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ALL STEEL G-SERIES PRESSURE BESTONERS Model G-4 Model G-2 and can be installed almost anywhere ! Each Forsberg G-Series Destoner features an all steel compact design with an en- closed drive system providing ease of in- | | stallation and a greater safety margin. > All metal design — allows easy cleaning D roti D> Minimum mointenence Bushings ationless — finely counter- D> Fast — removes all heavy foreign material D> rosy to adjust — simple controls D> durability — no shortcuts in construction FORSBERG’S G-Series Pressure Type DESTONER The basic principle of the Destoner—or stoner the lighter material in the upper stroto—os it —involves flowing dry granular material over flows down the inclined, vibrating deck. “Heo- ‘on inclined, vibrating, screen covered deck. Air _vier-than-product”” material such as stones, gloss, from a pressure fan located in the body of the metal, etc. travel uphill and out. The Fors: machine is forced up through the deck and berg G-Series Destoners ore remarkably through the bed of moteriol. This steady air fost and thorough in heavy foreign materiol re- flow holds the product in stratified flotation— moval. Model G-4 PORSBERE FORSBERGS INC WUC e hm eh LD | Telephone: (218) 681-1927 Capacity 3,000 Ibs. 15,000 Ibs. 18,000 Ibs. up to per hr. per hr. per hr. 510.7% 10 t0 15, Horsepower Pine [ee | a a a a 1 pe fit a NOTE: Copocities shown are only a guideline ond may vary greatly according to product. For a completely FREE PRODUCT TEST DUST-FREE . - - will be run on your product at our OPERATION research and testing facility. Your only look to the Forsberg totally en cost is freight. Better yet, arrange to closed vacuum destoners. Ask your visit our plant personally and observe alae our machines working on your product. FORSBERG “Represented By: FORSBERGS INC. ema mat Ce Ce SOCEM eed fer Ee ele aa SMA Reel) aD elec Forsberg representative or write to P

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