GRADE VIII Speaking Task Types of Schools

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NAME: DATE: 11 JULY 2023

Title: School System Exploration

Objective: To conduct individual research and deliver a short presentation on a chosen type of
school, highlighting its key features and benefits.


1. You can pick a specific type of school (e.g., international school, kindergarten, primary
school, etc.) or given the opportunity to choose one based on your interest. You may refer to
Page 25 of your student book for more information.

2. Conduct thorough research on the type of school you have been assigned. Focus on aspects
such as the age range of students, curriculum, facilities, teaching methods, and any unique
features or benefits associated with that type of school. Make sure to use reliable sources
like books, reputable websites, and educational journals.

3. Allocate a specific amount of time (around 1-2 weeks) to gather information about your
chosen type of school. Take detailed notes and keep track of your sources for proper

4. Prepare a short presentation summarizing your research findings. Organize your presentation
into clear sections, covering different aspects of the chosen type of school. Aim for a
duration of around 3-5 minutes.

5. Remember to cite your sources and provide accurate information during your presentation.
Use visuals or handouts to support your presentation, if possible.

6. Once you have completed your research and preparation, there will be a scheduled day for
individual presentations. Each student will present their findings to the class.

7. During your presentation, encourage your classmates to take notes and ask questions related
to the type of school you are presenting.

8. After your presentation, be prepared for a brief Q&A session where you can address
questions from your classmates.

Attached is a rubric (on the other side) which shares the expectations your teacher has from you in
this task. Please keep this sheet safe as the grading will be done in this sheet itself.

Presentation to be done : 15 July, Saturday.

All the best!

Swarupa Kanna
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2)
Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
Demonstrates Shows a good
understanding of the understanding and
Content comprehensive understanding of
chosen type of school, inaccuracies in the
Knowledge understanding of the chosen type
but may lack some information provided
the chosen of school
details or lacks coherence
Conducts thorough Conducts
Conducts minimal
research, gathering research, Conducts basic
research or relies
Research Skills detailed and gathering research with some
heavily on unreliable
accurate relevant relevant information
information information
Delivers a clear,
Delivers a clear
well-organized and Delivers a somewhat Delivers an unclear,
and organized
Presentation engaging organized but disorganized, or
presentation with
Skills presentation with unengaging speaking unengaging
good speaking
excellent speaking skills presentation
responds to Responds to Struggles to respond
Responds to some
questions questions with to questions or
Q&A Interaction questions with limited
providing thorough adequate provide satisfactory
and thoughful answers answers
Performance needs
Overall Exemplary Good
Adequate performance significant
Assessment performance performance

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