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A “bucket list” is a creative and imaginative list
of things you would like to do before you die
(kick the bucket).
Ideas -- DREAM BIG!!
Experience … (adventure)
Learn something new…
Travel to…
Help others…
Try something new…

Read the sample Bucket List above. Now write your Bucket List!!

 Travel to France.
 Know the pyramids of Egypt.
 Buy a house.
 Buy a car.
 Go to India.
 Learn to make desserts.
 Study a master’s degree.
 Spend quality time with my family.
 Take my daughter to see Disney.
 Go on a cruise.
Now write a paragraph about A DREAM COME TRUE. USE PAG.123 AS AN EXAMPLE .100 WORDS.

My dreams are more to study economics at ESPE university. I love my career, but I wasn't that good at
math. So, I when started studying the degree it was a bit difficult for me I had to take private classes
now I'm already in the fifth semester and I don't have as many difficulties as at the beginning and I'm
excited I'm almost there to graduate and have my degree.

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