Character Sketch (Tale of Two Cities)

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Character Sketch

Tale of two cities:

Jerry was one of the main characters or the
messengers of the book 1 of the Tale of Two
Cities. He has one child and his name is also
Jerry. He has a wife and their family is not
that rich. The Tellson’s bank is going in debt
and that is why they are poor.
Jerry is a character that is not very thankful.
He supports his child rather than his wife. He
alternatively takes one’s message to other or
work as a messenger to get enough to feed his
family. He is actually just a very arrogant man
because of his debt.
Physical appearance
When he was out he had his hat cocked over
and had eyes that which assorted well with the
background. He wore a great muffler for the
chin and throat and it descended to the
wearer’s knees. His cocked hat was like a
three cornered spittoon.
Your opinion
In my opinion, he should be less arrogant and
more of an appreciating and thankful man. He
should control his anger.

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