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my impression of the event is that if

you want to be on the poles of the

industry and if you want to understand

what are the challenges that lie ahead

then you should be here I guess it's a

number of things what I do look most of

the event its first of all the

organization which is impeccable

absolutely perfect you can network a lot

you meet really decision-makers here so

this makes a huge difference to other

comparable conferences that you see

there in the international markets my

impression of the event is that it's

fantastic collect to collect so many

skilled and interested in curious people

in in such an setting which you can

always already see from the first two

three hours that it's a lot of energy in

the room and think it's also very great

initiative by escape to come back to

this event year by year I think people

are longing for that actually to meet

colleagues in this setting my

impressions are positive about the SKF

conference it's my first time on this

conference and I was really surprised by

how open people are to share the

experience and the knowledge think what

I most like about this this event is

that there are so many different

participants we have OEM s we have third

party service providers we have supply

suddenly suppliers or spare parts and

its really really good to sit with them

in one room on one table and discuss the

challenges of it of our industry well my

impression to this event was really

international and he got has

collaborated all the leading companies

and the engineers and the sales people

and finance people to this big event and

we can listen to different people still

different point of view that was really

great my impression of this event

especially this year I think it has

changed a little from from last year

where we have those sessions in between

all the talks in there I think that's

very good because very often it could be

too much information in one in one day

so so to have those paws in in between

there it's very good you know my

impression of the event is that I think

it's a great collection of people from

around the world I'd say largely from

your up some of the best brains or

operating in the wind industry not just

for the O&M part but people who

understand the turbine technology people

who understand all of the things that go

into projects so i think it's it's

bringing all of these people together

and the best practice is that all of

them have to share I also find that

people are more willing and open to

share in a common podium like this I

think it's a fantastic thing that

escapes organized so that level of

sharing of knowledge is extremely

incredible especially for me coming from

India to really think about how do we

actually managed through the growth that

Europe saw in the last so many years

that we are about to see in that country

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