Trainer TOC Java FS

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Week Day Skill

Programming Fundamentals
1 Week 1 Day 1
(Algorithms and pseudocodes)

1 Week 1 Day 2 Java Fundamentals

1 Week 1 Day 3 Arrays

1 week 1 Day 4 Strings

1 Week 1 Day5 OOPS

Weekly Assignment

Sorting techniques , Searching techniques and

2 Week 2 Day 1 data structure

2 Week 2 Day 2 RDBMS(Mysql)

2 Week 2 Day 3 RDBMS(Mysql)

2 Week 2 Day 4 MongoDB

2 week 2 day 5 Introduction of HTML, CSS and javascript

2 Day 1 to Day 5
Milestone Assessment-1
3 week 3 Day 1 Java OOPS

3 week 3 Day 2 Java Collections day 1

Java - Collections day 2

3 week 3 Day 3
Java 8 new feature

Java 8
3 week 3 Day 4
Exception handling

3 Week 3 Day 5 Exception Handling

Weekly assignment

Mock Test
4 Week 4 Day 1
Java Coding Standard

File IO
4 Week 4 Day 2 IDE
4 Week 4 Day 3 JDBC

4 Week 4 Day 4 JDBC

4 Week 4 Day 5 Maven

Weekly Assignment

5 Week 5 Day 1 Webservice Basic

5 Week 5 Day 2 SpringBoot Rest API

5 Week 5 Day 3 SpringBoot Rest API

5 Week5 Day 4 ORM Tool

5 Week 5 Day 5 Spring data JPA

Milestone Assessment-2

6 Week 6 Day 1 RDBMS Normalization

6 Week 6 Day 2 Spring Boot JPA mapping

6 Week 6 Day 3 Microservices

6 Week 6 Day 4 Microservices

6 Week6 Day 5 Spring security

Milestone Assessment-3

7 Week7 Day 1

7 Week7 Day 2 Javascript

7 Week7 Day 3 Javascript

7 Week 7 Day 4 TypeScript

7 Week7 Day 5 Angular8

Weekly Assignment

8 Week8 Day1 Angular8

8 Week8 Day 2 Angular

8 Week8 Day3 Angular and Bootstrap

8 Week8 -Day4 Jasmine & Karma

8 Week8-Day5 Integration of Webapi + Angular + Springboot

Milestone Assessment - 4

9 Week9 Day1 DevOps and Git

9 Week9 Day 2 GIT and Jenkins

9 Week9 Day 3 Jenkins and Junit

9 Week9 Day4 Scrum


9 Week9 Day5  
Milestone Assessment - 4 (Final project case study)
What is a programming language, Algorithms,
Pseudocode, Flowchart.

Language Understanding,
Hello World Using Java(Eclipse)
Datatypes, Variables and typecasting
Use of Scanner class
condition statements and Operators

Loops(for loop, while do while)

Arrays(1 d ,2d)
methods and return type . Modular approach
passing array as arguments
returning arrays from a function

String and string manipulation

OOPS introduction( class and Object)
Global (Static)and local variable

Class and method definition
Get and Set method, this and use of Final keyword
4 pillars of OOPS introductions

Bubble sorting ( if time then add insertion sort)

Linear searching ( if time then add Binary search)
Stack and Queue

What is Database
Types of Databases
What is RDBMS
Working with mysql Database
SQL Queries, Create, Select, Delete, Drop and update
PK , FK basic concepts.

Having clause, group by, order by and limit
Joining of tables

Overview - sql vs nosql,

Data formats - JSON BSON,
Mongo dB install, shell and concepts(server,
connection, documents, fields, index), CRUD,

Basic HTML tag ( head, title, body, paragraph etc..)

basic CSS (Inline CSS background and Links )
JavaScript ( variable, conditions and Loops)
Mock Milestone Assessment
Define class and Object
OOPS in depth (Inheritance, Polymorphism
Runtime polymorphism
Ability to implement appropriate type of inheritance
and polymorphism for a given scenario
Access Specifiers
Ability to use OOP language specific features -
package, static, constructors, interfaces and final
Abstract class and interface diff.

IsA and HasA relationship

Use appropriate Collection Classes on various
Use of List, SET and HashMap
Use of Iterator, foreach loop
Use of Comparable and Comparator

hashCode and equals methods

Var Args
Introduction to Java 8 Functional Interface
Java 8 Lambda expression

Java 8 use of Stream

Java 8 Map, Filter, Reduce
Introduction of exception handling
Use of try catch and finally to handle exception

Custom exception
Use of throw and Throws keyword.
Checked and Unchecked exception.
Ability to use specific exception
Ability to use specific exception y using lambda

Mock Test
Java Coding Standard(camel case and use various

Able to read and write data into text pad.

Distinguish between stream and character data.
Eclipse debugging
Use of RDBMS on Mysql
Stored procedure and function
various keys(Primary key, foreign key etc..)
JDBC Introduction
Steps to write JDBC
Little introduction on Jar file
Folder structure(client, service, DAO model)
DAO layer introduction

Use JDBC to invoke Storedprocedure

Best practice of JDBC(closing of resources like
ResultSet, Statement, Connection)
Use of Wrapping and Funneling of exception

Introduction Maven
Maven lifecycle
Maven groupId, artifact etc.
Simple example on JDBC by using maven
Read and write data from excel sheet

What is client and server technology

What is servlet
what is JSON
What is Http protocol
What is a server(Tomcat server)
Spring core

Introduction to Spring framework

Hello world program in Springboot

various layers in Rest API

Ability to implement Exception Handling, Validation
Various Response Code

What is ORM tool.

Diff between ORM and JDBC
Hibernate and JPA example
Spring Boot JPA
Single entity CRUD by Springboot JPA
JPQL ( find by name )

What is Normalization
Normalization up to 3NF
Various mapping in Spring Boot
One to One , One to many example.
What is Microservices
Why Microservices is required
Example on Single entity on Microservices
Microservices with use of API Gateway
Microservices with multiple entities
Use Spring Security and Spring Boot to set up basic
security controls for an application - including
authentication, authorization
Ability to secure the endpoints with HTTP Basic

Ability to create pages using basic HTML5 tags - div, p,

table,img, href, etc..
mandatory Fields validations.

Use JavaScript to manipulate DOM and do client side

Ability to create basic JavaScript functions, declare
data types, loops, operators, conditions

Iterators, classes and apply arrow functions.

Create events and DOM manipulations.
Able to debug JavaScript

what is Type script

building blocks
Java Script ES6
Arrow Functions

what is SPA
Angular basic
installation of Angular
Hello world program in angular
Files and Folder structure Example index.html , all the
basic components , package.json
Angular CLI and important command on CLI.

Understanding of Angular various components.

Angular templates and template URL.
Angular various binding(data binding, two way
binding , property binding , event binding)


Forms and validation
Angular services(Http client)
Component and method level testing
Code coverage report
Test cases using protractor

Live demo of end to end development of full stack app

Version control
Integrate IDE with Git - VS and VS code
Git basics and CLI
Repositories management
Git files, cloning, check-in and commit
Git branch and merge conflicts
Fork and push, pull, sync

DevOps introduction
Continuous integration
Continuous deployment

Understanding CI/CD
Introduction about Jenkins
Build Cycle
Jenkins architecture

Agile scrum framework

User stories
JIRA tool

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