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Name : Mohamad Daniel Hakim bin

Mohd Noor Helmi

Class : 5 Science 3

Teacher : Ms. Noriahwana binti Ramli

2.0 Acknowledgement
Firstly, I want to thanks to my parents as they are the important
person that help me during this work. They are the one that help me
to get the ingredients for this experiment.
Secondly, I want to thanks to my friends because they are the one
that help and guide me in this experiment through online. Lastly, I
want to thanks my teachers that guided me during this experiment.
Therir guidance is the most important for this experiment.

3.0 Introduction
Problem Statement
1. Some plants species are getting extinct
2. Future generation can’t learn or see the plant

Importance of Project
1. Collect floras for permanent record for future generations

1. To conduct research on a plant that has been collected
2. To provide the description about morphology of plants

1. Herbariums are made by pressing theplant to be flat to paste it
on a piece of paper
2. Write down the information of the plant at blank of the same
paper of the plant
3. Herbarium need to display about morphology and taxonomy of
plants collected

1. By making a herbarium will save the important information that
can not be vanished for future generations.
2. Without herbarium, future generation can not learn about
endangered species
4.0 Material and Apparatus
1. Plants, paper towel, A4 papers, glue and sticky note

1. Scissors and iron

5.0 Methodology
1. Choose plants to turn into a herbarium
2. Place the paper between of two piece of towel
3. Press the plant with an iron until it is flattened and dried properly
4. Apply the glue at the back of the plant and paste it on a piece of paper
5. Prepare the information of the plant and paste it on the same paper
6. Repeat procedure 1-5 with another plant

1. Cut the plant properly to avoid the original plant died
2. The cut part of the plant need to dry properly to avoid the plant to

1. A4 paper : RM0.20 X 4 = RM0.80
2. Glue : RM1.20 X 1 = RM1.20
3. Sticky note : RM2.00 X1 = RM2.00

Total budget : RM3.00

6.0 Result and Interpretion of

1. Kingdom : Plantae
2. Division : Tracheophyta
3. Class : Magnoliopsida
4. Order : Pandanales
5. Family : Pandanaceae
6. Genus : Pandanus
7. Species : Pandanus Tectorius

1. Long dark green leaves
2. Leaves of plant have parallel vein

1. Pandan tree grows well in coastal regions which are swampy
2. Generally pandan tree are best grown in a well drained soil
with high exposure to sunlight
3. Pandan tree are widely use by humans in making food as its
leaves have a very nice scent which adds flavour to the dish
4. Human also use pandan leaves to maked traditional
handicrafts such as mats and baskets

Geography of plant
1. Most pandan trees grow in tropical regions and is especially
found in Asia, Africa and Ocenia
2. Pandan trees are commonly found in coastal ecosystems
which are humid and full of sunlight
Paper flower

1. Kingdom : Plantae
2. Division Magnoliophyta
3. Class : Magnoliopsida
4. Order : Caryophyllales
5. Family : Nyctaginaceae
6. Genus : Bougainvillea
7. Species : Bougainvillea Glabra

1. Leaves are green in colour
2. Leaves of plant have netted veins

1. Paper flowers grow well in drained sandy desert soils
with high amount of sunlight
2. Paper flower are generally tolerant of limited water,
hence not much water is needed to grow a paper flower
3. Interactions of paper flower are majorly related to
humans as paper flowers are widely used in
decorations for parties as it is a beautiful and colourful

Geography of the plant

1. Paper grow in the biome of th Amazon Rainforest in
South America which consists of countries like Brazil
but now can be found in many parts of the world,
specifically in tropical regions

1. Kingdom : Plantae
2. Division : Tracheophyta
3. Class : Magnoliopsida
4. Order : Asparagales
5. Family :Orchidaceae
6. Genus : Orchis
7. Species : Bulbophyllum

1. Leaves are dark green in colour
2. Simple leaves with parallel veins

1. found in bogs, prairies, grassland, and
hardwood forest
2. Found in roadside ditches, often in wet,
boggy situation

Geography of the plant

1. Found in the northern and southern
temperate zones
2. Four species are from north of the Arctic
7.0 Discussion
1. A collection of preserved plant that has been several process for scientific
purposes. Specimen has been press and dried to preserve for future
generation. Specimen will be collected, mounted on a 100% acid free paper
and filled in cabinets using techniques perfected over several centuries

Plant species
1. Specimen are collected and filtered by monocot, dicot and herbaceous.

Leaf Structure
1. Pandan leaf is long while paperflower leaf is short
2. Orchid veins is parallel
3. Paperflower shape is oval

8.0 Bibliography
1. Textbook
2. Reference book
3. Internet
4. Friends

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