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Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

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Conservative treatment of iliotibial band syndrome in runners: Are we

targeting the right goals?
Miriam C. Friede a, *, Gunnar Innerhofer b, Christian Fink c, d, Luis M. Alegre e, f,
Robert Csapo g
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy, Klagenfurt, Austria
University of Innsbruck, Department of Sport Science, Innsbruck, Austria
Gelenkpunkt Sports and Joint Surgery, Innsbruck, Austria
University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Research Unit for Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Injury Prevention, Hall, Austria
University of Castilla-La Mancha, GENUD Toledo Research Group, Toledo, Spain
CIBER of Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES), Madrid, Spain
University of Vienna, Department of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is presumably caused by excessive tension in the iliotibial band
Received 13 April 2021 (ITB) leading to compression and inflammation of tissues lying beneath it. Usually managed conserva-
Received in revised form tively, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the treatment recommendations, and high
23 December 2021
symptom recurrence rates cast doubt on their causal effectiveness. This review discusses the influence of
Accepted 23 December 2021
common physiotherapeutic measures on risk factors contributing to tissue compression beneath the ITB.
Methods: The potential pathogenic factors are presented on the basis of a simple biomechanical model
showing the forces acting on the lateral aspect of the knee. Existent literature on the most commonly
Iliotibial band syndrome
Biomechanical model
prescribed physiotherapeutic interventions is critically discussed against the background of this model.
Etiology Practical recommendations for the optimization of physiotherapy are derived.
Conservative treatment Results: According to biomechanical considerations, ITBS may be promoted by anatomical predisposi-
tion, joint malalignments, aberrant activation of inserting muscles as well as excessive ITB stiffness. Hip
abductor strengthening may correct excessive hip adduction but also increase ITB strain. Intermittent
stretching interventions are unlikely to change the ITB's length or mechanical properties. Running
retraining is a promising yet understudied intervention.
Conclusions: High-quality research directly testing different physiotherapeutic treatment approaches in
randomized controlled trials is needed.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Iliotibial band syndrome and vastus lateralis muscles insert into the ITB with some tendinous
components (Baker & Fredericson, 2016; Flato et al., 2017).
The iliotibial band (ITB) is a thickening of the fascia lata on the One common clinical condition affecting the ITB is the iliotibial
lateral thigh that spans out from the iliac crest to the proximal part band syndrome (ITBS), also known as runner's knee. ITBS is one of
of the tibia, and acts as important lateral stabilizer of the pelvis and the most common overuse injuries in runners that affects 12e16%
knee. It serves as common tendon for the gluteus maximus (GMax) of athletes (Baker & Fredericson, 2016; Benca et al., 2020; Fields,
and tensor fasciae latae (TFL) and transmits their contractile forces 2011) and often forces them to suspend their sports activity
to various insertions on the distal femur, patella, joint capsule of the temporarily or, in refractory cases, even permanently (Benca et al.,
knee, and tibia (Flato et al., 2017; Godin et al., 2017). In addition to 2020; Mulvad et al., 2018; Ramskov et al., 2018). Clinically, ITBS
GMax and TFL, also the gluteus medius (GMed), the biceps femoris mainly presents itself as sharp or burning pain in the region of the
lateral femoral epicondyle. Symptoms typically occur during
physical activity, after a reproducible time or distance of running.
* Corresponding author. University of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Physiotherapy St. The etiology of ITBS has been a subject of controversial debate.
Veiter Straße 47, 9020, Klagenfurt, Austria. Traditionally, friction between the ITB and the lateral femoral
E-mail address: (M.C. Friede).
1466-853X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

epicondyle was believed to be the reason for the irritation of the where RH and RV represent the horizontal and vertical compo-
tendon e an explanation that has received some empirical support nents of R. Geometrical considerations dictate that RH and RV are
by an imaging-based study showing anterior-posterior movement contingent upon a1 and a2 , i.e., the angles enclosed by the hori-
of the ITB relative to the lateral femoral epicondyle during knee zontal and the proximal and distal section of the ITB, respectively:
flexion and extension (Jelsing et al., 2013). A cadaveric study by
Fairclough and colleagues, by contrast, found the ITB to be firmly 2) RH ¼ F,cosða1 Þ þ FR ,cosða2 Þ; RV ¼ F,sinða1 Þ þ FR ,sinða2 Þ.
attached to the lateral femoral epicondyle by fibrous strands that
preclude shearing between the ITB and bone in the anterior-to- Since
posterior direction (Fairclough et al., 2006). The authors, there-

fore, proposed that excessive tension in the ITB might lead to RH > 0; a1 þ a2 < 180
3) ,
compression of underlying fat tissue or bursae, ultimately causing RH < 0; a1 þ a2 > 180
inflammation and pain (Ekman et al., 1994; Fairclough et al., 2006;
Muhle et al., 1999). Confirmatively, edema between the ITB and the the sum of a1 þ a2 determines whether RH acts to compress or
lateral femoral condyle are more typically seen than pathological relieve the fat pad positioned between the lateral femoral epi-
alterations of the ITB itself (Flato et al., 2017; Arend 2014). However, condyle and the ITB. The activity of the TFL undulates during the
direct and robust evidence in support of the compression hypoth- gait cycle, with peak activities recorded during the stance as well as
esis is missing. early- and mid-swing phase (Montgomery et al., 1994). Assuming
ITBS is usually managed conservatively through a combination that a1 þ a2 < 180 , the force compressing the fat pad beneath the
of rest, stretching and strength training as well as a modification of ITB may, therefore, be expected to fluctuate between the times of
the running technique e therapy options that have mostly been initial swing (iSw) and terminal stance (tSt), with the mean being
recommended based on expert opinions (Baker & Fredericson, given by
2016; McKay, Maffulli, Aicale, & Taunton, 2020; Mellinger &
Neurohr, 2019). The success of treatment is modest, with report-
edly only 44% of patients fully recovering during 8 weeks of therapy
(Beals and Flanigan, 2013). Symptoms often persist or recur despite
treatment (Beals & Flanigan, 2013; Friede, Klauser, Fink, & Csapo,
2020; Mulvad, Nielsen, Lind, & Ramskov, 2018). This unsatisfac-
tory outcome suggests that the most common treatment ap-
proaches are not sufficiently effective, but the prescription of better
interventions is complicated by the paucity of high-quality studies
evaluating their effectiveness (Balachandar, Hampton, Riaz, &
Woods, 2019; Ellis, Hing, & Reid, 2007; McKay, Maffulli, Aicale, &
Taunton, 2020; Mellinger & Neurohr, 2019). The few available
studies were uncontrolled and reported solely the patients' sub-
jective perception of pain and functional outcome measures (Beers,
Ryan, Kasubuchi, Fraser, & Taunton, 2008; Fredericson et al., 2000;
McKay, Maffulli, Aicale, & Taunton, 2020; Weckstro €m &
So€ derstro
€m, 2016; Zemadanis & Betsos, 2017). Based on this evi-
dence it is not possible to evaluate the treatments’ causal
Against this background, the goal of the present review was to
discuss the plausibility of the treatment strategies mainly recom-
mended for the management of ITBS, under the assumptions that
the compression hypothesis is correct and the syndrome is truly
related to excessive ITB tension. For this purpose, a simple biome-
chanical model will be used to illustrate the factors theoretically
contributing to the compression of tissues lying beneath the ITB.

2. Pathogenic factors

Considering the simplified knee model shown in Fig. 1, the ITB is

a distal continuation of the TFL and GMax muscles (GMax not
shown for simplicity). It is linked to the femur through the lateral
intermuscular septum and fibrous tissue strands, and finally at-
taches to the tibia at Gerdy's tubercle. A highly vascularized and
innervated fat pad just proximal to the lateral epicondyle separates
the ITB from bone (Fairclough et al., 2006). Muscular contraction of
TFL (and GMax) exerts a pulling force F , which acts to tauten the
! !
ITB. As per Newton's third law, F is resisted by Fr . At the lateral
epicondyle, which acts as a pulley, the contractile force F also in-
duces a resultant force R , the magnitude of which is given by Fig. 1. Biomechanical model of the knee. SIAS¼ Spina iliaca anterior superior, TFL ¼ M.
tensor fasciae latae, MTJ ¼ Muscle-tendon-junction, EL ¼ Epicondylus lateralis,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi GT ¼ Gerdy's tubercle, F ¼ force, R ¼ resultant force, RVert ¼ vertical force,
1) R ¼ RH 2 þ RV 2 , RHoriz ¼ horizontal force, a1 ¼ angle of proximal force, a2 ¼ angle of distal force.

M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

iSw Harrison, 2018; Lieberman, Raichlen, Pontzer, Bramble, &
4) RH ¼ RH ðtÞdt=ðtSt  iSwÞ. Cutright-Smith, 2006; Mann & Hagy, 1980; Mann, Moran, &
Dougherty, 1986; Montgomery, Pink, & Perry, 1994). Particularly
If the ITB was perfectly stiff, increases in contractile forces would the contractile forces generated by the TFL and GMax are critical for
be instantaneously translated into increased resultant forces R. As a the forces F acting along the ITB as well as the resultant forces R.
collagenous tissue, however, it is a viscoelastic material that Only two studies published to date have compared these muscles’
dampens the increases in force during contraction and dissipates activation patterns during running between patients suffering from
ITBS and healthy controls. Baker et al. (2018) found the TFL activity
stored elastic energy as heat during relaxation. Thus, RH will also be
during the deceleration phase of stance to be significantly greater in
influenced by the ITB's mechanical properties.
ITBS patients at the beginning of a treadmill-based run. However, a
Based on the above biomechanical considerations, it is possible
later conducted meta-analysis, classified the overall standardized
to contemplate factors potentially contributing to increased tissue
mean difference found in this study as minor and non-significant
compression at the lateral aspect of the knee. One non-modifiable
(Besomi et al., 2020). Another study by Brown et al. (2019)
factor is small pelvic width, which might contribute to increased
compared the timing of TFL and GMax activity onset during the
compressive forces by decreasing a1 and, thereby, the a1 þ a2 sum
terminal swing phase in both the fatigued and rested state and
of angles. In confirmation of this hypothesis, a recent study in
found no differences between ITBS patients and controls (Brown
college athletes found smaller distances between femoral heads,
et al., 2019). Thus, although both the timing and degree of muscle
greater trochanters and anterior superior iliac spines to be associ-
activity may influence the resultant forces R at the lateral knee,
ated with a smaller base of gait during running (Heiderscheit et al.,
there is no clear evidence to suggest that the activity of muscles
2020), which, in turn, has been suggested to favor the development
inserting into the ITB would be either excessive or mistimed in
of ITBS (Meardon et al., 2012). At the knee, more prominent lateral
patients suffering from ITBS.
femoral epicondyles would move the point of ITB deflection further
As indicated above, the compression of tissues lying beneath the
laterally, which would equally result in more acute a1 and a2 an-
ITB may also be influenced by its mechanical properties. Under the
gles. Support for this notion comes from a recent MRI-based study,
simplified assumption that the ITB acts as a spring placed in series
in which the height of lateral femoral epicondyles was compared
with the muscles inserting into it, its stiffness may be defined as the
between subjects suffering from ITBS and age-, gender- and height-
ITB elongation in relation to the (contractile) force acting on it.
matched controls, and found to be significantly greater in patients
Theoretically, a perfectly stiff ITB would be fully resilient to defor-
(Everhart et al., 2019). However, it should be noted that, in this
mation and transmit the contractile forces F directly to its bony
study, the difference between groups was only 0.9 mm, so the
insertions. Any fluctuations in F would cause instantaneous
biomechanical effect was likely small.
changes in the resultant force R and, thus, the compression of tis-
In addition to predisposing shapes of bones, joint malalign-
sues lying beneath the ITB. However, collagenous tissues exhibit
ments, such as excessive hip adduction (lowering a1 ) or varus
viscoelastic properties (Sopakayang and Vita, 2011), which implies
alignment of the knee (lowering a2 ), would equally be expected to
that they are not merely elastic (i.e., they may be deformed by
rotate the resultant force R in the lateromedial direction. Moreover,
distorting influences and resume their original shape during
joint malalignments may also affect the degree of ITB strain and
unloading) but also dissipate a part of the absorbed elastic energy
tensile stress. As an example, knee varus and internal rotation shift
during unloading in the form of heat (viscous properties). Hence,
Gerdy's tubercle in the medial direction, which increases ITB strain
viscoelastic tissues, such as the ITB and other tendons (Kubo et al.,
(Baker et al., 2018; Ferber et al., 2010; Hamill et al., 2008; Kim et al.,
2002) fulfill two important functional roles: Firstly, they rhythmi-
2020; Meardon et al., 2012; Stickley et al., 2018). Such tensioning
cally store and release elastic energy to economize cyclic move-
might limit the tendon's capacity to dampen force peaks by storing
ments. Using a modeling study, Eng and colleagues estimated that
elastic energy. Although studies providing robust mechanistic ex-
the total energy stored in the ITB was 7 J per stride during running
planations are missing, cross-sectional studies comparing the
at 5 m/s, which equates to roughly 14% of the energy stored in the
running kinematics indeed suggest that during the stance phase
Achilles tendon (Eng et al., 2015). Secondly, they act as shock ab-
the peak hip adduction and knee internal rotation are greater in
sorbers that protect tissues by dampening force peaks and lowering
runners with ITBS (or those who go on to developing the syn-
impulse (Konow and Roberts, 2015). An overly compliant ITB,
drome) as compared to healthy controls (Mousavi et al., 2019).
however, might be ineffective in laterally stabilizing the knee and
Consistent with these observations, several studies found hip
hip in the frontal plane (Gottschalk et al., 1989). Due to the inherent
abductor weakness to be associated with ITBS, although the notion
difficulties in measuring the mechanical properties of the ITB
is not undisputed (Mucha et al., 2017). Improper lower limb
in vivo, the optimal values of stiffness and hysteresis are unknown.
alignments at the ankle or foot, such as increased rearfoot eversion
Otsuka and colleagues recently published a study in which they
(Balachandar et al., 2019), might coincide with malalignments and
used the ultrasound-based shear wave elastography (SWE) method
increased stresses at the knee, although further research is required
to measure the propagation velocity of tissue perturbations
to confirm the role of ankle or foot malpositions in the etiology of
induced by sound beams as a proxy of ITB stiffness (Otsuka et al.,
ITBS (Ferber et al., 2010; Noehren et al., 2007; Sua rez Luginick et al.,
2020). They included twelve healthy males with no history of
knee pain and found that the ITB was stiffer at its distal sites, in
While the shape and alignment of lower limb bones influence
particular at the superior aspect of the patella. Moreover, the au-
the orientation of the resultant force R that acts on the lateral
thors reported that ITB stiffness increased with hip extension and
aspect of the knee, it is the activity of muscles inserting into the ITB
concomitant knee flexion, which may partly be explained by the
(GMax, TFL, GMed, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris) that determines
stretch this posture exerts on the irradiating vastus lateralis muscle.
its magnitude. All ITB-associated muscles are active during the
A recent study by our group used the same technique to test the
stance phase, with secondary peaks at different time points of the
hypothesis that, as compared to healthy controls, the ITB stiffness
gait cycle (the activity of the TFL precedes that of other muscles).
would be greater in runners with ITBS (Friede et al., 2020). Against
With increasing gait speed (jogging, running, sprinting), the dura-
expectations, no significant differences in ITB stiffness were found.
tion of the stance phase diminishes while muscle activity increases
Moreover, TFL stiffness was significantly lower in ITBS patients.
(Eng, Arnold, Lieberman, & Biewener, 2015; Howard, Conway, &
While the reasons for the decreased muscle stiffness are unclear, it
M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

Table 1
Factors potentially promoting iliotibial band syndrome.

Factor Assumed influence

Small pelvic width !

Medially rotating the orientation of R
Greater lateral femoral epicondyle prominence !
Medially rotating the orientation of R
Excessive hip adduction !
Medially rotating the orientation of R and ITB strain
Knee varus !
Medially rotating the orientation of R
Knee internal rotation !
Medially rotating the orientation of R
Increased or mistimed activity of TFL and/or GMax !
Increasing the magnitude of R through ITB strain
ITB stiffness !
Increasing the magnitude of R

may be speculated that in ITBS patients the neural drive to the TFL beneficial effects are most likely driven by neurophysiological
would be involuntarily reduced in an attempt to lower its resting mechanisms: On the one hand, the application of pressure acts to
tone and, thus, the compression of tissues beneath the ITB. stretch the tissue which stimulates Golgi tendon organs located at
Table 1 summarizes the factors theoretically promoting ITBS the myotendinous junction to provide afferent feedback to the
discussed in this section. It should be noted that kinematic factors spinal cord. This reduces motor unit firing rate and lowers muscle
as well as alterations in TFL activity in athletes suffering from ITBS 
tone (Beardsley and Skarabot, 2015; Huang et al., 2010; Chalmers,
are discussed controversially. 2004; Khan and Burne, 2009). On the other hand, the pressure
! applied during massage may act on mechanoreceptors like Ruffini
ITB is the iliotibial band. R is the vector of the resultant force R
that is induced by contraction of the muscles inserting into the ITB and Pacini corpuscles leading to a decrease of neural excitability
and has a horizontal component acting in the medio-lateral (Behm et al., 2013; Goldberg et al., 1992; Huang et al., 2010; Young
direction. et al., 2018). Similar effects have been documented for different
Most likely, the etiology of ITBS is defined by the interplay of massage techniques as well as for self-myofascial release through
multiple contributing factors that increase the compressive forces foam rolling or roller massage, respectively (Behm et al., 2013;

Huang et al., 2010; Beardsley & Skarabot, 2015; Behm & Wilke,
between the ITB and femur just proximal to the lateral epicondyle.
The following section discusses the effects of physiotherapeutic 2019).
interventions commonly prescribed for the treatment of ITBS on The reduction of the resting tone of muscles through massage
the above factors. would be expected to facilitate the relaxation of the respective
muscle-tendon units. The studies testing this hypothesis have
applied different techniques examining the stiffness of muscles
3. Plausibility of conservative treatment approaches through SWE or myotonometry, joint ranges of motion or torques
measured during passive joint rotation. The results of these in-
The first goal in the conservative management of ITBS is to vestigations are inconsistent. While some studies observed signif-
counter the acute inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Measures icant reductions in muscle or muscle-tendon unit stiffness
typically prescribed in this phase include non-steroidal anti-in- (Baumgart et al., 2019; Eriksson Crommert et al., 2015; Morales-
flammatory drugs (which may be administered locally or system- Artacho et al., 2017; Wilke et al., 2019), others failed to demon-
ically), the application of ice and rest and, in particular, the strate similar effects (Akazawa et al., 2016; Ikeda et al., 2019; Krause
avoidance of painful activities (Gunter and Schwellnus, 2004; et al., 2019). Irrespective of whether soft tissue techniques may
Schwellnus et al., 1991; McKay et al., 2020). Albeit a necessity, these provoke measurable muscle-tendon unit relaxation, it is important
interventions are not causally effective. As per the considerations to note that their effects are transient and most likely very short-
above, the compression of nociceptive tissues beneath the iliotibial term. As an example, Young and colleagues found roller-massage
tract must be relieved to ensure the long-term efficacy of treat- induced reductions in spinal excitability to abate within 3 min af-
ment. Towards this aim, soft tissue techniques, stretching, ter cessation of the intervention (Young et al., 2018). Hence, soft
strengthening of the hip muscles, and running retraining are most tissue techniques must be understood as a symptomatically effec-
commonly applied. tive first line of treatment that may reduce pain perception (Behm
and Wilke, 2019) and, thus, prepare patients for subsequent
3.1. Soft tissue techniques treatments.

The soft tissue techniques used in the early stage of ITBS (Baker
3.1.1. Practical recommendations
& Fredericson, 2016; Fredericson et al., 2000; Fredericson & Wolf,
2005; McKay, Maffulli, Aicale, & Taunton, 2020; Strauss, Kim,
 Soft tissue techniques should focus on hypertonic muscles
Calcei, & Park, 2011) may incorporate treatment modalities
adjacent to ITB
deployed by a therapist, such as Western massage, trigger point
 Soft tissue techniques are effective in reducing symptoms and
techniques or myofascial release as well as patient-conducted
can, therefore, be applied in acute phases
techniques like self-massage, sometimes assisted by the use of
special instruments (e.g., Graston Technique®, foam rolling). With
the intention to release myofascial restrictions and, thus, reduce ITB 3.2. Hip muscle strengthening
strain and symptoms, they are applied on the ITB itself as well as on
adjacent muscles like the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris or TFL Since some authors consider excessive hip adduction a risk
(Fredericson and Wolf, 2005). No studies performed to date have factor in the development of ITBS in runners (Bramah et al., 2018;
investigated the effects of isolated soft tissue mobilization on ITBS, Ferber et al., 2010; Noehren et al., 2007), strengthening of the hip
but evidence acquired in healthy cohorts suggests it may promote stabilizing muscles (especially the hip abductors) is usually rec-
increased flexibility as well as reduced muscle tone. These ommended as integral component of the treatment of the
M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

syndrome (Baker & Fredericson, 2016; McKay, Maffulli, Aicale, & these parameters may be assessed in vivo using a combination of
Taunton, 2020; Mellinger & Neurohr, 2019; Strauss, Kim, Calcei, & dynamometry and ultrasound imaging (Seynnes et al., 2015), the
Park, 2011; Weckstro €m & So € derstro
€m, 2016). Little interventional same technique is not readily applicable to the study of the ITB. For
research testing the effectiveness of strength training in runners this reason, we recently used SWE (a technique that estimates
with ITBS has been conducted, and the level of evidence of studies stiffness based on the propagation velocity of tissue perturbations
published to date is mostly low. Additionally, the therapies tested in induced by an ultrasound beam) and found that ITB stiffness at the
studies are usually multi-modal and consist of different treatment lateral knee was indeed significantly increased following a 6-week
measures like strength training and stretching, which renders the period of physical therapy (Friede et al., 2020). Although the
evaluation of single measures very complicated. One recent ran- intervention was multi-modal, the exercises performed to
domized controlled trial compared the effects of conventional ITBS strengthen the hip abductor muscles may safely be assumed to
rehabilitation to physiotherapy emphasizing strength training and have been the driving force underlying the observed increases in
another group performing isolated stretching (McKay et al., 2020). ITB stiffness. As per the reasons given in section Pathogenic factors,
The results of this study suggest that neither of the interventions an increase in stiffness not only limits a tendon's capacity to
tested was significantly superior to the others. rhythmically store and release elastic energy, but also lowers its
The rationale for strengthening the hip abductor muscles is capacity to act as shock absorber that dampens force peaks. Hence,
based on Janda's classification of muscle imbalance (Janda, 1983) the risk of irritations of tissues lying beneath the ITB might actually
according to which GMed weakness may trigger a compensatory increase as a consequence of tendon stiffening.
increase in TFL activity, which results in greater tensile forces acting In conclusion, measures to strengthen the hip abductor muscles
on the ITB. Exercises like pelvic drop or one-legged squats are are typically incorporated into ITBS rehabilitation routines with the
recommended in the rehabilitation of ITBS to correct the alleged aim to correct assumed muscular imbalances that are characterized
muscular imbalance. However, recently performed studies by GMed weakness and a compensatory, excessive activation of the
measuring the muscle activities in patients suffering from ITBS TFL. At present, it is unclear whether these measures are indicated
during running found no evidence of abnormal TFL activation since no robust body evidence to demonstrate abnormal TFL acti-
patterns, although the changes in the electromyography power vation in ITBS patients exists. Moreover, it is questionable whether
spectrum observed during a prolonged run pointed to a reduced increased hip abductor strength alone would truly correct
fatigue resistance of the GMed muscle (Baker et al., 2018; Brown abnormal running mechanics (i.e., pelvic drop). Hip abductor
et al., 2019). The heavy and slow strengthening exercises typically strengthening measures may also have undesired side effects,
performed might be unsuitable to correct potential deficits in including inadvertent strengthening of TFL and GMax as well as ITB
gluteus medius fatigue resistance (incorporation of measures to stiffening. While adequate hip abductor strength is a prerequisite
improve muscular endurance would appear more appropriate). It is for hip stabilization during running, measures aiming to increase
also questionable whether gains in the maximum strength of the maximum strength are neither fully supported by current scientific
hip abductor muscles would help prevent pelvic drop in dynamic evidence nor by biomechanical considerations.
and complex activities like running. In fact, a study by Willy and
Davis (Willy and Davis, 2011) found a 6-week hip-strengthening 3.2.1. Practical recommendations
training program not to affect hip or knee mechanics during
running, suggesting that abnormal running mechanics may not be  Hip muscle exercises should focus on neuromuscular control
corrected by strengthening measures alone. Moreover, it should be and strength endurance rather than maximum strength
noted that it is not possible to target the GMed in isolation and that  To prevent undesired side effects, strength training should be
hip abductor strength training will also affect the TFL and GMax followed by measures to reduce muscle tone
(Selkowitz et al., 2013). While their activation patterns during
running yet need to be more thoroughly studied in patients 3.3. Stretching
suffering from ITBS (see section Pathogenic factors), stronger TFL
and GMax muscles have the potential to exert greater forces on the Another crucial component of the conservative treatment of
ITB. With the above biomechanical considerations in mind (see ITBS is stretching. Already recommended in the early stages of
Fig. 1), it is, therefore, necessary to weigh the benefits of improved rehabilitation, stretching aims to relieve the tension in the ITB and
pelvic stabilization against the potential cost of increased resultant decrease the compressive forces acting on underlying tissues.
! Commonly applied stretching interventions consist of static ITB
forces R compressing soft tissues beneath the ITB.
Another point to consider when discussing the usefulness of stretches through trunk side bends and thigh adductions which are
strength training in the context of ITBS rehabilitation is its effect on held for approximately 30 s and typically repeated 3 times
tendon mechanical properties. Training-induced gains in muscle (Fredericson et al., 2002). A large number of interventional studies
strength are typically accompanied by an increase in the stiffness of have demonstrated that stretching performed for as little as 3e8
their in-series tendons (Bohm et al., 2015; Maganaris et al., 2017; weeks (short-term stretching) may significantly improve the range
Svensson et al., 2016; Wiesinger et al., 2015). Initially, this me- of motion in various joints (Freitas et al., 2018; Lempke, Wilkinson,
chanical strengthening is mostly driven by changes in the tendons' Murray, & Stanek, 2018; Medeiros & Martini, 2018). Theoretically,
intrinsic material properties, which are mostly related to collagen the observed gains in flexibility might be caused by lengthening or
density, composition and cross-linking (Couppe  et al., 2009; improved relaxation of stretched muscles, lengthening or a
Samiric et al., 2009; Thorpe & Screen, 2016), and reflected by decrease in the stiffness of their in-series tendons as well as
Young's modulus. Although the notion is not undisputed (Massey neurophysiological adaptations leading to desensitization and
et al., 2018), chronic training is generally assumed to later result improved stretch tolerance (Blazevich, 2019; Freitas et al., 2018;
in tendon hypertrophy, which would help to lower the increased Medeiros & Martini, 2018). Although not undisputed, several
tendon stresses caused by greater muscular forces (Wiesinger et al., studies indicate acute changes in muscle stiffness and tone
2015). The examination of stiffness requires the concomitant following static stretching of the plantarflexor and hamstring
measurement of tendon forces and resultant elongation. While in muscles (Fowles, Sale, & MacDougall, 2000; Herda, Cramer, Ryan,
some lower limb tendons, such as the Achilles and patellar tendon, McHugh, & Stout, 2008; Kay & Blazevich, 2009; Magnusson et al.,
1996; Morse, Degens, Seynnes, Maganaris, & Jones, 2008).
M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

Significant reductions in stiffness and neuromuscular activity research on the effects of running retraining in patients suffering
(measured by EMG), observed immediately after stretching, would from ITBS is scarce, with only two single-case reports published to
be beneficial in ITB muscle-tendon unit relaxation. This, in turn, date (Allen, 2014; Hunter et al., 2014). Both of these studies re-
! ported significant improvements in pain and function, but larger-
would relieve the compressive force R acting on soft tissues
beneath the ITB (see Fig. 1). However, effects have been shown to be scale controlled trials are needed to test whether treatment
transient and abate within 30 min (Fowles, Sale, & MacDougall, regimen focusing on running retraining indeed yield superior
2000; Kay & Blazevich, 2009).With regards to the ITB, no studies outcomes.
investigating the potential structural adaptations induced by short-
term stretching interventions (3e8 weeks) exist. Evidence obtained 3.4.1. Practical recommendations
in other lower limb muscle-tendon units suggests that stretching,
irrespective of the technique used, does not induce lasting signifi-  Running retraining should be based on the individual assess-
cant changes in tendon mechanical properties and only very minor ment of running mechanics
reductions in muscle stiffness. Gains in passive ranges of motion  Real-time feedback should mostly be given in the early phases of
are, therefore, mostly attributed to increased stretch tolerance rehabilitation to correct aberrant movement patterns, but then
(Blazevich, 2019; Freitas et al., 2018; Medeiros & Martini, 2018). be gradually reduced through the course of treatment
Although the mechanisms underlying the changes in the percep-
tion of stretch-related stress are not clearly understood, altered
nociceptor signaling may have a role. In addition, reports of non- 4. Conclusion
local stretching effects (Behm et al., 2021) suggest adaptations in
the central processing of afferent feedback. Based on the assumptions that the compression hypothesis is
While the responses to stretching may differ in dependency of correct and ITBS is related to excessive ITB tension, the compression
the muscle group examined (Guissard & Duchateau, 2004; of tissues lying beneath the ITB may be promoted by anatomical
Nakamura, Ikezoe, Takeno, & Ichihashi, 2012) and the effects on predisposition (small pelvic width, prominent lateral femoral epi-
the ITB and associated muscles yet need to be directly tested, it condyles), joint malalignments (excessive hip adduction, knee
appears unlikely that intermittent interventions as performed varus or internal rotation), excessive or mistimed activity of mus-
during rehabilitation may cause biomechanically effective elonga- cles inserting into the ITB or increased ITB stiffness. Conservative
tions and/or relaxations of tissues and, thus, significant reductions treatment approaches typically include hip abductor strengthening
of compressive forces at the lateral femoral epicondyle. exercises, which may have undesired side effects, including inad-
vertent strengthening of TFL or ITB stiffening. Based on current
evidence, it is also unclear to what extent increased hip abduction
3.3.1. Practical recommendations
strength would benefit pelvic stabilization during running. Against
this background, we propose that (i) hip strengthening exercises
 Static ITB stretches should be performed for a total of at least
should be tailored to improve muscular endurance rather than
3 min (e.g. 3  1 min stretching) to reduce muscle tone,
build maximum strength, and (ii) be accompanied by measures to
particularly after hip and thigh muscle strengthening measures
improve running technique. ITB stretching, representing another
 Lasting effects may only be expected when stretching exercises
integral component of physiotherapeutic treatment, is performed
are incorporated into training routines and repeated on a reg-
to reduce the tension in the ITB and associated muscles. However,
ular basis
evidence obtained in other muscle-tendon units challenges the
notion that intermittent physiotherapy would have a significant
3.4. Running retraining effect on tissue length or stiffness. Thus, lasting effects may only be
expected when stretching routines are incorporated into training
Joint malalignments or altered lower limb kinematics during routines and performed on a regular basis. High-quality research
running are expected to be factors promoting the development of directly investigating the causal effectiveness of conservative ITBS
various injuries including ITBS (Bramah et al., 2018; Barton et al., treatment measures in randomized controlled trials is urgently
2016; Mousavi et al., 2019). Evidence from cross-sectional studies needed.
comparing the running kinematics between athletes with ITBS and
healthy controls suggests that (particularly female) patients feature
altered lower limb mechanics characterized by increased peak hip Ethical statement
adduction as well as greater hip and knee internal rotation (Ferber,
Noehren, Hamill, & Davis, 2010; Hamstra-Wright et al., 2020; Ethical Approval was not required.
Noehren, Schmitz, Hempel, Westlake, & Black, 2014). Although it is
unclear whether these patterns are causative for or rather a result Funding
of ITBS, they may aggravate the syndrome by increasing ITB strain.
This is because the alignment and kinematics of the lower ex- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
tremity influence the orientation of R e the vectorial component of agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
the contractile force generated by the muscles inserting into the ITB
that acts to compress tissues lying beneath the ITB (see Fig. 1 and
Declaration of competing interest
Table 1). As mentioned above, hip muscle strengthening is typically
recommended to address the altered lower limb kinematics but the
Declaration of interest: none
efficacy of this measure, when performed in isolation, in correcting
abnormal running patterns is questionable (Willy and Davis, 2011).
Running retraining, by contrast, might have the potential to effec- Acknowledgements
tively improve running mechanics which explains why it is rec-
ommended by leading authorities in the field of ITBS rehabilitation We thank Ryan Hoyme for his picture of the skeleton and Bojan
(Baker & Fredericson, 2016; Barton et al., 2016). Yet, scientific Makivic for his support with the preparation of the graph.
M.C. Friede, G. Innerhofer, C. Fink et al. Physical Therapy in Sport 54 (2022) 44e52

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