2023-Al-Mcq - 08

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(A/L) - 2023
Physics MCQ Paper No - 08 Two hours

Instructions :
 Answer all questions.
 In each of questions 1 to 50. Pick one of the alternative from (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) which is
correct or most appropriate.
 Use of calculators is not allowed.
(g = 10 N Kg-1)

1. The dimensions of the gravitational constant G are given by

(1) L2M-1T-1 (2) L2M-2 (3) L2M-2T-1 (4) L3M-1T-2 (5) L3M-2T-2

2. An angle of refraction of 220 is measured by a common protractor which has the least count 10.
What is the fractional error of the measurement?
1 1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
11 22 44 2 60

3. A ball of mass m1 colloides head - on and elastically with a identical ball of mass m2 initially at
rest. The transfer of energy will be maximum when
(1) m1 = m2 (2) (3) m1 = 2m2 (4) m1 = 3m2 (5) none of the above

4. No net resultant force acts on a given object. Consider the following statements made about the
(A) It may be at rest.
(B) It may be moving with uniform velocity.
(C) It may be moving along a circular path.
Of the above statements,
(1) only (A) is true (2) only (C) is true
(3) only (A) and (B) are true (4) only (A) and (C) are true
(5) all (A), (B) and (C) are true

5. Which of the following is not true regarding electromagnetic waves?

(1) Directions of electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other.
(2) Speed does not depend on the medium of propagation.
(3) Do not necessarily require a material medium for propagation.
(4) Direction of propagation of the wave is perpendicular to the directions of electric and mag-
netic fields.
(5) Can be reflected at the boundary between two media.
6. Standing waves are produced by a 100-Hz generator in a string of fixed length. The tension in the
string is increased until a new set of standing waves is produced. Will the wavelength of the new
standing waves be greater than or less than the wavelength of the original standing waves?
(1) Less, because the tension in the string varies directly with the wave speed, which varies
inversely with the wavelength.
(2) Greater, because the tension in the string varies directly with the wave speed, which varies
inversely with the wavelength
(3) Greater, because the tension in the string varies directly with the wave speed, which varies
directly with the wavelength
(4) Less, because the tension in the string varies directly with the wave speed, which varies in-
versely with the wavelength
(5) None of the above

7. The figure shows the way that a beam of monocromatic light incidents on to a optical system and
emerges. The instrument combination which can be present in this optical systems are as follows.
A - two convex lenses
B - one convex lens and one concave lens
C - rectangular, isoscells prism
The correct combinations would be
(1) A only (2) B only
(3) A and B only (4) A and C only
(5) All A, B and C

8. A motor car A passes a police bike B stopped by the side of the road. After 5 seconds the police
bike B follows the motor car A. The following v-t graph shows the motion of the police bike
following the motor car A, when the police bike B captures the motor car, the displacement of A
from the initial position of B is,
(1) 400 m
(2) 700 m

(3) 900 m
(4) 1000 m
(5) 1200 m 25 B

20 A

0 5 15
> t/s

9. The diagram shows the forces acting on a massless ladder resting rough floor and frictionless
inclined wall.
As a person walks up the stationary ladder, what happens to the magnitude of forces R1 and R2.




Magnitude R1 Magnitude of R2
1 Decreases Decreases
2 Decreases Increases
3 Increases Decreases
4 Increases Increases
5 remains Constant remains constant

10. The gas law = K is true for
(1) Isothermal changes only (2) adiabatie changes only
(3) both isothermal and adiabatic changes (4) Neither isothermal and adiabatie
(5) none of the above

11. In populat amusement park ride, a large cylinder is set in rotation. The floor then drops away
leaving the riders suspended against the wall in a vertical position as shown.

Which of the following is the correct free - body diagram for the person at the position shown?

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

12. A wheel is initially at rest. A constant angular torque T acts on its for a time t. As a result, the wheel
acquires an anguler acceleration  and angular velocity . If the angular displacement produced is
. Consider following statements
(A)   t2 (B)  = constant (C) power 
on the above statements
(1) only (A) true (2) only B true (3) only (A) are (B) true
(4) only (A) and (c) true (5) all A, B and C true

13. A steel scale measures the length of a copper rod as L cm when both are at 20 0C, the calibration
temperature for the scale. If the co-efficient of linear expansion of steel and copper are s and c.
respectively, what would be the scale reading (in cm) when both are at 21 0C?
(1 + c) (1 + s) c s
(1) L (2) L (3) L (4) L (5) L
(1 +  ) s
(1 +  ) c   s c

14. At what temperature would the root mean square speed of a gas moleedes have twice it valve at
100 0C.
(1) 200 0C (2) 273 0C (3) 1219 0C (4) 1492 0C (5) 1792 0C

15. If 100 g of ice at 0 0C is mixed with 100 g of boiling water at 100 0C, which of the following
graphs would best represent the variation of temperature vs time (t) of the two components of the

16. The distance between two changes q1 and q2 is changed from r1 to r2. The energy required to move
the charges is,

[ qr q2 q1q 2
(1) 1
4E 1
(2) 1
4E [ q2 q1
r2 - r1
(3) 1
4E [ qrq
1 2

- r2

q1q 2 q1q 2 q1q 2

(4) 1
4E [ qrq
1 2

- r1 (5) 1
4E [ r 12
r 22

17. A closed compartment containing gas is moving with some acceleration in horizontal direction.
Neglect effect of gravity. The pressure in the compartment is,
(1) Same every where (2) Lower in front side
(3) Lower in rear side (4) Lower in upper side
(5) Lower in bottom side

18. Two objects A and B touching each other as shown in the figure are released
from rest on a smooth inclined plane. The force exerted by B on A is,
(1) 0 (2) 15 N (3) 35 N (4) 50 N (5) 100 N

19. As shown in the figure, a fire ball displayer of a procession twirls a fire ball on a horizontal circu-
lar path of radius r1 with a uniform angular velocity  1. If he shortens the radius of the path to r2
without applying an external torque, the new angular velocity  2 of the fire ball is given by

20. An escalator is used to move 20 people (60 kg each) per minute from the first floor of a depart-
ment store to the second floor, 5 m above. Neglecting friction, the power required is approxi-

(1) 100 W (2) 200 W (3) 1000 W (4) 2000 W (5) 60000 W

21. A communication satellites of mass m moves at a constant angular speed  in a circular orbit of
radius r above the earth’s centre of mass. What is the work done on the satellite in one revolution
due to gravitational force?
1 2 2
(1) zero (2) 2 mr2w2 (3) mr3w2 (4) mr2w2 (5) mr w

22. Wind generated by cyclone Burevi passed across a region in Sri Lanka with speed of 30 ms-1. If the
wind had passed over a roof of a house with effective cross-sectional area of 100 m2, what was the
lifting force on the roof due to wind? (Assume that air inside the house was still and the density of
air is 1.3 kg m-3)
(1) 5.85 × 102 N (2) 5.85 × 104 N (3) 7.61 × 104 N
(4) 1.17 × 105 N (5) 1.95 × 105 N

23. A metalic body of material with density 8000 kg m-3 has a cavity inside. A spring balance shown its
mass to be 10.0 kg in air and 7.5 kg when immersed in water. The ratio of the volume of the cavity
to the volume of the material of the body must be
2 1 3 4
(1) (2) (3) 1 (4) (5)
5 2 4 3

24. You are provided with necessary instruments to find resonance lengths for air columns closed at
one end and opened at both ends, using 250 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz frequency generators. If the
velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1 the shortest resonance length will be,
(1) 8.25 cm (2) 16.5 cm (3) 33 cm (4) 66 cm (5) 132 cm

25. Two identicle strings are seperately subjected to a tension T. When plucked at the middle, each
string produces wave of frequency f. Now if the tension of only one string is reduced to 0.81T and
string plucked at the middle simullaneously, five beats can be heard during one second. The valve
of f is
(1) 25 Hz (2) 50 Hz (3) 75 Hz (4) 90 Hz (5) 100 Hz

26. A convex lens is in contact with concave lens. The magnitude of the ratio of their focal length is
2/3. Their equivalent focal length is 30 cm. Their individual focal lengths are, cm
(1) -75, 50 (2) -10, 15 (3) 75, 50 (4) -15, 10 (5) 75, -50

27. A person can see clearly between 1 m and 2 m. His corrective lenses should be
(1) bifocal with power - 0.5 D and additional +3 D
(2) bifocal with power +1 D and additional +3.0 D
(3) bifocal with power +1.5 D and additional + 2.5 D
(4) Concave with 1.0 D
(5) Convex with 0.5 D

28. S1 shown in the diagram is a closed Gausian surface. Charge +5C, -4C and -3C are placed at inside
and +4C and -2C are placed at outside. To reverse the amount of flux through the S1

+ 4C
+ 5C

- 4C
(1) +2C should be kept at inside S1 S1
- 3C
(2) +4C should be kept at inside S1
(3) -4C should be kept at inside S1
(4) +5C should be kept at outside S1
(5) -6C should be kept at outside S1

29. A possitive charge is moved from the bottom (negative) plate to the top (passitive) plate of the
capacitor dipicted above by eithe parth A and B. Work required to move the charge is
(1) Possitive and greater for B than for A
(2) negative and greater for B than A
(3) Possitive and greater for A than for B A B
(4) negative and greater for A than for B
(5) Possitive and equal for A and Bface.

30. Which of the following is true for a system consisting of a mass oscillating on the end of an ideal
(1) The kinetic and potential energies are equal to each other at all times.
(2) The kinetic and potential energies are both constant.
(3) The maximum potential energy is achieved when the mass passes through its equilibrium
(4) The maximum kinetic energy and maximum potential energy are equal, but occur at different
(5) The maximum kinetic energy occurs at maximum displacement of the mass from its equilib-
rium position.

31. A box is held at rest by pressing it against a vertical wall. Which of the following is generally true?
(1) It will be easier to hold the the box if the surfaces in contact are smooth.
(2) Force required to hold the box is smaller than the weight of the box.
(3) Force required to hold the box is greater than the weight of the box.
(4) Force required to hold the box is equal to the weight of the box.
(5) Force required to hold the box is independent of friction between surfaces in contact.

32. Which one of the following is not an instance at which the velocity of the source exceeds the
velocity of the wave propagating through the medium?
(1) Hearing a distincitive sound when supersonic jets fly.
(2) Formation of white water wave at the tail of the of the fast moving boat on water.
(3) Observing of a white mist at the tail of an arecoplane flying high in sky.
(4) Hearing a bursting sound when a whip cracked.
(5) Observing asteroids moving toward earth in blue colour.

33. A person speaking normally produce a sound intensity of 40 dB at a distance 1 m. If the threshold
intensity for reasonable audiblity is 20 dB, the maximum distance at which he can be heard clearly
(1) 4 m (2) 5 m (3) 10 m (4) 20 m (5) 40 m

34. A thin transparent convex lens made of ice is immersed in
water at 0 0C, and rays of parallel light are made to incident on
the lens as shown in the figure. Refractive indices of ice and
water relative to air are 1.31 and 1.33 respectively. Consider
the following statements.
(A) Parallel light rays get converged to a point on the right side far away from the lens.
(B) Ice lens behaves as a diverging lens under this situation.
(C) Real images cannot be observed under this situation.
Of the above statements,
(1) only A is true (2) only B is true
(3) only C is true (4) only A and C are true
(5) only B and C are true

35. A point charge +q is placed midway between two point charges +3q and -q seperated by a distance
2d. The magnitude of the force on the charge +q is

1 q2 1 q2 3 q2
(1) - (2) - (3) -
2 d2  d2  d2
2 q 5 q2
(4) - (5) -
 d2 2 d2

36. A rod of mass M and length L is drilled at one end and fixed to frictionless pin. Rod can rotate
about O on the horizontal axis. The rod is held horizontally and released. What will be the velocity
of point X when the rod comes to its lower position? [J = ML2]

3g 3 3gL 3gl
(1) (2) (3)
L 4 2
3L L L L
(4) (5)
4 3g 2 3g

37. An object thrown upwards vertically with out rotation which of following graphs best represents
the variation of its kinetic energy (KE) with height (h) from ground. (neglect the air resistance)

38. A sound source S emits sound of constant frequency f0. An observer 0 travels in the direction
shown at a speed of 0.1 u. Where u is the speed of sound in air. Which of the following gives the
correct relationship between f0 and the frequency f of the sound heard when the observer is travelling
towards the source?
(1) f = 1.1 f0 (2) f0 < f < 1.1 f0
(3) f0 < f < 1.1 f0 (4) f = 0.9 f0
(5) f0 > f > 0.9 f0

39. The refracting angle of a prism is A and refractive index is 1 . The angle of minimum de-
viation is,
(1) 1800 - A (2) 1800 - 2A (3) 900 - A (4) 900 - 2A (5) 900

40. Consider the following statements about an astronomical telescope and a compound microscope.

Statement Astronomical Telescope Compound Microscope

(A) The focal length of the objective lens is large small
(B) The final image at normal adjustment is at infinity at infinity
(C) The total angular magnification is less than 1 greater than 1

What is/are the correct statement/s for both instruments?

(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) (A) and (B) only
(4) (B) and (C) only (5) (A) and (C) only

41. Three rods of identical cross-sectional area and made from the same material from the sides of an
isosceles traingle ABC as shown in the figure. The rods are fully lagged except at the corners. A
and B. At the steady state, the temperatures at points A, B and C are TA, TB and TC respectively. If
TB > TC > TA then,
Ta + 2TA Ta + TA TB + TA
(1) TC = (2) TC = (3) TC =
2 + 1 2 + 1 2
2 (TB + TA) 2 TB + TA
(4) TC = (5) TC =
2 + 1 2 + 1

42. The variation of the pressure (P) and the volume (V) of a gas
in a cyclic process is shown in the figure. Work done during
the process is,
(1) +150 J (2) -150 J
(3) +300 J (4) -300 J
(5) +400 J

43. The following table shows how the saturated vapour density varies with temperature.

Suppose than the initial temperature inside a closed room is 28 0C and the relative humidity is
80%. When the temperature inside the room decreases, at what temperature does the dew start to
(1) 4 0C (2) 8 0C (3) 12 0C (4) 16 0C (5) 24 0C

44. A and B ends of conductive rod is maintained at T1and T2 as

shown in the figure. T1 and T2 are both higher than the room
temperature. Half of the rod is insulated and other half is ex- A
T1 T2
posed to environment. Which of the below graph represents
the variation of temperature with the distance at sready state?


T2 T2 T2
(1) (2) (3)

T1 T1

T2 T2
(4) (5)(10)
45. The magnitude of the gravitional force at distances r1, and r2 from the centre of the uniform sphere
of radius R and mass M and F1 and F2 respectively then,
F1 r1
(1) = If r1 < R and r2 < R
F2 r2
F1 r 22
(2) = If r1 > R and r2 > R
F2 r 12
F1 r 12
(3) = If r1 > R and r2 < R
F2 r 22
F1 r2
(4) = If r1 < R and r2 < R
F2 r1
F1 r 22
(5) = If r1 > R and r2 < R
F2 r 12

46. Two equal masses A and B of mass M are placed on the X-

axis as shown in the figure. Radius of A is R, and B is a
point mass. The variation of the gravitational field inten-
sity (g) produced due to both masses with x (x > R ) along
the positive X direction is best represented by,

47. A particle of mass m is projected vertically upwards from a point P, which is at a distance of 2R
from the centre of a spherical planet having a mass M and radius R as shown in the figure. The
escape velocity for this projectile is
m V (1) V = GM (2) V = 2GM
p R R
R (3) V = 2GM (4) V =

(5) V = GM
48. A charged ball B hangs from a silk thread S, which make an angle with the large 
conducting sheet P as shown in the figure. The surface charge density  of the
sheet is propotconal to
(1) 1 (2) Cos  (3) tan 
tan 
(4) Sin  (5) 1
Sin 

49. A heator of power 100 W is kept inside a metal block. The block comes to the maximum steady
temperature 80 0C. If the power is disconnected it starts cool and cooling rate at 50 0C is 0.04 0C
S-1.The room temperature is 30 0C. The heat capacity of the heater is negligible. The heat capacity
of the metal block is
(1) 1000 J k-1 (2) 2000 J k-1 (3) 3000 J k-1
(4) 4000 J k-1 (5) 5000 J k-1

50. In the following v - T diagram for a perfect gas, the relation V

between P1 and P2 is
(1) P2 = P1 (2) P2 < P1 (3) P2 > P1 P1
(4) P2 = 2P1 (5) Uncertain

244/4, St. Francis Mawatha,
Dalugama, Kelaniya.


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