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Dao de jing

Death all relationships and past ends

act with the pattern of things, or in accordance with the situation, don't force things
A Chinese translation of the Bible - the Dao was God

things being made by the Dao- not a manufacturer

Although bees and flowers are different they are inseparable from one another
All the species arise due to total system of interdependence which is the dao
The more you let go of it and trust it- delegate responsibility

Chinese paintings poet stuck away in the corner

Constant delegation of authority
Nature has a whole totality and this is the dao
Give away control and you will have it

Who are you = what i want

When you really don't know what you want, you think superficilly

2 reasons you don't know what you want

1. You have it

2. You don't know yourself, you never cant don't know

is uttered in the interior of the spirit

Fire cant burn itself

Dao de jing 1
You might not have the courage to give away, its all going to fall apart
A power that comes with you in the opposite way

agnostic says he doesnt know- agnosia

Figure a world where everything happens itself-
The Dao trusts people to let it all happen- the more liberty you give , the more love you
give , the more order you will have
begging the karmic debt occurs you lose a son or catastrophes occur

if you make a new years resolution that you will stop drinking devil will confront you that
i need to stop it for 365 days, compromise with the devil and say just another day, one
more day and another don't let devil know of your secret intention,

Give with your left hand that your right hand doesn't know, don't let the devil know
anything, don't even let yourself,- Zen act without premeditation -Zen and art of
archery- Necessary to release the bowstring without saying now

Boxing match with the bear- Hit the bear without it knowing your plans - the spiritual
realm- to have intention and act simultaneously- you escape karma and the devil

Using cleverness instead of muscle

Shobogenzo- it gives all secrets away

The spring does not become summer- you do not become you later - the person who
settled down on the train is not the same person - the person sitting here now is not the
same person who will die

when you throw a pebble there is an illusion of water waves moving outward- our
seeming to move across a course of time doesn't happen

Dao de jing 2
the continuity of illusion - so long as you as are in the present - moving circle created by
when you strike flint -fire comes out

you no longer feel the thought symbol as a block

we hear melody only because we remember the sequence of tones- we feel we

understand music

the perception of music- depends on ability of past present future sounds- in daoism
eliminate all meaning and have sensless present moments

Seeing things in their suchness- the problem with dying is you bring your past- all
relationships need to go

Waking upto bed on monday- we feel sad- daoist trick says live now and their are no
problems- when you hungry eat, when you are tired sit, when yoy are hungry eat. the
ignorant will laugh at me, the wise will understand , no effort

Things just do what they do, it just puffs, when you see.

Following the way- doing things according the brain - interact with people don't bend the
key alot- act in the way of the pattern of things, act in accordance to the way things are.

The conflict between species they are friendly enemny- feeding and benefitting on each
other- birds and worms
what charity are you talking about - sun comes up- when it rain it rains

one side effect of charity - it gives you a certain identity -charity without thinking of it as
being charity - pious - when you create these standards - it's virtue signalling - your
creating an identity - it is just a different circumstance

doing it because it's what's needed - hungry person just give food
the daoist way if they contribute to the drama of the world - your adding fuel to the fire

Dao de jing 3
localisation of energy -giving energy to social media has no meaning
takes us far beyond modern psychological factors

All creation returns to the source-

Give up sainthood and
Give up kindness

Give up ingenuinity

Renounce profit and bandits will dissapear

anxiety of the past and future and not living in the present
yinyang- breath in and breath out every smart phone runs on 0 to 1


If you want to know the easy you must know the difficult

our whole world no matter how much the change is a beautiful harmonious union
why doesn't life feel harmonious

we are all manifestations of the same miraculous intelligence

you and I are like waves in the ocean- distinct, unique but one

Dr Wayne Wyer


Alan Watts

🪁 Sadhguru

Dao de jing 4

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