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Department of Mathematics

MAL 180: Discrete Mathematical Structures

Problems on Graph Theory

1. Prove or disprove: If u and v are the only vertices of odd degree in a graph G, then G contains
a u − v path.

2. Prove or disprove: The complement of a disconnected graph must be connected.

3. Among all graphs with n vertices and k components, determine the maximum and minimum
number of edges.

4. Prove that a graph with more than six vertices of odd degree cannot be decomposed into three

5. Let G be the graph whose vertex set is the set of k-tuples with coordinates in {0, 1}, with x
adjacent to y when x and y differ in exactly one position. Determine whether G is bipartite.

6. Prove that removing opposite corner squares from an 8 × 8 checkerboard leavs a subboard that
cannot be partitioned tno 1 × 2 and 2 × 1 rectangles. Using the same argument, make a general
statement about all bipartite graphs.

7. Prove that every set of six people contain three mutual acquaintances or three mutual strangers.

8. Prove that a self-complimentary graph with n vertices exists if and only if 4 | n or 4 | (n − 1).

9. Let n, r be positive integers, with r ∈ {1, . . . , n − 1} and nr even. For each ordered pair (n, r),
construct a r-regular graph of order n.

10. If r > 0, then prove that an r-regular bipartite graph has the same number of vertices in each
partite set.

11. Let G be a cubic graph.

(a) Prove that G has no decomposition into paths that each have at least 5 vertices.
(b) Prove that G decomposes into graphs each of which is isomorphic to K1,3 if and only if G
is bipartite.

12. (a) Let G be a graph with V (G) = {v1 , . . . , vn }, n ≥ 3. Prove that

e(G − vi ) e(G − vi )
e(G) = , dG (vj ) = − e(G − vj ).
n−2 n−2

(b) Recall the Reconstruction Conjecture. Show that n(G), e(G), the degree sequence
of G, and regular graphs can all be reconstructed.

13. If u ↔ v in a graph G, prove that uv belongs to at least d(u) + d(v) − n(G) triangles in G.

14. Let G be a connected graph. The eccentricity of the vertex x ∈ V (G) is given by

(x) := max d(x, v) : v ∈ V (G) .

The radius and diameter of G are given by

rad G := min (x) : x ∈ V (G) , diam G := max (x) : x ∈ V (G) .

The center of a graph G is the subgraph induced by the vertices of minimum eccentricity.

(a) Prove that the distance function d : V (G) × V (G) → N ∪ {0} satisfies the triangle
inequality: d(u, v) ≤ d(u, w) + d(w, v) for all u, v, w ∈ V (G).
(b) Use part (a) to prove that diam G ≤ 2 rad G for every graph G.
(c) For all r, d ∈ N satisfying r ≤ d ≤ 2r, construct a graph with radius r and diameter d.
(d) If G is a graph with diam G ≥ 3, then diam G ≤ 3. What can you say about the diameter
of a self-complimentary graph?
(e) If G is a graph with rad G ≥ 3, then rad G ≤ 2. What can you say about the radius of a
self-complimentary graph?
(f) Prove that the center of a tree is either a K1 or a K2 .
(g) Prove that the center of a tree T is a K1 if and only if diam T = 2 rad T .

15. Let G be a connected graph with n vertices. Prove that G has exactly one cycle if and only if
G has exactly n edges.
16. Prove that every graph with diameter d has an independent set with at least 2 vertices.

17. Which of the following are graphic sequences? Provide a construction or a proof of impossibility
for each.

(i) (52 , 4, 3, 23 , 1); (ii) (52 , 42 , 22 , 12 ); (iii) (53 , 3, 22 , 12 ); (iv) (53 , 4, 2, 13 ).

18. Let d1 , . . . , dn be the degree sequence of a graph arranged in nonincreasing order. Prove that
X n
di ≤ k(k − 1) + min{k, di } for 1 ≤ k ≤ n.
i=1 i=k+1

19. Let T be a tree in which every vertex has degree 1 or degree k. Determine the possible values
of n(T ).

20. Let d1 , . . . , dn be positive integers, with n ≥ 2. Prove that there exists a tree with vertex degree
d1 , . . . , dn if and only if d1 + · · · + dn = 2n − 2.

21. Prove that every tree is bipartite, and that every tree has a leaf in its larger partite set (in
both if they have equal size).

22. Prove or disprove: If a graph G with diameter 2 has a cut-vertex, then its complement has an
isolated vertex.

23. For n ≥ 4, prove that the minimum number of edges in an n-vertex graph with diameter 2 and
maximum degree n − 2 is 2n − 4.

k (k−1)d −1
24. Let G be a graph with diameter d and maximum degree k. Prove that n(G) ≤ 1 + k−2 .

25. Use the Matrix Tree theorem to prove Cayley’s theorem.

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