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Air Systems

PSD 151
Continuing Education from Plumbing Systems & Design



Compressed Air Systems

Introduction temperature, a correction factor must be used Engineering values of -460°F and -273°C are
Compressed air is a major source of power to determine the equivalent volume of air at typical values used.
possessing many advantages for industrial different temperatures. Additionally, ambient Aftercooling Involves cooling of gas in a
and commercial applications. It is safe, eco- air contains a certain amount of native mois- heat exchanger following the completion of
nomical, easily transmitted, and adaptable. ture that will be condensed during the transfer compression to reduce the temperature and
There are over 1,000 applications for com- from the ambient air state to the compressed to liquefy condensable vapors.
pressed air. air state. The quantity of moisture carried Altitude The elevation of a compressor
Compressed air is used to produce linear during the process between states will vary above sea level.
motion, as is required in hand tools, air ham- widely with the ambient temperature and Barometric pressure The absolute atmo-
mers, paving breakers, rock drills, positive relative humidity. spheric pressure existing at the surface of the
displacement pumps, paint chippers, and Air is a gas, and the state of the gas is deter- Earth. It is the weight of a unit column of air
vibrators. It also is employed to actuate linear mined at any given instance as measured by above the point of measurement. It varies with
movement through a piston and cylinder or its properties. A process occurs whenever the altitude and, at any given location, with mois-
a diaphragm for air-actuated valves, doors, air undergoes either a change in state or an ture content and weather.
dampers, brakes, etc. Atomizing, spraying, energy transfer. The following are basic com- Capacity The quantity of air actually deliv-
and moving hard-to-pump fluids are other pressed air processes: ered when operating between specified inlet
applications. Compressed air can be bubbled • Adiabatic process is one during which no and discharge pressures. For ejectors, capacity
up to measure fluid levels, agitate liquids, heat is added to or removed from the air. is measured in pounds per hour. For all other
and inhibit ice formation in bodies of water. • Isochoric process takes place under a compressor types, capacity is a volume mea-
Another use of compressed air is for instru- constant volume. sured at the conditions of pressure, tempera-
mentation. Air circuits solve the most com- • Isothermal process is one in which no ture, gas composition, and moisture content
plex problems in automatic control, starting change in temperature occurs. existing at the compressor inlet flange.
and stopping, and modulation of valves, • Polytropic process is one in which Compressed air Ambient air stored and
machines, and processes. Some applications changes in the characteristics and state distributed at a pressure greater than atmo-
would be almost impossible with any power of the air are considered during com- spheric pressure (14.7 pounds per square inch
medium other than compressed air. pression. This is a generalized expres- absolute [psia], 101 kilopascals [kPa]).
This chapter discusses compressed air for sion for deviation from the adiabatic, Compressibility The property of air or of
industrial laboratory and commercial applica- isochoric, and isothermal processes an air mixture that causes it to differ in volume
tions. For a discussion of compressed (medi- listed above. The polytropic process of from that of a perfect gas when each is under
cal) air used in healthcare facilities, refer to compression is the most commonly used the same pressure and temperature condi-
the chapter “Plumbing Design for Healthcare process in industrial compressed air tions. Occasionally it is called deviation. It
Facilities.” production because it allows variations must be experimentally determined.
in pressure, temperature, or volume to Compressibility factor (Z) The ratio of the
General information occur during the compression cycle. actual volume of the gas to the volume deter-
Air is a fluid. The two types of fluids are liquids mined according to the perfect gas law. As
and gases. Gases have a weaker cohesive force Other processes that are more applicable
shown in the charts herein, it is a multiplier of
holding their molecules together than liquids to the transfer between gases and liquids are
perfect gas volume.
do, and this is why gases can be compressed. the reversible and irreversible processes. The
Super-compressibility A term used with
Ambient air is a mixture of gases whose main reversible process is an ideal process that may
various meanings, most frequently the
components are oxygen and nitrogen; it has be stopped and made to retrace its steps and
same as compressibility, although this
many other gases in minor concentrations. restore to the system or surroundings all work
is not assured. A current ASME Power
The actual volume of an atom of gas in rela- and heat previously removed. The irreversible
Test Code uses it as a ratio of gas densi-
tion to the total volume of a gas molecule is process is one in which a portion of the origi-
ties rather than volumes. Therefore, it is
quite small, and so, gases are mostly empty nal system energy is dissipated and cannot
1/Z in this case. Super-compressibility
space. Pressure is produced when the mol- be returned to the system through its own
should never be used unless its meaning
ecules of a gas in an enclosed space rapidly operation. The system cannot be returned to
is clarified completely. Compressibility is
strike the enclosing surfaces. If the gas is its original state.
preferred and is used herein.
confined to smaller and smaller spaces, the DEFINITIONS
molecules strike the container walls more and Compression efficiency The ratio of the
Absolute pressure The arithmetic sum of
more frequently, producing greater pressure. theoretical work requirement (using a stated
gauge and atmospheric/barometric pressures.
Because free air is less dense at higher process) to the actual work required to be
It must be used in all calculations involving
elevations, a correction factor must be used done on the gas for compression and delivery.
the basic gas laws.
to determine the equivalent volume of air at Expressed as a percentage, compression effi-
Absolute temperature The temperature
low and high elevations. Temperature is also ciency accounts for leakage and fluid friction
of a body referred to as absolute zero, at which
a consideration. Because a volume of free air losses and thermodynamic variations from
point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically
at a high temperature will exert a higher pres- the theoretical process.
becomes zero. On the Fahrenheit scale, this is
sure than the same volume of air at a lower Compression ratio The ratio of the abso-
-459.67°F; on the Celsius scale, it is -273.15°C. lute discharge to the absolute intake pressure.

Reprinted from Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook, Volume 3, Chapter 9: “Compressed Air Systems”
© American Society of Plumbing Engineers , 2007.

2  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

It usually applies to a single stage of compres- Energy The capacity of a substance, either Brake horsepower The total power input
sion but may be applied to a complete multi- latent or apparent, to exert a force through a required including gas horsepower plus
stage compressor as well. distance, that is, to do work. all friction losses.
Critical pressure The saturation pressure at External energy The energy represented Gas horsepower The actual work
the critical temperature. It is the highest vapor by the product of pressure and volume. required to compress and deliver a given
pressure that the liquid can exert. Note: Criti- It may be regarded as the energy a sub- gas quantity, including all thermody-
cal conditions must be experimentally deter- stance possesses by virtue of the space it namic, leakage, and fluid friction losses.
mined for each pure gas. When calculated for occupies. It does not include mechanical losses.
a mixture, they are called pseudo (pretend) Internal energy The energy a substance Indicated horsepower That obtained by
critical conditions. possesses because of the motion and indicator card analysis of compression
Critical temperature The highest temper- configuration of its atoms, molecules, or expansion in a cylinder of a recipro-
ature at which a gas can be liquefied. and subatomic particles. cating compressor. It is the same as gas
Dead-end pressure The suction pressure Kinetic energy The energy a substance horsepower.
attained by an ejector or positive displace- possesses by virtue of its motion or Peak horsepower The maximum power
ment vacuum pump at zero capacity with the velocity. It enters into dynamic and ejec- required by a given compressor when
suction absolutely blanked off. tor compressor calculations, but seldom operating at a constant discharge pres-
Degrees Kelvin (°K) An absolute tempera- into positive displacement problems. sure with variable intake pressure or
ture scale. Potential energy The energy a substance constant intake pressure with variable
Degree Rankine (°R) An absolute tem- possesses because of its elevation above discharge pressure.
perature scale. the Earth (or above some other chosen Theoretical horsepower The work
Density The weight of a given volume of datum plane). theoretically required to compress and
gas, usually expressed in pounds per cubic deliver a given gas quantity in accor-
Enthalpy (heat content) The sum of the
feet at standard pressure and temperature dance with a specified product.
internal and external energies.
conditions (air = 0.09 pound/cubic foot [1.3
Entrainment ratios Used with ejectors to Humidity In normal usage, has to do with
kilograms/cubic meter]).
convert the weight of gas and/or water vapor moisture (water vapor) in the atmosphere.
Design (built-in) compression ratio In a
handled to or from equivalent air. They are There are two engineering terms involved.
rotary compressor, refers to the compression
based on extensive tests. Relative humidity The ratio of the actual
ratio that has been attained when the fixed
Entropy A measure of the unavailability of partial vapor pressure in an air and
discharge port is uncovered. A helical-lobe
energy in a substance. vapor mixture to the saturated vapor
compressor (and most other rotary units) can
Equivalent air An ejector term—the cal- pressure at the existing dry-bulb mixture
have an operating ratio somewhat higher or
culated pounds per hour of air at 70°F and temperature, usually expressed in per-
lower than the design ratio with little change
14.696 psia and containing normal atmo- cent.
in efficiency.
spheric moisture that is equivalent to, but not Specific humidity The ratio of weight of
Dew point The temperature at which the
necessarily equal to, the weight rate of the gas water vapor in an air and vapor mixture
vapor in a space (at a given pressure) will start
handled by the ejector at suction conditions. to the weight of dry air. It is usually
to condense (form dew). The dew point of a
Entrainment ratios are involved. expressed as pounds of vapor per pound
gas mixture is the temperature at which the
Evaporative cooling Takes place when of dry air.
highest boiling point constituent will start to
a liquid (usually water) is injected into the Inlet pressure The total pressure (static
gas stream before or during compression. As plus velocity) at the inlet flange of the com-
Discharge pressure The total gas pressure
compression takes place, the gas temperature pressor. Velocity pressure is usually consid-
(static plus velocity) at the discharge flange of
rises and some or all of the liquid is evapo- ered only with dynamic compressors.
the compressor. Velocity pressure usually is
rated—the latent heat of liquid vaporization Inlet temperature The temperature at
considered only with dynamic compressors.
being removed from the gas—lowering its the inlet flange of the compressor. Note: In a
Discharge temperature The temperature
temperature. multistage compressor, the various stages may
existing at the discharge flange of the com-
Fixed compression ratio The design have differing inlet temperatures.
(built-in) compression ratio for a rotary unit Intercooling Involves the cooling of gas
Displacement Applies only to positive dis-
having this feature. between stages of compression to reduce
placement compressors. It is the net volume
Free air Air at ambient conditions at a spe- the temperature, to reduce the volume to be
swept by the moving parts in a unit of time,
cific location. Temperature, barometric pres- compressed in the succeeding stage, to liquefy
usually one minute.
sure, and moisture content may be different condensable vapors, and to save power.
Dry bulb temperature The ambient gas
from those of standard air. The term “free air” Maximum discharge pressure As applied
is not to be used unless the ambient tempera- to ejectors, the maximum absolute static
Dry gas Any gas or gas mixture that con-
ture, humidity, and barometric pressure con- recovery pressure against which the ejector
tains no water vapor and/or in which all of
ditions at the compressor location are stated. will operate with stability.
the constituents are substantially above their
Gauge pressure Pressure as determined Mechanical efficiency The ratio, expressed
respective saturated vapor pressures at the
by most instruments and gauges. Barometric in percent, of the indicated horsepower to the
existing temperature. (See wet gas.) Note: In
pressure must be allowed for to obtain the actual shaft horsepower (or steam indicated
commercial compressor work, a gas may be
true or absolute pressure. horsepower in an integral steam-driven unit).
considered dry (even though it contains water
Heat Energy transferred because of a tem- Normal air The term used for average
vapor) if its dew point is low at the inlet condi-
perature difference. There is no transfer of atmospheric air at sea level in a temperate
tion (say -50° to -60°F).
mass. zone where it contains some moisture. It is
Dry unit One in which there is no liquid
Horsepower A unit of work equal to 33,000 defined in the ASME Test Code for Displace-
injection and/or liquid circulation for evapo-
foot-pounds per minute. ment Compressors as being at 14.696 psia,
rative cooling or sealing. (See evaporative
cooling.) 68°F, 36 percent relative humidity, and weigh-

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  3

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Compressed Air Systems
ing 0.075 pound per cubic feet. The k-value is Saturation temperature The tempera- Temperature The property of a substance
1.395. ture corresponding to a given saturated vapor that gauges the potential or driving force for
Piston displacement For a reciprocating pressure for a given vapor. the flow of heat.
compressor cylinder, it is the net volume dis- Slip The internal leakage within a rotary Thermal compressor An ejector used to
placed by the piston at rated machine speed, compressor. It represents gas at least partially compress waste or exhaust steam or any other
generally expressed in cubic feet per minute compressed but not delivered. It is experi- gas through a moderate range of compression
(cfm). For single-acting cylinders, it is the dis- mentally determined and expressed in cfm to above atmospheric pressure.
placement of the compressing end only. For be deducted from the displacement to obtain Vapor pressure The pressure exerted by
double-acting cylinders, it is the total of both capacity. a vapor confined within a given space. The
ends. For multistage compressors, the dis- Slip RPM The speed required of a rotary vapor may be the sole occupant or the space
placement of the first stage only is commonly compressor to maintain a given discharge or may be associated with other gases.
stated as that of the entire machine. pressure, supplying leakage only (zero actual Wet bulb temperature Used in psy-
Precooler A heat exchanger located imme- output). It is an experience factor. chrometry and is the temperature recorded by
diately preceding an ejector to condense and Specific gravity The ratio of the density a thermometer whose bulb has been covered
remove a portion of the vapor in the mixture of a given gas to the density of dry air, both with a wetted wick and whirled on a sling psy-
and thus reduce the total pounds per hour to measured at the same specified conditions of chrometer. Taken with the dry bulb, it permits
be handled. temperature and pressure, usually 14.696 psia determination of the relative humidity of the
Psychrometry Has to do with the proper- and 60°F. It should also take into account any atmosphere.
ties of air and water vapor mixtures in the compressibility deviation from a perfect gas. Wet gas Any gas or gas mixture in which
atmosphere. Specific heat (heat capacity) The rate one or more of the constituents is at its satu-
Pumping The reversal of flow within a of change in enthalpy with temperature. It is rated vapor pressure. The constituent at
dynamic compressor that takes place when commonly measured at constant pressure or saturation pressure may or may not be water
the capacity being handled is reduced to a at constant volume. The values are different vapor.
point where insufficient pressure is being gen- and are known as cp and cv respectively. Wet helical-lobe unit One which handles
erated to maintain flow. Specific volume The volume of a given a small constant flow of liquid with the gas,
Ratio of specific heats The ratio of the weight of gas, usually expressed as cubic feet utilizes evaporative (injection) cooling, or cir-
specific heat at constant pressure to the spe- per pound at standard pressure and tempera- culates a liquid for sealing and/or cooling. The
cific heat constant volume. It may vary consid- ture conditions. last may or may not be evaporative cooling.
erably with pressure and temperature. Standard air For the American National Work Energy in transition, defined in units
Recovery pressure That pressure of either Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Com- of force times distance. Work cannot be done
motive fluid or discharge at which an ejector pressed Gas Association, standard air is con- unless there is movement.
requires stable operation following a period of sidered to be dry, with a relative humidity of
unstable operation due to having previously 0.0 percent, a temperature of 60°F (15.6°C), Units of Measure
reached the breaking pressure. There are two and a pressure of 14.7 psig (101.4 kPa). For the Pressure
recovery pressures, one for motive fluid and chemical industry, standard air is 68°F (20°C) Pressure measurements are made using
one for the discharge pressure. at a relative humidity of 0.0 percent and a force acting upon an area. In the United
Reduced pressure The ratio of the actual pressure of 14.7 psig (101.4 kPa). Some manu- States, pressure is commonly measured using
absolute gas pressure to the absolute critical facturers use a relative humidity of 36 percent, inch-pound (IP) units of measurement and
pressure. a temperature of 68°F (20°C), and a pressure of expressed as pounds per square inch (psi).
Reduced temperature The ratio in abso- 14.2 psig (100.0 kPa) for performance test rat- Another common unit of measurement
lute units of the actual gas temperature to the ings. It is imperative that the conditions under for low-pressure systems is inches of water
critical temperature. which a compressor rating is calculated are column (in. wc). In International System (SI)
Saturation Occurs when the vapor is at the obtained from the owner and manufacturer. units, pressure is commonly measured in kilo-
dew point or saturation temperature corre- Actual cubic feet per minute (acfm) pascals (kPa).
sponding to its partial pressure. A gas is never (actual liters per minute [aL/min]) A The two basic reference points for measur-
saturated with a vapor. The space occupied volume measurement of standard air ing pressure are standard atmospheric pres-
jointly by the gas and vapor may be saturated, after it has been compressed. The term sure and a perfect vacuum. When pressure is
however. “acfm (aL/min)” is not to be used unless measured using standard atmospheric pres-
Degree of saturation The ratio of weight the pressure is stated. sure as the point of reference, the measure-
of vapor existing in a given space to the Standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) ment is called gauge pressure, expressed as
weight that would be present if the space (normal liters per minute [nL/min]) A pounds per square inch gauge (psig). If the
were saturated at the space temperature. volume measurement of air at standard reference pressure level is a perfect vacuum,
Saturated air and vapor mixture One conditions. Outside the United States, the term used is absolute pressure, expressed
in which the space occupied by the mixture standard is commonly referred to as as pounds per square inch absolute (psia).
is saturated with water vapor at the mixture normal, hence nL/min and nL/s. Local barometric pressure, which is the pre-
temperature. Standard pressure and temperature vailing pressure at any specific location, is
Saturated vapor pressure The pressure (SPT) 14.696 psia and 60°F unless specifically variable and should not be confused with
existing at a given temperature in a closed stated otherwise. standard atmosphere, which is mean theoreti-
vessel containing a liquid and the vapor from State A gas’s condition at an instant of time cal barometric pressure at sea level. Theoreti-
that liquid after equilibrium conditions have as described or measured by its properties. cal standard atmospheric pressure at sea level
been reached. It is dependent only on tem- Suction pressure The absolute static pres- is equal to 14.696 (generally shortened to 14.7)
perature and must be determined experimen- sure prevailing at the suction of the ejector. psia or 0 psig and 29.92 inches of mercury (Hg)
tally. Superheated air and vapor mixture One (101.4 kPa and 760 millimeters Hg). A perfect
Saturation pressure Another term for in which the space occupied by the mixture is vacuum has a value of 0 psia (0 kPa) and 0
saturated vapor pressure. above the saturation temperature at the mix- inches Hg. Theoretical standard atmospheric
ture temperature. temperature is 60°F (15.6°C).

4  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

Flow Rate be determined prior to the selection of equip- casing. The casing is partially filled with liquid.
The most common IP unit of measure for ment. As the rotor turns, the blades set the liquid
flow rate is cubic feet per minute (cfm). If the in motion. As they rotate, the blades extend
Air Compressors deeper into the liquid ring, compressing the
flow rate is low, it is commonly expressed in
The purpose of an air compressor is to con-
cubic feet per hour (cfh). The SI units used for trapped air.
centrate free air, decreasing its volume and
flow rate are cubic meters per minute (m3/ The resulting air is completely oil free. This
thereby increasing its pressure. There are two
min), liters per minute (L/min), and liters per type of compressor can also handle wet, cor-
general categories of air compressors: positive
second (L/s). Flow rate must reference scfm or rosive, or explosive gases. Various liquids,
displacement and dynamic.
acfm (nL/min or aL/min). Some manufactur- which are compatible with specific gases to be
The positive displacement compressor is
ers use nm3/min, which means normal cubic compressed, can be used. This unit is very well
essentially a constant volume, variable pres-
meters per minute, or nL/min, which means suited for hospital and laboratory use. A prac-
sure machine capable of operating over a wide
normal liters per minute. It is mandatory that tical limitation of 100 psi (689.5 kPa) exists,
range of discharge pressures at a relatively
all equipment selection flow rate criteria be in and there is higher power consumption than
constant capacity. Positive displacement com-
the same units. with piston units of a similar rating.
pressors can be separated into reciprocating Straight Lobe Compressor Straight lobe
Water Vapor in Air and rotary machines. Typical reciprocating (often referred to as rotary lobe) compressors
Air contains varying amounts of water vapor, compressors include piston and diaphragm function in a manner similar to that of gear
depending on its temperature and pressure. types. Rotary compressors include such types pumps. A pair of identical rotors, each with
When a given volume of free air is com- as sliding vane, liquid ring (or liquid piston), lobes shaped like the figure 8 in cross section,
pressed under conditions used in facilities, an and screw. The most widely used types of are mounted inside a casing. As they rotate,
increase in temperature occurs. An increase in dynamic compressors include the centrifugal air is trapped between the impeller lobes
temperature results in an increased ability of and the axial flow. and pump casing and carried around with-
the air to retain moisture. An increase in pres- Dynamic compressor characteristics are out compression. This air is then discharged,
sure results in a decrease in the air’s ability to opposite those of the positive displacement using the existing pressure in the system to
hold water. With each 20°F (5.6°C) increase in compressor. This machine operates over a rel- increase pressure. These units are available oil
temperature, the ability of air to accept water atively wide range of capacities at a relatively free and are generally recommended for pres-
vapor doubles. Because of the high tempera- constant discharge pressure. sures up to 200 psig (1,379 kPa) and 150 scfm
ture of the air during the compression cycle, (4,285 nL/min).
Compressor Types
water is not precipitated during compression Rotary Screw Compressor Rotary screw
Reciprocating Compressor A reciprocating
inside the compressor; rather, it is precipitated compressors use a pair of close-clearance,
compressor uses positive displacement, which
after the cycle has been completed. There are helical-lobe rotors turning in unison. As air
is accomplished by a piston moving in a cyl-
various methods of expressing the water vapor enters the inlet, the rotation of the rotors causes
inder. When compression occurs on only one
present. the cavity in which air is trapped to become
stroke, it is called a single-acting cylinder, and
Relative Humidity This is the amount smaller and smaller, increasing pressure. The
when compression occurs on both strokes, it
of water vapor actually present in the air air reaches the end of the screw at high pres-
is called a double-acting compressor. The cyl-
expressed as a percent of the amount present sure and flows out smoothly at the discharge
inders can be horizontal, vertical, or angled.
when the air is saturated. Relative humidity port. The majority of rotary screw compres-
The cylinders can be sealed and lubricated
is dependent on both pressure and tempera- sors in use today are of the oil-flooded type.
with oil when traces of oil in the discharge air
ture. Designs that produce oil-free air are available.
will cause no problems. Oil-free machines are
Dew Point The dew point is the tempera- These compressors produce pulse-free air and
also available, but at a higher cost than those
ture at which water in the air will start to con- are generally available for pressures from 150
requiring oil.
dense on a surface; it is the preferred method to 300 psi (1,034 to 2,068 kPa) and 300 scfm
Cooling is accomplished by air or water.
to express the dryness of compressed air. The (8,496 nL/min).
Water cooling is generally more effective than
lower the dew point, the dryer the air. Since Centrifugal Compressor Centrifugal
air cooling and consumes less power, but the
the dew point of air varies with the air pres- compressors are dynamic machines that
initial and operating costs are higher. A two-
sure, it must be referred to as the pressure dew utilize impellers to add kinetic energy to the
stage compressor consumes less power than a
point. The dew point of compressed air is not airstream by centrifugal action. The veloc-
single-stage unit for the equivalent output.
affected by the temperature of compressed ity of the air is increased as it passes through
Sliding Vane Compressor Sliding vane
air. each impeller. A diffuser section decelerates
compressors work by utilizing vanes that are
Contaminants mounted eccentrically in a cylindrical rotor the high-velocity air, converting the kinetic
There are four general classes of contamina- and are free to slide in and out of slots. As the energy into potential energy. The volute fur-
tion: rotor turns, the space between the compres- ther increases the pressure and directs the air
1. Liquids (oil and water) sor casing and the vanes decreases, and the air into the discharge piping.
2. Vapor (oil, water, and hydrocarbons) is compressed. Centrifugal compressors typically produce
3. Gas These are compact units, well suited for large volumes of air at relatively low pressures.
4. Particulates direct connection to a relatively high-speed Higher pressures can be attained by adding
motor. Their efficiency is usually less than stages with intercooling between the stages.
A knowledge of the various pollutants in the The centrifugal compressor takes up less floor
that of an equivalent piston unit. Their best
air is helpful when an engineer has to decide space but requires more power than a recipro-
application is for situations where small, low-
what equipment is required to effectively cating unit of equal output. Its inherently oil-
capacity compressors, generally in the range
reduce or remove them. The required level free air delivery is a major advantage in many
of 100 cfm to 75 psi (2832 L/min to 517.1 kPa),
of protection from the various contaminants applications.
are required.
depends on the purpose for the air. The per-
Liquid Ring Compressor Liquid ring
formance criteria for each system, along with Compressor Accessories
compressors, sometimes referred to as liquid
the identity and quantity of pollutants, must Silencers With today’s emphasis on noise
pistons, are rotary positive displacement units control, the installation of an intake silencer is
that use a fixed-blade rotor in an elliptical

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  5

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Compressed Air Systems
probably necessary for most projects. There are two types of silencer: moisture separator is usually provided. The separator could be either
reactive and absorptive. The reactive type is used to attenuate (reduce) an integral part of the aftercooler or a separate unit.
low-frequency sound in the order of 500 hertz (Hz) and is most often Additional factors to be considered when selecting an aftercooler
found on reciprocating compressors. The absorptive type is often used are pressure drop through the unit, space and clearance requirements,
on centrifugal and screw type compressors, where frequencies are operation costs, and maintenance.
above 500 Hz. There is no practical limit in cfm (L/min) for either type. Filters The purpose of any filter is to remove or reduce impurities
Silencers may be combined with inlet filters for more economical or contaminants in the airstream to an acceptable or predetermined
installations. They can also be mounted directly on compressors, out- level. Filter nomenclature has been developed based on the type of
side the building walls, or at the roof level as separate units. filter medium used and generally on where it is placed in a compressed
Aftercoolers An aftercooler is a device used to lower the tempera- air system. Inlet filters, prefilters, after-filters and point-of-use filters
ture of compressed air immediately after the compression process. Air are some examples. Generally speaking, nothing prevents any kind of
leaving the compressor is very hot. It is desirable to reduce the tem- filter from being used for any application, provided that the required
perature of discharged air to the range of 70 and 110°F (21.1 and 43°C). reduction of contaminants is achieved and the filter is suitable for the
A primary reason the temperature is lowered is to remove moisture that purpose intended. Following is a brief, general discussion of various
would otherwise condense elsewhere in the system as the air cools to types of filters.
ambient conditions. Therefore, it is considered good practice to install Inlet filters of some type are required for every installation to protect
the cooling unit as close to the compressor discharge as practical. An the compressor from damage. They remove large amounts of contami-
aftercooler is also useful to precondition air where additional condi- nants, including particulates, at the inlet to the air compressor. These
tioning is necessary. There are three general types of aftercooler: filters are integral to compressors that draw air from the room they are
1. Water cooled installed in or from the building exterior.
2. Air cooled Prefilters are generally used before air enters a dryer to remove vari-
3. Refrigerant ous contaminants that might foul the unit. These filters are usually of
the coalescing type, so they remove particulates and vapors, such as
Air-cooled is the most often used type of aftercooler. Since large
oil, hydrocarbons, and water. When combined with separators at this
amounts of water are usually removed from the air in an aftercooler, a
point, these filters may be called separator/filters.
After-filters are generally used after the drying process to remove
Table 1  Compressed Air Requirements for Tools and Equipmenta
particulates smaller than those removed by a prefilter. Some dryers
Type of Tool Air Usage, scfm (nL/s)
produce a very small-diameter dust (fines) that must be removed
Hoist 1 (0.5)
from the airstream. These filters remove particulates only.
Car lift 6 (3.1)
Grease gun 4 (2.3)
Point-of-use filters are generally used immediately prior to any tool
Grinders, 6 and 8-in. (152.4 and 203.2-mm) wheels 50 (23.6) or individual piece of equipment that requires removal of particulates,
Grinders, 2 and 2½-in. (50.8 and 63.5-mm) wheels 14–20 (6.6–9.4) oil, or moisture to a greater extent than is done with an after-filter.
File and burr machines 18 (8.5) Oil-removal filters are special filters used only for the removal of
Rotary sanders, 9-in. (228.6-mm) pads 53 (25.0) unwanted oil aerosols that are too small to be removed by coalesc-
Rotary sanders, 7-in. (177.8-mm) pads 30 (14.2) ing. Activated carbon filters are used to remove gaseous oil and other
Sand rammers and tampers hydrocarbons as well as small particulates that are too small to be
  1×4 in. (25.4×101.6 mm) cylinder 25 (11.8) removed by coalescing.
  1¼×5 in. (31.8×127 mm) cylinder 28 (13.2) Separators A separator is a type of filter used to remove large
  1½×6 in. (38.1×152.4 mm) cylinder 39 (18.4) quantities of liquid water or oil, individually or in combination with
Chipping hammers, weighing 2–4 lb (0.9–1.8 kg) 12 (5.7) each other, from the airstream. Often, oil and water form an emulsion
  weighing 10–13 lb (4.5–5.9 kg) 28–30 (13.2–14.2) inside the compressor and are discharged together.
  weighing more than 13 lb (5.9 kg) 39 (18.4) Since suspended liquids are present after air leaves the aftercooler
Nut setters to ¼ in. (7.9 mm) weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) 20 (9.4) or compressor, this is the most common location for a separator. The
Nut setters ½–¾ in. (12.7–19.1 mm) 20–30 (9.4–14) general design of these units should allow for the removal of between
Sump pumps, 145 gal (548.8 L) at 50 ft (15.2 m) head 70 (33.0) 90 and 99 percent, by weight, of liquids.
Paint sprayers, average 7 (3.3)
  range 2–20 (0.9–9.4) Compressed Air Dryers
Bushing tools (monument) 15–25 (7.1–11.8) Air dryers are devices used to remove water vapor from the airstream.
Carving tools (monument) 10–15 (4.7–7.1) Large volumes of water consisting of large droplets are removed by a
Plug drills 40–50 (18.9–23.6) moisture separator. If additional reduction of water vapor content is
Riveters, ½ –1 in. (12.7–25.4 mm) rivets 12 (5.7) desired, it must be accomplished by the use of an air dryer. There are
  5 in. (127 mm) 35 (16.5) five general categories of dryer, defined by the method of drying (see
Rivet busters 35–39 (16.5–18.4) the discussion below):
Wood borers to 1 in. (25.4 mm) rivets 12 (5.7) 1. High pressurization of the compressed air
  2 in. (50.8 mm) diameter 35 (16.5) 2. Condensation
Steel drills, rotary motors 3. Absorption
  Capacity up to ¼ in. (6.4 mm) 18–20 (8.5–9.4) 4. Adsorption
  Capacity ¼ – a in. (6.4–9.5 mm) 20–40 (9.4–18.9)
5. Heat of compression
  Capacity ½ – ¾ in. (12.7–19.1 mm) 70 (33.0)
  Capacity d – 1 in. (22.2–25.4 mm) 80 (37.8) High Pressurization High pressurization reduces the quantity
  Capacity 1 ¼ in. (31.8 mm) 95 (44.8) of water vapor by compressing air to pressures greater than those
Steel drills, piston type required for actual use. An increase in pressure decreases the ability
  Capacity ½ – ¾ in. (12.7–19.1 mm) 45 (21.2) of air to hold moisture. Since pressurization requires large amounts of
  Capacity d – 1 ¼ in. (22.2–31.8 mm) 75–80 (35.4–37.8) energy, this process is rarely used.
  Capacity 1 ¼ – 2 in. (31.8–50.8 mm) 80–90 (37.8–42.5) Condensation Condensation utilizes the principle of lowering the
  Capacity 2–3 in. (50.8–76.2 mm) 100–110 (47.2–51.9) temperature of the airstream through a heat exchanger to produce a
Free air, cfm at 90 psig (L/s at 620.5 kPa). lower dew point. Lowering the dew point reduces the capacity of air to

6  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

retain moisture. Moisture then condenses out from the compressor before it goes into the reserve capacity to keep the compressor from
of the air onto the coils of the dryer. A moisture aftercooler. The difference between this and starting too often.
separator removes the condensate. The cool- the pressure swing dryer is that for continu- Also, pressure may be regulated at the point
ing medium in the coil could be water, brine, ous duty, the pressure swing regenerates one of use. Combination point-of-use units allow
or a refrigerant. The most common type of whole bed at a time, requiring a second bed moisture removal, filtering, and regulation of
dryer uses a refrigerant and is called a refrig- to dry the airstream. The heat of compression pressure from a single unit. This type of regu-
erated dryer. A refrigerated dryer requires dryer has only one bed that rotates and regen- lator should be adjustable to allow flexibility
operation within a small range of pressure and erates a portion of the desiccant material on for the intended purpose of the outlet.
airflow rate to be effective. In general, a mini- a continuous basis, leaving the remainder of
Starting Unloader
mum of 20 percent of rated airflow is required the bed to dry the air. The air used to regen-
The starting unloader is used only when start-
to achieve specified moisture removal. erate the desiccant is then returned into the
ing a compressor. After the first time pressure
The greatest limitation of these dryers is main airstream. There are no regeneration
has been established in the system and the
that they cannot practically produce a pres- air losses or electric heaters used. This dryer
compressor has stopped, the system remains
sure dew point lower than 35°F (1.7°C). Oth- could be cooled by a fan (air cooled) or water
pressurized. When the compressor must start
erwise, the condensed moisture would freeze cooled. Units that are cooled with air at 95°F
again, it has to overcome the force exerted by
on the coils. Advantages are that they have a (35°C) often give a pressure dew point of -15°F
the air still under pressure in the casing. There
low operating cost and they do not introduce (-26.1°C).
is not enough power in the drive motor to over-
impurities into the airstream. Dryer Selection The single most impor-
come this pressure. Therefore, a means must
Absorption Absorption dryers use either a tant requirement in the selection process is to
be provided to vent only the air under pres-
solid or a liquid medium and operate on the determine the lowest required pressure dew
sure in the compressor casing to atmosphere
principle that when the airstream containing point for the intended application. This may
and to allow the compressor to start under no
water vapor passes through or over a deliques- eliminate some types of dryers. An excessive
load. This is done with a starting unloader.
cent material, the water causes the medium to flow rate may eliminate other dryer types.
change state (or dissolve). The solvent is then The economics of initial and operating costs, Compressed Air Receivers
drained away; thus, the water is removed, and which vary from one unit to another, are The primary purpose of a receiver is to store
the amount of material available for absorp- another determining factor. Space conditions air. A secondary purpose is to even out pulsa-
tion is reduced. Solid absorbers are much and maintenance availability should also be tions from a compressor. Determination of the
more common than liquid ones. The advan- considered. need for a receiver is always based on the type
tage of this type of dryer is that it requires no of regulation the system uses. If the compres-
Compressor Regulation
outside source of power or connection to any sor runs 100 percent of the time and has con-
If the total system demand for both air pres-
other system. A disadvantage is that impuri- stant blow-off, an air receiver is not required.
sure and volume exactly matched the com-
ties may be introduced to the airstream. For most applications, an air compressor
pressor output for as long as the compressor
Adsorption Adsorption dryers use a is regulated by starting and stopping, with
operated, no regulation would be required.
porous, non-consumable material that causes a receiver used to store air and prevent the
Since this does not usually happen, whenever
water vapor to condense as a very thin film on compressor from cycling too often. Generally
system demand varies, some method must be
the material’s surface. This material is called accepted practice for reciprocating compres-
found to regulate output to match the vari-
a desiccant. There is no chemical interaction, sors is to limit starts to about 10 per hour and
able pressure and flow rate demands of the
and the adsorption process is reversible. Des- running time to 70 percent of the time. Cen-
iccant dryers are capable of producing pres- trifugal, screw, and sliding vane compressors
Compressor capacity can be regulated by
sure dew points as low as -100°F (-73.3°C). The are best run 100 percent of the time.
either continuous or discontinuous methods.
method of regeneration is the primary way An air receiver serves the following pur-
One continuous means requires regulation of
of distinguishing between types of desiccant poses:
the compressor either by using an adjustable-
dryers. 1. Storage of air
speed coupling or controlling the drive motor
The two general regeneration methods and 2. Equalizing of pressure variations (pulsa-
speed. Another continuous method is to bleed
the two types of desiccant dryers are duplex tions)
compressed air from the discharge either to
bed pressure swing (heatless) dryers, which 3. Collection of residual condensate
the atmosphere or back into the inlet. This
use approximately 15 percent of the compres-
is called unloading or blow-off and is waste- Piping connections should be made in such
sor capacity to dry one bed while the other is
ful of energy. A final continuous method is a way that the incoming air is forced to circu-
operating, and heat-activated dryers, which
alteration of the internals of a compressor, late and mix with the air already inside the tank
use internal or external heaters. Additional
by adjusting valves, clearances, etc., to make before being discharged. Receivers should be
compressor capacity is necessary to provide
it less efficient. The last method is the least American Society of Mechanical Engineers
this extra air.
desirable of all, because the correct speed of (ASME) stamped for unfired pressure ves-
Desiccant materials include silica gel, acti-
the compressor can only be determined and sels. An automatic drain valve is required for
vated alumina, and aluminosilicate (molecu-
the internal adjustment accomplished by the the receiver to discharge to an adjacent floor
lar sieve). Each material also has applications
manufacturer. This makes it almost impos- drain through an air gap. Manufacturers have
for the removal of specific impurities other
sible for maintenance personnel to repair in standard receiver sizes measured in gallons
than water. Desiccant materials age when in
the field. (liters) of water capacity.
use over a period of years, which may affect
Discontinuous regulation is the most Receivers should be sized on the basis of
their capacity. In addition, care must be taken
common method of controlling compres- system demand and compressor size, using the
to avoid contamination of the materials, par-
sor capacity. This is accomplished by using a starts per hour and running time best suited
ticularly by oils.
mechanical or electromechanical pressure- for the project. The design engineer must keep
Heat of Compression This type of dryer
regulating device that is arranged to stop the in mind that a compressor operates to satisfy
also uses a desiccant to adsorb the moisture
compressor at a preset high pressure and start the pressure switch rather than the use of air
in the compressed airstream. The desiccant
it again at a preset low pressure. A receiver and that the receiver is an integral part of the
material is continuously regenerated using
(tank) is used to store air. The tank gives a system that must function with respect to load
a portion of the hot air directly discharged

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  7

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Compressed Air Systems
conditions, amount of storage, and pressure 5. Establish how much time the individual able, several different types of dryers can be
differential. Often, the manufacturer has a tool or process will be in actual use for considered.
standard size receiver for specific compressor a one-minute period of time. This is The deliquescent dryer is the least efficient
models. A commonly used formula to find the referred to as the duty cycle. type, but it requires no power to operate and
receiver size is: 6. Establish the maximum number of loca- has the lowest initial cost of all the dryers. It
tions that may be used simultaneously has a moderate operating cost, since only the
Equation 1 on each branch, on each main, and for drying medium must be replenished at regular
V×(P1−P2) the project as a whole. This is known as intervals. This type of dryer loses efficiency if
T = C×Pa the use factor. the inlet air temperature is over 100°F (37.8°C),
where 7. Establish the extent of allowable leakage. and so an efficient aftercooler is mandatory.
T = Time receiver takes to go from the 8. Establish any allowance for future The type of deliquescent material used affects
upper to lower pressure limits, min- expansion. the quality of air. Salt normally reduces the
utes 9. Select the piping material. dew point about 12 to 20°F (-11.1 to -6.7°C),
V = Volume of tank, ft3 (m3) 10. Make a preliminary piping layout and while potassium carbonate lowers the dew
P1 = Maximum tank pressure, psia (kPa) assign a preliminary pressure drop. point about 30°F (-1.1°C). A filter is necessary
C = Free air needed, scfm (nL/min) 11. Select the air compressor type, condi- after the dryer to remove any chemical carry-
Pa = Atmospheric pressure, psia (kPa) tioning equipment, equipment location, over (fines) in the airstream.
P2 = Minimum tank absolute pressure, and air inlet, making sure that scfm (nL/ Refrigerated dryers produce pressure dew
psia (nL/min) min) or acfm (aL/min) is used consis- points as low as 36°F (2.2°C), but for practical
While it is common practice to locate a tently for both the system and compres- purposes, a figure in the range of 38 to 40°F
receiver near the compressor equipment for sor capacity rating. (3.3 to 4.4°C) is generally used. Both initial
air storage, the designer should consider the 12. Produce a final piping layout and size and general operating costs are moderate.
locations of the largest air consumers. Instal- the piping network. External requirements are floor drains and
lation of a receiver at a remote point on the electric power. This type of dryer operates at
The following paragraphs explain the items
piping system would allow the system to rated effectiveness only when the unit is run
in the design sequence.
handle surges and possibly eliminate the need at or near its rated capacity and pressure.
Project Air-consuming Device Locations
for an additional compressor. Consult the manufacturer for actual operating
This speaks for itself. To accomplish this task,
A common piping scheme used in large parameters.
mark on a plan the location and requirements
manufacturing facilities is to provide a loop The twin-tower (pressure-swing) desiccant
of all air-consuming devices. This facilitates
header around the plant. This scheme pro- dryer produces the lowest dew points. These
the branch piping layout. Prepare a list, for
vides flexibility for future connections and dryers have the highest initial and operating
future reference, of all the devices marked
reduced pressure drops to remote locations. costs. The pressure swing purge is the fastest,
on the plan, noting their location and actual
Oversizing the header one pipe size also pro- but it uses about 15 percent of the system air
required flow rate.
vides storage capacity and may eliminate the for purging. If the incoming air temperature
Pressure and Flow Rate Requirement
need for a remote receiver. is too high, this can be detrimental to the
All tools use air, either through an orifice or to
desiccant material. An aftercooler is usually
drive a piston, to do work. Information about
Piping System Design recommended for most dryer installations
pressure and flow rate parameters for individ-
The compressed air system must be con- because it is an economical way to reduce the
ual equipment and tools is usually obtained
trolled, regulated, and sized to ensure that moisture content of air. The aftercooler should
from the manufacturer, end user, facility
an adequate volume of air at a pressure and be selected in conjunction with the dryer. The
planner, or owner. Often, this information is
purity that will satisfy user requirements is aftercooler does add cost to the project, how-
incomplete, and additional investigation is
delivered at any outlet, particularly the most ever, and it is not always used.
required to find the specific values needed.
hydraulically remote, during the period of The heat of compression dryer uses the
Very often, it is useful to assign preliminary
heaviest use. heated air directly discharged from the com-
pressure and flow rate requirements of the
The design process is an iterative one pressor to continuously dry a desiccant mate-
system to arrange equipment space and give
because the performance of one or several rial. The heated air is piped back into the main
preliminary mechanical data to other disci-
components may have an effect on the per- airstream. This type of dryer does not require
plines. Table 1 lists general air requirements
formance of other equipment. Therefore, vari- additional compressor capacity.
for various tools.
ous adjustments are usually necessary as the Two factors are used to select a filter: effec-
The best approach is to obtain actual equip-
design progresses. tiveness and pressure drop. Do not specify a
ment cuts from the manufacturer of the pro-
filter that produces air that is cleaner than
Design Sequence posed equipment due to the wide variation
necessary. If one station or process requires a
1. Locate and identify each process, work in the requirements of similar air-consuming
much higher purity than others, use a point-
station, or piece of equipment using devices from different manufacturers.
of-use filter for that area and a less restricted
compressed air. They should be located Compressed Air Conditioning The selec-
filter for the main supply. It is possible for a
on a plan, and a complete list should be tion of conditioning equipment depends on
filter to have the largest pressure drop of all
made to simplify recordkeeping. end-use requirements, usually obtained in the
the equipment in the system. In general, a
2. Determine the volume of air used at process of doing above-listed steps 2, 3, and 4.
filter produces a 3 to 10 psig (20.7 to 68.9 kPa)
each location. Conditioning equipment includes dryers, fil-
pressure drop when dirty. If the actual figure
3. Determine the pressure range required ters, lubricators, and pressure regulators.
proves to be too much, it is a good idea to over-
at each location. Dryer selection is based on the most
size the filter to cut down the pressure drop.
4. Determine the conditioning require- demanding user requirement, except where
In most cases, it is more economical to pay
ments for each piece of equipment, such special, dedicated equipment may be
the added initial cost of a larger filter than to
as allowable moisture content, particu- required. If a very low dew point is required,
increase energy requirements to compress air
late size, and oil content. the only selection possible is a desiccant-type
to a higher pressure for the life of the system.
dryer. If, however, a high dew point is accept-

8  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

Figure 1  Laboratory Use Factors Future Expansion The owner must give
guidance as to the possibility and extent of any
future expansion. In anticipation of expansion,
consideration should be given to oversizing
some components, such as filters, dryers, and
main pipes, to avoid costly replacement in the
future and to save downtime while expansion
is underway.
Compressed Air Piping Materials Con-
sult with the owner regarding which piping
materials are compatible with the facility envi-
ronment. Piping materials that could be used
include copper, carbon steel, stainless steel,
aluminum, and plastic. Temperature, pres-
sure, total installation cost, and location also
affect material selection. Care should be taken
to not use piping materials that are not accept-
able for high temperatures near the compres-
sor discharge (often 70°F [21°C] above ambi-
ent temperature). Valves include ball and gate
types and are selected using water, oil, and gas
(WOG) pressure ratings.
Piping Sizing Produce a preliminary piping
layout on the plans. Check for space, clear-
Note: To convert to metric, multiply scfm by 28.32 to obtain nL/min.
ances, interferences, and securely anchored
Source: Frankel, M. 1996. drops to equipment. Then make a final piping
layout incorporating all the above items.
Duty Cycle The duty cycle is how long a tool and type of connections, number of repeated It now should be possible to start sizing the
or device is available for use during a shift. To connects and disconnects, age of the system, piping network using the following proce-
determine the duty cycle, consult the users, and quality of the pipe assembly. Many smaller dure:
for in most cases they are the only authorities tools and operations generally have a greater 1. To use pressure drop tables, it is neces-
capable of discussing actual operations for leakage of air than a few larger use points. sary to find the equivalent length of run
their facility. In most industrial applications, A well-maintained system will have a leak- from the compressor to the farthest point
tasks of a similar nature are grouped together. age of about 2 to 5 percent. Average conditions in the piping system. The reason is that
This allows sections or branches to be calcu- will result in a 10 percent leakage. Poorly main- the various pipe sizing tables are based
lated independently. tained systems have been known to have a 25 on a pressure drop developed using
Use Factor The use factor is how many of percent leakage factor. The facility’s mainte- friction loss for a given length of pipe.
the tools connected to the system will be in use nance department should be consulted when Measuring the actual length is the first
at once. Experience indicates that it is almost selecting a leakage value. The leakage should step. In addition to the actual measured
impossible to accurately determine a use be considered when the selected compressor pipe length, the effect of fittings must
factor. Therefore, sufficient receiver capacity capacity barely meets system requirements. be considered. This is because fittings
or larger compressor capacity to allow for pos-
sible variances must be provided. In laborato- Table 3  Fitting Equivalent Length of Run (ft)
ries, air is used less often than it is in industrial Pipe Size Gate Valve Globe Valve
applications, mostly for chemical reactions. (in.) 90° Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (run) (full open) (full open)
Refer to Figure 1 for laboratory use factors. The ½ 1¾ 3¼ 1 ¾ 18
exceptions are classrooms and some research ¾ 2¼ 4½ 1½ 1 24
facilities, where the use factor may be quite 1 2¾ 5½ 1¾ 1¼ 30
high. Although extremely general in nature, 1¼ 3¼ 7½ 2¼ 1½ 35
Table 2 gives some guidance in the selection 1½ 4½ 8½ 2¾ 2 46
of use factors for light manufacturing facilities. 2 5¼ 10½ 3½ 2¼ 59
These should be verified with the owners. 2½ 6¼ 12½ 4¼ 2¾ 70
Allowable Leakage There is no method to 3 7¾ 15½ 5¼ 3½ 87
4 10¼ 20¼ 6¾ 4½ 114
accurately determine a reasonable figure for
leakage. Leakage is a function of the number Table 3(M)  Fitting Equivalent Length of Run (m)
Pipe Size Gate Valve Globe Valve
Table 2  General Use Factors (mm) 90° Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (run) (full open) (full open)
Number of 15 0.53 0.99 0.31 0.23 5.5
Outlets Use Factor 20 0.69 1.4 0.46 0.31 7.3
1 1.0 25 0.84 1.7 0.53 0.38 9.1
11 0.80 32 0.90 2.1 0.69 0.46 10.7
31 0.60 40 1.4 2.6 0.84 0.60 14.0
78 0.50 50 1.6 3.2 1.1 0.69 18.0
148 0.40 65 1.9 3.8 1.3 0.84 21.3
320 0.35 80 2.4 4.7 1.6 1.1 26.5
575 0.30 100 3.1 6.2 2.1 1.4 34.7

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  9

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Compressed Air Systems
and valves create an obstruction to the of original design. However, this practice intake system, compressor, compressor instal-
flow of air. This degree of obstruction has results in a higher initial cost for the lation requirements, and receiver. To start, the
been converted to an equivalent length piping system. following information must be available:
of pipe to make calculations easy. Table 3. Size the piping using the appropriate 1. Total connected cfm (L/min) of all air-
3 indicates the equivalent pipe length charts, having first calculated the scfm using devices, including flow to the air
for fittings and valves, which should be (nL/min) and the allowable friction loss dryer system if applicable
added to the actual measured run to in each section of the piping being sized. 2. Maximum pressure all air-using devices
establish a total equivalent run. Instead Since all pipe sizing charts are calculated required
of actually counting the number of using loss of pressure per some length of 3. Duty cycle and use factors for these
valves and fittings, it is sometimes con- piping (usually 100 feet [30.5 meters]), devices giving maximum expected use of
sidered accepted practice to add 50 per- it is necessary to arrive at the required air
cent of the actual measured run to give value for the chart you are using. Figure 4. Leakage and future expansion allow-
an approximation of the total equivalent 2 presents friction loss of air in psi (kPa) ance, cfm (L/min)
run, and therefore the means to select a for a 100-foot (30.5-meter) length of pipe 5. Allowable pressure drops for the entire
pipe size. from 15- to 100-psi (103.4- to 689.5-kPa) system, including piping and condition-
This rule-of-thumb method for fittings line pressure. Use the lowest system ing equipment
should not be used in systems where working pressure to determine pipe size. 6. Altitude, temperature, and contaminant
pressure becomes a critical factor. removal corrections
The following general design parameters
2. Determine the actual pressure drop that 7. Location where adequate space is avail-
can be used as a guide when calculating piping
will occur only in the piping system. able for the air compressor and all ancil-
systems’ total pressure drop:
Generally accepted practice is to allow lary equipment
1. Equipment drop leg: 2 psi (13.8 kPa) loss
10 percent of the proposed system pres- (1 psi [6.9 kPa] if possible) Having this information, first design the
sure for pipe friction loss. For a 125-psi 2. Hose allowance: 2 to 5 psi (13.8 to 34.5 inlet piping system. Since air compressor per-
(861.9-kPa) system, allow a 12- to 15-psi kPa) loss formance depends on inlet conditions, this
(103.4- to 129.3-kPa) loss. Since the air 3. Quick-disconnect coupling: 4 psi (27.6 system deserves special care. The air intake
compressor has not been selected yet, kPa) loss should provide a supply of air to the compres-
this figure is variable. A smaller pipe size 4. Lubricator: 1 to 4 psi (6.9 to 27.6 kPa) sor that is as clean, cool, and dry as possible.
may lead to higher compressor horse- loss The proposed location should be studied for
power. It is considered good practice 5. Point-of-use filter: 0.5 to 2 psi (3.4 to 13.8 the presence of any type of airborne contami-
to oversize distribution mains to allow kPa) loss nation; inlets should be positioned to avoid the
for future growth and the addition of probability of contaminated intake. Whenever
conditioning equipment that may add a Selecting the Air Compressor Assembly
possible, use outside air.
pressure drop not anticipated at the time There is now enough information to size the
compressor assembly, which includes the

Figure 2  Flow Charts

10 10

7 7
Pressure drop per 100 feet of
Pressure drop per 100 feet of

equivalent pipe length (psi)
equivalent pipe length (psi)

5 5 400

4 4 0F

3 3 PER


2 2

400 UT



1 HP



E psig .7 SIZ
E 5 psig

.5 INC .5

.4 HP

.3 SIZ .3

.2 .2

.1 .1

Flow, CFM Flow, CFM

10 10
7 7

Pressure drop per 100 feet of

Pressure drop per 100 feet of

equivalent pipe length (psi)

equivalent pipe length (psi)


5 5


4 400

3 0F 3 400







50 UT 100




psig psig

.7 INC .7 INC



.5 .5

.4 E .4 E

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1

Flow, CFM Flow, CFM

Notes: 1) With the cfm and psi/100 known, the appropriate psig chart can be used to determine the correct pipe sizes. The velocity must always be maintained below
4000 fpm. 2) For metric conversion, use the following: cfm×28.32 = L/min; Pressure drop (psi)×6.89 = kPa; Velocity (fpm)×5.08 = mm/s.

10  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

For an external installation, the inlet should The following reasons should be considered restraints will be required on the hangers sup-
have a rain cap and a screen. An inlet filter when in doubt about selecting a duplex or tri- porting the piping system.
should always be provided inside the building. plex, rather than a simplex, unit:
Removal of Condensate
If the manufacturer of the selected compres- 1. The cost of downtime—the owner may
Moisture will be removed from the system
sor indicates that noise may be a problem, a request two or three 100 percent-capac-
at the compressor, dryer, and receiver. Drain
silencer must be installed. If using a duplex or ity machines to eliminate the possibility
valves should also be provided at low points
triplex system, each compressor should have of a shutdown.
throughout the piping system for blow-down
an independent air intake. 2. Where a facility has a steady requirement
and condensate removal after start-up. Con-
Uncontrolled piping pulsations can harm (called a base load) and, in addition,
densate should be discharged to a local hub or
inlet piping, damage the building structure, there are substantial variations due to
floor drain with an air gap provided between
and affect compressor performance. Airflow periodic or intermittent use, this may
the discharge and the drain. This condensate
into a reciprocating compressor pulsates necessitate using two units sized at 75
may contain oil from the compressor, which
because of the cyclic intake of air into the percent of load or three units sized at 67
should be discharged to the appropriate waste
compressor cylinder. The variable pressure percent of load.
disposal system. Alternate lubricants that are
causes the air column in the pipe to vibrate, 3. When electrical starting requirements
biodegradable can be used in the compres-
which creates a traveling wave in the pipe would overload the system, two or three
sor. Coordinate with the owner the proper
moving at the speed of sound. The inlet pipe units starting at different times would
disposal location, and obtain permits where
itself vibrates at some natural frequency, eliminate the problem.
depending on its length. If the air column 4. Where floor space for one large com- required.
vibrates at or near the same frequency as the pressor and ancillary equipment is REFERENCES
length of pipe does, the system is said to be unavailable, using two or three units Compressed air data. Compressed Air.
resonant. Large pressures could result when would allow more flexibility in arranging Compressed Air Handbook. McGraw-Hill.
this occurs. Resonant pipe lengths can be cal- the units. Compressed Air and Gas Handbook. 4th ed.
culated by the compressor manufacturers and 5. Where widely separated concentrations Compressed Gas Association.
the critical length given to the engineer. For of heavy use exist, using two or three Frankel, M. “Compressed Air Design for
example, with a 600-revolutions-per-minute compressors, or possibly two sets of Industrial Plants.” Plumbing Engineer
compressor, avoid pipe lengths of 3.2 to 12.5 compressors, is a good idea. September-October, 1986.
feet (1.0 to 3.8 meters), 16.8 to 26.2 feet (5.1 to Frankel, M. Facility Piping Systems Hand-
Experience has shown that a properly
8.0 meters), and 32.3 to 41.5 feet (9.8 to 12.6 book. New York: McGraw-Hill.
sized, constantly working compressor usually
meters). Also, a surge chamber can be used to Compressed Air Fundamentals. Ingersoll-
requires less maintenance than one that runs
eliminate this problem. Rand.
intermittently. If multiple compressors are
The pressure loss of air through the intake utilized, an alternator is required to alternate
piping should be held to a minimum. The the load evenly among the units to properly
velocity of intake air should be limited to balance the wear on the equipment.
about 1,000 feet/minute (5,080 mm/second) Most of the heat produced by a compressor
to avoid noise problems, and friction loss is rejected through the various cooling sys-
should be limited to about 4 inches of water tems into the space where the compressor is
column (995.2 Pa). Inlet louver velocity should located. This information must be relayed to
also be low enough to avoid drawing in rain- the HVAC engineer so space conditioning can
water. Depending on louver construction, this be considered. Good ventilation is mandatory
may be as low as 500 feet/minute (2,540 mm/ in the area where the compressor is installed.
second). Standard round duct charts can also Selection of the proper type of compres-
be used for sizing. In general, if air require- sor foundation and mounting is based on the
ments are less than 500 scfm (14,160 nL/min), lowest frequency and magnitude of pump
the intake can be indoors. vibration and load-bearing requirement of
It should be noted that the architect needs to the slab on which the compressor rests. Metal,
be consulted concerning the aesthetic impact rubber, coils, and spring-type materials are
of exterior intakes. Provide an automatic drain available for use as isolators. The manufac-
on the line leading to the compressor, and turer of the isolators should be consulted to
pitch the intake piping to the drain point. If confirm the proper type for the purpose and
indoor air temperature is usually higher than conditions expected.
100°F (37.8°C), the intake should be outdoors. Vibration isolation is achieved by locating
Many different factors are involved in the properly selected resilient devices between
selection of a compressor type: the pump base and the building structure.
1. Space limitations This is accomplished by placing isolators
2. Noise limitations between the pump and the floor, flexible con-
3. Compressor pressure capability nections on all piping from the compressor,
4. Capacity and spring-type hangers on the piping around
5. Availability, cost, and quality of cooling the compressor for a distance of about 20 feet
water (6.1 meters).
6. Need for oil-free air If the compressor is to be installed in a
7. Electrical power limitations highly active seismic zone, restraints will be
8. Costs—both initial and long term required to prevent equipment movement
or damage to the piping system. Also, proper

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  11

Continuing Education from Plumbing Systems & Design
E. W. Bob Boulware, PE

Do you find it difficult to obtain continuing education units (CEUs)?

Through this special section in every issue of PS&D, ASPE can help
you accumulate the CEUs required for maintaining your Certified in
About This Issue’s Article
The October 2008 continuing education article is
Plumbing Design (CPD) status. “Compressed Air Systems,” Chapter 9 of Plumbing Engi-
neering Design Handbook, Volume 3.
Now Online! This chapter discusses compressed air for industrial laboratory
The technical article you must read to complete the exam is located and commercial applications. Compressed air is a major source
at www.psdmagazine.org. Just click on “Plumbing Systems & Design of power possessing many advantages: It is safe, economical,
Continuing Education Article and Exam” at the top of the page. The easily transmitted, and adaptable. It is used to produce linear
motion, and it also is employed to actuate linear movement
following exam and application form also may be downloaded from
through a piston and cylinder or a diaphragm. Atomizing,
the website. Reading the article and completing the form will allow spraying, and moving hard-to-pump fluids are other applica-
you to apply to ASPE for CEU credit. If you earn a grade of 90 percent tions. Compressed air can be bubbled up to measure fluid
or higher on the test, you will be notified that you have logged 0.1 levels, agitate liquids, and inhibit ice formation in bodies of
CEU, which can be applied toward CPD renewal or numerous regu- water. Another use of compressed air is for instrumentation. Air
latory-agency CE programs. (Please note that it is your responsibil- circuits solve the most complex problems in automatic control.
ity to determine the acceptance policy of a particular agency.) CEU Some applications would be almost impossible with any power
information will be kept on file at the ASPE office for three years. medium other than compressed air.
You may locate this article at www.psdmagazine.org. Read
Note: In determining your answers to the CE questions, use only the material
the article, complete the following exam, and submit your an-
presented in the corresponding continuing education article. Using informa-
swer sheet to the ASPE office to potentially receive 0.1 CEU.

PSD 151
tion from other materials may result in a wrong answer.

CE Questions—“Compressed Air Systems” (PSD 151)

1. Compressed air is used for all of the 5. Compressors can be regulated to follow 9. An air compressor intake should
following except ________. actual demand by ________. ________.
a. rectilinear motion a. adjustable-speed coupling a. be located indoors if indoor air
b. linear motion b. using a mechanical or temperatures exceed 100°F
c. instrumentation electromechanical pressure- b. not be installed with a silencer
d. deicing regulating device c. provide a clean, cool, and dry supply
c. blow off to atmosphere of air to the compressor
2. Absolute pressure is ________.
d. all the above d. be installed outdoors without a
a. gauge + atmospheric/barometric
filter to reduce maintenance costs
pressure 6. Which of the following is not true
b. atmospheric/barometric pressure – about a compressed air receiver? 10. After-filters generally are used to
gauge pressure a. It regulates compressor starting and ________.
c. atmospheric pressure + barometric stopping operation. a. remove unwanted oil aerosols that
pressure b. It equalizes pressure variations or are too small to be removed by
d. none of the above pulsations. coalescing
c. It is required for proper operation b. remove particulates smaller than
3. Which of the following is not true
of centrifugal, screw, and vane-style those removed by a prefilter
about a liquid ring compressor?
compressors. c. remove large amounts of
a. It is a good application for medical
d. It is a collection point for residual contaminants at the inlet to the air
or laboratory environments.
condensate. compressor
b. It provides oil-free air.
d. remove large quantities of water or
c. It has lower horsepower 7. Providing a loop header in a large
oil, individually or in combination,
requirements than similar capacity manufacturing facility ________.
from the airstream
piston compressors. a. is a moisture control technique
d. It can handle corrosive and/or b. requires higher operating pressure 11. As a rule of thumb, a well-maintained
explosive liquids. because smaller pipe is used system will have a leakage of ________.
c. lowers system pressure drop to a. 1 percent
4. Which of the following is not true
remote locations b. 1 percent per 2 psig
about an aftercooler?
d. requires slightly larger piping to c. 2 to 5 percent
a. It is best installed at the compressor
eliminate compressor short-cycling d. 10 to 25 percent
b. It is useful for preconditioning air 8. Which of the following is not a correct 12. Air receivers can be installed ________.
where additional conditioning is statement? a. near compressor equipment for air
necessary. a. A decrease in temperature increases storage
c. It improves compressor motor the ability of air to retain moisture. b. at a remote point on the piping
efficiency by lowering the gas b. An increase in pressure decreases system
horsepower. the ability of air to retain moisture. c. to store air and prevent the
d. All of the above are true. c. With each 20°F increase in compressor from cycling too often
temperature, the ability of air to d. all of the above
accept water vapor doubles.
d. An increase in temperature increases
the ability of air to retain moisture.

12  Plumbing Systems & Design  OCTOBER 2008 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

Plumbing Systems & Design Continuing Education Application Form
This form is valid up to one year from date of publication. The PS&D Continuing Education program is approved by ASPE for up to one
contact hour (0.1 CEU) of credit per article. Participants who earn a passing score (90 percent) on the CE questions will receive a letter or
certification within 30 days of ASPE’s receipt of the application form. (No special certificates will be issued.) Participants who fail and wish
to retake the test should resubmit the form along with an additional fee (if required).
1.  Photocopy this form or download it from www.psdmagazine.org.
2.  Print or type your name and address. Be sure to place your ASPE membership number in the appropriate space.
3. Answer the multiple-choice continuing education (CE) questions based on the corresponding article found on
www.psdmagazine.org and the appraisal questions on this form.
4. Submit this form with payment ($35 for nonmembers of ASPE) if required by check or money order made payable to ASPE or credit
card via mail (ASPE Education Credit, 8614 W. Catalpa Ave., Suite 1007, Chicago, IL 60656) or fax (773-695-9007).

Please print or type; this information will be used to process your credits.
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Each examination: $25 Each examination: $35
I certify that I have read the article indicated above. Limited Time: No Cost to ASPE Member
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Expiration date: Continuing education credit will be given
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Applications received after that date will not be processed. Account Number Expiration date

Signature Cardholder’s name (Please print)

PS&D Continuing Education Answer Sheet
Compressed Air Systems (PSD 151)
Questions appear on page 12. Circle the answer to each question. Appraisal Questions
Q 1. A B C D Compressed Air Systems (PSD 151)
Q 2. A B C D 1. Was the material new information for you?  ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 3. A B C D
Q 4. A B C D 2. Was the material presented clearly?  ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 5. A B C D 3. Was the material adequately covered?  ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 6. A B C D
Q 7. A B C D 4. Did the content help you achieve the stated objectives?  ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 8. A B C D 5. Did the CE questions help you identify specific ways to use ideas presented in
Q 9. A B C D the article?  ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 10. A B C D
Q 11. A B C D 6. How much time did you need to complete the CE offering (i.e., to read the
Q 12. A B C D article and answer the post-test questions)?

OCTOBER 2008  Plumbing Systems & Design  13

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