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Course Code : ESSB4093


Lecturer : MR. AL MAHDI

Title of Assignment : ASSIGNMENT 1 (REPORT)

Submission Date : WEEK 9

Prepared by :

Name Matric No

Julian Jerome Joseph MC200611467

Larry Glen Manggih MC200611464







Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 DETAILS OF RUMAH PENGASIH AMANJAYA.............................................................................1
1.1.1 Knowledge/Information that we gain from visiting Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya.................1
2 OUR ACTIVITIES IN RUMAH PENGASIH AMANJAYA......................................................4
3 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................... 7
4 APPENDIX........................................................................................................................... 8
1 Introduction

The purpose of this assignment is to make a report on our trip to Rumah Pengasih
Amanjaya, Gopeng, Perak last week. On 5th July 2023, we are students from the Fundamental
of Group Work’s class under our beloved lecturer Mr. Al, have organized a visit to Rumah
Pengasih Amanjaya, Gopeng, Perak. There were 8 students and 1 lecturer visiting the Rumah
Pengasih Amanjaya. We moved from Unitar at 8am and arrived at Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya
at 11am. Our arrival was warmly welcomed by the residents and staffs of the Rumah Pengasih

1.1 Details of Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya

 Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya is a private drug rehabilitation centre that accommodates

male drug users regardless of religion and race.
 It was located at Gopeng, Perak.
 There are several officers in the Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya named Mr Nazim, Mdm
Azura and some others staff.
 Total of the residents at the Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya is approximately 30 people.
 The residents have been given their daily routine schedule that they have to do and
follow every day.
 There are several facilities there such as dining area, toilets, surau, dorm and others at
the Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya.

1.1.1 Knowledge/Information that we gain from visiting Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya

During the trip to Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya, we were obtained various information that
shared by Mr. Nizam, one of the staff in Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya. Some of the information
that we gain is about :

 Resident’s Board

According to the sharing from Mr. Nizam, the Resident’s Board is to arrange the residents
according to their level. As we can see, the board has several categories such as induction,
younger member, module peer and others. For those who was a new member in the centre,
their name will be in the category of younger member and same goes to the other categories.

 Quarantine room

The image above is showing the quarantine room at the Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya. According
to Mr. Nizam, the quarantine room is to eliminate their addiction to drugs. Individuals who are
forcibly or voluntarily sent to the centre will be put in the quarantine room until they no longer
feel addicted to drugs. It takes at least 2 weeks and it might be more than 2 weeks. It depends
on the individual . According to Mr. Nizam, individuals who are newly registered in this could not
be mix with residents who have been here for a long time because it will have a bad effect on
other residents. Therefore, they should be given time to quarantine in the room.

 Cigarette Smoking

According to sharing from Mr. Nizam, during break time, they will be given a cigarette and time
for them to smoke. They do allow cigarette smoking in the centre. The reason of giving time to
smoking is to transferring their old addiction into one that is less immediately dangerous. There
are a lot of people who actually pick up smoking while they are in treatment.

2 Our activities in Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya

 Sharing session

During our visit to Rumah Pengasih Aman Jaya, we did a sharing session with a group of
people. During the visit, we got to know them a little bit. Such as their name, age, and a little bit
of their background. We were being put into a few different groups and each group had 2
counsellors attending them. For our group, in our group there are 6 people, each of them is from
a different race, and work background. Some of them are police, some of them are gas station
workers. Also, the reasons why they are admitted to the rehabilitation centre are also varied.
Some of them are because of drugs, some of them is alcohol, and there is one person because
of addiction to video games.

Based on the sharing session, we get to know that they are being taught based on 4
structures in Rumah Pengasih Aman Jaya. Which is, Behaviour Management, Emotional and
Psychology, Spiritual, and finally, Vocational & Survival. Behaviour Management is more about
how they manage their behaviour. Since all of them are trying to stop from drugs addiction,
alcohol, and video games addiction, each of them has a behaviour which they need to learn
how to manage. Secondly, Emotional & Psychology. According to them, this structure taught
them how to manage their emotions. Such as anger issue. According to them, since they are

not taking any drugs or alcohol, they emotions sometimes can be unstable, so having this
structure teaches them on how to manage their emotion. Next, is Spiritual. This structure
basically teaches them based on their own religion and belief. Finally, Vocational & Survival.
This is where they are being taught about some skills that they can use once they are out of the
rehabilitation centre.

Also, when we do a sharing session with them, we get some benefits such as empathy and
understanding. As we interact with individuals in the rehabilitation centre, we are able to develop
empathy and understanding for the individuals who are there and their health conditions. These
hands-on experiences help break down stereotypes and promote inclusion. While doing
activities with them, we became aware of the challenges faced by individuals in the recovery
process. In addition, we can improve teamwork and cooperation. Participating in activities with
individuals at the rehabilitation centre encourages teamwork and cooperation. We as students
can work together to help individuals, adapt activities for different abilities, or create an inclusive
environment. From that experience, we were able to cultivate cooperative skills and promote
community spirit.

 Visit the area in Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya

When we finished our lunch together, one of the staff of Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya named
Mr. Nizam took us around to visit the area in Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya such as their dining
hall, office, quarantine room, dorm and others while explaining to us every single thing. We were
able to gather a lot of information from Mr. Nizam. After visiting each of the area at Rumah
Pengasih Amanjaya, Mr. Nizam gave a lot of knowledge regarding the drug addicts and share

with us about his experience of working at Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya. We are enjoyed to hear
every experience that shared by him.

 Blindfolded Drawing Challenge

Besides that, we are also creating a game with them. The game that we provided during our
visit to Rumah Pengasih Aman Jaya is called “Blindfolded Drawing Challenge”. It’s a team-
building activity aimed at promoting collaboration and effective communication among
participants. The task comprised a group of people who were chosen at random to draw on a
whiteboard while blindfolded. Each participant's artwork was partially erased, and their friends
instructed them on where to draw the missing pieces. The participants displayed exceptional
collaboration as they assisted and directed their blind colleagues during this fascinating activity.
Although the drawings varied in accuracy, the underlying success of the task rested on the
participants' capacity to collaborate, communicate openly, and adjust to unanticipated
conditions. This activity gave vital insights into the team's development by showcasing their
collaboration abilities and building a sense of togetherness. Overall, the Blindfold Drawing
Challenge effectively demonstrated the value of collaboration and communication in
accomplishing common goals.

3 Conclusion

As the whole, we had lot of experience to deal with client who in rehabilitation centre. Plus,
our group get lot of information from organisations who take care of residents who living at
rehabilitation centre for example, when we share our experiences with them, we gain
advantages like empathy and understanding. We can grow in empathy and compassion for the
people there and their medical issues when we interact with others who are in the rehabilitation
facility. These practical learning opportunities aid in debunking misconceptions and fostering
inclusivity. While engaging in activities with them, we learned about the difficulties people in the
rehabilitation process encounter. We can also enhance cooperation and teamwork. The
rehabilitation centres activities with its patients promote cooperation and teamwork. As students,
we can collaborate to assist people, modify events for those with varied abilities, or foster an
inclusive environment. We were able to create community and develop cooperative abilities as a
result of that event. As counselling student, visiting a rehabilitation centre as a counselling
student can be a transformative and informative experience. It allows you to witness the
powerful journey of recovery and witness first-hand the impact of counselling interventions in a
rehabilitation setting. Through this experience, you gain a greater understanding of addiction, its
impacts on individuals and their families, as well as the various treatment approaches available.

4 Appendix

Figure 1:Photo with Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya’s staff

: Up (from the left :Mr.Nizam,Larry,Julian

:Down (from the left : Mr. Al Mahdi, Yashnee,Mdm.Azura,Sajela,Thivya,Sarah,Sharni )

Figure 2: Resident’s Program Structure

Figure 3 shows the residents clean up after eating

Figure 4 shows Mr. Nizam explaining about the daily routine schedule

Figure 5 shows Mr. Nizam sharing his working experiences

Figure 6: Sharing session

Figure 7 : before the activity

Figure 8 : Blindfold Drawing Challenge

Figure 9 : Blindfolded Drawing Challenge

Figure 10: Photo with Residents of Rumah Pengasih Amanjaya

Figure 11 : Photo with our lecturer & classmates


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