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Fundamentals of Parasitology

Parasitology- study of parasites, its _____and their relationships.

What is a Parasite?

❑ Risk Factors
o Unsanitary Food handling/preparation
o Contaminated water for drinking
o Immunocompromised conditions resulting from disease states or poor nutrition
o Blood transfusion and organ transplantation
o Foreign travel to endemic regions of world
❑ Disease Characteristics
o Diarrhea
o Abdominal Pain
o Intestinal Obstruction, weight loss and bloating
o Organ involvement with ulcers, lesions, and abscesses
o Blood and tissue parasites can cause_______________________________________.
❑ Treatment
o ______________the use of anthelminthic drugs in individual
o ______________ effect of a drug against an infective agent in ideal experimental
o ______________measure of the effect of a drug against an infective agent.
o ______________the number of previously positive subjects to be found to be negative
on examination of a specimen at a set time after deworming.
❑ Eradication vs. Elimination
o _____________permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of infection
cause by specific agent.
o _____________a reduction to zero of the incidences of a specified disease in a defined
geographic area as a result of deliberate efforts; continued intervention or surveillance
measure are still required.
o Protozoa, Ova, larva, Adult forms
❑ Specimen type:
o Stool (_____________)-Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba, Ascaris, Enterobius, etc.
o Tissue- Naegleria, Acanthamoeba, and Leishmania
o Urine- Schistosoma and Trichomonas
o Sputum- Ascaris and Strongyloides
o Blood- Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and microfilariae
❑ Must remember:
o Samples should be free of___________________.
o At least__________of fecal sample.
o Stool should be free of_________
o ____________trophozoites
o ____________Ova and cysts
❑ Stool preservatives:
o Stools specimens should not be_________.
o Unpreserved specimens should not be____________________________________
o ___________________- for concentration procedures
o ___________________-for permanent stained smears
o ___________________- for both concentration techniques and permanent stained
o Fecal concentration methods:
➢ Formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation
➢ Zinc sulfate flotation
➢ Sheather sugar flotation- generally recommended for _________________
o Various stains are used for microscopic detection of stool, tissue, and blood parasites.
➢ Saline wet mounts are quick and easy to perform and will allow trophozoite motility
➢ Iodine wet mounts are useful for the detection of larvae, ova, and protozoan cysts in
stool samples.
➢ Permanent stained smears are used to enhance parasite morphology and to allow for
future study. Stained fecal smears are important in the identification of
❑ Collection Methods
o The cellophane (Scotch) tape method is used to collect
o __________________ is used to obtain duodenal contents for parasitic examination.
o ___________________is used to collect colon material.

❑ Diagnostics Tests
o ___________________Used to identify____________________________________
o ___________________Used to diagnose___________________________________
o ___________________Used to identify____________________________________
o DNA probes and ________________________ are used to diagnose parasite infections.
1. Host-Parasite Relationships
a) Symbiosis- relationship between 2__________organisms
i. Commensalism- symbiotic relationship wherein 1 benefit and the other is
ii. Parasitism- symbiotic relationship wherein 1 benefit and the other is harmed.
o Parasite= organism that benefits
o Host= organism that is _______.

Examples: ____________, ________________, _______________

iii. Mutualism- relationship wherein both organisms benefit from each other.

2. Host:
a) Final Host-Definitive Host
o Host that harbors the______________parasite
o Where______________reproduction occurs
o _____________is usually the definitive host
b) Intermediate Host
o Host that harbors the__________parasite
o Where______________reproduction occurs
o Examples: _________, ___________, _____________, _____________
c) Vectors- responsible for transmission_____________________.
d) Accidental Host- host that harbors a parasite that usually does not_____infect it.
e) Paratenic Host- AKA: ________________Host
o Host that harbor parasite that do not develop to further to later stages
o Examples: ________________________________________________
f) Dead-end Host- AKA: _______________Host
o Host that does not anymore allow the life cycle of the parasite to ________.
o Example: ______________.
g) Reservoir Host- animal host other than the definitive hosts that can allow the
continuation of the life cycle and become additional sources of__________________.
o Examples: ________________________________________________

3. Parasite:
a) Obligate- parasite that always requires a host for it to survive
b) Facultative- it has a free-living and a parasitic phase
Ex: ___________________________________________
c) Commensal- non-pathogenic; does not cause disease
Ex: ___________________________________________
Parasites according to habitat/mode of development
a) Ectoparasite- parasite living_____________the host
Infestation- presence of an ectoparasite
Ex: ___________________________________________
b) Endoparasite- parasite living_____________the host
Infection- presence of an endoparasite
Ex: ___________________________________________
c) Spurious Parasite- parasite not living in its natural host
d) Erratic Parasite- parasite not living in its________________
e) Accidental Parasite/Incidental Parasite- parasite that does not live in its usual host
Parasites according to egg laying capacity
a) Oviparous- lays_________________eggs
Example: ______________________________
b) Ovoviviparous-lays______________eggs
Example: _______________________________
c) Larviparous-lays___________
Example: _______________________________
Parasites according sexes (reproductive organs)
a) Monocious-_____________________________________________________________
b) Dioecious-______________________________________________________________
c) Parthenogenetic_________________________________________________________

4. Parasite Stages
In Helminthes
a) Adult-
b) Larva
c) Egg/Ovum

In Protozoans
a) Trophozoite-vegetative form
b) Cyst-____________________

5. Modes of Transmission:
a) Soil Transmitted helminthes
o Hookworms, _____________, Trichuris____________
b) Vector Borne
o Filarial worms, Plasmodium, Babesia, ______________
c) Food Borne
o _________________________________________________________________
d) Water Borne
o _________________________________________________________________
e) Vertical Transmission
o _________________________________________________________________
f) Transmammary
o _________________________________________________________________
g) Inhalation
o _________________________________________________________________
h) Intimate Contact
o ______________________________________________________________

Helminthes- Worms
o Nematodes
o Trematodes
o Cestodes

Nematoda- Roundworms
o Roundworms; Bilateral symmetrical parasites
o Non-segmented, cylindrical in shape
o Complete Digestive System
o No Circulatory System
o ____________________
o Sensory Organs:
➢ Amphids-Anterior sensory Organs
➢ Phasmids- Posterior sensory Organs
❖ Phasmid Nematodes-With Phasmids
❖ Aphasmid Nematodes-
Ascaris lumbricoides Trichuris trichiura Enterobius vermicularis

Final Host Man



Life Cycle 1. Ingestion 1. Ingestion of_______________ 1. Adult worms in

of_______________ 2. Larval hatch in-________ colon
3. Larva matures into adults 2. Adult worms
2. Larval hatch in- reproduce and
in_________ 4. Adult worms reproduce and produce eggs
produce- 3. __________migrates
3. __________________ 5. Eggs are released in the feces to perianal area to
and Embryonated in soil oviposit eggs and
4. Larva is swallowed female dies
back into the small 4. _____ingest
intestine embryonated eggs,
hatch in small
5. Larva mature to intestine to release
become- larva
5. Larva mature in
6. Adult worms reproduce colon to
and produce- become___________

7. Eggs are released in the

feces and Embryonated
in soil

Adult Stage Anterior Portion: Anterior Portion: 3/5th Fine/ Anterior Portion:
Posterior Portion: Hair Like
o Males: curved Posterior:2/5th Robust
posterior; spicule Presence of____________ Shaped esophagus
o Females: pointed Males: curved posterior; spicule
posterior Females: pointed posterior Posterior:
Egg production:20 to Males: curved posterior
200,000 eggs Females: pointed posterior
Egg Unfertilized Egg Barrel/Lemon/Football/Japanese D-shaped/Lopsided
o Glycogen Layer Lantern Embryonated after
o Lecithin Coarse o ______________________ Hours
Fertilized Egg o ______________________
o ___________________
___________________ o ______________________
o ___________________
Embryonated Egg- with
o _________________

Disease Ascariasis
Manifestation o

Laboratory Stool Exam Stool Exam Perianal Swab

Treatment Mebendazole Albendazole Albendazole

Animal Ascarids

1. Toxocara canis
Common Name:
2. Toxocara cati
Common Name:
Enterobius vermicularis Life Cycle
Procedure of Scotch Tap Method for Enterobius vermicularis

1. Take a piece of clear (not frosted) cellophane tape (use clear, transparent tape ONLY. Cloudy,
“magic” tape must not be used.) approximately 4 inches (10 cm) long.
2. Hold the tape between thumbs and forefingers with a sticky side facing upward.
3. While the child is still asleep during the morning, press the sticky side of the tape against the
skin across the anal opening with even, thorough pressure. The eggs stick to the tape.
4. Gently place the sticky side of the tape down against the surface of a clear glass slide.
5. Label the slide in pencil with the patient’s name, medical record number, and the date and send
it to the parasitology laboratory.
6. Examine the slide under a microscope using the low power (10x) objective. The eggs can be
made more visible by detaching the tape from the slide, adding a drop of xylene or toluene, and
again affixing the tape.

Rectal Prolapse due to Trichiurasis Infection

Capillaria philippinensis
Common Name:
Final Host:
Natural Host:
Intermediate Host:
Infective Stage:
Life Cycle:
1. Larval stages in raw or undercooked_________________________________________
2. Larval stage mature to become _____________________________________________
3. 1st Generation Females are_________________________________________________
4. Adults reproduce to produce_______________________________________________
5. Typical Eggs are released in the feces; _______________________________________
6. Eggs are released in the water and___________________________________________
7. Embryonated eggs are ingested by___________________________________________

1. Typical eggs: _________________
2. Atypical eggs: _________________

Disease Manifestation
o Mystery Disease/Intestinal Capillariasis
➢ Severe Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, _________________
❖ Death may occur if left untreated
❖ Protein Losing Enteropathy, Electrolyte Loss
➢ Autoinfection can occur
Laboratory Tests
o Stool Exam
o Mebendazole
Capillaria philippinensis
Strongyloides stercoralis
Common Name:
Final Host:
Infective Stage:
Life Cycle:
1. Adult free-living worms in the environment reproduce to produce eggs
2. Eggs hatch to release________________
3. When the environment in unfavorable to_________________transforms into a
4. Filariform larva penetrates skins of humans and undergoes _______________________
5. Larva matures in the small intestine to become__________________
6. Female adult worms undergo_____________and release eggs
7. Eggs easily hatch in the lumen of the _________________
8. ____________________are released and are released in the feces.
9. Some rhabditiform larva may undergo__________________
L1 Larva:
L3 Larva:
Eggs: (Rarely seen)
Disease Manifestation:
o Larva penetrating Skin:
o Migrating Larva:
o Adult Worms:

Laboratory Diagnosis: _____________________________________________________

Treatment: __________________________________________________________
Species Ancylostoma duodenale Necator americanus
Common Name
Final Host
Infective Stage
1. Filariform larva penetrates the skin of humans
2. Larva undergoes Hear Lung Migration
3. Larva swallowed back into the small intestine
4. Larval stages mature to become adult worms (attached to the lining of small
Life Cycle 5. Larval stages mature to become adult worms
6. Adult worms reproduce and release eggs
7. Eggs are released in feces
8. Eggs hatch in soil to release______________
9. Rhabditiform larva transform to______________

Adult Size
Buccal Cavity Ventral Teeth: ______________ Ventral Teeth: ______________

Bursa Tripartite
Spicule Plain, Bristle Like Barbed and fused
L1 Rhabditiform Stage:
(Larval Stage 1) • Short and _____
• Buccal Capsule: ___________________________
• Genital Primordium: ________________________

Larval Stage Filariform Stage: ___________________________

(L3) •

INDISTINGUISHABLE: _________________
Disease Skin Penetrating Larva: ______________________
Migrating Larva: ___________________________

Adult Stages: ______________________________

Laboratory Stool Examination

Diagno. sis • DFS
Culture Techniques
• ___________________________________


Animal Hookworms
Hookworm species of less importance:
1. Ancylostoma braziliense:
Ventral Teeth:

2. Ancyslostoma caninum
Ventral Teeth:

Disease Manifestation:

3. Ancylostoma ceylanicum-one of the smaller species of the genus. Occurs in the

intestine of cats & their wild relatives in Southeast Asia.
Trichinella spiralis
Common Name:
Final Host:
Accidental Host:
• Adult Worms:
• Adult Stage
Male: _____________________
Female: ___________________
• Larva:
• Disease Manifestation: ______________
o Greatest Increase of_________________
o Muscle Pain; Diarrhea
Infective Stage:
Laboratory Diagnosis
• Muscle Biopsy: ___________________________
• Other Tests:
o Bachman Intradermal Test
o Bentonite Flocculation Test
o Beck’s Xenodiagnosis
Angiostrongylus cantonensis

Coomon Name:
Final Host:
Accidental Host:
Intermediate Host:
Infective stage:
MOT: Ingestion of raw or uncooked infected snails
Adult stage:
Males: Presence of copulatory Bursa and________
Disease Manifestation: Angiostrongyliasis
❑ Eosinophilic meningoencephalitis
Angiostrongylus cantonensis

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