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1. For what values of k is the straight line y = kx + 1 a tangent to the circle with centre (5, 1) and
radius 3?

(Total 4 marks)

2. Let θ be the angle between the unit vectors a and b, where 0 < θ < π. Express |a – b| in terms of
sin  .

(Total 3 marks)

3. The function f is defined on the domain [0, ] by f ( ) = 4 cos  + 3 sin .

(a) Express f ( ) in the form R cos ( – ) where 0 <  < .

(b) Hence, or otherwise, write down the value of  for which f ( ) takes its maximum value.

(Total 6 marks)

 π
4. The function f with domain 0,  is defined by f (x) = cos x + 3 sin x.
 2

This function may also be expressed in the form R cos (x – ) where R > 0 and 0 < α < .

(a) Find the exact value of R and of α.


(b) (i) Find the range of the function f.

(ii) State, giving a reason, whether or not the inverse function of f exists.

(c) Find the exact value of x satisfying the equation f (x) = 2.


(d) Using the result

 sec xdx = lnsec x + tan x+ C, where C is a constant,

show that
dx 1
 0
2  ln(3 + 2 3 ).
f ( x) 2
(Total 16 marks)

5. (a) Express 3 cos – sin in the form r cos ( + ), where r > 0 and 0 < α < ,
giving r and α as exact values.

(b) Hence, or otherwise, for 0 ≤  ≤ 2, find the range of values of 3 cos – sin.

(c) Solve 3 cos  – sin = –l, for 0 ≤  ≤ 2, giving your answers as exact values.
(Total 10 marks)

sin 4 1 – cos 2  π π
6. Prove that = tan , for 0 <  < , and  ≠ .
cos 2 1 – cos 4  2 4
(Total 5 marks)

7. (a) Show that cos (A + B) + cos(A – B) = 2 cos A cos B


(b) Let Tn (x) = cos (n arccos x) where x is a real number, x  [–1, 1] and n is a positive

(i) Find T1(x).

(ii) Show that T2 (x) = 2x2 – 1.


(c) (i) Use the result in part (a) to show that Tn+1 (x) + Tn–1 (x) = 2xTn (x).

(ii) Hence or otherwise, prove by induction that Tn (x) is a polynomial of degree n.

(Total 19 marks)

8. The angle θ satisfies the equation 2 tan2 θ – 5 sec θ – 10 = 0, where θ is in the second quadrant.
Find the exact value of sec θ.
(Total 6 marks)

9. Given that a sin 4x + b sin 2x = 0, for 0 < x <  , find an expression for cos2 x in terms of a
and b.

(Total 6 marks)

10. The diagram shows a trapezium OABC in which OA is parallel to CB. O is the centre of a circle
radius r cm. A, B and C are on its circumference. Angle OĈB = θ.

O r


Let T denote the area of the trapezium OABC.

(a) Show that T = r (sin θ + sin 2θ).

For a fixed value of r, the value of T varies as the value of θ varies.

(b) Show that T takes its maximum value when θ satisfies the equation
4 cos2 θ + cos θ – 2 = 0, and verify that this value of T is a maximum.

(c) Given that the perimeter of the trapezium is 75 cm, find the maximum value of T.
(Total 15 marks)

π π
11. Let z = cos  + i sin , for –  .
4 4

(a) (i) Find z3 using the binomial theorem.

(ii) Use de Moivre’s theorem to show that

cos 3 = 4 cos3 – 3 cos and sin 3 = 3 sin – 4 sin3.


sin 3θ  sin θ
(b) Hence prove that = tan.
cos 3θ  cos θ

(c) Given that sin = , find the exact value of tan 3.
(Total 21 marks)

π π
12. Solve tan2 2 =1, in the interval  θ  .
2 2
(Total 6 marks)

13. The graph below represents y = a sin (x + b) + c, where a, b, and c are constants.

3 3 , 2

–2 – 0  2




Find values for a, b and c.

(Total 6 marks)

14. Let Â, B̂ , Ĉ be the angles of a triangle. Show that tan  + tan B̂ + tan Ĉ = tan  tan B̂ tan Ĉ .
(Total 6 marks)

15. The graph of y = cos x is transformed into the graph of y = 8 – 2 cos .

Find a sequence of simple geometric transformations that does this.

(Total 6 marks)

16. In triangle ABC, AB = 9 cm, AC =12 cm, and B̂ is twice the size of Ĉ .

Find the cosine of Ĉ .

(Total 5 marks)

17. In the diagram below, AD is perpendicular to BC.
CD = 4, BD = 2 and AD = 3. CA ˆ D =  and BA ˆ D = .

Find the exact value of cos ( − ).

(Total 6 marks)

18. The diagram below shows the boundary of the cross-section of a water channel.

 x 
The equation that represents this boundary is y = 16 sec   – 32 where x and y are both
 36 
measured in cm.

The top of the channel is level with the ground and has a width of 24 cm. The maximum depth
of the channel is 16 cm.

Find the width of the water surface in the channel when the water depth is 10 cm. Give your
answer in the form a arccos b where a, b ∈ .
(Total 6 marks)


 
19. Solve 2 sin x = tan x, where – x .
2 2

(Total 3 marks)

20. In the triangle ABC, Â = 30°, BC = 3 and AB = 5. Find the two possible values of B̂ .

(Total 6 marks)

21. The diagram below shows a circle centre O and radius OA = 5 cm. The angle AÔB = 135°.


Find the area of the shaded region.

(Total 6 marks)

22. The triangle ABC has an obtuse angle at B, BC = 10.2, Â = x and B̂ = 2x.

(a) Find AC, in terms of cos x.

(b) Given that the area of triangle ABC is 52.02 cos x, find angle Ĉ .

(Total 6 marks)

23. (a) Sketch the graph of f (x) = sin 3x + sin 6x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2.

(b) Write down the exact period of the function f.

(Total 3 marks)

24. The area of the triangle shown below is 2.21 cm2. The length of the shortest side is x cm and
the other two sides are 3x cm and (x + 3) cm.

x 3x


(a) Using the formula for the area of the triangle, write down an expression for sin θ in
terms of x.

(b) Using the cosine rule, write down and simplify an expression for cos θ in terms of x.

(c) (i) Using your answers to parts (a) and (b), show that,

2 2
 3x 2  2 x  3   4.42 
  1  2 
 2x 2
  3x 

(ii) Hence find

(a) the possible values of x;


(b) the corresponding values of θ, in radians, using your answer to

part (b) above.
(Total 10 marks)

25. In a triangle ABC, AB̂C = 30°, AB = 6 cm and AC = 3 2 cm. Find the possible lengths of

(Total 3 marks)

26. (a) Sketch the graph of the function

C ( x)  cos x  cos 2 x

for –2 ≤ x ≤ 2

(b) Prove that the function C(x) is periodic and state its period.

(c) For what values of x, –2 ≤ x ≤ 2, is C(x) a maximum?


(d) Let x = x0 be the smallest positive value of x for which C(x) = 0. Find an approximate
value of x0 which is correct to two significant figures.

(e) (i) Prove that C(x) = C(–x) for all x.


(ii) Let x = x1 be that value of x,  < x < 2, for which C(x) = 0. Find the value of x1 in
terms of x0.
(Total 16 marks)

27. The angle  satisfies the equation tan + cot = 3, where  is in degrees. Find all the possible
values of  lying in the interval [0°, 90°].

(Total 6 marks)

28. Triangle ABC has AB = 8 cm, BC = 6 cm and BÂC = 20°. Find the smallest possible area of

(Total 6 marks)

29. Find all the values of θ in the interval [0, ] which satisfy the equation

cos 2 = sin2  .

(Total 6 marks)

30. A farmer owns a triangular field ABC. The side [AC] is 104 m, the side [AB] is 65 m and the
angle between these two sides is 60°.

(a) Calculate the length of the third side of the field.


(b) Find the area of the field in the form p 3 , where p is an integer.

Let D be a point on [BC] such that [AD] bisects the 60° angle. The farmer divides the field into
two parts by constructing a straight fence [AD] of length x metres.

(c) (i) Show that the area of the smaller part is given by and find an expression for
the area of the larger part.

(ii) Hence, find the value of x in the form q 3 , where q is an integer.


BD 5
(d) Prove that  .
DC 8
(Total 20 marks)

31. In triangle ABC, AB̂C = 31⁰ , AC = 3 cm and BC = 5 cm. Calculate the possible lengths of
the side [AB].
(Total 6 marks)

32. ˆ C = 50.
In the obtuse-angled triangle ABC, AC = 10.9 cm, BC = 8.71 cm and BA

8.71 cm

Not to
scale 50°
10.9 cm

Find the area of triangle ABC.

(Total 6 marks)

33. In the triangle ABC, Â = 30⁰ , a = 5 and c = 7. Find the difference in area between the two
possible triangles for ABC.
(Total 6 marks)

34. The following diagram shows a circle centre O, radius r. The angle AO ˆ B at the centre of the
circle is  radians. The chord AB divides the circle into a minor segment (the shaded region)
and a major segment.

1 2
(a) Show that the area of the minor segment is r ( – sin ).

(b) Find the area of the major segment.


(c) Given that the ratio of the areas of the two segments is 2:3, show that sin = – .

(d) Hence find the value of .

(Total 13 marks)

35. Triangle ABC has Ĉ = 42°, BC =1.74 cm, and area 1.19 cm2.

(a) Find AC.

(b) Find AB.

(Total 6 marks)

36. ˆ B = ,   0. The area of ΔAOB
The diagram shows a circle centre O and radius 1, with AO
is three times the shaded area.

Find the value of .

(Total 6 marks)

37. ˆ B = 40⁰ , AB
The following diagram shows ABC, where BC =105 m, AC ˆ C = 60⁰ .

Find AB.
(Total 6 marks)

38. The diagram below shows a pair of intersecting circles with centres at P and Q with radii of 5
cm and 6 cm respectively. RS is the common chord of both circles and PQ is 7 cm.

Find the area of the shaded region.

(Total 6 marks)

39. A system of equations is given by

cos x + cos y = 1.2

sin x + sin y = 1.4.

(a) For each equation express y in terms of x.


(b) Hence solve the system for 0  x < , 0 < y < .

(Total 6 marks)

40. In triangle ABC, BC = a, AC = b, AB = c and [BD] is perpendicular to [AC].

(a) Show that CD = b − c cos A.


(b) Hence, by using Pythagoras’ Theorem in the triangle BCD, prove the cosine rule for the
triangle ABC.

ˆ C = 60°, use the cosine rule to show that c = 1 3

If AB a  b2  a2 .
2 4
(Total 12 marks)


The above three dimensional diagram shows the points P and Q which are respectively west and
south-west of the base R of a vertical flagpole RS on horizontal ground. The angles of elevation
of the top S of the flagpole from P and Q are respectively 35° and 40°, and PQ = 20 m.

Determine the height of the flagpole.

(Total 8 marks)

42. The depth, h (t) metres, of water at the entrance to a harbour at t hours after midnight on a
particular day is given by

 t 
h (t) = 8 + 4 sin  , 0  t  24.

(a) Find the maximum depth and the minimum depth of the water.

(b) Find the values of t for which h (t) ≥ 8.

(Total 6 marks)

43. ˆ C = 37.8°, AB = 8.75 and BC = 6.

Consider triangle ABC with BA

Find AC.
(Total 7 marks)


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