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Rodessa Gazmen

Grade 11 HUMSS 1




This study aims to explore the influence of social media on students’ well-being and

academic achievements in the context of Baggao National High School. In recent years,

the emergence and widespread use of social media platforms have significantly

transformed the way people communicate, share information, and engage with each


With the increasing prevalence of social media usage among students, it becomes

crucial to examine its potential effects on their behavioral health and academic

performance. This study seeks to investigate the various dimensions of these impacts

within the specific school setting of Baggao National High School.

The findings of this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the influence

of social media on students’ behavioral health, including their mental and emotional

well-being, interpersonal relationships, and self-esteem. Additionally, the study will

explore how social media usage affects students’ academic performance, considering
factors such as time management, distraction, information overload, and the impact on

study habits.

The results obtained from this study will provide valuable insights for educators,

parents, and policymakers to develop informed strategies and interventions that can

promote healthy social media usage among students. By recognizing the potential

challenges and benefits associated with social media, stakeholders can work together

to create an environment that supports students’ overall well-being and academic



This study aimed to determine the impact of social media to the behavior, health

and academic performance of the students of BAGGAO NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL

(1) determine what social media platform do most students use

(2) Why do most students spend much time to social media

(3) How the social media affects the behavior , health and performance of students in

Baggao National Highschool


The research will use a qualitative research method with a narrative approach. This

approach aims to understand lived experiences, perspectives, and phenomena by

constructing and interpreting stories. The selection of participants will involve

convenience sampling and narrative sampling techniques.

Convenience sampling is a method where initial participants are chosen based on their

availability and willingness to participate. Narrative sampling involves purposively

selecting participants who have specific experiences or knowledge relevant to the

research objectives. This deliberate selection ensures that the sample is focused and

targeted, providing valuable insights for the study.

Overall, this research will use convenience sampling to initially select participants based

on availability and willingness, and narrative sampling to deliberately choose

participants with specific experiences aligned with the research objectives. This

combined approach will allow for a diverse and meaningful collection of stories to be

analyzed and interpreted.


A research study conducted on the impact of social media on the behavioral health and

academic performance of students at Baggao National High School yielded significant

findings. The study revealed that social media usage among students had both positive

and negative effects. On the positive side, social media provided students with

opportunities for communication, information sharing, and collaborative learning, which

enhanced their social skills and digital literacy. However, the excessive use of social

media was found to be associated with several behavioral health issues, including

decreased attention span, increased anxiety and depression symptoms, and disrupted

sleep patterns. Moreover, the study discovered a negative correlation between

excessive social media use and academic performance, indicating that students who

spent more time on social media platforms had lower grades and reduced study time.

These findings highlight the need for educational institutions, parents, and students to

be aware of the potential consequences of excessive social media use and to promote

responsible and balanced usage to ensure the overall well-being and academic success

of students at mo Baggao National High School.





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