injured shoulder demonstrating operation for the specific fracture
significant medial and/or lateral displacement. The dashed lines outline the pattern (Figure 10). For example, an
articular glenoid surface as well as the lateral scapular border, which is
anterior deltopectoral approach
malunited with severe deformity.
should be used to address glenoid
fossa fractures involving the anterior
tures, thereby making it difficult to symptoms is not well understood. and inferior glenoid. In general, it is
assess differential outcomes with or best to manage such injuries with
Few studies stratify outcomes by
without a concomitant clavicle frac- minifragment fixation with 2.0-mm
degree of displacement or deformity.
ture.43,45,47 screws and a plate used in a buttress
However, Bozkurt et al59 demon-
Currently, no evidence exists to mode.61
strated a strong positive correlation
suggest that fixation of the clavicle Wiedemann62 described a lateral
between a decreased glenopolar an-
fracture alone reduces the scapula approach through the midaxial re-
gle (GPA) (Figure 4) and Constant
and glenohumeral joint. Fixation of gion of the upper thorax just caudal
scores in 18 extra-articular scapula to the axilla for inferior glenoid frac-
both the clavicular and scapular frac- fractures that were managed nonsur-
tures does restore stability, thereby tures. This approach eases the pro-
gically (P < 0.05). Romero et al39 cess of hardware fixation along the
allowing for potentially faster reha-
demonstrated significantly poorer scapular neck. Another common
bilitation and a reduction in the
outcomes in patients who healed fracture pattern is the superior gle-
number and magnitude of symptoms
with a GPA <20° (P < 0.05). In a noid fracture, which extends into the
related to malunion. However, fixa-
small study, Kim et al60 demonstrated coracoid process and causes dis-
tion of either or both bones is indi-
statistically significant improvements placement of it. In this scenario, the
cated only when both are signifi-
in Constant score in patients with a deltopectoral approach should be ex-
cantly displaced. There appears to be
no role for surgical fixation of mini- GPA >30° compared with patients tended proximally to the clavicle to
mally or nondisplaced fractures of with a GPA <30° (P < 0.05). Not all allow access to the coracoid and
double lesions. scapular malunions are asymptom- coracoclavicular ligaments. Typi-
atic. Not all patients treated nonsur- cally, coracoid fractures can be fixed
Isolated Extra-articular gically do well, regardless whether with 2.7- or 3.5-mm screws; a one-
Fractures of the Scapular there are associated brachial plexus quarter tubular plate may be needed,
Neck or Body lesions (Figure 9). as well, depending where the fracture
Management of isolated fractures of In the most rigorous study to date extends in relation to the base.56
the scapular neck and body remains assessing function in surgically man- Fractures involving the neck and
controversial. In most cases, union is aged extra-articular fractures, Her- body of the scapula make up ap-
achieved with nonsurgical manage- rera et al35 recorded a mean Disabili- proximately 80% to 90% of surgi-
ment; the shoulder has tremendous ties of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand cal injury patterns.63,64 They are
capability for compensatory motion. score of 14 at 26-month follow-up, addressed through a posterior ap-
However, whether this compensation as well as symmetric motion and proach. A straight posterior ap-
leads to increased dysfunction or near-complete recovery of strength. proach overlying the glenohumeral

138 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Peter A. Cole, MD, et al

Figure 10

Algorithm demonstrating surgical approaches to scapular fracture as well as postoperative rehabilitation protocols.
AC = acromioclavicular, AROM = active range of motion, ORIF = open reduction and internal fixation, PROM = passive
range of motion

joint is warranted for fracture dis- address the fracture pattern. With is toward use of smaller plates (eg,
placement that is isolated to the pos- the Judet incision, either the infraspi- 2.7-mm rather than 3.5-mm) for fix-
terior glenoid, scapula neck, and/or natus muscle can be elevated along ation of the scapular neck and body
lateral border. However, a Judet inci- with the teres minor off the infraspi- through a posterior approach. Lock-
sion should be used if the surgeon natus fossa, or intermuscular inter- ing plates are advantageous given the
wishes to access multiple scapula vals can be developed to specific thin bone available for fixation, es-
borders, such as the acromial and access sites along the scapular perim- pecially along the vertebral border.
vertebral spines, in addition to the eter where fixation and reduction Locked plates are particularly help-
lateral border.16 The Judet incision can be obtained. Several posterior ful in circumstances in which there is
courses along the spine of the scap- approaches have been described for little per-screw purchase in bone, es-
ula, beginning at the acromion and accessing the posterior glenoid and pecially along the thin vertebral bor-
angling down along the vertebral the posterior scapular neck and der.
border as far distal as necessary to body.20-22,25,44,61,65 In general, the trend Postoperative care should proceed

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 139

Management of Scapular Fractures

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March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 141

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