Exp 11 Control of Hydraulic Cylinder Using 4 3 Hand Lever Valve

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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

ME Electives 1

Experiment 11

Control of Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/3 Hand Lever Valve


Delos Reyes, Neil Casto T.

Francisco, Jan Kyle Edrik P.

Paraggua, Rubramin M.


57035 / Wednesday/ 10:30-1:30

Date of Submission:
April 20, 2022

Engr. Sebs Daniel D. Argarin
I. Introduction

Photo of 4/3 Hand Lever Valve

Just like a 4/2 hand lever valve, a 4/3 hand lever valve has ports for

advancing (A), retracting (B), pressure (P), and tank (T). Also, both are used for

controlling double-acting hydraulic cylinders or other tools of the same nature.

The biggest difference for the 4/3 hand lever valve is there is a 3rd position that

allows holding the hydraulic cylinder or tool in a position. The 4/2 hand lever

valve only has positions for advancing and retracting.

Previously, all experiments involving hydraulic circuits only made use of

the 4/2 hand lever valve. In this experiment, a set-up similar to Experiment 9 will

be done but, with a 4/3 hand lever valve instead. The effect on the lever to the

system will be observed.

II. Objectives

The general objective of this experiment is to create a simple hydraulic

circuit with a 4/3 hand lever valve.

The specific objectives of this experiment are:

● Understand how a 4/3 hand lever valve affects the hydraulic system.

● Observe the circuit when the double-acting cylinder is held at its extension

stroke position.

● Compare the result with the hydraulic circuit setups that use a 4/2 hand

lever valve.
III. Procedure

The experiment is performed using Festo FluidSIM. Always follow safety


Control of Hydraulic

List of Components

1. Insert all components from the list and arrange as shown.

2. Configure the 4/n way valve and insert the hand levers. Follow the
configuration as shown in the figure below.
3. Complete the system by wiring the components as shown below.
IV. Data and Results

Valve at Initial Position

Left Hand Lever Switched

Right Hand Lever Switched

Simulation Link:


V. Analysis

Firstly, the 4/3 hand lever valve can have push buttons on both sides. This

allowed the double-acting hydraulic cylinder to remain in its extended position.

While in this position, the pressure reading is equal to when the double-acting

hydraulic cylinder is retracted. In relation to the pressure reading, it decreased as

the cylinder is actuated. The noticeable difference between the extension stroke

and retraction stroke is that the former has a higher pressure reading as the

actuation occurs.

In using the valve, there is no spring return function. Basically, the buttons

on the right and left sides must be pushed for their respective actuation. The

button on the left side, based on previous experiments, is mainly used for

extension strokes. Since a 4/3 hand lever valve was used in this experiment, it

allowed the use of a right button that is responsible for the retraction stroke of the

cylinder. Effectively, this allowed the cylinder to hold the extended position. In the

simulation video, both strokes are slowed down when the opening level of the

shutoff valve decreased. When changing the nominal pressure, the observation

remained the same.

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation

In some applications, it is useful to keep the cylinder in an extended

position. Using a 4/3 hand lever valve adds that variety or option to hydraulic

systems. For example, a powerful hydraulic mechanism is required to hold its

position to get the job done. If one is not able to do that, the use of hydraulics will
be limited. Despite being powerful, there are still different ways in which

hydraulics can be efficiently utilized.

Based on the observations, using a 4/3 hand lever valve does not

completely change the fundamental aspects of hydraulics. While a 4/2 hand lever

valve is not used for holding positions, a lot are similar regardless of which type

of hand lever valve was used. The best example of this was the change in speed

when adjusting the opening level of the shutoff valve. In line with this, it is a good

recommendation to conduct Experiment 10 using a 4/2 hand lever valve instead.

Adjustments that are suitable for the 4/3 hand lever can be made to the circuit.

VII. References

● 4-Way 3-Position Hydraulic Valves. (n.d.). Enerpac. Retrieved April 19,

2022, from



● 4-Way 2-Position Hydraulic Valves. (n.d.). Enerpac. Retrieved April 19,

2022, from



● 4/3-way hand lever valve 544343. (nd.). Festo. Retrieved April 19, 2022,




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