I Am My Own Grandpa

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By Jeffrey D. Dean Sr.

Sep 22 2011
Yes it's true. I am my own Grandpa and by using only a few basic Christian
arguments concerning the Deity of Christ, and coupling that with some basic
logic it is easily proved combining their logic with some well known scriptures. (It
should also be noted that I am, by that very same reason and logic "God
Incarnate" and the "Creator of the Universe").

Trinitarian Principle #1:


This has been a Oneness, or Modalist principle for years based on the fact that
Jesus said "I and the Father are One" (John 10:30). While Trinitarian Christians
believe that Jesus and God are one "in essence" only and are two separate
people, Oneness Pentecostals (the modalists) disagree and teach there is only
ONE PERSON of God who changes "modes." So, to them Jesus is the same
person as God. Yet, both modalists and trinitarians alike quote Isaiah 9:6 as
proof that Jesus is God Incarnate:

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be
upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.

So, while Trinitarians say that Jesus and God are not the same PERSON, they
teach clearly through Isaiah 9:6 that Jesus, the Son IS the Father. It's a
contradiction, for sure, but it is what they teach.

So, we are proceeding on the Christian premise that BOTH Modalists and
Trinitarians agree that Jesus IS THE FATHER.

We will now discover how, that if Jesus IS the Father (according to Isaiah 9:6) he
is therefore his own father and his own grandfather.


Christians all agree that Jesus' biological father is God. This belief is slightly
different between trinitarians and modalists. The gospels state that Jesus is a
child "of the Holy Ghost." Under trinitarianism, therefore, Jesus' biological father
is not "God the Father" but "God the Holy Spirit." (Remember, they are separate
persons under trinity teaching). So, under trinitarianism, when Jesus spoke of
his biological father, he was speaking of "God the Holy Ghost" and NOT "God the

However, under modalism, God the Holy Ghost and God the Father are the

Since all 3 are "one" under both trinitarianism and modalism, then it can be said
that Jesus is his own biological father. (Especially under modalism) for they
believe without dispute that Jesus and the Father are ONE IN THE SAME
PERSON. In fact both trinitarians and modalists quote Christ as saying "I and
the Father are one," and offer this up as proof that Jesus is God Incarnate, God
come from heaven.

This would mean that, whether under trinity or modalism (but especiallly under
modalism) Jesus is his own father.

This same father is also "father of us all" (Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 4:6) which
MUST therefore include Mary, Jesus' mother. Jesus' father therefore was ALSO
Jesus' Grandpa (the father of Mary, Jesus' mother). Since Jesus and his Father
are ONE IN THE SAME, we have the inescapable conclusion that Jesus is his
own Grandfather as well as his own Father.

This is why I say that, even though trinitarians teach that Jesus and God are
NOT the same person, it doesn't matter, because trinity says that Mary is "the
mother of God" (traditional trinitarians literally call her this title). Mary is "the
mother of God" because she gave birth to Jesus and Jesus is God. Logically
speaking therefore Mary, being the mother of God, is ABOVE God by God's own
laws, being that God said "honor your father and your mother." (There is by
course the implication within this "honor" requirement obedience). It is well
accepted that this commandment includes obedience. Mary, therefore, being
God's mother, therefore can expect full obedience and honor from God by his
OWN LAWS. God, therefore must obey Mary and do as she asks.

We've already established that, by Christian logic, Jesus is the father, he's also
the father of Mary (his mother) which makes him his own Grandfather as well.
By God's laws, therefore (honor your father and mother) Jesus is ABOVE Mary,
being that he is Mary's Father and she must honor him. Jesus, being his own
Grandfather is therefore entitled by God's own commandment to receive
obedience from the Father as well, being that he is his own Grandfather therefore
his Father is SUBJECT to him. Therefore, while Jesus is required by God's law
to obey his mother and his father, because he IS his own father and also Mary's
father, he is also entitled to be obeyed by both Mary and God the father (which is
Himself), but because Mary is his MOTHER he is required at the same time to
obey Mary. Since Jesus is God Himself (and Mary is the mother of God) we can
say that God is subject to Mary, to obey her.


According to ONENESS (Modalism) Jesus is the same person as God the

Father, because he said he is "one with the Father." Under Trinitarianism,
however, they are separate persons but are one in "essence" (substance).

If Jesus being "one" with the Father means he and the Father are ONE IN THE
SAME PERSON, (as Oneness teaches) therefore WE and the Father are ALSO
one in the same person, for Jesus said that we and the father are ONE in the
same way HE and the father are one.

If Jesus and the Father being "one" means they are "the same essence"
(according to trinity) and we are "one with the Father even as Jesus is one with
the Father, then we are all "the same essence" or substance as Jesus. We are
all GOD. (Being of the same essence as the Father, which is the God essence).
This means we are all God Incarnate.

(John 17:21). John bore this out further in (1 John 4:13) saying that we are
ONE with the Father openly.

Paul told the Corinthians in 15:28 that God shall be "all in all."

If Jesus being one with the father makes himself literally the same person as the
father, (or the same essence according to trinity) then logic dictates the same has
to be true for us, we are either the same PERSON of God, or we are all the same
essence and are just as much God as Jesus was.

This bears repeating, since we are "one" with the Father (even as he, Christ is
one) and if being one with the father means you are the same person AS the
Father, (or the same essence) we are our own God, and our own Grandpa as

Furthermore, being that we are God essence, or God the Father, Jesus is OUR
son, and by God's law Jesus is subject to us! (Honor and obey your parents).

Jesus called us "brothers" (Mark 3:35, Matthew 12:48-49,Matthew 23:8,

Matthew 25:40), therefore this is the evidence that we are also sons of God.

One of the few things that modalists and trinitarians agree upon is that being the
"Son of God" means that Jesus is God Incarnate.

Traditional Christianity has long held that being a son of God makes you God
(and has indeed put people to death for saying otherwise, historically). We,
being sons of God, and brothers of Jesus, are also,therefore Jesus' uncle. That
is because, if we are Jesus' brothers and Jesus is the Father of Mary, therefore
we are Mary's uncle (being that we are brothers to Mary's father). Since The
Father (who is Jesus according to the Isaiah 9:6) is also OUR Father, that makes
us Mary's brother as well as Mary's Uncle (brothers of Mary's Father), which
means we are not just Jesus' brothers we are his uncle (his Mother's brothers)
and his mother's uncle as well.

So to summarize so far, we are "one with the Father" (according to Jesus) and
according to trinitarians this statement makes us one in the same as the Father
(both in person according to Isaiah 9:6 and in essence according to trinity). Thus
we are Jesus' father, he is OUR Father, and we are our OWN father, but not only
that he is father to Mary, making him his own Grandpa and since we are also
"one" with the Father we too are also our own Grandpa, our own uncle, our own
brother, our own father.

Being that we are "one" with the Father and this makes us the Father (Isaiah
9:6), Jesus, being our Son is SUBJECT to us by his own words for he said
"without the Father I can do nothing."


"He who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9). Trinitarians and
modalists alike have long taught that Jesus was plainly stating that he is God (the
Father according to Isaiah 9:6) here. They have established a principle whereby
if I say "he who has seen me has seen Jesus" I am making myself the SAME
PERSON as Jesus. Yet that is EXACTLY what Jesus said about me (that he who
has seen the least of his brothers has seen him). See the Sheep and the Goats
parable Matthew 25:40 "when you did it not to the least of my brethren you did it
not unto me."

So if he who has seen me has seen Jesus, and he who has seen Jesus has
seen the Father, then he who has seen me has seen the Father! I am my own
Father, and because Marty is the mother of God and God is the Father, then
Mary is our mother and our daughter, and we are not only our own father (being
brothers of Jesus) we are also the father of Jesus and therefore we are our own
grandfather as well.


If "he who as seen me has seen the Father" proves that Jesus is the Father, as
Trinitarians assert, therefore we must be Jesus. I say this because Jesus stated
that "he who has seen the least of his brothers has seen him." By logic if "he
who has seen me has seen the Father" makes one The Father, then "he who has
seen Jesus' brother has seen Jesus" must by pure logic mean that Jesus' brother
IS one in the same person with Jesus.

Since I am Jesus' brother according to Jesus' own testimony, he who has seen
me has seen Jesus. I am Jesus by Christian logic. Furthermore since Jesus is
God, by pure Christian logic therefore, being Jesus, I am also God! Being that
God the Father was Mary's Father and I am Mary's son I, like Jesus, am my own

Jesus is the LIVING WORD OF GOD made in fleshly form.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was
God." (John 1:1)

Trinitarian logic dictates that because Jesus is "the word made flesh" (John 1:14)
he is therefore also God.

Trinitarians also state that the Bible is God's word. By the above logic, the Bible
being the "word" of God is also God. Pure logic dictates that if the Bible is "God's
Word" and being God's Word makes you God (the Word was God) then the Bible
is God too and I am the Bible. (Because I am "one with the Father" even as
Christ is ONE and John 1:1 says "the Word was God.") The Word is God, the
Bible is the Word, and I am ONE with God, therefore I am God and I am the

Yet, it gets better than this.


The Bible is made up almost entirely of "epistles" letters from prophets and
apostles. The Bible itself says that we who have the Spirit (also the Word of
God) in us are now "living epistles." (2 Corinthians 3:2). Furthermore the Word
of God is written in our hearts and in our minds and LIVES IN US (according to
the New Covenant, Hebrews 8:10-11). We therefore are also God for we are
"living epistles" according to the apostle. We become "the Word made flesh" to
everyone to whom we bring the Word of God. This most assuredly makes us
"the living word of God made flesh" even as Jesus was, in which case, by
Christian logic makes us God Incarnate.

Jesus is the LIGHT. This, according to Trinitarians, makes him God.

"I am the light of the world." (John 8:12)


Jesus stated that WE also are the light of the world! (Matthew 5:14-16). Thus, if
being "the light" to the world makes Jesus God (by Christian logic) it also,
therefore makes US God by the very same reasoning.


There are simply so many scriptures that say we are "one with Christ," and that
we have "the mind of Christ" that it surprises me how it escapes the Christian
that we are ALSO GOD by their logic. They clearly teach that Christ is God and if
we are ONE with Christ we are one with God. The logic is escapable. If being
one with God makes you God IN PERSON (according to modalism) or God in
essence (according to trinity) there is no other conclusion to draw, using the
Christian logic other than that we too are God Incarnate, we are the same person
as God (modalism) or we at the very least are in essence God.

God, the Father, conceived with his own daughter (Mary) and they had a son
(Jesus). Since Jesus IS also the same person as the Father (Isaiah 9:6) or at
least in essence the Father, Jesus concieved with his own Mother (who was
technically also his daughter) and gave birth to himself. Because Jesus was not
the legal nor legitimate son of Joseph he is NOT heir to the throne of David and
by all laws is not entitled to be called Messiah (being that he is not legally or
biologically the offspring of Joseph being that Jesus IS his own father NOT
Joseph). Keep in mind when Christians say Jesus is THE FATHER (Isaiah 9:6)
they are making him BIOLOGICALLY his own father since they also teach that
God the Father (or God the Holy Spirit) put his seed into Mary and Jesus was
born as a result. This LITERALLY makes Jesus his own BIOLOGICAL father
according to Christian teaching in which case he's NOT Joseph's biological son
and not heir to the throne of David.

Finally, by all of the logic and reason of the Christians, the same statements that
apply to Jesus also apply to me. He who has seen me (the least of Jesus'
brothers) has seen Jesus. Since he who has seen Jesus has seen the Father,
anyone who has seen me has also seen the Father. Since this makes me ONE
in the same person as the Father (by Trinitarian logic) I am the Father of Jesus,
the Father of Mary (who is the Mother of God) and I am my own Grandpa.

Jeffrey D. Dean, Sr.

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