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The Urban Writers

Non-Fiction Outline Template

Manuscript Requirements (Overview)

Title Greeking Out

Subtitle A Mortal's Guide to Greek Mythology

Word Count 25,000

Niche Mythology, history

Manuscript’s Objectives

What are the top 3 objectives of the manuscript?

1. To provide an introduction to the gods, heroes, and creatures of Greek


2. To introduce the key myths and stories of Greek mythology and explain their
cultural and historical significance.

3. To explore the themes and motifs of Greek mythology, including the concept of
fate and free will, the role of the gods in human affairs, and the idea of the
hero's journey.

 What is the manuscript about? (Describe or recommend the book in 1


An accessible and comprehensive introduction to the myths, gods, and heroes of

ancient Greece, with a focus on exploring the cultural and historical significance of
these timeless tales.
What is the manuscript’s positioning? A non-fiction book looks something like

The manuscript targets [audience/ideal reader] and teaches them about [book
topic]. The goal of the manuscript is for them to achieve [list of objectives].

The manuscript targets beginners interested in Greek Mythology and teaches them
about the gods, heroes, and creatures of Greek mythology, the key myths and stories,
and the themes and motifs that run throughout. The goal of the manuscript is for
them to achieve a comprehensive introduction to Greek mythology, a deeper
understanding of its cultural and historical significance, and an exploration of its
relevance to the modern world.
What are the key reader takeaways? (What should the readers remember about
the book and/or what should resonate with them the most?)

The universal nature of the themes in Greek mythology

What are the questions readers would want answered by reading this

1. What is Greek Mythology and what are its major myths and tales?

2. What is the significance of Greek mythology? Why does it matter today?

3. What some of the most notable theories, deities and creatures?

Who is the author? Find out who the author is (pen name if there is one) and/or ask
them questions about what they want out of the book, as well as who they want to read
it. Knowing a little about the author will help achieve the correct tone and style for the
book. Additionally, you can request links to other content they’d like you to keep in
mind when writing the manuscript, if there are any.

This is a trial so there is no customer

Target Audience

Mark the target audience with an X. Feel free to choose all that apply.

Toddler Child

Teen Adult x

Student x Parent x

Women x Men x

Other (Please elaborate in the text box.)

Explore your Audience

What draws them to this book? What will they gain from reading it? What impression
do you hope to have on them? Bullet/point form is okay.

● Interest in exploring the legends and myths of ancient Greece

o Desire for a comprehensive introduction to the gods, heroes, and
creatures of Greek mythology
o Curiosity about the cultural and historical significance of these timeless
o Interest in learning about the themes and motifs of Greek mythology
and their relevance to the modern world
● What readers will gain from reading it
o A comprehensive understanding of the gods, heroes, and creatures of
Greek mythology
o Knowledge of the key myths and stories of Greek mythology and their
cultural and historical significance
o Insight into the themes and motifs of Greek mythology and their
relevance to the modern world
o An appreciation for the timeless nature of these stories and their impact
on Western culture
● Impression hoped to be left on readers
o A deeper understanding and appreciation of Greek mythology
o A fascination with the gods, heroes, and creatures of ancient Greece and
their stories
o A recognition of the cultural and historical significance of these myths
o An awareness of the enduring relevance of these tales to the modern
world and their impact on Western culture

What Are They Reading?

What are some of the top books in the niche/on the topic of this manuscript (2 to 5)?
Reading summaries, the table of contents, and reviews can help paint a picture of what
your target audience is looking for and provide some inspiration for your book (without
copying any content or structures directly). Bullet/point form is okay.
● "Greek Gods and Heroes" by Robert Graves
● "The Age of Heroes: The Late Bronze Age in Greek Myth" by Peter Thonemann
● "A Little History of the World" by E.H. Gombrich
● "The World of Myth: An Anthology" edited by David Adams Leeming.


Mark the desired tone and style with an X. Choose all that apply.

Light-Hearted x Poetic Informal Mature

Heavy-Hearted Morbid Outlook Realistic Formal

Descriptive Personal Relatable To-The-Point

Friendly x Humorous Parental Informative x

Other (Please elaborate in the text box.)

Niches and Sub-Niches

Narrow down the niches/sub-niches of the book with an X. Choose all that apply.

History x Cookbook Instructions Survival

Biography Diet Humor Photography

Autobiography Fitness Commentary Motivational

Memoirs General Health Mythology x Inspirational

Travel Philosophy Children Relationships

Self-Help Journalism Art Family

Parenting Hobbies Business Finance

Real Estate Law Religion x Spiritual

Meditation Politics Educational True Crime

Gardening Science Tech Sports

Psychology Pets Social Social Media

Other (Please elaborate in the text box.)


Indicate specific themes with an X. Choose all that apply.

Parental Music Serial Killers

Friendship Quotes Evolution

Anxiety Math Home Remedies

Christianity Diabetes Personal Stories

Empowerment Beating the Odds Underdog

Coming of Age Death Change VS Tradition

Evil or Real-Life Issues Positivity Wealth
(such as racism or

Manipulation Communication Behavior (Child)

Behavior (Pets) Pet Care Pregnancy

Loss Beauty Self-Care

Self-Love Acceptance Guide

Other (Please elaborate in the text box.)

The power of storytelling

Non-Negotiable Points

Be sure to make notes of anything that MUST be included in the manuscript.

● Overview of Greek Mythology and its cultural and historical significance.

● The major gods and goddesses of Greek mythology, including their powers,
relationships, and significance in ancient Greek culture.
● Key myths and stories, such as the creation myth, the myth of the Titans, and
the stories of the gods and heroes, including Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis,
Demeter, Persephone, Hades, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, and more.
● The themes and motifs that run throughout Greek mythology, including the
concept of fate and free will, the role of the gods in human affairs, and the idea
of the hero's journey.
● Exploration of the impact of Greek mythology on Western culture, including its
influence on art, literature, and philosophy.
● Explanation of the legacy of Greek mythology, including its enduring relevance
to the modern world and its continued influence on contemporary culture.

What Not to Include

Be sure to make notes of anything that should NOT be included.

● Extensive cultural or historical background information: While providing some
context is important, excessive details about the historical or cultural context of
ancient Greece may distract from the main focus of the book, which is an
introduction to Greek mythology.
● Debunking of myths: While some of the stories in Greek mythology may not be
historically accurate, it is important not to focus on debunking or critiquing the
myths as this may not be relevant or useful to beginner readers.
● In-depth discussion of controversial or disputed aspects of the myths: There
may be differing interpretations of certain myths or aspects of Greek
mythology, but it is important to keep discussion of these disputes to a
minimum and focus on the most commonly accepted versions of the myths.
About the Competition

Do some research on the competition, similar titles, and similar authors. One way to do
this is by reading reviews left by readers of best-selling competitor’s books; you can find
out what people like and don’t like about the content. Is there anything to focus on or
look out for that can make this manuscript better than that of the competitors?

Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry | Goodreads

- Readers complain about funny but irrelevant remarks that pull away from the
subject matter
Greek Mythology: The Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes Handbook: From Aphrodite to Zeus, a
Profile of Who's Who in Greek Mythology by Liv Albert | Goodreads
- Readers complain that parrels drawn between Greek Mythology and modern
entertainment are jarring

This book should avoid commentary that could detract from or distract from the
books source material. This does not mean avoiding situating the myths in modern
day life or showing how they are still relevant.

Additional Information

Please provide any additional information that will help in the writing of the

The sources given are meant to be a guide. You don’t have to use them alone to bring
the outline to life. So please conduct more research.
Manuscript Outline (Chapter Summaries)

Table of Contents

What does your table of contents look like? How many chapters will there be? Do
you know their titles? It’s okay to leave their titles blank at this stage if you prefer to
come up with them on-the-go. Simply make note of that.


Chapter 1: Greeks and Their Tales

Chapter 2: The Gods and Goddesses

Chapter 3: Greek Myths

Chapter 4: The Underworld

Chapter 5: Women in Greek Mythology

Chapter 6: The Trojan War

Chapter 7: The Labors of Heracles

Chapter 8: The Trials of Odysseus

Chapter-by-Chapter Summary

Next, provide more information about the actual chapters in terms of headings,
subheadings, information to be included under each, references/links being used and so


Estimated word count for the introduction


Tips on what NOT ● Do not use generic and/or obvious statements as the
to do in your opening for a book. This would be something like
Introduction “You’ve just bought BookTitle and in this book you
(unless requested will learn about Topic.”
by the customer)

Your introduction should not include statements through

that are reiterating the title, topic, etc. The introduction must
be strong and hook the reader, so they want to keep reading.

Avoid things like:

● Thanking the reader for choosing your book. Thank

them with the value of the content

● Listing the table of contents

● Highlighting that the book is self-published (unless

requested by the customer)

How will the manuscript begin? What’s the hook?

Other info:

Please outline specific details/points that will be included in the

introduction. Bullet/point form is okay.

Are there any don’ts for the introduction?  Discuss with the customer to confirm.

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested.
Chapter 1: Greeks and Their Tales

Estimated word count for the chapter

3000 or less

What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

Talk about the place of mythology in Greek life

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Explore the significance of Greek mythology

● Explore where Greek mythology comes from

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● Origins of Greek Mythology

o Oral tradition
o Text like the Theogony and Homeric epics
o Influence from other civilizations
● Significance of Greek Mythology(expand on the points below
o Explain natural phenomena.
o Explain the origins of the universe.
o Used to express values and beliefs, teach ethical lessons.
o Used for entertainment

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

Greek mythology | Gods, Stories, & History | Britannica

5 Lessons That Greek Mythology Teach Us (
What Purpose Did Myths Serve for the Ancient Greek People? (
Social Culture of Ancient Greece | Maryville Online

Chapter 2: The Gods and Goddesses

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

An overview of the Greek gods and goddesses

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Explore the twelve main gods.

● Briefly discuss other notable deities
Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● Briefly explore the twelve main gods, also called the Olympians.
o They reside at highest mountain peak known as Mount Olympus
o Describe their attributes, relation to each other, powers and also
mention at least one myth they are involved in. Their names are: Zeus,
Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Demeter,
Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon.
o For instance, Zeus is king of the gods, has dominion over the weather,
fate and law. He made his father vomit his siblings which started a war
between Titans and Olympians.(You would elaborate and mentions the
significance of the myth)
● Focus on other important deities that are not considered part of the Olympians
and do the same thing. These gods are: Hades, Hestia and Eros.

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

12 Zeus Myths and Stories - Myth Nerd

Greek Mythology: Gods, Goddesses & Legends - HISTORY - HISTORY
Hades | Characteristics, Family, & Mythology | Britannica
Hestia | Myth & Powers | Britannica

Chapter 3: Greek Myths

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

An overview of the most notable Greek Myths

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Important myths
● Notable Greek Heroes
● Explanation of why these stories still matter today

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● Important myths
o Creation myth involving Chaos, Nyx and Erebus. How it lead to Gaia etc.
o Prometheus and the theft of fire. Talk about the significance of the
discovery of fire for humans as well.
o The twelve labors of Hercules etc. (Brief overview no need to go too
● Notable heroes
o Odysseus
o Achilles
o Theseus
o Jason and the Argonauts
● These myths still matter because they explore universal themes. We can learn
stand to learn something from them

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

What Is the Greek Creation Myth? - (

Why Ancient Greek Mythology Is Still Relevant Today - Owlcation
10 of the Greatest Heroes of Greek Mythology | History Hit
6 of the Most Popular Greek Myths | History Hit

**copy and paste above structure for as many chapters as necessary**

Chapter 4: The Underworld

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

An overview of the underworld

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● The underworld overview

● Life and death in mythology

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

o Explore the underworld: its geography and the realms within it, such as the
Elysian Fields and Tartarus
o Discussion of the gods and goddesses associated with the underworld, such as
Hades and Persephone
o Life and Death in Greek Mythology
o Greek beliefs about the afterlife and the roles of the gods in determining
a person's fate after death
o Myths surrounding death and the journey of the soul to the underworld

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

Persephone - World History Encyclopedia

Greek Mythology and Life After Death (
The After-Life In Ancient Greece - World History Encyclopedia
The Underworld (Hades) In Greek Mythology — World Of The Dead

Chapter 5: Women in Greek Mythology

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

A look at how women are portrayed in Greek Mythology

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Role of goddesses in the pantheon
● Representation of women in heroic tales
● Role of women in everyday Greek life

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● Role of goddesses in the pantheon

o Focus on their spheres of influence and how the contrast with men’s
o For instance, we have Aphrodite as goddess of love and beauty and
Athena as that of wisdom and warfare.
● Representation of women in heroic tales
o Female sexuality and power
o How women were punished, such as Medusa
o Heroines like Atalanta and Hippolyta
● Role of women in everyday Greek life
o Limited opportunities in politics and education

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

Undergraduate Research Symposium (

Goddesses of Greek Mythology (
Mother, Damsel, Monster—How Women Are Portrayed in Greek Myth — mythos
Women in Ancient Greece - World History Encyclopedia

Chapter 6: The Trojan War

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

The story of the Trojan war

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Causes of the War

● Major Battles/Players
● The Fall of Troy

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● The cause of the war

o The war was sparked by the kidnapping of Helen, the wife of King
Menelaus of Sparta, by Paris, prince of Troy.
o The Greeks, led by King Agamemnon of Mycenae, assembled a large
army to reclaim Helen and punish the Trojans.
o The major players and battles:
● Battles/Players
o The Greeks were led by a coalition of heroes, including Achilles,
Odysseus, and Ajax.
o The Trojans, aided by allies from neighboring kingdoms, were led by
Prince Hector.
o The war lasted for ten years and was characterized by a series of battles
and sieges, culminating in the death of Achilles and the eventual fall of
● The fall of Troy and its aftermath
o The Greeks finally succeeded in capturing Troy by using the ruse of the
Wooden Horse, a giant statue filled with soldiers.
o The city was sacked and many of its citizens were killed or taken as
o The returning Greek heroes faced many challenges on their journey
home, including the wrath of the gods and the trials of Odysseus.

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

Casus belli: Causes of the Trojan War in the Epic Cycle – Classics@ Journal (
Description of Major Figures of the Trojan War (
Aftermath of the Trojan War - Greek Mythology Link (
Trojan war summary with Causes and consequences (

Chapter 7: The Labors of Heracles

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

An overview of the myth of Hercules and its significance

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● Exploring the Twelve labors
● Meaning behind them

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● Detailed explanation of the twelve labors:

o Slay the Nemean Lion
o Capture the Erymanthian Boar
o Capture the Ceryneian Hind
o Clean the Augean Stables
o Slay the Stymphalian Birds
o Capture the Cretan Bull
o Steal the Mares of Diomedes
o Obtain the Girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons
o Obtain the Cattle of Geryon
o Steal the Apples of the Hesperides
o Capture Cerberus, the guard dog of the underworld
o Retrieve the Golden Hind of Artemis
● The meaning and symbolism behind the labors

o The labors of Heracles symbolize the hero's journey and transformation.

o Each labor represents a particular challenge or test that the hero must
overcome, ranging from physical strength and courage to wit and
o The labors also reflect the values and morals of ancient Greek society,
such as the importance of bravery, self-discipline, and perseverance.

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

Hercules: Myth, Legend, Death & 12 Labors - HISTORY - HISTORY

Why Myths Still Matter: Hercules and His Twelve Healing Labors | Psychology Today
21 Life Lessons Heracles Taught Us | by Khawaja Saud Masud | Medium
Heracles | Myth, Significance, Labors, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Chapter 8: The Trials of Odysseus

Estimated word count for the chapter


What is the hook/key takeaway of the chapter? (1-sentence summary.)

A short retelling of Odysseus’s journey home

Supporting Content:

What headings and subheadings will this chapter include?

Add what needs to be included beneath each heading and subheading. Please share in
more detail what to expect from this chapter and ensure all the non-negotiable
requirements/specifications are included.

You can use bullet points for this section.

● The first trials

● The island of the Laestrygonians and the cattle of the sun-god
● The final trials and homecoming

Content Breakdown. Use bullet lists to outline an overview of the content/topics that
will be covered in the chapter (include enough detail to paint a clear picture of the
chapter) and ensure the chapter contents do not repeat throughout the manuscript
unless they add value.

● The first trials

o Odysseus' journey home was fraught with danger, as he faced the wrath
of the gods, including the sea-god Poseidon, who held a grudge against
him for blinding his son, the Cyclops.
o Odysseus encountered many obstacles, including storms, shipwrecks,
and encounters with monsters, such as the sorceress Circe and the giant
● The island of the Laestrygonians and the cattle of the sun-god
o One of the most significant trials faced by Odysseus was his encounter
with the Laestrygonians, a tribe of cannibals who destroyed his ships
and crew.
o Another trial was the theft of the cattle of the sun-god Helios, which
brought down the wrath of the gods and resulted in the deaths of many
of Odysseus' men.
● The final trials and homecoming
o Upon his arrival in Ithaca, Odysseus faced further trials, as he was
confronted by the suitors who had taken over his palace and were
courting his wife, Penelope.
o Odysseus was eventually able to reclaim his kingdom and reunite with
his wife and son, Telemachus, with the help of the goddess Athena and
his cunning and bravery.

Relevant reference/resource links for this chapter. Share links with the
customer via chat if necessary/requested. Links for references and resources are
mandatory. New links and references you come across can also be cleared with the
customer during writing.

The_Odyssey.pdf (
Odyssey | Summary, Characters, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Why You Might Want to Read the Odyssey | HuffPost Entertainment
How Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ is relevant today | PBS NewsHour


Estimated word count for the conclusion


How will the manuscript end? What’s the close? Are you going to include a
summary, call-to-action, and/or ask for a review?
Just go over the main lessons of the book again

Other info:

Is there anything specific that should be included in the conclusion?

Are there any don’ts for the conclusion? Check with the customer to confirm.

*All manuscripts must follow Kindle eBook formatting and adhere to the
TUW in-house style guide as per our policy.

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