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Evaluation Sheet.


Name of Project :
Project Coordinator as evaluator, Interns as evaluee. Name of Coordinator :

Please set your evaluation scores according to the following range respectively : 9-10 (Excellent); 7-8 (good); 5-6 (fair); 3-4 (insufficient); 0-2 (poor)
Period of Evaluation : From 10/04/2023 up to 10/05/2023

Name of Evaluee Physical Profesiona Meticulousnes Efficiency Initiative Team Self Manners Honest Total
Enduranc l Capacity s Work Discipline y Score

Assessment of the total score by adding all the scores obtained for each value, according to the following scale :

a. Excellent (73-90)
b.Good (54-72)
c. Fair (36-53)
d.Insufficient (18-35)
e. Poor (0-17)


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