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“Triumph of the will ” it is a documentary film by leni riefenstshl And it is
commissioned by the Nazi party of Germany in 1935.
The theme of the film is to show the return of the Germany as a great power
with Hitler as its leader.this movie became a major example of film used as
propaganda,it is recognised as one of the greatest propaganda film in
After winning election, the national socialist party of Germany held a
Congress in 1934, a demonstration of force that is filmed in“to show the
world the triumph of the will of German people”from the opening when the
leader literally arrives from heaven and healthy, disciplined and pure
Arian party members gather in Nuremberg the documentary goes from
particular to general with clever manipulation through marches ,speeches
and banner turning masses to celebrate the triumph of their will into a
perfect piece of magnificent structure that is reduced to power of the party.
The philosophical concept called will to power which suggest power as the
motivating force behind all the human activities & actually restrain the
will of great individual and prevent them from being able to develop to
fullest extent of their capabilities.In this film it is shown how Nazi party
used this concept to suggest people that they needed to free themselves of
the societal agent of control that had limited development of the Germany
at a certain extent.
Triumph of the will can be a perfect example of the the craft and mocked,
craft means forcing your will onto another in order to achieve your outcome
while mocked which also means power but it also carry the connotation of the
overcoming the restrictions & restrains with in oneself .Adolf Hitler somehow
managed to get believed people that his will is their will, gain the trust of
people of Germany .
In movie Hitler is presented as the singularly unifying leader which is the
solution to all the problem of the Germany if only if they invest everything into
this one dominating leader with absolute total control of nation.this unifying
idea makes all the various and diverse German people from north to
south ,old people,young people, men ,women children all unified together.
Movie also shown that nazi party emphasizes process to report the truth but
the truth means what party officially designated as the truth. How press
became the organ of the party.
It show how a person can became emerging leader to unite a country people
under a single roof for a common purpose. It has a lot of political idea to how
to get the control over the will or emotion of the people & manipulate them to
support for leader’s personal ideology which leader can impose on the
At the last but not least this movie plot to have the power to make long term
deep impact on the view mind. It can be movie you can watch to see how a
leader makes deep emotional and physiological impact on their follower

Sandeep kumar
Roll no- 2022/17/011
Physical science with chemistry
Sec – political leadership& communication

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